A Word In Due Season
1st Week of August 2007


Proverbs 4:23 "Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life."

We all have material things that we treasure and try to protect.  Even though our personal belongings may be sparse and worthless in the eyes of others, we still lock them up when we leave our homes.  We would never allow an intruder to come into our presence and take our possessions from us or allow our acquaintances to abuse them.  As meager as our "stuff" is, it is important to our livelihood, so we guard it, maintain it, and try to preserve it as much as possible.  Even though we trust God, we try to be cautious.

Likewise, in the spiritual, we are to trust God - but guard our hearts.  There are two sides to guarding and protecting your heart.  First, it is very important to be careful about the things that you allow to come into your heart.  You are to guard your heart against any intruding thoughts that the devil would plan against you.  The things you hear, see, read, or think about in your mind eventually make their way to your heart and begin to fashion your inner spirit.  Romans 12:2 confirms this.  It says that you either conform to this world, or you are transformed by the renewing of your mind through God's word.  You make the choice.  Solomon said, "Pay attention and listen closely to the words of God's wisdom" (Proverbs 20:4).

Second, it is important to be careful to protect the things that God imparts to you.  You must not allow the devil to steal them out of your heart.  Solomon said, "Don't let God's word out of your sight.  Keep it in your heart."  You keep it by guarding it.  Just as you would hide your valuables or lock them up in a safe place, you must do the same with God's word, so it will be there when you need it.  God's word is a treasure that needs to be protected, for He declared that His words are a wellspring of life and health.

John 10:10 says, "The thief comes only to steal, kill, and destroy, but Jesus came that we may have life, and have it to the full."  You must understand the strategies and motives of the devil, for he will attempt to force God's word out of your heart.  No wonder Solomon, the wisest man of his time, said, "Guard your heart."  Solomon understood that the heart is the center of everything that you are and everything you hope to be.  It is your wellspring of life. +++

Copyright © 2007 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved   

Scripture:  Isaiah 40:28  "Have you not known?  Have you not heard, that the everlasting God, the Lord, the Creator of the ends of the earth faints not, neither is weary?  There is no searching His understanding."

The other day when I ended a personal note to a friend I meant to say, "God is always good."  Instead of using those words, however, I misspelled good and wrote, "God is always God."  When I noticed my error, I thought about the powerful statement these four words made, for truly God is always God and He never changes (Malachi 3:6).  He is sovereign and will forever be the Supreme Being in all of our lives.  He is the Creator, the Lord, and the Maker of Heaven and Earth.  There is no variableness or shadow of turning with Him (James 1:17).  He is the same today as He was yesterday and He will be the same tomorrow (Hebrews 13:8).

Isaiah also declared that there is no searching of God's understanding.  I agree with him, for the more I learn about God, the more I realize just how little I really know.  For me, the knowledge of the Lord is like looking at a vehicle and then taking it all apart.  I can discover all the individual parts, but after examining them, I would have no idea how they all fit back together again or how they actually work.  I have known God since I was small child and I have walked and communed with Him on a daily bases for many decades.  I have learned something new about Him every day, but I have come to the conclusion that God and His ways are far beyond my comprehension.  Like the prophet Isaiah said, "There is no searching His understanding."

God understands our lives better than we do.  He created us in our mother's womb and caused us to come forth, and He has ordained a plan for our destiny.  He is the Everlasting God and He never faints or grows weary in the process of being who He is.  Friends and family may fail you, but you can always depend upon God.  He outlasts every challenge and comes through victorious in every battle.  He knows your way from the beginning to the end, for He holds all of the pieces of your life in His hands and knows exactly where every piece is supposed to fit.  You are the joy of God's heart and His main interest.  His love for you will never fail.  When you come to understand God in this manner, it will be easier for you to trust your life to Him.  As you learn to lean upon God, allow these two thoughts to minister faith and assurance to you, "God is always good ... and God is always God." +++

Copyright © 2007 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved   

Scripture:  Job 42:5  "I have heard of You by the hearing of the ear, but now my eyes see You."

If you are in the midst of a trial, you should be encouraged because you are a candidate for a fresh revelation of God.  Look at the account of Job.  He was a very prosperous man.  In fact, Job 1:3 says that he was the greatest man in all of the East.  He was honored amongst the young and the old and even among the nobles and the princes.  Job knew God, worshipped God, and offered up sacrifices to God for his children.  He even helped the poor, the fatherless, and the widows.  Job was a good man and God was pleased with him.  God spoke of Job, saying, "There is none like him in all the earth.  He is a perfect and upright man, one that fears God and hates evil" (Job 1:8).

All of Job's fame and fortune came to a sudden end, however, when God lifted the hedge of protection that was about him.  God allowed Satan to take Job through a season of great trials and tribulations.  Job lost his servants, his material possessions, and all of his children.  He was afflicted with boils and sores on his body and looked so pitiful that his friends could not recognize him.  Instead of comforting Job, his wife encouraged him to curse God and die, and his closest friends judged him and accused him of sin.  He had no one to turn to and no one to lean upon.  Finally, in the midst of his conflict, God intervened and revealed Himself to Job.  In Job's distress, he came to know God in a way that he could have never known Him if he had remained in prosperity.  Job said, "I heard about God, but now I see Him."  God then restored to Job twice what he had lost.

We've heard about God and His miracle power, but revelation comes when we experience Him.  Conflict and adversity force us to seek God.  In the scriptures, we read about Jesus healing the sick, but revelation of Him as The Healer only comes when we see a supernatural healing.  We know the word says that "God will supply all of our needs according to His riches in Christ Jesus" but understanding comes when we receive a miracle of provision.  It is only when we are heartbroken and alone that His presence reveals the truth of His word that says, "I will be near those who have a broken heart" (Psalms 34:18).  In our darkest hour, He shows Himself to be our greatest light.  In our sin, He is our saving grace.  In grief, He is our Comforter.  In our desperation, He shows us hope.  When we are undecided, He shows us the right path and gives direction.  Like Job, we've heard about God and all that He can do, but now we need to see Him and experience Him in a new way.  Our prayer should be that we not only know Him by the hearing of the ear, but that the Holy Spirit would open our eyes and reveal Him as never before. +++

Copyright © 2007 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved   

A Word In Due Season
2nd Week of August 2007


Scripture:  Luke 9:1  "He called His twelve disciples together, and gave them power and authority over all devils."

A few days ago I had one of those mornings that you have every now and then.  The electrical power had gone off during a storm the night before, which caused my alarm clock to shut off.  When I woke up the next day, I tried to hurry through my morning routine in order to not be late, but then I noticed that there was a snake on my front porch.  I ran to the garage to get the shovel so that I could kill it but discovered that the lights had not come back on in the garage.  I had to fumble around in the semi darkness and deal with the switches in the fuse box so that I could turn the power back on.  I must confess that the fuse box intimidates and frightens me.  I dreaded having to deal with it, so I prayed and finally overcame the mental challenge.  I turned the lights back on, found the shovel, and went back to battle the snake.  But to my surprise, when I started trying to kill it, I discovered that it was already dead.  All of my fears were to no avail.  I supposed one of the neighborhood stray cats had done the job for me.

After all the confusion, panic, and fear was over, I thought about how many times we face these same sorts of challenges in the spirit.  The enemy surrounds us with confusion and darkness and then gives us a frightening vision of what he can do to our lives.  He boldly threatens unemployment and financial ruin.  He gives symptoms of debilitating and life threatening disease.  He tells us that our relationships with those we love are in jeopardy.  He emphasizes every one of our weaknesses and assures us that we will never be able to accomplish our goals.  He even tries to scare us with the weather and the world news.  Fear is his main strategy and all he has to do is make his lies look real.  Even a plastic snake can be frightening

After I thought on these matters, I recalled our true position in the spirit, for God did not create us to live in fear of the devil.  God's word says that He has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind.  God has given us spiritual power and authority over all devils and there is nothing that can touch our lives unless God allows it.  Yet, too often, we panic and run around in confusion and darkness as we try to fight the battles that the devil brings to our door.  Just looking at the problems that are before us cause fear in our soul because the devil's threats look so real.  We fail to remember that he has already been defeated by the sacrifice that Jesus made on the cross for us.  Jesus said, "It is finished!"  He came to give us abundant life and the battle was won on Calvary.  His work is complete and available to us today.  If we can keep our minds stayed on Jesus when the enemy presents himself, we can have peace in every situation.  The victory belongs to us so let us remember who we are in Christ and understand that the devil is just a dead snake. +++

Copyright © 2007 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved   

Scripture:  II Corinthians 1:9  (Amplified)  "Indeed, we felt within ourselves that we had received the very sentence of death; but that was to keep us from trusting and depending on ourselves instead of on God Who raises the dead."

In this letter to the saints, the Apostle Paul spoke of the trouble that had come to him in Asia.  Paul was strong in the Lord, yet when he spoke of this season that he spent in Asia, he said that he was so utterly and unbearably weighed down and crushed that he despaired even of life itself.  There was so much affliction and oppressing distress that He felt like he had received a sentence of death.  There seemed to be no hope, but God rescued Paul from these perilous situations, and because God had come through for him in the past, Paul had confidence that God would deliver him again.

In the midst of all the turmoil and confusion, Paul received a revelation.  That revelation was that God used the hardships, danger, and difficult places to teach Paul that he could not trust nor depend upon himself.  God showed Paul that He alone was Paul's source and his deliverer.  This was a hard realization for Paul because he was used to being in control and making things happen.  Paul shared the grace and peace that he received from the Lord during this season.  He told the saints that because he was comforted during these hard and perilous times, he now found that he was equipped to comfort others with the same comfort that he had received.  Because he had suffered, he could console and encourage the suffering.

There are times when we just can't figure out what is happening.  We try to believe and make our confessions positive but it seems that God is miles away.  We want to get things in focus, but regardless of our efforts, our life remains out of control.  We are pressed beyond measure on every side and have no answers for life's questions.  We are used to trusting in our own abilities and depending upon our own resources to bring us through.  Yet, we find that nothing works.  Where do we go and what do we do?  Did you know that nothing surprises God?  He is aware of every situation in your life.  You may be out of control, but you are the only one who is out of control.  God is still on the throne and is fully aware of your situation.  He holds you in the palm of His hands.  He wants you to do all that you can and then trust and depend upon Him to perfect and complete those things that concern you.  He is able to deliver you and will do exceedingly beyond anything that you can ask or think; for He is a God who never fails. +++

Copyright © 2007 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved   

Scripture:  Psalms 23:4  "Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for Thou art with me ... "

David faced death many times as he was a man of war with a great reputation in battle.  He had been chased by King Saul who hurled javelins at him, and even had to flee from his own son, Absalom.  Many times David ended up hiding in caves and crying out to God for deliverance as he experienced the darkness of death.  Yet in each case, he put his trust in God and came out with a renewed faith that even though he was standing right in the shadow of death itself, he had nothing to fear.  The Lord was with him!  David's faith brought him to the conclusion that the Lord was right there beside him, guarding him and leading every step of the way.  The knowledge of God's presence with him dispelled every fear and anxiety.

We find it easy to walk by faith when all reports are good and we are walking in the light.  We are able to boldly speak good confessions, and the songs of victory linger in our hearts.  We find it easy to shout "Praise the Lord" and "Hallelujah" and rejoice in the goodness of God.  But when the bad reports come and the sun sets, we change our tune.  Fear strikes as we sense the darkness and see the shadows closing in on us.  It is not so easy to have faith when we are facing an uncertain valley.  The darkness of the valley begins to wear us out with mental conflict because we turn our eyes away from Jesus and focus on the shadows.  Like a small child left in a dark room, we imagine all sorts of things as the shadows themselves begin to torment us and become very real.

There are many kinds of valleys that will challenge you.  The shadows of those valleys can be very real and overwhelming.  You may face the possibility of physical death or the death of a loved one.  It may be the death of a precious relationship when divorce occurs or friendships dissolve.  You may even face a situation like David did when his son rebelled and revolted against him.  Or possibly your career opportunities and financial security may encounter sudden failure.  Death and disappointment in any area brings darkness, and that darkness brings fear.  Your only hope in these situations is to focus on the light who is Jesus.  He will comfort you with the Word of God and restore your soul as He walks with you through the valley.  As His light begins to dawn, the shadows disappear, for darkness cannot hide the light.  As His light comes, you will discover that the valley is full of green pastures and still waters.  You will have no need to be afraid of the shadows for the Lord is with you. +++

Copyright © 2007 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved   

Scripture:  Nehemiah 9:15  "The Lord gave them bread from heaven for their hunger, and brought forth water for them out of the rock for their thirst." 

God is so awesome.  Just when we think we have things figured out, God does something new.  He amazes us with His creativity and surprises us with the unexpected.  Look at the Israelites as they came out of Egypt.  They were hungry and had need of food and they were thirsty and had need of water.  To meet these vital needs, God provided them with an open heaven and a rock.  Who would have ever thought that you could secure water from a rock in the desert by simply speaking to it?  Or who could have ever imagined that enough bread could fall out of the heavens every morning for forty years to feed six million people?  God is truly awesome.

God's provision for His people came with such simple instructions, "speak to the rock" and "gather the manna daily."  God speaks to us in this same simple way today.  He is the Rock of our refuge (Psalms 94:22), and He tells us to speak to this Rock.  He said, "Call upon Me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things that you have not known before" (Jeremiah 33:3).  When you pray, He will create solutions that are just as amazing as water coming from a rock.  If you have a need of any kind, He says, "Come to Me in the Name of Jesus ... Ask and it will be given, seek and you shall find, knock and it will be opened to you" (Matthew 7:7).  Your Rock, Christ Jesus, is waiting for you to speak to Him.

God also told us to gather our manna daily just as He did the Israelites.  Jesus said our prayers are to be "Give us this day our daily bread."  We are not to worry and fret over future provisions.  Jesus told us not to be anxious about what we are going to eat, drink, or wear.  We are to "Seek the kingdom of God first and all these things will be added to us" (Matthew 6:31-34).  God doesn't depend upon our resources but supplies all of our needs according to His own riches.  He opens the windows of Heaven and pours out blessings that we are incapable of receiving.  We serve the same God that Moses and the Israelites served, and He is just as interested in meeting our needs today as He was in meeting their needs.  What He did for them, He will do for you.  Trust Him.  His resources are awesome and unlimited. +++

Copyright © 2007 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved   

Scripture:  Psalms 75:6-7  "For promotion comes neither from the east, nor from the west, nor from the south.  But God is the judge:  He puts down one and lifts up another."

God holds our lives in His sovereign hands, and regardless of our abilities and talents, we can go no further than what He allows.  Even our boastings will not promote us, but will only make us look foolish to those who are listening.  Verse four of this chapter says, "I said to the arrogant and boastful, don't deal arrogantly - don't boast; and to the wicked, don't lift up the horn of personal aggrandizement" (Amplified Bible).  In today's language we would say, "Don't blow your own horn."  Proverbs 27:2 says, "Let another man praise you, and not your own mouth; a stranger, and not your own lips."

God has good plans and purposes for your life, but He takes you through many tests and makes sure that you are seasoned and mature before He releases you into those places of responsibility.  Often those tests become very discouraging and it may seem that God will never show up.  God kept Moses on the backside of the desert for forty years and caused Joseph to pass through the pit and prison for about 16 years before promoting him.  When the fullness of God's time finally came for these men, He appeared to Moses in a burning bush and promoted Joseph to second in the kingdom in just one day.  Even Jesus, Himself, had to wait until He was thirty years old before His promotion and fame came.  Then suddenly after His water baptism and His temptation in the wilderness, "Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit unto Galilee: and there went out a fame of Him through the entire region" (Luke 4:14).  The people marveled and spoke, "Is this not Joseph's son?"  They couldn't believe that this simple carpenter's son was doing these mighty works.  God almighty had promoted Him.

God desires to promote you, but He has a principle that He operates by.  If you know anything about God's principles, you know they always seem to be opposite of our natural thinking.  For instance, if you want to receive - you must give; if you want revenge - you are to do something good for your oppressor; if someone steals from you - you are to give them something more.  Now God says if you want to be promoted, humble yourself and He will exalt you (I Peter 5:6).  This principle is found again in Matthew 23:12 (Amplified), "Whoever exalts himself with haughtiness and empty pride shall be humbled; and whoever humbles himself - who has a modest opinion of himself and behaves accordingly - shall be raised to honor."  Trust in God for He is your judge and your promotion will come from His hands. +++

Copyright © 2007 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved   

A Word In Due Season
3rd Week of August 2007


Scripture:  Daniel 11:32  "But the people who know their God shall be strong and do great exploits."
We live in an amazing time, which is moving very fast.  Each day there is something unpredictable and spectacular that happens in the world and we are able to witness it through the miracle of modern media.  Sometimes, you may wonder, "What's going to happen next?"  Although we are not told everything about the future, we do know that this season of history will require much faith on our part so that we can face the challenges that will come our way.  God is now and will be our only help in the times to come.
Daniel was a man who was thrown into the lion's den because he worshiped God.  He prayed and gave thanks to God openly three times a day even though the king had established a royal statute against it.  The king had decreed the penalty of death to anyone who was caught praying to any God other than himself.  Daniel was left in the lion's den all night long, but came out without any manner of hurt because he believed in his God (Daniel 6:23).  We must understand that Daniel's faith in God didn't start when he was put into the den with the lions.  He had come to know God in a mighty way through His daily prayers and communion with God.  He had spent personal time alone with God on a regular basis, which cause him to be strong when adversity came his way.  He did not shrink in fear because he had developed a trust in God and believed that God could and would deliver him.
There is no way for us to prepare for tomorrow in the natural but we can be ready in the spirit.  We must listen to the words of Daniel, for he made it clear that there was a distinction between the people who know their God and the people who do not know Him.  He declared that the people who knew their God would be strong.  God will give us understanding of the times and strength to endure all things if we get to know who He is and what He will do.  We must seek to know the Lord and to know the power of His resurrection (Philippians 3:10).  Then when we turn to God for help in the times of trouble, He will be able do mighty things in our lives because our faith in Him is mature.
God cannot be just the storybook God that we read about in the Bible.  Instead, we must recognize Him as the sovereign God and allow Him to be the supreme ruler of our hearts.  We must know that nothing happens without His knowledge and that He holds our lives in the palm of His hands.  We have nothing to worry about, for God is greater than the king's decree of death and He can still shut the mouths of the lions that come against our lives.  The Lord has full control.  All we must do is to study His Word and get a revelation of who He is and then spend time with Him so that we learn to believe in Him.  As we do, we will become strong and be able to do great things in our lives. +++

