A Word In Due Season
1st Week of December 2006


Scripture:  Mark 5:34  "Your faith has made you whole."
Jesus spoke these words to a woman who had put her faith to work for many years.  She was plagued with an issue of blood and had sought desperately for healing but obtained no results until she had an encounter with the Master.  In her quest for healing and her refusal to stay ill, we see how her faith progressed.

First, she placed her faith in the physicians until she had spent all the money that she had.  By the time that she had exhausted all of her finances, she had suffered many things just trying to get healed. When all natural help failed and there was no hope medically, her heart began to open to the supernatural.  She started hearing reports about a man named Jesus who could heal the sick.  The more testimonies that she heard about this man, the stronger her faith grew.  Romans 10:17 says, "Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word."  Finally, she began to make her way towards this healer named Jesus.  As she moved towards Jesus in hopes of receiving a miracle, she heard heard another testimony of faith.  Jairus, a ruler of the synagogue, ask Jesus to come lay His hands on his own daughter who was dying.  As she heard these words, she may have thought, "If Jairus believes that his daughter will be healed when Jesus touches her, then I believe that I shall be made whole if I can only touch Jesus' clothes."  Her final steps to victory were to get her confession to agree with the faith that was in her heart, and then to reach out and touch Jesus.  As she did this, she was healed.

Mrs. Charles E. Cowan in Streams In The Desert quoted this selection:

    "We cannot create the wind or set it in motion,
        but we can set our sails to catch it when it comes;
     We cannot make electricity,
        but we can stretch out the wire upon which it is to run and do its
     We cannot, in a word, control the Spirit,
        but we can place ourselves before the Lord, do the things He asks us
        to do, that we may come under the influence and power of His mighty

The faith of the woman with the issue of blood was not just a simple thought.  She set her sail to catch the wind.  She ran the necessary wire to carry the electricity.  She put her faith to work.  James 5:26 says, "Faith without works is dead."  Similarly, your personal efforts alone cannot cause your miracle to happen.  But you can move in faith towards the victory like the woman with the issue of blood did.  Start by doing all that you can do in the natural.  Listen to God's Word and the testimonies of others and allow faith to arise in your heart.  Move towards God, not away from Him, and confess positive words concerning your situations.  Most importantly reach out to Jesus and allow your faith to touch Him. +++

Copyright © 2006 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    

A Word In Due Season
2nd Week of December 2006


Scripture:  Numbers 33:53  "You shall dispossess the inhabitants of the land, and dwell therein: for I have given you the land to possess it."
God led His people out of Egypt with a great promise.  He told them that there was a land before them that was exceedingly rich.  In fact, He said that it flowed with milk and honey.  God gave this Promised Land to His people, but they had to go in and possess it themselves.  This meant that before they moved in and took over, they had to dispossess the inhabitants that were already living there.  To make matters worse, some of the inhabitants were giants and some of the cities were surrounded with walls.  The challenge looked fierce, but God promised to go with them and fight for them.
We have many promises from God that are written in the scriptures.  These words are exceedingly rich and they cover everything that we will ever need.  God's blessings are waiting to be possessed.  Yet with every promise, there comes a challenge.  There are giants that must be overcome and there are walls that must be torn down.  These strong forces are not easy to dispossess, but we can trust God to be with us each step of the way, for He wants us to possess the blessings that He has made available.  We must be steadfast in our efforts and remember that when the giants get too big and the battle gets too rough, the Lord will fight for us.
For every promise that God gave to us, He gave us instruction on how to possess that promise.  He told us that He wanted us to prosper and be in health, even as our soul prospers (III John 2).  If we want to live in God's hope for prosperity in our lives, we must dispossess the spirit of poverty that resides in our soul.  Dispossessing poverty comes by obeying God's words concerning money.  The scriptures teach us that we must work hard, be wise and frugal with our funds, and share with others by giving tithes, offering, and alms.  If we want to possess good health, we must obey God's laws that concern our physical bodies.  Good health does not come without responsibility.  We must eat right, get plenty of rest, exercise, and deal with stress in the proper manner.  We can't possess health until we dispossess the bad habits that plague us.  If we want to remain pure and holy before God, we must dispossess the ungodly thoughts that linger in our minds that would lead us to commit sinful acts.  At the first sign of temptation, we must resist the devil and flee.  If we want to possess peace in our lives, we must dispossess strife and disallow division to rule and reign in our hearts.  If we want to overcome addictions, we must dispossess them by refusing to give in or to give up.  We must cast down imaginations and every thought that exalts itself against the spirit of Christ so that we can be transformed into His image.  
The Promised Land is ours for the taking, but we must be like Joshua and Caleb.  We must have faith in God and voice our victory before the battles begins.  With God's help, we will be able to possess the land, for He is bigger than any foe that needs to be driven out.  The plan is simple.  Dispossess the enemy so that you may possess God's promises. +++

Copyright © 2006 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    

Scripture:  John 13:8  "If I wash you not, you have no part with me."
At the last supper before the crucifixion, Jesus began to wash the feet of His disciples.  It was a very intimate moment and when He finally came to Peter, Peter was overwhelmed as Jesus humbled Himself before him.  Peter couldn't imagine that the One whom he, himself, had identified as the Son of the Living God was now kneeling before him and attempting to wash his feet.  He spoke to Jesus and said, "You will never wash my feet" (Verse 8).  At Peter's refusal, Jesus explained that this was the only way that Peter could share companionship with Him.  When Peter heard these words, he said to Jesus, "Wash not only my feet, but also my head and hands."  He clearly wanted to make sure that he could fellowship with Jesus.  Jesus the explained that Peter only needed his feet to be cleansed.
This act showed not only self-humiliation on the part of Jesus, it was a lesson about receiving daily forgiveness.  It teaches that even though we have repented and given our hearts to the Lord, we still need daily cleansing.  We are exposed to the world each and every day, and as we travel down the paths of life, our feet become very dusty.  Things of this present life lay hold upon us and make every effort to cling to us eternally.  Jesus is the only one who can wash these sins away.  We must allow Him to examine our lives continually and then wash and cleanse us from all unrighteous.  Like Peter, if we refuse and disallow Jesus to cleanse us, we cannot be in close communion with Him because righteousness does not fellowship with unrighteousness and light does not have communion with darkness ( II Corinthians 6:14).
Unrighteousness and darkness challenge us daily causing us to miss the mark and come short of the glory of God.  Even Paul who wrote nearly three fourths of the New Testament speaks of the struggles within himself.  He said, "I know that no good thing dwells within me.  The will to do good is present within me, but I can't seem to perform it.  The things that I want to do, I do not, and the things that I don't want to do, I do" (Romans 7:18-19).  This war that raged within Paul is also present within us and the same devil who fought against him is the same devil that we struggle with.  Life has not changed.  However, the same Jesus who washed the feet of Peter and the other disciples stands ready to wash our feet.  We must allow Him to do this, for if we do not allow Him to wash us and forgive us, we can have no part with Him.  We cannot approach God in our own righteousness as our righteousness is as filthy rags.  Jesus is the only who can separate us from our sins, and as He does, we find His love and mercy overwhelming.  Isaiah 1:18 says, "Come now, and let us reason together, says the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow."  Allow Jesus to cleanse your soul. +++

Copyright © 2006 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    

Scripture:  Luke 4:18  "The Spirit of the Lord is upon me ... to preach deliverance to the captives."

Satan's battlefield is your mind and his primary weapon is deception.  If he can get you to believe his lies, he can hold you captive by your own thoughts.  He doesn't approach you with giant lies that are the size of trees for he knows that you would recognize and reject those thoughts.  So, he starts with tiny seeds of doubt.  He then feeds and nourishes those small seeds of doubt until, little by little, he is able to work his plan of deception in your life.  John 10:10 says the devil is a thief that comes to steal, kill, and destroy.  When his work is left unchallenged and unchecked, strongholds are established in your life, which enables the devil to hold you in bondage with his tormenting thoughts.

The good news is that Jesus came to the earth and was anointed to preach the gospel of truth.  John 8:32 says, when you know the truth, the truth will make you free.  One of Jesus' messages was about a man who had been forgiven of much.  Yet, this same man refused to forgive another man that owed him little.  Because the man who had received much forgiveness refused to forgive the man who owed little, he, himself, was turned over to the tormentors (Matthew 18:21-35).  Jesus was showing us that we reap what we sow.  If we want forgiveness for our sins and transgressions, we must likewise forgive others for their transgressions against us.  When we fail to forgive, we place ourselves in a position to be tormented just like the unforgiving servant.

Jesus is anointed to set you free, but you must act on the truth which He speaks to you.  He says, "Forgive, if you want to be forgiven.  Forgive, if you want peace in your life."  Forgiveness is a choice.  You have the power and authority to cast down imaginations and every thought in your life that exalts itself against the Spirit of Christ.  This includes the thoughts of unforgiveness that rage in your mind.  As you take those thoughts and submit them to Christ, they will have to bow in obedience to His command.  It may be hard for you to forgive because of the circumstances that you have endured, but Jesus will help you.  The choice is yours.  You can be set free or you can stay chained in bondage by the devil's deception.  The devil tries to hold you in deception by telling you that you can't release the past.  He knows that if you refuse to forgive, he will own a portion of your heart.  That portion of your heart that he owns will remain in the torments of unforgiveness and will inflict great emotional pain.  Bitterness will also move in and hold you captive.  Jesus is preaching deliverance to your captive spirit.  You can't go on with life until you forgive and let go of the pains that are in your heart.  You can't keep revisiting those hurts.  When you are able to let go, Jesus will be able to set you free and your victory will be sweet. +++

Copyright © 2006 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    

Scripture:  Exodus 14:14  "The Lord shall fight for you, and you shall hold your peace."

Have you ever moved in faith at God's command and then found yourself in a hard situation?  As you sat there in the dilemma, confusion and fear came against your mind, and doubt and unbelief filled your heart.  God's people found themselves faced with these same feelings when God led them out of Egypt.  God instructed Moses and the Israelites to set up their camp by the Red Sea because He knew that Pharaoh would think that they were trapped between the wilderness and the sea.  The irony of this plan was that God was secretly working against the enemy.  The sea was to be the way of escape for Moses and the children of Israel and a trap of destruction for the Egyptians.  But as the Israelites faced the enemy on one side and the waters on the other, they said, "We would have been better off staying in bondage than to be out here in the wilderness."  They had no idea that God was preparing a way of total deliverance for them.  God told them, "Don't be afraid, stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord.  Just hold on to your peace."  God had a plan.  He was going to fight the battle for them and He didn't want them to do anything except move forward at His command.

Like the Israelites, God does amazing things in our lives and we are excited and full of faith about what He is doing until the first impossible situation comes along.  When we find ourselves between the wilderness and the Red Sea we wonder how we got there.  We forget that God, Himself, led us there and put us in that situation for a purpose.  Our reasoning becomes limited because we are looking at the immediate circumstances and think that we are near failure or possible death.  There seems to be nowhere to turn and no way out of the situation.  Our anxieties cause us to discount God's wisdom and forget His words, "My ways are higher than your ways, and My thoughts are higher than your thoughts" (Isaiah 55:9).

Are you standing between the Wilderness and the Red Sea?  Are you facing difficulties in your personal life or financial challenges?  It is when you stand in these places of uncertainty that you discover the sufficiency of God.  When you are overwhelmed by circumstances and there is no solution in the natural, you must realize that you are close to a miracle.  As you hold your peace and rest in God's promises, He rolls back the sea and makes a way where there is no way.  He comes through right on time, every time.  He is a miracle working God that cannot fail, so be at peace.  The Lord is on your side and He will fight for you. +++

Copyright © 2006 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    

Scripture:  Acts 4:31  "And when they had prayed, the place was shaken where they were assembled together."

The Sanhedrin counsel had just forbidden the disciples to preach about the resurrection of Jesus.  The disciples responded by coming together to pray concerning this dilemma and when they had finished praying the place was physically shaken.  That was a mighty prayer.  Not many of us have ever had this kind of prayer experience.  What brought such power into the room when they prayed?  The answer is simple.  They had the right perspective and purpose for their prayers as we can see in the following verses.

1)  They were in agreement with each other concerning the situation.  They
      all prayed the same very plain and specific prayer. (Vs. 24)
2)  They made themselves aware that they were talking to God.  They said,
     "You are God," and then they submitted to His control and power. (Vs. 24)
3)  They reminded themselves and God of what He had done in the past.
      They acknowledged Him as creator and believed that as creator,
      He controlled everything and could do mighty things for them. (Vs.24)
4)  They asked God to look at their problem.  They said, "Now, Lord, Behold
      the threats of the enemy." (Vs. 29)
5)  They prayed for boldness to speak the Word of God.  They did not pray
      for their own deliverance from persecution, but only that the Word of God
      go forth and be confirmed with signs and wonders. (Vs. 29)
6)  They asked God to stretch forth His hand to heal and do signs and
      wonders in the Name of Jesus. (Vs. 30)  Their main concern was that
      they would have a powerful witness of the resurrection of the Lord
     Jesus Christ and that His Name be exalted in their lives.

These are valuable principles of prayer that we need to remember if we want to experience God in a powerful way in our prayer life.  Verse thirty-three confirms that God did answer their prayer.  Prayer makes a difference.  It brings God's presence into our lives and when He comes, He comes with answers and deliverance. +++

Copyright © 2006 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    

A Word In Due Season
3rd Week of December 2006


Scripture:  Romans 4:19 & 20  "Abraham considered not his own body ... and staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief."

Long before Abraham had a son, God made a promise to him that he would be the father of many nations and told him that his seed would be as numerous as the stars in the heavens.  From the very beginning, this promise seemed impossible in the natural because Abraham was very old and his wife, Sarah, was barren.  Yet, Abraham chose to believe the promise and he put his faith in God's ability to fulfill His promise.

Abraham disregarded his own lack and did not stagger at the promise that God gave to him.  One who staggers does not stand and walk straight.  They lean to the left and to the right as they stumble along.  Abraham overcame each challenge by refusing to consider the impossibilities and did not stagger to the left or lean to the right.  In other words he did not allow himself to be driven or tossed about by unbelief.  James 1:6-7 says, "For he that wavers (in faith) is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed.  For let not that man think that he shall receive anything of the Lord."

