A Word In Due Season
1st Week of August 2008


Scriptures:  Proverbs 15:23  "A man has joy by the answer of his mouth: and a word spoken in due season, how good it is!"
How wonderful it would be to be able to say the right words in the right season to encourage someone in their daily walk.  It is like planting a seed in fertile soil.  However, you can't share words from God if you haven't heard from God any more than you can plant a seed that you don't have.  You may speak words, but they will be empty and without power unless they are anointed by God.  A cartoon once showed two ladies gossiping at a water fountain at work.  Finally, after much discussion, one of the ladies said, "Well, I guess I need to go back to work.  I've already told you more than I know."  How many times do we find ourselves telling other people more than we really know about a subject?
Isaiah says, "The Lord God has given me the tongue of the disciples and of those who are taught, that I should know how to speak a word in season to him that is weary.  He wakens me morning by morning, He wakens my ear to hear as disciples - as those who are taught" (Isaiah 50:4).  This scripture reveals that God the Father awakened Jesus' ear so that He could hear, yet Jesus still had the responsibility to discipline Himself to listen to the voice of the Father.  Even at a very early age, Jesus began to discipline Himself to hear from God.  He sat in the temple with the teachers and doctors.  He listened and asked questions of them, and all those that heard Him were astonished at His understanding and answers (Luke 2:46-47).  He could have been outside playing with the other boys, but instead He disciplined Himself to hear the Word.  And because of Jesus' diligent study of the scriptures and His continual communion with the Father, He was able to speak into the lives of men with authority and with wisdom.  His words were always in season and brought forth fruit.  He also showed us how to take time to listen and hear from God in the following scriptures:

Mark 1:35   "And in the morning, rising up a great while before day, He went out, and departed into a solitary place, and there prayed."

Matthew 14:23   "And when He had sent the multitudes away, He went up into a mountain apart to pray: and when the evening came, He was there alone."

Luke 6:12  "And it came to pass in those days, that He went out into a mountain to pray, and continued all night in prayer to God."

Let us follow Jesus example and diligently set our hearts to seek God in a greater way so that we too may minister words in due season to those who are weary. +++

Copyright © 2008 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



A Word In Due Season
2nd Week of August 2008


Scripture: Romans 8:28 "We know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose."

If you love God and are living for His purposes, then everything that's happening in your life is working together for your good. You may not understand exactly what is happening, but you can be sure that God's word is true and that it is all going to turn out for the best because He is in control. You can trust God to honor and fulfill this simple word, "all things - work together - for good." All things are not good, but they are working together for good. As you come to put your faith in this revelation, peace will come into your heart. You'll realize that everything that affects you also affects God. This knowledge will enhance your faith in the desperate days.

God has a hidden purpose in the things that happen to you. Just like the life of Joseph, God took every negative situation and used it to bring about His ultimate purpose. God used the evil circumstances to change and mold the character of Joseph until he became the vessel that God could use and trust. God repaid Joseph for all the lost years with an abundance of wealth and honor. Joseph's ultimate destiny proved that the journey of hardships that he endured was worth every moment. All things did work together for good in Joseph's life because he did love God and was called according to God's purposes.

God has good thoughts towards your life. You must cease meddling with the Master's plan and trust God. You must lean upon Him rather than upon your own understanding. God's work with your life is like a tapestry. Underneath, the threads have no pattern, but topside, they make a beautiful picture. God causes the dark threads of your life that you do not understand to work together with the other colors to form the picture that He wants to reveal to the world. You are His masterpiece. When His picture is finished, you will find that all things truly worked together in your life for good to fulfill His purpose. +++

Copyright © 2008 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture:  Isaiah 43:19  (NIV)  "I am doing a new thing! ...  Do you not perceive it?"
God is creative and He is very much into doing new things.  He has fresh ideas every day.  His sunrises are never the same and He never duplicates a sunset.  Each one has its own beauty and glory.  Every wave that breaks in the ocean and every cloud that forms in the sky is different.  The rainbows that grace the heavens may look similar, but each one is actually an original masterpiece of God.  And every time that God forms life inside of a womb, He creates for that special being a new set of fingerprints and voice inflections that are different than anyone else's.  Even the hair on the head of His new creation is so unique that with careful study it can be distinguished from all others.
God has created each one of us in His own image and He wants us to conform to His mindset, which is reaching for the new each day of our life.  He wants our lives to be purposeful and profitable.  He told us not to think about the former things or consider the things of old and He also spoke favorably about our future.  He said that He knew the thoughts and plans that He had for us and that they were for good and not evil (Jeremiah 29:11).  His heart longs to bless us with more.  Yet, we are so comfortable where we are that we often become confused when God begins to do new things and move our lives in a new direction.  The old is just a part of our life and we feel a certain security when surrounded by the familiar.  We may secretly long for the new, but shrink back when it presents itself because we are not sure what the change will bring. 
You may be wondering why your desires and interests are beginning to change.  You may have noticed that your hopes and dreams have taken on a different image.  There may be an awareness that new relationships are forming and a sense of new adventure has capture your interest.  You can sense that you are going in a different direction and have wondered what it all means.  There may be no physical event connected to the new thing that is happening, but you realize that something very significant is taking place in your spirit.  You have no words to explain what you are experiencing but God is enlarging your borders and giving you new territories.  The prophet asked, "Do you not know it?"  Can you see that things are different?  Can you perceive that God is moving?  Examine your life and evaluate your position.  Acknowledge the fresh wind that is blowing upon you and cooperate with God.  Trust everything to Him and follow His lead.  He will take you places that you have never been and show you things that you have never seen.  If you allow Him, He will complete the new thing that He has started in your life. +++

Copyright © 2008 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


Scripture: Hebrews 10:36 (Living Bible) "You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what He has promised."

You must keep on patiently doing the will of God if you want Him to do all that He has promised to do for you. His promise is simple. If you persevere and do your part, He will do His part. You must endure to the end. You can't stop short of the goal that is set before you, for the prize will only be awarded to those who cross the finish line. Jesus endured the cross until the end, and then He said, "It is finished." Paul continued serving the Lord through various trials until one day he could say, "I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course."

Paul also said, "Let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not" (Galatians 6:9). It is very easy to give up right when you are on the edge of a miracle. Look at the situation with God's people, Israel. God led them out of Egypt with signs and wonders and did mighty miracles in their midst. God protected them and provided for all of their needs, yet they would not persevere in faith. It is amazing that they saw Him do such magnificent things, yet they could not maintain their faith in this miracle working God. And because of their unbelief, they gave up and never received His promise. God could not do His part simply because they did not do their part.

Joshua and Caleb, along with the younger generation, were the only ones that entered into the Promised Land. Numbers 14:24 tells us that because Caleb had another spirit and followed the Lord fully, he was able to possess the land. He persevered in faith. At the age of eighty-five, Caleb was still declaring that he was strong enough to possess God's promise. In Joshua 14:12 Caleb said, "Give me this mountain ... I shall be able to drive my enemies out, as the Lord has said." He went to battle, drove out the giants, and conquered his mountain. God waits for you to persevere in faith like Caleb. Regardless of your age or what has happened in your life, the promise that God gave to you is still yours. Put your trust in God and He will help you take the mountain and defeat the giants that stand in your way. If you persevere in faith and do your part, God will do His part. +++

Copyright © 2008 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture: Isaiah 41:15 "Behold, I will make you a new and sharp threshing instrument, having teeth: you will thresh the mountains, and beat them small, and make the hills as chaff.".

What a promise God gives to His people. God spoke of the dilemma of His people in the previous verse, comparing them to a worm. But He tells them not to fear because even in their low state, He is going to be their helper. Their Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel, is going to come to their rescue and make such a change in their lives that they are going to be transformed from a worm into a threshing machine with teeth.

God has given this same promise to you. II Timothy 3:16 says that "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable to us." God sent His Son not only to save you from your sin and give you eternal life, but also to give you a life that is abundant and free. God does not want you to be in a state of bondage and lack. When He looks down and sees you in your situation, struggling as a worm in the hard places of life, it hurts His heart. As your Redeemer and as your Heavenly Father, He wants to see you rise out of that place that you are in. He desires that you live above and not beneath your circumstances and that you be the head and the not the tail (Deuteronomy 28:13). He wants you to prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers (III John 2). The Lord has designed for you to be a king and priest in the earth, for you are the hope of His glory.

Your soul prospers by hearing God's Word. As you hear His Word, you gain insight into the heart of God. Your faith grows and you begin to understand what the will of the Lord is for your life. You realize that the Father does not want His sons and daughters to be as the worms of the earth but to walk in the boldness that He has provided through His Name, His Word, and His Blood. He wants you to rise up and use your mouth as a new sharp threshing instrument with teeth. He desires to hear His Word coming from your lips in faith. Faith is a force that is released through your prayers and your words. In Mark 11:23-24, Jesus said, "Speak to the mountains to be removed and cast into the sea. If you don't doubt in your heart, but believe those things which you say will come to pass, you will have whatever you say." Think about it. The mountains of sickness, financial lack, and hardships of all kind are at the mercy of your faith filled words, for you release God to work for you when you speak His Word. All you have to do is speak in faith. God will transform your mouth into a new sharp threshing instrument through His power and enable you to tear down the works of the enemy. +++

Copyright © 2008 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture:  Mark 4:20 (Living Bible)  "The good soil represents the hearts of those who truly accept God's message and produce a plentiful harvest for God."

Jesus used the natural seed and soil to teach us a very important lesson concerning God's Word and our hearts.  As we all know, natural seeds must be planted in good fertile soil for them to be fruitful and bring forth a harvest.  Likewise, the truth of God must be planted in a fertile or believing heart before it can accomplish what God intends.

God's Word is always good seed but the condition of our heart determines whether we receive it and allow it to produce an increase in our lives.  Jesus listed several things that would hinder us from receiving His word.  He said that one of the seeds fell upon ground that was unprepared, which gave the birds an opportunity to snatch it away.  He explained that this word was heard by those who did not understand it, so it did not remain in their hearts.  We've all experienced this at some point in our life.  We hear a sermon or teaching that is far beyond our understanding.  Satan immediately takes this word from us just like the seeds that were taken from the top of the ground.

The second seed fell on stony ground and was received with gladness, but there was no root within the seed itself so it withered in the sun.  Jesus said that if we have no root within ourselves, the Word of God will wither in the same fashion when offence, persecution, or affliction come against us.  We must have roots of faith within our own hearts for the Word of God to come alive and produce.  The Word of God will not profit if it is not mixed with faith (Hebrews 4:2).  We can't depend upon someone else's faith to produce a harvest for us.  Many times we get overjoyed when we see someone else act in faith and receive an answer for a special need because of a scripture that took root in their life.  Because the word produced for them, we assume that it will work for us.  However, God never promised us results when our faith is based on someone else's experience or testimony.  Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.  Our faith must be based upon God's Word, which is revealed to us by His Holy Spirit.

The third seed was choked out by the thorns.  Jesus compared the thorns to the cares of this life and the deceitfulness of riches.  Like the thorns that grow slowly and subtly alongside the seed, there are many cares in this life that will choke out God's Word.  None of us intend to get so busy with our lives that we hinder God's Word and His will.  Yet before we know it, we are gradually overwhelmed with our natural duties and relationships.  If we are not careful, the first thing to be eliminated from our busy schedule is God and everything spiritual.

Finally Jesus spoke about the seed that was planted in good soil.  Truth that is planted in good soil takes root downward.  It draws its nourishment from the fertile soil and is able to support the plant and bring forth a harvest.  God plants the seed of His Word, but the current condition of our heart will determine the future of that seed.  The harvest is in our hands.  We must ask the Holy Spirit to help us understand and receive God's Word.  Then we must protect that word, be patient, and understand that something is happening in the darkness of our heart that we cannot see.  We must not allow adversity to cause the seed to wither or deception to choke it out.  We have great potential so we must strive to be good soil and hold out for God's plentiful harvest. +++

Copyright © 2008 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



A Word In Due Season
3rd Week of August 2008


Scripture: Acts 27:29 "They cast four anchors out ... and wished for the day."

Have you ever faced circumstances in which all hope had been taken away? All that you could wish for was to get through the dark season and be able to see the light again. The Apostle Paul and the sailing crew that he was with were facing the same situation. Verse twenty of this chapter tells us three things about the storm they were in.

1) They did not see the sun or stars for many days.
2) No small tempest was on them.
3) All hope of survival was taken away.

Paul, who was a prisoner, had tried to warn those over him of the impending danger if they continued their voyage, but they chose to set out on their journey rather than believe him. When they encountered the storm and weren't able to see the sun for many days, Paul said in verse twenty-one, "Sirs, you should have listened to me" (Verse 21). We can all learn something from this true-life story when we find ourselves in spiritual conflicts or adverse circumstances. Look at these spiritual anchors of hope that will keep you in the times of storms. (Verses 23-24)

God's Presence in your life. Paul said, "For there stood by me this night the angel of God, Whom I belong to, and Whom I serve." If you belong to God, He has anchored Himself within you and will never leave you or forsake you. God's Power is also available to you. Paul said, "Fear not." God is in not only in the situation with you but He has empowered you with the anchor of His strength. Trust in Him, for He is well able to keep you stable in the midst of the storm.

God's has a Purpose for your life. The angel said, "Paul, you must be brought before Caesar." Realize that God's assignment for you is an anchor in the midst of adversity and that the devil cannot stop the purpose and will of God in your life. Finally, God's Promise will never fail. The angel said, "God has given you all those that sail with you." You must hold on to the promises that God speaks to you, for they will be your anchor as you face the raging storms. They will not only keep you, but also keep those around you who are facing those same storms.

Paul told the men, "Be of good cheer, for I believe what God told me." In the midst of the storm, Paul had faith in God and told the men that their only hope was to abide in the ship (Verse 31). When the storms of life rage against you, don't be tempted to leave the ship even though it may appear to be sinking. Your hope is to abide or remain where God has placed you. Don't run to the world and what it has to offer in an effort to escape the conflicts in your life. Though tossed about by storms and winds of adversity, trust God and allow Him to be your anchor. If you refuse to compromise, your faith will take you through the storm. +++

Copyright © 2008 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture: Zephaniah 3:20 "I will reverse your captivity before your eyes."

God's judgments come when we are willingly disobedient and rebellious against His word. Yet, regardless of our unfaithfulness, God remains faithful. He said that if we would confess our sins, He would forgive us and cleanse us from all unrighteousness (I John 1:9). God wants us to know today that He loves us, and He wants to deliver us from any bondage that is holding us captive. Zephaniah 3:14-17 says, "Sing, shout, ... rejoice, be in high spirits and glory with all your heart. The Lord has taken away the judgments against you, He has cast down your enemy. The Lord your God is in the midst of you ... He will rejoice over you. He will rest in silent satisfaction. And in His love He will be silent and make no mention of past sins, or even recall them; He will exult over you with singing."

Doesn't that sound just like a loving Father? Because of His love, He forgives and forgets all of your sins. Not only does he forgive and forget your sins, He is also silent about them. He doesn't broadcast them to others or keep reminding you of them. He only sings praises concerning you, for you are His joy. If you are a parent, think of how true this concept is. As parents, we never allow others to condemn our children. We may have to correct our children, but we are also the first to defend them. If someone were interviewing us today and asked us to tell them something about our children, we would point out all of the good and wonderful things about them. We would not dwell on their faults or failures and would be very silent concerning our disappointments. We love our children and would sing over them with songs of joy and praises. However, we may act very differently with our neighbor's child. We would find it easier to acknowledge their faults and wouldn't hesitate to point out the things they did wrong.

Like a loving parent, God is singing over you today with joy and is not rehearsing all your faults because you are His very own child. He doesn't want to remember your sins, so He removes them as far as the east is from the west, and then washes you with the blood of Jesus and covers you with His love. God loved you so much that He gave His only begotten Son, Jesus, to die for you and anointed Him to set you free. The Lord is in your midst. If you allow Him, the love of Jesus and His forgiveness will reverse your captivity. He will rejoice over you and His grace will set you free. +++

Copyright © 2008 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture: The Song of Solomon 1:3 "Thy Name is as ointment poured forth."

When the angel Gabriel visited Mary and announced to her that she was going to have a son, he also told her what to name Him. He said, "You shall call His name JESUS. He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Highest" (Luke 1:31-32). The name Jesus means, "the Lord is salvation."

Names are very important because they not only identify people, but they speak of the character of that person. We attach many things to a name. When you hear the name of someone you know, most often you can describe their character, where they live, work, go to church, and how they conduct their business. Their name will either bring good thoughts into your mind, which will be like sweet perfume, or their name will remind you of unpleasant memories of the past.

Subconsciously, we listen for our own name. Even though we may be engaged in a separate conversation, we will usually hear our own name when it is mentioned in a noisy and crowded room. So it is with God. He is listening for the Name of Jesus to be spoken here on Earth. Jesus' Name is as a sweet ointment poured forth before Him and it calls Him to attention. God's ears perk and He begins to listen when we speak the Name of Jesus in prayer. When God named Jesus before His birth, He attached many benefits to that Name. Philippians 2:9-10 says, "His Name is above every name: that at the Name of Jesus every knee shall bow." Speaking the Name of Jesus calls His presence into an assembly (Matthew 18:20). It also brings healing (James 5:14); salvation (John 1:12); deliverance (Mark 16:17); answers to prayers (John 14:13-14); the promise of the Holy Spirit (John 14:26); and even signs and wonders (Acts 4:30).

Jesus' Name cannot be hidden just as a perfume cannot be covered up. Often, children will get into their mother's perfume or their father's cologne, and not realizing that a small amount is sufficient, they will use a great deal. When confronted, they may try to deny it, but the odor of that sweet fragrance speaks for itself. So it is with the Name of Jesus. When tense moments come into your life today, remember that, just like perfume, the fragrance of His Name cannot be hidden. Just speak the Name of Jesus in prayer. It will be a sweet fragrance that is poured out before God and you will have His full attention. +++

Copyright © 2008 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture: Numbers 14:24 "But My servant, Caleb, because he has another spirit and has followed Me fully, I will bring him into the land into which he went; and his descendants shall possess it."

Numbers 13:22 tells of three physical giants that the children of Israel would have to face before they could possess the land that God had promised them. Their names were Ahiman, Sheshai, and Talmai. Yet, these giants were not the real problems of the Israelites. The main issue was in the thoughts of their own minds and the unbelief in their own hearts. When they focused on these inner giants rather than the promises of God, they allowed themselves to become discouraged and saw themselves as grasshoppers in relation to the size of the actual giants that were in the land.

Just as the Israelites faced giants, there will be giants that you must overcome to be able to do the will of God and fulfill His purposes. Caleb overcame because "he had another spirit within him and followed God fully." Likewise, it is the Spirit of God that will enable you to rise up and defeat the giants that come against you. Caleb made three statements of faith that enabled him to overcome the inner and physical giants of his life.

First, Caleb said, "Let us go up at once." He rejected the temptation to procrastinate. He made a mental decision to do something right then. The Bible says faith is NOW. If it is not now faith, it is not faith at all. If it is future, it is hope. Stop and think of plans that you have made that were never fulfilled because you did not start them "at once." Procrastination is a giant in your life that will steal God's promise for your future.

Second, Caleb said, "Let us possess it." He was ready to take physical action to take possession of the land that God had promised. He knew that he had a responsibility in receiving the promise. You must also rise up and fight the battle that is between you and the promise that God has given you. You must possess it. Faith requires action, for faith without works is dead.

Finally Caleb said, "We are well able to overcome it." He had faith in God's word and trusted who God was. He believed that they could do what God had told them to do. God had told them to be of good courage and take the land. Caleb's faith was in the same God who had delivered them from Egypt by many signs and miracles. He felt certain that God was able to perform His word and fulfill His promise. To possess your promise, you must be of good courage and show this same kind of faith and trust in God.

God hears your words! Caleb made these three statements of faith in the ears of God and the people. In this same story in Numbers 14:28 God says, "As truly as I live, as you have spoken in my ears, so will I do to you." Words have power! Except for Joshua and Caleb, all of Israel who were over the age of twenty died in the wilderness because of their unbelief and faithless words. Joshua and Caleb were spared and were able to enter the Promised Land because they had another spirit. They possessed faith and spoke words into God's ear that caused Him to respond to them. Do you want to achieve what God has promised? If so, determine today that you will make these same statements of faith that Caleb made and begin to take action to posses God's promise for your life. +++

Copyright © 2008 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture:  Psalms 19:12-13  "Who can understand his errors?  Cleanse me from secret faults.  Keep back Thy servant also from presumptuous sins."
David recognized his own short comings and self deception.  He knew that there were probably secret and unconscious faults within himself that he did not recognize and also knew that there were presumptuous sins that he knowingly committed.  The Living Bible quotes David's words by saying,  "But how can I ever know what sins are lurking in my heart?  Cleanse me from these hidden faults.  And keep me from deliberate wrongs; help me to stop doing them."  David humbly asked God to deal with him in both of these areas, secret faults and presumptuous sins. 
David's words were not just part of a song that he composed but a desperate prayer that was motivated by his desire to please the Lord in every respect.  He wanted the words of his mouth and the meditations of his heart to be acceptable in the sight of the Lord who was his Strength and Redeemer (Psalms 19:14).  He was as concerned about the inside if his heart as he was about his outward actions.  He knew that his character would be revealed and his soul judged, not only by the transgressions that he committed openly but also by the secrets faults that were hidden in his heart.  His desire was to be innocent in the eyes of God as well as blameless before men.
David's words should also be our prayer, for we too should do all that we can to walk in truth and in integrity before God and men.  David asked the question, "Who can understand his errors?" or "How can I know what sins are lurking in my heart?"  It is often hard for us to know the sins and darkness that may be lurking within our own hearts until God speaks to us or someone close to us calls our attention to our lack.  They may point out our poor attitude, our disrespect to those who deserve our honor, our lack of faith which is displeasing to God, our unthankfulness, our failure to forgive, or a multitude of other things that we do not even consider to be great sins.  David asked God to search his heart.  At another time, he said, "Point out in me anything that makes You sad" (Psalms 139:24 - Living Bible).  We must ask God to do the same for us.  We recognize our presumptuous sins when we commit them, but we must depend upon the Lord to reveal to us the unknown errors and secret sins of our heart.  This is the only route around the great gulf of transgressions; our only escape from secret faults and presumptuous sins. +++

Copyright © 2008 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



A Word In Due Season
4th Week of August 2008


Scripture: James 1:2 "When you fall into various temptations..."

James, the writer of this epistle, took it for granted that the followers of Jesus Christ would encounter various trials and temptations. He was aware that challenges would come against their deep desire to walk uprightly. He knew that falls were inevitable, as he did not say "if" you fall, but rather "when" you fall. Falls are never planned. They just happen suddenly and without warning. You find yourself going down, but there's nothing you can do but brace yourself and hope for the best.

In verses two through five, James gives instructions as to what to do when we fall into temptation and our faith is being tried. He says, "When you fall, be joyful, be patient, and ask God for wisdom." When you are able to maintain your joy and patience it puts enormous pressure on the devil. As we respond to the situation in joy, we are letting the devil know that we believe that God is still the One on the throne, and that He is in control regardless of what is happening. As we remain patient, allowing God to do a perfect work, we in essence show that we are trusting God's perfect timing. Our faith speaks and says, "Everything is in God's hands." We are assured that He will not put more upon us than we are able to bear. We know that if things get too rough, God will make a way of escape. He is the keeper of His word.

However, our enemy, the devil, is roaming about seeking whom he can devour and we are his open prey. He knows our individual weaknesses and uses every means to cause us to stumble and fall. But if we ask God for His guidance and help, He will provide a way out of every temptation and trial. He is the God of all wisdom and He is still the Almighty Creator. He will create a way where there seems to be none. He can make a way in the wilderness or streams in the desert. Nothing is too hard or impossible with God. He specializes in rivers that seem to be uncrossable and mountains that can't be tunneled through. His wisdom is so much higher than our wisdom and He can do what no other power can do. He is the God of all grace, and He wants to impart Himself and His wisdom to you. He has your best interest in mind. In the midst of temptation, stop for a moment and in simple faith ask God for His wisdom and then trust His solutions. +++

Copyright © 2008 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture: Psalms 1:3 "He shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that brings forth his fruit in his season."

The first verses of this psalm explain the process and conditions of blessings and spiritual fruit. They declare that you can't expect blessings or fruit in your life if you walk with the ungodly, stand in the place where sinners congregate, or sit with those who are scornful. Exposing yourself to these conditions will cause you to wither and dry up within. It is like planting a perfectly good plant in the dry and barren desert, where it's total surroundings produce death. All of us have experienced these places of entrapment at some point in our life, and before we could flee the situation, the circumstances and the people involved seemed to draw the life from us. There was nothing edifying or encouraging in their scornful words or misconduct, and in most instances, we were shamed by their actions.

The psalmist said that those who mediate upon God's words will bring forth "his fruit in his season." He stated it as a matter of fact. God has planned for every life to bring forth fruit and has ordained its particular season. Yet if you want to produce the fruit that the Lord has ordained for your life, there are conditions that must be met. You must delight yourself in His law and meditate upon His words day and night. This means 24-7, you are to think on God' words; in light and in darkness; in good times and bad times; when you are rich and when you are poor; when you have energy and when you are weak; when you have friends that surround and support you and when you are all alone; when you are encouraged and when you are discouraged; when you are in health and when infirmity is attacking your body; when you are experiencing victory and when you are facing defeat; and when everyone loves you and when everyone rejects you.

Delighting yourself in God's word and meditating upon what He has said is the only environment that will keep you fresh and green because this continual nourishment from His word gives you life. His word keeps you on track in the good times and strengthens and encourages you in the bad times. When you meditate upon what He has said, God establishes your spirit in His concepts and thoughts. When He establishes you, you become like a tree that is planted by the rivers of water. You can't be moved from your zone and you will never wither or shrink in adversity. Your roots run deep and because you are strong within, you are able to stand in the seasons of draught and famine and still bring forth fruit. +++

Copyright © 2008 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture: Hosea 10:12 "... break up the fallow ground: for it is time to seek the Lord ..."

Fallow ground is ground that has not been plowed and turned up for some time. Because it has been neglected, it has becomes hard and crusty. Nothing can grow or flourish in it because of its condition. Seeds can't even be dropped into it because of its hardness. And even if they were forced by some means into the hardened soil, they wouldn't survive because the rains that came to water them could not be absorbed. The ground itself becomes a monument of hopelessness to others until the keeper of the ground makes a decision to break up the soil and prepare it for a fruitful harvest. This decision demands time, involves much labor, and is not an easy process.

The condition of fallow ground is a parallel to the condition of the spiritual state that we find ourselves in at times. Because we have not diligently sought the Lord, read His word, and lingered in His presence, our hearts have become hard and cold. The further we fall away, the worse the condition of our hearts become. Eventually, like the hardened soil, we can't receive anything from God's word, our prayers can't get past the ceiling, and we lack the enthusiasm that we once had for anything spiritual in our lives. The lust of the flesh and other things consume our very being. Only thorns are able to survive in the gardens of our hearts because of our hearts' lack of nourishment. We find ourselves in a pitiful state.

Oh, but God is good. His word says, "Break up the fallow ground. It is time to seek the Lord." The Lord leaves the initial effort up to us. We must repent and seek Him. We must turn over the hardened clods of soil in our hearts and expose ourselves to the Lord. We must allow Him to discard the weeds and hard pebbles and deal with anything in our life that prevents our spiritual growth. As we draw near to Him, He promises to draw near to us. As we allow our hearts to be broken and contrite before Him, God will again minister to us. He will pour out the seeds of His Word and rain His Holy Spirit upon us. He will touch our hearts and cause us once again to flourish in His presence. Others will rejoice because of the bounty of blessings upon our lives that not only touch us, but also reach out to them. Begin to break up the fallow ground, for this is the season to receive the good things that God has for you. +++

Copyright © 2008 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture: Proverbs 8:1 "Does not wisdom call out?"

Have you ever had someone follow you around and continually give you instructions and directions? Or have you ever treated someone else in the same manner because of your concern for the decisions they were making? Looking at the situation from the outside perimeter, you could see the error of their ways and feared the consequences they would have to face. Solomon said that this is how the spirit of wisdom operates in our lives. He spoke of wisdom as a person who stands in the paths that it knows we will take and also sits by the doors that it knows we must enter. Wisdom waits for us at each crossroad of our life and continually cries out to us, for it is full of valuable knowledge and insight that it wants to share with us.

Wisdom doesn't mince words but speaks of that which is right and tells the truth in all matters. Wisdom is discerning and is very persistent in making its voice known in our lives in an effort to keep us from making bad choices. Yet, how many times have we pushed wisdom aside and proceeded to do things our way. We have bought things, gone in debt for things, said things, and done things that we knew were contrary to wisdom. We have pressed through and opened the doors that were meant to be shut. We have closed our ears and knowingly shut off our understanding because our desire was greater than the discipline in our lives. We have turned our eyes away from the Holy Spirit, laid caution aside, and disregarded the warnings of this wonderful counselor, who only had our best interest in mind.

Wisdom was with God when He created the heavens and the earth and was also God's daily delight (Verse 22 & 30). God exercised wisdom in all of His creation and as He finished each project He was able to declare that it was good. Can we say that everything that we have accomplished is good? Many times we limit ourselves by not allowing wisdom to have full reign in our lives. Solomon asked, "Does not wisdom call out?" These are stout words from a very wise man and words that we must give an account for. From this day forward, let us determine that our answer be, "Wisdom called out and I listened and adhered to its instruction." +++

Copyright © 2008 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scriptures: Psalms 118:24 "This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it."

Have you ever found yourself in a place where it appeared as if everything in your life was going wrong? The enemy seemed to be attacking in every area; one blow after another, and anything that could go wrong was going wrong. While surrounded by your problems, you began to feel like the writer of this psalm; distressed, fearful, hated, and disappointed in humanity, rulers, and governments. And worse yet, you wondered if you were being chastened by the Lord.

As the psalmist experienced all of these things, he declared that even the nations were surrounding him like a swarm of angry bees. Like the psalmist, when things begin to overwhelm us, it seems that we, too, are surrounded by a swarm of bees. When we encounter a swarm of bees in the natural the safest thing to do is stay calm, but instead we panic, we run, we jump, we hide, or do whatever is necessary to escape them. So it is when we are attacked in the spiritual realm. Rather than stay calm, we begin to panic, and in our distress, we become fearful and lose faith.

Look at how the psalmist addressed all these issues in Psalm 118:
Verse 5: In distress, he called upon the Lord - The Lord answered
and set him in a large place.
Verse 6: When fear attacked - He recognized that the Lord was on
his side.
Verse 7: When hated - The Lord stood up for him.
Verse 8: When men disappointed him - He trusted in the Lord.
Verse 9: When his leaders failed - He trusted in the Lord.
Verse 10: When nations surrounded him - He destroyed them in the
Name of the Lord.
Verse 13: When physically attacked - The Lord helped him.
Verse 18: When chastened by the Lord - He recognized that God had
not given him over to death.