Copyright © 2007 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved   

Scripture:  II Kings 7:3  "... Why sit we here until we die?"

Four leprous men were living outside the gates of the city because this was what the law of the land required.  As they began to commune with each other, they came up with the conclusion that they needed to make a change in their life or else they were going to die.  Their options were few.  Verse four tells us that if they went into the city, they would die because of the great famine in the land.  Yet, they would also die if they remained where they were.  They decided to do something bold, which was to approach their enemies, the Syrians.  They felt that they had nothing to lose.  If their enemy ended up killing them they would be no worse off than they were at the present moment.
These men had little hope of survival and had just about given up on life.  Little did they know that God was working on their behalf.  As they began to move forward towards their enemy's camp, God caused the Syrians to hear a great noise of chariots and horses.  The Syrians fled from their camp in fear.  In their haste they left everything behind, and when the lepers arrived on the scene, they found food, drink, clothing, and gold.  Their bounty was more than enough to meet their own needs so they took the news back to the city and shared their good fortune with a starving and needy people.
Decisions of faith are not always easy and very rarely make sense.  Yet, faith will always move you forward.  It will take you places that you have never been and provide peace in every circumstance.  Like the situation with the leprous men, many times things look hopeless because there are no reasonable options.  You just have to go forward and believe that when you get there God will make a way where there seems to be no way and will provide for every need.  Make no mistake; God is the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End.  He is well able to do more than you could ever ask or think.  When He gets ready to bless you, He may do it in an unexpected way like he did with the lepers.  You must simply trust Him to make a way in the wilderness and believe that He will drive your enemies out before you.  With God all things are possible.  It is better to move forward in faith than to sit in doubt and die.  If you don't give up, you will find yourself standing on the other side of victory. +++

Copyright © 2007 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved   

Psalms 51:8  "Make me to hear joy and gladness." 

Joy is necessary for our spiritual well being, for it is the joy of the Lord that gives us supernatural strength.  It enables us to make it through the most difficult trials and gives us a resistance against temptations.  James 1:2 tells us that we are to count it all joy when we enter into a place of temptation because God is going to use it for His glory.  Temptations try our faith, but when we are able to maintain our joy in the midst of it all, God is able to complete a work within our heart and do greater things than we can ever imagine.
David said, "Make me to hear joy and gladness."  He was in a very discouraging place when he said these words to the Lord, for Nathan, the prophet, had just exposed David's sin with Bathsheba.  David loved God with all of his heart, but when his sins were exposed, he was forced to admit and face his own faults.  With grief in his heart, he confessed his sins, pleaded for forgiveness, and asked that the joy of the Lord be restored in his life.  He knew that God was merciful and that God's joy was there and still available to him, but he needed God to open his ears and help him hear it.
Many situations come in our lives to steal our joy.  Like David, it is hard to find joy when you know that you have sins and faults in your own life that you need to deal with.  It is also hard to hear the sounds of joy when you have lost a loved one to death, when you are in a broken relationship, when you are stressed financially, and when your health is failing.  Yet, only the strength that joy provides can sustain you during these adverse situations.  Jesus said, " I have spoken to you that My joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full" (John 15:11).  He spoke words to us so that we could have joy.  We desperately need the strength of these words that bring His joy.  It is one thing for joy to be present and available and it is another thing for us to be able to hear it and receive it.  We must ask God to make us able to hear the sounds of joy and gladness that will take us through the difficult times and places. +++

Copyright © 2007 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved   

Scripture:  Hebrews 12:1  " ... Let us run with patience the race that is set before us."

Each of us have different issues to face in life.  One struggles with finances, another with relationships, some with health, and others with death itself.  We do not get to choose our circumstances or the race that we would like to participate in.  God places us in the race at His discretion and we must patiently endure it, knowing that God will never put more upon us than we can bear.  Whoever you are and whatever you are going through, you can be assured that you were God's choice for that testing.  He knows your heart and has faith in you.

When God spoke to Satan in Job 1:8, He said, "Have you considered My servant Job, there is none like him in the earth?"  God placed His full confidence in Job and felt that Job was well able to pass Satan's tests.  God allowed the hedge around Job to be lifted, but each test that Satan placed on Job had to be approved by God.  God's confidence was rewarded by Job's steadfast faith and trust, which prevailed against his hopeless situation.  Job patiently endured the race that was set before him and at the end he received his reward.

God has good plans for you and His thoughts towards you are much higher than you can imagine.  At the end of your race, God has great rewards, but as with any physical race, you must discipline yourself to achieve your goals.  You must expect hurdles, and in the midst of your race you cannot allow yourself to be distracted by the glory that you are receiving or by the pains that you are having to endure.  You are to lay aside every weight and every sin that seeks to burden you down.  Jesus is your great example and the author and finisher of your faith.  Because of the joy that was set before Him, Jesus was able to endure the cross and despise the shame.  His goal was to defeat Satan and redeem you and I from spiritual death and the curse of the law.  His vision of victory kept Him from giving into the temptations and evil devises of the devil.  Therefore, you are to considered Jesus and the things He endured for you so that you do not become weary and faint in your mind.  He doesn't want you to give up in the middle of the race.  You must run your race with patience.  In the midst of the race, the Holy Spirit of God will fill you with His power.  You will catch a second wind and you will experience the joy of victory. +++

Copyright © 2007 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved   

Scripture:  Genesis 11:31  "Terah took his son Abram, his grandson Lot, and Sarah his daughter-in-law and they set out to go to Canaan.  But when they came to Haran, they settled there."
It is so easy to catch the vision and set out to accomplish the goal, but completing the journey requires much more.  It requires courage and determination.  So many times we are like Abraham's father, Terah.  Halfway through our journey we find a place of compromise and just settle there.  Terah settled in Haran and never resumed the journey to Canaan and finally died there.  After Terah died, God called Abraham, and despite the hardships along the way, Abraham eventually reached the land of Canaan.
What dreams have we left undone because of our incomplete obedience?  What gifts and talents lay dormant in our lives because of distractions or our lack of confidence?  What hopes have we let die because we have faced discouragement?  How many times have we allowed the enemy to stop us in our journey towards success on any level, whether it is a grand scheme or a meager project?  So often, we get half way to our goal and then settle there.  We find ourselves with unfinished songs and poems, neglected rendezvous with friends, projects undone, and spiritual commitments unmet.  Our good intentions are never fully realized.
So much of life is made of wasted years.  You may take some wrong turns and settle in wrong places along the way and it may be difficult to find God's good plan for your life.  You may have a desire to do something special for God, but find yourself stuck in the land of Haran.  Regardless of where you are today on your journey or how hopeless it all may seem, you must realize that the gifts and the callings of God are without repentance (Romans 11:29).  God doesn't take your gifts back.  He wants to help you reach your destiny.  He will make a way where there seems to be no way.  Philippians 1:6 says, "Be confident of this very thing, that He Who began a good work in you will bring it to completion."  God never settles in Haran or gives up on you.  He will continue to work with you until Jesus comes back again.  He is a faithful God, but you are the one who must make the choice to finish your course.  You must face the obstacles and adversities with discipline and you must conquer every challenge with courage.  You must put forth effort and endeavor to be completely obedient to God's call.  You can start again today by moving out of Haran and heading towards your dreams.  When you do, God will redeem your wasted years. +++

Copyright © 2007 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved   

A Word In Due Season
4th Week of August 2007


Scripture:  Proverbs 22:2  "The rich and the poor meet together: the Lord is the maker of them all."
Luxury is relative, which means that it is related to the matters at hand.  Things that I would consider a luxury like an occasional pedicure, manicure, or massage are not to even be compared to the real luxuries that I enjoy every day of my life.  Life is like looking at a coin.  We see one side and may never be exposed to other side of the coin.  It is when you go to the poverty-stricken areas of our nation or to a foreign mission field that you come to understand what real luxury is all about.  The things that you have consider to be luxuries no longer matter because you see the other side of the coin of life and what others are doing without.
When you see the women of other nations standing on the banks of the river and using a rock to pound their clothes against a larger rock, your washing machine becomes a luxury.  When you see their clothes spread out on their rooftops, you also view your automatic clothes dryer as a luxury.  When you realize that people get their drinking water just a little ways down the stream from where they washed their clothes and bathed their bodies, you thank God that you have pure water to drink and it becomes a luxury of life.  When you see their children stripped bare so that their clothes can be washed, you stop complaining that you have nothing to wear when your closets are full.  When you witness the hungry starving children going through the trash in search of a morsel of stale bread, you learn to appreciate your bountiful supply of food.  When you see the houses that are made of cardboard or pieces of metal from a car, you see your own home as luxurious.  Even those who are fortunate to have a real house with water and electricity suffer because the utilities are shut off early in the evening every day.
We don't recognize these seemingly small things as luxuries because we are accustomed to them.  Yet, if we did not have these things, they would soon become the luxuries that we would desire the most.  Our definition of luxury would quickly change and the pedicures, manicures, massages, and new clothes would not even enter our mind.  We need to remember that we could easily be the ones washing our clothes on the riverbank and drying them on the rooftops if it were not for God's grace.  It is like the saying, "Except for God's grace, there go I."  I think that God would be very pleased if we started looking at our lives in a different way.  We need to view every blessing that God gives to us as a luxury and thank Him everyday for every provision.  God has given us the greatest luxuries of life; our eyesight, our hearing, mobility in our bodies, and the capacity to love, think, and feel.  Finally, let us understand that even life itself is a luxury, for every breath that we breathe comes from God Almighty, who is the Lord and the Maker of us all. +++

Copyright © 2007 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved   

Scripture:  Psalms 127:3 (New Living Translation)  "Children are a gift of the Lord."
Children come into our lives by the hand of the Lord, for He alone is the one that creates life.  Conception and birth are both miracles of God.  There are many instances in the scriptures where the barren woman was blessed with children because God intervened in her life.  Sarah was one of those women who were barren, but when she was ninety years, she gave birth to Isaac.  Another miracle was Mary, the Mother of Jesus.  She conceived at a very young age and gave birth as a virgin.  God spoke about Sarah's child, Isaac, and also about Mary's child, Jesus, before they were ever created.  He knew these children and had plans for them before He ever formed them in the womb of the mother.
In the eyes of God, no child, then or now, comes into being as an accident, for God creates and plans the life of every being.  Each child is precious and has a purpose in the kingdom of God.  Yet, there may be a time when our children stray away from God's ordained plan for their lives.  There is a hope that is given to us by the Word of God when this happens.  God's Word tells us that if we train up our children in the way that they should go, when they are old they will not depart from it (Proverbs 22:6).  Sooner or later, they will return.  In the meantime, and in the middle of their situation, we need to be there for them.  We must love them and accept them unconditionally, just as God, our Father, loved us through our many temptations and failures.
We cannot minimize our children's battles that we don't understand nor write off their pain.  We must ask God to give us wisdom and help us empathize with them.  Empathy doesn't mean that we feel sorry for them.  Instead, it means that we experience their pain with them.  We feel what they feel and hurt as they hurt.  We become so involved with our hearts that we understand their temptations and what they are going through.  Jesus did this when He came to Earth to die for us.  He emptied Himself of His deity and took on the nature of mortal man so that He could understand what we go through and be touched with the feeling of our infirmities.  He was tempted in all points that we would be tempted in, yet He remained without sin (Hebrews 4:15).
When things begin to get kind of sketchy with your relationship with your child or you know that the path that they are taking is wrong, remember these words that Solomon spoke in the Psalms, "Children are a gift from God."  Then, treat them in that manner.  When you realize that God created your children and that He loves them just as much as you love them, you will be able to put them into the Lord's hands and confidently trust in Him to take care of them. +++

Copyright © 2007 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved   

Scripture: James 2:17  "Faith, if it has not works, is dead, being alone."
We are saved by faith and not by works, but faith always generates good and productive works.  Faith demands corresponding actions and when faith stands alone without any actions to support its beliefs, it is dead.  In the previous verses, James gave an example of a brother or sister who were naked and destitute of daily food.  He said that if we tell them to go in peace and be warmed and fed, and do nothing about their situation, there is no profit.  Our words are dead and have no life.  Then, he told us that the same thing is true of our faith.  When we just talk about what we believe and wait for something to happen, it profits nothing.  There is no fruit unless we act on what we believe.
Faith works and faith has works.  The blind man's faith caused him to cry out to Jesus for healing.  He even cast away his beggar's garment by faith when Jesus called for him to come.  He had faith that he would be healed and he got rid of his garment because he believed that he would not have to beg again.  The faith of the leprous men caused them to search out Jesus for cleansing.  The lame man acted in faith and picked up his bed and walked at Jesus' command.  Peter acted on his faith and walked upon the water when Jesus bid him to step out of the boat and come to Him.  Zacchaeus was a small man but his faith prompted him to climb up in a tree so that he could see Jesus.  The faith that was in the heart of the woman with an issue of blood caused her to push through the crowd of people so that she could touch the hem of Jesus' garment and be healed.  Lazarus had to put away the graves clothes and walk out of the tomb when Jesus called him to come forth.  Noah acted on faith and built an ark and Moses led millions of people across a desert.  These are just a few that put actions to their faith.
Our lives are full of opportunities every day to express our faith in the Lord and His word.  I am almost sure that none of us will be called to walk on the water or walk out of a tomb, but our faith will be challenged, none the less.  We will have to put actions to our faith and show what we declare to believe.  If we believe that God can take care of all of our needs, we will have to stop worrying and cast all of our cares upon Him.  If we believe God's word about giving to Him and others, we will have to share in our own lean times and expect the Lord to honor His promise of a greater return.  If we believe that Jesus paid the price for our healing, we can't give up.  We must stand in faith until our answer comes.  In every situation that demands faith, we will have to trust in the Lord with all of our hearts and not lean upon our own understanding.  Faith's actions are not easy, but they are always evident.  If faith is standing alone and does not have works, it is dead. +++

Copyright © 2007 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved   

Scripture:  Isaiah 58:8 (Living Bible) "If you do these things, God will shed His own glorious light upon you."

The people of God were trying to do all the right things to gain favor with God and to get their own needs met, but they were receiving no results.  In verse three, they cried out to God and said, "We have fasted before you.  Why aren't you impressed?  Why don't you see our sacrifices?  Why don't you hear our prayers?  We have done much penance, and You haven't even noticed it!"

Have you ever come to this point of frustration with God?  You fast and pray for a certain situation, but it seems that nothing changes.  God spoke very plainly in this chapter and said that He was not as interested in religious acts and sacrifices as He was in our practical ministry to others.  Like a natural father, what really makes our heavenly Father happy is what we do for His children.  In verse six, God says, "Consider the type of fast that I have chosen ... I want you to stop oppressing people and treat them fairly.  Share your food with the hungry, clothe the naked, and shelter those who are helpless, poor, and destitute by bringing them into your own homes."  True ministry in the eyes of God is as follows:

    "Find a Hurt and Heal it.
     Find a Need and Meet it.
     Find a Void and Fill it.
     Find a Problem and Solve it."
                By Rev. John Osteen

This is true religion that is undefiled before God and if you do these things, God said that He would shed His own glorious light upon you.  He will heal you and your righteousness will go before you.  When you pray, He will quickly reply and say, "Yes, I am here."  In other words, God makes a promise that if you will be there for others, He will be there for you.  God's fast is for you to forget about your own needs for a season and think about others.  As you minister to others God will anoint you and grant you the grace to be bigger than you are and He will also shed His glorious light upon your own needs. +++

Copyright © 2007 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved   

Scripture:  Philippians 4:6  "Be anxious about nothing."
The Apostle Paul gave us clear instructions about keeping our hearts and minds at peace.  He told us that if we would pray about everything that the peace of God would prevail in our lives (Vs. 6-7).  The secret of peace is having faith in a faithful God, yet we find this difficult at times.  It seems that we can exercise more faith in the natural things than in the Almighty God who created them.  For example, we place more faith in the postal system than we do in our own prayers to God.  We mail precious documents, checks, and sometimes even cash with great faith.  We put these items in a paper envelope, which is not very secure and place a stamp on the envelope that is worth only a few cents.  We then put the envelope in the mail and totally commit our unguarded letter to the postal service.  It may change hands hundreds of times as it travels thousands of miles across the nation or around the world.  Yet, rarely do we consider that it may not arrive at its destination intact.  We have used the system so often that we assume that it will not fail.
God wants us to develop this same kind of faith in Him and to know that He hears and answers our prayers.  We must come to the understanding that even though prayer is a mighty force, it is still as simple as mailing a letter.  When the requirements are met and the prayer is released, we can expect it to reach its destination and bring results.  It may take some time as God works on our behalf, but we are not to give up or to think that He never received our petition.  God set up this system called prayer and He is well able to oversee it.  We just need to believe that prayer works.
Paul said that a peace that passes all understanding comes to us when we make our request known unto God.  When we pray, we must exercise faith for our necessities and for deliverance from every adverse situation.  We are to cast every care on God, once and for all, and expect Him to answer.  We are not to be anxious about anything.  Worry is forbidden by God and reaps no benefits, but a prayer spoken in faith brings results and will usher in peace. +++

Copyright © 2007 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved   

A Word In Due Season
5th Week of August 2007


Scripture:  I Peter 4:8 (NLT)  "Most important of all, continue to show deep love for each other, for love covers a multitude of sin."
There are instructions in the Word of God concerning our daily walk with the Lord and with others.  In many of those instructions, God underscored the need for us to love all people, at all times, and in all situations.  He didn't tell us that we had to understand every thing that they did or agree with them in every area, but that we were to love them.  This can be difficult because people are people and there can be many offenses that occur every day of our lives.  People will offend us when they don't mean to and we will offend others without even being aware of it.  A word will be spoken out of order or a deed will be done that will cause confusion in our minds and bring pain to the deepest parts of our soul.
Peter had a great understanding about the power of love.  He said the most important thing for us to do is to continue in love because love covers a multitude of sin.  In the natural, when you cover something up, it can no longer be seen.  It is hidden from your view and everyone else's.  The same is true in the spiritual realm when you allow God's love to flow through you and cover a deed.  When His love covers up a transgression that someone has committed against you, you no longer see it and others do not see it as well because you don't show it to them.  You keep it hidden and you don't talk about the wrong that has been done against you.  If someone speaks evil of you or responds to you in a negative manner that causes confusion, you must cover it with love.  You will find that when you release the love in your heart, you will be released from the torment in your mind.  When you feel like you have been slapped in the face even though you acted with the best of intentions, Jesus said turn the other cheek.  When you turn the other cheek, you allow love to cover the abuse.  When you've spoken with a pure heart and a condemning judgment has risen against you, you must allow God to be God and do what He does best, which is cover the transgression with love.  His love will silence the harsh words of condemnation and bring peace and healing to your heart. 
God is love and He created us in His image.  If God is love, and we are created in His image, we are 'to be love' just as 'He is love'.  Love is not designed to be just an act, but a vital part of being.  Love is the greatest gift of all.  The Apostle Paul stated that love was even greater than faith and hope (I Corinthians 13:13).  This is probably why the devil will try to destroy the love relationship amongst God's children.  He knows that love has power and he doesn't want us to be united so he uses the smallest offense to cause dissension and confusion.  When Jesus taught us to pray, He told us not to only seek forgiveness for our own sins but also to forgive others who had sinned against us.  Love is a choice and it is beautiful when we allow it to be manifested in our lives, for love forgives and love covers or hides a multitude of sin. +++

Copyright © 2007 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved   

Scripture:  Genesis 13:10 & 11  "Lot lifted up his eyes, and beheld all the plain of Jordan, that it was well watered everywhere, before the Lord destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah ... Then Lot chose him all the plain of Jordan."
Abraham took Lot, his nephew, with him when he left Egypt.  However, it became difficult for them to live together because both men had such large herds and great possessions.  When the land could not support both of them any longer, strife began to develop between their herdsmen.  In an effort to control the strife, Abraham suggested that he and Lot separate themselves and go different directions.  Abraham said, "The whole land is before us.  You take what you want and I will take what is left."
This was such a generous offer on Abraham's part, as he was Lot's elder and leader and could have demanded the best for himself.  Abraham's herdsmen, who were already in strife with Lot's herdsmen, would have stood with Abraham in battle to gain the more fruitful and better land.  Yet, Abraham gave Lot first choice.  Lot responded to this offer by choosing the very best portion of land, the plain of Jordan, which was well watered, lush, and green.  However, this land did not remain in this state for very long.  Because of the sin which polluted Sodom and Gomorrah, God's judgment fell.  In its final state, the land that Lot chose became a barren desert.  It was no longer fruitful but was in total contrast to its original state of being well watered, lush, and green.
In Luke 12:15, Jesus told us that our lives do not consist in the abundance of things which we posses.  Riches never satisfy the soul.  A rich man and a poor man debated which of the two where the wealthiest.  The rich man told the poor man, "I'm the wealthiest because I have great riches and you have nothing."  The poor man said, "I'm the wealthiest.  You have great riches for sure, but you always want more.  I have very little, but I have all I want."  II Timothy 6:6-9 says, "contentment is great gain ... be content with having food and clothing.  Those who crave to be rich fall into temptation and a snare and into many foolish and hurtful lusts."  God knows you and knows your needs.  He has great plans for you and will provide what is best for you.  Instead of choosing the land that is well-watered, lush, and green, seek His blessing and perfect will for your life.  God will always give you the best when you let Him do the choosing." +++

Copyright © 2007 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved   

Scripture:  Luke 22:33  "Peter said unto Him, Lord I am ready to go with You, both to prison and to death."

Peter made a very bold statement to Jesus.  He declared that he was willing to face prison and even death itself because of his relationship with Christ.  This declaration came after Jesus warned Peter that Satan was going to sift Peter as wheat in an effort to destroy his faith.  Shortly after Jesus had spoken these words, Peter's faith and boastful pledge was challenged.  In the midst of fear and confusion, Peter denied that he even knew Jesus.  Later, however, his repentive heart caused him to weep in bitter remembrance of that moment of failure, and the prayer that Jesus made on his behalf prevailed.  Peter's faith did not utterly fail.  He became a great witness for Jesus, the One whom he had earlier denied.

God loves a willing heart, but it takes more than a willing heart to please Him.  This story shows us that the most zealous of all and the strongest of the strong can fall.  Yet, for some reason, we can't see ourselves in this position.  Like Peter, because of our ambition for God, we feel that we could face anything, even prison or death.  Our zeal lends itself to boastfulness and we make fantastic promises to God.  During trials, we place great confidence in our own ability to sustain ourselves.  We never think that we would deny Christ in the midst of pressure as Peter did.  And we certainly do not think that we would sell Jesus for success or a few pieces of silver as Judas did.  Yet, in spite of our good and noble intentions, we often fail.

