A Word In Due Season
1st Week of November 2006


Scripture:  Psalms 40:8  "I delight to do Thy will, O my God."
We often pray the phrase that is in the Lord's Prayer that says, "Thy will be done," but we rarely think about the consequences that may happen when this prayer is answered.  We tend to forget that life and death is in the power of the tongue and that our words set things into motion.  It is very easy to declare our total surrender to the will of God because we love God and truly want His will to be accomplished in our life.  Yet, when things begin to change and we find that God's will is much different that our own will, it is another story.  It is hard to put everything into God's hand and allow Him full control, for even though our spirit is willing our flesh is very weak.
Jesus came to Earth to do the will of the Father (Hebrews 10:7).  God's will for Jesus was that Jesus leave the splendor and glory of Heaven and come to Earth to redeem man from sin.  Jesus' venture wasn't just a journey to Earth but a life that was destined for humility and sacrifice.  He would face every temptation known to man; yet, He would live a life that remained holy and free of all sin.  He would be ridiculed, mocked, rejected, despised, spit upon, brutally beaten, and then hung on a cross in shame to die, not for His own transgressions but for yours and mine.  In the course of events, He would be in so much agony that He would sweat great drops of blood.  Yet He still submitted and committed Himself to do the Father's will, saying, "Not My will, but Thine be done."  He delighted in doing the will of God because He knew that through His obedience, He would destroy the works of the devil.  Completing the will of God meant that He would be able to deliver men out of the kingdom of darkness and translate them into the kingdom of light.  God's will meant that Jesus would heal the sick and raise the dead.  He would cause the blind to see, the deaf to hear, and the lame to walk.  He would turn water into wine, calm the raging seas, and feed the thousands because it was God's will that He work miracles.  God's will was that Jesus would preach and teach the Word of God to a multitude of people and that His life would leave such a powerful witness that nearly 2000 years later, people would still be calling upon His name to be delivered.
Yielding to God's will may not always be easy, but it is always the best thing to do.  His ways are so much higher than our ways.  The safest place to be is in the perfect will of God, for you know that no matter what happens, God is in control.  He is sitting in Heaven and He is managing your life.  You can't lose because while Satan is sifting you as wheat, Jesus is there at the right hand of Father interceding for you.  You can be sure that all things will work together for good because you are in the will of God.  You should delight in fulfilling God's will for your life, for when you are in His will, you are not just in His plan, you are in His hands. +++

Copyright © 2006 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    

Scripture:  Luke 4:13  "And when the devil had ended all the temptation, he departed from Jesus for a season.  And Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit into Galilee, and there went out of fame of Him through all the regions round about."
The devil's plan was to cause Jesus to fail when he tempted Him in the wilderness.  He sought to kill, steal and destroy Jesus and the purposes of God for His life, but the devil's plan did not work.  Jesus came out of the temptations stronger and more determined to do God's will.  He chose to suffer for the sins of men rather than to receive the earthly glory that was being offered to Him.  After successfully resisting the temptations, Jesus returned to Galilee in the power of the Spirit.  He began to teach in the synagogues and was glorified of all.  The anointing was so strong upon Him that His fame spread throughout all of the regions. 
Jesus went through a very negative experience before He entered in and received God's best.  He had to pass some very hard tests, but in the midst of the temptations, He did not lose hope, become critical, or get depressed.  He just kept standing in faith and quoting the Word of God.  Notice that when the temptations were finished, the devil departed from Jesus for a season.  The devil was only allowed a short time to do his work, and then he had to leave.
When negative things begin to happen in your life, you must be assured that something good is on its way.  Tests are not meant so much for God's benefit so that He will know how strong you are.  He knows you better than you know yourself. Tests are meant for you.  Each test completed and passed brings you up to a new level and reveals to you your own strengths and weaknesses.  When Jesus came out of His temptations, He knew that He was the Son of God, for Satan continually challenged Him in that area with the words, "If You be the Son of God."  Jesus hung on to His true identity and did not let go.  When the tests were ended, the knowledge and security that Jesus received in the midst of the tests caused Him to come out in the power of the Spirit.
Like Jesus, you too must establish in your heart your true identity and purpose and not allow the devil to misrepresent you or manipulate you in any way.  You may have to go through some very negative experiences before you receive God's best.  Yet, you must remember that temptations will only last for a season and that good is on its way.  The choices that you make in the midst of the temptation will determine the level of trust that God will have in you.  Like Jesus, you can choose to either give in to temptation or come out in the power of the Spirit. +++

Copyright © 2006 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    

Scripture:  Isaiah 30:15  "In quietness and in confidence shall be your strength."

Regardless of whether we are homemakers or business executives, our schedules often become hectic and hurried.  Deadlines have to be reached and appointments met.  There is so much to do with so little time to do it, and before we know it, we are stretched to the limit and stressed out.  The answer to this daily dilemma is found in God's word.  It is the simple spiritual law of quietness before God.  Like the law of gravity, I can't explain it, but I know that it works.  As we take a few moments to get quiet in the presence of the Lord, He supplies us with a grace that gives us strength to meet every challenge.

Isaiah 40:30-31 declares that even "the young will faint and be weary, but they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength."  Waiting on the Lord enables you to draw strength from Him so that you can complete your course without weariness or fainting.  Being quiet and putting your confidence in God is a discipline that shows your submission to the sovereignty of God and His will.  As you wait and are still before God, He directs your paths and makes the crooked ways straight.  Things will then fall into place without stress and struggle.

Even though Jesus had only three years to complete His ministry assignment on earth, He took time to rest.  In Mark 6:3, He told the disciples "Come apart into a desert place, and rest for awhile."  One minister said if we don't "come apart and rest" we will "come apart."  Jesus knew the importance of taking time to wait before God.  In Luke 6:12, He prayed all night and in Mark 1:35, He arose a great while before day, went into a solitary place, and prayed.  He knew His strength came from the confidence that He gained while He was in the quietness of God's presence.

Reflect on the concepts of this prayer and allow your soul to be quiet and slow down.  Authorship of this prayer is unknown.

   "Slow me down, Lord!
    Ease the pounding of my heart by the quieting of my mind.
    Steady my hurried pace with a vision of the eternal reach of time.
    Give me, midst the confusion of the day, the calmness of the
        everlasting hills.
    Break the tensions of my nerves and muscles with the soothing music
        of the singing streams that live in my memory.
    Help me to know the magical, restoring power of sleep.
    Teach me the art of taking minute vacations.....
        of slowing down to look at a flower, to chat with a friend,
        to pat a dog, or to read a few lines from a good book.
    Remind me each day of the fable of the hare and the tortoise
        that I may know that the race is not always to the swift;
        that there is more to life than increasing its speed.
    Let me look upward into the branches of the towering oak and
        know that it grew great and strong because it grew slowly and well.
    Slow me down, Lord, and inspire me
        to send my roots deep into the soil of life's enduring values
        that I may grow toward the stars of my great destiny.
                            In Jesus' Name.  Amen" +++

Copyright © 2006 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    

A Word In Due Season
2nd Week of November 2006


Scripture:  Psalm 119:49-50  "Remember the word unto Your servant, upon which You have caused me to hope.  This is my comfort in my affliction: for Your word has quickened me."

Seasons of affliction and distress come to all of us, but our victory during these times of trial and testing depends upon our response.  The harder the test, the easier it is to give up and accept the defeat of the devil.  However, the right response to times of affliction is found in this psalm.  The psalmist responded by holding on to the Word of God that had been quickened, or made alive, in his heart and he allowed that Word to be his comfort.  He did not become embittered about his circumstances or curse God.  He simply reminded God of His Word and trusted God to honor it.

Many times in the midst of our affliction, we try to hold on to a word from God that hasn't been made alive to us.  We've heard someone else quote it and have seen them receive their answer, so we assume that it will work for us.  We act in superficial faith, believing for the same results.  But acting on someone else's miracle is not faith.  "Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God" (Romans 10:17).  Faith comes when we hear God speak the Word to us.  When He speaks, His words are full of power and the miracle comes because the Holy Spirit brings life to that word or scripture.  Notice that God caused the psalmist to hope in His Word.  Because God was connected with the Word that had been given, it was a comfort to the psalmist.  God had breathed on His Word and infused it with power, causing it to come alive in the psalmist's spirit.  God was the source of the psalmist's hope.

If you need a scripture to come alive in your heart that will bring comfort, it is only a prayer away.  The psalmist showed us how he was quickened by the Word.  He prayed in Psalms 119:107, "I am afflicted very much.  Quicken me, O Lord, according to Your Word."  He purposely asked God to quicken Him and bring him life.  There are scriptures that are written to meet every need that you may have and bring deliverance for every bondage that is holding you captive.  You must search the scriptures and find those that pertain to your situation, and then remind God of what He has said.  Meditate on those scriptures and read them aloud.  As you do, ask God to quicken you with those words.  Do this again and again until your spirit is made alive by those words from God.  It is sort of like striking a match repeatedly until it finally ignites.  Faith will come but it will come by hearing.  When the Word of God ignites in your spirit, faith will arise to bring comfort in the time of affliction, for "God's words are spirit, and they are life" (John 6:63). +++

