A Word In Due Season
1st Week of January 2009


Scripture:  Romans 12:1  "... present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service."
I received an email from one of our readers from Kenya, Africa whose name is Pastor Mbogo Zakayo.  As he wrote of his desire to serve the Lord, I thought of the Apostle Paul's words, which instructed us to present ourselves to God as a living sacrifice.  We may not be called to be a martyr and die for the cause of Christ, but we are called to present our fleshly bodies to Him as a living sacrifice.  We are to take up our cross daily and live a life that is holy and acceptable to God.  According to Paul, this act is a reasonable service, for God has never called us to do anything that we could not do.  We are to present ourselves to God with the resolve to live a holy acceptable life before Him each and every day.
As Pastor Mbogo Zakayo expressed his heart's desire to please God, I have captured some of his own words and rearranged them to form the following prayer.  These words would be beneficial for all of us to pray as we present ourselves to God on a daily basis.
My Father God, I honor Your Holy Name.
Today, I present my body to You as a living sacrifice.
I pray that my life will be holy and acceptable to You.
I pray for a daily cleansing of my heart so that it may be pure.
I ask that You purify my motives, my desires, my ambitions, and my passions.
I want no spirit of self-seeking, vain glory, or pride to have a place within me.
I want nothing in my life that would displease You, Lord, or cause me to be the least bit unusable for Your service.
I do not want to bring reproach upon the Name of Jesus in any way, for in Him I live and have my being.
Apart from Jesus, I am lost and undone.
He is the very air I breathe and I cannot live without Him.
I do not want to live without Him!
Father, I believe that You will use me in these last days as You have spoken.
I have wept at the awesome knowledge of Your calling, yet, it is not something that I, myself, have desired.
Lord, above everything, I desire that Your will be done and not my own.  It is all about You!
The only qualifications that I have are what You have given to me.
My greatest desire is to know You, Lord, more intimately; and to move and flow in Your power for that is what will accomplish Your will.
Lord, help me to respect Your word and not to be involved in deception.
Help me not to take lightly Your anointing or misuse it in any way.
Lord, I also pray for the entire body of Christ and lift them up to You, that each member will be strong, healthy, and in their proper place so that the body can function and complete the purposes for which it was designed.
We know that Christ is returning for a glorious church.
Let us be counted with those who are without spot or blemish.
Amen. +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


Scripture: Zechariah 4:10 "For who has despised the day of small things?"

We have just completed ten years in publishing our devotional, A Word In Due Season. As we reflect on the past, we stand in awe at what the Lord has accomplished through the simple words of this ministry. During these ten years, we have received many testimonies, prayer request, and inquiries concerning scripture and the plan of salvation. Your responses have been a blessing to us. And like the words of the prophet, we can certainly testify that our beginning was truly a day of small things. When we sent our first e-mail devotional on January 2, 1999, we had a list of six people, which included my son and his wife, my friend and her husband, and my niece and her husband. Within a week, however, these six began to forward the devotionals to others, and within a short amount of time, this ministry grew into an international ministry and opened doors for us on the foreign mission fields. We have no idea how many people are being reached through our daily email devotional, our website, or through the other websites that post our devotionals.

I wanted to share this with you as an individual because God can use you in the same way. I had never thought about doing an internet devotional, and when my oldest son first suggested it, I completely ignored the prospects. I didn't have a computer and I knew nothing about them, and to be honest, I didn't even know what email was. When we began this ministry, I had to use my younger son's computer and was so intimidated by it that he had to turn it on and off for me. He would allow me to type my message for the day, and then he would send it out and turn the computer off. I can't imagine being that helpless now and it is embarrassing to even admit this to you, but I do it with the purpose of letting you know that God can take the smallest gift that we bring to Him and turn it into a bountiful blessing for His people. The Lord is not limited by our lack. I have truly experienced the words that Paul wrote in I Corinthians 1:26-27 which says that "God does not choose the wise, the mighty, or the noble, but He chooses the foolish and the weak..." God did not call me because I was able, but He enabled me because He called me.

As you start this new year, I encourage you to look for new ways that God can use you. It may get overwhelming as it did for me. A Word In Due Season is all original material unless we acknowledge that it is a quote. After the first ten days, I had written everything that I knew and I thought, "What do I do now?" I had nothing left to say, but God is awesome and has been faithful to give us a word in due season for these ten full years.

I want to thank you for allowing us to minister to you and want you to know that your prayers for this ministry have been a blessing. Please allow God to work in your life and do not shrink back from anything that He has asked you to do. If God calls you to do something new and unfamiliar, He will send a mentor your way. Like my example, there will be someone there to turn the computer on and off or do whatever is necessary to help you complete God's call. Your simple obedience is the key to your ministry to others and your ministry towards others will be a ministry to the Lord. Jesus said, "Whatever you do for the least of the brethren, you do for Me." So never despise the day of small things and small beginnings. Be faithful in that which is small and God will make you ruler over much (Luke 19:17). +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


A Word In Due Season
2nd Week of January 2009


Scripture: Exodus 33:18 "And Moses said, I beseech You, show me Your glory."

When Moses asked God to allow him to see His glory, God showed Himself to Moses. God did not show Moses the glorious universe that He had created. He didn't point to all of the galaxies with its multitude of stars and planets. Nor did God show Moses the beautiful mountains, valleys, rivers, or oceans that He had called into existence with just a few words. God hid Moses in the cleft of the rock and covered him with His hand. He then allowed Moses a brief glimpse of His backside as He passed by.

Later, Exodus 34:6-7 tells us that the Lord passed by before Moses and proclaimed, "The Lord God, merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abundant in goodness and truth. Keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin..." Sometimes we don't realize it, but we are right in the midst of God's glory. We may not actually see a supernatural manifestation or a beautiful cloud swirling about us, but we experience His gracious actions towards us. His glory is manifested to us in the way of undeserved mercy, goodness, truth, and forgiveness. We may look for a sighting or something spectacular but instead God surrounds us with His glorious love and holiness. What more could we ask for?

God has never hidden me in the cleft of the rock and allowed me the honor of seeing His backside as He passed by like He did with Moses. I have never seen the visible manifestation of God and yet I have experienced the glories of His mercy when I deserved judgment and cruel punishment. He has shown me the glory of His longsuffering as He tenderly dealt with me to change my heart and redirect my paths when I was going astray. I also have seen the glories of His goodness towards me when He abundantly provided for my needs spiritually, physically, and emotionally. I have witnessed His spirit of truth, which has never failed. His glory has never been absent from my life, for even though I could not touch Him or see Him, I have felt and known that His presence was near. I have never heard the audible voice of God but I have experienced the glory of His still small voice speaking a word in due season to my heart. As we think about these seven simple words that Moses spoke, let us make them a daily profound petition to God for our personal life, "I ask You, show me Your glory." +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


Scripture: Habakkuk 2:3 "For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it: because it will surely come."

Visions that have not come to pass, prophecies that have not been fulfilled, promises that have not been received, prayers that have not been granted, and questions that have not been answered are not always denials from God. In most occasions, the time of their fulfillment is only delayed and awaiting His appointed time. The prophet Habakkuk encouraged us not to become disappointed or discouraged when things don't happen right away but to wait for God and also wait for His appointed time. God will not arrive too late or reach us empty handed. When the time is right, He will fulfill His word, and like the prophet said, "At the end, His vision will speak and not lie."

It seems that it is so hard to wait, especially for God, for we have nothing to look at physically or to hold in our natural hands. The only substance we have is the faith that we hold in hearts, which is not tangible. Though His word is very real and clear when it is spoken to us, it often becomes vague when the devil begins to sow doubt in an effort to challenge it. This is especially true when God's word of promise lingers awhile in our spirits before it comes to fruition. John the Baptist faced this dilemma. He preached repentance and also acknowledged that Jesus was the Messiah as he declared, "Behold the Lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world." Yet when he was in prison, his vision was challenged and he sent two of his disciples to inquire of Jesus, "Are you the Christ that should come, or do we look for another?" Doubt was clouding his mind, for he expected his vision of the Christ as a leader to come to pass right away, but God had another plan and a more appropriate time.

As difficult as it may be to patiently wait for God, there is something worse than having to wait and that is wishing that we had waited for His appointed time. When we move ahead and do not wait for God, Himself, to bring the vision to pass, it cultivates anxiety because we have to wait for Him to catch up with us. Not only that, but when we step out of His timing, we remove ourselves from His place of provision and peace. This reminds me of a missionary who felt a call to go to the mission field, but was so excited that he went immediately without any preparation. The first year was very difficult and in his desperation, he questioned God about his dire circumstances and meager provisions. God responded by saying, "Yes I called you to come, but you came a year too early." In every circumstance, we are to wait patiently for God and allow His timing to bring His word to pass. Time is on our side, for as we wait upon God, we will grow stronger. We can be certain that at the end of our wait, His appointed time will come and His vision will speak and not lie. +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


Scripture: Philippians 3:13 "Forget the past ... reach to the future ... press toward the mark."

Jean-Pierre de Caussade in 'The Joy of the Saints' said, "To escape the distress caused by regret for the past or fear about the future, this is the rule to follow:

Leave the past to the infinite mercy of God,
The future to His good providence;
Give the present wholly to His love by being faithful to His grace."

The Apostle Paul basically said the same thing. He said, "I am going to forget the things that are behind and reach for the things which are before me." As he forgot the past and looked with anticipation to the future, he made every moment of his life count by pressing towards the goal that was set before him. He spent no idle moments and left no stone unturned. When he was in prison, he didn't sit around and wait until he was released to do something for God. He diligently spent his time writing letters to instruct and encourage the saints in the ways of the Lord. Even when he was stoned and left for dead, Paul did not shrink back because of this horrific past event, but fearlessly got back into the arena and fought the good fight of faith.

These are such wise words, for even though we are living in the present, there is not a day that goes by that we do not reflect on the past or wonder about the future. As far as the past is concerned, we all have things that we regret, but there is no way to unscramble eggs or to change our histories. What is done is done and, like the Apostle Paul, we must forget the past and move on with our life. We cannot drag our past into the promise of our future, but must leave our regrets to the infinite mercy of God. He tells us not to worry about our transgressions because He is not adding them up or holding them against us. In His heart, they are as far as the East is from the West. When we seek His forgiveness, He instantly erases our sins from His thoughts and never judges us harshly even though He, Himself, has never sinned. As God forgives us, we must forgive ourselves. It is interesting that those about us who have failed are the ones who continually hold us accountable for our past. Their memory seems to be short concerning their own failures, but very keen in remembering the past mistakes of others.

Our future is in God's hands and as God holds it before us, we must reach for it, believing that He has good plans or a good providence for us. There is nothing to fear, regardless of what we may face, for God is with us and He is in control. His will for our lives is sovereign and we must be faithful to submit to His plan with our whole heart. As we give the present season to Him and press forward towards the mark of His high calling on our lives, the door to our future will open before us and the fear of the unknown and the distress of the past will fade into obscurity. +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture: I Corinthians 12:22 "Those members of the body, which seem to be more feeble, are necessary."

Paul encouraged the church, or the body of Christ, telling them that they were one unit and even though there were many members, each one was significant in themselves and also important to the whole body. The body of Christ cannot function without all of its parts working together no more than a human body can function well without all of its members. Each member has need of the other members. God has designed us in this fashion and it pleases Him when we dwell together in unity and become one in purpose as He and Jesus are one. The physical body could not operate if it were only an eye, for how could it hear, speak, or move about. The hand cannot tell the foot that it has no need for it, and neither can the foot make that same declaration to the hand. So it is with God's people. We all need each other. The feeble need the strong and the strong need the feeble.

Paul also called attention to the fact that the least honored members of our physical body are usually the most important and necessary, and so it is with the spiritual body of Christ. Yet, in the physical and spiritual, we tend to esteem the more attractive and visible members more than those that are hidden and unattractive. For instance, in our physical bodies, we take a lot of time and expense to care for our hair, when in reality we could live without a head full of hair, as many do. While we are taking such pains each day with that area of our body, we often neglect those members of our body which are hidden, but are much more important and necessary. We fail to eat the proper food for our stomachs or do exercises that will strengthen our heart and lungs. And yet, we can't live without these unseen and unattractive members of our body, for they are vital to our livelihood. Likewise, in the spiritual realm, the members that we fail to honor are usually the most necessary, such as intercessors who spend hours in prayer or those who quietly take care of the widows and orphans or other needy situations. They require and receive very little attention, but Paul said that it should not be this way, for each member is significant and should be honored.

There was an interesting sight near my home that reminded me of Paul's words. The freeway was under construction and the nearby roads were filled with all sorts of huge construction equipment. One of the pieces that was being used was a crane that reached about sixty or seventy feet into the air. It was probably worth several thousands of dollars and was very impressive. There was a cable that hung down from the crane, and attached to the end of that cable was a simple inexpensive rubber tire. The tire was being used as some sort of buffer with each swing of the cable. The tire looked feeble in itself when compared to all of the other equipment that surrounded it, yet for some reason it was necessary for the crane to accomplish what it was trying to do. I looked in amazement as this insignificant tire worked with the crane as one unit. Though feeble in size and value, it had found its place of significance.

I would encourage you to mark your place in life as significant and be faithful to fulfill the purposes that God has designed for you. No place is too small in His kingdom, so never demean the gifts that God has given to you. You may esteem yourself as feeble, but your presence may add the final touch that is needed for the whole unit to function. +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


Scripture:  II Chronicles 20:22  "When they began to sing and to praise, the Lord set ambushments" against the enemy.

The enemies of Israel came to do battle against Jehoshaphat and the people of God.  As Jehoshaphat prayed and sought God, God told him not to fear or worry about the battle because the battle belonged to the Lord.  God then gave Jehoshaphat unique instructions on how to fight the battle and told him to appoint singers to go out before the army and praise the Lord God of Israel with a loud voice.  When they obeyed and began their praise, God began to do battle.  He caused their praise to confuse the enemy and the enemy began to fight against themselves, ultimately destroying one another.  The Amplified Bible says, "The Lord set ambushments ... and the enemy was self slaughtered."

Praise and worship is a unique weapon.  Paul and Silas were delivered from the jail when they sang praises to God at the midnight hour (Acts 16:25-26).  And when David played music, evil spirits departed from King Saul.  Power is also manifested when we minister to God and worship before Him with music.  In Psalms 32:7 David told the Lord:

        "Thou art my hiding place;
         Thou shalt preserve me from trouble;
         Thou shalt compass me about with songs of deliverance."

Just as God surrounded David, He will also surround you with songs of deliverance.  In the midst of your adversity, if you listen intently, you will hear God's still small voice suggesting a song to your spirit.  That song will hide you in times of trouble and will keep you in perfect peace.  It will birth a boldness within you and instill a sense of victory within your spirit.  Psalms 149:6 says, "Let the high praises of God be in your mouth and a two-edged sword in your hand."  The sword of the Spirit is the Word of God (Ephesians 6:17).  The next verses in this psalm declare that praise and the two-edged sword will cause honor to come to the saints because they will execute vengeance and judgment, bring punishment, and bind kings.  The battle belongs to the Lord.  When you use His unique weapons, which are His word and songs of praise, He surrounds you with deliverance.  He fights your battles, sets ambushments against your enemies, and causes you to be more than a conqueror. +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


A Word In Due Season
3rd Week of January 2009


Scripture: Psalms 32:1-2 "Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered. Blessed is the man unto whom the Lord does not impute iniquity ..."

It is very easy to understand why David wrote these words concerning the Lord's forgiveness, for he had failed miserably during his lifetime. Even though David loved God intimately with all of his heart and had written many beautiful psalms of praise and worship, he still managed to fall into gross sin. In a moment of uncontrolled passion, he allowed his soul to lust after Bathsheba, and then followed those thoughts into adultery and murder. Yet when David confessed his sins, he experienced the mercy and gracious forgiveness of a loving God and he realized how blessed he was that God had forgiven him. David recognized that God did not impute or hold his iniquity against him. Nor did God remove His Holy Spirit from David. Instead God covered or forgave David's sins, renewed a right spirit within him, and restored the joy of his salvation.

This is an encouragement to us all because God's word tells us that we all have sinned. In fact, I John 1:9 says that if we say that we have no sin, we make God a liar. And we know that God cannot lie. Even though we do sin and fall short of what God expects from us, we can be thankful that God does not impute our iniquity. Impute means to "consider, make account of, or think about in a malicious way." According to David, God doesn't go around keeping account or adding up all of our transgressions. We would be in serious trouble if He did. Neither does God think about us and our sins in a malicious way, wondering how He can punish us with disease and suffering. This is not God's way. He is not bitter or hateful towards us, but full of love, mercy, and grace, for He is our Father.

I shop at a store that issues membership cards and the one I use is tax-free. When I checked out recently I told the cashier that my items were for personal use and that tax should be charged. However, the tax did not show up on the receipt. After ringing the items again, he called a manager who could not figure out what the problem was either. She took me over to the courtesy booth to see the store manager who finally determined that all of my purchases were food items and were non-taxable. All this time, I had been concerned because I felt that I needed to pay for something, which in reality, I did not owe. That's how it is with sin. When we sin, we feel indebted because of our sense of guilt. Yet, there is no debt laid to our charge because God doesn't keep a sin and transgression tab on us. There is no way that we can pay the price for the forgiveness of our sins because forgiveness doesn't come through mere penitence but was paid for in full by Jesus on the cross of Calvary. God is the one who forgives because of Jesus' sacrifice. We are blessed and set free when we understand the meaning of David's words and realize that God really is not imputing or counting up all of our iniquities. God's forgiveness is available to us through a simple formula. His word says, "If we confess, God forgives." +++

 Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


Scripture: James 4:6-7 "God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble. Submit yourselves therefore to God."

We know God's character and are confident that He wants the best for us, but many times it is hard to let go and totally submit our lives to Him because of our pride. It is in our nature to assert our privileges, claim our rights, and be in control. Yet, when we do these things outside of God's bidding, we dishonor His sovereignty and leave ourselves vulnerable and unprotected, for disobedience removes us from the covering of God's protecting grace. We are like a train that leaves the tracks in an effort to find freedom. Yet, when it leaves the confines of the tracks, it finds itself not liberated, just derailed.

Submission means yielding. If you have the right of way but see a big truck coming your direction, it is not the time to stand in the way and demand your rights. You simply need to make an adjustment. God's call to submission not only includes yielding ourselves to Him and His will as individuals, but also submission in other areas of our lives as well. When we submit our lives in accordance with His word, we are in effect submitting to God. Scriptures teach that we are called to submit one to another. Children are to submit themselves to their parents and the young to their elders. Wives are to submit themselves to their own husbands. And we, as the church, are instructed to submit to the ordinances of men and to those who are in authority and have rule over us. When we do not follow God's plan of submission, we find ourselves derailed spiritually.

Submission to God's will, principles, and righteousness are an essential part of our walk with Him. He wants us to move through life with an inward assurance that He is in control of every aspect of our life. Like the derailed train, we cannot move away form God's sovereign design for our lives. We must have an undivided heart towards Him, trusting that we are held securely in His hands. We are to exercise patience and be in peace, knowing that whatever He has committed to us, we can place right back into His hands and ask for His help and direction. We are never without God's help, for He knows that we are but dust and that we need His wisdom that comes down from above. We must ask for God's wisdom, trust His plan, and be thankful for all that He allows, knowing that whatever happens in our lives has eternal purposes in His mind. He is our gracious Heavenly Father and we should ask Him to deal with anything in our lives that is contrary to His purposes. As we humbly submit to His perfect will and timing, we can rest assured that there is nothing that affects us that doesn't also affect Him and that His grace will cover it all. +++

 Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


Scripture: Job 13:15 "Though He slay me, yet I will trust in Him."

The devil sought to dislodge Job from his faith by destroying his possessions, killing his children, afflicting his body with disease, and separating him from the bonds that he had with his friends. Yet, Job remained strong and faithful in all of his sufferings and did not charge God foolishly. He placed his life in the hands of God and determined to trust in Him even if it meant death to his physical body. This showed Job's great faith in the goodness and the sovereignty of God.

It is one thing to have faith for life, but it is quite another to have faith for death. It is easy to have faith when you are walking on the water, but it becomes difficult to maintain that same faith when you begin to sink. It is not so hard to worship God and stand for the things you believe in until you are faced with the fiery furnace for expressing those beliefs. It is easy to say prayers in public, but it would be frightening if you knew the consequences of saying those prayers was a lion's den. It is not so difficult to believe that your ship can make it to the other side of the lake until a raging storm begins to toss you about in the midst of your voyage. We have to admit that the threat of death is a great challenge to our faith. Yet, I believe that when this one foe is conquered, we are brought to a higher level.

Like Job, we must come to understand that we can trust the One who created our bodies and that death has no sting for the child of God. If our Heavenly Father wants to take us home with Him, we must have faith to submit to His bidding, and say "Though He slay me, I will trust in Him." The furnace we face may be heated seven times hotter, but we must trust the One who kindles the fire and realize that except for the final episode of our lives, it is not intended to consume us, but to refine us so that we can come forth as pure gold. Neither are the raging storms meant to destroy us, but to show us that the Lord is the Master of the Sea. Our lives may have many tangles and tears, but we must learn that if we use our mouths to pray and worship, God will close the mouths of the lions and keep us safe when we are in their midst. Each of Earth's challenges are meant to show us Heaven's provisions and bring us to a place of faith so that we can have victory in the midst of life situations and in the midst of death itself. +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture: (Living Bible) II Corinthians 2:7-8 "Now it is time to forgive him and comfort him ... Please show him that you love him very much."

These scriptures concern a man in the church who had transgressed God's laws in a grievous way. He had caused the Apostle Paul and the church a lot of pain and they had punished him in an effort to correct him. Paul now says that the guilty man had been punished enough and that it was time for restoration to begin. Paul tells the church to offer forgiveness, comfort, and love to the one that had sinned. He says, "Otherwise he may become so bitter and discouraged that he won't be able to recover."

It is often difficult to reinstate someone in our affections after they have hurt us and caused us pain, especially those who are in the household of faith. We feel that they should have known better in the first place. But if God is willing to forgive and restore them, shouldn't we? However, there are too many times when we hold on to our personal grudges and feel that it is our duty to pour on the guilt and shame. We want to make sure that the punishment exceeds the wrong deed, and we can't seem to bring ourselves to a place of forgiveness, much less be able to offer them comfort and love.

Paul says that unforgiveness is a trick of the devil and tells us not to be ignorant of his devises (verse 11). Satan knows that if you refuse to forgive, you give him an advantage in your own life. You not only hold the guilty person in bondage, disallowing him to recover, but you also put yourself into bondage. Mark 11:26 says, "If you don't forgive, neither will your Father in heaven forgive your failings and shortcomings." And Matthew 5:23-24 says that if you and your brother have grievances, God will not receive your offering until you go to your brother and find reconciliation. It is only then that you can return and offer your gift because God demands forgiveness and love.

Sin and inappropriate behavior require confrontation and discipline, but repentance deserves restoration. When repentance occurs, don't continue to pour on guilt - instead pour on love. Galatians 6:1-2 (Amplified) says, "If any person is overtaken in misconduct or sin of any sort, you who are spiritual - who are responsive to and controlled by the Spirit - should set him right and restore and reinstate him ... less you be tempted also. We are to bear one another's burdens and troublesome moral faults, and in this way fulfill and observe perfectly the law of Christ." We are to forgive as the Lord forgave, comfort as He comforted, and love as He loved. +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture: Romans 6:17 (Living Bible) "Thank God that though you once chose to be slaves of sin, now you have obeyed with all your heart the teaching to which God has committed you."

There is a story of a mischievous young boy who was misbehaving. Several times his mother corrected him and told him to sit down, but he continued to misbehave. Finally in desperation, she put her hand on his head and forced him to sit down and be still. With his mother's strength in control, he had no choice but to obey. After a few minutes of struggling, he told his mother, "I may be sitting down on the outside, but I am standing up on the inside." Rebellion and disobedience were still ruling within his heart.

Many times we are much like this little boy. For one reason or another, we force ourselves to obey God's word, but our hearts are not truly involved in our obedience. We refrain from sin itself only because we do not want to suffer the consequences but continue to hold the evil thoughts in our minds and entertain lust in our hearts. We say we forgive those who have transgressed against us and we do not retaliate against our aggressors in the natural, but we harbor unforgiveness and bitterness in our hearts. We give our tithes and offerings, but do it with a grudging spirit. We don't allow ourselves to commit immoral sins, but we give in to a spirit of lust. We look okay on the outside but we choose to be slaves to the corruption within and allow our hearts to be in bondage. Just like the little boy, we are sitting down on the outside, but sin and rebellion are standing tall on the inside.

Paul said that we need to obey the teachings that God has committed to us with our whole hearts. We must acknowledge the omniscience of God and allow Him to search our hearts and change us in any area so that we are both yielded to Him on the inside as well as the outside. I Chronicles 28:9 says, "Acknowledge God, and serve Him with wholehearted devotion and with a willing mind, for the Lord searches every heart and understands every motive behind the thoughts." Our obedience should not be just an act to fulfill the law. We must willingly die to sin and habitually live and behave like new creations because of the grace and life of Jesus that abides within us. +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



A Word In Due Season
4th Week of January 2009


Scripture: Genesis 5:22 "Enoch walked with God ..."

This is a simple testimony of a man that pleased God. God was so pleased with Enoch that his name is recorded among the other giants of faith (Hebrews chapter 11). Yet, Enoch didn't spend 120 years building an ark like Noah, offer his son on the altar like Abraham, roll back the Red Sea like Moses, shout the walls down at Jericho like Joshua, or stand faithful in a lion's den like Daniel. In today's world, he didn't write books, hold conferences all over the nation, go to the foreign field, and wasn't a radio personality or the host of an evangelistic television program. Enoch just simply walked with God. One day at a time, one step in front of the other, he remained faithful in that walk for three hundred years.

Sometimes we make Christianity too hard. We substitute works for relationships with God, conference attendance in place of our communion with God, and sacrifice instead of obedience to God. Yet in reality, what God really wants is for us to walk with Him, one step at a time. He wants our every moment engulfed in His perfect will for that moment. If He goes to the left, He wants us to go to the left. If He goes to the right, He wants us to follow. If He picks up the pace and begins to run or slows down, He wants us to follow suite. If He stops to rest for a while, He wants us to be there right by His side, sitting next to Him, and resting in His presence. He wants us to be where He is and He doesn't want us to be anxious about the time or fretful over the future, for there are no wasted moments in His presence.

God invites us to walk with Him and to be conscious of His presence, knowing that He is going to direct this day that He has made. Time and again the Lord said that He would be with us always. We just have to acknowledge this awesome fact and be assured that He is with us for every battle and for every celebration. Walking in the natural is healthy, for it strengthens every area of your body and gives you energy. So it is with walking with God. As we walk with Him, we grow stronger and He restores and regenerates our spirits. Today, do not dwell upon what you must do for God, but dwell upon where you must be with God. Simply make a determination to walk with God as Enoch did, one step at a time. You may not become famous in the eyes of the world, but you can be assured that you will become famous in the eyes of the Lord as you walk with Him at His bidding. +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


Scripture: Matthew 4:19 (Living Bible) "Jesus called out, "Come along with me, and I will show you how to fish for the souls of men."

When Jesus called Andrew, Peter, James, and John to come with Him, He intended to take the knowledge they had concerning fishing and incorporate it with soul winning. As they left their boats and nets and journeyed with Him for the next three years, they witnessed many wonderful things and truly learned how to draw souls into the Kingdom of God. Jesus showed them how to use the proper bait by ministering to the people's physical needs, for His religion was not only spiritual, but also practical. He was constantly thinking about the human needs of those that He ministered to. He turned water into wine, quenching the thirst of the guests at a wedding. To reach the people with the gospel, He baited His hook with the loaves and fish and fed the multitudes. Jesus even cooked fish for His own disciples on the seashore.

Jesus taught His followers to act in love and patience when reeling in the souls of hurting people. He refused to condemn the woman caught in the act of adultery and shifted due blame to her accusers. He showed the same love and compassion to the woman at the well who had had five husbands and was now living with a man that she was not married to. He showed Himself friendly to the sinners and ate with the publicans. He allowed the woman who had an issue of blood and was considered to be unclean to touch His garment.

Like any good fisherman, Jesus only fished for hungry souls who would receive the gospel. He didn't waste His valuable time fishing for those unresponsive religious leaders who were bound in tradition and law. He recognized their lack of interest for the truth of the gospel and He ignored their laws by doing good and healing the sick on the Sabbath. He declared that He came to do the works of the One who had sent Him and He ministered to those who reached out to Him, whether they were ragged beggars, blind, lame, or demon possessed. No soul was beyond His help and He extended His grace beyond their need. His gentle conviction caused those who heard His message to change their lifestyles, follow Him, and be His disciples.

There are many souls that need to be reached with the gospel and brought into God's Kingdom. Many need to hear that God has forgiven all of their sins and that He doesn't condemn them. They must be told that they can come to Jesus just as they are. Some have physical needs and need to hear about the Great Physician and Healer. Others may just need a Friend to talk to. But everyone needs to be drawn in by a personal touch and shown the love and compassion of Jesus, our wonderful Savior and Lord. Jesus speaks to us today in the same manner that He spoke to His disciples and says, "Come along with Me and I will show you how to fish for the souls of men. Whether in the streets or the marketplaces, in your home town or on the foreign mission field, I will tell you where and when to let down your net, and cause you to bring a multitude into My Kingdom." +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


Scripture: Exodus 33:14 "My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest."

True peace and rest does not come from your surroundings but from the Holy One who lives within you. In the midst of every kind of adversity and the clamor of the voices of this world, you can always slip away in your spirit to hide in the Lord's awesome presence, for He is always available. He is your Holy Mountain where you can find solitude and He is your Mighty Fortress in the time of trouble. There is no price to be paid for this wonderful privilege except that you must seek Him and yield your being to His Person. Then as you simply acknowledge His Presence, He will quiet all of the thoughts within your mind, dispel all the anxieties in your heart, and give rest to your spirit.

Jesus is the Prince of Peace and His presence is supernatural. Yet, He doesn't bring an end to all the conflict in your life. He simply tells you not to allow your heart to be troubled as He offers you His peace. He says, "My peace I give to you" (John 14:27). It's up to you to receive the peace that He is offering. Friends may try to comfort you, but only Jesus can exchange peace for confusion, hope for despair, security for fear, and fill your heart with love when you have been rejected. Jesus walks on the water to rescue you when you are tossed about by the waves and contrary winds. He is the Shepherd who leads you through the rugged and dangerous paths and protects you from all harm. He is your Light in the darkness and He is the Living Water so that you never have to thirst again. You can have rest because of who He is.

He is waiting for you like the loving father who waited for his prodigal son to return to His Presence. Jesus said, "Come unto Me, all you that are heavy laden, and I will give you rest" (Matthew 11:28). He is omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent. True peace will come to you when you understand that God is in control and believe that there is nothing that can happen to you that He can't take care of. Rest in the knowledge of His Presence and you will experience the wonder of His peace. +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


Scripture: II Samuel 24:24 "Neither will I offer burnt offerings unto the Lord my God which cost me nothing."

King David worshipped God, and the scriptures describe him as a man after God's own heart. Even though David loved God, there were still times that he failed God. Yet, he was always quick to repent of his transgressions. In these scriptures, David grieved the Lord and brought judgment upon Israel by taking a census and numbering the people, and this act caused a great plague to come upon them. David cried out to the Lord and took full responsibility for his actions. He confessed to God that he was the one that had sinned, and he asked God to spare the people. He told God, "What have these people done? Let your hand be against me and my father's house."

When God heard his cry, He instructed David to build an altar in the land that belonged to Ornan the Jebusite. Ornan was very willing to let David come and set up an altar on his land. In fact, he offered to give the land, the oxen, the instruments, and the wheat that were needed for the sacrifice. Ornan was as anxious as anyone to stop the plague, but David refused his offer because David knew the heart of God and knew that God required something of him personally. He told Ornan, "Give me the land for the full price." David did not want any discounts, for there was no place in his heart to offer God something that cost him nothing.

Many times in our life we are asked to make a sacrifice. It seems that whatever we have the least of at the time is what God wants. For instance, it is at the time when our finances are lowest that He challenges us to give a little extra. When our energies are spent, He calls us to go minister to someone in need. When we are at the end of our patience, He allows another challenge which may be the one that is capable of breaking us down. And when we are facing a full day ahead and need our rest, He wakes us in the middle of the night to intercede in prayer for His people. He says if someone hits you on the cheek, turn the other cheek, and if they take away your coat, give them your cloak, also. God always calls on us to give something that has value.

King David refused to give an offering to God that cost him nothing because he loved Him. And Jesus, another king, gave a gift that cost Him everything. Philippians 2:7-8 says, "He (Jesus) took on the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men: and He humbled Himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross." Think about these two sacrifices and their examples to us. God wants a special sacrifice from us. Paul tells us to "present our bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God which is our reasonable service" (Romans 12:1). It may cost us something to present ourselves to God and to walk in obedience to Him, but He deserves no less than our best. Like David's sacrifice, God deserves from us that which cost us something. +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


Scripture: II Samuel 24:24 "Neither will I offer burnt offerings unto the Lord my God which cost me nothing."

King David worshipped God, and the scriptures describe him as a man after God's own heart. Even though David loved God, there were still times that he failed God. Yet, he was always quick to repent of his transgressions. In these scriptures, David grieved the Lord and brought judgment upon Israel by taking a census and numbering the people, and this act caused a great plague to come upon them. David cried out to the Lord and took full responsibility for his actions. He confessed to God that he was the one that had sinned, and he asked God to spare the people. He told God, "What have these people done? Let your hand be against me and my father's house."

When God heard his cry, He instructed David to build an altar in the land that belonged to Ornan the Jebusite. Ornan was very willing to let David come and set up an altar on his land. In fact, he offered to give the land, the oxen, the instruments, and the wheat that were needed for the sacrifice. Ornan was as anxious as anyone to stop the plague, but David refused his offer because David knew the heart of God and knew that God required something of him personally. He told Ornan, "Give me the land for the full price." David did not want any discounts, for there was no place in his heart to offer God something that cost him nothing.

Many times in our life we are asked to make a sacrifice. It seems that whatever we have the least of at the time is what God wants. For instance, it is at the time when our finances are lowest that He challenges us to give a little extra. When our energies are spent, He calls us to go minister to someone in need. When we are at the end of our patience, He allows another challenge which may be the one that is capable of breaking us down. And when we are facing a full day ahead and need our rest, He wakes us in the middle of the night to intercede in prayer for His people. He says if someone hits you on the cheek, turn the other cheek, and if they take away your coat, give them your cloak, also. God always calls on us to give something that has value.

King David refused to give an offering to God that cost him nothing because he loved Him. And Jesus, another king, gave a gift that cost Him everything. Philippians 2:7-8 says, "He (Jesus) took on the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men: and He humbled Himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross." Think about these two sacrifices and their examples to us. God wants a special sacrifice from us. Paul tells us to "present our bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God which is our reasonable service" (Romans 12:1). It may cost us something to present ourselves to God and to walk in obedience to Him, but He deserves no less than our best. Like David's sacrifice, God deserves from us that which cost us something. +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


Scripture: John 2:9 " ... but the servants which drew the water knew."

Jesus attended a wedding in Cana and during the celebration, they ran out of wine. When Jesus' mother approached Him for help, He responded to the need. He instructed the servants to fill the water pots with water and He then turned that same water into wine. When the wine was served at the feast, the ruler of the feast remarked that it was better than the wine that had previously been served. The ruler had no idea that he was drinking a miracle beverage, but the servants who drew the water knew. Whether they could have ever convinced the ruler of the miracle is unsure.

Very often in our lives we experience actual miracles. God heals our body, meets a financial need, restores a relationship, or does something for us that can't be explained. When we try to share our testimony, it falls on deaf ears. For the most part, the world can't receive the miracles of God or comprehend His mighty power. In 1980, I was in an auto accident and my right knee was crushed. Two medical opinions said that I had to have a steel rod put in my leg that would make it impossible for me to ever bend my leg again. There were no other options if I wanted to save my leg. They put me to sleep and took me to surgery, but God intervened and the surgeon was unable to operate.

When I came out of recovery, the doctor apologized. He said that he didn't know what happened to him, but that he couldn't cut on my leg. He said that he had never had an experience of this sort before. I responded with praises to God and told the doctor that I believed that God was going to heal my leg. He said that was impossible and that he was only postponing the operation for a few weeks. However six weeks later when I went to the doctor for an evaluation for the surgery, I was able to walk a little and a few months later, the doctor totally released me. God had healed my leg and I never had to have the surgery. That was in 1980. Even though the doctor could not explain what happened, he never acknowledged the miracle. Those around me recognized what God had done, for we had seen a miracle just like those who had witnessed the water being turned into wine.

The servants at the wedding feast knew that the water couldn't possibly have been changed into wine without a miracle. They drew the water from the well themselves and they served it as instructed. Jesus put them in total charge of the water pots. Can you imagine how this might have challenged their faith? They saw the water go into the pots and had to trust God for wine to come out. They were in a perplexing situation as they could have easily provoked the ruler of the feast, and as servants they could have reaped harsh punishment if their water had remained water. However, their simple act of obedience to the words of Jesus allowed them to experience a miracle and be a part of God's great plan.

Jesus may tell you to do something very simple just as He spoke to the servants at the wedding. Those around you may not understand why you are putting water into the pot when it is wine that you are needing. They won't understand why you are tithing and giving offerings when you are facing financial needs yourself. Neither will they understand why you are standing in faith for a healing when the doctors have given up. You may be unable to share the reasons for your faith or the victories of your deliverance because of their unbelief. Yet, this doesn't disqualify you from experiencing the miraculous works of God. As you respond in obedience to His words, He will change the water of your life into wine. When all is finished, you will be amazed to find that you have been a part of God's great plan. +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


A Word In Due Season
5th Week of January 2009


Scripture: Job 30:26 "But when I looked for good, then evil came to me, and when I waited for light, there came darkness."

We speak of the patience of Job and when we look at his life, we see that one bad thing happened after another. It was a season of overwhelming problems and trials, and even though Job didn't have anyone on his side to stand with him or to encourage him, he endured the test. It was just him and God in a struggle against evil. Yet from his own words, it seems that he must have thought that the end of his trials would come sooner than it did. How discouraging this must have been for Job when things did not change as he thought and his prayers were seemingly not answered. Yet he never gave up, but continued to trust God with his life even though evil and darkness surrounded him.

Job's life proved the theory that "God will not take you to a place where His grace will not keep you, His power will not use you, and His love is not needed." In his season of testing, Job experienced God's amazing grace and found it to be sufficient in every conflict. This included the death of all of Job's children, the loss of his possessions, the loss of his honor and self-esteem among his friends and wife, and the loss of his own health. Job also experienced God's power when God delivered him from his trials and restored more than he had lost. And when Job was suffering pain and enduring the pressure of rejection from those around him, he experienced God's intimate love in a fresh and mighty way. As God communed with him personally, Job said, "I have heard of You by the hearing of the ear, but now my eyes see You" (Job 42:5). The light of God's love kept him, and at the end, Job's life speaks of victory that was birthed out of adversity.

Like Job, have you experienced seasons of difficulty that you thought would never come to an end? In the midst of it all, did you look for good, but instead evil repeated itself, and it was just one trial after another? Did you wait for the light, but found that there was only darkness? Did you wonder why your prayers were not being answered? These times can be confusing, for it would seem that there is no hope in sight. That is the reason God shared this story of Job. He wants these words to inspire you to continue on regardless of your situation. He wants you to believe that His grace is sufficient to meet all of your needs and that if you trust Him, He will keep you in the midst of your adversity. God wants you to understand that He is still on the throne and that His power will deliver you and He will use your victory to be a witness. As you continue to believe in Him, good will eventually come and His light will drive away your darkest season. Though all men forsake you, you will never be alone or without His love and His love is all that you will need to carry you through. +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


Scripture: I John 1:9 "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."

God wants His children to do His will, which is simply obeying what He tells us to do on a daily basis. He is our Shepherd, and all we need to do is walk where He leads us, one step at a time. It is a simple matter of putting our foot into His footprint. There are times, however, in all of our lives that we fail to do God's will either because of compromise, rebellion, or simple neglect. To receive forgiveness when we find ourselves in these places we must call out to our Heavenly Father for help, be quick to repent, and then search for our way back to His perfect will. We must be honest with God and start at the point where we are.

When my oldest son was about three years old, I left him in the yard to play. We lived in a safe neighborhood and the yard was enclosed with a cyclone fence. There was no way he could unlock the gate and get out and I felt that he was very safe. However, I did tell him not to climb the fence. I went into the house for just a few minutes and very shortly I heard him calling from the yard. His cry was loud, but not frightening. I immediately went out and found him hanging on the fence. The hood of his winter jacket was ensnared in the wires at the top of the fence so that he just hung there like a picture on the wall with his back to the fence. He was not hurt or even uncomfortable, but was just stuck in a situation that he couldn't get out of. There was no way that he could deliver himself from this terrible dilemma that he had gotten himself into.

When I asked him, "Did you try to climb the fence?" He said, "No, Mommy. Just get me down." He knew that I still loved him and that I was able to fix the situation for him. I questioned him several times about how he happened to be hanging on the fence and each time he denied that it was his fault. He refused to come to terms with his disobedience and make a full confession. Finally, he realized that he wasn't getting off the fence until he repented and promised never to do it again.

I laugh today as I remember this episode and I wonder how many times do we find ourselves in a similar predicament. We fail to obey God and then we find ourselves hanging on a fence. We know that we have stepped out of God's will, and He knows it, too. Yet, we try to deny that we've made a mistake or that we have sinned. We just want God to fix our situation and do it as quickly and easily as possible. It is amazing that even in our sin, God still loves us, His mercy endures forever, and His grace never fails. He is more than ready to redeem us from every situation. Our Father's promise is so simple. He says, "If you want to be forgiven, confess your sins! I will faithfully forgive you, and I will cleanse you from all unrighteousness." In other words, "If you really want down from the fence, repent." +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


Scripture: Psalms 147:3 "He heals the broken in heart, and binds up their wounds."

There is an old saying that "sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me." I have to say that the writer of those words must have had a different kind of heart than most of us possess. For words truly are capable of bruising the tender soul with deeper wounds than the assault that comes against the flesh with sticks and stones. Our flesh heals much easier and quicker than our spirits, for once the flesh is healed, the injury is usually forgotten and left in the past. We don't recall the thorns in our flesh, the bruises on our body, or other physical injuries that we have sustained. We treat them and nurture them back to health and go on with life. They teach us to be careful, but once they are healed, we never cry again because of their pain.

The heart and soul of man is much different. Within the heart it seems there is an everlasting fountain of grief and sadness for those who have been wounded in their spirits. In one moment, one word or situation can bring the past injuries into the present and re-create the pain of the things that we thought we had buried within our spirits. The feeling is just as fresh and the hurt is just as deep as it was in the past. It is amazing how this can happen so suddenly. Without warning and unannounced, these wounds are resurrected and take us by surprise. Our heart aches and our tears flow and no one seems to understand our grief. King David experienced this and spoke out concerning his own broken heart saying, "I looked for someone to take pity, but there was none; and for comforters, but I found none" (Psalms 69:20).

Your physical body cannot function well with a heart that is not working right. When your physical heart is not well, your whole body suffers. Your breath is short, your strength fades, and other parts of your body fail. The same is true with your spiritual heart, for when your spirit is injured, your entire being suffers the loss. There is only one person who is able to come to your rescue, heal your spirit, and mend your broken heart. That person is the Lord, Himself. He is not only there for those whose bodies are wracked with pain but has promised to be near to those whose hearts are broken (Psalms 34:18). Look to Him, for He is the only who can see your real pain and deal with the true issues. The Lord understands the tenderness of your soul and knows how your heart aches. He takes pity and will comfort you in your pain, for He loves you with an everlasting love. Trust in Him, put your heart in His hands, and allow Him to heal and bind up your wounds. +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


Scripture: I Chronicles 19:13 "Let us behave ourselves valiantly."

King David sent Joab to fight against Ammon and Syria. When Joab saw that the battle was set against him, he very quickly divided his army between his brother and himself, and reasoned with his brother to behave valiantly and to work together with him against the enemy. Joab told his brother, "If the Syrians are too strong for me, then you come help me. And if Ammon is too strong for you, then I will help you." When these two forces joined together, they became stronger and they were able to win the battle and cause their enemies to flee before them.

Just as Joab and his brother fought valiantly for each other, you and I need to be allies in the spirit and fight for one another, for none of us are able to stand alone in our battle against the enemy. The devil makes himself strong and "roams about as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour" (I Peter 5:8). Our job is to be continually vigilant, watching for his attacks. When we see that the enemy has become too strong for our brothers in Christ, we need to come to their rescue, pray for them, counsel with them, and either supply or find help for them in their time of need. We should also be ready to receive their help when they come to our aid, for we all have the same Father and the same enemy. Paul told us in Galatians 6:1-2 to bear one another's burdens. We have a responsibility to stand and fight for each other, and not work against each other. Even when our brother is taken in a fault, we are to restore him in a spirit of humility and meekness lest we be tempted in the same manner. When we restore our brother, we fulfill the law of Christ, which is to love our brothers as Christ loved the church. However, too often we shun and criticize our spiritual brothers when they are under attack and like the lyrics of the song, "we shoot our wounded."

In Matthew 18:19, Jesus said, "If two of you agree on earth as touching any thing that you ask, it shall be done for you of my Father which is in Heaven." He promised to be in our midst even if there were just two or three gathered in His Name. What a powerful promise that is. Deuteronomy 32:30 says. "One will chase a thousand, and two will put ten thousand to flight." This scripture declares that our strength and power in the spirit doesn't just double when we get into unity with other believers, but it actually grows to the tenth power. Determine to take God at His word and then act valiantly. When you see your brother's need run to his side and help rescue him from the enemy. +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


Scripture: II Thessalonians 1:3 "... Your faith grows exceedingly."

Paul speaks of faith that grows, and in this instance he speaks of faith that was growing exceptionally well. We all want to be declared people of great faith, but developing great faith takes work and nurturing. Our faith can grow slow or exceedingly fast, but like the things of nature; it depends upon certain elements for growth. Faith grows according to where you are planted. Psalms 92:13-14 declares, "Those planted in the house of the Lord shall flourish ... they shall bring forth fruit." Attending the house of God causes you to grow in faith, for when you gather with other believers, the word of God and the testimonies of your brothers and sisters in Christ encourage you and cause you to grow in 'like faith' (Hebrews 10:25).

Faith must also be nourished for it to grow. Faith's nourishment is the word of God (Romans 10:17). God's word is like food to your spirit, and the more you receive, the greater your faith becomes. Without the Word of God, your faith will be stunted. I Peter 2:2 says, "Desire the sincere milk of the Word that you may grow." You don't see one inch of physical growth as you feed your children, but suddenly, one day, the results are there. In a few short years, your tiny six pound baby is larger than you are. It was a continual process that brought about amazing results. You may not see yourself growing as you study and receive God's word, but the miracle is happening none the less, and the results will surprise and amaze you one day.

Faith needs to be protected. Abraham didn't consider his own body, which was about one hundred years old and did not stagger at the promise of God through unbelief, but was strong in faith (Romans 4:19-20). He protected his faith and didn't allow any circumstances to steal the promises of God from him. Likewise, we have to guard our own faith. We can't give into our own thoughts or the discouragement that may come from others. In Numbers 32:9, Moses sent twelve spies into the land. Ten of those twelve spies came back with an evil report that discouraged the hearts of the children of Israel and kept them from entering the Promised Land.

Faith also depends on whether it is exercised. Exceptional growth had come about in the church's faith as they endured persecutions and tribulations. They had been steadfast through suffering, abounding in love one towards another (II Thess. 1:3-4). Their faith and patience continually grew until it was healthy and fruitful, and manifested the righteousness of God. There is no way to strengthen faith except by going through places where you are forced to use it. Each time you exercise faith to accomplish a victory, you become stronger. Jesus talked about faith in another way. He compared our faith to a mustard seed and said, "Though the mustard seed is the smallest seed of all the herbs, when it is grown, it becomes a tree." The decision is ours. Think about this awesome fact. We can either allow our faith to remain as a small undeveloped seed, or we can allow God to grow it exceedingly. +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    