One year before Isaac was born God changed Abram's name to Abraham, which means father of many nations.  In essence God was saying, "It's already finished."  God's eternal word established the fact.  God was calling things that be not as though they were and His words were causing Abraham and Sarah's natural body to come alive.  When Abraham had to tell others his new name, he was agreeing with God and declaring the promise that God had made to him.  He did not stagger at the fact that he was 100 years old and Sarah was ninety.  He just continued to give glory to God and hoped when there was no reason to hope in the natural.  Today, his faith would appear foolish to many, but then true faith usually does.
Corrie Ten Boom sums it up with her words,

                  "FAITH SEES THE INVISIBLE,
                   RECEIVES THE IMPOSSIBLE."
Scriptures declare that Abraham believed God, hoped in His promise, stayed strong in the faith, and was fully persuaded that God would do what He said He would do.  And because Abraham considered not and staggered not, he eventually received the promise of God. +++

Copyright © 2006 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    

Scripture:  Isaiah 40:29  "He gives power to the faint; and to them that have no might, He increases strength."
This promise of power and increased strength from God is a wonderful scripture to hold on to in times of stress and fatigue.  In the verses following, Isaiah tells us that those who were once weak will mount up with wings as the eagles.  They will be able to run without growing weary and they will walk without getting faint.  Notice that there are three levels where we may find ourselves; soaring as eagles, running, and walking.
It's great when our journey with God takes us to new heights and the winds of His Spirit lift us above the mundane obstacles of daily life.  As we soar through life, everything seems so special and it's as though we can reach out and actually embrace the heart of God.  There are no obstructions, our vision is clear, and all storms are beneath us.  It seems that Heaven is just a breath away.  Everything appears beautiful in its own way, and we are at ease as we are carried on the winds of God's wings.  When we soar, the mountains do not threaten us for they are our resting place, and the valleys do not frighten us for we are not having to walk through them.  We face no shadows or immediate dangers, and one glance in any direction reveals our provisions.
Soaring as eagles is a wonderful place with God, but we all know these seasons do not last forever.  There are times that we must come down from the heavenlies, walk through the valleys, climb the mountains, and run the race that God has set before us.  Running and walking, however, do not seem to be as grand as the heights that we once experienced, yet God still meets us in these places and gives us added strength to endure.  As we run, the journey goes fast and our thoughts are kept busy.  There are no wasted efforts or long delays.  We have no time for our patience to be tried and our efforts bring quick rewards.  But then comes the times that we are only allowed to walk.  These are the more difficult places where progress is slow.  We know that God is with us, but it seems as though nothing is really happening.  Our vision is limited and we have no idea what is just around the bend.  The scenery changes very slowly as we can only take one step at a time, and desperation begins to cause our faith to faint.
This is the time to remember the words that Isaiah prophesied to us.  He explained just how the power and strength would come to those who are desperate for help.  Whether you are young or old, you must understand that failing strength happens to everyone.  Isaiah said when you find that you have no might, wait upon the Lord and He will cause you to grow stronger.  When you feel that you can't go on, rest in God's presence, for only He can give power to the faint and increase the strength of those who are weary. +++

Copyright © 2006 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


Scripture: Psalms 46:1  "God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble."
We often speak of the spiritual armor that God has provided for us and the seasons of spiritual warfare that we must face.  This scripture, however, gives us another concept of victory in battle.  It is a picture of a successful defense rather than a victorious campaign.  It is a place that we can run to and find refuge and renewed strength.  This place is God's presence, for His presence brings power and shields us from our enemy.  As Psalms 91 declares, we have nothing to fear because God will cover us with His feathers and hide us under His wings.
My family recently went on an outing to the beach.  A storm had passed through the area just the day before and had left the sand unstable.  We parked on the beach as we had done for years without incident.  Suddenly we discovered that the van was sinking.  We tried frantically to remedy the situation but all was in vain, as it sunk deeper and deeper.  There was nothing we could do and natural help seemed too far away.  This scripture came to my mind in the midst of this dilemma and I reminded God that He said that He would be a "very present help in trouble."  Others were praying also.  Time was of the essence and there was no room for delay.  We were in trouble and needed God to show Himself strong right then.  Just before the body of the van went into the watery sand, a group of teenagers came to our rescue.  God delivered us and made sure His promise that He was a present help in the time of trouble.
You may have a battle today that is totally out of your hands.  The enemy may have you up against the wall and it seems that there is no way out.  You may have no strength left in your being to maintain the warfare.  Your hopes may be dashed and your future may seem dim as you see your situation sinking into the sand.  These are the times that you need to run to God and hide in His presence.  Let Him be your refuge and allow Him to renew your strength.  He is not a God that is going to be.  He is a God that is.  God is God all by Himself and He can take care of any situation.  There is nothing too difficult for Him.  Trust Him for He is with you now and He is a present help in the time of trouble. +++

Copyright © 2006 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


Scripture:  Deuteronomy 31:6  "Be strong and of good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the Lord your God, He goes with you; He will not fail you, nor forsake you."
Moses tried very hard to lead the Israelites into the place that God had for them, but many of them missed out on the promises of God because of a spirit of discouragement.  This discouragement came from within the group as they began to talk about the obstacles that would stand in their way.  The discouraging voices said that the cities that they were to face were very great and had mighty walls.  These same voices also spoke of the people who were greater and taller than themselves, in fact their enemies were giants.  As God's people heard these words, their souls became very discouraged and they spoke against God and Moses (Numbers 21:4-5).  Those who had no faith also deprived their brothers of their confidence and hope.  Their negative words drained their spirits and caused their hearts to melt.
There will be those in your life whose words will deprive you of your confidence and hope.  Very often discouragement will come from those closest to you.  They may even do this in good will, thinking that they are giving you good counsel.  They may have your best interest in mind, yet if you listen and give heed to their disapproval and objections, their words will drain your spirit.  Their words will prevent you from completing God's will and deprive you from His blessings.  When hindering words from any source come to you, you must make a decision to either operate in the positive (courage), or operate in the negative (discouragement).  There is no neutral ground.  It is either faith or fear.  Not only must you disallow discouraging words to affect you, you must be very careful with your own words when you find yourself in the midst of a challenging situation, less you be the one to speak words that would discourage someone else's faith and deprive them of their blessing.
Our courage rests in our faith.  Our hope in a faithful God enables us to face danger and hardships with confidence.  Faith and hope cause us to be brave and resolute regardless of our circumstances and the fears that seek to hinder us.  God said that He is the one who goes with us and He has promised never to fail or forsake us.  We need no other words to keep our minds and hearts in peace.  We do not have to struggle with fear for God is in control.  We only need to rest in God's promise and "Be" strong and "Be" of good courage. +++

Copyright © 2006 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    

II Kings 2:9  "Elijah said to Elisha, Ask what I shall do for you, before I am taken away from you?  And Elisha said ... Let a double portion of your spirit be upon me."
Elijah was a prophet and a miracle worker.  He had done mighty things in the midst of the people and was now preparing to leave this earth.  In just a few hours, a chariot of fire and a whirlwind was going to usher him into Heaven.  Before he left, he offered to grant the desire of Elisha, a man who had been chosen by God to replace Elijah as prophet.  Elisha had faithfully followed Elijah and had humbly ministered to his needs.  Elisha was a man who hungered for the power of God, and he desired not only the spirit which was upon Elijah, but also a double portion of that same spirit.
When the servant, Elisha, made his request to the prophet, Elijah, for a double portion of the Spirit, Elijah said, "You have asked for a hard thing, but if you see me when I am taken up, it shall be granted to you ... but if you do not see me, it shall not be so."  When the time came for Elijah to be taken, Elisha acted in determination to receive the promised gift.  He kept his eyes on Elijah in the midst of the splendor of the whirlwind and chariot, and he did not allow himself to be distracted.  When Elijah went up, Elisha saw it.  Elijah's mantle fell from the heavens, and when Elisha took it up, the spirit of Elijah rested upon him.
Elisha had courage and boldness to make an awesome request for what his heart desired, which was a double portion of the Spirit of God!  What if we were to make this same request?  It would be awesome, for sure, to do the miracles that Elijah and Elisha did, but to ask for that kind of power may seem too enormous for us at this time in our lives.  However, instead of asking for a double portion of the miracle gifts of the Spirit, what if we started by asking for a double portion of the fruit of the Spirit, which is listed in Galatians 5:22-23.  Can you imagine the effects of having a double anointing of the fruit of God's Holy Spirit in our lives?  We would begin to manifest twice as much love in the midst of hateful and bitter situations.  We would have twice as much peace when confronted with the storms of life and a double amount of patience and self-control in the midst of conflict.  We would be bubbling over with joy, and kindness and goodness would continually be flowing from us to others.  Supernatural faith would prevail in every situation.  God has called us to be able ministers to a hurting world.  What better way to fulfill His calling than to boldly ask Him for a double anointing of His Spirit  in our lives? +++

Copyright © 2006 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    

A Word In Due Season
4th Week of December 2006


Scripture:  John 14:6  " Jesus said, I am the way, the truth, and the life."
There are many traditions that we practice during this special season.  Yet as we hold to these traditions that have been passed from one generation to another, we rarely give thought to what they mean, how they began, or what truths support them.  I have never heard any documentation on some of the traditions that we honor, but I thought we would explore some possibilities with truth as our guide.
We send and receive the traditional greeting cards each year to our close friends and family wishing them peace, reminding them about the birth of Jesus, and often adding our own personal message.  This is a wonderful heart warming tradition but as we look at the scriptures we see that the first salutation was made by the angels on the hills of Bethlehem.  They brought a personal message of goodwill to us, which came straight from God in Heaven, as they declared the birth of His Son and our Savior, Jesus Christ the Lord.  We put up a traditional tree, but fail to connect this tree that we have adorned with beauty to the tree of Calvary that became a rugged cross of suffering, shame, and death.  We top the tree with a star, which in essence reminds us of the true star of Bethlehem, which guided the wise men who traveled from the East and also marked the place of Jesus' birth.  We decorate with candles and beautiful lights, but the purest light is Jesus who drives away the darkness of evil and gives eternal light to men's souls.  We sing the traditional carols that men have composed, but the first carols were created by the angels whose voices resounded with praise saying, "Glory to God in the highest, peace on Earth, and goodwill towards men."
One of our greatest traditions is giving gifts, but we must consider the gifts that were given long ago.  The wise men brought gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh to the Christ Child, and God gave the most precious gift of all, His only begotten Son so that we could inherit everlasting life.  Jesus is the most valuable gift that has ever been given and the most precious gift that can be received.  He, Himself, is "the way, the truth, and the life."  Nothing and no one can be compared to Him.  As you experience this season, remember that traditions are to be enjoyed, truth is to honored, and the life that Jesus gives is to be cherish. +++

Copyright © 2006 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    

Scripture:  Matthew 1:23  "Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call His name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us."