Copyright © 2006 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


Scripture:  Luke 15:22  "The father said to his servants, Bring forth the best robe, and put it on him; and put a ring on his hand, and shoes on his feet."
The story of the prodigal son is one of the greatest stories of forgiveness and repentance.  When we read this story, we know that forgiveness was always in the heart of the father, for he watched intently for his son to return.  I feel certain that this loving father forgave his son at the onset of his son's rebellion when he asked to receive an early inheritance.  I believe the father forgave his son when his son left home and foolishly squandered all of his father's hard earned money on riotous living.  I think the father looked beyond the financial loss because his main concern was for his son's safety and that their relationship be restored.  Yet even with his heart of love and forgiveness, the father could not bring his son back home where he belonged.  He had to wait for his son to make that decision in his own heart and repent.  While the father waited, he probably imagined what he would do when his son return.  In time, his hopes were fulfilled.  The father saw his son coming from a long way off and ran to meet him.  He embraced his son with a heart of compassion and restored him to his position in the family.  He also gave his son the best robe that he had and put a ring on his finger.  He prepared a great feast for him and commanded everyone to rejoice with him because his son had come back to him.
Asking for God's forgiveness and returning to Him with a heart of repentance are two totally different things.  Both demand a sorrowful heart, but repentance goes beyond the confession of sin that is made in order to receive forgiveness.  Our guilt and shame will cause us to ask God for forgiveness, but as we all know there are times that we fall right back into the old sin that we have been forgiven of many times.  How many times have we lost our temper and asked God to forgive us, only to lose it again?  We allow ungodly words or gossip to pass from our lips and we ask God to forgive us, but we continue to speak inappropriately.  We give in to compromising situations and we ask God to forgive us, but when temptations come we fall back into the same trap.  The list goes on and on.  Yes, we are sorry, and yes, we want forgiveness.  Yet, repentance requires more than a confession that is motivated by guilt.  Instead, it is a strong determination never to repeat the sin again.  It is leaving ungodly things behind and returning to God with a whole heart.
God has promised that if we confess our sins that He will be faithful to forgive us for them.  Yet He is watching for much more.  He waits for our hearts to approach Him in true repentance.  When we are in sin we cannot focus our eyes upon God because our backs are to Him.  When we repent, however, we turn towards Him with a vow in our heart to leave the sin behind.  We don't try to drag our sin into God's presence, make excuses for it, or hide it somewhere with the intent of going back to it.  We are completely finished with it and we seek to do the Lord's will and fulfill His desires.  When our Heavenly Father sees our true heart of repentance, His mercy and grace welcome us back to the place where we belong. +++

Copyright © 2006 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    

Scripture:  Philippians 2:2  "... being of one accord, of one mind."
It makes the Lord very happy when His children can work together and live in harmony with one another.  He rejoices that those of His own household are dwelling in peace and unity.  King David declared that when the brethren dwell together in unity, it brings God's anointing and blessings upon their lives (Psalms 133:1-3).  Unity is a pleasant experience, not only for the Father, but also for His children.  It is like precious oil that flows down upon us and is as refreshing to us as the dew upon the mountains.
There is nothing that can be accomplished or gained by being in discord.  Even nature itself shows the benefits when efforts are made in a spirit of unity.  We see the flight of the geese as they travel from the north to the south and marvel at their conduct.  They fly in a near perfect V formation with one goose in the lead.  This pattern reduces the wind drag and gives lift to the geese that have lesser strength.  It is estimated that flying in this pattern increases their performance by up to 70%.  You have to wonder how they came to choose their leader.  Did they have a committee to elect this particular goose or did they have some sort of try outs to determine which goose had the greatest ability, strength, and endurance?  Did they argue amongst themselves as to who was going to be the front goose?  We have never had a report of anyone seeing them hold an election on the ground before their flight.  Yet, they all seem to be at peace with their leader and they all work together to get to where they are going.  The lead goose even shares his position and will relinquish it to another goose in the midst of the flight.
The goal for the geese is their destination and not their own place of self-importance.  This same unity is what we need to strive for in our walk with the Lord.  Like the geese, so much more can be accomplished in our lives if we all work together to get to where we are going.  King Solomon said that two are better than one; for they can keep each other warm in the cold and lift each other up if one of them should fall.  Even our prayers are strengthened when we are in unity with other believers, for Matthew 18:19 says, "If two agree as touching anything on Earth, it will done of the Father in Heaven."  The Lord even waited until the believers had come into one accord before He sent the promise of the Holy Spirit into their midst (Acts 1:14).  Reaching our destination in life may require that we let some things go or that we do not try to be the head goose.  Our destiny choice is very clear and simple.  We need the Lord and we need each other to help us get where we need to be.  Yet, we can never expect the Spirit of God to move within our lives until we are not only in one accord and one mind with Him, but also with each other. +++ 

Copyright © 2006 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


Scripture:  Ecclesiastes 3:17  "There is a time for every purpose and for every work."
Our lives and destinies are much like a beautiful rose.  We start as a small bud covered with protective green leaves and we are hidden from view for a length of time.  Like a natural rosebud, those viewing our lives can only guess what the colors of our life may turn out to be.  Eventually, a little color begins to show itself and the promise of a beautiful future is envisioned.  This process continues until the whole bud is in view.  The rosebud, just as it is, is beautiful and even has a wonderful fragrance.  Yet, it holds so much more promise within itself.  If left to God's timing, it will become a glory to behold.  The difficult part is waiting for the bud to open and for the petals to unfold, one by one.  It is such a slow process, but there is nothing that we can do to hasten the work that nature is designed to do.
God holds our lives in His sovereign hands.  He plans each moment and arranges every experience that will enhance our brilliance, beauty, and fragrance.  There are joys and sorrows, and there are also days of sunshine and days of rain.  But God uses all of our life experiences, good and bad, to add depth and passion to our souls.  Only God knows what is best for our lives, and like the precious rosebud, we must submit to His timing and wait for His divine season to come to pass.  As we allow Him to unfold the petals of our lives at His discretion, He will complete His work in our lives and fulfill His purposes.
Many times it is hard to wait on God's promise, but just as we cannot unfold the rosebud and keep the petals intact, we cannot unfold the seasons of our lives.  They are too tightly mingled together and cannot be forced into being.  God has an appointed time for all things in our life, but His promise takes time and we must wait for Him to unfold our destiny.  If we attempt to pull the petals away before their time, we will spoil the beauty and crush the fragrance that He has designed, not only for our enjoyment, but also for His kingdom purposes.  The life of the promise is within us, but we must trust God's timing, for our hands are too clumsy to handle our own destiny.  We must anticipate the blessing, seek the Lord, and expect to receive, but more importantly, we must wait for God to fulfill His promise at His appointed time and in His chosen season. +++