Be encouraged by these words and when the problems of life begin to surround you like bees, remember to stay calm and trust in the Lord, for He made this day for you and chose all the events that would surround you. So, "Be joyful in every trial and test, knowing that the trying of your faith will work patience in your life" (James 1:2-4). God is in control so allow patience to complete its work within your heart and rejoice and be glad, for this is the day the Lord has made. +++

Copyright © 2008 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



A Word In Due Season
5th Week of August 2008


Scripture: Matthew 16:17 "For flesh and blood has not revealed it unto you, but My Father which is in Heaven."

When Jesus asked the disciples who men were saying that He was, the disciples responded that some thought that Jesus was John the Baptist, Elijah, Jeremiah, or one of the other prophets. They did not add any other personal conclusion. Jesus then asked them, "But whom do you say that I am?" He was interested in their personal revelation of His identity and deity. Peter replied, "Thou art the Christ, the Son of the Living God." It is obvious that Peter had a greater understanding and deeper revelation about Jesus than the other disciples. Yet the other disciples had been with Jesus and had experienced a close communion with Him just as Peter had. Something had made the difference in Peter's recognition that the man they had hung out with for three years was not just another man who had taught them the scriptures or showed them where to fish. He was in reality the Christ, the Son of the Living God, and Jesus told Peter that this revelation did not come to him by flesh and blood but by the Father in Heaven.

The written Word of God is truly awesome. It came to us through many writers who were inspired by the Holy Spirit. Yet it all comes together in unity and it all speaks about Jesus. No other words, written or spoken, can bring faith, healing, strength, hope, direction, and comfort like God's Word. This is because when the Spirit of God breathes upon it, it becomes a living organism. Jesus said, "The words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life" (John 6:63). And because God's words are Spirit, they cannot be revealed to us by flesh and blood. It is true that God will use natural teachers, but like Peter's revelation of Jesus, the Father, Himself, must supernaturally open up the eyes of our understanding. We can read a scripture a thousand times, and then one day, it will just seem to come alive and this supernatural revelation and understanding will illuminate our very being. This is the difference between the Logos Word, which is the written Word of God, and the Rhema Word, which is the revealed Word.

Most of us can discern that this is a special season in history and many of us believe that God has called us to His kingdom for such a time as this (Esther 4:14). He has declared that those who know their God will be strong and do exploits (Daniel 11:32). God is Spirit and we were created in His image. He has mysteries that He wants to make known, but He will only speak to us as He did to Peter, Spirit to Spirit. To fulfill His mighty promises for our lives, each one of us will need to have a personal revelation from God because flesh and blood can not reveal the things of the Spirit. Let us ask God to give us supernatural revelation and cause His written Logos Word to come alive as a Rhema Word within our hearts. +++

Copyright © 2008 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture:  Mark 11:22  "Jesus answered and said unto them, Have faith in God."
Jesus instructed His followers to "Have faith in God."  He then proceeded to say, "Speak to the mountain to be removed and cast into the sea."  He said, "If you don't doubt in your heart, then you will receive those things which you say."  Jesus made it very plain that we must first have faith before our confessions of faith will come to pass.  Yet, we tend to complicate and reverse His instructions.  Instead of developing our faith in God, we base our faith in our own abilities and presume upon God to honor our confessions.  We have developed our formula and even titled it "name it and claim it."
However, according to Romans 10:17 faith doesn't come by hearing our own words.  It comes when we hear what God is saying to us.  In other words, if God "names it," then we can "claim it" for we know that He is speaking His will into our lives.  I John 5:14-15 says, "This is the confidence that we have in God, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us; and if we know that He hears us, we know that we have whatever we ask of Him."
If you are in a place of adversity right now and are facing an enormous mountain of difficulty, don't just try to cast it into the sea with your own words and confessions.  Find out what God is saying about your situation.  Faith is not of yourself.  It is a gift that God instills in your heart (Ephesians 2:8).  The father who requested healing for his son in Mark 9:24 had to ask God to increase his faith.  He cried out to Jesus, "I believe, but please help me overcome my unbelief."  When God speaks, His voice will give light to your vision and life to your faith.  His word in your ear will drive out doubt and unbelief and His Spirit will empower you.  The Lord says, "It will not be by your might, nor by your power, but by My Spirit" (Zechariah 4:6).  When you make true confessions that are in line with God's word and in agreement with His will, His Spirit will tear down the great mountain that is in your life by crying "Grace, grace unto it" (Zechariah 4:7).  Don't lean upon your own strength, but have faith in what God has spoken to you and then allow Him to use that faith as you speak to your mountain. +++

Copyright © 2008 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


Scripture: Galatians 6:10 "As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith."

Our Christian character doesn't come by just exercising moral or legal correctness, but also comes as the Holy Spirit works within us to minister to those around us. Each day provides us with ample opportunities to do good. We just have to watch for them. There are hurting people everywhere who need a good word spoken to them or a helping hand stretched in their direction. They need an ear to listen to their heart beat or a shoulder to cry upon. They need someone who can envision their dream and dream with them. There are also those who have grown weary in well doing and need someone to encourage them to continue. Many just need a friend to pray or an ally who will stand with them against the enemy who is attacking their soul.