Jesus' name was called Emmanuel, God is with us.  No generation before had this wonderful promise fulfilled, for this was a new and marvelous thing that God was doing.  Jesus, the Word, was made flesh, came to Earth, and dwelt among men.  He became one of us so that He could be touched with the same feelings that we experience.  He wanted to know our joys and understand our sorrows.  And when His work on Earth was finished and He returned to Heaven, Jesus promised never to leave us or forsake us.  He is still our Emmanuel, and He is "with us always, even unto the end of the world" (Matthew 28:20).

Many in the world today tend to forget what this wonderful season is all about and attempt to celebrate without Jesus.  Attention is turned towards the presents to be given or those to be received, and not focused on the presence of the Eternal King who is the true reason for the season.  The celebration of the birth of the Son of God and the fulfilling of the promise of His glorious presence becomes lost amidst the hustle and the bustle of the traffic, the parties, and the last minute shopping.  If we are not careful, even our times of devotion and prayer are pushed aside to meet the demands of our busy holiday schedules.  Even now, just a few days from the eve of Christmas, we are looking forward to the rest after the rush.  We are pledging to do better and spend more time with God in prayer and Bible study after the first of the year.

The good news is that you don't have to wait until the New Year to find rest and a time to commune with the Lord.  You don't even have to wait until you go to a religious service.  Wherever you are throughout your busy day, just take a few moments and be still before God.  He promised to be right there, so welcome and acknowledge Him.  Experience His awesome presence that surrounds you.  Right now, even as you read these words, breathe His name aloud several times, "Jesus - Emmanuel, God is with us."  As you speak His Name, you will sense His presence and peace and rest will enter your soul. +++

Copyright © 2006 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


Scripture:  John 4:10  "Jesus answered and said to her, If you knew the gift of God, and who it is that says to you, 'Give Me a drink,' you would have asked Him, and He would have given you living water."

The Samaritan woman that Jesus spoke these words to had lived a very hard life.  Her life style and morals did not measure up to the other women in the city, and it seemed that she did not merit their friendship because she came to the well alone.  She had been married five times and was now living with a man that was not even her husband.  She was an outcast in society, yet this Jewish man, Jesus, was taking time to talk with her, even though Jews normally had no dealings with the Samaritans.  He was offering her the gift of God.  This was a new concept as gifts and sacrifices were always given to God, not received from God.

Jesus said to the woman, "If you only knew the gift of God."  The most precious gift ever given was this gift by God some 2000 years ago.  God's gift was not wrapped in beautiful foil paper and topped off with a beautiful bow.  Nor was it put in a decorative bag with tissue paper.  It was simply wrapped in swaddling clothes, laid in a manger, and hidden away in a stable among the smells of the animals.  But God's precious gift was one of a kind and was supernatural.  His gift was Jesus, who brought eternal life and light to those who would receive Him.  He is the living water that He spoke about to the Samaritan woman and He quenches every thirst.

John 3:16 tells us more about this wonderful gift and why God gave it.  God's gift was His only begotten Son, and His giving was motivated by great love.  He loved us so much that He gave that which was most precious to Him.  His great gift had great purpose, was eternal, and was given so that we would not perish but have everlasting life.  God's gift was made flesh, for only the blood of His Son could redeem mankind from sin.  What an enormous gift; an everlasting gift of love, a gift of great sacrifice, and a gift of purpose.  Even though this gift was wrapped in swaddling clothes and laid in a manger, its worth exceeds silver and gold, and nothing compares to the treasure that we possess when we come to know and receive His gift.  Jesus is our Living Water and when we receive Him, there is no room for thirst in our spirits.  It is no wonder that He approached the woman at the well and spoke these words into her life, "If you knew the gift of God." +++


Copyright © 2006 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    

Scripture:  John 1:14  "And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth."
In the beginning, Jesus was with God and He was God, but He came to Earth and took upon Himself human flesh so that He could dwell among us and ultimately become the sacrifice for our sins.  Jesus was unique in that He was true deity and also common humanity.  Before His birth, there had been four hundred years of silence between the time of the Old Testament and the New Testament.  Then suddenly, in the fullness of time, the Son of God was born and the sound of this Baby's cry heralded a new message on Earth.  His cry meant that light had come to shatter the forces of darkness and that eternal salvation had come to mortal man.
As the silence of those years ended with His cry, many validated that the Messiah had come.  The angels declared the good tidings of great joy saying that the Savior, which is Christ the Lord, had been born.  They praised God and declared peace on Earth and good will toward men.  Years later, John the Baptist said, "Behold the Lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world."  And Peter said, "Thou art the Christ, the Son of the Living God."  God the Father also spoke from Heaven and said, "This is My Beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased."  Satan, Himself, recognized Jesus as the Messiah and challenged Him by mingling these words of doubt in His ears, "If Thou be the Son of God."  Even the soldiers at the cross acknowledged who Jesus was by saying, "Surely this was the Son of God."
If you have ever had a baby born into your life, you know the vast meaning of hearing their cry for the first time.  It means that things will never be the same again in your household, for from their first cry, your life is changed forever.  So it was with the Baby Jesus.  His cry brought change and hope to all mankind.  Today, we look for Him in beautiful cathedrals that are filled with beautiful music and fail to realize that He is everywhere and that He is crying out for us.  He wants to intervene in our silence and give meaning to our lives.  If we listen for Him, we will hear His cry, and if we look for Him, we will experience the glory of this only begotten Son of God.  When we find Him, we will understand His grace and truth and validate Him as the Messiah of our lives. +++

