A Word In Due Season
1st Week of December 2009


Scripture: Acts 10:4 "Your prayers and your alms are come up for a memorial before God."

Have you ever tried to talk to someone, but knew in your spirit that they weren't listening to you? Worse still, they may even cut you off right in the middle of your words. Even though you really had something important to share, no room was given for you to exchange your thoughts and express your opinions. It was as though your concerns were of no importance or even nonexistent. Communication of this sort is frustrating, but we can rest assured that this is not the type of communion that we experience with our Father God. Our prayers and the words that we address to the Lord are very meaningful to Him. As we speak, He listens with the intent to hear, considers our thoughts, and doesn't forget them. He keeps our words before Him as a memorial.

Just as we listen to the simple words of our own children or grandchildren, God listens to us. How often have we kept a scrap of paper that had the words "I luv you" or something similar scribbled in crayon as a special memorial of a child's love and adoration for us? Those words were a personal treasure to our heart and God feels the same about the words that we offer to Him. He is not so much concerned about the eloquence of our communication as He is the condition of our heart and our love for Him. Our words are precious to Him and He looks at our earnest and honest intent. It is written in Revelation 5:8, that He takes our prayers and saves them as memorials in golden vials. Then the angels mingle our prayers with incense and offer them upon the golden altar that is before God's throne. Regardless of how simple our words might be, God loves them and appreciates them. As our prayers ascend unto God, they become as sweet odors in His nostrils (Revelation 8:3-5).

Sometimes we may think that God has forgotten our request, but we soon discover that although He's rarely early, He's never too late. Our need is ever near His heart and He always answers right on time! God keeps our words and our expressions safe, whether they be praises or petitions. When we make our thoughts and needs known unto God, they are placed in a golden bowl near His throne. They remain as memorials before Him until the appropriate time that He desires to respond. Then when the fullness of time comes, our sovereign God reaches into the golden bowl and pulls out our prayer. And to our utter amazement, He answers our petition when we least expect it. So never give up on your prayers because they are a memorial before God. When you prayed, God listened, God heard, and your answer is on the way. +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


Scripture: Luke 12:15 "A man's life does not consist in the abundance of things which he possesses."

These words from Jesus remind us that real life and happiness does not depend upon how much stuff we have. We are human and have needs in the natural, but Jesus said we are not to be "anxious and troubled about these things ... for life is more than food, and the body is more than clothing."

Jesus proceeded to tell the story of a man who had an immoderate desire for wealth. He was greedy and desired to have more and more. He kept gathering grain into his storehouse until he had to build other storehouses just to accommodate his wealth, as he would not share his blessings. He was very secure within himself and measured the wealth of his life by the abundance of his storehouses. When he thought he had fully arrived, he decided to sit back and enjoy life. His words to himself were, "Take your ease, eat, drink, and be merry." God had other plans, however. He came on the scene that very night, requiring the man's life, and all that the man had stored up was passed to someone else. In the Message Bible, Eugene Peterson said, "This is what happens when you fill your barn with Self and not with God."

Jesus was relating to us that a barn full of stuff or a life full of stuff is not necessarily a life that is full. You can't define or measure life by the things you have or the things you don't have. Real life is found in Jesus. In John 14:6 Jesus says, "I am life." And the important "stuff of life" is found in our relationship with God, our families and children, health, peace, and happiness. Too many times we take our life and health for granted, and forget to count the true blessings that God has provided for us. Many folks today would give everything they own to have their health, youth, marriage, and family relations restored. Those paralyzed and diseased would trade all of their possessions to be able to live a normal life. The fact remains that the best things in life cannot be purchased or stored up. A quote from an unknown source encourages us with these words:

"Measure wealth not by the things you have,
But by the things you have for which you would not take money." +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture: Psalms 32:7 (Amplified) "You are a hiding place for me; You Lord, preserve me from trouble: You surround me with songs and shouts of deliverance."

David wrote this psalm and he knew what it meant to face adversities and danger. When he was just a lad in the open field tending sheep, he was forced to fight a lion. Another time, he had to fight a bear. Then he went from protecting sheep to protecting men and also the nation of Israel when he came against the giant, Goliath. With just a sling and a few stones he conquered the giant, while others trembled in the presence of this mighty foe. David also had personal battles. He had to flee the presence of King Saul who was determined to kill him. And David had to bear the heartache of the insurrection of his own son, Absalom, who sought to take David's kingdom for himself.

David's conflicts were not always one on one as he also battled against great armies. David was a mighty warrior in battle and conquered thousands, yet he never depended upon his own strength. He always leaned upon God and sought out His direction and guidance. David knew that the Lord would preserve him from trouble and he made God his hiding place and trusted in Him for deliverance. He wrote many songs to this effect, which even today bring comfort and instill hope. Whether David was up or down or fighting against one person or an army of thousands, the Lord's presence was always with him, surrounding him with songs of deliverance.

David was not the only one who was surrounded with songs of deliverance. Songs of deliverance went before the armies of Jehoshaphat in II Chronicle 20. As they sang praises to God, their enemies destroyed themselves. Songs of deliverance surrounded Paul and Silas as they praised God at the midnight hour in the prison. As they worshipped God, the prison was shaken, the doors were opened, and their bonds were loosed. Songs of deliverance will also surround you. In the midst of your adversity, whether it be fear, loneliness, depression, or other challenges, you will hear a sound from heaven in the private chambers of your heart. Allow that melody to arise within you and join with God as He surrounds you with songs of deliverance. Zephaniah 3:17 says, "The Lord your God in the midst of you is mighty; He will save, He will rejoice over you with joy; He will rest in His love; He will joy over you with singing." +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture:  Acts 24:16  "I exercise myself to have always a conscience void of offence toward God, and toward man."

The Apostle Paul was a godly man and very knowledgeable about the word of God.  In fact, he wrote nearly three-fourths of the New Testament.  Yet he never portrayed himself as being holier than anyone else because he faced daily struggles with his carnal nature just as you and I do.  In fact he confessed that the things he wanted to do, he didn't do, and the things that he didn't want to do, he did.  Life was just as challenging for Paul as it is for us, but he never became discouraged.  He continually made an effort to press towards the mark of the high calling of Christ Jesus in his life.  He was very determined to complete the will of God by running the race that was set before him and finishing the course.

As Paul made his journey through life, he not only tried to make sure that his actions were in alignment with God's word, he also disciplined his inner nature.  He said that he exercised himself in the area of his conscience because he didn't want anything to stand between him and God or between him and his ministry to others.  He made a deliberate effort not to be an offence with his words and actions.  You would think this would have been easy for someone as spiritual as Paul.  Yet, another translation speaks of Paul's efforts in a more graphic way by saying that he "mortified or put to death his carnal affections, bodily appetites, and worldly desires."  Paul's act of self-discipline felt like death to him, but he kept himself under control so that he could maintain a clear, pure, and blameless conscience towards God and towards men.

Regardless of how spiritual we may judge ourselves to be, we all have to deal with this spirit called offence because even when we have the best intentions in mind, our words or actions can be an offence to those in our midst.  Consider Peter who began to rebuke Jesus because Jesus spoke of His own soon coming suffering and death on the cross.  Peter declared that he would never let that happen.  Jesus turned to Peter and said, "You are an offence to Me because you do not savor the things that be of God, but those things that be of men" (Matthew 16:23).  Peter was thinking merely from a human point of view.  He actually meant well but he did not fully understand the spiritual implications of the matter.  Jesus was destined to suffer at the hands of men and die a cruel death on the cross because His blood was the only thing that could redeem man from his sins. 

Physical exercise is a daily routine and we must do no less in the spiritual realm, for Paul said that he exercised himself "always" in the area of his conscience.  As you face this day with its challenges, I encourage you to remember his words and personal determination and then follow his example.  In as much as possible, keep your heart and actions under control.  Exercise yourself in spiritual matters and savor the things that be of God so that you can develop and sustain a conscience that is void of any offense towards God and towards man. +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


A Word In Due Season
2nd Week of December 2009


Scripture: Job 23:10 "He knows the way that I take: when He has tried me, I shall come forth as gold."

Job was in quite a dilemma as he sat there in an ash heap, scraping his boils, and speaking these words. His sons, daughters, servants, livestock, and property had been destroyed in one disaster after another. In fact, the Word says that while one bad report was being given to him, another disaster was happening. And on top of all of this, the people that Job needed to encourage him the most during this crucial time, his wife and friends, had turned their backs on him in judgment. But "in all of this, Job sinned not, nor charged God foolishly" (Job 1:22). In fact when his whole life began to cave in on him, he fell down and worshipped and blessed the Name of the Lord.

Later, we find Job in search of answers. He tells his friend, "I go forward, but God is not there; and backward, but I cannot perceive Him; and on the left hand ... but I can't see Him." Then he determines, "God is hiding Himself on my right hand, so that I cannot see Him" (Job 23:8-9). Job had an assurance that even though he couldn't see God, God's eyes were upon him, and God knew exactly where he was. Job felt that at the end of these fiery trials he, himself, would ultimately come out as pure gold.

Job never departed from God's commandments when the bad times came his way. He said, "Though God slay me, yet will I trust in Him" (Job 13:15). What gave Job such confidence? He trusted God, and he trusted God's words. In verse twelve, he said, "I have esteemed the words of God more than my necessary food." He had come to understand that although food may nourish and sustain him, only God's power could keep him alive and restore his health.

Luke 4:4 says that Jesus answered the devil's temptation in a similar way that Job answered his friends. Jesus said, "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God." God also expects us to live by EVERY word that He gives to us. We cannot obey, serve, and worship God only in the good and prosperous times; we must continually maintain our own walk before God as Job declared that God would not receive hypocrites (Job 13:16). God knows where we are. Like Job, we may not be able to see Him in the front, back, or to the sides, but we can rest assured that His presence is there hidden from our view while we are being tried. If we esteem His word more than food and live by His every word, we can be assured that we will come forth as gold. +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


Scripture: John 6:9 "There is a lad here, which has five barley loaves, and two small fish: but what are they among so many?"

Jesus gave His disciple, Phillip, an impossible task. He asked Phillip where they could buy enough bread to feed the multitude that was following them. Verse six says that Jesus asked this question to prove Phillip, for Jesus, Himself, knew what He was going to do. Jesus had a solution before He ever presented the problem. I'm sure Phillip must have panicked as he explained to Jesus that they didn't have enough money to buy food for the 5,000 that needed to be fed. Another disciple, Andrew, spoke up and said that there was a lad there who had five loaves of bread and two fish. This was the only resource available and Andrew recognized that it was nothing in comparison to the need. He asked, "What are they among so many?"

We often face similar situations in our own lives where our needs are greater than our resources, whether it is in the material, physical, or spiritual realm. We receive our pay at the end of the workweek but can't seem to stretch it to meet all of our needs. Our duties and responsibilities call upon us but our energies are not quite sufficient to meet the extra demands. God calls us to serve Him in a special way and our abilities are lacking. We look at the challenge before us and it appears to be an impossible task. It is like trying to feed 5,000 people with five loaves of bread and two fish. We ask as Andrew asked, "What good is the little that I have when the need is so great?"

This same story is also related in Mark 6:38-44 and gives further insight into what Jesus did concerning the need. First, He organized the people and instructed them to sit in companies. Jesus then took the five loaves and two fish and looked up to Heaven. He didn't look to the natural, but to God the Father, the Creator of Heaven and Earth. He had confidence that if God could create bread and fish, He could certainly multiply it. After Jesus focused His thoughts upon God, He blessed the bread. When He blessed the bread and fish He was asking God to do something supernatural. When all was finished, the 5,000 were fed and there were twelve baskets of fish and bread left over. This example should speak faith into our hearts when our resources are lacking. First, we must put things in order the best that we can and then look to Heaven for our solutions. Regardless of how little we have to offer, we must ask for God's blessings to be upon it because He is our source and He still knows how to multiply. When God blesses, He turns our weakness into strength and our emotional distress into joy. He meets all of our material needs according to His riches and He empowers us with His anointing, which drives away our spiritual lack. This is what happens when God blesses. +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


Scripture: Psalms 19:3 (Living Bible) "Without a sound or word, silent in the skies, their message reaches out to all the world."

The psalmist says that the heavens have no language, yet they speak of the grandeur of God. The sun, moon, stars, and the galaxies are a marvelous display of His craftsmanship. They have no speech and they have no words, yet they are able to declare God's glory. Day and night, they keep speaking about God who created them and placed them in His heavens. Without any kind of sound, their message reaches out to the entire world. As we see their awesome beauty and marvel at their faithfulness to fulfill God's purposes for us on this earth, we experience the greatness of our God.

This same God who has touched Earth with such beauty is also able to make you lovely. With His Spirit, He gives you a new birth. When He recreates you, He washes you in His own blood and you become crystal pure like streams of running water. He gives you His Word that causes you to be stable like the mountains that are unmovable. And He imparts to you joy in your salvation, which makes you strong, sure, and enduring. He calls you a tree of righteousness for His Name's sake (Isaiah 61:3). And He plans good things for your life, as you become His witness and His hope on this earth.

Like the Earth with its beauty and the grandeur of the universe, you too can declare the greatness of our awesome God. In Colossians 1:27 Paul declared, "Christ in you, the hope of glory," and Jesus said, "You are the light of the world." Just as the lights of the universe shine and speak of God, you are to "let your light shine before men that they may see your good works". Without speaking any words, you function as an epistle that is read of all men (II Corinthians 3:2). The world watches your daily actions and your responses to adverse circumstances. They study your faith. As they do, they either see the frailty of mankind in your life or the majesty of your Maker. Even in your silence, the message of your life and faith reaches out to the entire world. So choose to shine as a light to those in darkness and without hope. As you shine, you will glorify your Father, which is in Heaven. +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture: John 4:6 "Jesus was weary with His journey and sat on the well."

It is hard to imagine Jesus being weary and thirsty, but He was. And this natural situation caused Him to be in the right place at the right time so that He could minister to a very special woman. While His disciples went into the city to buy food, Jesus sat on Jacob's well and waited. His waiting had a purpose. He wasn't waiting for a multitude. He was waiting for one person. Finally, a woman of Samaria came to draw water from the well. Jesus was a Jew and was to have no dealings with the Samaritans, but when the woman came to the well, He disregarded the traditions of men and yielded to the will of God. He made time for this woman, and even though He knew her failures, He had compassion upon her.

As He began to talk with the Samaritan woman, He exposed her failures. He knew everything about her and approached her sins with tenderness and compassion. She had been married five times and the man that she was presently living with was not her husband. They were just living together. Yet, Jesus looked far beyond her faults and saw her needs. He recognized her thirst for God and knew that there was something deeper within her scarred heart than men could see. He asked the woman to give Him a drink of water and when she responded, He offered her living water. He told her that the living water that He could provide would be able to quench her thirst and that she would never thirst again. He was not speaking of natural water and natural thirst, but of the spirit.

The water of the Spirit quenches the thirst for the things that are of the flesh. Just as Jesus waited by the well that day, He patiently waits for you so that He can minister to you, one on one. You are important to Him whether you realize it or not and His love for you may be more than you can even believe. Jesus usually ministered to the multitudes. Who would think that He had time for one Samaritan woman who was living in sin? Yet, He did and He loves you just as much as He loved the Samaritan woman. He draws you to Him by His Spirit so that He can impart the living water to you. When God imparts the Living Water, it will drive away those ungodly things that you thirst for and struggle with; impure thoughts and desires, lust, jealousy, and covetousness. As He ministers to you, you will find yourself overflowing with new life and you will know that His compassion is far greater than your failures. +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture: Psalms 19:3 (Living Bible) "Without a sound or word, silent in the skies, their message reaches out to all the world."

The psalmist says that the heavens have no language, yet they speak of the grandeur of God. The sun, moon, stars, and the galaxies are a marvelous display of His craftsmanship. They have no speech and they have no words, yet they are able to declare God's glory. Day and night, they keep speaking about God who created them and placed them in His heavens. Without any kind of sound, their message reaches out to the entire world. As we see their awesome beauty and marvel at their faithfulness to fulfill God's purposes for us on this earth, we experience the greatness of our God.

This same God who has touched Earth with such beauty is also able to make you lovely. With His Spirit, He gives you a new birth. When He recreates you, He washes you in His own blood and you become crystal pure like streams of running water. He gives you His Word that causes you to be stable like the mountains that are unmovable. And He imparts to you joy in your salvation, which makes you strong, sure, and enduring. He calls you a tree of righteousness for His Name's sake (Isaiah 61:3). And He plans good things for your life, as you become His witness and His hope on this earth.

Like the Earth with its beauty and the grandeur of the universe, you too can declare the greatness of our awesome God. In Colossians 1:27 Paul declared, "Christ in you, the hope of glory," and Jesus said, "You are the light of the world." Just as the lights of the universe shine and speak of God, you are to "let your light shine before men that they may see your good works". Without speaking any words, you function as an epistle that is read of all men (II Corinthians 3:2). The world watches your daily actions and your responses to adverse circumstances. They study your faith. As they do, they either see the frailty of mankind in your life or the majesty of your Maker. Even in your silence, the message of your life and faith reaches out to the entire world. So choose to shine as a light to those in darkness and without hope. As you shine, you will glorify your Father, which is in Heaven. +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scriptures: Luke 11:1 "Lord, teach us to pray."

When Jesus had finished praying, one of His disciples said to Him, "Lord, teach us to pray." The disciples knew that Jesus got results when He talked with the Father and they wanted to know His secret. It was customary in that day and time for famous rabbis to compose special prayers, but the disciples weren't interested in a prayer to recite. Instead, they wanted Jesus to teach them how to pray or how to communicate with God in a personal way like He did. They had witnessed mighty answers to the prayers that Jesus prayed and had come to the conclusion that their words alone had no purpose unless they reached the ears and heart of God.

As Jesus began this model prayer, which we know as The Lord's Prayer, His first two words were "Our Father." There is a lot of weight that is attached to those first two words. First, the word "our" meant that Jesus was including us with Him. Although Jesus was the only begotten Son of the Father, He wanted us to understand that we have the same relationship to the Father as He does. God is creator of all mankind, but He is only Father to those who have received Jesus as Savior and Lord because His Son's eternal blood flows through their veins. Because of this sacred relationship, Romans 8:17 says that we are "heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ." This means that we possess the same rights and privileges that Jesus has and can approach God as our personal Father.

Second, Jesus said that we are to address the Almighty God as "Father." By doing this, Jesus established that God is a real person, and like our earthly father, our Heavenly Father has real feelings and He loves us. He cares for us and desires to provide for all of our needs. Like most parents, He watches over us constantly, but He never slumbers nor sleeps. He is there all the time. He experiences joy when we are fulfilling His plan and doing those things that please Him. He also grieves over us when we stray down the wrong path, and like the father of the prodigal son, He patiently waits for our return. As our Father, He wants us to love Him and fellowship with Him on a regular basis, not just run to Him every time that we have a problem. He cherishes our honor and adoration. The greatest honor that we can bestow upon God the Father is to believe His words and trust in Him. God has identified Himself by many names throughout the scriptures, but Jesus shared the name that is dearest to God's heart, which is Father. Other religions do not have a personal relationship with their god, nor do they call their god "father." So, recognize your position as God's child when you pray. Your love and tender thoughts will be precious to Him. +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


A Word In Due Season
3rd Week of December 2009


Scripture: II Corinthians 3:2 "You are our epistle ... known and read of all men."

An epistle is a written message or letter of communication. Paul uses this as an example and tells us that our lives are like written epistles. Even though our lives are not written with ink on tablets or on paper, they are human letters that are written by the Spirit of God and are being studied by men. Our families, associates, and those we minister to are reading our lives on a daily basis and the truth of our witness is being manifested when we are the least aware of it. Those about us are closely observing our actions to see if our deeds line up with what we say. It is remarkable when someone takes notice and mentions something good that you did, especially those things that you can't even recall yourself. Yet, it is important to recognize that our negative impressions leave a mark just as well, for all of our life is a letter of communication to the world that chooses to read us.

Often when you purchase a book, the outside cover will have a picture and some brief excerpts that depict the contents of what is on the inside. This part of the book is meant to entice you to purchase and read the book. Sometimes, however, the outside is misleading as it turns out to be more interesting than the entire book itself. This is what happens to our testimony when others look at us from the outside. They see us on Sunday in the choir, teaching Bible Study, and doing all the right things. We convince them that we are great by our outside cover. We entice them into believing in us, but the real proof of our lives come as they watch us face life's daily challenges and disappointing circumstances. The reality of our responses becomes our true witness.

God wants to work through us because we are His workmanship that He created in His image. He knows that others will be looking at us, and He wants us to be a living communication of His glory. Colossians 1:27 says, "Christ in you, the hope of glory." God is glorified when our lives communicate His character to the world and He is pleased when our inner man lives up to what is represented on the outside cover of our life. We are His epistles and our lives will speak volumes. When people read our lives, the Lord wants them to see His life in our life; His Spirit within our spirit; His peace controlling us; His love flowing through us; His joy flooding our soul; His kindness and patience working in us; and His light shining through us. In other words, He wants us to not only 'talk the talk' but also 'walk the walk' because we will be read and known by all men. +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


Scripture: Daniel 2:21 "He changes the times and the seasons."

In the area where I live, which is in Southeast Texas, the change of the seasons is often very confusing. We have a saying; "If you don't like the weather right now, just wait a few hours. It will change." We go from overcast skies to sunshine and from drought to flooding rains. In just three or four hours, the temperature can drop from the mid-seventies to the low forties. We have beautiful days and we have days that are filled with hurricanes and tornadoes. Our seasons follow this same pattern in that they are rarely strictly defined. We may have a couple of days of cool fall weather that requires the use of a furnace. Then the season will revert and in mid November, we must turn on the air conditioner. Without a calendar, this changing back and forth would make it difficult to discern the season.

Many times the seasons of our lives are like this. It may seem like a new season is about to come into our lives and we may take faith in that hope. We sense a change and trust that it is for the better. For a short period, our finances improve, relationships strengthen, our health is restored, and all is well with our family. We rejoice in the peace that we feel, as it seems that the springtime of our life is on the horizon. Yet about the time that we become comfortable in this season, circumstances revert and we find ourselves back in a season that is uncomfortable and very discouraging. Our situation is marked by extreme heat and drought or times where it seems the raging storms and floods are going to take us under. Everything about us seems mixed up and out of sync.

We must remember that our seasons are held in God's hands. Acts 1:7 says, "It is not for you to know the times or the season, which the Father has put in His own power." He controls the seasons of our life just as He controls the seasons of nature. Everything that happens is in His sovereign design and all the events that take place in our lives are divinely appointed. Ecclesiastes chapter three tells us that there is a time to be born and a time to die, a time to weep and a time to laugh, and a time to get and a time to lose. Each season has a purpose and no man can fully understand its meaning because God is working. His ways and thoughts are higher than ours could ever be. We just have to trust Him. He changes the times and the seasons. In His perfect timing, all will come to pass as He planned and as He purposed. +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture:  Jeremiah 33:3  "Call unto Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know."

God tells us through Jeremiah, the prophet, two very important things about getting our prayers answered.  First He says, "Call."  Prayer needs to be voiced, otherwise it may only be a meditation of the heart.  For instance, how many times in our lives do we face circumstances that require answers?  We tell everyone that we are praying about the situation, when in reality we are merely thinking, meditating on the circumstances, and trying to figure out the solution in our own minds.  We haven't uttered one word to God, verbally or in our spirit, yet we call it prayer.

God wants us to speak out verbally to Him.  God knows our thoughts and our hearts, but He wants to actually hear our voices.  James 4:2 tells us that "we have not because we ask not."  We merely think the thought in our mind, but never express it with our voice.  God knows the meditations of our heart but He hears our cries and listens for ours words.  Throughout the scriptures, prayers often began with phrases like, "Hear my prayer, O Lord,"  "Attend unto my cry," and "I lift up my voice to You."  We get God's attention when we make our voices heard. 

Second, God says, "Call unto Me."  In the original Hebrew language, the use of the word "call" in this scripture means to address by name.  Names are personal and powerful.  Even in a crowded room, you are called to attention when someone mentions your own name.  You become very interested in what is being said because your name is involved.  However, if your name were never mentioned, you may be disinterested in the conversation.  Likewise if someone in your midst had needs but never verbalized them to you, you would not know how you could meet those needs.  God reacts in the same way.  He responds to His Name and focuses His attention on the one calling upon His Name.  God says, "Call to Me.  When you speak to Me then I will answer you and I will show you great and mighty things which you have never known before." +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    




Scripture: Psalms 91:2 "I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in Him I will trust."

In this verse, the psalmist says four things about the Lord.
1) The Lord is his refuge.
2) The Lord is his fortress.
3) The Lord is his God.
4) The Lord can be trusted.

The psalmist had great confidence in God. He not only believed that God could deliver him, but trusted and believed that God would. He felt that he could turn to God in any situation and find help and relief. Like the cities of refuge that provided escape from the avenger in Moses' day, the psalmist depended upon God to be his escape. Not only was God a place for him to run to in the times of trouble and danger, but once there, God was his mighty fortress, providing him with protection and shelter.

Webster's Dictionary defines "fortress" as a "large and permanent military stronghold." It is a city fortified with weapons. Psalms 46:1-3 says that it doesn't matter if the earth is removed and the mountains are cast into the seas. There is nothing to fear because God is our refuge and is present to help us. God is permanent and will never leave us or forsake us. As our refuge and fortress, God provides amazing grace for us when we face difficult situations. The refuge God gives us is so amazing that it causes us to be a wonder to many (Psalms 71:7). Even our own friends can't comprehend how we are able to endure the duress of our season of pain and hardship. Yet, God's grace disallows the adversity in our life to bring us shame and confusion. Instead, He uses it to infuse us with greater strength and understanding.

Review your life for a moment, and remember some of the places where you found God as your refuge and fortress. Look back at the times that you ran to God and He protected you or showed Himself as your provider and met your needs in a way that only He could do. Think about the hard places, the dark valleys, and the dry deserts that you've passed through. And recall the love you experienced from the Gentle Shepherd in the midst of your tears and fears. Then for today's trouble and anxieties, focus upon God. He is there if you will call on Him. God is your refuge and your strength. He is your city of security. See Him as your mighty fortress and let the promise of His deliverance be your peace. He is your God. He can be trusted. +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    




Scripture: I Corinthians 10:23 "All things are lawful for me, but all things are not expedient."

Life presents us with many choices. These choices determine our future and create our past. They cause us to become who we are in character and also establish our reputation in the eyes of others. Choices are made because of our hopes and desires, but they also determine our failures. As we follow our choices, they take us down many trails and the options we choose leave behind us a path that others will follow. Sometimes the examples that we provide for others are good but other times we mistakenly lead them down the wrong paths. At the time, our choice may have been acceptable and lawful for us personally because our motives were pure, but they may have caused problems for those within the circle of our influence who may not have known the entire situation.

The Apostle Paul addressed this issue by saying, "All things are lawful for me, but not all things are expedient." In other words, all things that we could do may not edify or build up those around us. In fact, some things that are lawful in the eyes of God will actually hinder our witness and possibly destroy the faith of those who look to us as examples. It may even hinder God's destiny for our lives. In chapter twenty-five of I Samuel, David was so provoked by an evil man named Nabal that David vowed to destroy Nabal and everything that pertained to him. This act of vengeance would have been lawful for David, but it was not expedient. David was destined to become the King of Israel and this act would have been a major blemish in his character and would have damaged his reputation before others. So David refused to avenge himself or to shed innocent blood in order that this dreadful act would not become an offense in his own heart and also ultimately hinder God's plan for his life.

When we know God and His ways, it is very easy to discern which choices are morally and ethically right and which ones are wrong. Yet, we must remember Paul's words that even though things may be lawful for us, not all things are expedient. If we speak lawful words of truth or speak with the tongues of angels and have not love, we are as a tinkling cymbal. If we prophesy without love, we are nothing. We must follow the pattern of Christ and choose to do those things that edify and give a worthy testimony to the world about us. We are epistles read of all men and the law that we follow should be always governed by the spirit of love, for love is always expedient. +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



A Word In Due Season
4th Week of December 2009


Scripture: John 14:16 (Amplified) "I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Comforter (Counselor, Helper, Intercessor, Advocate, Strengthener and Standby) that He may remain with you forever."

In the natural, we face times when circumstances demand that we have help in solving a problem. Recently I had one of those days. Without knowing it, I had left the light inside of my car on for two days, which drained the car battery. Fortunately, I had a standby. My son offered his help. He pushed the car out of the garage, down the curved driveway, pass the trees, and all the way to the street. I was amazed at his strength, for it was something that I could not have done myself. All I had to do was sit inside the car and turn the steering wheel a little. It was his strength that got us where we needed to be, and then it was his expertise that got the car started. He became my comforter in this situation as he involved himself in my need and solved my problem. Without him, the car would still be in the garage with no power.

Just as I needed help getting my car started, there are times in this life that we all need help with our problems. However, during these times we can take comfort in the promise that we have from Jesus' own lips. He said that He would be with us forever and that we would never be without help. The Holy Spirit is with us and will help us face life's many challenges and frustrations, for He is dependable and whatever we need - He is. He stands along side of us to give us help in every situation. He is our Comforter and our Counselor and as we yield to Him, He leads us in the direction that we need to go. He is our Intercessor and involves Himself with every need that we have, speaking on our behalf as He approaches the Father. As our Advocate, He defends and pleads our case. The Holy Spirit is always standing by, waiting to empower us with the strength that is necessary to meet the challenges that are set before us and making us to be more than a conqueror.

When I experienced the problem with the car, I had to give complete charge to my son and allow him to direct. I had to trust his judgment and knowledge, follow his instructions, and lean upon his strength. He knew what he was doing when he assumed control. At one point, when I questioned him, he directed me to get in the car because I was in the way of his progress. Likewise, so many times we get in the way of the progress of the Holy Spirit. Jesus prayed and asked the Father to send the Comforter to us. We must believe that God hears the prayers of His Son and intends to answer them. Yet, often our impatience causes us to stop following and start directing. We don't adhere to the Holy Spirit's counsel, for it seems beyond our ability to release total control to Him and allow Him to be our Advocate. We find it difficult to let Him fight our battles for us even though we know that He is our Helper and is well able to finish the work that He has started in us. Proverbs 3:5 tells us what we are to do in these situations. We are to "Trust in the Lord with all of our heart; and lean not unto our own understanding." In other words, we are to sit in the car and rest in God's strength and ability while His Spirit gets us where we need to be and then gets things going for us. +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


Scripture: Matthew 1:23 "Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call His name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us."

Jesus' name was called Emmanuel, meaning God is with us. No generation before had this wonderful promise fulfilled, for this was a new and marvelous thing that God was doing. Jesus, the Word, was made flesh, came to Earth, and dwelt among men. He became one of us so that He could be touched with the same feelings that we experience. He wanted to know our joys and understand our sorrows. And when His work on Earth was finished and He returned to Heaven, Jesus promised never to leave us or forsake us. He is still our Emmanuel, and He is "with us always, even unto the end of the world" (Matthew 28:20).

Many in the world today tend to forget what this wonderful season is all about and attempt to celebrate without Jesus. Attention is turned towards the presents to be given or those to be received, and not focused on the presence of the Eternal King who is the true reason for the season. The celebration of the birth of the Son of God and the fulfilling of the promise of His glorious presence becomes lost amidst the hustle and the bustle of the traffic, the parties, and the last minute shopping. If we are not careful, our times of devotion and prayer will be pushed aside in order that we can meet the demands of our busy holiday schedules. Even now, just a few days from the eve of Christmas, we are looking forward to the rest after the rush. We are pledging to do better and spend more time with God in prayer and Bible study after the first of the year.

The good news is that you don't have to wait until the New Year to find rest and a time to commune with the Lord. You don't even have to wait until you go to a religious service. Wherever you are throughout your busy day, just take a few moments and be still before God. He promised to be right there, so welcome and acknowledge Him. Experience His awesome presence that surrounds you. Right now, even as you read these words, pause and slowly breathe His Name aloud several times, "Jesus - Emmanuel, God is with us." As you speak His Name, you will sense His presence and peace and rest will enter your soul. ++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture: John 4:10 "Jesus answered and said to her, If you knew the gift of God, and who it is that says to you, 'Give Me a drink,' you would have asked Him, and He would have given you living water."

The Samaritan woman that Jesus spoke these words to had lived a very hard life. Her life style and morals did not measure up to the other women in the city, and it seemed that she did not merit their friendship because she came to the well alone. She had been married five times and was now living with a man that was not her husband. She was an outcast in society, yet this Jewish man, Jesus, was taking the time to talk with her, even though Jews normally had no dealings with the Samaritans. He was offering her the gift of God. This was a new concept as gifts and sacrifices were always given to God, not received from God.

Jesus said to the woman, "If you only knew the gift of God." The most precious gift ever given was this gift by God some 2000 years ago. God's gift was not wrapped in beautiful foil paper and topped off with a beautiful bow. Nor was it put in a decorative bag with tissue paper. It was simply wrapped in swaddling clothes, laid in a manger, and hidden away in a stable among the smells of the animals. But God's precious gift was one of a kind and was supernatural. His gift was Jesus, who brought eternal life and light to those who would receive Him. He is the living water that He spoke about to the Samaritan woman and He quenches every thirst.

John 3:16 tells us more about this wonderful gift and why God gave it. God's gift was His only begotten Son, and His giving was motivated by great love. He loved us so much that He gave that which was most precious to Him. His great gift had great purpose. It was eternal and was given so that we would not perish but have everlasting life. God's gift was made flesh, for only the blood of His Son could redeem mankind from sin. What an enormous gift; an everlasting gift of love, a gift of great sacrifice, and a gift of purpose. Even though His gift was wrapped in swaddling clothes and laid in a manger, its worth exceeds silver and gold, and nothing compares to the treasure that we possess when we come to know and receive His gift. Jesus is our gift of Living Water and when we receive Him, there is no room for thirst in our spirits. It is no wonder that He approached the woman at the well and spoke these words into her life, "If you knew the gift of God." +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture: John 1:14 "And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth."

In the beginning, Jesus was with God and He was God, but He came to Earth and took upon Himself human flesh so that He could dwell among us and ultimately become the sacrifice for our sins. Jesus was unique in that He was true deity and also common humanity. Before His birth, there had been four hundred years of silence between the time of the Old Testament and the New Testament. Then suddenly, in the fullness of time, the Son of God was born and the sound of this Baby's cry heralded a new message on Earth. His cry meant that light had come to shatter the forces of darkness and that eternal salvation had come to mortal man.

As the silence of those years ended with His cry, many validated that the Messiah had come. The angels declared the good tidings of great joy saying that the Savior, which is Christ the Lord, had been born. They praised God and declared peace on Earth and good will toward men. Years later, John the Baptist said, "Behold the Lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world." And Peter said, "Thou art the Christ, the Son of the Living God." God the Father also spoke from Heaven and said, "This is My Beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased." Satan, Himself, recognized Jesus as the Messiah and challenged Him by mingling these words of doubt in His ears, "If Thou be the Son of God." Even the soldiers at the cross acknowledged who Jesus was by saying, "Surely this was the Son of God."

If you have ever had a baby born into your life, you know the vast meaning of hearing their cry for the first time. It means that things will never be the same again in your household, for from their first cry, your life is changed forever. So it was with the Baby Jesus. His cry brought change and hope to all mankind. Today, we look for Him in beautiful cathedrals that are filled with beautiful music and fail to realize that He is everywhere and that He is crying out for us. He wants to intervene in our silence and give meaning to our lives. If we listen for Him, we will hear His cry, and if we look for Him, we will experience the glory of this only begotten Son of God. When we find Him, we will understand His grace and truth and we will declare and validate Him as the Messiah of our lives. +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture: Matthew 2:11 "They presented unto Him gifts; gold, and frankincense, and myrrh."

The wise men were experts in the study of the stars and when they saw the special star in the East, they knew that the Messiah had come. They followed the star to Jerusalem and it then went before them and led them to the place where Jesus was. The wise men made this long tedious journey with the intent to worship Jesus because they knew from their studies that He was the King of the Jews. They not only came to worship Jesus with their hearts but to present to Him their gifts and treasures. They brought gold, frankincense, and myrrh to the Christ Child. These gifts not only provided financial substance for the family but also had special symbolic meanings. The gold represented Jesus' deity, for He was the Son of God. The frankincense, which was used as incense because of its perfumed aroma, represented His purity. Finally, the myrrh, which was used for embalming purposes, foretold of Jesus' death.

We have the opportunity to offer these same gifts to the Lord. We may not have actual gold, frankincense, and myrrh, but we can offer what these precious gifts represented. First, our faith that has been tried in the fires of life and has come out as pure gold can declare Jesus' deity in our lives. Peter said that the trial of our faith is more precious than gold and it will give honor and glory to the Lord at His appearing (I Peter 1:7). Our faith sets Jesus upon the throne of our heart and signifies that we believe in Him and have made Him the Lord and Savior of our life. Second, Timothy told us to be an example of the believer in purity (I Timothy 4:12). We are an epistle read of all men. We must not allow impurities to weaken the rivers of living water in our life or disqualify our witness. Our life should be as sweet incense before the Lord and a pure example of love to a hurting world. The third gift was symbolic of death. This is no easy chore, for the Apostle Paul said, "I die daily" (I Corinthians 15:31). If we want to follow Jesus, we must deny ourselves and take up our cross every moment of every day (Luke 9:23). We must continually crucify our flesh and mortify the deeds of our bodies (Romans 8:13). We cannot allow our selfish natures to live if we want Christ to live and reign within us as Lord over all.

As you have given gifts to your friends and families this Christmas season, remember that you need to put something special under the tree of Calvary for the One who gave His life for you. Jesus is not looking for your gold, frankincense, and myrrh. His desire is to receive gifts that come from your heart. First, He wants to know that your faith in Him is as pure as gold. Second, He takes much pleasure when a heart is so pure that it becomes as a sweet aroma of incense to Him. Finally, He is honored by a life that is so committed to Him that it has crucified its own desires in order to please Him. These are the gifts that are worthy to offer to Jesus, the King of kings and the Lord of lords. +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


A Word In Due Season
5th Week of December 2009


Scripture: Proverbs 13:7 (Living Bible) "Some rich people are poor, and some poor people have great wealth."

King Solomon, who wrote this proverb, was the wisest and richest man who ever lived. People traveled from distant lands just to see his grandeur and to listen to his words of wisdom. Yet, with all the riches that he had obtained in this world, he understood the concept of true wealth. He knew that true wealth was not wrapped up in earthly possessions and riches and he declared that a person could be poor in earthly things and yet have a great storehouse of wealth. True wealth can be yours because you have family, friends, and health.

As time has passed, I have come to realize that my favorite things and most prized possessions are not my most expensive things. The things that I treasure the most are the things that revolve around people and have been touched by a special relationship in my life. If you were to visit my home, you would wonder why I have such a hodgepodge of stuff sitting around. It looks like I'm an eclectic collector of sorts because things do not match. I would like for my home to look like a model home where everything is designer perfect, but in reality, I am just a sentimentalist who has saved nearly everything that everyone has ever given to me. The results are that I often display things that are not of my own personal taste. Yet, these are my treasures because they were given to me in a spirit of love and are a reminder that someone cared enough to share their life with me.

My most treasured possessions are the hand made items from my children and grand-children. One of these items is the thirty-seven year old paper angel who lost one of her wings many years ago. It is placed on the top of the Christmas tree each year. Every year when I put the angel on the tree, I remember how proud my four-year-old son was when he presented it to me. Our tree is full of similar decorations and my closets are filled with boxes of other mementos that my children have made throughout the years. Of course another favorite thing is the family photos, which are a reminder of days past. These are the items that fill my life with joy and could never be replaced by any amount of money. I would be devastated if these precious items were destroyed. Also, I could not forget to mention my tear-stained Bible with the underlined and highlighted verses and side notes with dates scribbled in the margins. These markings all speak of the intimate moments when the Lord spoke something special into my life; a promise, a word of encouragement, and yes, sometimes a correction or a rebuke.

As we travel life's journey, let us look at the stuff that is most dear to our heart and remember what King Solomon said, "Some poor people have great wealth." Regardless of your financial state in life, look at your storehouse of blessings and remember that wealth is not defined by expensive earthly possessions. True wealth is not having all that you want. It is being able to enjoy all that you have. +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


Scripture:  Proverbs 19:20 (Amplified)  "Hear counsel, receive instruction and accept correction, that you may be wise in the time to come."

How often do we seem unwise at the end of a situation because we have failed to do the three things listed above; hear counsel, receive instruction, and accept correction?  We have always heard the expression, "Two heads are better than one."  This is also true from God's viewpoint, as He never intended for us to stand alone and figure out how to solve our own problems.  Throughout His Word, He encourages us to seek counsel with each other and look at our situations from different perspectives.  In Isaiah 9:6, God promised us a Wonderful Counselor in the person of Jesus Christ.  And in II Timothy 3:16, the Apostle Paul tells us that God's written word would give us counsel.  He says, "All scripture is given by the inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, reproof, correction, and instruction in righteousness."

When we fail to seek and receive counsel from Jesus, the Word, or others, we set ourselves up for failure.  Proverbs 11:14 declares, "Where no wise guidance is, the people fall; but in the multitude of counselors there is safety."  Another proverb tells us that purposes and plans are brought to an end when there is no counsel, but with many counselors plans are established.  Direction is gained and plans become established as you share with others and make yourself accountable to those you've involved in your life decisions.  Yet obtaining good and wise results doesn't end with just hearing wise counsel.  You must also "receive instruction."  Counsel will tell you where you are missing it, but instruction will tell you how to fix it.  You must not only listen but also receive what is being said.  Several times Jesus made a comment about those He ministered to, stating that they had eyes but did not see and ears but did not hear.  They were seeing and hearing but not receiving any of it into their heart.

Wisdom takes us a step further.  Hearing counsel and receiving instruction come to an end if we do not accept the correction and actually make the changes that are suggested or offered.  For instance, if a mechanic tells you that the transmission in your car is bad, you may hear every detail of his wise counsel.  You may even agree that you need to repair or replace the transmission.  But if you don't make the corrections that are necessary, the transmission in your car will continue to work improperly.  Solomon said if you accept correction, then you will be wise at the end of the matter.  Wisdom demands change when corrections are needed so listen to your Wonderful Counselor and respond to His instructions.  In so doing you will be wise in the time to come. ++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    

Scripture:  I Timothy 6:20  "Keep that which is committed to your trust ..."
Another year lies before us and as with everything new and fresh, it begins with excitement.  At the beginning of the year, it is easy to commit to change, for there are new calendars to fill in, new journals to start, and new resolutions to make.  Even diets are easier to start during this season because we are tired of all the food that we have consumed over the holidays.  Yet, as we go through the days and months ahead, we must realize that most of our commitments will be challenged.  As we settle into the routine affairs of life, the new will eventually wear off and the fresh season of change will disappear.  We will again find ourselves facing the mundane process of daily business.  We face pressures, experience disappointments, and have to overcome the obstacles that appear in our path.  This is life.

God is very gracious and giving and He commits many things into our hands.  He then tells us to keep those things that He has committed to us.  He gives us family and friends, finances, professions and ministries, material things, and our own being, but He expects us to guard and protect them.  He also gives us intangible things such as the revelation of His word, spiritual gifts, talents, and time, but makes us the stewards over them.  He diligently watches to see what care we give to these things that He has committed to our trust.  Throughout His word, God gives us instructions and examples to show us how we are to manage and handle all of these blessings, for they are not to be taken for granted or abused but to be handled with wisdom and discretion.  Yet, He doesn't just give us rules and regulations but instills His nature within us so that His character can dictate our actions.

As we think about the new year and the blessings that have been committed to us, let us be passionate and determined in our resolve to keep them even though many challenges will come our way.  Let us not grow weary but hold tightly to the natural and spiritual things that the Lord has so graciously entrusted to us.  Let us understand that He trusted us enough to make us managers over our own lives and His work here on Earth.  With His help, let us do the best we can to manage His endowment in a way that pleases Him. +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture:  Acts 4:31  "And when they had prayed, the place was shaken where they were assembled together."

The Sanhedrin counsel had just forbidden the disciples to preach about the resurrection of Jesus.  The disciples responded by coming together to pray concerning this dilemma and when they had finished praying the place was physically shaken.  That was a mighty prayer.  Not many of us have ever had this kind of prayer experience.  What brought such power into the room when they prayed?  The answer is simple.  They had the right perspective and purpose for their prayers as we can see in the following verses.

1)  They were in agreement with each other concerning the situation.  They

      all prayed the same very plain and specific prayer. (Vs. 24)
2)  They made themselves aware that they were talking to God.  They said,

     "You are God," and then they submitted to His control and power. (Vs. 24)
3)  They reminded themselves and God of what He had done in the past.

      They acknowledged Him as Creator and believed that as Creator,

      He controlled everything and could do mighty things for them. (Vs.24)
4)  They asked God to look at their problem.  They said, "Now, Lord, Behold
      the threats of the enemy." (Vs. 29)
5)  They prayed for boldness to speak the Word of God.  They did not pray

      for their own deliverance from persecution, but only that the Word of God

      go forth and be confirmed with signs and wonders. (Vs. 29)
6)  They asked God to stretch forth His hand to heal and do signs and
      wonders in the Name of Jesus. (Vs. 30)  Their main concern was that
      they would have a powerful witness of the resurrection of the Lord
     Jesus Christ and that His Name be exalted in their lives.

These are valuable principles of prayer that we need to remember if we want to experience God in a powerful way in our prayer life.  Verse thirty-three confirms that God did answer their prayer.  Prayer makes a difference.  It brings God's presence into our lives and when He comes, He comes with answers and deliverance. +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    
