A Word In Due Season
1st Week of February 2007


Scripture:  Luke 12:35  "Be dressed for action and have your lamps lit ... "
Jesus instructs us to be ready because we never know when the Lord will return or what other opportunities will avail themselves to us.  It would be quite a shame to miss the significance of the hour because we were unprepared.  As Jesus' followers, we must be dressed and ready for action, clothed in His garments of righteousness and bearing the full armor of God.  Our lamps must be full of oil and lit so that we are able to work in the darkness that surrounds the moment.
Satan tries to distract us because he knows that when we focus our attention on him, he can deceive us into foolishly wasting our time.  There are so many options that he sets before us.  If the devil can steal just one day a week from you for the next year, he will gain about 7-1/2 weeks of your life.  That's why Ephesians 5:15-16 tells you not to be foolish but to diligently redeem or buy up the time by using it wisely and making use of every opportunity that comes along.  However, this doesn't mean that you are not to rest because rest is ordained of God.  He created the night so that you could refresh yourself with sleep and He also established the Sabbath for your rest.  He even rested Himself from all of His labors.
Time is precious.  It is freely given to us from God and cannot be purchased.  Once a moment is spent, it cannot be relived.  Between yesterday's disappointments and tomorrow's dreams is today's reality.  We cannot afford to refuse to go forward because of yesterday's failures, procrastinate about the future, or just sit around in present idleness.  We must be busy about our Father's business and work while it is day.  Jesus said, "Do not say, there are yet four months until harvest.  Behold, I say unto you, Lift up your eyes and look on the fields for they are white and ready to harvest."  Your destiny in God's kingdom is waiting to be fulfilled so make sure that when your moment comes you are ready.  You are dressed for action and your lamp is lit. +++

Copyright © 2007 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved   

Scripture:  Romans 3:27  " ... but by the law of faith."
Laws are a system of rules and the established authority and control that are imposed by such rules.  Faith is that indefinable something that causes us to believe that God is God and allows us to trust in His words.  The writer of Romans declared that there is a law of faith.  That law is summed up in Hebrews 11:6 which says, "Without faith it is impossible to please God: for he that comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him."  Believing that "God is" and trusting His promises brings us into a spiritual rest and establishes God's authority in our spirits.  This faith and trust then results in our obedience and action to His command.
I Timothy 3:9 speaks of the mystery of faith.  Although we cannot understand nor explain how or why faith works, we know that God answers our prayers of faith and honors our trust in Him.  This law of faith that God has established brings results just as any other universal law that He has set in motion.  Just as we may not be able to understand or explain how the law of gravity works, we do not have to understand faith.  Faith will work just the same without our understanding.  If we were to try to deny or defy the law of gravity, we would find ourselves in a great deal of trouble, for what goes up will surely come down.  It has been established by the authority of God and His rules determine the results.  The law of faith is as sure as the law of gravity.  This mysterious law of faith declares, "Believe and you shall receive." 
The working of faith is a mystery, but the results are promised.  To operate within the confines of this law, God has made His rules very simple.  The rule is that we must believe that He is and believe that He will reward us when we diligently seek Him.  God is pleased when we put our anxieties to rest and do these two things.  None of our works or religious acts create this right standing with God.  Our righteousness comes only through faith in the blood of Jesus (Romans 3:25) .  Regardless of our needs, God's law of faith is waiting for us to make demands upon it and set in motion the forces of God's almighty power.  God's hand is not too short to reach us and His provisions are not too lacking to help.  He faithfully waits for us to call upon Him so that He can answer and show us great and mighty things.  Speak faith filled words to God today and let Him know that you believe that He is God and diligently seek Him for the answers and rewards that He has promised. +++

Copyright © 2007 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved   

A Word In Due Season
2nd Week of February 2007


Scripture:  Matthew 5:13 & 14  "You are the salt of the earth ... You are the light of the world."

One of our greatest purposes on Earth is to glorify our heavenly Father (verse 16), and Jesus made a declaration of several godly characteristics that we are to maintain in our daily lives in order to accomplish that purpose (Verses 3-11).  We call these characteristics the beatitudes.  We are to be poor or humble in spirit; mournful or able to feel and be stirred, meek or teachable, hungry and thirsty for righteousness, merciful, pure in heart; peacemakers, and also have the ability to endure false accusations and persecution for righteousness' sake.

Think of these "beatitudes" as the attitudes that we need to be.  We are challenged on a daily basis to respond to life situations, and sometimes we may react differently than what Jesus set forth in the beatitudes.  When this occurs, we have to make an attitude adjustment and allow God to change our heart.  Jesus taught that in all situations we are to react as He did, not as the situation demands because we are to be as salt to the earth.  Salt causes thirst.  When people see our responses and notice that our actions glorify God, it becomes like salt to them and makes them thirst for the inner peace and joy that we have.  When we fail to display the examples that Jesus set forth, however, our lives become as salt that has lost its savor.  Jesus said that salt in this condition is good for nothing.  When our lives do not have spiritual flavor, they become worthless and do not bring glory to God our Father.

Jesus also said that we are to show forth His light in our lives.  He said that our light is to shine in our own houses as we display a private and personal witness to those closest and nearest to us.  And our light is to also shine before men who are in the market places and around the world.  Our light will only shine as bright as the light of God's life that is within us.  We have an awesome responsibility as we live before others.  If we allow the salt in our lives to be compromised or fail to display the light of the Lord, it will be as though our witness is hidden under a bushel.  Salt causes thirst and light draws men out of darkness.  We must keep watch over our attitudes so that we can be the vessels that God has ordained us to be.  When our life is salt and we are full of light, our lives will glorify God and lead others to Him. +++

Copyright © 2007 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved   


Scripture:  Isaiah 49:4  "Then I said, I have labored in vain, I have spent my strength for nothing, and in vain."
Isaiah spoke these words prophetically, which were the thoughts of the Messiah who was to come.  Can you imagine that Jesus had the same thoughts and feelings that you and I have felt?  Jesus came to sacrifice His life for the world but many rejected Him and it seemed that He was spending His strength for nothing.  At some point in our lives, most of us have felt this same way, that our labor has been in vain and that we have nothing to show for a life of hard work.  It could be in any area of our life.  We may be successful financially, but our children might have strayed from the values that we trained them in.  They are not serving God and we wonder how this could be when we so diligently labored to keep them in the faith when they were young.  Or maybe we labored with all of our strength in the work force only to find that we are not in the financial position that we had hoped that we would be in at this stage in our life.  We may have labored in a ministry that fell apart or lost our retirement in the market or corporation that failed.  As we look at our present circumstances, we think that all of our labor has been in vain and that every ounce of strength that we spent has brought us nothing.
We cannot allow our thoughts to end in this sad and painful conclusion.  Isaiah continued this verse of scripture by declaring, "Yet, my judgment is with the Lord, and my work is with God."  The Message Bible quotes his words by saying, "Nevertheless, I'll let God have the last word.  I'll let Him pronounce His verdict."  Only God, Himself, knows if our labor has been in vain or not.  We must trust in Him and believe that He will bless our efforts and that our labor will not be in vain.  When it looks like everything has failed in our life, we must allow God to have the last word on the subject.
We need to look at our good works like the farmer looks at his fields.  The farmer plants his seed and then sees nothing for weeks.  He can see the fields that he labored in and the rows where he planted, but no positive results.  For days and weeks the sweat of his brow and the long hot hours that he spent may appear to have been wasted.  There are no outward signs to reinforce his faith and to assure him that his labor and strength had not been in vain.  He can't look beneath the soil or examine the results of his tedious labor.  He must wait out the season and put his trust in God.  We must do the same.  If you have felt that you have labored in vain, remember that Jesus understands your heart and then allow this promise from the Apostle Paul to encourage you.  Paul said, "My beloved brothers, be steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord" (I Corinthians 15:58). +++

Copyright © 2007 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved   


Scripture:  Matthew 22:14  "For many are called, but few are chosen."
There is quite a difference in being called and in being chosen.  Those who are called are simply summoned to appear, but those who are chosen are actually selected above the many who were called.  We see this progression in the sport's field.  There is a general call to those who would like to be on the team but only a few of those will actually be chosen to join.  After the individuals are chosen to be on the team, there will be yet another choosing.  The players will be placed and played according to their individual skills but some may never be able to participate in the actual game.  Instead, they will become benchwarmers that never make it to the playing field.
Such is our life and our callings from God.  It is certain that God has called many of us, but we have remained there and have never made it to the next level.  God wants to use us in a mighty way for His kingdom purposes.  Yet, He can't choose us because we are limiting Him by many factors in our life.  Like the Israelites who came out of the bondage of Egypt, we may limit God with our unbelief.  We may not have enough faith in God or feel that the finances will not be available to support the vision that He, Himself, has placed in our hearts.  We may say as the Israelites said, "Can God furnish a table in the wilderness?"  We may fall into the same trap as they did and struggle with our own self-esteem because we see ourselves as grasshoppers when we view the goal that God has chosen for us to accomplish.  We may simply not be chosen because our attitude is so negative.  God is working in our lives, but we are impatient and we murmur and complain about everything that we do not understand.  We may also be left on the bench of life because we are unprepared.  We did not take the initiative to study in order to show ourselves approved before God.  We did not intercede in prayer in order to be able to meet the spiritual challenge.  Also, we may have been lax in keeping our physical bodies in a healthy condition.  Even if God did choose us, we couldn't respond because we would not have the stamina and strength to be able to endure the physical pressure.
We know that God has called us aside for his purposes, but if we want Him to choose us, we must concentrate on preparing ourselves for Him.  We must develop our faith and believe that God will supply all of our financial needs for the task that is set before us.  We must know that we are sufficient in Him and believe that we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us.  We must see ourselves as more than conquerors over the giants that challenge us.  If we want God to use us we also have to take care or our physical bodies so that we can say as Caleb did, "I am as strong now as I was forty years ago and I am well able to take this mountain."  Like the Apostle Paul, we have to lay aside any and all weights that keep us from running the race that God has set before us.  Many are going to be called, but if we want to be one of the few that are going to be chosen, we need to be prepared.  We must study the Word of God, intercede in prayer, wait upon God so that our spirits can be renewed, and also take care of our physical bodies.  We must understand that even though we might be in the number that is called, we will not be chosen until we are ready in our body, soul, and spirit. +++

Copyright © 2007 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved   

Scripture:  John 6:12  "Gather the fragments that remain, that nothing be lost."
Jesus had just finished feeding over five thousand people by multiplying five loaves of bread and two small fish that His disciples had obtained from a young boy.  It seems strange that Jesus would gather up the leftovers after such an awesome experience.  He didn't gather the fragments that remained so that He could show that the miracle that He had just performed supplied more than enough, for they ended up with twelve full baskets.  Nor were they collected in order to keep the grounds and hillside clean.  His words clearly indicated His intentions, "that nothing be lost."
God is awesome in His power and He is His own source.  Yet we see in this story that even though He can create anything, He wastes nothing.  He is not slothful in any sense but is faithful in all things.  He always takes care "that nothing be lost."
God is watching over you just as Jesus watched over the fragments that remained that day among the people.  What may seem insignificant in the eyes of others is important to the heart of God.  In Joel 2:25 He says, "I will restore all the years that the locust has eaten."  He looks at your life that has been broken just like the bread and the fish and He believes that He can mend you.  You feel that you have no significant purpose, but He says I have hope and future plans for you (Jeremiah 29:11).  You see only crumbs, but He sees baskets full.  You see yourself as having been scattered, but He sees you drawing close to Him.  Your life to you seems as nothing but brokenness, but He sees great potential.  And, He speaks into your life as Jesus spoke to His disciples.  "Gather the fragments that remain, that nothing be lost."  Begin today with what little you have and bring the fragments back to God.  He will take the pieces that you give to Him and bless them so that nothing will be lost. +++

Copyright © 2007 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved   


Scripture:  I Kings 18:44  " ... and it came to pass at the seventh time."
When we pray in the name of Jesus and we know that we are praying according to the will of God, there is only one thing that is lacking, and that is to be persistent.  We must stand in faith and believe that the Lord will bring the miracle.  God looks for the man, woman, or child who will pray in this manner and not give up.  Elijah prayed seven times for the rain to come.  He prayed for rain and then he just kept on praying.  He did not allow himself to be distracted by the negative reports of his servant, and he did not become discouraged because things looked hopeless because there was no sign of rain.  He bowed himself before the Lord and continued to pray until his answer came.  James referred to Elijah's persistent prayer and said that the fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much (James 5:16).
Elijah had done mighty things in the name of the Lord but he, himself, was not a supernatural spiritual giant.  James said that Elijah was a man who had the same passions that we have.  He had his ups and downs and his own weaknesses to deal with.  After a major victory over 400 prophets of Baal, Elijah became so terrified of one woman named Jezebel that he ran from her.  Elijah also got physically tired and had to rest.  He got discouraged and wanted to give up and die (I Kings 19:4).  He had to deal with his own prideful thoughts.  He declared that he was the only prophet left that God could use, but God let Elijah know otherwise.  God told Elijah that He still had seven thousand in Israel who had not bowed their knee to Baal (I Kings 19:18).
Like Elijah, there are many challenges that come our way.  Yet, we can't give up in the midst of fear and discouragement, and even when we are weary, we must continue to fight life's battles.  The greatest weapon that we possess is the knowledge that our battles are fought and won while we are on our knees in prayer.  Our prayers must be persistent.  We may have to pray seven times or more concerning a single matter, but we must hold on in faith until the answer comes.  When there seems to be no hope, no sign from God, and no rain clouds on the horizon, we must still believe that God's answer is on the way.  His delay doesn't necessarily mean denial.  My friend, take courage and believe that God is listening when you pray.  Your prayers and the words that you speak into God's ears today will make a difference in your tomorrow.  Your destiny is at stake so pray until the answer comes. +++

Copyright © 2007 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved   

A Word In Due Season
3rd Week of February 2007


Scripture:  Psalms 103:2  "Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits."

Man is a three part being.  He lives in a body, which houses his soul and spirit.  His body is his sense-consciousness, meaning it uses the five senses and relates to the material world.  The body's function is to see, hear, taste, feel, and smell.  The soul of man is the self-consciousness and is comprised of the mind, will, intellect, and emotions and its function is to think, make choices, and express feelings.  The soul links the body to the spirit.  The spirit of man is the highest part by which we have God-consciousness and is the part of man that is able to comprehend God, commune with God, and worship Him.  Andrew Murray said, "God dwells in the spirit; self dwells in the soul; and sense dwells in the body."

In this Psalm, David speaks to his soul or that part of his being that links his body with his spirit.  He tells his mind, will, intellect, and emotions to remember God and all of His benefits.  In so doing, he encourages himself in the spiritual realm, and we find David doing this throughout the scriptures.  When he found himself in discouraging places in the natural, he would speak to his soul until he was renewed in his spirit.  In this particular psalm, David listed some of the benefits of God and told his soul to remember them and bless God for them.  I encourage you to meditate on these benefits and SPEAK THEM ALOUD to your own soul.  As you do, you will find that your spirit will be renewed and your faith will begin to rise as you hear your mouth speaking God's word.  (Psalm 103 - Paraphrased for clearer understanding.)

  1)  God forgives all my sins - vs. 3
  2)  God heals all my diseases - vs. 3
  3)  God redeems my life from destruction - vs. 4
  4)  God crowns me with loving kindness - vs. 4
  5)  God crowns me with tender mercies - vs. 4
  6)  God satisfies me with good things - vs. 5
  7)  God renews my youth as the eagle - vs. 5
  8)  God judges me righteously when I am oppressed
        by the enemy - vs. 6
  9)  God will show His ways to me - vs. 7
10)  God will show His acts to me - vs. 7
11)  God is gracious to me - vs. 8
12)  God is patient and slow to anger with me - vs. 8
13)  God has plenty of mercy towards me - vs. 8
14)  God reproves me temporarily - vs. 9
15)  God's anger passes and He does not stay mad at me - vs. 9
16)  God does not punish me according to what I deserve - vs.10
17)  God removes my sins as far as the east is from the west - vs. 12
18)  God pities me like a father because I fear Him - vs. 13
19)  God remembers that I am only human - vs. 14
20)  God has numbered my days on this earth and He causes me
        to flourish as a flower - vs. 15
21)  God has eternal mercy towards me because I fear Him - vs. 17
22)  God shows righteousness to my children and grandchildren - vs. 17
23)  God shows His righteousness to me because I obey His
        commandments - vs. 18
24)  God's throne is in the heaven and He is in control - vs. 19
25)  God's kingdom rules over me on this earth - vs. 19
26)  God's angels excel in strength and hearken to His word to
        minister to me - vs. 20-21 +++

Copyright © 2007 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved   

Scripture:  Genesis 26:12  "Isaac sowed in that land, and received in the year an hundredfold: and the Lord blessed him."
There was a famine in the land, but God gave specific instructions to Isaac not to go into Egypt to have his needs met.  Instead, God told Isaac to dwell in the land that He was leading Isaac to and He would be with him and bless him there.  Isaac stayed where God placed him, and in reward for his obedience, he became very prosperous.  In fact, he gained so many possessions and servants that the Philistines envied him (Verse 14).
The story of Isaac deals with sowing actual seed and reaping real financial and material blessings.  It can work for us as well as it did for Isaac.  Like Isaac, we are not to look to Egypt or the world as our source of supply, for God will meet all of our needs according to His riches in Christ Jesus.  When we are willing and obedient to His command.  He promises that we will eat the good of the land (Isaiah 1:19).  As we sow into God's kingdom, we will reap.  Our blessings will come back to us "pressed down, shaken together, and running over" (Luke 6:38).
The famine that comes to you may not be in the area of finances.  Yet, this same principle of sowing and reaping is also valid when you face famine in other situations.  Your famine may be in the areas of your relationships, health, or emotional well being.  When any area of your life is lacking, you are to trust the Lord with all of your heart and not lean to your own understanding.  God can bring about a harvest in the time of famine if you will simply sow.  If you are experiencing famine in a relationship with your spouse, parent, sibling, or close friend, you must sow into that relationship.  At first it may look as though nothing will come from your seeds of love, compassion, forgiveness, and trust, but remember that seeds remain dormant for a season before they bring forth a harvest.  If you remain diligent, you will eventually see the results.  You may be facing a famine in the area of your health and lack the initiative to press forward.  However, as you discipline and force yourself to sow the necessary seeds of proper diet, rest, and exercise, you will reap a harvest.  Your famine may be in the area of your emotional well being and things may look hopeless as distress may be overwhelming you.  During this discouraging and very challenging famine, you must sow God's word into your life.  As you do, He will quicken your mortal body and bring you new mental strength.  You will only reap what you alone sow.  Others cannot sow for you.  So be diligent with your seed even in famine.  Make sure that you plant it and then expect to see a hundred fold harvest. +++

Copyright © 2007 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved   

Scripture:  I Corinthians 13:13  "... the greatest of these is love."
We know that without faith it is impossible to please God and we are told to hope in Him and His word.  Yet, Paul says that love is greater than both faith and hope.  Love will cause a man and a woman to give up their own individual lives to join together in unity for life.  Love will cause a mother and a father to sacrifice themselves to nurture and provide for their children and love will cause children to become caretakers for their elderly parents.  Love for one's country and what it represents will cause a man to go to war and lay down his own life for the cause.  Love will cause pastors to lay down their lives for their sheep and love will cause sheep to serve their pastors faithfully.  Love will cause brothers and sisters to fight for one another and love will bond friendships that cannot be broken.  Love caused our Father God to give His only begotten Son to die on the cross for our sins (John 3:16).  The greatest expression of love was this act at Calvary. 
Love excels all emotions.  It is a mighty force that originates with God, for God is love.  In Matthew 22:37 & 39, Jesus said that the two greatest commandments are, "Love the Lord your God with all of your heart, and with all of your soul, and with all of your might ... and love your neighbor as yourself."  When we do these two commandments, we fulfill the Ten Commandments.  You can not love God with all of your heart, soul, and mind while you are worshiping other gods, taking God's name in vain, or polluting His holy day.  You can not love and honor God if you do not honor your parents as the Word of God instructs.  You can not truly love others if you are willing to kill them, steal from them, bear false witness against them, commit adultery with their mate, and covet their belongings.  Love and evil can not be mingled in the same vessel.  They will neutralize one another.  Even our gifts have no place if our love is not pure and undefiled.  Paul said that our gifts become as noisy gongs and clanging cymbals where there is no love.
We are to keep, or guard, our hearts (Proverbs 4:23).  I Corinthians 13:4-8 tells us that love is patient and kind.  When love governs our heart, jealousy, arrogance, pride, and vanity are unable to prevail.  When love is ruling, it doesn't insist on its own way and is not rude and unbecoming.  Love is never self-seeking or resentful.  A heart governed by love doesn't dwell on the evil that has been done to it nor does it rejoice at injustice or unrighteousness.  A heart full of love will rejoice when right and truth prevail.  It will also be able to bear up under anything and everything that comes.  A heart guarded with love will always believe the best of every person and its hopes are fadeless under all circumstances.  Love never fails and never fades away but will endure to the end.  The greatest gift is a heart full of love.  When a heart is filled with love for God and others, there is no room for self. +++

Copyright © 2007 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved   

Scripture:  John 14:16 (Amplified)  "I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Comforter (Counselor, Helper, Intercessor, Advocate, Strengthener and Standby) that He may remain with you forever."
In the natural, we face times when circumstances demand that we have help in solving a problem.  Recently I had one of those days.  Without knowing it, I had left the dome light on in my car for two days, which drained the battery.  Fortunately, I had a standby.  My son offered his help.  He pushed the car out of the garage, down the curved driveway, pass the trees, and all the way to the street.  I was amazed at his strength, for it was something that I could not have done.  All I had to do was sit inside the car and turn the steering wheel a little.  It was his strength that got us where we needed to be, and then it was his expertise that got the car started.  He became my comforter in this situation as he involved himself in my need and solved my problem.  Without him, the car would still be in the garage with no power.
Just as I needed help getting my car started, there are times in this life that we all need help with our problems.  However, during these times we can take comfort in the promise that we have from Jesus' own lips.  He said that He would be with us forever and that we would never be without help.  The Holy Spirit is with us and will help us face life's many challenges and frustrations, for He is dependable and whatever we need - He is.  He stands along side of us to give us help in every situation.  He is our Comforter and our Counselor and as we yield to Him, He leads us in the direction that we need to go.  He is our Intercessor and involves Himself with every need that we have, speaking on our behalf as He approaches the Father.  As our Advocate, He defends and pleads our case.  The Holy Spirit is always standing by, waiting to empower us with the strength that is necessary to meet the challenges that are set before us and making us to be more than a conqueror.
When I experienced the problem with the car, I had to give complete charge to my son and allow him to direct.  I had to trust his knowledge, follow his instructions, and lean on his strength.  He knew what he was doing when he assumed control.  At one point, when I questioned him, he just pointed me to just get in the car because I was in the way of his progress.  Likewise, so many times we get in the way of the progress of the Holy Spirit.  Jesus prayed and asked the Father to send the Comforter to us.  We must believe that God hears the prayers of His Son and intends to answer them.  Yet, often our impatience causes us to stop following and start directing.  We don't adhere to the Holy Spirit's counsel, for it seems beyond our ability to release total control to Him and allow Him to be our Advocate.  We find it difficult to let Him fight our battles for us even though we know that He is our Helper and is well able to finish the work that He has started in us.  Proverbs 3:5 tells us what we are to do in these situations.  We are to "Trust the Lord with all of our heart; and lean not unto our own understanding."  In other words, we are to sit in the car and rest in God's strength and ability while His Spirit pushes and then gets things started for us. +++

Copyright © 2007 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved   

Scripture:  Hebrews 12:1  "Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight and the sin that clings so closely, let us run with patience the race that is set before us."
Challenges greet us at every turn in life and many things seek to weigh us down.  We may have thought that life's race would be easier than it is.  For when we are being obedient to God's voice and know that we are in His will, it's hard to understand the hurdles that stand in our way and the many pitfalls that are there to surprise us.  Condemnation tells us that we must be doing something wrong and temptation speaks to our soul to give up and drop out of the race.  Discouragement says, "It is hopeless.  You will never make it."  Then physical weariness takes us to the very edge.
The Apostle Paul knew that we would face these struggles and told us that in the midst of temptation, there are other voices that we can turn to.  He spoke of a great cloud of witnesses that surround each and every one of us to give us encouragement, correction, and inspiration for enduring faith.  These witnesses that surround us have passed this way before.  Their stories and examples throughout the scriptures show us the way through the wilderness, give light in our darkness, and direction for our path.  When we are weak, we can view their lives and draw strength.  The witness of Joseph tells us to hold onto our dreams, for they will come to pass at the appointed time.  The witness of Noah says, "Obey God's voice even if it seems ridiculous, for you will never regret it."  The witness of David says, "Fight for your cause and don't be afraid of the giants in your life."  The witness of Moses says, "God will meet every need, even if He has to rain it down from Heaven."  The witness of Daniel lets us know that God can shut the mouths of hungry lions.  The witness of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego is there to encourage us when we are in the hopeless furnaces of life.  Their witness speaks to us that, "The Lord will walk with us through the fire and that we will come out not even smelling like smoke."  And finally the greatest witness and inspiration of all is that Jesus gives hope of resurrection and a new and eternal life.
These are just a few of the witnesses that surround you.  It doesn't matter if you are going through a flood or in a fiery furnace; God's witnesses have been there.  God has a perfect word for every dilemma and a voice for every cause.  His witnesses are cheering from the sidelines and speaking encouragement to your soul and spirit.  Read their accounts in God's word and listen to their voices, for they are the witnesses of a better time to come.  Their testimonies of deliverance will help you lay aside the weights that are hindering you, and their accounts of victory will be an inspiration that will help you stand in the midst of your adversities. +++

Copyright © 2007 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved   

A Word In Due Season
4th Week of February 2007


Scripture:  Ephesians 4:2 (Living Bible)  "Be humble and gentle.  Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other's faults because of your love."
As believers and followers of the Lord Jesus Christ, we have inherited a responsibility to walk worthy of the divine calling that is placed on our lives.  We cannot and must not act or react in the same manner as those who do not profess Christ as their Lord.  Our lives are an open book that is read of all men and we must be careful of what we write on the pages.  Our actions must encourage those in the faith and be a witness to those who are searching for the reality of God.  Our speech must be tempered and our words must always minister grace to the hearer.  All that we do in word or deed must be done to manifest the glory of God, for we are new creations in Christ Jesus.
Did you notice that Paul didn't tell us to be humble, gentle, and patient to those with faults because they desire it or deserve it?  He didn't even tell us to do it because of God's love towards those at fault.  Paul said we are to act with humility and gentleness because of the love of God that is within us.  We are also to be patient and make allowances for each other's faults.  In other words, we are to allow others to have faults.  Then we are to be so filled with love ourselves that the love in our heart is able to flow out and cover their faults and overshadow all of their transgressions.   
Love is powerful because its source is God, for God is love (I John 4:16).  When you say that you have love in your heart, you are saying that you have God, Himself, within you.  This is an awesome and overwhelming thought.  When God is within you and His love is reigning on the throne of your heart, there will be a manifestation of humility, gentleness, and patience in your life.  Your behavior will be a credit to God's kingdom because of the love that you show towards those who have faults. +++

Copyright © 2007 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved   

Scripture:  I Corinthians 3:9  "For we are laborers together with God."

The Apostle Paul was a very important man to the kingdom of God and had many reasons to promote himself above others.  Philippians 3:5 and 6 declares that there was no fault in him.  He was circumcised on the eighth day, and he was of the race of Israel and of the tribe of Benjamin.  He was of the party of Pharisees and observed all the laws.  He was so zealous for God that he persecuted the church with a good conscious.  In verse four, Paul said if anyone had reason to rely on themselves, he had more.   

Even though Paul had all these things going for him, he put them aside.  He forgot his prestige and counted his personal abilities as loss.  Throughout his ministry he never sought to exalt himself above others, but became a servant to the very church that he once persecuted.  He became a laborer with those that were trying to spread the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, for he knew that he could not do it alone, and neither could they.  Paul spoke against those who manifested envy, strife, and division by trying to exalt him above Appolos, who was another minister of the Lord Jesus.  Paul explained that he had planted, Appolos had watered, but God was the one who gave the increase.  Paul and Appolos were ministering for the same cause and Paul realized that both of them were nothing without the work of the Holy Spirit.

In the twelfth chapter of I Corinthians, Paul said that we are all part of the body of Christ and that every member has an important role.  In Ephesians 2:21, He also likened the members of the church to a building that is fitly framed together.  He emphasized that no part of the body or the building is more significant than the other.  He also showed us by example that we are not to envy someone else, feel intimidated by our low degree, or exalt ourselves.  We are God's workmanship and He sets the terms, placing us where He wants us to be.  We are accountable to fulfill that responsibility.  We need to work together.  Like the Paul and Appolos scenario, if you plant the seed, I need to water, and vice versa.  We are not to strive one against the other, as there is no place for division in the Kingdom of God.  Jesus is one Lord over us all and He will bring the increase as we labor together with Him. +++

Copyright © 2007 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved   


Scripture:  James 5:11  "You have heard of the patience of Job, and have seen the end of the Lord; that the Lord is very pitiful, and of tender mercy."

Job was rich in material blessings and was surrounded by a wonderful family.  He was well known and respected in the city and he was also a man that worship God and hated evil.  He was a good man and was enjoying his life when bad things began to happen to him.  He suddenly lost everything that was dear to him, even his own health.  In his trials, he experienced much that could have caused him to lose his patience.  Yet because Job endured to the end, he received more than he lost because of God's pity and tender mercy.
Job had a hard path to follow, but we see his statements of positive commitment along the way.  When his children and material blessings were taken from him, he didn't give up his faith in God.  He recognized that everything that he had received in his life had came from God and acknowledged that it still belonged to God.  He said, "Naked came I out of mother's womb, and naked I shall return."  He also continued to worship God in the midst of his loss and stated, "The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away, blessed be the Name of the Lord" (Job 1:21).  Even when Job felt threaten by death, he maintained his faith in God by saying, "Though God slay me, yet will I trust Him" (Job 13:15).  Job spoke these words to his critical friends, while he was sitting there in an ash heap, scrapping the painful boils that covered his body.
Every believer suffers trials and experiences trouble at some point in their life.  Maybe it is not to same extent that Job suffered, but the challenges are there just the same.  Job declared that God would not even allow him to catch his breath, but piled bitterness upon bitterness (Job 9:18 Message Bible).  Yet, as hard as this was for Job, his trials were meant to be an example for us.  God shows us the trials of Job's life so that we may understand that trials do come to good people and that tragedy can strike even though we are striving to live right.  Job's life also shows us that trials do come to an end and that at the end of the matter God's tender mercy will prevail if we trust and believe in Him as Job did.  

Still, it is hard to maintain faith when we are being tried, but God will help us if we call out to Him in the midst of it all.  If we feel ourselves doubting, we must be honest and ask the Lord to help us with our unbelief.  When we are tempted to give up in the midst of adversity, we must trust God to sustain our patience and be encouraged by the thoughts and words of the Apostle James.  At the end of our patience we will find that "The Lord is very pitiful and of tender mercy." +++

Copyright © 2007 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved   


Scripture:  Romans 12:18  "If it be possible, as much as lies within you, live peaceably with all men."

Any time that two or more people are gathered together, there is a possibility for conflicting opinions and disagreements.  Sadly, these situations can get out of control and turn into strife and division.  God, in His wisdom, knew this may happen and that there would be times that it would be impossible for us to maintain peace with all men.  He was aware that we would come face to face with those who would distort the truth and provoke us to anger.  God also foresaw the useless and fragmented conversations that we would be engaged in as we desperately tried to explain and reason with irate individuals.  In society we are taught that when these situations occur, we should take a deep breath and very slowly count to ten.  That is a wonderful idea, but not a guarantee that things will be brought together and that peace will prevail.
The scriptures teach us how to approach the matter in another way.  They tell us to follow after the things that make for peace and that edify one another.  We are not to avenge ourselves nor be overcome with evil, but to overcome all evil with good.  David said, "Behold how good and how pleasant it is for the brethren to dwell together in unity!  It is like precious ointment upon the head" (Psalm 133:1-2).  God loves for His children to be in unity just as we desire for our own children to work together and be in unity.  However, there are situations beyond our control.  Even Jesus faced these situations in His life.  He was heralded into the earth by angels singing, "Peace on earth, good will to men."  Yet, His teachings provoked the religious leaders and His presence stirred the very forces of darkness and evil, causing demons to cry out when He came on the scene.  And Paul, who instructs us with this scripture to live peaceably with all men as much as possible, found it almost impossible for himself because of his commitment to the gospel of Christ.  Everywhere Paul went there "arose no small stir" because he spoke the name of Jesus (Acts 19:23).

When the opportunity comes for you to face strife and division, you don't need to count to ten.  Just think about Jesus and yield to Him, for He is the Prince of Peace.  As much as you allow Him to rule and reign within you, He will endow you with His presence, which invokes peace.  Whatever your personal challenge may be, He will give you strength to respond with a silence that is able to create peace in the hearts of men. +++

Copyright © 2007 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved   


Scripture: Matthew 25:40 "In as much as you have done it unto one of the least of these My brothers, you have done it unto Me."

We often get confused about the call to ministry, thinking that it is being behind a pulpit or in the limelight of a radio or television ministry. We also think that it is just for a chosen few who have been to seminary and studied how to minister. Yet, Jesus taught his disciples about true ministry. He talked to them about feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, sheltering the homeless, visiting the sick, and ministering to those in prison. He said, "When you minister to the least of these, you have ministered unto Me." Ministry is designed for the believer and it is about fulfilling the needs of others whether the need is physical, emotional, financial, or spiritual. It is helping people and encouraging them on their journey towards Jesus and eternity.

We would walk miles and stand in long lines just to get a brief glimpse of Jesus. If the opportunity presented itself, we would even sit in a tree like Zacchaeus did and wait for Jesus to come so that we could hear Him speak. There would be no sacrifice too great for us to make in order to be able to witness His awesome power. We would do anything and go anywhere in order to see Him change water into wine, heal the sick, multiply the bread and fish, calm the storms, and walk on the water. Words cannot explain how thrilled we would be if Jesus asked us to do something for Him or to minister to Him in some special way. Yet according to His own words, Jesus gives us ample opportunity to do just that. He comes to us more often than we realize. Most of the time, we do not recognize Him because He comes in the form of the beggar on the street or the hungry children of the world. He comes to us as the poor who need to be clothed or He sits behind bars as a prisoner who needs to be encouraged by a visit. He is there in many ways but because we are searching for Him to appear in a supernatural way, we miss Him altogether.

If you would start each day with a simple prayer such as, "Jesus, show me what I can do for You today", you would be surprised how many needs would present themselves. The Lord would open your eyes to see the hungry, thirsty, and homeless that were about you. You ears would be sensitive to the cries of those who were sick and you would understand the loneliness of those in prison. The Lord would fill your heart with His love and show you how to respond to their simple needs. He would teach you the same element of truth that He shared with those closest to Him. That truth is that the Lord is pleased when you touch the life of those who are neglected, overlooked, and considered to be the least in His kingdom. His message to you would be to "love all people" even the very least. For when you do, it will be as though you were loving and caring for Him. +++

Copyright © 2007 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved   

A Word In Due Season
5th Week of February 2007


Scripture:  Exodus 14:13  "Fear not, stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord."

God led the people of Israel into a hard place and they found themselves encamped between the enemy and the Red Sea.  Notice that God was the one who put them in what seemed to be a 'no win' situation.  As Pharaoh's army approached, the Israelites had no way of escape.  They were in a terrible trap and fear began to grip their hearts.  They spoke of surrender and were ready to return to Egypt as slaves rather than face death.  They failed to consider that God had led them into this precarious place and that if He had put them there, He surely had a plan of escape.  They had no idea that they were hours away from a mighty miracle and what they were about to experience would be talked about for centuries.  Books and movies would recount this marvelous story of deliverance of God rolling back the Red Sea for His chosen people.

Moses told the people to stand still and watch God work.  It is very difficult to stand still in the face of adversity when everything within us cries out for action.  Anxiety plagues our soul and fear tells us to run away or give in to the enemy.  Doubt and unbelief tell us to hide until the battle is over.  Presumption says move out ahead of God and fight the battle yourself so that you can just get it over with.  It becomes a matter of fight or flight.  God's wisdom, however, tells us to stand still until we get further instructions.  When God says go forward, He will make a way where there seems to be no way.  In this instance, God parted the Red Sea, and the Israelites went across on dry land in the midst of this sea.  God then used that same sea to destroy their enemies.  What a fantastic plan.  What God's people thought was evil, He used for good.

If you are in a hard place with no way of escape, do not fear.  Stand still until you hear from God.  His thoughts are much higher than your thoughts and His ways are much higher than your ways.  God does have a plan!  Ephesians 6:13-17 says to put on the whole amour of God, which is truth, righteousness, peace, faith, salvation, and the Word of God, and then stand.  Having done all that you can do about the situation, you are to depend upon the sufficiency of God.  As you stand still on the edge of your Red Sea, you will discover the certainty of God's unchanging word.  He is able to deliver you and will create a miracle on your behalf. +++

Copyright © 2007 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved   

Scripture:  Isaiah 45:9 (Amplified)  "Woe to him who strives with his Maker! ... Shall the clay say to Him who fashioned it, 'What do you think you are making? ... Your work has no handles?'"

We see here an earthen vessel that has been formed in the potter's hand.  The potter knew the intended use and exactly what he wanted when he made the vessel.  He knew how he would use that particular vessel, so he fashioned it precisely and supplied it with everything that it would need to fulfill His purpose.  However, the vessel became very unhappy because it saw all the other vessels that were made differently than itself.  It was experiencing disappointment because some of the vessels were endowed with more than it had.  They either had handles on both sides or at least a handle on one side.  Some had a handle on top and some were very special with a spout for pouring.  And then others were just as it was - a "no handle" vessel.  All of the vessels, however, were created very differently to meet a particular need, and all were necessary.

Have you ever compared yourself with others?  And in looking at yourself, did you notice the great differences in your physique, inner character, talents and abilities, and strengths and weaknesses?  Did you ever question your Creator, God, like the scriptures read in Romans 9:20, "Why have you made me thus?"  Or have you wondered why you were different, and like the vessel that Isaiah spoke about, said, "God, I have no handles!  What do you think you are making?  Look at me God, I'm not like your other vessels.  How can You use me?  I have no special gifts or talents.  If I just had one small handle - maybe, just maybe - You could use me."

You must remember that when God Himself was making you, He was designing you for a unique purpose.  Jeremiah 29:11 says, "God knows the thoughts or plans He has for you.  They are thoughts and plans for peace and not evil, to give you an expected end."  God saw your future when He was forming you, and He knew if you would need handles or not.  God never commissions without equipping, and His call does not come void of power.  Don't allow yourself to strive with your Maker.  Instead yield yourself completely to His choosing.  Trust the Potter and allow Him to use you as His vessel for His purposes and understand that regardless of whether you have handles are not, you are still the work of His hands. +++

Copyright © 2007 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved   

Scripture:  Ephesians 5:16  "Redeeming the time, because the days are evil."

To redeem means to regain possession of something, to receive something by exchange, or to make up for lost time.  Paul encourages us to live each day in such a fashion so that each moment we spend, we exchange it for something of value.  In the previous verse, he said, "Live purposefully, worthily, and accurately, not as unwise and witless, but as wise, sensible, and intelligent people ... making the most of time" (Ephesians 5:15 Amplified Bible).

Each deed that we do should be done as unto the Lord and every word that we speak should minister grace to the hearer, encouraging their hearts and renewing their spirits.  Our lives should be salt and light in this world of darkness.  Time and opportunity is priceless and once they are spent, they are gone forever.  Redemption of these precious commodities must occur as the moment happens.  Yet, sadly, we often find that we've missed our opportunity and the precious moment has passed into eternity.  We find ourselves saying, "I wish I had said this, or I wish I had done that."  We begin to realize that we've spent our time on things that had no lasting purpose or eternal value.

We live in a world that is full of hurting people and we encounter them daily.  Yet rather than trying to mend their pain, we come up with insignificant answers.  Some of the words taken from a song written by William and Gloria Gaither say, "When the house is burning to the ground, there's just no time to stand around arranging all the pictures on the wall."  The rest of the song deals with spending time writing songs and preaching sermons to answer questions that no one is even asking.  Instead of dealing with people's needs, we dwell on the variance of our religious creeds.  God's desire is that we rearrange our priorities, for the time is short and the days are evil.  Our main interest should be the needs of others and the condition of their hearts with respect to eternity.  We have been given the opportunity to lead others to a hill called Calvary and to show them how to touch the nail-scarred hands of Jesus.  We must make the most of time, and buy up each opportunity by sharing the Living Water with the thirsty and the Bread of Life with the hungry.  As we do, we will be redeeming the time for eternity by revealing the Redeemer. +++

Copyright © 2007 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved   