A Word In Due Season
1st Week of January 2006


Scripture:  Zechariah 4:10  "For who has despised the day of small things?"
We have just completed seven years in publishing our devotional, A Word In Due Season.  As we reflect on the past, we stand in awe at what the Lord has accomplished through the simple words of this ministry.  During these seven years, we have received many testimonies, prayer request, and inquiries concerning scripture and the plan of salvation.  Your responses have been a blessing to us.  And like the words of the prophet, we can certainly testify that our beginning was truly a day of small things.  When we sent our first e-mail devotional on January 2, 1999, we had a list of six people, which included my son and his wife, my friend and her husband, and my niece and her husband.  Within a week, however, these six began to forward the devotionals to others, and within a short amount of time, this ministry has grown into an international ministry and opened doors for us on the foreign mission fields.  We have no idea how many people are being reached, for our devotional is posted on many other websites beside our own and we have no count of how many people receive our email devotional.
I wanted to share this with you as an individual because God can use you in the same way.  I had never thought about doing an internet devotional, and when my oldest son first suggested it, I completely ignored the prospects.  I didn't have a computer and I knew nothing about them, and to be honest, I didn't even know what email was.  When we began this ministry, I had to use my younger son's computer and was so intimidated by it that he had to turn it on and off for me.  He would allow me to type my message for the day, and then he would send it out and turn the computer off.  I can't imagine being that helpless now and it is embarrassing to even admit this to you, but I do it with the purpose of letting you know that God can take the smallest gift that we bring to Him and turn it into a bountiful blessing for His people.  The Lord is not limited by our lack.  I have truly experienced the words that Paul wrote in I Corinthians 1:26-27 which says that "God does not choose the wise, the mighty, or the noble, but He chooses the foolish and the weak..."  God did not call me because I was able, but He enabled me because He called me.
As you start this new year, I encourage you to look for new ways that God can use you.  It may get overwhelming as it did for me.  A Word In Due Season is all original material unless we acknowledge that it is a quote.  After the first ten days, I had written everything that I knew and I thought, "What do I do now?"  I had nothing left to say, but God is awesome and has been faithful to give us a word in due season for these seven years.  I want to thank you for allowing us to minister to you and want you to know that your prayers for this ministry have been a blessing.  Please allow God to work in your life and do not shrink back from anything that He has asked you to do.  If God calls you to do something new and unfamiliar, He will send a mentor your way.  Like my example, there will be someone there to turn the computer on and off or do whatever is necessary to help you complete His call.  Your simple obedience is the key to your ministry to others and your ministry towards others will be a ministry to the Lord.  For Jesus said, "whatever you do for the least of the brethren, you do for Me."  So never despise the day of small things and small beginnings.  Be faithful in that which is small and God will make you ruler over much (Luke 19:17). +++

Copyright © 2006 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved   



Scripture:  Deuteronomy 1:11 (NIV)  "May the Lord, the God of your fathers, increase you a thousand times and bless you as He has promised!"
Moses spoke these words over the children of Israel as he encouraged them to go in and possess the land that God had promised to them.  God had such good plans for them and wanted to give them a thousand times more than what they had.  It was His intent to give them a land that flowed with milk and honey.  This Promised Land was theirs for the taking, but they refused to believe His words, and because they limited God through their unbelief, they never entered into His promise.  Except for Joshua and Caleb and the younger generation, they all died in the wilderness of defeat.
God still wants His children blessed beyond measure.  This doesn't necessarily mean that we will have everything that we want or that we will all be rich and famous, for prosperity and fame doesn't guarantee blessings.  Blessings go beyond the material and capture the true riches of life, which is happiness, joy, and peace.  Robert Louis Stevenson said:
    "The best things are nearest;
    Breath in your nostrils,
    Light in your eyes,
    Flowers at your feet,
    Duties at your hand,
    The path of God just before you."
As you journey through this next year, I pray God's blessings upon you in a new and fresh way.  I pray that you will recognize that blessings come from God's hands and also that you will realize that life's greatest blessings are the simple things.  True blessings and prosperity have nothing to do with the stuff you can gather around yourself, but are the relationships you establish and life itself.  May the Lord increase you a thousand times and bless you as He has promised!  May you have a Blessed and Prosperous New Year! +++

Copyright © 2006 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved   



Scripture:  I John 1:4  "And these things write we unto you that your joy might be full."
Today we stand on the edge of uncertain days, never knowing what the next news brief will bring.  Even though the events are happening far from us, we know that each fiber of news affects all of us in some area.  It's as though we have a sense that we are standing on the edge of eternity.  And yet, as we face the truth of these realities, we shouldn't allow a foreboding spirit to overwhelm us, for God is still in control.  He has scheduled our life for this time in history and is well able to take care of us.  As we stand facing uncertainties, we are to be encouraged, for we are also standing on the edge of glorious miracles and ministries.
The Apostle John was an eyewitness to the life of Jesus.  He had seen Jesus, had heard Him speak, and even had an opportunity to touch His nail scared hands.  As John wrote this letter while being inspired by the Holy Spirit, he said that he was sharing with us so that our joy might be full.  This letter is an intimate word from the Father God to His children who are in the world.  God has always been there for His people and He will be there for eternity.  God knew that we would be facing these days, but He did not leave us without light.  He gave us Jesus, the Light of the World, and He told us to walk in that Light and fellowship with that Light.
It is only as we follow these instructions that we can truly be full of joy.  It is true that we may enjoy the pleasures of sin, but those pleasures will only last for a short season (Hebrews 11:25).  Grief, sorrow, and heartache will soon follow as sin brings death and destruction.  Sin's cup of pleasure is never full.  It is always half empty.  It lacks fulfillment and never satisfies.  However, when we walk in the Light and Fellowship with the Light, who is Jesus, we begin to discern the differences between pleasures and true joy.  As we allow Jesus to show us the things in our lives that make Him sad and seek cleansing from all unrighteousness, He fills our cup.  And when He fills our cup, it runs over and we experience "joy unspeakable and full of glory" (I Peter 1:8). +++

Copyright © 2006 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved   



Scripture:  Job 19:25  "For I know that my Redeemer lives ..."
Job faced adversity in every area of his life.  He suffered the death of all of his children, endured the loss of all of his possessions, and was plagued with physical and mental anguish.  In the midst of Job's darkest hours, even his closest friends judged him and his wife sought to discourage him.  Job had nothing left to hold on to and no one to turn to, but he had the knowledge that His Redeemer still lived.  With this hope, he held on in faith and even though his body was being destroyed, he knew that he would one day see God (Job 19:26).  Because of Job's great and unwavering confidence, God blessed him so that he had more at the end of his life than he did at the beginning.
Just as with Job, trials come against our lives and storms buffet our ship.  Discouragement knocks at our heart's door and the temptation to give up becomes especially inviting when those we love and trust the most judge us because they misunderstand the reasons for our dilemma.  Yet it is in these places that we are given the opportunity to experience God in a greater way and come to understand His higher concepts.  There are blessings that we cannot receive if we do not endure the losses.  Joy is only realized at the expense of sorrow just as harvest comes only through hard labor and the sweat of the brow.  The blessings of a child come only through self-sacrifice and the pangs of childbirth.  There is always an exchange, and out of suffering emerge the greatest gifts and the strongest souls.
Scars are seen on those who have fought the battles and endured the trials.  Those scars are also signs of victory and will deepen your character if you allow them.  However, you must not dwell on their ill effects.  Instead of suffering defeat and lapsing into bitterness, you must allow God to reveal Himself in the midst of your affliction.  Like Job, your pain and suffering will take you beyond the veil of natural knowledge and bring you to a greater revelation of God.  When you put your total trust in God, you will be able to say, "Though God slay me, yet I will trust Him.  If I never see God perform another miracle, if I never feel His touch again, if He never answers another prayer for me, if all of my friends and loved ones reject me, if my body is wracked with pain, and all of my possessions are gone, I will still trust Him for I personally know that my Redeemer lives." +++


Copyright © 2006 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved   


A Word In Due Season
2nd Week of January 2006


Isaiah 43:19  "Behold, I will do a new thing."

God has always been a God of new things.  He has never been a hand me down God and doesn't like to settle into the old or become stagnant in His works.  Everything God creates is fresh.  Each mountain, river, and ocean is distinctly different, as is all of His other works of nature.  He is a master artist and every day He creates a new sunrise and a new sunset that is never to be repeated.  God's work is glorious and profound, and like He said in Genesis, "It is always good."

God makes a wonderful promise through Isaiah, the prophet, to do a new thing for His people.  He promised to make a way in the wilderness and create streams in the desert places for them.  He also promised to give them a path in the mighty waters.  He declared that He was their Lord, their Holy One, their Creator, and King.  He was all that they needed and all they would ever need.  God also promised new things for us.  When we receive Jesus into our hearts, we become a new creature with a new covenant and He gives us a new name (Revelations 2:17).  He creates within us a new heart and imparts a new Spirit into our lives (Ezekiel 36:26).  He instructs us to put on the new man (Ephesians 4:24) and gives us a new commandment and a new song (Psalm 40:3).  When He touches our lives with these new things we are totally transformed.

As you face the New Year, believe God to do new things in your life.  Remember that He is still your Creator.  Regardless of whether you are faced with a wilderness place or a dry barren desert, God has the answer.  He will make a way, create a stream, or do whatever is necessary to help you through your dilemma and correct your situation.  Trust in Him with all of your heart and don't lean upon your own understanding.  In all of your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths.  Don't base today's answer on yesterday's solutions, for God is doing a new thing in your life. +++

Copyright © 2006 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved   



Scripture:  I Timothy 6:20  "Keep that which is committed to your trust ... "
Another year lies before us and as with everything new and fresh, it begins with excitement.  At the beginning of the year, it is easy to commit to change, for there are new calendars to fill in, new journals to start, and new resolutions to make.  It's even easy to start a diet during this season because we are tired of all the food that we have consumed over the holidays.  Yet, as we go through the days and months ahead, we must realize that most of our commitments will be challenged.  As we settle into the routine affairs of life, the new will eventually wear off and the fresh season of change will disappear.  We will again find ourselves facing the mundane process of daily business.  We face pressures, experience disappointments, and have to overcome the obstacles that appear in our path.  This is life.
God is very gracious and giving and He commits many things into our hands.  He then tells us to keep those things that He has committed to us.  He gives us family and friends, finances, professions and ministries, material things, and our own being, but He expects us to guard and protect them.  He also gives us intangible things such as the revelation of His word, spiritual gifts, talents, and time, but makes us the stewards over them.  He diligently watches to see what care we give to these things that He has committed to our trust.  Throughout His word, God gives us instructions and examples to show us how we are to manage and handle all of these blessings, for they are not to be taken for granted or abused but to be handled with wisdom and discretion.  Yet, He doesn't just give us rules and regulations but instills His nature within us so that His character can dictate our actions.
As we think about the new year and the blessings that have been committed to us, let us be passionate and determined in our resolve to keep them even though many challenges will come our way.  Let us not grow weary but hold tightly to the natural and spiritual things that the Lord has so graciously entrusted to us.  Let us understand that He trusted us enough to make us managers over our own lives and His work here on Earth.  With His help, let us do the best we can to manage His endowment in a way that pleases Him. +++

Copyright © 2006 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved   



Scripture:  II Corinthians 6:2  "...Now is the accepted time; behold now is the day of salvation."
Many times we sit passively by, waiting for the manifestation of God's awesome works.  We may grow weary and impatient in the process and question God saying, "When."  "When am I going to be delivered from this situation or when are you going to move on my behalf?"  God's firm answer is, "Now."  "Now is the acceptable time; now is the day of salvation."   
God is waiting for us to appropriate the provisions of His promises for our own lives.  He wants to answer our prayers and see more of His wonders accomplished in our lives today than He has in the past seasons of our lives.  Our faith has the power to change our destiny and reverse our circumstances if we just activate it.  God longs for us to go from glory to glory by the anointing of His Holy Spirit.  He rejoices when we take hold of what He has promised and made possible through the life, death, and resurrection of His Son.  He is pleased as He witnesses our spiritual growth when His word illuminates our spirit with the revelation of His awesome power.  He rejoices as we receive answers to our prayers and solutions for our problems.  It thrills Him when He sees us celebrate our victories because we have overcome our adversaries.
When Jesus died on the cross, He declared that the work of Calvary was finished and that redemption was complete.  Healing had been paid for by the painful stripes that had been laid upon His back.  Agony and emotional stress were conquered as He sweat great drops of blood in the Garden of Gethsemane.  Peace and clarity of mind had been secured by the crown of thorns that pierced His tender brow.  Our shame was renounced as He, Himself, hung upon the cross in our place.  He unselfishly sacrificed His body and blood to pay the awful price of our sin and to overturn the curse of the law so that our day of salvation could be announced.  Let us rejoice in the good news of this gospel. +++

Copyright © 2006 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved   



Scripture:  I Timothy 4:12  "Be an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity."
There is an awesome power that dwells within our being.  Romans 8:11 tells us that it is the same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead and it is so powerful that it quickens our mortal body.  It also empowers us to minister to others as we touch their lives in a personal way.  Our mission doesn't start with a vision and then end when we reach that goal.  Our purpose is fulfilled as we make our journey towards our goal.  Our assignments are our family, our jobs, our friends, and our church.  Each and every gift that God has so graciously endowed to us belongs to them.
There is a great need and an abundant harvest before us.  If we remain sensitive in our spirit, we will recognize that no place is meaningless.  No matter where we find ourselves, that place is an open mission field to hurting souls, for everyone has needs of one kind or another.  Those who deny their need of others are living behind walls of deception that they have constructed to protect themselves for one reason or the other.  These individuals need our love most of all.  It may be a stranger you meet who has a scowl upon his face.  A consistent smile on your part may turn his life around.  I ventured to smile at someone each morning as I passed them at the post office.  The response that I received caused me to never want to smile at them again.  But as the days went by, the smiles I gave away soon returned to me.  I began to understand that the scowl was a billboard that simply advertised the pain that was in the heart.
The Apostle Paul told Timothy to be an example of the believers.  He was supposed to show what a believer did through the actions of his own daily life.  He was to put God above the system of the world.  We must make a decision to do the same and then keep that commitment.  An example of a believer is one who is willing to make sacrifices as Christ did for the church.  We must allow the anointing of God's Spirit to flow through us and quicken us in such a manner that as we touch others it will cause them to come alive.  Our words should be examples, ministering grace to the hearer.  Our love and faith should ignite the love and faith in others.  Our conversation and life should enhance the way they live their lives and our purity should convict them to remain pure.  These six words can change the world about you; Be An Example Of The Believers." +++

Copyright © 2006 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved   



Scripture:  II Timothy 4:16-17  "No man stood with me, but all men forsook me ... But the Lord stood with me, and strengthen me."
Earlier in this chapter, Paul says that he fought a good fight, he finished his course, and he kept the faith.  He had a determination not to let anything or anyone deter him from preaching the gospel and fulfilling God's plan for his life.  Paul goes on to explain that Demas deserted him and that a coppersmith by the name of Alexander did much evil towards him.  Not only that, Paul faced other disappointments.  When he had his court hearing, no one defended him.  Paul found himself standing alone, but took comfort in his situation, for he knew that the Lord was with him and would strengthen him.
There are seasons in life when relationships become strained or cease to be.  Those who were with you suddenly turn and leave with no decent explanations.  And those who have conflicting opinions stir up confusion and fight against you.  For one reason or another, you are abandoned by those that you loved and trusted and those that you thought loved you.  And like Paul, there seems to be no help even though you are endeavoring to serve the Lord.  In your darkest hour, you are left alone in the arena of life to manage your disappointments and your discouragement.  
However, you can always take comfort in knowing that God will always be there for you.  Even though others desert you, He will never leave you or forsake you.  Each new door will present the opportunity to fail or succeed, to win or lose, to continue or to quit.  The actions and opinions of others do not fit into this equation.  It remains your choice to fulfill God's will and purposes for your own life.  With Paul, he fought a good fight, he finished his course, and he kept the faith.  Regardless of his hardships and the disappointments of his relationships, he did not quit and his battle scars won him a crown of righteousness.  God also has a crown for you.  Trust in Him when all others forsake you.  He will give you strength to endure the present and empower you for the task that is set before you. +++

Copyright © 2006 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved   


A Word In Due Season
3rd Week of January 2006

Scripture:  Philippians 1:12  "I want you to know, beloved, that what has happened to me has actually helped to spread the gospel ..."
The Apostle Paul was an amazing person.  It was as though nothing could discourage him.  He allowed nothing to separate him from the love of God, nor did he allow anything to deter him from the call of God on his life.  When he found himself in prison, instead of grumbling, complaining, and questioning God, he wrote letters to the churches.  Even though he was facing hardships and death itself, he made an effort to encourage the saints and ministers.  When Paul wrote to them in the first chapter of Philippians, he didn't speak concerning his sad state of affairs or beg them for their sympathy.  Instead, Paul told them, "Every time you cross my mind, I thank God for you.  I commend you for your faithfulness, and I pray for you with joy in my heart."
Paul could rejoice and be content in the place where he found himself because he had an assurance that God was in control of his life.  He knew that God was still God whether he, himself, was in prison or living in freedom.  Paul also knew that all things were going to work together for good for him because he loved God and was following after God's purpose.  Therefore, Paul stood in faith as he looked at his circumstances and chose to let his conflict become a blessing to others.  He forgot about his reputation and his own personal comfort, and as a result of his selflessness, the prison guards heard the message of Jesus Christ.  The confidence of the Christians was also increased because they saw Paul's all consuming desire to advance the gospel and witnessed his unwavering spirit of fearlessness.
Paul teaches us a great life lesson in this chapter.  Every hardship in our life presents us with an opportunity of response.  In our hour of conflict, we can become discouraged that God has selected us to go through the fiery trial or we can become a witness as we pray for others and rejoice that God is using us to promote their spiritual growth.  When adversity comes, we can face it with unwavering faith in the living God, or we can fall to pieces.  When afflictions come, we can believe God's word that says, "Many are the afflictions of the righteous but God delivers them out of them all" (Psalms 34:19), or we can lose faith in God's word.  In the midst of every heart-breaking situation, we can murmur and complain, or we can encourage our brethren by saying, "I want you to know, beloved, that what has happened to me has actually helped to spread the gospel."  In other words, when we face difficult circumstances and adversities, we can either choose to imprison the message and life of Jesus Christ that is on the inside of us or we can choose to share Him freely. +++

Copyright © 2006 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved   


Scripture:  James 2:18  "I will show you my faith by my works."

A quote from God's Little Devotional Book says, "He who wants milk should not sit on a stool in the middle of the pasture expecting the cow to back up to him."  We could say the same thing about the finished work of faith.  It is not just a thought in the mind or a dream in the heart.  Faith is substance and acts in obedience to God's word.  It does not sit and wait for the thing hoped for to come to it.  The farmer who wants milk takes action.  And the man who wants to see his vision from God come to pass must also take action.  Our action is the demonstration of our faith.

However, action without God's instruction is presumption.  Romans 10:17 tells us that "Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God."  True faith hears a word from God, believes it, and then acts as if God spoke the truth.  At the same time that faith is acting, it is also resting in a faithful God.  It never struggles.  Look at some of the actions that took place when God spoke and caused faith came alive in the hearts of men:

    Noah built an ark and saved his household.
    Abraham journeyed throughout the land and claimed it as an
        inheritance for his descendants.
    Moses stretched forth his rod and parted the Red Sea, delivering
        Israel from the hands of the Egyptians.
    The widow of Zarephat baked a cake for the prophet Elijah, and
        her provisions were sustained throughout the famine.
    Peter launched into the deep at Jesus' command, and took in so
        many fish that his boat began to sink.
    The young lad sacrificed his five loaves and two fish to Jesus
        and saw a multitude fed and a twelve basket return.
    The servants at the wedding of Cana filled pots with water and
        Jesus turned the water into wine.

What if Noah had not built the ark or Moses had not lifted his rod in obedience to God's word?  And what if Abraham had been too fearful to leave his homeland?  Or what if Peter had refused to go back out into the water after he had fished all night and caught nothing?  What would have happened to the multitude if the young boy had not sacrificed his lunch?  Without obedient action, none of these would have received the manifestation of God's promise.  Faith requires action, so when and whatever God says unto you, do it if you want to see results (John 2:5). +++

Copyright © 2006 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved   



Scripture:  Jeremiah 1:5  "Before I formed you in the belly, I knew you."
What an awesome thought this is, that you were in the mind of God before you were ever conceived.  Before the almighty God ever began to form you in your mother's womb, He envisioned your being.  When you were born you were no accident or surprise to Him, for He had already made plans for you and designed purposes for your life.  When He formed you, He made you into the person that He, Himself, wanted you to be and all of your thoughts of self-worth should be wrapped up in that knowledge.  You are who you are by God's design.
Every beautiful diamond started as a piece of coal from the Earth.  Every smooth lustrous pearl began with an insignificant piece of sand or other foreign matter that was lodged in the shell of an oyster.  Every precious gem had to be cut from a rugged rock and polished into perfection.  Every beautiful pot was first a lump of clay that was filled with rocks, hard clumps, and impurities.  Every precious gold and silver ornament or vessel came from the Earth and had to be discovered and then refined by fire.  Each of these beautiful things had a glorious future, but each had to be worked with until the finished product was completed. 
Your life is no less significant than the most beautiful diamond, lustrous pearl, precious gem, beautiful pot, or a vessel of silver or gold.  Only God is able to create these beautiful things, and even though you were created from the dust of the ground like Adam and Eve, you were created and formed by God, Himself.  The creation of your total being is a miracle of God.  Your voice and your fingerprints are like no others.  Your thoughts are totally individual.  You are a special being handcrafted and fashioned by God and He values you and your life.  He is concerned about all of your needs, and even though He takes special interests in the flowers of the field and the birds of the air, you are more valuable to Him than any of these creations.  When situations fail and relationships cease, leaving you with thoughts of self-worthlessness, allow God's words to defeat those thoughts.  You will always be worthy in His eyes, for he declared that He knew you before He formed you. +++

Copyright © 2006 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved   

Scripture:  I Corinthians 14:8  "For if the trumpet give an uncertain sound, who shall prepare himself to the battle?
The ancient Hebrews used an instrument that was called a shofar, which was a trumpet that was made from a ram's horn.  It was used to sound an alarm, to summon the people together, or in various rituals.  It dictated to the people what their response should be, for it made certain and clear sounds with a specific purpose in mind, which was to call the people to war, celebration, or worship.  It is still used today by the Jewish people at their New Year's celebration of Rosh Hashanah and their most holy day of Yon Kippur.
The shofar was put under much pressure before it became the instrument that could be used in such a manner.  It had to be cut from the ram and the inside of it had to be totally gutted and made clean.  It then had to be boiled until it was soft and pliable and put under fire so that it could be shaped.  After this process was complete, the shofar had to be sanded until it became smooth.  Only after this enduring process was it ready to fulfill its purpose and its destiny, which was to make a clarion call to battle, celebration, or worship.
The Apostle Paul encouraged us to be like a trumpet that gives forth a certain sound.  We all want to fulfill that call and purpose, but not many of us want to go through the process of becoming the instrument that God can work through, for it is much like the process of refining the shofar.  Our souls must be cut away from everything that would hinder our freedom in Christ and we must allow ourselves to be totally cleaned within by God's Holy Spirit.  This is not an easy process because God offends our minds in order to test our hearts.  Often we do not understand His works of righteousness, for there is much pain that is involved to affect His purposes in our lives.  He allows us to experience the fire so that we become soft and pliable enough to be shaped in His hands.  Then just about the time that we think He is finished and we are ready, He begins the sanding process.  We must remember God is not trying to be cruel to us.  He just wants to make sure that our words and lives are making a clear and certain sound to those about us.  We are the hope of His glory and His kingdom depends upon our testimony.  We are epistles read of all men and we are not to be confusing to those about us.  Our lives are to be sure and our sound is to be certain, whether it is a call to battle, celebration, or worship. +++

Copyright © 2006 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved   



Scripture:  Luke 17:4-5  "If your brother trespass against you seven times in a day, and seven times in a day turns again to you saying, I repent; you shall forgive him.  And the apostles said unto the Lord, Increase our faith."
As Jesus was teaching about forgiveness and the necessity to forgive again and again, His disciples asked Him to increase their faith.  The two main things in this context of scripture is faith and forgiveness, for it takes faith to forgive.  Jesus responded by telling them that they only needed a little faith as a grain of a mustard seed.  He said that with a small amount of faith, they could tell the sycamine tree to be plucked up and cast into the sea, and it would obey.  The sycamine tree was known for its particularly strong roots and was regarded as almost impossible to be uprooted.  Yet with just a little faith, even the roots of bitterness and unforgiveness could be uprooted and cast into the sea. 
In verse one, Jesus says that it is impossible for offenses to never come.  We live in an imperfect world and at some point in time, we will offend others as well as be offended by them.  Misunderstandings will happen, views and opinions will clash, and actions will be disappointing.  Time and time again, our feelings will be hurt and our hearts will be broken by those we love.  Jesus let us know that even though repeated offenses are frustrating, we must always forgive.  In another scripture, Jesus told Peter to forgive seventy times seven, which equals four hundred and ninety times (Matthew 18:22).  Four hundred and ninety times is a lot of forgiving, but Jesus was stressing the point that regardless of what is happening, we can't allow offenses to take root in our heart.  If offenses take root, they will become like the roots of a sycamine tree, strong and almost impossible to deal with.
Matthew 6:15 says, "If we do not forgive others, we also cannot be forgiven by our Father in Heaven."  The unforgiving spirit and bitterness caused by the offenses that we harbor in our hearts will make it impossible for us to receive forgiveness from God.  It does take faith to forgive in the manner that Jesus described, but forgiveness is a choice.  It is also God's law and it works.  You must trust that your offender's repentance is true and you must forgive them, and forgive them, and forgive them, and then continue to forgive.  You must exercise your faith to forgive, seventy times seven if necessary.  So at the first sign of offense, use the little faith that you have and forgive. +++

Copyright © 2006 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved   

=================================================================================A Word In Due Season
4th Week of January 2006


Scripture:  I Samuel 25:29  "Yet a man is risen to pursue you, and to seek your soul:  but the soul of my lord shall be bound in the bundle of life with the Lord your God; and the souls of your enemies, shall He sling out ..."
David and his men had faithfully protected Nabal and all of his possessions for some length of time.  Yet Nabal refused to provide food for David's men.  This angered David to such a degree that he swore that he would kill Nabal and destroy all that David and his men had protected.  When Nabal's wife, Abigail, heard of David's plan she reminded him that his life was wrapped up in the plans of God.  She wisely counseled David not to shed innocent blood because of Nabal's evil actions.  She told David that if he were to shed innocent blood to avenge his own hurt, it would bring him grief and be a future offense to his own heart, for he would always look back and regret that he had moved out of the will of God in his anger.  Up to this time, there had been no evil in David's heart.  All of the battles that he had fought and all the blood that he had shed had been for the sake of the Lord and not for his own vengeance.
It was a common practice in those days to put jewelry or coins inside a piece of cloth and bind it at the top for safe keeping.  Abigail reminded David that he was like a valuable jewel that God had wrapped up in a bundle.  God used Abigail as an instrument to make David aware that the enemy was pursuing and provoking him in order to gain his soul.  Nabal's actions had caused David to forget who he was and where he was headed.  David's destiny was at stake.  He had been chosen by God to be the future King of Israel and was safely hidden and protected in God.  David's enemies, however, were victims of God's wrath and were like loose stones that God would sling out to avenge David if David waited on God.  David blessed Abigail for her advice and allowed God to fight his battle for him and saved his own soul from judgment.

Your battles and your destiny are not the same as David's, yet you face the same enemy who pursues your soul and tries to provoke you to evil.  You may walk in love and strive to live in peace with those about you, but many times you are repaid with rejection and abuse.  Like the situation with David and Nabal, the devil may work hard to cause you to react in some way to avenge yourself so that he can draw you into temptation and destroy your witness.  Satan wants you to fail so that he can fill your heart with grief and cause you to be an offense to your own self and the ministry that God has called you to do.  The devil will use others who are like Nabal to do things that will cause you to suddenly forget who you are, where you are headed, and the ultimate purpose of God for your life.  He will challenge you to trade one moment of revenge for the future and destiny that God has ordained for you.  Always remember that God knows what is happening and He is in control.  When you face a provoking spirit such as David did, stay in peace and allow God to avenge you.  You are His special treasure and He is holding you safely in the bundle of His life. +++

Copyright © 2006 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved   




Scripture:  John 15:2  "Every branch that beareth fruit, He purges it, that it may bring forth more fruit."

Jesus spoke comforting words to us concerning the purging and pruning process that happens in our lives.  When God begins to purge or prune you, it is a sign of two things.  First, it is a sign that you are already a fruit-bearing branch because Jesus said, "Every branch that is bearing fruit He purges it."  Second, it is a sign that He is preparing you to "bring forth more fruit."  God is not happy with just "fruit," He wants "more fruit."  As we watch the gardener prune the shrubs just before Spring we often wonder if the shrubs will be able to return, for it seems they are left hopeless and bare.  But it is all a part of God's plan, for it is only in the pruning that new strength and life can be gained.  So it is with your spiritual life.  God cuts away and separates you from the things that are unnecessary.  Sometimes it's things that you really enjoy or friendships that you don't want to give up.  But the convicting power of the Holy Spirit and the Word of God leads you to lay those relationships aside and follow God in a closer walk.  Other times you feel the pain of His pruning shears through trials and tribulations that separate you from your own selfish desires.


God sees your future and knows the work that He wants to produce in your life.  He also knows just how much to cut away so that you can produce more fruit.  Verse three says that He convicts and cleanses you through the Word that He speaks to you.  Hebrews 4:12 says, "The word of God is quick and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart."  His word goes right to your spirit and heart and prunes away all that would leave you stunted.

You are only left to yourself and not pruned when God does not expect you to bear any more fruit.  Sometimes you may see your hopes and dreams fade away as He prunes your life, but "His ways and thoughts are much higher than your thoughts" (Isaiah 55:8-9).  He has a good plan in mind and He wants to enlarge your borders.  At the moment, all that you can see is the purging, and all that you can feel is the pain, but God sees a productive season and a fuller life ahead for you.  He envisions the fruit that you will bear so don't be discouraged.  Remember that in every pruning experience, you have this assurance that your loving Father is the one who is holding the pruning shears. +++

Copyright © 2006 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved   


Scripture:  Luke 4:18  "The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because He has anointed me to ... set at liberty those that are bruised."

The word "bruise" has two meanings.  A physical bruise is an injury in which the skin is not broken, but the blood vessels underneath are ruptured and are hemorrhaging.  The second definition of bruise refers to a psychological injury.  The Greek translation of "bruise" in this scripture refers to the second definition.  It means the injury of one's feelings, to crush, or to hurt psychologically by pounding into minute fragments.  Both of these type of bruises hurt, but most often the second one is most painful.
At some point in your life, you most likely have experienced an emotional injury that has left you feeling totally crushed.  Emotional bruising and crushing come through various circumstances such as death, divorce, financial disappointments, or debilitating illness.  Adverse circumstances and situations such as these pound and shatter us into minute fragments until we reach the point of hopelessness.  Life seems unfair and we are stripped of the desire to go on.  Like a physical bruise, our emotions suffer much pain, and long after the injury, this emotional bruising is still visible in our lives.  We may try very hard to hide our feelings from others like we try to hide a bad physical bruise, but the tenderness in our hearts, minds, and emotions remain and it can be sensed by others who are close to us.

Bruised emotions are a form of captivity, but there is a release, for Jesus was anointed to set at liberty those who have been injured in this way.  Galatians 5:1 says, "Stand fast therefore in the liberty where with Christ has made you free, and don't be entangled again with the yoke of bondage."  If you have been bruised emotionally, Jesus came to proclaim liberty to you and to set you free and He wants you to stay free.  He opened the door for you to leave your captivity, but you must not allow yourself to be entangled with the yoke of bondage.  When you leave your bruised emotions behind, you must not go back to your place of captivity.  Obey the scriptures that say, "Think on the things that are true, honest, just, pure, lovely, of good report, of virtue, or of praise" (Philippians 4:8).  In other words, refuse to allow your mind to dwell on the things that bruised and crushed you in the past.  Don't keep hitting your bruise.  Allow yourself to heal and allow God to set you free.  He is able to restore you and put you back together again if you give Him all the pieces. +++

Copyright © 2006 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved   


Scripture:  Psalms 1:1 (NIV)  "Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the ungodly, or stand in the way of the sinners, or sit in the seat of the scornful."
This psalm gives us the characteristics of the man that is blessed and speaks of his righteous behavior and of his fruitfulness.  A blessed man "does not walk in the counsel of the ungodly."  In other words, he doesn't lean upon the world's system, but instead looks to God for wisdom (James 1:5).  The blessed man makes Jesus his Wonderful Counselor, for the Spirit of wisdom and understanding rests upon Jesus (Isaiah 9:6).  We are blessed when we are able to trust the One who has these attributes and when we allow Him to lead us by His Spirit.  As we listen to His still small voice, we will hear Him speak words of wisdom concerning all the matters that we do not understand.

Second, the blessed man "does not stand in the way of sinners."  He doesn't visit or hang out in the places where sinners go so that he doesn't put himself in the position to compromise his convictions in a moment of pressure.  George Washington warned us that, "Bad company corrupts good behavior."  We often become whom we are with, so we must turn ourselves away from enticing situations.

Third, the man who is blessed "does not sit in the seat of the scornful."  David refused to sit with the wicked (Psalms 26:5) and Jeremiah, the prophet, chose to sit alone because the hand of the Lord was upon him.  He had rather be by himself than to sit in the assembly of the mockers (Jeremiah 15:17).  There are times we must choose to separate ourselves from negative influences if we want to be blessed by God.  Notice that the scorner or the mocker was listed with the wicked and sinner. 

And fourth, the blessed man "delights in the law of the Lord and meditates in God's word day and night."  He continually thinks on the word, rolling it over and over in his mind and spirit until it speaks God's wisdom to him.  One of David's prayers was that the meditations of his heart would be acceptable to God.  This should also be our prayer if we desire to fall into the category of the blessed.  When the psalmist spoke of the blessed man, he listed four results that would occur in our lives when we meditate upon God's Word and allow it to rule our heart.

1)  Stability - "He shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water."
2)  Fruitfulness - "He shall bring forth fruit in his season."
3)  Beauty - "His leaf shall not wither."
4)  Prosperity - "Whatever he does shall prosper."
If you want to be blessed in this manner then stay planted by the rivers of water.  Draw your strength from the Lord and do not walk, stand, or sit in places or with people that will distort God's Word and draw you away from the Living Water.  +++

Copyright © 2006 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved   


Scripture:  I Peter 4:16  "Yet if any man suffer as a Christian, let him not be ashamed, but let him glorify God on this behalf."

Suffering as a Christian is much different than suffering the consequences that result from wrongdoings, for it has purpose and brings honor instead of shame.  Since Christ suffered for us, we need to have the same mindset and be willing to suffer for His purposes.  In verse twelve Peter said, "Beloved, do not be amazed and bewildered at the fiery ordeal which is taking place to test your quality, as though something strange or unusual were happening to you."  Peter was fully aware that at times we would look at our tests and trials and think, "This situation is really strange."  He knew that questions would come to our mind but encouraged us to glorify God in the midst of our adversity.
We can glorify God because there are strengths that come through suffering, for in our sufferings our weaknesses are revealed to us and a dependence upon God is created within us.  Through suffering, God destroys our self-reliance, which is the highest form of pride.  God gave us an example in the apostle Paul, who was given a thorn in his flesh to keep him from self-exaltation.  Although Paul prayed three times for deliverance, God's response was, "My grace is sufficient for you: for My strength is made perfect in weakness."  Paul declared that he was glad to glory in his infirmities so that the power of Christ could rest upon him (II Corinthians 12:7-9).  For in Paul's weakness and dependence the glory of God was revealed.

Suffering also makes us more useable for God.  I Peter 1:7 says, "The trial of your faith is more precious than gold that perishes, though it is tried with fire."  Testing and trials purify our hearts like gold that is purified in the fire, for only through trials are the impurities burned away, and we become a pure vessel fit for the Master's use.  Another accomplishment of suffering is that the trials and testings that we go through provide us with experience to encourage others.  II Corinthians 1:4 tells us that God comforts and encourages us in every trouble so that we may also be able to comfort and encourage others.  Through suffering, we learn to minister, for we can only bring someone out of a valley that we have already been through.

When facing trials and tests, don't consider it a strange ordeal, but rather put your trust in God and depend upon Him.  His grace is sufficient enough to help you endure the purifying fire.  Rejoice to know that you will be strengthened through your sufferings so never be ashamed in your affliction.  Rather, give glory to God, knowing that He is qualifying you to minister to others with the same comfort that He is presently extending towards you. +++

Copyright © 2006 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved   


A Word In Due Season
5th Week of January 2006


Scripture:  John 14:14 "If you will ask anything in My Name, I will do it"  (John 14:14).
"If" is such a small word yet it holds within itself great potential, for much of what happens to us depends upon our response to this tiny word.  The word "if" is like the small hinge that allows a big door to open and shut.  Our simple response to God's "if" opens up enormous possibilities, for many promises in the scriptures are conditional upon our acts of obedience.  God gives us a binding contract in His Word and says, "If you will, then I will."  He then waits for our participation in this agreement and when we act in faith upon His word, He watches over it to perform it.  
We all need redemption for our souls and God stands on the other side of "if" and declares, "If you shall confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and shall believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you shall be saved" (Romans 10:9).  We grope around in darkness searching for light, and God says, "If you will draw out your soul to the hungry, and satisfy the afflicted soul, then shall your light rise in obscurity, and your darkness be as the noonday" (Isaiah 58:10).  When we need answers to prayer, God is sitting on the other side of "if' in Heaven waiting for us to call out to Him, for He says, "If My people, which are called by My Name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from Heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land" (II Chronicles 7:14).  On the other side of "if" the Lord listens for our prayers of agreement and promises that, "If two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father, which is in Heaven" (Matthew 18:19).  We experience weariness in our labor, but God encourages us with the words "If you faint not, you will reap in due season."  We desire to be used by God and from the other side of 'if", we hear Him say, "If you purge yourself, you will be a vessel of honor and fit for the Master's use" (II Timothy 2:21).  We desperately need forgiveness, and He says, "If we confess our sins, He will be faithful and just to forgive our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness" (I John 1:9).   
We stand on this side of 'If" with many needs while the Lord is on the other side ready and able to meet those needs.  He is waiting for us.  If we seek the Lord, we will find Him.  If we have faith, we can speak to mountains to be removed.  If we serve God, He will honor us.  If we love one another, all men shall know that we are His disciples.  There is an endless list of what awaits for us on the other side of this challenging word "if."  Our help and deliverance comes from God, but we have a large part in the outcome.  If we want to see God's word completed in our life, we must focus not only on the potential blessing that God has stored up for us but also meet the requirements that are needed to receive His promise. +++

Copyright © 2006 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved   

Scripture:  Deuteronomy 8:18  "But you shall remember the Lord your God: for it is He that gives you power to get wealth, that He may establish His covenant ..."
These words spoken by Moses make two things very clear concerning finances and blessings.  First, Moses identifies the Lord our God as being the source of our wealth.  He instructs us to remember the Lord, for He is the One who gives us the power to gain wealth.  We have nothing that did not come from His gracious hands.  We may think that we earned it all but the truth is that He gave us the abilities and He placed us in positions to gain our wealth.  If you think about it, the power to get wealth is worth more than the wealth itself, for wealth in itself can be lost in a moment's time.  We have witnessed this truth recently throughout the world as the tsunamis, hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, and fires have suddenly destroyed the possessions of many.  Their wealth failed as they lost their possessions, but the power to get wealth will enable them to regain everything that they lost, for God is able to restore all things and cause all things to work together for good in their lives.
Second, Moses states the purpose for our wealth and blessings is so that God can establish His covenant with His people.  This is much the same as the unspoken covenant that we have with our own children.  When they are born, we become committed to provide their food, clothing, allow them their special place at the family table, and meet their emotional needs.  As they grow and continue to mature, we allow them other special opportunities such as the privilege of driving the car.  As the parent, we are the source of their blessings and we share those blessings with them simply because they are our children and we love them. 
God feels the same towards us.  Yet our prosperity is never about us, but about what God wants to do with us, for we are only stewards of the material blessings that God bestows upon us.  Remember that God's wish is that you prosper and be in health and this will happen as you first seek God's kingdom.  As your soul prospers, God's blessings will come upon you so that He can use you to establish His covenant in the Earth.  That means sharing with those who have nothing and who are not gifted with the power to gain wealth for themselves.  God is never limited by our circumstances, but we must understand that contrary to everyone's wishes, not everyone is going to be rich in this world's goods, for Jesus, Himself, said that you will have the poor with you always.  If you really want to be blessed with the power to gain wealth, then begin to be a blessing to those about you and seek to meet the needs of others.  God will see your compassion and faithfulness.  Even the smallest gift that you share to establish His covenant in the Earth will become a seed that will reap a harvest in your own life so that He can give you more to share. +++

Copyright © 2006 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved   
