A Word In Due Season
1st Week of September 2007


Scripture:  II Peter 1:3  "His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him"
Our Father God has given us many precious promises.  Yet, His word tells us that we cannot be slothful if we intend to obtain them.  We must search the scriptures and come into a full personal knowledge of Christ so that we can know what He has provided for us through His journey to the cross, His death, and His resurrection.  When we truly come to know Him, we will discover what our rights and responsibilities are in the kingdom of God.  His promises are powerful but they will not come easy.  We must seek to inherit them through our steadfast faith and patience (Hebrews 6:12).  Through faith and patience, we will come to understand that God really has given us all things that pertain to life and godliness.  He left nothing out.  His Word and His Spirit not only instructs us in the things of life and tells us what we are to do in the natural, but also instructs in godliness and shows us who we are to be spiritually.
Jesus came so that we might have life and have it more abundantly.  He intends for our natural life to be blessed just as our spiritual life is blessed.  The Lord wants us to be thoroughly furnished and balanced in both life and godliness.  We can't be so earthly minded that we have no time or nothing to offer for the kingdom of God.  Yet, we can't be so spiritually minded that we are of no earthly good to those in the natural world about us.  We may want to be like the spiritual giants that we have read about in the scriptures, yet the truth is that we live in a natural world.  We can't sit at home and pray and study the Bible all day because we have to go to work and provide for our families.  God gave us many examples in the scriptures to show us that the men of great faith and godliness also had to live in the natural world and face the giants and challenges of everyday life.  
The Message Bible states that Jesus has invited us to God, which is the best invitation that we ever received.  We are given "Tickets to participate in the life of God."  But only the Lord can equip us to live a noble life in the natural world and also help us to live in spiritual godliness.  We must depend upon His strength, for there are too many temptations that will draw us the other direction.  I encourage you to look at the attributes of God and then make a quality decision to obtain them for yourself.  Remember that the Lord has offered you the privilege of leaning upon His divine power to help you manifest His character and godliness in your life. +++

Copyright © 2007 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved   


Scripture:  Joshua 1:6  (NIV)  "Be strong and courageous, because you will lead this people to inherit the land ..."
Joshua ministered to Moses' needs and served him as an assistant as they journeyed with God's people in the wilderness.  When Moses died, God promoted Joshua and chose him to take Moses' place.  God instructed Joshua to lead the people into their inheritance.  Surely the burden of this awesome responsibility must have concerned Joshua.  Yet, God, Himself, had imparted strengths into Joshua's heart and God knew that he was capable of completing the task.  He charged Joshua to remain strong and be courageous.
Fear is a great enemy.  It paralyzes our vision and keeps us bound in mediocrity.  It disallows us to inherit the promises of God or to fulfill His purposes.  There is a story of two caterpillars that were walking slowing upon the ground.  Suddenly, a beautiful butterfly appeared in the sky above them.  As it soared through the air, its colors radiated the glory of God's vision for its life.  As they watched this beautiful sight, one of the caterpillars spoke of his dreams and visions.  He said, "Someday, I will be just as beautiful and I will fly like that butterfly."  There was something deep within his being that was calling him to a higher level.  He knew that his destiny had not yet been fulfilled.  The other caterpillar spoke out in fear as he watched the butterfly soaring in the air and said, "You got to be kidding.  You'll never get me up in one of those things."  Both were headed towards their destiny that God had planned.  One traveled in anticipation and delight for what the future held and the other shrank back in fear because he was afraid to fly.
Jeremiah 29:11 says that God has good plans for you and He wants you to be strong and courageous as you face those plans.  He doesn't want you to shrink back in fear of your destiny or any assignment that it might require along the way.  He wants you to face the future with anticipation and delight and to see yourself in the beauty and glory that He has planned for your life.  If God has chosen you for some awesome responsibility, you have no need for concern, for He will equip you.  If He calls you to witness, He will fill your mouth with words.  If He calls you to help others, He will finance His plan.  If He calls you to minister to your next-door neighbor or sends you to a foreign mission field, He will give you sufficient strength and grace to complete the task.  He will never leave you helpless or hopeless.  He will always impart into your life gifts that will equal His call, for He never falls short in preparing His servants.  So when God calls, be strong and courageous, for nothing is impossible with God.  If He calls you to soar through the air, He will give you unfailing wings. +++

Copyright © 2007 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved   

Scripture:  Job 14:8  (Living Bible)  " ... it may sprout and bud again at the touch of water, like a new seedling."
Job speaks of the hope of a tree that has been cut down.  He says even though the roots in the earth have grown old and the stump is decayed, the tree still has life.  The old roots don't look like much underneath the earth, but the only thing that they need is the touch of water and they will become like a new seedling.  The tree that was once destroyed will begin to grow, and then sprout and bud.  We see this so often with trees and plants after the spring rains.
Job knew too well what it was like to be cut down to nothing.  He had lost his possessions and wealth, his sons and his daughters, his position and prestige, the respect of his wife and his friends, and his health.  He had absolutely nothing left.  As Job sat in the ash heap scraping his boils, his friends condemned him rather than comforting him.  Yet underneath Job's discouragement and distress, there was life in his spirit and he still had faith in God.  His trust remained, and even in the face of death, itself, he said, "Though God slay me, yet will I trust in Him" (Job 13:15).  Job knew that if he could just get a touch of water from the Lord, things would begin to change.
There may be forgotten hopes and shattered dreams in your life.  You may have given up on a relationship, financial situation, health issues, or the dream of your life.  You may have prayed until you can't pray anymore concerning the matter that you once had such great faith in.  Underneath the surface of the pain, you know there is still life in the matter, yet the possibility of resurrecting that vision seems too vague.  Job makes the solution simple to understand.  All that you need is the touch of water.  You may have been cut down and feel totally destroyed but God has been preparing you for this season and He will bring new growth.  You have been in a waiting period and God has saved you for such a time as this.  He declares that He has good plans for you.  Your situation may look like old dead roots, but in reality it is as a new seedling that is waiting to sprout and bud.  All that it needs is the touch of water.  When you begin to search for that touch of water, God will begin to rain upon you and resurrect and perfect those things that concern you. +++

Copyright © 2007 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved   

Scripture:  Song of Solomon 1:4  "Draw me, we will run after Thee:  the King hath brought me into His chambers."

Have you ever really wanted to get with a friend but lacked the initiative to "get the ball going"?  You give them the responsibility and say, "Call me sometime, and we'll get together."  Without their efforts, your good intentions would have come to naught.  Solomon's Song tells us of the plight of the Shulamite woman who speaks to the King in the same manner.  She desires to be close and intimate with the king so she says, "Draw me, and I will run after you."

Just like the Shulamite, we have a sincere desire to enter the private chambers of the King.  Our heart longs to find that intimate place of fellowship with Him and seek out His purpose for our lives.  However, the cares of this life and the deceitfulness of riches take precedence over our spiritual desires and we fail to set aside quality time just for the Lord, our King.  Our "spirit is so willing, but our flesh is so weak" (Matthew 26:40-31)."  We want to be like Mary and choose the good part, but instead we are like Martha and we allow ourselves to be overburdened with duties.
Jesus came and lived in a body of flesh so that He could be touched with the same weaknesses that you and I encounter.  We see Him sleeping in the boat and drawing away from the crowds when His energies were spent.  Yet, He continually arose a great while before the day to spend time with the Father and often spent the entire night in prayer.  We also see Jesus as a young child in the temple learning about His Father's business rather than playing with the other children.  His personal desires always came second to the will of the Father.  He made His communion with His Father the priority of His life.

Our desire is to have this same spiritual discipline that Jesus had.  Yet the hunger and thirst is not always there to cause us to follow after that desire.  God is the answer to this dilemma.  We must ask God to draw us supernaturally to Him.  When He begins to draw us, we will want to run after Him.  His presence will energize us and cause us to have a supernatural desire to study His word and commune with Him.  The hunger and thirst in our spirit will cause us to seek for Him because nothing else will be able to fill that void.  It will be like a natural hunger and thirst that forces us out of our comfort zone to find and prepare food and drink for our bodies.
If you desire to discipline yourself in this area, pray this simple prayer as often as you think of it, "Lord, draw me supernaturally to You so that I will run after You.  Bring me into Your chambers."  Then write yourself some reminders and place them where they can't be missed.  Rest in the fact that God will begin this supernatural work on the inside of you and trust Him to change your focus.  You will return to your first love and He will become your passion and priority as He creates an unquenchable desire within you.  When God supernaturally draws you into the chambers of His presence, you will never be the same. +++

Copyright © 2007 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved   

Scripture:  Psalms 27:13-14  (Living Bible)  "I am expecting the Lord to rescue me again, ...  Don't be impatient.  Wait on the Lord, and He will come and save you!  Be brave, stouthearted, and courageous.  Yes, wait and He will help you."

As we read God's word, we see many instances where God delivered those who waited and trusted in Him.  Our circumstances may look bleak at times, but they probably do not measure up to a fiery furnace or a lion's den.  Our giants may look big but are usually not as fierce as David's Goliath.  And consider Moses' mother who had to put her infant son to float on the river.  All she could do was patiently wait and trust in God's goodness because her only hope in saving her son was to release him to God.

The psalmist said he was expecting God to rescue him again.  This was neither the first time nor the last time that he would trust God for deliverance.  We often think that if we can just make it through the current ordeal and challenge that we are facing, things will get better and we can live happily ever after.  But like the psalmist, we usually find that something else follows that takes even greater faith.  In Ephesians chapter six, Paul said, "Put on the whole armor of God and having done all, stand."  The word 'stand' translates into "stand and get ready for the next battle."  Life is not easy and never will be, for we have a vicious enemy who roams about looking for those whom he can destroy.  Yet, for every challenge there is a victory that can be had if we trust in the Lord for deliverance.

The psalmist said, "I'm expecting the Lord to rescue me again, so I'm just going to wait until He comes."  Waiting takes patience and courage.  When a natural disaster strikes, such as a flood, you often see people stranded in their homes waiting for someone to come and rescue them.  They never give up hope because they know that there are those who are aware of their situation and who care what happens to them.  Like the psalmist waiting on God, whatever your circumstance, don't give up on God.  Expect to be rescued!  God is coming to your aid and will save you.  The first three verses of this Psalm in the Living Bible say, "The Lord is my light and my salvation; He protects me from danger - whom shall I fear?  When evil men come to destroy me, they will stumble and fall.  Though a mighty army marches against me, my heart will not fear!  I am confident that God will save me." +++

Copyright © 2007 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved   

A Word In Due Season
2nd Week of September 2007


Scripture:  John 15:8  "Herein is My Father glorified, that you bear much fruit."
When we delight in the law of the Lord and meditate upon His words day and night, we become like trees that are planted by the rivers of living water.  Our roots run deep in search of the nourishing water.  This nourishing water of His word keeps our leaves from withering and also causes us to bear much good fruit.  Whatever we do prospers (Psalms 1:2-3).  The fruit that we bear from our healthy branches not only brings glory to God but also imparts strength to those about us who receive from our lives.
Fruit is produced through much conflict.  A natural tree struggles against the forces of nature such as the storms and winds, the drought and heat, and the wild fires and the icy cold.  It also has to stand against the birds of the air that are waiting to pluck the fruit prematurely from its branches.  There is no rest for the tree or the fruit, for each season brings new and difficult challenges.  I have a fig tree in my yard that produces luscious figs every year.  The sad news is that I seldom get to enjoy the fruit because it is spoiled by the birds and the squirrels.  I don't mind feeding God's creatures, but they don't eat the entire fig.  Instead, they take one bite or one peck from each fig and then leave it to ruin.  I have often wondered why they waste such good fruit.  The only way that I would ever be able to gather unspoiled fruit from my tree would be to guard it night and day.
The same is true with our spiritual life and the fruit that God has ordained for us to bear.  We have to guard our hearts, night and day, because we have an adversary who seeks to destroy the fruit in our lives.  He takes us through dry spells and also brings storms and floods into our lives.  He tempts us in the areas of our personal weakness and also causes others to attack and to provoke us to evil so that our fruit is ruined on the vine.  Even if he is only able to get in one bite or one peck, he loves to see us lose our Christian witness.  We may not recognize our true enemy or his evil tactics at first.  We may even wonder why we lost our temper or said something that laid our soul open for judgment.  We may think that the illness, financial problems, and other unresolved issues that are challenging us are just a matter of course.  We forget Paul's words that declared that we are not wrestling with flesh and blood but against the principalities, powers, and rulers of a spiritual world of darkness whose sole intention is to steal our spiritual fruit and bring condemnation to our soul.
We must be aware of the strategies of the devil, for he goes about as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour.  We must understand that he can't take our fruit unless we allow him.  Yet, we must also be aware that he will take every advantage that he can.  If we give the enemy a place, he will sow hate and bitterness in our hearts so that he can drive out the fruit of God's love.  If we allow sorrow and grief to linger in our soul, it will steal the joy from our hearts.  If we are not vigilant, confusion will attack our peace and then doubt and unbelief will overtake our faith.  If we neglect to continually nourish our spirits with the water of the word, the fruit of patience, kindness, and gentleness will wither on our branches.  We must be wise and discerning so that we can produce much good fruit.  Our abundance of good fruit will not only be pleasing to God but will also glorify Him in the eyes of others. +++

Copyright © 2007 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved   


Scripture:  Mark 10:15  "Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter therein."
My grandson, who is three years old, sat at home and enjoyed life while his mother went out and shopped for groceries.  She had basically done all of the work.  She made the grocery list, clipped the coupons, and then went to store and selected the food.  She purchased the food with money that she had helped earn, carried the bags to the car, and then carried the bags from the car into the house.  She did all of this in the summer heat.  There was no effort whatsoever on the part of my grandson while he waited in comfort for her to return.  Yet, she said that when she put the bags of food on the table, he began to go through them and asked, "What did we buy at the store for me?"
A simple faith for provisions and self worth had been instilled in my grandson's heart by his loving father and mother.  He knew that his parents had always provided for every need so he had no shyness about receiving from their gracious hands.  He recognized that what belonged to his parents also belonged to him so he declared his ownership in the blessings of the house.  The bounty of the provisions belonged to him even though he was free from all labor and responsibility.
Jesus said that in order for us to receive the kingdom of God, we must come to Christ with the same childlike faith.  God is always so faithful and He brings blessings to our table every day.  In Psalms 103:1-10, David lists some of those benefits and instructs us not to forget about them.  They are ours for the taking.  He says that God forgives all of our iniquities and heals all of our diseases.  He redeems our life from destruction and crowns us with loving-kindness.  His provisions are never stale, for He brings us tender mercies that are new every morning.  God satisfies our mouth with good things so that our youth is renewed as the eagles.  He executes righteousness and judgment for all who are oppressed.  He is slow to anger and does not punish us for our iniquities in the fashion that we deserve.  These are just of few of our Heavenly Father's provisions that are available to His children.  The good news is that the Lord has done all of the work and paid the full price.  He sacrificed His life so that we could inherit the kingdom of God.  He lays the blessings out before us and assures us that what belongs to Him also belongs to us.  We must listen to His words and understand that He delights in blessing us but that His blessings will only come to us as we humbly receive them with faith as a little child. +++

Copyright © 2007 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved   


Scripture:  Isaiah 45:3  "I will give you the treasures of darkness, and hidden riches of secret places, that you may know that I, the Lord, which call you by your name am the God of Israel."
Dark places can be frightening.  I can walk the streets of my neighborhood in the midday sun without any anxiety, but if I were to travel these same streets in the darkness of midnight I would be attacked with the torments of fear.  I have experienced this without even leaving my yard as I simply took the trash out to the curb after dark.  There was no apparent danger or evil lurking in the shadows but because I didn't have clear vision in the darkness that surrounded me, fear flooded my soul.  My mind could not handle the uncertainty of the situation.
We would like to be in the light at all times regarding our spiritual life as well as our natural life.  Yet, there are times that we must walk in physical darkness and there will be times when it seems there is a veil over our spiritual life.  We will have no idea what is happening and it is as though we are walking alone on a dark street at midnight with no certain direction.  All we can see are the shadows that are mocking us.  It can be fearful to face financial difficulty and not know if you are going to have enough funds to meet your needs.  It can be more frightening when your medical report comes back with negative information and you have to trust God with your very life.  It seems that we can't stop fear and perplexity from attacking our minds when our children stray from the narrow path of God's plan.  Yet, the Lord never forsakes us and He gives us hope in all of the dark and lonely places that me must pass through.
God promised to give us treasures in the darkness and hidden riches of the secret places so that we would know that He is God and that He has called us by our name.  Some of the most precious times that we will ever spend with the Lord will be when we are passing through the dark places.  We may have read a scripture a thousand times, but it will come alive when we are in the secret place of the Most High.  It will give us hope when we hiding under the shelter of His wings.  His word will give us light that cannot be quenched by the darkness.  It will give revelation and shine like the natural lights of the heavens.  God's word is always there but it is often hidden like the stars in the midday sun.  The stars are always out and the moon is always shinning, but their light is hidden in the daylight.  It takes the darkness of the night to reveal their enormous glory.  In the light, we can only see what is near, but in the darkness, we can see the lights of the galaxies that are millions of miles away from us.  In our darkness, God is magnified and He gives us enormous vision.
If you are experiencing a dark season, do not be afraid.  My darkest moments have birthed the greatest light into my soul.  The hardest seasons that I walked through have produced the greatest faith that cannot be taken from me.  I encourage you to embrace the darkness that surrounds you with anticipation and search for God's light.  Ask Him to show you the treasures that are in the darkness that you are experiencing and seek out the hidden riches of the secret places.  God will illuminate His word and speak a personal word to your heart and soul.  When He does, you will never be the same.  You will have no doubt that God is God and that He knows you by name. +++

Copyright © 2007 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved   


Scripture:  Song of Solomon 2:15  "Take up the foxes, the little foxes that spoil the vineyards of our love, for our vineyards are in blossom."

In this love story, Solomon speaks to the Shulamite girl and says, "Let me see your face, let me hear your voice, for your voice is sweet and your face is lovely."  When two people are in love, their primary interest is to be together.  They long to see each other and cherish each moment that they have with one another.  They listen intently to every word that is exchanged between them.  Nothing escapes their notice, for their communion with one another is special.  There is a genuine sweetness between them and no other face or voice can fill the longing in the heart of the one that is in love.

Solomon's Song speaks to us today concerning the relationship that we should have with the Lord.  God loved us so much that He gave His only begotten Son for us so that our lives could be redeemed.  He desires for us to respond to that love and commune with Him.  Yet, we often fail to realize just how much He really desires to hear our voices and to see our faces turned towards Him.  He waits for us to seek out His presence, yet like the Shulamite's situation, we allow the little foxes to distract us from communing with the Lord, as He desires.  We get so busy with the small interruptions and problems of life that we fail to meet with God each day to spend quality time in His presence.  When we do find a moment to pray and study God's word, the phone rings or someone comes to the door.  It's almost guaranteed that some minor distraction will hinder us from experiencing the awesome presence of the Lord.  These are the small foxes that spoil the vine and keep our relationship with the Lord from growing and becoming intimate.

During disasters or the rough seasons of our lives, we somehow find time to pray and we make sure that we are in church drawing support and strength from the other saints.  However, God desires that we seek Him daily.  He wants to see our face and hear our voice before the troubles and hardships come.  He loves us that much and He doesn't want to be without our love towards Him.  We must pray and ask God to help us discern the little foxes.  Then, as God calls our attention to them, we must submit them to God and ask Him to take away anything that would hinder and spoil our intimate relationship.  Like Solomon said, we must take up the little foxes and guard the vineyards of our love. +++

Copyright © 2007 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved   


Scripture: I Corinthians 10:13 "No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to everyone. God is faithful, and He will not let you be tested beyond your strength, but with the temptation He will provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it."

The Apostle Paul told us that temptation is common and normal to the natural man. Regardless of how spiritual we may become, we will always face temptation. Each day situations will come that will make demands upon us and we will have to make a deliberate choice between right and wrong. Sometimes, it's easy because our choices have been established in our spirits long ago and there's no contest. Yet, the things that hold no sway over us may be a great temptation to someone else. And likewise those things that are the greatest temptation to us may seem trivial to those around us. We each have our own lust to face and conflicts and battles to fight. Paul assures us, however, that with each and every temptation, there is a way to escape. We just have to be watching for it.

Temptation needs to be dealt with at the very beginning. Mark Twain once said, "It is easier to stay out, than to get out." It is the difference between walking around a mud hole and getting knee deep in one. Once you're in the mud, it's a struggle to get out. The mud seems to fight against you, and you slip and slide each time you try to leave, getting dirtier with each attempt. Many times you end up having to get help, and all those involved in your release are affected by the dirt. So why don't we just stay out of the mud hole of temptation? James 1:14 says, "Every man is tempted when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed." Our own lust draws and lures us into temptation. We get just a little too close to the mud hole, and before we know it, we've slipped in. It's never our intention to fall into the temptation, but the devil presents himself as an angel of light (II Cor. 11:14) and we are deceived by his brightness.

The temptation that you may face is not significant in itself - your response to the temptation is! James 1:2 says that your response to temptation should be joy, knowing that the trying of faith works patience. When you are tempted, you can rest assured that even though the devil thought that you were a good target, God has great faith in you and He trusts you to find the way of escape. When facing the mud hole, don't linger near it or try to go through it. The mud hole is common to everyone but you must make an immediate and deliberate choice to go around it. When you choose to go around the temptation, you will escape its consequences and also experience joy. +++

Copyright © 2007 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved   

A Word In Due Season
3rd Week of September 2007


Scripture:  John 10:7  "Then Jesus said to them again, I am the door of the sheep."
The shepherd was a familiar figure in Jesus' day.  He had many duties to perform but one of his main responsibilities was to protect his sheep from any harm.  Shepherds allowed their sheep to graze in the open pastures during the day, but before the sun went down they gathered them into a safe place, which was called a sheepfold.  After the shepherd had gathered all of his sheep into the sheepfold in the evening, he would lay his own body down across the entrance.  This was a common practice amongst the shepherds.  The shepherd's body became like a door, which guarded the sheep.  Nothing could pass through the entrance of the sheepfold without going through the door, which meant that nothing could get to the sheep without first encountering the presence of the shepherd. 
Jesus spoke these comforting words to us because we are the sheep of His pasture.  He lovingly cares for us in every way.  He leads us into green pastures so that we can be nourished and beside the still waters so that our souls can be restored.  He doesn't quit there, however.  Instead, He is our way into the Kingdom of God or our door into the sheepfold, for no one can come to Father except through Jesus.  Like the sheep inside the sheepfold, we may have no idea what is on the outside of the safety that our Good Shepherd provides for us.  Yet, Jesus is aware of every peril that seeks to destroy us and He places Himself between us and all danger.  We never have to fear the unknown because nothing can get to us without first encountering His divine supernatural presence.
We deal with doors everyday and most of us check to make sure that they are secured when we go in and out.  A few years ago, I had a door that wasn't very secure.  It was safe as far as keeping the rain and creatures out of the house, but it was too old and worn to protect me in the time of real trouble.  When the fierce winds of a hurricane came my way, the door could not fulfill its purpose.  And even though it was locked and braced with a makeshift board, it still blew open as the raging winds of the storm passed by.  The door that Jesus offers us is not like this, for He, Himself, is the door and He is faithful and dependable.  His presence provides safety and security beyond our natural comprehension.  He is the Good Shepherd and He will not flee when the enemy attacks and He will not collapse in the midst of the storm.  Even when facing the cross, Jesus willingly laid down His own life for us.  It is a great assurance to know that we are safely hidden away from harm, for the Lord is our door and His presence is between us and danger.  This thought should give us sweet peace and destroy any terror in our soul. +++

Copyright © 2007 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved   


Scripture:  Psalms 77:8  "Is God's mercy clean gone forever?"

The psalmist was in a dilemma because he had no answers for his questions and no solutions for his problems<  He was so troubled that he couldn't even sleep.  As he complained about these problems that were overwhelming him, he finally came to the conclusion that God's mercy was "clean gone forever."  Clean means that he couldn't see the slightest trace of God's mercy in his situation.  It was as though God's mercy was totally washed away.  He even said, "Does God's promise fail all the time?  Has He forgotten His grace?"  The Message Bible says it another way, "Just my luck, God went out of business just the moment I needed Him."

The psalmist finally changes his tune and says, "This is my infirmity, I am sick, but I will remember the years of the right hand of the Most High.  I will remember His works of the past.  I will meditate and talk of the wonders that He has done.  Who is so great a God as our God?"  (Vs. 10-13)  The psalmist took his focus off of himself and his problems.  He then placed his attention upon the Lord God Almighty and thought about all of God's mighty works that He had done in the past.

Have you ever driven through a long dark tunnel where you were not able see where you had been or where you were going.  You could only trust that you would reach the end and come out safely.  Seasons in our lives sometimes seem like long dark tunnels.  Our situations become just like the one the psalmist described.  Lingering sickness and discouraging difficulties suppress our faith until we feel that God's mercy has been totally wiped out, and is "clean gone forever."  None of God's promises seem to be working for us, and just when we need Him the most, it seems that He has gone out of the mercy and grace business.  But, my friend, you must never give into these thoughts of despair.  Instead, meditate upon God and His word in your dark hour, and as you do, you will see a small glimmer of light at the end of the darkness.  Your hope will be revived and you will discover that God's grace is sufficient and that His mercy is not 'clean gone forever'. +++

Copyright © 2007 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved   


Scripture:  Luke 5:5  "At thy word I will let down the net."

Jesus told His disciples to launch out into the deep water, let down their nets, and they would catch a lot of fish.  Peter's response was similar to what ours would be in this situation.  He said, "Master, we have toiled all the night, and have taken nothing."  Peter was saying, "But Jesus, you just don't understand the situation."  Peter was a fisherman by trade and he knew how to fish.  He knew when to fish and he also knew when not to fish.  They had just come from the deep part of the lake and the fish were not biting.  He was trying to tell Jesus, the carpenter, that this was not a good time to fish.  He was saying, "Jesus, you can do carpenter work anytime.  The hammer, saws, and nails will always work with the wood, but in the fishing trade you have to have the cooperation of the fish.  We have fished all night long and this just isn't a good time to fish."

Although Peter and his partners were exhausted, they did not ask if they could go home and rest a few hours.  They just responded to Jesus even though it meant that they would have to clean their nets again, regardless of whether they caught any fish or not.  And although the timing seemed against his better judgment as a fisherman, Peter submitted himself to the Lord and said, "Nevertheless at Thy word I will let down the net."  Had they postponed God's timing, they may have missed their miracle altogether.  But when they acted upon Jesus' word, they gathered a multitude of fish so great that their nets began to break and they had to ask the boats that were surrounding them for help.

Jesus gave Peter and his men a direct word with a promise.  He said, "Let down your nets for a large catch of fish."  When Jesus spoke these words, He meant exactly what He said.  Peter and his men were to expect a great haul of fish.  Like this story, when God tells us to do something, He means what He says and will stand behind each and every word.  His word to us will always be productive and effective, and will accomplish His purposes.  Yet, He will only fulfill His promise when we submit to Him.  We must obey and not lean to our own understanding, realizing that His ways are higher than our ways and His thoughts are higher than our thoughts.  When the Lord speaks, we must act and not wait until it is more convenient, for His timing is just as important as His calling. +++

Copyright © 2007 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved   


Scripture:  Colossians 3:2  "Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth."

Sometimes it is hard to have heavenly attitudes and actions when we live in the natural world.  We have so many needs and passions and there are so many things to distract us.  However, because we are born again and share in Christ's resurrection, Paul tells us that we are to exhibit a new life before the world.  Regardless of the temptations that surround us, we are "to seek those things which are above where Christ is seated."  To seek means that we must put forth an effort to find those things that please God.  It's not just "happenstance."

In verses five through six, Paul continues to exhort us to assume personal responsibility for this new life in Christ.  He says, "You mortify your members."  In other words, you must put to death any evil desires that would cause you to sin.  You must disallow your affections and thoughts to dwell on sensual desires, for they will eventually draw you into sin.  You are to "put off all anger, wrath, blasphemy, filthy communication, and lies".  It is up to you to guard your emotions and your mouth.  You are to "put on the new man" by renewing your mind with the knowledge of Christ and be conformed into His image by the study of His Word.  You are then to let God's word dwell within you so that you can teach and admonish one another in wisdom.  You must let the peace of God rule in your heart instead of strife and everything that you say or do is to be done in the Name of the Lord Jesus.

In all these things you have to make the choice and the effort to set your affections on things above and not on the things of Earth.  God does not override your spirit and force you to think about Him or on things concerning Him.  Colossians 3:1-2 in The Message Bible says, "So if you're serious about living this new resurrection life with Christ, act like it.  Pursue the things over which Christ presides ... Don't be absorbed with the things right in front of you ... See things from God's perspective." +++

Copyright © 2007 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved   


Scripture:  II Timothy 3:17  "That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works."

God's plan for us is that we be perfect and thoroughly furnished spiritually so that our lives can function properly for Him.  Perfect, in this sense, means complete and exactly fitted as a joint.  We all know the results of what happens with the plumbing when the joints are not fitted properly.  It leaks and is unusable.  The same is true when a joint in our physical body is nor functioning properly.  The whole body is disabled with pain.  So it is also with our spirits.  If we are not fitted properly spiritually we often become like a loose joint to those who come in contact with us.

To be thoroughly furnished means to be equipped to do the work that God has ordained us to do.  How many of us really know how to witness salvation to the man on the street?  Many times we leave it to the pastor on Sunday morning, and it seems the best we can do is invite the lost man to church.  We also fail to pray for the sick, minister to those in prisons, visit the elderly, or perform other good works.  We are like a well built home that is missing necessary furniture or fixtures.  We are Christian by name but our works are lacking.  God wants us to be thoroughly furnished so that we are equipped to do every good work and meet the needs of those around us.

How can we become perfect, thoroughly furnished, and equipped in our spirits to do good works?  We must be versed in the Word of God and have an intimate personal relationship with Him.  Verse sixteen says, "All scripture is given by the inspiration of God".  Every scripture was breathed out of the mouth of God, and we are to listen and take heed to every word that He has said.  The scriptures are profitable to us in four ways:

    1) For Doctrine - They teach us and give us a solid foundation in
        which to place our faith.  We do not follow a "feel good religion,"
        but we live by faith in the words of the Almighty God.
    2) For Reproof - They cause us to know the difference between
        that which is sinful and that which is holy, convicting us of our sins.
    3) For Correction - They restore things to their proper use by
        shedding light on false theories, practices, and error.
    4) For Instruction in Righteousness - They train us to discipline
        ourselves to walk in obedience to God's Word.  They show
        us how to live a holy life that is in conformity to His will, thought,
        purpose, and action.

It takes time, effort, and energy to decorate and furnish a home properly.  It takes no less to do the same for our spiritual man.  We will only become thoroughly furnished as we spend time and exert our energy towards the things of God.  We must yield ourselves to the Holy Spirit and allow the inspired Word of God to teach, reprove, correct, and instruct us.  As we begin to change through this process, our lives will become well fitted and equipped for every good work. +++

Copyright © 2007 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved   

A Word In Due Season
4th Week of September 2007


Scripture:  James 2:23  " ... Abraham was called the friend of God."

What an enormous statement and honor to be called "God's friend."  The friendship between Abraham and God didn't just happen.  It was developed over a period of time as they shared many experiences and as they learned to trust one another.  God called Abraham out from his own country and away from his family to become the Father of many nations.  When Abraham obeyed the call, God faithfully blessed him and delivered him from every threatening situation.  In the test and trials that Abraham faced as he made his journey, he learned that he could trust God and rely upon God's faithfulness.  And through those same tests and trials, God found that He could trust Abraham.

Abraham was a man who was willing to make every sacrifice, even if it meant offering his only son, Isaac, as a burnt offering.  He knew the nature of God and was assured that this special friend would never let him down.  Abraham believed that God would keep His promise to bless his seed, so he placed Isaac in God's hands and trusted God to spare him.  Abraham had so much confidence in God that in the midst of this contrary situation, he told Isaac, "God will provide Himself a lamb."  Even as Abraham bound Isaac to the altar and raised his own hand to slay him, Abraham knew that his friend named God would not fail. 

II Chronicles 19:7 spoke of Abraham as being God's friend forever.  It wasn't just a passing relationship.  It was destined for eternity.  Scriptures are given for our examples.  If Abraham and God could share this kind of friendship, we should be able to experience the same, for God is no respecter of persons.  This thought alone should revolutionize our lives.  Like any other friendship, however, if we want to be friends with God, we have to be a friend to God.  When we reach for His hand, it's always there.  He expects no less from us. True friendship doesn't shrink from responsibility.  It shares the good and the bad.  God is not just someone to call on every time that we get in trouble or need help.  He desires personal fellowship.  He seeks to love and be loved, to trust and be trusted.  Our trust level should be so high that we would follow God anywhere and our love should be so strong that we would do anything that He asked of us.  God wants us to be His friend and He wants to be a friend to us.  He wants to hear us calling His name out loud.  As friends, He wants to talk with us and share His thoughts, and He wants us to talk to Him and share our thoughts. The Almighty God offers Himself to us on this intimate level.  He chooses to be our friend, but it is up to us to respond to His invitation. +++

Copyright © 2007 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved   

Scripture:  I John 1:9  "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."

This promise from God's word does not give us a license to sin, but an assurance that if we do sin, God will always be faithful to forgive us.  His love and grace will prevail in every situation if we will humbly confess and freely admit to Him that we have sinned.  Often, however, to keep from admitting our sins, we label them as faults or group them together and ask God to forgive us of all of our wrongs.  It's really hard for us to admit that we have sinned and to call our sins out, naming them one by one.  Yet, this is the way to true repentance and cleansing, for when we confess our sins, the blood of Jesus washes away every trace of unrighteousness.

God desires that we look at our thoughts and actions and then measure them against His word and His standard.  There are no little sins or big sins.  He looks at the intents and motives of our heart, for our heart attitude is just as important as our actions.  Matthew 5:28 teaches us this principle as Jesus said that one who entertains lust and evil desires in his heart is the same as the one who commits the sin.  All sin, outward and inward, must be confessed if we want to be able to experience God's will and purpose in our lives.

Another passage of scripture that speaks of the benefits of our confession is in Psalms 32:1-5.  The Message Bible translates David's words very plainly:

"Count yourself lucky, how happy you must be - You get a fresh start, your slate is wiped clean.
Count yourself lucky - God holds nothing against you and you're holding nothing back from Him.
When I kept it all inside, my bones turned to powder, my words became daylong groans.
The pressure never let up ...
Then I let it all out; I said, "I'll make a clean breast of my failures to God."
Suddenly the pressure was gone - my guilt dissolved, my sin disappeared." 

God is faithful and His word is true!  If we will confess, He will forgive! +++

Copyright © 2007 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved   

Scripture: Ephesians 6:17 "Take ... the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God."

The battles that rage against us are not carnal in nature, but spiritual and mighty. The Lord did not leave us defenseless in our battle against these forces of evil. Instead, He provided us with an entire spiritual armor. This armor of God is designed to cover us from the top of our head to the soles of our feet and includes the shield of faith that will quench all the fiery darts that the devil hurls at us. Last but not least the Lord also gave us the sword of the Spirit, which is defined as the Word of God. The Lord left nothing open to the enemy. All that we are required to do is put on the armor, lift up the shield of faith, and then use the sword. The sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God, is the only offensive weapon that is mentioned.

When we encounter a conflict with an individual, we often write it off as a personality issue or difference in opinion. We endeavor to keep the peace at any cost and hope that the problem will dissolve on its own. When we are attacked by one adversity after another, we often think that it is just bad luck. When these circumstances persist, however, we come to the conclusion that our real enemy is in disguise and that we are not wrestling against flesh and blood. We realize that we are engaged in a spiritual battle and we need the spiritual armor that Paul spoke about in order to be victorious in the matter.

When I come up against a snake in the natural, I never use my own hands in an effort to defeat it because I know that I do not have enough physical strength. I have learned that a sharp shovel is my best weapon and that it is well worth the time and effort to stop and get it before I do battle. The same is true in the spiritual realm. We must be prepared before we enter the battle. We cannot depend upon carnal weapons or our own strength because we are not fighting against flesh and blood. We need the sword of the Spirit, for the Word of God always encourages, gives direction, and births faith. In one particular spiritual conflict that I encountered, the Lord spoke these words to my heart, "Don't do battle without your shovel."

The enemy always seeks to provoke a reaction in the natural, but we must learn to always wait upon God and respond only in the spirit. The devil wants us to speak nonsense out of our mouths instead of the Word of God because he is not strong enough to resist this powerful weapon that is sharper than a two-edged sword. The Word of God is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart, points out our own errors, and gives light to every dark situation. This is the same weapon that Jesus used when the devil sought to tempt Him. Jesus simply said, "It is written."

There will always be conflicts as long as we are in this world. When the enemy began to taunt and provoke you, do not allow yourself to react to the harsh situation. Instead, separate yourself from it and get alone with God before you respond. Make sure that your spiritual armor is in place and that your shield of faith is lifted high. Like my example with the snake, whatever you do, "Don't do battle without your shovel." Or as the Apostle Paul said, before you go into battle, "Take the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God." +++

Copyright © 2007 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved   

Scripture: Hebrews 12:2 "... Because of the joy that was set before Him, Jesus endured the cross."

The Apostle Paul spoke of the race that is set before each of us and then instructed us to gain strength and courage by keeping our eyes upon Jesus. Jesus is the author and finisher of our faith and He set a great example for us when He endured the pain of the cross and all of its shame. Jesus could have called ten thousand angels to come to His aid and deliver Him, but He chose not to give up in the middle of His race. Instead, He kept His mind on His ministry to mankind and His eyes upon the goal that was set before Him. The joy of that goal brought Him enduring strength.

All of us have short-term goals and long-term goals. Yet many times, right in the middle of the race, hopelessness tries to overwhelm us. The race may seem too long and too hard and you may feel the urge to give up and let it all go. There might be a financial goal that you have established. You may be desperately trying to work yourself out of debt, yet disappointments come when emergencies delay this plan. There may be goals in your relationships that are diverted by situations that you cannot control. Your ministry goals may be challenged by circumstances and setbacks. Your zeal and endurance may wane with every hurdle that you face. Yet Paul said, "Run to obtain ... and press towards the prize." You should never allow outside distractions to cause you to drop out of the race. You must finish your course and endure to the end.

Jesus was able to endure the cross because of His joy, and this is the same ingredient that you will need in your life to find the same enduring strength that He had. Nehemiah 8:10 says, "The joy of the Lord is your strength." To make it to the finish line, you must have joy. Like Jesus, you cannot allow the pain of the moment to steal your joy. If you do, it will also steal your dreams and visions. When you allow the enemy to come in the door, he takes what is in your house. You must protect yourself by not lingering on the non-essential distractions. You must look to the future that God has planned for you and not at place where you are right now. Keep your eyes on Jesus, for He is the only one who can impart true joy into your spirit. The joy of the Lord will shine as a light in your darkness. His joy will comfort you in your griefs and disappointments and drive away the confusion of conflict. It will give you great peace in the midst of the storms and strength to endure your personal cross as Jesus did. +++

Copyright © 2007 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved   

Scripture: Psalms 34:6 "This poor man cried, and the Lord heard him and saved him out of all his troubles."

When David wrote this psalm of thanksgiving, he had just gone through a very tough situation. Saul was trying to take David's life so David fled in fear to seek refuge in the Philistine territory. Yet, in this place of refuge, the servants of King Achish recognized David and he soon realized that he was in another place of jeopardy. His new fears forced him to change his behavior, and he acted like a madman in an effort to save his own life. King David scratched on the doors of the gate and let his spittle flow down his beard. Putting on an act such as this must have been very hard for a man who was a mighty warrior and had slain thousands in battle. However, this humiliating act convinced King Achish that this man was indeed mad. King Achish did not recognize David and allowed him to leave. It's no wonder that David wrote, "This poor man cried, and the Lord heard him and saved him from all his troubles" for these words came straight from his heart.

David gave thanks to the Lord and also called upon God's people to join him in praise for his mighty deliverance. He said, "I will bless the Lord at all times: His praise shall continually be in my mouth. I sought the Lord and He heard me and delivered me from all of my fears. O, taste and see that the Lord is good: blessed is the man that trusts in Him." Like David, you have a great God and Father who wants to help you and is right now listening for you to make your needs known to Him. He watches you and sees the frustration and the confusion of your situation. He sympathizes as you struggle, trying to work out your solutions, and wants you to know that He is well able to help you. He says, "Seek Me and I will deliver you from your fears." All you have to do is trust Him, and if you do, you will see that He is good and that His mercy endures forever. Even in your most difficult situation, He will never leave you nor forsake you for He is near to those who are of a broken spirit and a contrite heart.

Paul gives us simple advice. He says, "Don't worry about anything. Instead, pray about everything; tell God your needs and don't forget to thank Him for His answers" (Philippians 4:6). David said, "Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but God delivers them out of them all." In other words, in every situation, whether big or small, cry out to God. He will solve all of your problems and deliver you out of all of your troubles. +++

Copyright © 2007 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved   