A Word In Due Season
1st Week of August 2009


Scripture: Isaiah 25:4 "For You have been a strength to the poor, a strength to the needy in his distress, a refuge from the storm, a shadow from the heat."

Tragic events are occurring in the lives of all people, including the believers, even as these words are being written. In every nation there are reports concerning storms, fires, floods, financial loses, diseases, wars, and other disturbing events. There is desperation, great loss, and enormous pain beyond words of description in the hearts of people. The present has become very challenging and the future seems very dismal for many. It is as though the whole world is being tried and tested beyond belief.

It is apparent that God is the only hope in the midst of all of the turmoil and confusion. As believers, we place our faith in Him because we know that He is always present and is watching us very carefully. He offers strength in every situation and never flees the scene or fails in His responsibility as our Heavenly Father. It doesn't matter what kind of distress, need, or situation that we find ourselves in, we believe that the Lord will always be there for us and that He has a solution for our particular problem. He is the One that we trust because we know that He is the only one who is big enough to give us true peace in the midst of the chaos and confusion. He is the only one who is tender and compassionate enough to bring comfort when we are suffering. And He is the only one who is strong enough to impart total courage in the time of fear. There is no one like our God.

These words are victorious and these thoughts are easy for us to believe when everything is going good in our lives. It is also real easy for us to encourage others in hope and faith when all is well. Yet it is a different story when we are facing the storms of life and our own boat is capsizing in the water. When the trials and tests come and we find ourselves going under, our words are tried and our faith is tested. Instead of just talking about hope and faith, we have to reach out to God for His mercy that endures forever and depend upon His grace that is sufficient. Whatever our need may be, we must realize that God really wants to do something about it. We must wait upon Him and understand that it is better to have a need than to dwell on the devil's turf and have that need met. And it is also better to face a storm with Jesus at our side than to live calmly without Him. God will make Himself known to those who will trust in Him. He is our strength, our refuge, and our covering. +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


Scripture: Genesis 13:14-15 "And the Lord said to Abram, after Lot separated from him, Look as far as you can see in every direction, for I am going to give it all to you and your descendants."

When Abraham and Sarah left Egypt, Abraham's nephew, Lot, went with them. But as time progressed there was strife between Abraham and Lot's herdsmen. Abraham suggested that he and Lot separate from each other in an effort to end the strife and confusion. After Lot separated from him, God spoke to Abraham and showed him the land that was to be his. He also promised Abraham that his seed would be as numerous as the dust of the earth, meaning it would be impossible to count his descendants.

Notice that God didn't speak to Abraham until after Lot separated from him. God led Abraham out from the safe and familiar into a new place, and then separated him from his close relationships. This pattern is a very familiar one with God. God separated Moses and sent him to the backside of the desert for forty years before He commissioned him to deliver His people out of Egypt. Joseph was separated from his family and imprisoned in a foreign land for about sixteen years before he was promoted to second in the kingdom. And the apostle Paul was alone in the desert for about eight years before God used him to preach the gospel of the Lord Jesus and to write most of the New Testament.

All of us would like to hear from God and receive a new promise and commission from Him like these great men, but ministry comes with a price. Before God brings us to a new level and empowers us for a new service, He first leads us out and separates us to Himself. It is hard to be separated from the things that we know and enjoy, but we can't get to the Promised Land without going through the wilderness. When God calls us out, we can't do all the things that our friends do or go to the places they go. God's new plan requires cutting away the old and familiar so that He can bless with the new.

If you have found yourself separated in thought and desire from the things that were familiar and that used to seem comfortable, God is possibly drawing you into a new place of commitment and service for Him. Don't be discouraged if you don't seem to fit into the old ways any more. Just let go and be encouraged as the old things separate from you. God is doing a new thing in your life so that you will be ready for His new plan. His thoughts towards you are good. Jeremiah 29:11 says that God's plan is to prosper you and not to harm you. His greatest plan is to give you a future and a hope, but first you must let go. +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture: Matthew 6:10 "... Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven."

Jesus struggled in the Garden of Gethsemane before His crucifixion. Three times He asked the Father to let this cup pass from Him. However, He always finished His prayer by saying, "Nevertheless, not as I will, but as You will." (Matt. 26:39-44) Jesus was determined to finish the work and to complete His purpose on Earth. In Hebrews 10:9, Jesus declared, "I come to do Your will, O God." He faithfully taught his disciples to pray and submit their own wills to God in the same manner and showed them by example what full surrender meant. He never said that the Father's will would be easy. He just said to submit to it.

Isaiah 55:8-9 says, "For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways, says the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts higher than your thoughts." Jesus saw the agony of the cross, but God saw eternal redemption for the world. Like Jesus in the garden, our thoughts and wills are concerned with our present situation here on Earth. It's as though we're in a maze. We are walled in on every side and can only see what is just ahead. God, however, is looking from a higher plane and sees our entire 'mazed' situation. He knows which direction we should take to reach our desired destination, for His knowledge is greater than ours. Proverbs 3:5-6 speaks of yielding our wills to God by leaning upon Him, and not relying upon our own insight and understanding. "We are to trust in the Lord with all of our heart. In all of our ways, we are to know, recognize, and acknowledge Him, and He will direct and make straight and plain our paths."

Proverbs 16:9 tells us that a man's mind plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps and makes them sure. According to Jeremiah 10:23 a man cannot direct his own steps. You must determine each day to yield to the Father's will for your life even though the path ahead may not be clear or look easy. You may have some crosses to bear or be faced with a few Gardens of Gethsemane. As you make your plans on this earth, you should always submit them to God in Heaven and trust Him to direct your steps so that you can finish your course. As you submit yourself to the Lord, you will fulfill His purpose for your life, and His Will will be done on Earth as it has been planned in Heaven. +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture: II Timothy 4:16-17 "No man stood with me, but all men forsook me ... But the Lord stood with me, and strengthen me."

Earlier in this chapter, Paul says that he fought a good fight, he finished his course, and he kept the faith. He had a determination not to let anything or anyone deter him from preaching the gospel and fulfilling God's plan for his life. Paul goes on to explain that Demas deserted him and that a coppersmith by the name of Alexander did much evil towards him. Not only that, Paul faced other disappointments. When he had his court hearing, no one defended him. Paul found himself standing alone, but took comfort in his situation, for he knew that the Lord was with him and would strengthen him.

There are seasons in life when relationships become strained or cease to be. Those who were with you suddenly turn and leave with no decent explanations. And those who have conflicting opinions stir up confusion and fight against you. For one reason or another, you are abandoned by those that you loved and trusted and those that you thought loved you. And like Paul, there seems to be no help even though you are endeavoring to serve the Lord. In your darkest hour, you are left alone in the arena of life to manage your disappointments and your discouragement.

However, you can always take comfort in knowing that God will always be there for you. Even though others desert you, He will never leave you or forsake you. Each new door will present the opportunity to fail or succeed, to win or lose, to continue or to quit. The actions and opinions of others do not fit into this equation. It remains your choice to fulfill God's will and purposes for your own life. With Paul, he fought a good fight, he finished his course, and he kept the faith. Regardless of his hardships and the disappointments of his relationships, he did not quit. And his battle scars won him a crown of righteousness. God also has a crown for you. Trust in Him when all others forsake you. He will give you strength to endure the present and empower you for the task that is set before you. +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture: Genesis 5:1 & 3 "When God created man, He made him in the likeness of God ... When Adam was 130 years, he had a son in his own likeness."

Adam was created in the likeness of God and clothed in His glory, but Adam rebelled against God's word and partook of the forbidden fruit in the garden. When he committed this act against God, the image of his innocence was destroyed and his nakedness was exposed. From that point on, he and all his descendants that came after him would carry a sinful nature. Even though they would be created in the image of God, they would have to strive to take on His character. Romans 5:19 says, "For by one man's (Adam) disobedience, many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one (Jesus) shall many be made righteous." It was because of Adam's sin that we inherited the nature to sin. This sinful nature makes it very easy to do wrong and very hard to do right. Even Paul said, "The things I want to do, I do not, and the things I don't want to do, I do" (Romans 7:19).

Adam's sin brought us into condemnation and set our souls upon lust and self-fulfillment, but Jesus died on the cross for us so that we could be cleansed from sin. His sacrifice and His blood brought us into justification. He places within us His very nature, and it is only through Him that we can walk in righteousness and live in the image of our Creator. Yet, living in the image and the likeness of our creator instead of the image of Adam is a daily process that requires a conscious effort on our part. We have to "put off the old self" that is corrupted by our desires and we have to form new attitudes so that we can "put on the new self" that is created to be like God (Ephesians 4:22-24). When we are born again, our new man waits to be instructed through the Word of God, for it cannot change on its own. We can only change as our minds are renewed in the knowledge of our Creator.

Even nature itself teaches us that things left to themselves will not prosper. They must be maintained on a daily basis. A house that is left to itself without maintenance will soon deteriorate. A yard or garden that is not kept will become overrun with weeds and vines in just a short time. Children who are not cared for will become dysfunctional and if not corrected, they will become undisciplined. Friendships and marriages that are not nurtured will soon grow apart. So it is in the spiritual realm. II Peter 1:4 says that God gave us "great and precious promises that we might be partakers of the divine nature." Yet, to partake of His divine nature, we must maintain ourselves spiritually. As we yield ourselves to the gentle molding hands of the Creator through prayer, communion with Him, and study of His word, changes will take place in our lives and we will be transformed into His image. ++++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


A Word In Due Season
2nd Week of August 2009


Scripture: Matthew 11:29 "Come unto Me ... learn of Me."

Jesus speaks to those of us who are weary and heavy laden and tells us that we don't have to stay in that condition. He tells us that all that we need to do is to come to Him and He will show us how to achieve rest in the midst of labor. This means mental and emotional rest as well as physical rest. The Lord doesn't want us to be stressed in any area, whether it is in trying to meet our job requirements or doing the work of the ministry. He invites us to take His yoke upon ourselves so that we can enjoy life and find rest for our souls.

Jesus says, "Learn of Me." This was a part of His great remedy for our fatigue, our stress, and ridding ourselves of heavy burdens. He is our wonderful counselor, but how could His few words, "Learn of Me," solve our many problems? We must look at the examples of His life and listen to the words that He speaks. He declared that He was meek and lowly. Being meek meant that He kept His emotions intact and disciplined Himself to be gentle. He didn't rant and rave about everything that went wrong in His life or allow the petty accusations of the religious leaders to wear on His emotions. He kept His mind on His mission and went about doing good and serving others. He also remained lowly or humbly submitted to God the Father. Jesus never tried to prove that He was the Son of God even when He was tempted of the devil. He stood steadfast in the knowledge of who God said that He was and did not put Himself in a bind by acting presumptuously. Instead, He only did what the Father showed Him. That in itself released Him from much pressure and responsibility. Jesus was simply obedient and left the results to Almighty God.

Jesus studied the scriptures from an early age so that He could understand the will of God and also be able to come against the strategies of the devil. He was challenged with feeding the multitudes but He never got under the burden that Martha did who found herself anxious about serving her guest. Like Mary, Jesus had chosen the good part and had spent much time sitting in the presence of His Father. When it came time to feed the thousands, Jesus trusted the same God who had provided manna every day for forty years in the wilderness for Moses and the millions of Israelites. Jesus didn't get uptight or face defeat when it became necessary to confront the demon possessed man because He had prepared Himself by prayer and fasting long before the incident occurred.

Jesus also showed us some natural things that will ease our burdens and renew our strength. He took time to be totally alone so that He could rest physically and regenerate His own spirit, and He encouraged His disciples to do the same. If Jesus needed physical and mental rest, we surely do. We can't wait until we have time, we must take time to follow His example. Jesus could perform miracles but didn't try to do all the work of the ministry by Himself. Instead, He surrounded Himself with twelve close friends, disciples, and allowed them to help Him carry His load. He was never threatened or became jealous when others tried to do what He was doing. Jesus was truly unique. We must become meek and lowly in heart as He was and learn all that we can from Him. As we do, we will be able to escape the weariness and anxiety that life creates. +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture: Isaiah 30:18 (Living Bible) "Yet the Lord still waits for you to come to Him, so He can show you His love."

The Lord is a wonderful counselor, yet Israel consulted with everyone except God when they needed help and then they ended up rebelling against Him. They yoked themselves with unbelievers and made a decision to go against the desires of God. Instead of depending upon God to help them in their battle, they went to Egypt to find aid and they put their trust in Pharaoh and his swift horses. Yet, God was still gracious to them and waited for them to return to Him so that He could show them His love.

This is a picture of a loving Father who never gives up on His children. Just as the Lord watched Israel, He sees us as we gather unwise counsel, and He warns us that our hearts are deceitful above all things (Jeremiah 17:19). The Lord sees us when we join ourselves with those who are not our equal and His heart aches as He watches us being subtly led astray by their words and deeds. God knows that our enemy seeks to devour us, but God is limited by our own attitudes and actions. Yet, in the midst of our rebellion, He continues to leave the door wide open and waits for us to repent and return to Him because He is faithful and He loves us so much.

When we leave God's path and begin to experience the bread of adversity and the water of affliction, He still hears our cries and He answers us. He never leaves us without comfort. In the midst of hardship and pain, verse twenty tells us that He allows us, with our own eyes, to see Him as a Teacher. Some of the most important lessons of life are learned in the hardest of places. The psalmist said, "Before I was afflicted, I went astray" (Psalms 119:67). The psalmist was saying that affliction brings us back to the feet of our Master. In the most difficult times, we discover that God is there to tell us whether we should go to the left or to the right. We don't have to second-guess the situation. All we have to do is depend upon Him for directions. He said that we would hear His Voice behind us saying, "This is the way; walk in it." It is comforting to know that God is on our side; that He is for us, not against us. He is patiently waiting for us to return so that He can show us His love." +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture: I John 4:4 "Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world."

There is not a day that goes by for any of us that we are not challenged in some way by our adversary, the devil. He works in many ways and is very persistent, roaming about twenty-four hours a day and seven days a week seeking whom he may devour. He creates irritating circumstances and brings fear and defeat into our lives. He causes discouragement, heartache, sickness, and pain, and his goal is to kill, steal, and destroy. The devil is a master gardener when it comes to planting seeds of doubt and unbelief in the hearts of men. He is very subtle and appears as an angel of light, when in reality he is the shadow of discouragement and death. He is also very cunning, for he knows that if he can cut off our spiritual life support, he can defeat us. So he begins by attacking our faith, which is our link to God and the blessings of Heaven.

Even though we are vulnerable for attack, we must understand that we have nothing to fear because we have a secret weapon against this onslaught of evil that comes against us. Our defense is the Lord, Himself. God is our only hope in the time of adversity, for the battle belongs to Him. He dwells within us and He is greater than the spirit that is in the world. We must simply position ourselves in faith and believe in His word. The devil may be bigger than you, but he is not bigger than the God that is within you. The disease that is attacking your body may be too big for you or your physician to handle, but it is not too big for the God who made your body and whose Spirit dwells inside of you. The devil may make your financial situation look hopeless, but the greater One that lives on the inside of you is greater than the spirit of lack, and He will meet your needs according to His riches. God, who is within us, is greater than any evil and negative report. He is larger than any raging storm and stronger than the fiercest enemy.