Copyright © 2006 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    

Scripture: Genesis 17:1  "I am Almighty God."
The Lord appeared unto Abraham when he was ninety-nine years old and identified Himself as the Almighty God, which in the Hebrew is El Shaddai.  El Shaddai was derived from a related word that means mountain or overpowering one, but it is also interpreted as the "God that is more than enough."  When God spoke to Abraham, He told Abraham that he was going to be the father of many nations.  Abraham and Sarah by natural laws were obviously too old to have children and they laughed at this news.  Yet, God declared that He was El Shaddai in their lives.  He could do what they couldn't do.  Abraham and Sarah didn't need the laws of nature working for them, for they had the Almighty God that is more than enough.
We see all through the scripture that God was truly always more than enough.  For forty years, He provided manna for the children of Israel as they journeyed through the wilderness.  They had plenty for each day's provision and didn't have to scrimp and save.  In fact, there was manna left over each day that they were instructed not to save.  When Jesus fed the 5,000, everyone must have had plenty to eat because there were twelve baskets of fish and bread left over.  When He fed the 4,000 men, plus women and children, there were seven baskets left over.  His provisions surpassed the needs and were always more than enough.
Many times we limit the Holy One of Israel.  Our minds are too small to allow our hearts to have faith to receive God's wonderful and miraculous blessings.  Yet, He is able to do exceedingly beyond anything that we could ask or think, and provides for us according to His riches, not our own resources.  We must stop looking at and worrying over our situations and start looking at God and believing that He can do the impossible for us.  He can stretch our funds and multiply our means.  You may not choose to believe it, but I have personally seen God multiply soup as I poured it from one container to another in order to share it with those in need.  When I finished pouring, there were two full containers and everyone had plenty to eat.  That was El Shaddai at work nearly forty years ago, and He hasn't changed.  He is still the same today.  His simple blessings can overpower the laws of nature and bring miracles into existence.  When circumstances challenge our faith, we just need to trust in God and believe that He is still El Shaddai, the God that is more than enough. +++

Copyright © 2006 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    

A Word In Due Season
2nd Week of November 2006


Scripture:  Proverbs 28:1  "The wicked flee when no man pursues:  but the righteous are bold as a lion."

Did you ever notice how anxious you become when you know that you've done something wrong and you fear that you may get caught?  I remember one of those experiences.  I had a job that required me to go to the courthouses in seven different precincts of the county, and each time I went there would be numerous police cars in the parking lot.  I parked my car right next to theirs without any reservations and even backed into the parking space for easy departure.  I boldly displayed my front windshield because I thought that I was in right standing with the law.  Little did I know that the inspection sticker on my car had expired five months earlier.

One Saturday, as I sat in my car waiting to meet some friends at a restaurant, I noticed that the sticker had expired.  When I realized that I was out of the confines of the law, my boldness turned to guilt, and the guilt opened the door to fear.  I could not get the car inspected until after the weekend, so from that moment on, I was like the wicked man who fled when no one pursued.  When passing an oncoming policeman, I waved and tried to distract him from noticing my expired sticker.  I envisioned the police pulling me over and giving me a ticket so I would make unnecessary detours.  My whole attitude and actions changed because I knew that I was operating against the laws of the land.

All through the scriptures, we see righteous men who stood boldly in adverse situations.  Moses confronted Pharaoh and Esther persuaded the King against wicked Haman.  Paul witnessed to the people in spite of the difficulties and persecutions that challenged him and Jesus confronted the religious leaders.  There were many others righteous men who did not flinch or run in the heat of the battle.  However, there were others who did flee and hide from God because of their unrighteousness.  Adam and Eve hid in the garden when they had eaten the forbidden fruit and Cain hid after he had killed his brother, Abel.

Just like my experience, there is something about the element of spiritual failure and sin in our lives that causes us to want to run and hide from God.  Our boldness is dispelled by guilt and fear, and we feel that God is pursuing us so that He can punish us.  Yet, God's true desire is not to punish us, but to extend His forgiveness.  Hebrews 4:15-16 tells us that the Lord knows how we feel because He was tempted in the same manner as we are when He was here on Earth.  He experienced temptation so that He could free us from sin.  God is waiting for our simple confession and when we own up to our sins, He is faithful to forgive and cleanse us from all unrighteousness (I John 1:9).  The choice is ours.  We can allow ourselves to be pursued by guilt and fear or to become bold as lions through repentance. +++

Copyright © 2006 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    

Scripture:  Psalms 61:2  "When my heart is overwhelmed: lead me to the rock that is higher than I."

Have you ever been overwhelmed by circumstances and could not seem to find your way out?  You feel utterly overcome and upset by either the physical or emotional forces that are coming against you.  You have no control over what is happening, and there's seems to be no one to help you.  You feel like a vessel that is being engulfed and submerged by the waves of the sea.  It's very frightening because you don't know what to do at that present moment and certainly can't predict the future outcome.

King David was experiencing these same emotions when he wrote this psalm.  He was overcome but knew the answer for his dilemma.  He cried out to God in his overwhelming situation and asked the Lord to lead him to the Rock that was higher than himself.  David knew that his physical strength was insufficient and that he couldn't depend upon his own understanding.  He wanted help from the One whose ways were higher than his own ways and whose thoughts were higher than his own thoughts.  He looked to the past and remembered that God had always been there as his shelter and strong tower in times of distress.  In every situation, God had protected him from the fierce enemy.

In Psalm 142, David again spoke of his spirit being overwhelmed.  He poured out his complaints to the Lord and showed Him all of his trouble.  David said, "No one will help me; no one cares a bit what happens to me ... Lord, you are my only place of refuge."  Life presents us with many challenges and often overwhelming circumstances.  Like David, there will be times in our life when there will be no one in the natural that we can turn to.  No one will want to listen to our problems or share our grief.  Yet, we can always go to the Rock of our salvation and find our answers and comfort.  So, when you find yourself overwhelmed with life and its many battles, remember that someone really does care your.  Then make every effort to find your way to the Rock, Christ Jesus, and place your confidence in Him. Jesus is your only faithful refuge. +++

Copyright © 2006 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


Scripture:  Matthew 6:9  "Our Father, Which art in heaven."

When Jesus taught His disciples to pray, He revealed to them that God was their Father and then went on to declare that God the Father was in Heaven.  This statement was not made to establish God's address or whereabouts, for we know that He is omnipresent.  He is everywhere, all the time.  These words were meant to establish His authority, which exceeds the boundaries of this earth.  When Jesus said that God was in Heaven, He was in reality stating that God is still on the throne and that He is still in control of every situation.  He was informing the disciples that God was not limited or confined to the laws of the world in which they lived.

Our earthly fathers have property and homes and they are considered to be the head of that home.  They have the right to exert authority over their home, for this is their kingdom and their word is law in their personal domain.  As we grow and mature as sons and daughters in that home, our fathers share their possessions.  They give us the keys to their kingdoms, whether that kingdom is meager or grandiose, and with this gesture comes the authority to use the keys and the responsibility to honor the trust that has been extended.  Likewise, as children of our heavenly Father, we have been given the keys to His kingdom.  In Matthew 16:16-19, Jesus told His disciples that He would build His church upon the revelation that Jesus Christ is the Son of the Living God and that those who receive that revelation would be given the keys to the kingdom of God.

When we pray, we should realize that we are talking to someone in Heaven.  We are actually opening the doors of Heaven with the keys that Jesus has given to us and we are gaining access to all of the resources of God's kingdom.  Like earthly keys, the spiritual keys that are given to us are efficient tools and they work regardless of how we feel.  Keys never depend upon the emotions of the one holding the key.  They just work and exercise their ability to open and close.  When Jesus gave us the keys, He said that whatever we loose on Earth is loosed in Heaven, and whatever we bind on Earth is bound in Heaven.  However, having the keys and using the keys are two different matters.  We can find ourselves standing outside the kingdom all day long, crying and yelling about our problems, or we can simply use the keys that have been given to us.  With these keys we can go into the very presence of the Living God, Our Heavenly Father, and obtain all that we need. +++

Copyright © 2006 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


Scripture:  I Samuel 17:48  "David hurried and ran toward the army to meet the Philistine."
David had no fear as he came against Goliath because his heart was full of faith.  He refused Saul's armor and placed his confidence not in a big sword, but in a big God.  David knew that the God he served could and would deliver him because this same God had fought David's battles before.  David came against the giant in the Name of the Lord with a purpose and a cause.  That cause was to stand against the spirit that was defiling the armies of the Living God.  As David began to maximize and magnify God with his words, he minimized and diminished the giant that was challenging him.  David did not shrink in the sight of the giant even though Goliath threw out frightening threats and disdaining accusations.  Instead, David ran towards the giant and the Philistine army with great courage.
We are continually called to face giants in our lives whether they be in our homes or work places.  There are situations that even come up with those that we love because the enemy is at work.  He is still seeking to defile the people of God and their purposes.  He makes his mission known with frightening threats and accusations in his effort to reduce us to nothing before the real battle even begins.  The secret to our victory is the same as it was for David.  We must have a cause and the Name of the Lord.  We must rely upon what we know about God and His word and our purposes must line up with His will.  We cannot rely upon someone else's armor, for it will be too weighty and unproved.  We must come to believe so much in the Name of the Lord and His purpose that it becomes a power within us. 
We cannot shrink back in our darkness and despair.  We must be bold and run towards the enemy that seeks to steal, kill, and destroy.  God's word promises that if we resist the enemy, he must flee.  He has no choice!  David said that the battle was the Lord's and he relied totally on that premise.  He did not rely on his own strength or ability.  He allowed God to work through him with a simple sling and a stone against a mighty giant who held a huge spear, sword, and a shield.  Yet David prevailed without a sword in his own hand.  You may feel very inadequate as you come against the giants in your life.  God may only provide you with meager weapons as he did with David.  Your natural sling and stone may not look like very much as you view the spear, sword, and the shield of the enemy.  However, you must not consider what you hold in your hand but what you hold in your heart, for God will honor your faith and your pure motives.  Run with faith towards the enemy and God will stand with you as you fight for His cause and in His Name. +++

Copyright © 2006 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    

Luke 2:52  "Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man."

Jesus grew in three areas; in the physical, in wisdom, and in favor with God and man.  Understanding how to grow in our physical stature is easy.  We simply eat the right foods, exercise, and take care of our bodies.  Once we have grown to a certain height and weight, and developed our muscle tone, we then must continue to maintain our bodies to keep them healthy.  It is a daily process that lasts as long as we are in an earthly vessel.  This is an easy concept to understand in the natural because even though we can't see the process of growth, we do see the physical results.  We go from one size to the next without realizing it and it's all the result of consistent action.
Growing in wisdom and favor is basically the same sort of process as growing in the natural.  It comes by feeding on God's word daily and exercising ourselves to understand it.  It is gaining insights concerning His nature by communing with Him.  Jesus was the Son of God, yet He was not endowed with wisdom and favor from His birth.  The scriptures declare that He increased and grew gradually in these areas.  At an early age, He was busy about His heavenly Father's business as he studied God's word and questioned the priests in the temple.  Luke 19:47 tells us that as an adult, Jesus was in the temple daily.  His major interest was the search for God and His wisdom.  As He received revelation and gained wisdom, He grew in favor with God.  And as He gained favor with God, He gained favor with man.
Proverbs 9:10 tells us that the starting point of wisdom is the reverential fear of the Lord.  This wisdom does not happen by a mechanical formula or by a process of book knowledge.  Knowledge can be acquired through study, but wisdom is only received as it is imparted by the Holy Spirit.  It comes as a result of a relationship with God.  There are many unlearned people who are quite wise because they spend time with the Lord, and likewise there are many educated scholars who lack wisdom.  Wisdom speaks to us in Proverbs 8:33-34 and says,
    "Listen to my counsel - oh don't refuse it - and be wise.
    Happy is the man who is so anxious to be with me (wisdom) that he
    watches for me daily at my gates, or waits for me outside my home!"
In this proverb, Solomon gives us a picture of the man who desires wisdom.  He anxiously waits for wisdom as a person who waits to get a glimpse of someone coming out of their gate or home.  The man who truly desires wisdom seeks for it on a daily basis and determinably waits at lengths for it.  The person who sets his mind to this pattern will eventually increase in wisdom.  As he increases in wisdom, favor with God and man will follow.  If you are at a place in life that you do not have favor with man, think on these words of Solomon and remember that it is a consistent growth process.  Search for the wisdom of God.  As you gain the wisdom of God, it will usher in His favor and His favor on your life will create favor with men. +++

Copyright © 2006 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    

A Word In Due Season
3rd Week of November 2006


Scripture:  Matthew 3:11  "Jesus shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with fire."

We all have experienced those special times when it seems that an eternal moment was birthed in our lives.  It was a time when things just seemed to ignite and come alive.  And even today, as we recall the memory of those times, our emotions manifest themselves as they did when the incidents happened.  We laugh, we cry, or just enjoy the moment from the past.  Such is the case of my own husband who passed away several years ago.  When my children speak of him, they always recall the "out of the ordinary" things that happened in his life that brought us joy and laughter.  Although they were with him over twenty years, they don't recall many of the daily mundane incidents that had no strength to ignite.  They only recall those intense moments as we played Monopoly, enjoyed a family outing, or experienced a family crisis.  It was the igniting of these special moments that burned precious memories into our hearts and minds.

Think about Jesus who only lived thirty-three years on this earth.  We've heard of the angels heralding His birth and of the wise men bringing Him gifts when He was about two years old.  Then, we heard about Him as a twelve-year-old boy in the temple.  Suddenly the voices were silent and many years passed with no information concerning Jesus, the Messiah, the Son of God, even though He was the most important person who ever lived.  He graced this Earth with His presence, yet it was only when the Holy Spirit ignited Jesus' life that His fame went out and His deeds and words were recorded.

As a born again believer, God has empowered you with His Spirit and with a fire that has the potential to ignite the moments in the lives of others.  You have great potential.  You are walking about on the earth like a match that is waiting to be struck.  As the Holy Spirit wills, He ignites you for His service and moves through you to minister life and light to a darkened world.  God has placed within you His kingdom which is "righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost" (Romans 14:17).  You have an opportunity to share that kingdom and the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ.  Allow the Holy Spirit to ignite and burn inside of you for the purposes of God.  It will fascinate the world as a natural fire does, and will ignite an unforgettable and eternal moment in the lives of those you touch. +++

Copyright © 2006 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    

Scripture:  Colossians 2:7 (Living Bible)  "Let your lives overflow with joy and thanksgiving for all that the Lord has done."
As we journey through life, we learn more about the Lord and also come to understand the more precious things that life has to offer.  We learn that each and every year contains its own special storehouse of blessings; new births in the family, new friends added to our circle, new songs to sing, fresh experiences, and the addition of special memories.  As I review what God has done in my life, I am overwhelmed at His bountiful goodness.  When I add together all of the blessings that I have received in the years past, I realize that I am truly very blessed and that I have more to be thankful for this year than any year in the past.
There are many blessings that we take for granted.  I remember standing in the family circle as we prayed over our dinner on Thanksgiving Day just a few weeks after 9/11.  It was a special moment as we offered our prayer of thanksgiving for our food.  Yet, in our hearts, there was also a unanimous and awesome feeling of gratitude for our free nation.  We probably had never expressed those thoughts with such passion before, but the recognition of our freedom had become more important to us than the food that was spread before us.  In just a few hours of time, things in our nation had drastically changed and we had all come to realize that we must never again take our lives, families, freedom, or blessings for granted. 
As we approach this season, let us vow that Thanksgiving will no longer be just a one-day ritual for us, but that it will be a continual reflection of God's goodness in our lives.  Let us determine that our voices will resound throughout the year declaring our gratitude for the gracious blessings that we have been granted.  Let us learn to celebrate life itself each and every day and allow our hearts to continually overflow with joy and thanksgiving to the Lord.  With hearts filled with anticipation, let us believe that this will be our best Thanksgiving ever. +++

Copyright © 2006 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


Scripture:  I John 3:16 (NIV)  "This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down His life for us.  And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers."
In the portals of time, God sets ordinary men in special places for special times, and takes their natural lives and uses them in supernatural ways to bring about His plans and purposes.  In the early 1600's, 102 Pilgrims left England and set out for the New World with the hopes of finding religious freedom and a better way of life.  After a dangerous and treacherous 65-day voyage across the Atlantic Ocean on the Mayflower, the passengers arrived in what is now known as the state of Massachusetts.  It was a desolate location and the winter proved very difficult and devastating.  Many died because of the lack of food and inadequate housing.  By spring of that same year, nearly half of the original group had passed away.  It was a painful and discouraging season, yet those who remained relied upon God for help and trusted in Him with all of their hearts.  Their faith and beliefs are evident in the laws that govern our country even today.  William Bradford, one of the original leaders and governor of the Plymouth Colony for more than thirty years, wrote of these brave and determined people.  He said, "But these things did not dismay them (though they did sometimes trouble them) for their desires were set on the ways of God, and to enjoy His ordinances; but they rested on His providence, and knew Whom they had believed."
These people of great faith knew who they believed in and dedicated their futures to Him.  They looked to God for their source of strength.  Yet it is interesting how God helped these struggling Pilgrims to make it through this incredibly difficult time.  He sent one man named Squanto, a Native American Indian, to teach them how to plant corn, where to fish, and how to trap animals.  His simple instructions sustained them.  William Bradford declared that "Squanto was a special instrument sent of God for their good and beyond their expectations."  We never hear much about this simple man with his simple knowledge, but Squanto laid down his own life and agenda to teach others how to live and survive, and in doing so saved a nation.
As we look at Squanto's life, it helps us to realize that we all have gifts that God can use.  Our ordinary talents may not seem too important to us in the light of someone else's glamorous gift, but it may be the one thing that our neighbor needs for his survival.  Like Squanto's gift, it may be as simple as knowing how to plant corn, catch fish, or trap animals.  Or it may be a kind word, a silent prayer, or a good deed that we can do that will be the instrument that God uses to make a difference in the lives of those about us.  God has called each of us to follow the example of Christ and lay down our lives for others.  All we need to do is to dedicate the little that we have to the Lord and allow Him to turn it into an instrument of blessing.  We will find that our little can be multiplied into much when it is put it into God's hands and we will also discover the amazing difference our one life can make in the lives of others. +++

Copyright © 2006 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    

A Word In Due Season
4th Week of November 2006


Scripture:  Matthew 6:13  "And lead us not into temptation."
Jesus taught us to pray and ask our Heavenly Father to keep us from being led into temptation.  James 1:13 says two things about God and temptation; God, Himself, is incapable of being tempted by evil, and God does not tempt anyone else to do evil.  Satan is the tempter and as long as we are in this body of flesh, he will try to draw us into places of temptation.
A farmer saw a young boy standing in his watermelon patch and asked, "Son, are you trying to steal one of my watermelons?"  The young boy responded by saying, "No.  I'm trying NOT to steal one of your watermelons!"  The boy was standing in the midst of his weakness and was trying to resist its temptation.  Like this young boy, how often do we allow ourselves to be put into compromising positions that cause us to have to deal with temptation?  Look at the pattern of temptation according to James 1:14-15.  "Every man is tempted when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed."  Temptation starts with a thought in the mind, and as we dwell on that thought, we begin to justify it until it is conceived in our hearts.  It then becomes an evil desire of lust and passion that entices and baits our carnal appetites into action.
God deals with us a very long time before we get into these situations and He warns us that we are heading in the wrong direction.  He stops us right in the midst of the field of watermelons and encourages us to turn from our evil ways.  He says don't eat of the fruit, for sin has consequences.  When it is finished, it brings forth death.  The Holy Spirit convicts us and attempts to lead us away from temptation and even in the midst of temptation, He makes a way of escape.  God does all that He can do to keep us from falling, but many times we fail because of the hardness of our heart and the liberty that God gives us to follow our own will.
When Jesus instructed us to pray for ourselves that God would not lead us into temptation, He was telling us not to wait until we needed deliverance from evil.  On a daily basis, He wants us to ask God to keep us from getting into compromising situations in the first place.  We are to tell God that we want Him to intervene and keep us out of the place of temptation and trouble.  Then as temptations present themselves, we must submit ourselves to God and immediately resist the enticing thoughts of the devil (James 4:7).  As we express our desires to God, He will come to our rescue and will lead us away from the temptation. +++