The concept of victory and survival is so easy when adverse circumstances are far away.  We are ready for anything that life has to offer when we are on the mountaintop and our confession is bold as we proclaim that we are more than conquerors.  The hardship of the trial and the despair of the valley seems a small thing.  However, the same Peter who thought that he was invincible to failure came to realize the vulnerability of the followers of Christ when he found himself denying the Lord.  The Apostle Paul warned us with these words, "Be sober and vigilant because your adversary, the devil, is going about as a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour" (I Peter 5:8).  Even though our spirits are ready for prison and death, our flesh is weak.  When our faith is being sorely tried, our only hope is to depend upon the power of the Holy Spirit.  In the midst of every temptation, we have the assurance that Jesus is praying for us that our faith will not fail. +++

Copyright © 2007 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved   

Scripture:  Revelation 12:10  "For the accuser of our brothers is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night."
The enemy of our soul works overtime in the department of accusations.  He is at our heart's door continually reminding of us of our present sins and past failures regardless of how little or how great they may be.  He leaves nothing undone because he knows the negative effect his words of condemnation will have upon us.  He does not speak with truth but the thoughts that he plants in our minds become mental hurdles that we have to overcome.  His reminders become heavy weights and burdens as we attempt to run the race that God has set before us. 
I thought of this recently when I was eating a simple strawberry.  Even though it was delicious and I was enjoying it, my mind went back to something that happened many years ago.  This happens quite often when I eat strawberries but I didn't understand why.  I always remember an incident that happened when I was a child.  I was walking home from school and I took a strawberry from the strawberry patch that was near the road.  It wasn't a sudden thing.  I had to go out of my way and walk around the block slowly so everyone else would be gone and not see me when I came back by to take the strawberry.  Taking the strawberry sounds so much better than stealing it.  That memory became a stronghold in my mind because I had never dealt with my deed.  That was over fifty-five years ago and it still grieves my spirit.  It is true that I have done many other things that are far worst since then, but I have always been quick to confess my sins and find forgiveness in the eyes of the Lord.  When I have confessed my sins, God has always been faithful to forgive and to cleanse me from all unrighteousness.  He washes me whiter than snow and I am never plagued with guilt.  I didn't know this truth when I was young child but I now realize that I had this recurring memory because I had never confessed this sin, nor asked forgiveness for it.
The devil was there to remind me when I ate a strawberry because he knew that my transgression was not covered by the blood of Jesus.  He still had an open door to accuse me and make me feel guilty.  You may ask, "Does God hold us that tight to the law?"  I would say no.  We would all be in big trouble if He did.  But I do believe that the Lord saved this particular incident in my mind so that it could be used as an example for this season to let you know that God wants all of us free from the evil spirit of condemnation.  He wants us to know that we can be released from the devil's accusations by simply asking forgiveness for our sins.  If you have a recurring memory that brings condemnation, simply confess it to the Lord.  Call the sin out by name, ask for forgiveness, and then allow God to wash away the stain.  You will be amazed at the sweet release that you will feel in your spirit when you get God involved in forgiving your transgressions.  Remember that the devil is the one who seeks to keep you in bondage but God is faithful.  God's word declares that the accuser has been cast down and that you can overcome him and his accusations "By the blood of the Lamb and by the word of your testimony" (Revelation 12:11). +++

Copyright © 2007 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved   

Scripture:  Nehemiah 8:10  "The joy of the Lord is your strength."

It is important to have the joy of the Lord in your heart because it gives you the strength that you need to face every situation and provides hope in every hardship.  The joy of the Lord is a mysterious quality that enables you to endure temptations and causes you to be able to complete your course.  Without the joy that comes from a steady relationship with the Lord, you will likely become weary in your journey and give up.  The battle will become too hard to fight and the burden too great to bear.  Even Jesus required joy to finish the work that God sent Him to do.  Hebrew 12:2 says, "Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith; Who for the JOY that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God."
Isaiah 12:3 says, "Therefore, with joy shall you draw water out of the wells of salvation."  Joy is an instrument in your hands and is like a bucket that you would use to draw needed water from a well.  You may stand by the well and know that the water is there, but you can't draw the water up without joy in your spirit.  You may know the promises of God's word and recognize that the answer to your situation is available.  Yet the answer is deep in the well and you will only be able to exercise the faith needed to receive the promise if you have the strength that joy gives.
Joy is not magical and doesn't come automatically.  It is a supernatural fruit of the Holy Spirit.  Yet, the scriptures teach that there are things that you can do to develop joy in your life.  First, you must study God's Word.  Jeremiah 15:16 says, "Thy word was unto me the JOY and rejoicing of my heart."  Without knowing the truth of God's Word, you cannot be free, and you certainly can't experience joy when you are in bondage.  You must also seek out the presence of the Lord.  David faced many difficult and adverse situations in his life, yet, he understood the source of his joy.  In Psalms 16:11 he said, "In Thy presence is fullness of JOY; at Thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore."  He also knew that he had to stay pure before the Lord if he wanted true joy in his life.  In his prayer of repentance, David pleaded with God, "Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me ... Restore unto me the JOY of Thy salvation; and uphold me with Thy free spirit" (Psalms 51:10,12).  He recognized that he had lost the joy of salvation when he had entered into sin.
Jesus taught on another area of joy.  He said that you must be faithful with your talents.  He told a story of a steward who had been careful and faithful over his talents.  His master said, "Well done, thou good and faithful servant: you have been faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things: enter into the JOY of the Lord" (Matthew 25:21).  Let your mind dwell on these things that will create joy in your life; God's word, God's presence, purity in the sight of God, and faithfulness in your stewardship.  Begin to concentrate on developing these areas.  As you do, the joy of the Lord will begin to grow in your heart and the fruit of it will produce new zeal and strength in your life. +++

Copyright © 2007 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved   