A Word In Due Season
1st Week of March 2005


Scripture:  Colossians 1:27  "Christ in you, the hope of glory."

In the heart of each and every person there is a void that only God can fill.  It is a dark and empty place where insecurities, loneliness, doubt, and fears reside.  We have an awareness of this void but may not be able to explain it.  We just know that there is a searching and a longing that lingers within our souls for something or someone beyond ourselves.  This place remains empty until we find God and He moves in.  Helen Keller was a woman who was blind and deaf.  She had never heard of God and didn't know the name of Jesus.  Yet, when her teacher was finally able to communicate to her about God and Jesus Christ, Helen Keller said, "I knew He was there, I just didn't know His name."

The Spirit of the Lord was hovering over Helen Keller's heart and making her aware of God's presence.  This was similar to the situation that the earth was in when the Spirit of God began to hover over it in the first chapter of Genesis.  The earth was dark, void, and without form until God spoke and caused light and life to come.  His Spirit hovers over our dark and void spirits in the same manner, drawing us near to the heart of God.  At some point we face a moment of accountability for our lives and are forced to make a choice.  We either surrender to the Holy Spirit and are persuaded to receive Jesus as our Savior and Lord, or we deny Him.  If we receive Him, we are born again and translated out of the kingdom of darkness and into His glorious light (Colossians 1:13).  When this new birth occurs, God comes to live inside of us.  He totally fills the void with His presence and for the first time in our lives we feel complete.

This is a marvelous mystery that our minds cannot comprehend.  Most of us never perceive the depth of the meaning of this wonderful promise; that the almighty God has come to live on the inside of us.  If we could only understand the power of God's presence within us, there would be a greater release of His power through us.  Boldness and confidence would replace the fears and insecurities in our life.  Faith would fill the void where doubt had been.  Light would dispel all darkness, and we would become so full of God and His purpose for our life that there would be no room for loneliness and despair.  Our focus would be on the presence of Christ within us, who is the hope of God's glory. +++

Copyright © 2005 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved   

Scripture:  Jonah 1:1 & 3,  "Now the word of the Lord came to Jonah ... But Jonah rose up to flee ... from the presence of the Lord."
Jonah knew that he had definitely received a word from God to minister to the people of Nineveh concerning their wickedness.  Yet, he was a Jew and was unwilling to testify to this city of Gentiles.  Jonah was even angry that God was going to spare them and their city if they repented so he totally disregarded God's word.  He did everything that he could to escape his destiny and the responsibility of this great commission that God had placed on his life.  He took passage on a ship going in another direction in an effort to thwart God's purposes and to abort His plan.  
Jonah's flight from God's presence and commission caused much trouble for those around him.  Everyone on the ship was touched by his disobedience.  God caused a great wind to stir the sea and the mariners became fearful in the midst of the tempest, for their lives were in jeopardy.  In their peril, they were forced to sacrifice their merchandise and threw it into the sea in order to lighten the weight of the ship.  When they discovered that Jonah was the problem, they also cast him into the sea and the waters grew calm again.  Jonah, however, didn't escape his call to Nineveh.  God had prepared a great fish to swallow him up and he stayed in the whale's belly until he repented.  Can you imagine how this poor fish must have suffered?  Jonah was inside the whale's belly for three days and the whale could not digest him.  Jonah's disobedience had touched the whale's life in an unpleasant way, for he definitely had not satisfied the whale's appetite when he was swallowed or enhanced its life in any way while being housed in its belly for three days.  The whale probably laid at the bottom of the sea and groaned with indigestion or swam around in agony just wishing that he could expel this disobedient servant of the Lord.
As we consider Jonah's situation, we have to wonder how much of our disobedience is affecting the lives of those about us?  Whose finances are in jeopardy because they are in the ship with us and what are they going to have to personally abandon to satisfy our situation?  Who is suffering mentally or emotionally because we refuse to fulfill God's commission?  What kind of fish has God prepared for us until we come to terms with what He has called us to do?  And like the situation with the whale, who are we going to keep in misery until we repent?  These questions demand our attention, for we must understand that we do not stand alone in any of our actions.  Our disobedience touches the lives of everyone that is near us.  The actions of parents who are disobedient to God's laws affect their children.  Rebellious children affect their parents.  Husbands and wives who do not follow God's commandments affect each another.  None of us truly want to affect the lives of others in an adverse way so we must purpose in our own hearts not to take flight from God's presence or reject His word when He speaks to us.  Instead, we must be an instrument in His hands and allow our obedience to touch and enhance the lives of those around us. +++

Copyright © 2005 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved   

Scripture:  I Timothy 6:8 (NIV)  "But if we have food and clothing, we will be content with that."
Sometimes we complain about the most insignificant things such as how little funds we have in our bank accounts, how tired we are, how stressed we are with our lives and our jobs, how bored we are with nothing to do, or that we have nothing new in our jam-packed closets to wear to the next event.  We feel overwhelmed with all of our pressures, and then we receive a prayer request concerning a young lady named Lisa who is four months pregnant.  Her situation puts everything, including our complaints, into perspective.  She is the mother of two other young children and she has breast cancer that has possibly spread to her hip.  She is in a raging battle for her health and her life.  Somehow our own problems do not look so big and bad after seeing the challenge that is set before Lisa.
I can't recall the exact words but there is a saying, "I complained that I had no shoes until I saw the man that had no feet."  When we get down, we just need to look around, for when we see the greater needs of others, it will launch us into a place of compassion for them and will also bring us to a place of contentment and thankfulness in our own lives.  We will see our own blessings in a new light, for the things that we have taken for granted will suddenly become precious to our hearts.  We will forget that our shoes are scuffed and ragged and will rejoice that we have two feet.
The Apostle Paul said that he learned to be content in whatever state that he found himself in (Philippians 4:11).  He told Timothy, "If you have food and clothing, be content."  He was teaching Timothy a life principle that joy and happiness were not tied to material things, and that there is much more to life than having stuff.  Paul's contentment did not come automatically when he was born again on the road to Damascus.  The hardships that he endured after he was saved taught him to be content.  He chose to be a survivor in all situations and to rejoice regardless of his circumstances.  Even in prison, he was not discouraged but thought of the needs of the saints and wrote letters of encouragement and instructions to the church.  His interest was not in himself but in others.  We must allow God to develop this same attitude within us.  Life is too short and unpredictable to mourn for that which we lack.  When our bounty becomes scarce, let us remember Lisa's challenge and learn to be content and thankful for such things as we have. +++

Copyright © 2005 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved   

Scripture:  Proverbs 4:22 (Amplified)  "God's words are life to those who find them."
We have all gone to parties and dinners where we have tasted a delicious dish or desert and asked the hostess for the recipe.  I do this all of the time and have collected literally hundreds of recipes.  Even now, I have all of the ingredients in my pantry for a candy mixture that I had planned to make, but my good intentions have failed because of the lack of time.  Sad to say, but many times we are like this with God's word.  A word comes to us that is in due season, which is like meat to our soul.  We get excited about it and want this word to dominate our circumstances and bring us a better life.  Yet, even though we eagerly embrace it and often write it down, we usually store it away with all of the other words that we have collected, and it becomes like an unused recipe on the shelf.  With time the revelation knowledge begins to fade and we soon forget that all of the ingredients for our deliverance are stored away in a safe place within our hearts.
In this chapter of Proverbs, King Solomon gave us a recipe for life, which he said would bring healing and health to our flesh, and all of the ingredients are at our disposal.  He told us to give attention and submit to God's word.  We must begin each day with God, listen to His words, and then meditate on those thoughts throughout the day and even into the night.  We are not to let His words depart from our sight, but keep them in the center of our heart, allowing them to speak to us continually.  The words that God speaks to us will keep us in good mental and emotional health, which will lead us to good physical health.  Solomon said that we should be vigilantly guarding our heart and keeping it clean and pure because out of it flows life.  He also said that we must follow God's fixed purpose for our lives and consider our paths.  We need to decide exactly where we are going and establish our determination to reach that destiny.  We must be focused and not allow ourselves to be sidetracked from the peace of God that comes through obedience to His words.
God's words are waiting to be activated within our hearts.  Yet, there is another ingredient that we need in our recipe for life, and that is faith.  Hebrews 4:2 says that the word did not prosper because it was not mixed with faith.  Faith comes by hearing God's word and simply believes that what He has said is true and that all things are possible with Him.  God cannot and does not lie, so what He has spoken will come to pass.  Let us determine in our hearts to give attention to God's word and then mix that word with faith so that it may prosper and bring healing and health to our flesh. +++

Copyright © 2005 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved   


A Word In Due Season
2nd Week of March 2005



Scripture:  Psalms 37:24  (NIV)  "Though he stumble, he will not fall, for the Lord upholds him with His hand."
It is wonderful to serve a loving God who understands our shortcomings and holds us up when we begin to fall.  Though we stumble around in life's situations, His grace gently picks us up and helps us start over again.  He is like a natural father who teaches his child to walk.  He eagerly waits for us to make the next step and His hand is there to catch us before we hit the ground.  God doesn't scold us when our knees wobble or when our feet trip along the rough paths.  He knows that our spirit is willing but our flesh is weak so He just holds our hands a little tighter, lifts us up, and helps us along our way.
God is aware that we are going to stumble many times in life before we reach our place in Heaven.  Throughout the scriptures, He gives examples to let us know that His forgiveness and restoration is always available.  Abraham, the friend of God and the father of faith, fell short in his walk with God when fear gripped his heart.  His faith failed him and he asked his wife, Sarah, to pose as his sister in order to protect his own life.  Also, instead of believing God's promise and waiting on His timing for the righteous seed to be conceived and birthed, he gave in to Sarah's plea.  He followed her suggestion, took her maid, and through this unrighteous union Ishmael was birthed.  Even though Abraham stumbled, the Lord held him up and his faith was still counted unto him as righteousness.  King David fell short and committed many sins, but stood tall and reached into the heart of God and found forgiveness for all of his transgressions.  The Apostle Peter also fell short in his actions when he denied Christ, but later he not only acknowledged that he knew Jesus but stood very tall as he openly preached to the multitudes, proclaiming Jesus Christ as the Messiah, the Son of the Living God.
You must understand today that even though you may have fallen short in your walk through life, you can still stand tall in God's presence.  His love covers a multitude of sins and His grace is sufficient in all circumstances.  He wants to assure you that there is no mistake that you have ever made that He can't erase and no stain in your life that He cannot wash away, for His blood takes care of it all.  He wants you to know that there is hope even when you think there is no way of restoration.  God's ways are not like your ways and His thoughts go beyond your thoughts.  When you feel yourself begin to stumble, immediately reach out to Him and He will lift you up and help you stand tall. +++

Copyright © 2005 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved   

Scripture:  Habakkuk 2:3  "For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it: because it will surely come."
Visions that have not come to pass, prophecies that have not been fulfilled, promises that have not been received, prayers that have not been granted, and questions that have not been answered are not always denials from God.  In most occasions, the time of their fulfillment is only delayed and awaiting His appointed time.  The prophet Habakkuk encouraged us not to become disappointed or discouraged when things don't happen right away but to wait for God and also wait for His appointed time.  God will not arrive too late or reach us empty handed.  When the time is right, He will fulfill His word, and like the prophet said, "At the end, His vision will speak and not lie."
It seems that it is so hard to wait, especially for God, for we have nothing to look at physically or to hold in our natural hands.  The only substance we have is the faith that we hold in hearts, which is not tangible.  Though His word is very real and clear when it is spoken to us, it often become vague when the devil begins to sow doubt in an effort to challenge it, especially when it lingers awhile in our spirits before it comes to fruition.  John the Baptist faced this dilemma.  He preached repentance and also acknowledged that Jesus was the Messiah as he declared, "Behold the Lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world."  Yet when he was in prison, his vision was challenged and he sent two of his disciples to inquire of Jesus, "Are you the Christ that should come, or do we look for another?"  Doubt was clouding his mind, for he expected his vision of the Christ as a leader to come to pass right away, but God had another plan and a more appropriate time. 
As difficult as it may be to patiently wait for God, there is something worse than having to wait and that is wishing that we had waited for His appointed time.  When we move ahead and do not wait for God, Himself, to bring the vision to pass, it cultivates anxiety because we have to wait for Him to catch up with us.  Not only that, but when we step out of His timing, we remove ourselves from His place of provision and peace.  This reminds me of a missionary who felt a call to go to the mission field, but was so excited that he went immediately without any preparation.  The first year was very difficult and in his desperation, he questioned God about his dire circumstances and meager provisions.  God responded by saying, "Yes I called you to come, but you came a year too early."  In every circumstance, we are to wait patiently for God and allow His timing to bring His word to pass.  Time is on our side, for as we wait upon God, we will grow stronger.  We can be certain that at the end of our wait, His appointed time will come and His vision will speak and not lie. +++

Copyright © 2005 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved   

Scripture:  I Peter 2:9  "But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people..."
Peter called us a chosen generation and as followers of Jesus, we have become a royal priesthood and a holy nation.  Peter also called us a peculiar people, set apart from the world, for we are called out of darkness and into God's marvelous light.  The world cannot understand our actions or our motives in various situations.  We are an epistle read of all men and our lives are a mystery to them.  They see us love the unlovely and forgive the unforgivable.  They take notice of our peace as we go through valleys, witness our courage as we face battles, and marvel at our strength as we endure hardships.  They are baffled by the joy of the Lord that sustains us in adversities and they are overwhelmed by the praises that we offer to God even in the midst of our difficulties.
A. W. Tozer wrote:
    "The real Christian is an odd human being anyway.
    The Christian feels supreme love for one he's never seen.
    He talks every day with someone he can't see.
    He expects to go to Heaven on the virtue of someone else.
    He empties himself in order to be full.
    He admits when he's wrong in order to be declared right.
    He is strongest when he is the weakest,
    Richest when he's poorest,
    Happiest when he feels the worst.
    He dies so he can live.
    He forsakes so he can have.
    He gives away so he can keep.
    He sees the invisible, hears the inaudible
    And knows that which passes all knowledge."
We are a strange lot, for God has indeed chosen us to be a peculiar people.  Let us never change. +++

Copyright © 2005 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved   


Scripture:  Psalms 127:2  "It is vain for you to rise up early, to sit up late, to eat the bread of sorrows: for He gives His beloved sleep."
There are issues in life and many times it seems that things spin totally out of control.  Our jobs come to an end, our health fails, our finances are depleted, and we can't resolve problems with our relationships.  There are many sorrows that afflict our souls and we find ourselves earnestly making an effort to remain patient in these situations, hoping that relief will come soon and free us from our dilemma.  Yet, many times we find ourselves staying up late and pacing the floors in the midnight hours as we search for solutions.  King Solomon advised that it was useless for us to allow our problems to bring us to this state because God is able to give us rest in every situation.  We are His beloved children and even though we may face times of adversity, the Lord doesn't want us to be held captive by a spirit of worry and stress.  When it is time to sleep, He wants us to lay down in peace.
There were two birds that were held captive in a cage.  One flew around and beat his wings against the bars in an effort to escape, continually crying, "I don't know what to do.  I can't get out.  I can't get out."  He did this daily and all that he accomplished was frustration, bruises, and torn feathers.  The other bird sat on his perch and gently chirped and sang his songs.  Somehow he had found an inner peace and was able to find joy regardless of his current state.  He understood the vanity of beating himself against the bars that surrounded him, and even though the same bars held him captive, the praise in his spirit allowed him to be free.
We are always going to face problems and lack, but we have an assurance that God is our source and that He is sovereign.  We must decide to trust Him in every situation and allow Him to give us rest in the midst of our conflict, having the confidence that He is still in control and that no problem is too difficult for Him to solve.  We are to pray for deliverance and release, yet understand that every affliction gives us a fresh glimpse of God and His glory.  We are to glean from every situation, knowing that in the midst of captivity, God is going to show Himself strong, for He never fails.  There is no valley too low or any hurt too deep that He cannot restore our soul and bring joy to our hearts, for He is able to turn every situation around and make it work together for our good.  There is no desert so dry that He cannot find us a place of green pastures and still waters to nourish our hungry and thirsty spirits.  Even in the valley of the shadow of death, He is with us and never leaves us.  His rod and His staff comfort us and His Spirit anoints our head with oil.  He prepares a table for us right in the presence of our enemies.  When the Lord is on our side, His love covers it all and there is no reason for us to beat our wings against the bars of captivity.  We must receive the wisdom of Solomon and understand that when we give our worries and our sorrows to God, He gives us rest. +++

Copyright © 2005 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved   


Scripture:  II Corinthians 4:16 (Amplified)  "Though our outer man is progressively decaying and wasting away, yet our inner self is being progressively renewed day after day."

The Apostle Paul reminded us that our outer man, which is our physical body, is progressively decaying and wasting away.  We don't like to think about those words, but the older we get, the more we come to understand that our bodies are not capable of lasting forever.  Even though we may go to great lengths to maintain them and try to extend their lives, we know that we can't stop the aging process.  From the moment we exit the womb, we are headed towards death, and like Paul said, our natural bodies will progressively get older and weaker.

Our spiritual man is just the opposite.  Paul said that it is progressively renewed day by day.  From the time that we experience the new birth, our inner man is headed towards eternal life.  And much like our outward bodies that have to be cared for, our spiritual inner man has to be nourished and exercised.  If it is neglected, we will experience leanness within, just as a physical body becomes malnourished without food and care.  The nourishing and strengthening of our inner man is a work of the Holy Spirit, but the Holy Spirit can only work with the materials that we give Him.  In the natural, when you are trying to strengthen your body, you eat and drink right, exercise, and get plenty of rest.  You don't work on just a couple of your muscles and let the others go, you work your entire body so that your strength is not warped and out of balance.  The entire body has to be fit for you to be in good health and to be able to function properly.

In the spiritual realm, the same process must occur for your spirit man to be renewed.  You must eat of the bread of life daily, feasting on God's Word.  Without applying yourself to the diligent study of the Word, the Holy Spirit is unable to teach you or transform you into the image of God's dear Son.  Just like natural food, you can't live off of someone else's nourishment.  You must take God's nourishment in for yourself and drink of the living water, refreshing yourself from the wells of salvation.  You must build up your own self on your most Holy faith by praying in the Spirit (Jude 20).  And you must always stay within the boundaries that God has set so that His love can reach and bless you (Jude 21).  These are just a few of things that will start you on the road to a renewal in your spirit.  As you do these things, God will reveal other things for you to do, and in a short time you will find that your inner self is being progressively renewed day by day. +++ 

Copyright © 2005 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved   


A Word In Due Season
3rd Week of March 2005

Scripture:  Proverbs 10:12  "Love covers all sins."
Firewalls are built between the units in apartments and commercial buildings so that if a fire breaks out in one unit, it can be contained.  This is a sensible solution and is intended to keep the fire from spreading and doing greater damage.  Unknowingly, we build walls of this sort within our own hearts in an effort to keep ourselves from being hurt from without.  It starts with one wall but grows with every disappointment that we face.  When we are hurt in a relationship, we build a wall and vow that we will never give in to love again.  When those we esteem and honor in ministry fail before our eyes, we build another wall and disallow ourselves to trust leadership.  When friends turn against us, another wall goes up to protect us from future rejection.  If we loan money out and it doesn't return, we put our guard up so that we are not taken advantage of the next time.  Even with spiritual things, we lose faith and build walls.  We feel that we can't trust God anymore because our prayers were seemingly not answered, our healing didn't come, and restoration didn't happen.  
Each time we are disillusioned and build a wall to shut out our disappointments, we move further away from being able to trust others and having faith for our own situations.  It eventually becomes impossible for anyone to penetrate these firewalls that we have created.  But worse still, these walls create a place of captivity for our own souls.  The devil uses this tool to build a wedge between us and the joys of life.  The walls dictate our boundaries and control our lives because we are limited by our own thoughts and are unable to move beyond the confines of the strongholds that we have allowed our own minds to build. 
I Peter 4:8 says the same thing Solomon said.  "Love covers a multitude of sin."  It disregards the hurts and pains that are experienced and refuses to protect itself by building firewalls.  Love follows God's example and continues to love and forgive in spite of all the failures it witnesses in those that it loves.  God never builds a wall to shut us out of His heart.  Even though we may fail Him, reject Him, or take advantage of His blessings, He keeps the way clear between us and allows us to approach Him so that we may find His forgiveness and gain His favor.  His love never fails, and we cannot allow our love to fail either.  We must tear down the firewalls that our hearts have built and allow ourselves to be vulnerable to love and to be loved.  Just as God's love covers all of our sins, we must allow our love to cover one another's transgressions. +++

Copyright © 2005 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved   



Scripture:  Ezekiel 22:30  "I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge and stand in the gap before me for the land that I should not destroy it:  but I found none."

God seeks to reconcile all men to Himself and is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to eternal life.  Therefore, He depends upon those who know Him to pray, intercede, stand in the gap, and make up the hedge for others.  He ordains His followers to be a witness to the world.  However, Isaiah 59:16 says, "He saw there was no man, and wondered that there was no intercessor."

It takes great commitment to make up the hedge and stand in the gap for others.  It means laying down your own life to some degree and making many sacrifices.  Moses stood in the gap between God and the people, and at one point, Moses even told God to wipe his name out of God's book if God destroyed the people.  This took a lot of courage on Moses' part, but he knew that God was righteous and merciful.  As Moses stood in the breach, he turned God's wrath away and the people were spared (Psalms 106:23). 

Oswald Smith listed some of the things about the man that God uses.  If you want God to use you to make up the breach and you are willing to stand in the gap, consider these challenges.

                 THE MAN GOD USES
                   by Oswald Smith

     1)  He has but one great purpose in life.
     2)  He, by God's Grace, has removed every hindrance
          from his life.
     3)  He has placed himself absolute at God's disposal.
     4)  He has learned how to prevail in prayer.
     5)  He is a student of the Word.
     6)  He has a vital living message for a lost world.
     7)  He is a man of faith who expects results.
     8)  He is anointed by the Holy Spirit. +++

Copyright © 2005 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved   

Scripture:  Psalms 126:5  "Those that sow in tears shall reap in joy."
God's laws do not change, and for every principle that He has established, He has set in motion rewards and consequences.  For the law of sowing, He guarantees a harvest.  This principle is true in the spiritual as well as the natural realm.  You will reap whatever you sow and it will always be of the same kind or manner.  In the natural, if you sow corn, you will reap corn and if you sow beans, you will reap beans.  It is a fairly simple process and the law works each and every time without fail.  You can't sow corn with the hopes of gathering beans.  It just won't work that way, for the law has been established by Almighty God who created the corn and the beans and commanded them to bring forth after their own kind.  Nature functions by God's word and can not go against His commands.
In the spiritual realm, it is the same.  If you sow good, you will reap good and if you sow evil, you will reap evil, but be sure that every seed you sow will produce a harvest of the same kind.  Every prayer that you have spoken in faith into the ears of God will receive an answer.  For His word says, "Whatever you shall ask in prayer, believing, you shall receive" (Matthew 21:22).  Every gift that you have given in the Name of the Lord will come back to you, for Jesus said, "Give and it shall be given unto you good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over shall men give unto your bosom.  For with the same measure that you give, it shall be measured to you again" (Luke 6:38).  Every burden that you carry for someone else will generate spiritual strength in your own life and every tear that you sow will reap a harvest of joy.  What mighty promises these are to encourage us to pray and to share with others, and what a comfort and sweet assurance to our hearts to know that when our tears are falling like rain we are sowing seeds for a harvest of joy.
We may think that holding back our tears in our distress and discouragement displays strength.  In reality, it takes much more strength and energy to cry.  If you have ever grieved over a personal loss or shed tears of sorrow because of the pain in your soul, you know how weak it left you.  Tears completely drain your body's strength and leave your soul and spirit spent.  Yet there will be a harvest from those tears and you can rest assured that when you have nothing left within, God will begin to use those tears to bring something beautiful into your life.  He is a keeper of His promises and watches over His word to perform it.  Just like the flowers that come forth after the spring rains, God creates new life within you, waters it with your tears, and He causes a harvest to spring up within your soul and spirit.  You can be sure that the word He has spoken is true and where you have sown tears, you will reap joy. +++

Copyright © 2005 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved   

Scripture:  Psalms 118:6  "The Lord is on my side; I will not fear: what can man do to me?"
When you stand on the edge of the cliff or there is a Red Sea before you, it is not the time to put your trust in man, for he will probably fail your expectations.  It is the time to trust in God and ask Him to deliver you in your situation.  The psalmist said that he called upon the Lord in the day of his distress and the Lord answered him.  Knowing that the Lord was on his side, the psalmist was able to boldly declare that he would not fear what man could do to him.  Safety is not the absence of danger, but the presence of the Lord.  When you are hemmed in on every side and are forced to meet your adversary, it is a great security to know that the champion of all battles is with you and that He is on your side.
Think of some of the saints of old that showed no fear in the midst of life threatening situations.  David faced Goliath, the giant, but had confidence that the Lord was on his side, so he ran towards Goliath in battle.  God was faithful and delivered the giant into David's hand.  Daniel prayed openly to God knowing that he would be thrown into a lion's den.  He trusted in God and knew that man could not do anything to him that God didn't allow.  God shut the lion's mouths and Daniel's deliverance became a mighty testimony to the king.  Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego had no fear of death or the fiery furnace.  The Lord showed that He was on their side and even walked with them in the midst of the fire.  He delivered them in such a mighty way that when they came out of the fire, there wasn't even the smell of smoke upon them.  Live or die, we must come to the same conclusions that these courageous men did and, like the psalmist, make bold confessions of our faith that are based upon the Word of the Lord.  As we look through the scriptures, we can boldly say:
1.)  I will not fear when things go wrong because God is on my side, and all things are going to work together for my good because I love Him and am called according to His purposes. (Rom. 8:28)
2.)  I will not fear when I do not have sufficient funds, because God is able to meet all my needs according to His riches in Christ Jesus.  He will make a way where there seems to be no way. (Phil. 4:19)
3.)  I will not fear when danger approaches me because God is my refuge and He will hide me under the shelter of His wings. (Ps. 91:2 & 4)
4.)  I will not fear when my heart becomes overwhelmed in trying to find the right direction for my life because The Lord is my Shepherd and He will lead me in the paths of righteousness and beside the still waters. (Ps. 23:1-2)
5.)  I will not fear when distress and discouragement attacks because Jesus will restore my soul. (Ps. 23:3)
6.)  I will not fear when sickness attempts to attach itself to my physical body because the Lord is my healer and by His stripes, I am healed. (I Peter 2:24)
7.)  I will not fear when death knocks at my door because I face a win-win situation.  The Lord has promised to never leave me or forsake me in this life on Earth.  And if I should die, I know that He will escort me to Heaven, for I have this confidence that when I am absent from my body, I will be present with Lord. (II Cor. 5:8)
8.)  Finally, as the psalmist said, "The Lord is on my side; I will not fear: what can man do to me?" +++

Copyright © 2005 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved   

Scripture:  Romans 12:9  "Let your love be sincere."
I took several years of Latin as my foreign language in high school and probably don't remember much except for learning the true meaning of the word sincere.  When the word sincere was originally created, it meant "without wax."  The word came into being because many of the vendors at that time came to the marketplace with the intentions of deceiving their buyers.  They often hid pockets of heavy wax within the center of their precious metals in order to increase the weight and value and then overlaid the waxed-filled items with the precious metals.  It looked good on the outside, but the inside was fake.  The buyer had to be cautious and able to determine if the wares they were receiving were truly sincere or actually full of wax.  Today, we sign letters with the words "Sincerely" in an effort to convey that our words are true and that our affections are genuine.
Many of us have entered into contracts and relationships that looked good on the outside, but instead turned out to be "full of wax."  These words may even define our own lives if we seek to deceive, so the Apostle Paul encouraged us not to allow this to happen.  He said, "Let your love be sincere" or let your love be pure and without wax and deception.  We cannot allow hypocrisy in our lives, for the Lord told us to love as He loved and we know that His love was sincere and certainly without wax, for He showed His love by sacrificing His life on the cross.  He loved unconditionally and also loved all creation.   He didn't pick and choose those He would die for, but gave His life for all men whether lovely or unlovely.
We too must love in the same manner.  The Message Bible translates this verse, "Love from the center of who you are."  If you are born again, the Spirit of God lives within you and He is love.  God, Himself, is harbored in the very center of your being and all that you need to do is to allow Him to manifest Himself in your life.  When you do, genuine love will flow out of you to a world that is full of hurting people.  The unlovely will cross you path each and every day, but you won't have to pretend that you love them or overlay judgmental and hateful feelings with a mere cloak of love.  Instead, you will see them through God's eyes and you will sincerely love them the way He loves them.  If you submit to God and allow Him to warm your being with His presence, the wax will melt, and He will fill the void places with His sincere love. +++

Copyright © 2005 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved   


A Word In Due Season
4th Week of March 2005


Scripture:  John 1:29  "John saw Jesus coming to him, and said, Behold the Lamb of God which takes away the sin of the world."

John's challenge to the people of his day to "Behold the Lamb of God" still speaks to us today.  We are to turn our eyes upon Jesus and look at the man who took away all of our sins by enduring the pain and crucifixion of the cross.  Isaiah 52:14 and 53:1-7 prophetically tells us that His face and whole appearance was marred more than any man.  His accusers actually ripped His beard from His face and when they were finished, He couldn't be recognized.  Just think of His pain as you think about the pain that you experience when only one hair is pulled from your face.

As the Lamb of God, Jesus acquainted Himself with grief and sickness, bearing all of our weaknesses and distress.  He became a man of sorrows and endured the pain, and despite His sacrifice, Jesus was still despised and rejected.  Men did not appreciate His worth, nor did they esteem Him for who He was.  He was the Messiah, the Son of the Living God, yet He had no form of royalty, kingly air, or beauty that would cause men to want to look at Him.  In fact, people turned the other way and hid their faces from Him.  Yet, Jesus carried the sorrow of pain and punishment for all men.  Although He was innocent, He was stricken, smitten, and afflicted by God.

Peter said, "We are not redeemed with corruptible things as silver and gold but with the precious blood of Christ, as a lamb without blemish and without spot" (I Peter 1:18-19).  We could not be redeemed with corruptible things, so God gave His only begotten Son, Jesus, who willingly offered Himself to be the sacrificial lamb.  As the Lamb of God, Jesus was wounded for our transgressions and bruised for our guilt and iniquities.  The chastisement that was needed to obtain our peace and well being was laid upon Him.  And by the thirty-nine stripes that were laid on His back we are healed and made whole.  Jesus was abused and oppressed, yet when He was afflicted He remained submissive and did not open His mouth in self-defense.  He was as a lamb that was led to the slaughter.  During this season while you honor Jesus' death and celebrate His resurrection, take the time to behold Him as the Lamb of God that was sacrificed for you. +++

Copyright © 2005 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved   


Scripture:  Mark 15:5  "But Jesus answered nothing; so that Pilate marveled."

The tongue is a small member of our body, but it controls the course of our life like the rudder that controls the direction of a ship (James 3:4-5).  It takes much strength and discipline to control the tongue and remain silent in the midst of accusing voices.  Yet we see Jesus as He did just that.  The chief priest, elders, scribes, and the whole council delivered Jesus to Pilate for interrogation.  There were many false things witnessed against Him, but Jesus did not try to defend Himself.  Rather, He responded in the power of quietness and stillness.  Jesus could have called the angels to the scene or demonstrated some sort of miracle in the midst of His accusers to prove His identity, but He just stood there silently, and Pilate marveled at His response.

Jesus' quiet response came because He was confident in who He was.  He knew He was the King of kings and the Lord of lords.  Jesus lived in this confidence and demonstrated it in His quietness.  There was no need on His part to prove to anyone that He was the King of the Jews.  He allowed His Heavenly Father to validate His identity.  God said, "This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased."  Why can't we be like Jesus and exercise this same self control?  Instead, we try to have the last word to prove a point or defend our stand.  We somehow feel that if we stay in the verbal ring the longest, we are the victors in the confrontation or debate.  We try to prove who we are and what we know rather than depending upon God's validation.

Isaiah 30:15 says, "In quietness and in confidence shall be your strength."  Confidence in the God we serve allows His power to quietly work within us.  His gentle strength within becomes a mystery to our enemies.  Like Pilate's response to Jesus, those about us marvel at our quietness and our strength.  When we give a soft answer, it will turn away their wrath and conquer the evil that is set against us.  They will be amazed at our forgiveness towards them, which will set them free, and they will be overwhelmed by the love that flows through our lives and will be drawn to our Savior. +++

Copyright © 2005 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved   


Scripture:  Matthew 6:10  "... Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven."

Jesus struggled in the Garden of Gethsemane before His crucifixion.  Three times He asked the Father to let this cup pass from Him.  However, He always finished His prayer by saying, "Nevertheless, not as I will, but as You will."  (Matt. 26:39-44)  Jesus was determined to finish the work and to complete His purpose on Earth.  In Hebrews 10:9, Jesus declared, "I come to do Your will, O God."  He faithfully taught his disciples to pray and submit their own wills to God in the same manner and showed them by example what full surrender meant.  He never said that the Father's will would be easy.  He just said to submit to it. 

Isaiah 55:8-9 says, "For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways, says the Lord.  For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts higher than your thoughts."  Jesus saw the agony of the cross, but God saw eternal redemption for the world.  Like Jesus in the garden, our thoughts and wills are concerned with our present situation here on Earth.  It's as though we're in a maze.  We are walled in on every side and can only see what is just ahead.  God, however, is looking from a higher plane and sees our entire 'mazed' situation.  He knows which direction we should take to reach our desired destination, for His knowledge is greater than ours.  Proverbs 3:5-6 speaks of yielding our wills to God by leaning upon Him, and not relying upon our own insight and understanding.  "We are to trust in the Lord with all of our heart.  In all of our ways, we are to know, recognize, and acknowledge Him, and He will direct and make straight and plain our paths."

Proverbs 16:9 tells us that a man's mind plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps and makes them sure.  According to Jeremiah 10:23 a man cannot direct his own steps.  You must determine each day to yield to the Father's will for your life even though the path ahead may not be clear or look easy.  You may have some crosses to bear or be faced with a few Gardens of Gethsemane.  As you make your plans on this earth, you should always submit them to God in Heaven and trust Him to direct your steps so that you can finish your course.  As you submit yourself to the Lord, you will fulfill His purpose for your life, and His Will will be done on Earth as it has been planned in Heaven. +++

Copyright © 2005 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved   

Scripture:  Psalms 118:6  "The Lord is on my side; I will not fear: what can man do to me?"
When you stand on the edge of the cliff or there is a Red Sea before you, it is not the time to put your trust in man, for he will probably fail your expectations.  It is the time to trust in God and ask Him to deliver you in your situation.  The psalmist said that he called upon the Lord in the day of his distress and the Lord answered him.  Knowing that the Lord was on his side, the psalmist was able to boldly declare that he would not fear what man could do to him.  Safety is not the absence of danger, but the presence of the Lord.  When you are hemmed in on every side and are forced to meet your adversary, it is a great security to know that the champion of all battles is with you and that He is on your side.
Think of some of the saints of old that showed no fear in the midst of life threatening situations.  David faced Goliath, the giant, but had confidence that the Lord was on his side, so he ran towards Goliath in battle.  God was faithful and delivered the giant into David's hand.  Daniel prayed openly to God knowing that he would be thrown into a lion's den.  He trusted in God and knew that man could not do anything to him that God didn't allow.  God shut the lion's mouths and Daniel's deliverance became a mighty testimony to the king.  Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego had no fear of death or the fiery furnace.  The Lord showed that He was on their side and even walked with them in the midst of the fire.  He delivered them in such a mighty way that when they came out of the fire, there wasn't even the smell of smoke upon them.  Live or die, we must come to the same conclusions that these courageous men did and, like the psalmist, make bold confessions of our faith that are based upon the Word of the Lord.  As we look through the scriptures, we can boldly say:
1.)  I will not fear when things go wrong because God is on my side, and all things are going to work together for my good because I love Him and am called according to His purposes. (Rom. 8:28)
2.)  I will not fear when I do not have sufficient funds, because God is able to meet all my needs according to His riches in Christ Jesus.  He will make a way where there seems to be no way. (Phil. 4:19)
3.)  I will not fear when danger approaches me because God is my refuge and He will hide me under the shelter of His wings. (Ps. 91:2 & 4)
4.)  I will not fear when my heart becomes overwhelmed in trying to find the right direction for my life because The Lord is my Shepherd and He will lead me in the paths of righteousness and beside the still waters. (Ps. 23:1-2)
5.)  I will not fear when distress and discouragement attacks because Jesus will restore my soul. (Ps. 23:3)
6.)  I will not fear when sickness attempts to attach itself to my physical body because the Lord is my healer and by His stripes, I am healed. (I Peter 2:24)
7.)  I will not fear when death knocks at my door because I face a win-win situation.  The Lord has promised to never leave me or forsake me in this life on Earth.  And if I should die, I know that He will escort me to Heaven, for I have this confidence that when I am absent from my body, I will be present with Lord. (II Cor. 5:8)
8.)  Finally, as the psalmist said, "The Lord is on my side; I will not fear: what can man do to me?" +++

Copyright © 2005 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved   


Scripture:  Matthew 26:41  "The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak."

Jesus spoke these words to His disciples after He found them sleeping when they were supposed to be watching and praying.  These were not condemning words but understanding words, for Jesus Himself had just encountered a spiritual battle within Himself.  His spirit had experienced the rebellion of His flesh.  Jesus was willing to submit to the Father's will, but His flesh rose up in weakness.  It fought hard against the coming torture of the crucifixion and separation from the Father.  Look at His words from the Amplified Bible as He struggled through this conflict:

-   "He said, 'My soul is very sad and deeply grieved, so that I am almost
    dying of sorrow." (Matthew 26:38)
-   "He prayed, 'Father, let this cup pass away from Me' ... He went
    away and prayed for the third time, using the same words."
    (Matthew 26:39 & 44)
-   "He began to be struck with terror and amazement and was deeply
     troubled and depressed." (Mark 14:33)
-   "Being in agony of mind, He prayed the more earnestly and
     intently." (Luke 22:44)
-   "His sweat became great drops of blood dropping down upon the
     ground."  (Luke 22:44)

Sometimes life becomes very difficult and we question in our mind if we can make it.  Yet, with all that comes against us, I doubt seriously that any one of us have faced the agony that Jesus faced.  He endured so much in the garden as He prayed that His sweat became great drops of blood.  Can you imagine that?  The purpose of His distress and sorrow was so that He could become acquainted with our emotions and be touched with the feelings of our infirmities.  His experiences qualified Him to become our High Priest and enabled Him to make intercessions for us continually before the Father.  If your battle gets tough and you find yourself in deep depression and overwhelmed with grief and sorrow, remember that Jesus had the same struggles.  He can help you.  Lean upon Him, for He knows your spirit is willing and He understands the struggles of your weak flesh. +++

Copyright © 2005 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved   


A Word In Due Season
4th Week of March 2005


Scripture:  John 1:16  "And of His fullness have we all receive grace for grace."

Grace is defined as the unmerited favor of God and is the basis of our salvation and justification.  It is undeserved and can never be earned as it comes only by the sacrifice that Jesus made on the cross.  The Apostle Paul said, "For by grace are you saved through faith ... not of yourselves ... it is a gift of God"  (Ephesians 2:8).  Because God is full of grace, He forgives and passes over all of our transgressions.

John 1:14 says, "The Word was made flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth."  Almost 2,000 years ago our Father God said "No" to His only begotten Son, Jesus, so that He could say "Yes" to us.  He sacrificed His Son so that we could have eternal life.  Jesus pleaded with God the Father in the garden that the cup of suffering would pass from Him.  But the Father denied Jesus' request so that He could redeem all of us from death, Hell, and the grave.  God's mercy speaks to us and says, "I forgive you of your sin.  You do not have to pay for it."  God's grace says, "I will sacrifice my only begotten Son to pay for your sin."  God's grace is awesome and overwhelming.  Like the words to the song, "I owed a debt I could not pay - He paid a debt He did not owe."  Grace took our place on the cross and was crucified.

Scriptures declare that Jesus was full of grace and truth.  We still behold the glory of the grace of the Lord as it continues to work daily, bringing about salvation in every area of our lives.  "Grace for grace" means that He piles one grace upon another grace.  Out of His fullness and abundance He gives us one spiritual blessing after another.  His grace in our lives is so amazing.  Just when we think God should give up on us, He comes through with forgiveness again, and says, "If you confess your sin, I will be faithful and just to forgive your sins and to cleanse you from all unrighteousness."  He says, "I will supply all your needs through Christ Jesus."  It's just one unmerited thing after another, grace upon grace.  Paul experienced the glory of God's grace for grace in such a manner that he declared, "I take pleasure in infirmities, reproaches, necessities, persecutions, and distresses for Christ's sake.  For when I am weak, then am I strong."  God will bestow upon you the same grace that Paul experienced and regardless of the challenges you may face, you will find that God's grace will always be sufficient for every need (II Cor. 12:9-10). +++

Copyright © 2005 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved   


Scripture:  Jeremiah 18:4  "And the vessel that he made of clay was marred in the hand of the potter:  So he made it again another vessel, as it seemed good to the potter to make it."

From the very beginning, the potter had an image in his mind of the vessel that he desired to form.  He chose a particular piece of clay, but as he began to work with the clay, it was ruined in his hands.  Please notice that when the clay became marred or ruined that it was in the hands of the potter.  There were several possibilities of why the clay was marred.  Air bubbles, hard pieces of unpliable clay, or foreign objects like pebbles may have worked their way to the surface as the potter applied pressure to the clay.  As the air bubbles or foreign material came to the surface, he had to separate them from the clay, which caused void places to occur in the clay.  If these void areas had not been dealt with, they would have weakened and ultimately destroyed the vessel being created.  Perhaps the clay refused to yield to the potter's will as it spun around on the wheel.  Whatever the case, the clay had to be crushed and reworked.  Yet, the potter never became discouraged, as he patiently made it into another vessel that seemed good to him.

Sometimes we may feel like the crushed clay and wonder, "What's next?"  We thought we were on our way to victory and happiness but found that as God worked with us, hard areas of pride and things foreign to His will began to expose themselves in our lives.  Our emotions, self esteem, and our very lives are marred by situations and circumstances beyond our control.  We find our hopes and dreams failing.  Then, as God begins to separate things from our lives, void places begin to appear and we find that we are not as complete as we thought we were.  We may even begin to strive with our Maker and question His work, challenging Him as to why we are not like others.  And like the scripture in Isaiah 45:9, we may say, "What do you think you are making?"

Just like the potter, God knows exactly what He is trying to fashion.  In Jeremiah 29:11 God says, "I know the thoughts or plans I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end."  From the very beginning, God envisions a plan and a purpose for your life, and He works diligently to mold you into that destiny.  As He works with you, there may be pressures and disappointments, but always remember that you are in the Potter's hands.  These are the same hands that were nailed to the cross.  And even though you have been marred and crushed, you can trust these nail pierced hands to mold you and make you into the vessel that He desires. +++

Copyright © 2005 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved   



Scripture:  II Chronicles 20:15  "Thus says the Lord unto you, Be not afraid nor dismayed ... for the battle is not yours, but God's."

Have you ever made these statements to God?

1)  God, would you look at what is happening to me?
2)  I'm not strong enough to do anything about my situation.
3)  Even if I were strong enough, God, I don't know what to do.

These words were part of Jehoshaphat's prayer to God in II Chronicles 20:10-12 when the enemy came against him.  When fear gripped him, he set himself to seek the Lord.  As he prayed to God, he said, "The enemy came to cast us out of Your possession, which You have given us to inherit."

How many times do you find yourself in the same situation where it seems the devil is trying to take away the very thing that God gave to you?  He does his very best to get you out of the will of God and to disinherit you from God's promises for your life.  You recognize it as an attack from the enemy, but everything seems to be totally out of your hands.  Your battle may be in the area of your health, finances, or relationships, but like Jehoshaphat, you have no might to fight this battle.  What do you do?  The answer comes in Jehoshaphat's example to us.  He said to the Lord, "We have no might to stand against this great multitude.  Neither do we know what to do.  BUT, OUR EYES ARE UPON YOU."  His answer was to keep his eyes on God.  As the people of Judah stood before God, the Spirit of the Lord came to answer their prayer.  The answer was, "Don't be afraid or dismayed, the battle is not yours, but God's."

I was once in a very difficult situation and felt that I needed to take some action and do something.  Anything would have been better than just waiting for God to move.  In my desperation, I talked with my son, and he told me to recall the last thing that God spoke to me about the situation.  He said, "If God hasn't said anything else about it, then just remain still and wait until He gives further instructions."  The army never goes into battle until the commander speaks, no matter how ready or anxious the soldiers may be.  You must remember that God is your commander and chief.  If you'll keep your eyes on Him in the midst of the battle, He will lead and direct you.  Don't worry if you don't have the might to fight.  The battle belongs to the Lord! +++

Copyright © 2005 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved   

Scripture:  Romans 4:21  "Being fully persuaded that what He had promised, He was able also to perform."
God promised Abraham many blessings and Abraham was fully persuaded that God would keep His promises.  Abraham remained strong in faith and did not stagger in unbelief even though the promises themselves seemed impossible in the natural.  He had hope when there was no reason to hope and he refused to consider the limitations of his own body.  At the end of the matter, Abraham fathered a child when he was one hundred years old and became the father of many nations.
In another account in Acts 26:28, King Agrippa made the statement that he was almost persuaded to become a Christian.  What a vast difference there is in being "fully persuaded" and "almost persuaded."  Abraham made a decision to believe God's word with all of his heart regardless of the circumstances that surrounded him, while King Agrippa, though convinced in his mind, did not allow his heart to believe.  How sad these words are ... "almost."  Have you ever "almost" made an investment or done something and then later found out that you missed the greatest opportunity of your life?  King Agippa almost made the most important decision of his life.  He almost decided to make Jesus the Lord of his life and almost chose Heaven as his destiny for eternity.
The scriptures testify of God's love and the work that Jesus accomplished.  Yet, we often fall short in our belief and find ourselves almost persuaded to believe in what Christ did and what He will do for us.  Because we are almost persuaded that He can and will forgive our sins, we walk around with guilt rather than confessing them and releasing our burdens to the Lord.  We are almost persuaded that by the stripes of Jesus we are healed so we continue in sickness and ill health.  We live in poverty and lack because we are almost persuaded that He will meet all of our needs according to His riches in glory.  We spend many hours in loneliness and sorrow because we are just almost persuaded that He is our comforter and that He is near.  We are too intimidated to witness to others because we are only almost persuaded of His power within us that is able to reach out to those about us.  Let us examine our hearts today and not allow our circumstances to limit our possibilities.  Instead of being almost persuaded, let us become fully persuaded that what God promised, He is well able to perform. +++

Copyright © 2005 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved   