Copyright © 2006 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


Scripture:  II Corinthians 1:8  (NIV)  "We were under great pressure, far beyond our ability to endure."
A couple of years ago I stored some documents in my garage.  I had put them in envelopes and then placed a rubber band around the envelopes.  I was surprised when I went to retrieve them, for the rubber bands that secured them had lost their elasticity and had become limp in some parts and brittle in others.  When I touched the rubber bands, they fell apart.  They had been stretched beyond their ability to endure and had collapsed under the enormous pressure they were under.
We are much like the rubber bands in the story.  God has designed each of us in such a way that we have a great capacity to face challenges and handle everyday stress.  He also gave us a promise that He would not put more upon us than we could bear.  Yet, we often take on more than God, Himself, intended for us to carry.  We get overly committed and allow stress to weave its way into our lives by embracing every challenge that comes our way.  We stretch ourselves beyond our limits and don't know when to let go.  We then wonder what is happening with our life.  We are serving the Lord, but we are overwhelmed with all of life's activities.  It seems that there is pressure coming against us from all sides and we are so involved physically and over extended emotionally that we can't stop and get a grip on our situation.
We may feel that we have too much to do and can't justify seasons of rest and relaxation.  Yet, Jesus had a greater commission to fulfill on Earth than we will ever have.  His limited time was very valuable, but He always took time to rest and commune with God.  He called His disciples away from the crowds to rest with Him, and He even took a nap on the boat.  Even though He was the Son of God, He did not allow Himself to be stretched beyond His natural limitations.  It doesn't matter what we are called to do in life, we need seasons of rest.  Even those in ministry are never at their best when they are continually stretched beyond their measure.  Like the rubber band, without rest, we either become brittle and limp or eventually break.  We must find that balance where we can stretch our lives to meet the challenge at hand and then relax and regenerate in the life that God gives.  It is only then that we will have the ability to endure. +++

Copyright © 2006 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    

Scripture:  Song of Solomon 6:11  "I went down into the garden ... to see the fruits of the valley and to see whether the vine flourished ..."

It is quite a beautiful sight to stand on the side of a hill or mountain and look down upon a flourishing green valley.  Not only are valleys a beautiful sight, but they also produce the most luscious and fresh fruit.  This is true in the spiritual realm as well.  Although we long for the mountain top experiences and tend to despise the valleys, it is in the valleys where growth takes place in our hearts and where fruit is produced.  It's as we endure the valley of hard times that we learn to be kind and patient to others.  Through the tears of loneliness in our own lives, we understand the importance of sharing love with those who are lonely and unloved.  In the valley of strife and confusion, we develop the gift of peace making.  As we have passed through our own financial difficulties, it is easier to recognize the needs of others and share our means with them.  And as we experience trials, the fruit of faith grows within our hearts and self-control becomes evident in our lives.

As born again believers, we were never promised a life without valleys, but we were promised a wonderful relationship with a Good Shepherd who would lead us through the valleys.  The Lord promised to be there in the midst of all the shadows, even the shadows of death.  He said that He would dispel our fears and supply all of our needs and He promised never to leave or forsake us.  He told us that He would be the vine and that we would be the branches.  It is our communion with Him that allows His Spirit to flow through us and produce fruit in our lives.

Charles Slagle said, "The real design and purpose of the valley through which you have passed cannot come into view until you are sufficiently high on the mountains."  If you trust and follow Jesus, He will lead you through the valley and take you to the top of the mountain.  He will restore your soul and at the end you will understand His purpose.  You will find your life flourishing and see many come to partake of the fruit that you have to offer.  +++

Copyright © 2006 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    

Scripture:  Psalms 143:8  "... Cause me to know the way wherein I should walk."
This Psalm was written by King David, a man who sought God with all of His soul and loved Him with all of his heart.  God, Himself, gave testimony concerning David's affection for Him.  In Acts 13:22, He said, "I have found David, the son of Jesse, a man after My own heart, which shall fulfill all My will."  David's full surrender was a delight to the heart of God and God knew that He could trust him.  God placed His confidence in David and raised him up to be king over Israel. 
Even though David loved God and his heart was right with God, He continually asked for God's guidance and direction.   He said, "Cause me to know the way that I should go."  But he didn't stop there.  He not only wanted to know the will of God, but also said in verse ten, "Teach me to do Thy will."  Doing God's will is totally different than knowing God's will.  Many times we stand at a crossroad knowing the right path, but instead we choose the wrong path.  Our heart is willing, but our flesh remains weak.  God's will may overwhelm us at times because our finite mind can't seem to get it all into perspective.  We try to figure out God's plan on our own instead of relying upon the Holy Spirit who is our "Comforter, Counselor, Helper, Intercessor, and Strengthener" (John 15:26 Amplified).
David sought the Lord's will in every area of His life.  Sometimes, God told Him to go out and do battle.  Other times, God told him to stand still and see the salvation of the Lord.  Whatever God said, David did.  We may have great affection for the Lord, but we cannot presume to know God's thoughts without seeking Him, for His thoughts are higher than our thoughts and His ways are much higher than our ways.  Like David, we must ask God to cause us to know His will.  When God shares this vital information with us, we then must ask Him to teach us how to fulfill it.  God, Himself, is all that we need in order to complete His will. +++

Copyright © 2006 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    