Copyright © 2006 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    

Scripture:  Matthew 2:11  "They presented unto Him gifts; gold, and frankincense, and myrrh."
The wise men were experts in the study of the stars and when they saw the special star in the East, they knew that the Messiah had come.  They followed the star to Jerusalem and it then went before them and led them to the place where Jesus was.  The wise men made this long tedious journey with the intent to worship Jesus because they knew from their studies that He was the King of the Jews.  They not only came to worship Jesus with their hearts but to present to Him their gifts and treasures.  They brought gold, frankincense, and myrrh to the Christ Child.  These gifts not only provided financial substance for the family but also had special symbolic meanings.  The gold represented Jesus' deity, for He was the Son of God.  The frankincense, which was used as incense because of its perfumed aroma, represented His purity.  Finally, the myrrh, which was used for embalming purposes, foretold of Jesus' death.
We have the opportunity to offer these same gifts to the Lord.  We may not have actual gold, frankincense, and myrrh, but we can offer what these precious gifts represented.  First, our faith that has been tried in the fires of life and has come out as pure gold can declare Jesus' deity in our lives.  Peter said that the trial of our faith is more precious than gold and it will give honor and glory to the Lord at His appearing (I Peter 1:7).  Our faith sets Jesus upon the throne of our heart and signifies that we believe in Him and have made Him the Lord and Savior of our life.  Second, Timothy told us to be an example of the believer in purity (I Timothy 4:12).  We are an epistle read of all men.  We must not allow impurities to weaken the rivers of living water in our life or disqualify our witness.  Our life should be as sweet incense before the Lord and a pure example of love to a hurting world.  The third gift was symbolic of death.  This is no easy chore, for the Apostle Paul said, "I die daily" (I Corinthians 15:31).  If we want to follow Jesus, we must deny ourselves and take up our cross every moment of every day (Luke 9:23).  We must continually crucify our flesh and mortify the deeds of our bodies (Romans 8:13).  We cannot allow our selfish natures to live if we want Christ to live and reign within us as Lord over all.
As you have given gifts to your friends and families this Christmas season, remember that you need to put something special under the tree of Calvary for the One who gave His life for you.  Jesus is not looking for your gold, frankincense, and myrrh.  His desire is to receive the gifts from your heart.  He wants to know that your faith in Him is as pure as gold.  He takes much pleasure when a heart is so pure that it becomes as a sweet aroma of incense to Him.  He is honored by a life that is so committed to Him that it has crucified its own desires in order to please Him.  These are the gifts that are worthy to offer to Jesus, the King of kings and the Lord of lords. +++

Copyright © 2006 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    

A Word In Due Season
5th Week of December 2006


Scripture:  Proverbs 19:20 (Amplified)  "Hear counsel, receive instruction and accept correction, that you may be wise in the time to come."

How often do we seem unwise at the end of a situation because we have failed to do the three things listed above; hear counsel, receive instruction, and accept correction?  We have always heard the expression, "Two heads are better than one."  This is also true from God's viewpoint, as He never intended for us to stand alone and figure out how to solve our own problems.  Throughout His Word, He encourages us to seek counsel with each other and look at our situations from different perspectives.  In Isaiah 9:6, God promised us a Wonderful Counselor in the person of Jesus Christ.  And in II Timothy 3:16, the Apostle Paul tells us that God's written word would give us counsel.  He says, "All scripture is given by the inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, reproof, correction, and instruction in righteousness."

When we fail to seek and receive counsel from Jesus, the Word, or others, we set ourselves up for failure.  Proverbs 11:14 declares, "Where no wise guidance is, the people fall; but in the multitude of counselors there is safety."  Another proverb tells us that purposes and plans are brought to an end when there is no counsel, but with many counselors plans are established.  Direction is gained and plans become established as you share with others and make yourself accountable to those you've involved in your life decisions.  Yet obtaining good and wise results doesn't end with just hearing wise counsel.  You must also "receive instruction."  Counsel will tell you where you are missing it, but instruction will tell you how to fix it.  You must not only listen but also receive what is being said.  Several times Jesus made a comment about those He ministered to, stating that they had eyes but did not see and ears but did not hear.  They were seeing and hearing but not receiving any of it into their heart.

Wisdom takes us a step further.  Hearing counsel and receiving instruction come to an end if we do not accept the correction and actually make the changes that are suggested or offered.  For instance, if a mechanic tells you that the transmission in your car is bad, you may hear every detail of his wise counsel.  You may even agree that you need to repair or replace the transmission.  But if you don't make the corrections that are necessary, the transmission in your car will continue to work improperly.  Solomon said if you accept correction, then you will be wise at the end of the matter.  Wisdom demands change when corrections are needed so listen to your Wonderful Counselor and respond to His instructions.  In so doing you will be wise in the time to come. +++

Copyright © 2006 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    

Scripture:  Proverbs 13:7 (Living Bible)  "Some rich people are poor, and some poor people have great wealth." 
King Solomon, who wrote this proverb, was the wisest and richest man who ever lived.  People traveled from distant lands just to see his grandeur and to listen to his words of wisdom.  Yet, with all the riches that he had obtained in this world, he understood the concept of true wealth.  He knew that true wealth was not wrapped up in earthly possessions and riches and declared that a person could be poor in earthly things and yet have a great storehouse of wealth.  Wealth can be yours because you have family, friends, and health.
As time has passed, I have come to realize that my favorite things and most prized possessions are not my most expensive things.  The things that I treasure the most are the things that revolve around people and have been touched by a special relationship in my life.  If you were to visit my home, you would wonder why I have such a hodgepodge of stuff sitting around.  It looks like I'm an eclectic collector of sorts because things do not match.  I would like for my home to look like a model home where everything is designer perfect, but in reality, I am just a sentimentalist who has saved nearly everything that everyone has ever given to me.  The results are that I often display things that are not of my own personal taste.  Yet, these are my treasures because they were given to me in a spirit of love and are a reminder that someone cared enough to share their life with me.
My most treasured possessions are the hand made items from my children and grand-children.  One of these items is the thirty-six year old paper angel who lost one of her wings many years ago.  It is placed on the top of the Christmas tree each year.  Every year when I put the angel on the tree, I remember how proud my four-year-old son was when he presented it to me.  Our tree is full of similar decorations and my closets are filled with boxes of other mementos that my children have made throughout the years.  Of course another favorite thing is the family photos, which are a reminder of days past.  These are the items that fill my life with joy and could never be replaced by any amount of money.  I would be devastated if these precious items were destroyed in a fire or a flood.  Also, I could not forget to mention my marked-up and tear-stained study Bible.  There are underlined and highlighted verses and notes and dates scribbled in the margins.  These markings all speak of the intimate moments when the Lord spoke something special into my life; a promise, a word of encouragement, and yes, sometimes a correction or a rebuke.
As we travel life's journey, let us look at the stuff that is most dear to our heart and remember what King Solomon said, "Some poor people have great wealth."  Regardless of your financial state in life, look at your storehouse of blessings and remember that wealth is not defined by expensive earthly possessions.  True wealth is not having all that you want.  It is being able to enjoy all that you have. +++

Copyright © 2006 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    

Scripture:  Deuteronomy 11:12  "The eyes of the Lord your God are always upon the land, from the beginning of the year to the end of the year."

Just as God gave a promise to His people that He would care for the land that He had given them, to watch over it and to water it with rain from heaven, He makes promises to us concerning our life.  This wonderful God that we serve promises to finish the things that He starts in our lives.  This is the nature of His character, for He is the "author and finisher of our faith" (Hebrews 12:2).  Revelation 22:13 also tells us that He is the "Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last."  He commits Himself to be there from the start to the finish.  Paul told us that he, himself, was confident of this very thing, that He who had begun a good work in us would perform it until the day of Jesus Christ.  Right up to the time that Jesus returns, we can be sure that God will never give up and will continue working on us and developing perfection in us (Philippians 1:6).

This is quite contrary to our habits.  As the old year ends and a new one begins, we make our New Year's resolutions.  We are bound and determined to make changes in our lives.  And as we plan, we are very excited about the new turn that we are going to take.  We plan to discipline ourselves in various ways such as exercise, diet, devotionals, or spending more time with the family.  But soon into the new year, our plans start falling apart.  We can't seem to get it together or to finish what we so adamantly started.  What is our answer?

I Peter 5:7 says, "Cast your cares upon Jesus for He cares for you."  Just as God cared for His people and their land in the past, He also cares for you.  He wants you to succeed in your every effort that is noble in His eyes.  He wants you to prosper and be in good health.  He knows that exercise, diet, and relationships are important.  The Lord truly cares for every aspect of your personal life and He wants to help you keep your resolutions.  Psalms 37:5 says, "Commit your ways unto the Lord; trust also in Him; and He shall bring it to pass."  As you think about those things that you want to change in the New Year, commit them to God and ask Him to help you.  Release the struggle and allow Him to take the care of it upon Himself, for He really does care for you.  As you lean upon Him, He will impart His strength and virtue into your life.  You will not only be able to begin, but you will also be able to finish those things that you committed to do from the very beginning of the year to the end of the year. +++

Copyright © 2006 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    