There is nothing and no one greater than our God. Harbor this secret in your heart so that whenever battles come your way, you can maintain your peace and joy. In the midst of your adversity, seek God and pray that His will be done in every area of your life here on Earth as He has planned it in Heaven. Trust in the Lord with all of your heart and do not lean upon your own strength. Victory will then spring up within your spirit as you delight in the knowledge that "Greater is God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit who is within you than the devil that is in the world. +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture: Psalms 1:2 "His delight is in the law of the Lord; and in His law does he meditate day and night."

The blessed man is one who does two things concerning God's Word. He delights in God's Word and he continually meditates on it. When one delights in the Word of God, he finds it valuable and he purposely sets about to understand the precepts, meanings, and intents of the words that come from God's heart. The Word brings him pleasure and the fresh insights thrill his soul and bring light and life to his being.

Meditate means to murmur, imagine, study, talk, or make plans in the mind. It means to roll a thought over and over in the mind until it becomes smooth and acceptable. When we read or hear a promise of God, it is important to process that thought by rolling it over in our spirit until it begins to speak to us. Light and revelation will come into our spirits, causing life and fruitfulness. God's Word will then take hold of our imaginations and begin to transform our thoughts. We will begin to imagine change and then start making plans in our minds to bring about those changes. And because we are conforming to God's Word and His Will, He causes us to prosper.

We tend to do this process all the time in the negative realm. It is called "worry." For instance, we hear a negative report concerning our health or finances and we begin to roll that thought over and over in our minds until it becomes a reality. Our aches and pains or lack of funds begin to speak into our minds until we imagine ourselves sick or bankrupt. We start to murmur, complain, and make plans for the worse to happen. We meditate and roll the negative thoughts over in our minds until they become smooth and acceptable to our spirits. These negative thoughts then begin to take life as we enable them to kill, steal, and destroy our faith. The Word of God never tells us to dwell on the negative. In fact Jesus said, "Don't take any anxious thought about the needs for tomorrow." Don't let worry become a habit. James 4:7 tells us to "resist the devil and he will flee." We must resist the negative thoughts and choose to meditate on the positive Word of God. When we exchange worry by replacing it with the meditation of God's word, we will become like trees that are planted by the rivers of living water and whatever we do will prosper. +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


Scripture: Exodus 35:21 "They came, every one whose heart stirred him up, and every one whom his spirit made willing, and they brought the Lord's offering ..."

When Moses instructed the congregation of the Israelites to bring offerings for the tabernacle he gave them two criteria to meet in their giving. He said, "Your own heart must stir you to give and your own spirit must make you willing to give." There is no gift that is too small for the Lord to receive, but the only gift that is acceptable to God is the one that comes from a willing heart. God despises our works of kindness when we do them grudgingly because we feel obligated to meet a need or when we are pressured to give because everyone else is giving. The Lord emphasized that when we do feel stirred to give, He also wants our hearts to be willing. He hates to hear us complain about our own personal sacrifice when we are doing a good deed or giving an offering to Him.

I saw an elderly lady who was walking in the drizzling rain and carrying packages. I assumed that she lived in my neighborhood so I stopped to offer her a ride even though I was in a terrible hurry because I had an appointment to meet. She smiled with relief as she got into the dry car, but my thoughts of "doing a good deed for Jesus" suddenly changed to "I am already late, what on earth was I thinking." As it turned out, she did not live in my neighborhood and could only speak a few words of English. Furthermore, she did not want to be taken to her home nearby, she wanted to go to the bus station and said that she would direct me on how to get there. The problem was that the path she wanted me to take was not accessible for auto traffic. What I had thought would only take a few minutes had turned into a nightmare and time was getting short. I followed her directions as she pointed the way, and after going around several of the businesses and hotel parking lots I was finally able to get her close enough that she could walk across the grass to the bus station.

While I was trying to make my way through the maze of this dilemma, the Lord began to show me something. The lady could see me smiling on the outside but God could hear my complaining heart on the inside. God let me know that even though my heart had been stirred to give this lady a ride, my spirit was only willing to cooperate if it was convenient. My good deed for Him was being rejected because my spirit was not right. He didn't want me to just give, He wanted me to do it with a cheerful heart. Through the Lord's tender rebuke, I discovered that it was more important for me to do His will regardless of the cost, than it was for me to be on time for an insignificant event.

We are very eager to commit our hearts to love and serve God. Yet, we must understand that we cannot offer God our hearts without willingly giving Him our feet to go where He leads, our eyes to see the needs of others, our ears to hear their sad stories, our hands to help them do what needs to be done, and our mouths to speak words of encouragement to their soul. The Lord requests an offering from us, but He doesn't just want it delivered with a heart that is stirred to give but also a spirit that is willing. +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


A Word In Due Season
3rd Week of August 2009


Scripture: Psalms 23:2 (Amplified) "He leads me beside still and restful waters."

Life's journey takes us down many paths and unfortunately not all of them are pleasant. One pathway may present dangers, threatening foes, or diseases, which seek to overwhelm our hearts with fear. Another road may lead us through dark valleys where the shadows of doubt attack our minds with confusion. There may be dark tunnels that we pass through where there is not even a shadow that is visible. There will certainly be days where there is a veil over our future and all we can do is walk towards our destiny in faith. Yet in all of these circumstances, we have an assurance that our loving Shepherd will guide us each step of the way and will always refresh us with the still and restful waters of His Spirit.

We do not have to be anxious about anything when the Lord our Shepherd is leading us. He does not follow behind us, but is always before us. He goes through everything before we even get there so He understands every challenge that will greet us on our journey. He has experienced the pitfalls and the hurdles that are before us and makes sure that there is nothing that we cannot handle. He is always there to help us and give us rest. When we are obedient to follow Him, He will be faithful to lead us to the place where there is refreshing water for our souls. He is our Shepherd and He said that we shall not want.

When things are upside down in your life and you are at the edge of turbulent waters, think about this promise in God's word. You are the sheep of His pasture and you belong to Him. He is concerned about your situation and your problems. He wants to lead you to a better place and deliver you from the worry and torment that you struggle with. He seeks to rid you of every evil foreboding thought because He wants you to enjoy life, but you must choose to allow Him to be the Shepherd of your soul. You must follow Him wherever He leads and trust Him to take care of every detail of your life. When you have needs, you must tell the Lord very plainly that you need money to pay your debts, that you need healing for your body, that you need courage for your soul, that you need restoration for the personal relationships that you are involved in, and that you need precise direction for your life and future. As you allow the Lord to become the Shepherd that He desires to be in your life, He will meet your needs and lead you beside the still and restful waters. +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


Scripture: Luke 7:13 "And when the Lord saw her, He had compassion on her and said unto her, Weep not."

A woman and many of the people from a town called Nain were in a procession following the casket of the woman's only son. She had lost her husband to death and now was also having to give up her son. She was grief stricken and distressed, for her world seemingly had come to an end and there was no hope. As she approached the gates of the city, she never dreamed that she was on the verge of a divine appointment with the Almighty God, and that very shortly she would encounter a miracle at His hand.

At the same time, Jesus, along with His disciples and many other people, approached the gates of the city from the outside. This entourage was probably still happy and excited about the miracle that Jesus had preformed the day before when He spoke just a word and the centurion's servant was healed. Now at the gates of the city of Nain, two worlds were about to collide. God in Heaven had set the stage for a divine appointment. A procession of resurrection life led by Jesus was destined to meet with the procession of death led by the young man in the casket. Light was going to collide with darkness. Comfort was going replace sorrow and grief. Joy was going to dispel sadness, and laughter was destined to drive away all the tears. When Jesus saw the woman, He had compassion upon her. He spoke to her and said, "Weep not." Then Life touched death, and Jesus raised the widow's son from the dead.

You may have come to a time, like the widow, that you are facing what seems to be the end. It's a sad time as special relationships come to an end, dreams fall apart, your health and finances fail, or death takes your loved one from you. It is a time of discouragement and despair as you mourn the death of what could have been. However, don't lose faith as you seemingly exit your hopes and dreams. Jesus is on the other side of the gate, and all of Hell trembles because He is on His way to deliver you. When your life is threatened in any area, He comes to your rescue. He will resurrect your dead situation and restore your relationships. He will comfort you in your grief, and in the midst of your sorrow He will give you hope. He will resurrect your dreams and restore all that is lost. It only takes one divine moment as His anointed hands touch your impossible situation. In Jeremiah 29:11 God says, "For I know the thoughts and the plans that I have for you. They are plans for good and not evil, to give you a future and a hope." Take courage and look to the future with hope, for God has planed a divine appointment for you. +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture: Luke 1:78 "Through the tender mercy of our God; ... the Dayspring from high has visited us."

The term "dayspring" means "the springing up of light." It is the dawning of the morning as the sun rises to give light to a darkened earth. This glorious light at dawn brings with it a freshness of new life and all of nature rejoices. The birds sing and the roosters crow, welcoming the sun and the birth of a new day. The dawning of the sun's light causes hope for all of the earth as it brings forth the promise of growth. We seldom give thanks to our Father God for the wonders of this phenomenon or the breathtaking beauty of the sunrise. Instead we take it for granted and assume that it will be provided for us, each and every day. Yet, it only takes a few days of dreary weather to cause us to once again appreciate the sun at dawn. Can you imagine life without the sun?

Luke said that Jesus is our Dayspring from on high. When Jesus visited us, He brought us life and translated us out of the kingdom of darkness into His marvelous light. John 1:4 says, "In Him was Life and that Life was the Light to men." He was sent to this earth like the rising of the sun because of the great love and the mercy of our Father God. Jesus is the dawn that shines eternal light into the darkest places of our lives and causes all evil to flee. The night cannot overtake the day once the sun has risen, for physical darkness cannot absorb physical light. In fact, the greater the darkness, the greater the light seems to shine. Light a candle in a dark room and then watch the darkness put it out. It can't, for the darkness cannot conquer the light. It is an impossible challenge.

Likewise, spiritual darkness can never overtake the light of Jesus in our lives. The kingdom of darkness and evil cannot overcome, put out, or absorb His eternal light and life once the Dayspring has come to live within us. Verse seventy-nine tells us that Jesus will "shine and give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to direct and guide our feet in a straight line into the way of peace." We were sitting in Satan's kingdom of darkness waiting to die an eternal death until Jesus rose like the dawning of the day. His birth was a glorious sunrise. He became our Dayspring as He began to shine His light into our path and guide us into peace and eternal life. He said, "I am the light of the world: he that follows me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life (John 8:12)." Jesus is the "true light that lights every man" (John 1:9). We are forever blessed because Jesus, the Dayspring from on high, has visited us. +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture: James 4:3 (Amplified) " You fail to receive because you ask for the wrong purpose."

We have all wondered why some of our prayers are answered and why some of them are not. There are many guidelines in the scriptures concerning prayer and receiving answers, but James states that one of the reasons that we do not get the things that we ask for is because our prayers are centered around our own lust. He declared that we are not able to obtain the contentment and happiness that we seek because of our own evil and selfish motives.

James' words of judgment hurt, but we must acknowledge that it is very easy for us to fall into this kind of selfish trap. Even two of the disciples of Jesus prayed a prayer that was motivated by their own anger. They had walked with Jesus daily and knew that He operated in unconditional love and compassion. They saw Him continually heal the sick and raise the dead and witnessed the forgiveness that He extended to the most vile people. Yet, the disciples were so personally offended that the Samaritans did not receive Jesus that they wanted to call down fire from Heaven. They entreated Jesus to allow them to do this so that the village would be destroyed. They wanted fire to consume the people that Jesus came to give his life for. Jesus rebuked these disciples with the words. "You don't know what manner of spirit you are of" (Luke 9:54-56). He told them that He didn't come to destroy men's lives, but to save them.

The Lord watches over all and is concerned about every need that we have, from the smallest to the greatest. Yet we must understand that He is also concerned about the needs of others. He is righteous and it would be against His holy character to answer our request at the expense of someone else. His mercy and grace for all mankind far exceeds His need to answer our lustful request. What is God supposed to do when the fans of both ball teams are praying to win? What should God do when we pray a prayer that will be harmful to someone else in His kingdom? What if one of your own children asked you to destroy their brother or sister because of a disagreement or an offense that had occurred between them? What if they ask for something that was against your will because you knew that it would be harmful for them? Regardless of how much you loved your child, you would not give them what they wanted, for this is not the way of love or a request that merits an answer. God feels the same towards us. If we want our prayers answered, we must delight ourselves in the Lord and pray in accordance to His holy will. It is only as our petitions are right and our motives are pure that we will receive the answers that we desire from Him. +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture: Psalms 147:4 (Amplified) "He determines and counts the number of the stars; He calls them all by their names."

I must confess to you that one of my biggest weaknesses is not being able to remember people's names. When I meet a person for the first time I give them my undivided attention and think surely I will be able to remember their name. I concentrate and make a conscious effort and even try to enhance my memory by writing their names on a list. But regardless of how diligently I try, when I meet them again their name often escapes me.

Our Father God, who is eternal and has no beginning or end, does not have this problem. Even though He has to manage the whole world, nothing escapes Him. He is omniscient and His knowledge is not only vast, it is also very specific and personal. The psalmist declared that the Lord's memory is so inexhaustible and boundless that He can remember the names of all of the stars. He knows exactly how many He has created and calls each one of them by their own individual and personal names. Even though there are billions of stars in the sky, He doesn't need a list and His mind never goes blank when He tries to recall their names.

As far as we are concerned, God knows everything about us. He not only knows our name but He also knows the exact number of hairs that we have on our heads (Matthew 10:30). He knew us before we were ever formed in our mother's womb and He also knows what our eternity will be. We don't have to worry about our future because God has already been there and seen the end before our beginning. Neither do we have to worry about the present, for if God keeps track of the number of hairs on our head, He is surely watching every other detail of our life. He knows every triumph and also every discouraging thing that is happening in our lives and He is there to celebrate with us as well as to comfort us.

Whatever your challenges are today, be encouraged because God knew this day was coming and He has been working on the solution to your problem before it ever started. The Lord has made a covenant with you and just as He knows the names of the stars, He knows your name and He will never forget it. You can trust Him to take care of you. +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


A Word In Due Season
4th Week of August 2009


Scripture: Matthew 9:9 "Follow Me."

This is a simple command, but with these two words Jesus gathered His disciples to Him. When Jesus said, "Follow Me", the men who were to become his disciples and closest friends left their boats, their businesses, and their families to fulfill this special call. They had no idea where their obedience would take them on this journey of faith, but their sacrifice demonstrated their trust and their devotion to the One who was calling them.

We hear the same call today, for Jesus said, "If any man will come after Me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow Me" (Matthew 16:24). The Lord's call is not complicated or confusing. In fact, it is a very simple call to follow Him wherever He leads. We are not to linger in the places of nothingness and our lights are not designed to be hidden under a bushel. We have been called to God's kingdom for such a time as this to do great exploits in His Name. He has commissioned us to go into all of the world and preach the gospel to every creature and has promised that He would confirm His word with signs and wonders. The world is changing drastically and we are facing a season of personal change and challenge that will be greater than anything we have seen in the past. This journey demands faith, but also offers great rewards. We cannot have two masters. We must make a decision that nothing will stand between us and the Lord's words that call us to Him.

The world looks for the strong, the successful, and the educated, but God looks for those who will simply devote themselves to Jesus in a radical way and be willing to follow Him to the ends of the Earth. The scriptures declare that those whom Jesus called were unlearned and ignorant, yet because of their personal relationship with Him, God validated their call and anointed them to do mighty miracles in the midst of the people. God gave them gifts that exceeded their natural abilities and went beyond their expectations. You may wonder what you can do or where you will fit into this great plan of God. You may question just how it will happen, but all He requires from you is your obedience. So when you hear the voice of His Spirit say, "Follow Me," do it without fear or reservation and He will take care of everything else. +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


Scripture: Job 19:25 "For I know that my Redeemer lives ..."

Job faced adversity in every area of his life. He suffered the death of all of his children, endured the loss of all of his possessions, and was plagued with physical pain and mental anguish. In the midst of Job's darkest hours, even his closest friends judged him and his wife sought to discourage him. Job had nothing left to hold on to and no one to turn to, but he had the knowledge that His Redeemer still lived. With this hope, he held on in faith and even though his body was being destroyed, he took comfort in knowing that he would one day see God (Job 19:26). Because of Job's great and unwavering confidence, God blessed him so much that he had more at the end of his life than he did at the beginning.

Like Job, trials also come against our lives and storms buffet our ship. Discouragement knocks at our heart's door and the temptation to give up becomes especially inviting when those we love and trust the most judge us because they misunderstand the reasons for our dilemma. Yet it is in these places that we are given the opportunity to experience God in a greater way and come to understand His higher concepts. There are blessings that we cannot receive if we do not endure the losses. Joy is only realized at the expense of sorrow just as harvest comes only through hard labor and the sweat of the brow. The blessings of a child come only through self-sacrifice and the pangs of childbirth. There is always an exchange, and out of suffering emerge the greatest gifts and the strongest souls.

Scars are seen on those who have fought the battles and endured the trials. You must not dwell on their ill effects, for those scars are also the signs of victory and will deepen your character if you allow them. Instead of suffering defeat and lapsing into bitterness, you must allow God to reveal Himself in the midst of your affliction. Like Job, your pain and suffering will take you beyond the veil of natural knowledge and bring you to a greater revelation of God. When you put your total trust in God, you will be able to say the words that Job said, "Though God slay me, yet I will trust Him. If I never see God perform another miracle, if I never feel His touch again, if He never answers another prayer for me, if all of my friends and loved ones reject me, if my body is wracked with pain, and all of my possessions are gone, I will still trust Him for I personally know that my Redeemer lives." +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture: Jeremiah 1:5 "Before I formed you in the belly, I knew you."

What an awesome thought this is, that you were in the mind of God before you were ever conceived. Before the almighty God ever began to form you in your mother's womb, He envisioned your being. When you were born you were no accident or surprise to Him, for He had already made plans for you and designed purposes for your life. When He formed you, He made you into the person that He, Himself, wanted you to be and all of your thoughts of self-worth should be wrapped up in that knowledge. You are who you are by God's design.

Every beautiful diamond started as a piece of coal from the Earth. Every smooth lustrous pearl began with an insignificant piece of sand or other foreign matter that was lodged in the shell of an oyster. Every precious gem had to be cut from a rugged rock and polished into perfection. Every beautiful pot was first a lump of clay that was filled with rocks, hard clumps, and impurities. Every precious gold and silver ornament or vessel came from the Earth and had to be discovered and then refined by fire. Each of these beautiful things had a glorious future, but each had to be worked with until the finished product was completed.

Your life is no less significant than the most beautiful diamond, lustrous pearl, precious gem, beautiful pot, or a vessel of silver or gold. Only God is able to create these beautiful things, and even though you were created from the dust of the ground like Adam and Eve, you were created and formed by God, Himself. The creation of your total being is a miracle of God. Your voice and your fingerprints are like no others. Your thoughts are totally individual. You are a special being handcrafted and fashioned by God and He values you and your life. He is concerned about all of your needs, and even though He takes special interests in the flowers of the field and the birds of the air, you are more valuable to Him than any of these creations. When situations fail and relationships cease, leaving you with thoughts of self-worthlessness, allow God's words to defeat those thoughts. You will always be worthy in His eyes, for he declared that He knew you before He formed you. +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture: I Corinthians 14:8 "For if the trumpet give an uncertain sound, who shall prepare himself to the battle?

The ancient Hebrews used an instrument that was called a shofar, which was a trumpet that was made from a ram's horn. It was used to sound an alarm, to summon the people together, and also in other various rituals. It dictated to the people what their response should be, for it made certain and clear sounds with a specific purpose in mind, which was to call the people to war, celebration, or worship. It is still used today by the Jewish people at their New Year's celebration of Rosh Hashanah and their most holy day of Yon Kippur.

The shofar was put under much pressure before it became the instrument that could be used in such a manner. It had to be cut from the ram and the inside of it had to be totally gutted and made clean. It then had to be boiled until it was soft and pliable and put under fire so that it could be shaped. After this process was complete, the shofar had to be sanded until it became smooth. Only after this enduring process was it ready to fulfill its purpose and its destiny, which was to make a clarion call to battle, celebration, or worship.

The Apostle Paul encouraged us to be like a trumpet that gives forth a certain sound. We all want to fulfill that call and purpose, but not many of us want to go through the process of becoming the instrument that God can work through, for it is much like the process of refining the shofar. Our souls must be cut away from everything that would hinder our freedom in Christ and we must allow ourselves to be totally cleaned within by God's Holy Spirit. This is not an easy process because God offends our minds in order to test our hearts. Often we do not understand His works of righteousness, for there is much pain that is involved to affect His purposes in our lives. He allows us to experience the fire so that we become soft and pliable enough to be shaped in His hands. Then just about the time that we think He is finished and we are ready, He begins the sanding process.

We must remember that God is not trying to be cruel to us. He just wants to make sure that our words and lives are making a clear and certain sound to those about us. He said that we were the hope of His glory and His kingdom depends upon our witness and testimony. We are epistles read of all men and we are not to be confusing to those about us. Our lives are to be sure and our sound is to be certain, whether it is a call to battle, celebration, or worship. +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture: I Corinthians 14:8 "For if the trumpet give an uncertain sound, who shall prepare himself to the battle?

The ancient Hebrews used an instrument that was called a shofar, which was a trumpet that was made from a ram's horn. It was used to sound an alarm, to summon the people together, and also in other various rituals. It dictated to the people what their response should be, for it made certain and clear sounds with a specific purpose in mind, which was to call the people to war, celebration, or worship. It is still used today by the Jewish people at their New Year's celebration of Rosh Hashanah and their most holy day of Yon Kippur.

The shofar was put under much pressure before it became the instrument that could be used in such a manner. It had to be cut from the ram and the inside of it had to be totally gutted and made clean. It then had to be boiled until it was soft and pliable and put under fire so that it could be shaped. After this process was complete, the shofar had to be sanded until it became smooth. Only after this enduring process was it ready to fulfill its purpose and its destiny, which was to make a clarion call to battle, celebration, or worship.

The Apostle Paul encouraged us to be like a trumpet that gives forth a certain sound. We all want to fulfill that call and purpose, but not many of us want to go through the process of becoming the instrument that God can work through, for it is much like the process of refining the shofar. Our souls must be cut away from everything that would hinder our freedom in Christ and we must allow ourselves to be totally cleaned within by God's Holy Spirit. This is not an easy process because God offends our minds in order to test our hearts. Often we do not understand His works of righteousness, for there is much pain that is involved to affect His purposes in our lives. He allows us to experience the fire so that we become soft and pliable enough to be shaped in His hands. Then just about the time that we think He is finished and we are ready, He begins the sanding process.

We must remember that God is not trying to be cruel to us. He just wants to make sure that our words and lives are making a clear and certain sound to those about us. He said that we were the hope of His glory and His kingdom depends upon our witness and testimony. We are epistles read of all men and we are not to be confusing to those about us. Our lives are to be sure and our sound is to be certain, whether it is a call to battle, celebration, or worship. +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


A Word In Due Season
5th Week of August 2009


Scripture: Proverbs 17:17 "A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity."

In this proverb, King Solomon spoke of the loyal love of a friend and declared that brothers were birthed for the seasons of adversity. Loved ones are an important asset in the arena of life. They are more precious than silver and more valuable than gold. The poorest man on earth is the one who does not have friends or family, for money cannot buy these precious treasures. God gave us friends and planned family relationships so that we could take on one another's battles. In the time of trouble, friends reach out to friends and family reaches out to family.

There is a saying that "When you are in trouble, you find out who your real friends are." Adversity and trouble have a unique way of proving friendships and revealing the strength of blood relationships. A true friend will love you and stand with you when everything is going wrong and a brother will be there when everyone is rising up against you. Both will remain loyal and be a defense against the enemies of your life even at the risk of being hurt in the situation. Even if a friend or brother is at fault, love will prevail and allegiance will remain true because love is able to cover a multitude of sin. Real love is not just words, nor is it only something that you feel. True love takes action and is something that you do. It surpasses disappointment and is always eager to forgive. It overlooks injustices that work against it and turns the other cheek to its offender.

Jesus is our greatest example of love, friendship, and brotherhood. He will love us at all times and He is our brother who will remain close to us in the midst of trouble. He came to Earth knowing that His purpose was to die on the cross for our sins and He never turned back from His assigned mission. He was mocked and ridiculed but endured the shame for our benefit. He took the stripes on His back for our healing. For us, He bore the crown of thorns on His brow and His hands and feet suffered the pain of the nails that held Him to the cross of Calvary. He proved Himself for us beyond measure and we can depend upon Him to be there to deliver us in every situation and rescue us in every storm. We can have this assurance in our souls that when all others fail, Jesus will be there. He will never forsake us. He is our friend who will love us at all times and He is our brother who was born for our season of adversity. +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    