There is an interesting story concerning World War II. Some of the details escape my memory, but there were some soldiers who were being held captive by the Germans. The Germans forced the soldiers to make weapons that were to be dropped on the soldier's own men and allies. They faced death themselves if they did not comply with the orders of the Germans so they faithfully appeared to work as instructed. However, all of the bombs turned out to be duds and none of them exploded when they were dropped from the warplanes. When the bombs were investigated, they were found to have notes inside that said, "Doing everything we can, with all that we have, for as long as we can." The soldiers were held captive and couldn't fight against the enemy themselves, but they wanted their comrades and allies to know that they were still working with them and making the most out of every opportunity.

In essence, this is all that God wants or expects from us. He is all knowing and never asks us to do the impossible or to give what we do not have. He simply asks, "Do everything you can, with all that you have, and for as long as you can." His requests may require faith and sacrifice, but He will see you through every situation and reward all of your efforts. Nothing will go unnoticed by the Father as you do good to all men and especially those of the household faith. +++

Copyright © 2008 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


Scripture:  Luke 10:40  "Martha was cumbered about much serving."
Multitudes followed Jesus and sat for hours and days at His feet in order to be able to hear His counsel and wisdom.  Yet, when Jesus came to Mary and Martha's home, Martha was so cumbered down with the cares of this life that she allowed them to steal her opportunity to enjoy a time of intimate fellowship with the Lord.  She was so distracted by the preparations of the food that she had no time for the true Bread of Life and she was so worried about the beverages that were needed that she couldn't stop and be refreshed by the Living Water.  Her troubled heart would not permit her to lay everything aside and rest for a few moments in the presence of Jesus.
No one was forcing Martha to serve with such zeal and sacrifice.  This was her personal choice.  She felt that she had to be busy about "much serving" and she tried to inflict this same spirit of obligation upon her sister, Mary.  Martha was so busy that when Jesus spoke to her, He had to call her name twice to get her attention.  Jesus then defended Mary, who had chosen to sit at His feet and listen to His words.  He spoke to Martha and said, "Mary has chosen the good part, and it will not be taken away from her."  Jesus was not concerned about the food preparation, for He had taken care of these matters before.  If necessary, He could turn the water into wine and multiply the food to feed thousands.       
Many times our lives become hectic and like Martha, our troubled hearts can't hear from God because we are taking care of too many things and allowing circumstances to dictate our lives.  We often are so busy serving that we can't find time to worship.  There's just always one more thing to do before we can stop and sit at Jesus' feet.  We allow other things to be preeminent in our lives, and in so doing we rob ourselves from hearing the Lord's voice and experiencing His presence.  Intimacy with Jesus doesn't happen by accident.  It is a deliberate choice that we make.  Jesus knocks on the door of our heart and waits for us to respond to His invitation.  We can either choose the good part, which is to sit and linger in His presence, or we can allow ourselves to be overburdened with much serving.  We decide and if we truly want to hear from Jesus we must not allow the moment to pass. +++

Copyright © 2008 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


Scripture: Mark 6:52 "For they considered not the miracles of the loaves: for their heart was hardened."

The disciples witnessed Jesus walking on the water just after they had watched Him miraculously multiply five loaves and two fish into enough food to feed five thousand men plus the women and children. However, verse fifty-one says that when He came walking to them on the water, they were amazed beyond measure. They had seen Jesus do so many miracles up to this point and yet they were amazed and wondered when they saw Him walk on the water. It seemed that it was too much for them to comprehend. There is no mention that the disciples were ever amazed or wondered when He multiplied the loaves and fish even though they gave out the food as it was multiplied and also gathered up the abundant leftovers. They never questioned how all of this could be and now it seemed that somehow their hearts had become hardened to this miracle of provision, for they didn't even consider it.

Albert Einstein said, "There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle." When we think about it, life itself is a wonderful miracle that we can't comprehend with our finite mind. Our whole being has been created in God's image and the scriptures declare that our physical bodies are fearfully and wonderfully made. The world around us is a miracle and everything in it functions in a miraculous way. We have electricity, transportation, and communication systems among other things. Yet too often, we take all of these things for granted and disregard God's amazing miracles that are at our fingertips and that we enjoy every day of our lives. One of the greatest wonders to me is the fact that we have twenty-six simple letters in an alphabet that allows us to communicate through writing. Where would we be without books and literature or the ability to communicate with written words? Life would be dull indeed. Also, we have nine numbers and a zero that allows us to count further than we need for our daily lives and also further than our minds can even comprehend. These are very simple but amazing things that should provoke a thankful spirit within us.

Most of us can recall things that happen in our past that we counted as miracles and we can remember how excited we were when the incident occurred. Perhaps we found some money or provision came in unexpectedly to pay a debt. Our bodies may have experienced a supernatural healing or a relationship was restored that we thought was lost forever. Maybe God had intervened in our lives and caused us to escape a terrible accident. Too often we allow time to pass without considering those things that once were so precious in our thoughts. We must allow our hearts to go back to these awesome experiences and recall the special things that God has done in our lives. As we do, we will find that our faith will be renewed for the things of the present and our hope strengthened for the future. Let us consider the words of Albert Einstein and determine to live our lives as though everything is a miracle. +++

Copyright © 2008 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    
