A Word In Due Season
1st Week of June 2009


Scripture: Proverbs 20:6-7 "Most men will proclaim everyone his own goodness .... The just man walks in his integrity."

We title our daily devotional A Word In Due Season because it is not "The" only word that God will speak to you today. It is simply "A" word, for the scriptures declare that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word of God will be established (II Corinthians 13:1). God's Word will come to you through many voices and experiences to confirm His desires so that His purposes can be established. Your pastor, family members, teachers, and friends will speak into your life and even the situations that surround you will confirm your direction.

Our devotional is written a few days in advance so that it can be edited, posted on the website, and then attached to the many address lists. Often it surprises me when one of my own devotional writings comes back to me a few days later and it encourages me or speaks a confirming word that I personally need to hear for that day. The experience is like being a mother who prepares a meal for the family and then gets to sit down and enjoy it with them. For we are all partakers of God's wonderful words of grace, which are new and fresh everyday. As I write this devotional, this was one of those special days because the Word that was published was about allowing Christ to be the umpire of our peace. Today the enemy tried desperately to take my peace in regard to a matter of integrity, but he was unable because God's presence filled my heart and His love surrounded my emotions. The Lord reminded me, "Your righteousness is of Me, says the Lord" (Isaiah 54:17).

There are so many situations to deal with on a daily basis and everyone's battle will be different, but Jesus can give all of us personal peace. When someone tells an untruth about you or falsely accuses you, if you cast your care upon the Lord, peace will come into your heart. You will have an assurance because you know that you can trust God to give those about you discernment so that your integrity is not tarnished in their eyes. When someone claims your personal work that you have lived, labored over, prayed about, and then took hours to share and publish, as their own personal work, the truth will set you free. You will retain your joy because you know that God sees and understands the entire situation and that He will honor and reward your personal integrity.

The writer of this proverb said, "Most men will declare their own goodness." But integrity is the highest standard, for the integrity of a just man makes its own statement. Integrity is solid and it proclaims truth, creates peace, and produces joy. The world about you may not know who is right, but you have this assurance that there are several who do know the full truth. The two that are at variance against each other surely know the truth concerning the situation. Plus, there is the all knowing God, Himself, along with His Son, Jesus Christ, and God's precious Holy Spirit. There will also be family members, friends, and acquaintances who know the truth and will stand with you in adversity. With these witnesses of truth and integrity on your side, it will be easy for you to walk in the midst of your disconcerting situations with praise in your heart to God. So whatever comes your way in life, I encourage you to walk in integrity every step of the way and allow the Lord to be the one to faithfully proclaim your goodness. +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


Scripture: Proverbs 3:12 (Living Bible) "Do not resent it when God chastens and corrects you, for His punishment is proof of His love."

Correction, chastisement, reprove, discipline, and punishment do not sound like words of love, but they really are. You know, yourself, that you correct your own children because you love them and you punish them because you want to save them from all of the heartache and pain that an undisciplined life will bring. Many times we have declared our love right in the midst of rendering punishment with such words as, "I am punishing you because I love you" or "This hurts me more than it hurts you." One young child responded to his dad with these words, "Well, in that case, I wish that you didn't love me so much."

God loves and corrects us just like a natural father who corrects his own children because he loves them. And when God chastises us, it probably hurts Him more than it does us. Yet, He corrects us because He understands our situations better than we do and knows the end results of our bad attitudes and evil actions. His pure motive is to spare us from the consequences that we face and the only way for Him to do this is to help us change our thoughts and try to direct our paths. When we do not heed God's instructions, He then must chastise and punish us so that we turn from our wicked ways and discontinue our transgressions. God has many different methods to instruct us. He speaks to us through His written word, sermons, and others. His Holy Spirit also deals with us, Spirit to spirit.

Not long ago, I began to pray the words that King David prayed in Psalms 139:24 (Living Bible). I prayed, "Point out in me anything that makes You sad." I really thought that I was doing okay but just after I began praying those words, my close friends and family members began to speak into my life and tell me of personal changes that I needed to make. One by one, they came to me with counsel and pointed out all of my faults that I had not noticed before. They called my attention to negative things in my life and instructed me to change my ways. None of them had talked with each other, but each one was saying the same thing. Then every scripture I read and every sermon I heard exposed the darkness of my inner thoughts.

I wondered what was happening and thought that everyone had suddenly turned against me, but then I remembered my prayer and realized that God was dealing with me and using others to be His voice in my life. God was proving His love for me and showing me the things in my life that made Him sad. He was answering my prayer. After a season of getting bombarded with correction, I told one of my friends that when I asked God to point out my faults, I didn't know that He was going to use other people to correct me. Yet through their words, the Holy Spirit convicted me and helped me change my life. So, I encourage you to allow God to point out the things in your life that makes Him sad and when God's correction comes, don't resent it, for "God's punishment is proof of His love." +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


Scripture:  Exodus 14:29  "The children of Israel walked upon dry land in the midst of the sea; and the waters were a wall unto them on their right hand, and on their left."
The children of Israel had no way to escape.  The Red Sea was in front of them and the Egyptians were pursuing from behind.  It seemed that the Israelites were at the end, but God took the natural and turned it into a supernatural miracle of deliverance for them.  He used two natural elements, the wind and the water, to create a way to deliver them and at same time destroy their enemy.  God is God and He could have just transported the Israelites across the Red Sea in the Spirit like He did with Philip after he had witnessed to the Eunuch in the desert (Acts 8:39).  Instead, God chose to have the Israelites walk right through the middle of the sea.
This journey on the dry ground was a miracle in itself because the sea floor should have remained wet and muddy long after the waters were rolled back, but God caused the ground to be dry and stable enough for millions of people to cross.  Even though God provided dry ground for them to walk upon, their supernatural walk was between two walls of water that could have possibly come surging in on them at any given time.  This had to be an awesome vision and yet a frightening moment in their lives as they gathered their young children and elderly parents and walked with them between the walls of water.  Can you imagine the faith that it took to obey God's command and walk this supernatural walk?
Our walk of faith many times is like this, for we can see that God is making a way for us.  In the midst of our adverse circumstances, He tells us to go forward and He gives us dry ground to walk upon.  We rejoice because it is an awesome miracle.  Yet as we begin to make our journey in obedience to His words of direction, we see adversity on the right and on the left like the walls of water that stood in heaps as the Israelites passed through the middle of the sea.  It is no less frightening for us than it was for them, for it is a new and strange thing.  Thoughts of doubt and fear attack our minds and tell us that it is just a matter of time before everything crashes in upon us.  We fail to consider that God is in control and that He has a plan and a reason for the walls of water.  He plans to use those walls of water to destroy our enemies forever, just as He did with the Israelites.  God has never promised that our walk would be easy, for it will always demand faith and trust on our part.  When God leads, He will cause the ground to be dry beneath our feet, but our walk will demand faith as we walk between the walls of water to our deliverance and our destiny. +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


Scripture: Judges 6:12 "The Lord is with thee, thou mighty man of valor."

Gideon was so afraid of his enemies, the Midianites, that he hid himself behind the winepress so that he could sift his wheat in secret. Yet regardless of his apparent fear, God saw Gideon's inner strength and knew what he could become. God saw Gideon as a man of valor and envisioned him to be brave, courageous, and full of worth. Even though God, Himself, spoke positive words to Gideon, Gideon still couldn't believe that he was capable of fulfilling God's call on his life. He asked God to confirm His words through various signs and fleeces.

Sometimes we're like Gideon. God calls upon us to do something that really stretches our faith and goes beyond our natural abilities. We can't imagine that God wants to use us in a certain capacity when there are others who are more capable. As we look at ourselves in the natural, we fail to see what God sees, for we are looking at our past and our present, while God is seeing our potential and our future. We see our failures and insufficiencies, but God looks at the gifts and callings that are lying dormant within our lives. He knows the strengths that are within us, for He planted them within us long ago so that He could call them forth at the right season. When God calls upon us, we often exhibit the same attitude and answer Him in the same tone as Gideon did in verse thirteen. Gideon said to God, "If the Lord be with us, why then is all this befallen us? And where are all His miracles?" In other words, Gideon was saying, "Lord, I haven't seen you work in my life yet. If I am such a mighty man and have so much valor, why haven't I noticed it before now?" He wasn't even sure that it was God speaking to him. In verse seventeen he said, "Show me a sign that You are the one that is talking with me." Yet God saw Gideon's heart and very patiently and faithfully answered all of his questions and strengthened his faith by meeting his request.

God is doing mighty things in your life right now and preparing you for the season that He has for you. He has a good plan and has placed you in His kingdom for such a time as this. You may not be conscious of this fact, but He is implanting His word and His vision on the inside of you. In the time of your greatest fear and most hopeless situation, God's words of strength will speak to your heart. When you least expect it, He will call you forth and proclaim you as a mighty person of valor, for He is not looking at who you were or even who you are right now. He is looking at your potential and who you can be in the future. He is with you so do not be afraid, for as you yield to Him, He will give you courage to complete His will. +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


Scripture: Job 35:10 "God my Maker, who gives songs in the night."

If God is going to give us songs in the night, then it stands to reason that we must have night seasons to face. Regardless of whether these night seasons are literal or spiritual, we can count on God to be there and put a song in our heart. The night that Jesus and His disciples received the Passover meal, they sung a hymn. This occurred shortly before Jesus was to face the agony of the garden, the betrayal, and His crucifixion (Matthew 26:30). How the words and melody of that hymn must have lingered in His soul while He faced the darkness of His destiny. After Paul and Silas were beaten and put into stocks in the prison, they prayed and sang praises at the midnight hour (Acts 16:25). God gave these men a song to sing in the midst of their darkest hours.

Many times it is in the darkest hours of men's lives that God gives songs that are everlasting. Haratio Spafford and his wife were grieving over the death of their son when they encountered financial disaster during the Great Chicago Fire of 1871. They decided to get away from their problems and sail to England to be in the Dwight L. Moody services. Spafford's wife and four daughters left ahead of him. On their journey across the Atlantic Ocean, their ship collided with another vessel and sank very quickly and his four daughters were lost. In grief and shock, Spafford boarded the first ship to meet his wife. As he crossed the Atlantic, the ship's captain pointed out the place that the ship had gone down. Psalms 42:8 says, "In the night God's song shall be with me." That night God gave a song to Spafford and he penned these words to a hymn that has been the source of comfort to millions for over a century.

"When sorrows like sea-billows roll; Whatever my lot,
Thou hast taught me to say, "It Is Well, It Is Well With My Soul."
"Though Satan should buffet, tho' trials should come my way,
Let this bless assurance control, "It Is Well, It Is Well With My Soul."

The psalmist said, "I am so troubled that I cannot speak" but "I call to remembrance my song in the night" (Psalms 77:4 & 6). The psalmist's mind was troubled, but He allowed God to stir a song in his heart. Haratio Spafford may have had these same feelings that dreadful day that he lost his four daughters. He may have been so troubled that he could not speak, yet he allowed God to comfort his heart with a song. God does the same for us. He is with us in the midst of our problems and surrounds us with songs of deliverance (Psalms 32:7). He preserves us during sorrows and shields us from the buffeting of Satan by giving us lyrics and melodies that minister peace, joy, comfort, and encouragement. You must believe that whatever is happening in your life, God will meet you at your point of need. He will surround you with His love and minister songs of deliverance to you. You can then say as Haratio Spafford said, "It Is Well With My Soul." +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


A Word In Due Season
2nd Week of June 2009


Scripture: Ephesians 4:26 "Be angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down on your wrath."

Anger is defined as great displeasure or indignation. We always think of anger as being evil, but the Apostle Paul made mention that you could actually be angry and still be without sin. Anger can be a positive emotion if its motives are pure and it is dealt with in the right manner. Anger can motivate you to righteous actions and even drive you into a state of war against evil forces that defy God. Yet even with its positive points, we do not have a license to be angry about every little thing that comes our way, for the scriptures plainly teach us to be slow to wrath. King Solomon said, "He that is slow to wrath is of great understanding" because a hasty spirit exalts folly (Proverbs 14:29). He also said, "He that is slow to anger is better than the mighty" because he is able to rule his own spirit (Proverbs 16:32).

Paul said, "Don't let the sun go down on your wrath." We must settle the situation as quickly as possible by assuming the fault or forgiving the one who has transgressed against us. It makes no difference, but whatever we do, we can't continue to hold on to anger. Another definition of anger is inflammation. Just as you cannot continue to use a muscle that is inflamed without causing more serious injury, you cannot continue to allow your emotions to be inflamed with anger without causing greater injury to your spirit. In the next verse Paul said, "Neither give place to the devil." Unresolved anger opens the door to the devil.

A friend told me a story recently that was overwhelming. Her husband's brother was out of work and came to stay with them for awhile and their landlady became enraged over the situation. They were perplexed but remembered that she had told them that she and her own brother had been at odds for forty-seven years. Her brother had tried to reconcile with her, but she refused. The spirit of anger within her would not allow her to let go of the past. Even though she couldn't remember what the battle was about, it still raged within her soul and kept her in bondage. Not only did the spirit of anger destroy the years and the relationship that she and her brother could have had, but it also manifested itself against those who had good family relationships. This is the type of anger that Paul warned against, for anger of this sort opens the door to unforgiveness and gives a place to the devil.

We know that Jesus was without sin and that God is not evil. Yet, Jesus, Himself, felt the emotions of anger against the religious people who judged Him for doing good and healing on the Sabbath Day. Mark 3:5 says, "He looked on them with anger." He was grieved for the hardness of their heart, yet He didn't allow anger to rule. He went on with His business and healed the man with the withered hand. The religious folks who were angered over the incident took counsel on they could destroy Jesus, and their anger drove them to evil. Even God showed anger. He was angry with Moses (Deuteronomy 4:21) and with King Solomon (I Kings 11:9), and David declared that God is angry with the wicked everyday (Psalms 7:11). Everyday, evil provokes God to anger, yet God is always ready and quick to forgive. He hates the sin but He loves the sinner. Let us remember His example. His grace is sufficient and His mercy endures forever. When we are provoked to anger, let us not hold it in our hearts but deal with it gracefully and be ready to forgive and to forget before the sun goes down and the way is lost in the darkness. +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


Scripture: Hebrews 12:2 "Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith ..."

It is said that a picture is worth a thousand words because images linger in your mind. Just think about a great painting such as the Mona Lisa or the Lord's Supper. When you think about these works of art, you can recall their clear image in your mind. Yet think about a wonderful sermon that you heard just a few hours ago. How many of the words do you remember? Unless diligent effort is made to memorize written or spoken words, they are easily forgotten. You may retain the thought, but many, if not most, of the words will escape your memory.

God knew the importance of the visual senses, so throughout the scriptures He allowed men to see things so they could hold His promise in their hearts until His work was completed. These images were their fortress against the hardships they were compelled to face in their journey of faith. With Abraham, it was a sky full of stars representing his future descendants that could not be numbered. For Joseph, it was a dream showing forth his future honor and authority. For Moses, it was a burning bush and for the wise men who sought for the Messiah, it was the star of Bethlehem. Paul saw a blinding vision of the Son of God on the road to Damascus. Like Jesus, all of these men were able to endure their particular crosses because of their visions and the joy that was set before them. Their hearts held a vision of the final outcome, which enabled them to press forward until they reached their goal and captured their prize.

Like these men of old, God wants "your heart flooded with light so that you can see the future that He has called you to share" (Ephesians 1:18 NIV). Without a vision of the plan that He has ordained for you, your purpose may perish. However, with a clear vision there will be hope in the midst of discouragement, which will create a strength that will help you endure the struggles and hardships. There must be a clear picture in your mind of the Lamb of God and what He has accomplished for you. Jesus became flesh and dwelt among men so that we could behold His glory and understand His completed work on the cross. You must see the blood that He shed for you as He paid the price to redeem you from your sin. You must get a glimpse of the stripes that were laid on His back for your healing and see the crown of thorns that was shoved into His brow so that your mind could be free. You must behold Him as your risen Savior, the One that death could not hold, the Messiah, the Son of the Living God, who now sits at the right hand of the Father. You must realize that Jesus is always praying and interceding for you and recognize that He is your friend who is closer to you than a brother. You must see Him at your side at all times, for He said that He would never leave you or forsake you. Keep your eyes on Jesus, for He is the author and finisher of your faith, the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. With these visions of Jesus in your heart and mind, you will walk in victory. +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


Scripture: Isaiah 54:3 "For you shall break forth on the right hand and on the left."

Have your ever felt like your life was barren because your dreams were unfulfilled or do you wonder when you will experience a major breakthrough in your circumstances? The prophet Isaiah spoke to the people of Israel concerning the same issue. He compared their situation to that of putting up a tent. In essence, he told them that even though they had been barren up to this point, they were to sing and cry aloud because things were getting ready to change in their lives. He instructed them to prepare themselves for growth. They were not only to enlarge the place of their tent but were to stretch it out and not spare anything. He also told them to lengthen their cords and strengthen their stakes. In other words, they were not only to enlarge their dwelling space, but to also make it stronger. He then said after these preparations were made, they were to get ready to experience growth on the right hand and on the left, for it was going to break out suddenly.

Many of us find ourselves in barren places such as those that the prophet was speaking about. It seems that nothing special is happening in our lives and time is passing away too quickly. We are finding that our dreams and visions are fading from view and the light in our spirit is becoming dim by the discouragement that surrounds us. We thought surely by this time in our life we would be further down the road in accomplishing the things that God had placed in our hearts so many years ago. Now it seems almost impossible to reach those goals or complete our destiny that once burned so passionately within our hearts, for there are just too many other responsibilities that demand our attention. But then we get a glimpse of the examples of Abraham and Sarah and remember that they did not consider their circumstances or the weakness of their own bodies. They trusted God, believed His promise, and continued to hope when things seemed hopeless. God rewarded their faith and Isaac was born to them when Abraham was a hundred years old and Sarah was ninety. What an amazing result of simple faith.

God's promises to us are no less sure than the promises that He gave to Abraham and Sarah, for He is no respecter of person. If God has spoken it, it will surely come to pass. As we think about the unfinished goals in our lives, we need to take Isaiah's words to heart and realize that nothing is going to happen until we begin to follow these same instructions that he gave to Israel. Even though we are barren at the moment, we need to sing aloud with praise and thanksgiving in faith for what God has done and what He is going to do. We must look at the future with anticipation as we offer up our petitions to God. It is imperative that we let go of the things that have discouraged us and kept us down in the past, for our hearts and minds must be stayed on the vision that God placed in our hearts for the future. We must begin to enlarge the borders of our heart by turning our eyes from ourselves and looking towards the needs of others. As we stretch forth towards a higher goal and the greater vision that God has ordained for us, the Holy Spirit will move us forward in a positive direction. Like the Apostle Paul, we must press towards the mark of the high calling of God for our lives. We need to make our goals sure by lengthening our cords and strengthening our stakes spiritually through studying God's word, prayer, and communion with Him. God will not move until we are prepared and ready, but as we do our part and focus on His plan for our lives, He will bring life and hope into our situation and cause us to break out on the right and the left. +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


Scripture:  Psalms 55:16  "As for me, I will call upon God; and the Lord shall save me."
Along with the rest of the world, I watch the news and see those who are stranded in their homes during the recent floods.  I am amazed because many of the people refuse to be rescued.  They have been without power or provisions for days and the water that surrounds them is contaminated.  Yet their choice is to stay in their dilemma and suffer the consequences.  This decision baffles my mind, but then I realize that they have been without communication and may not understand the scope of the devastation that is around them.  We are able to see their terrible plight from a totally different perspective, but their vision is very limited so they hang on to false hopes and refuse to let go.
As I watch these scenes, I wonder how many times we have been in similar situations and have refused the help of God.  Like a small child struggling with a project that they are incapable of doing, we wrestle with Almighty God.  God pleads for us to let Him help, but we refuse His offer, and say, "No, I think I've got it."  We think that we have things under control and that we can hold out.  But just like the child who had refused help in the beginning of the matter, we usually come to the conclusion that we can't do this alone and that our only hope is to allow God to help.
I have come to understand that God knows more about us and our situation than we do.  I am amazed at the greatness of God.  He is our Maker, our Husband, our Lord of Host, Our Redeemer, and our Salvation.  He is omniscient, while we only know in part.  He is aware of every detail and sees things as they really are.  His thoughts are higher than our thoughts and His ways are higher than our ways.  When we are in the midst of our storm contaminated waters, He rushes to us and desperately tries to rescue us from our situations, for He knows the dangers and the toxins that surround us.  He diligently pulls on our heartstrings, but we just won't let go and allow Him to deliver us.  We won't leave the past behind and cast down the imaginations that jeopardize our future.  We can't forgive others and we won't forgive ourselves.  Strongholds of bitterness and unforgiveness linger in our hearts and become toxin to our entire being.
Let us make this declaration as the psalmist did, "As for me, I will call upon God, and the Lord shall save me."  Let this become our prayer, "God I am calling upon You because I need Your help.  What do you want me to walk away from so that You can carry out Your plan and purposes through me?  Show me what I should give or what I should do so that Your will can be completed in my life.  Lord, I make a commitment to yield myself to You and I trust Your knowledge.  I want You to help me so I am calling upon You to rescue me from myself and my own desires." +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


Scripture:  Deuteronomy 7:9  "Know therefore that the Lord your God, He is God, the faithful God, which keeps covenant and mercy with them that love Him and keep His commandments to a thousand generations."
Moses made this statement about 3500 years ago and things still remain the same.  First, the Lord God is still God and His position has not changed.  He is still the Creator of Heaven and Earth and the Ruler over all.  He is sovereign and has supreme authority over all creation, including the personal affairs of men.  Second, God is not only God but He is also a faithful God.  There is no changing with God and He is still the same as he was when Moses declared that He was faithful.  And finally, God will keep His covenant with us as He did with Moses.  Numbers 23:19 declares that "God is not a man that He should lie; neither the son of man that He should repent.  If He has spoken it, it will come to pass." 
A covenant is a contract or an agreement between two or more people.  It is a giving and receiving relationship between the parties involved and requires a total commitment from both sides.  You can't have a covenant with someone you do not know or trust.  It just won't work, for covenants are established and developed through relationships.  You may have been in a relationship that was based upon what you could and would do for that other person.  There was conversation when they wanted to talk, affection on their terms, and all of the serving and giving was on your part.  It was all about them and their needs.  Your needs and desires were never considered, much less met, for you carried the entire load of the relationship.  Things are different when you have a covenant with God.  He respects your needs and responds to your desires.  You are able to say, "If you need me, God, you can count on me.  And God, when I need You, I know that I can count on You."  You make yourself accessible and available to each other.
God is faithful to the faithful and He will keep His word with those who will obey His word.  God obligates Himself to those who are in a covenant relationship with Him and He watches over His word to perform it.  In fact, His eyes continually roam the earth looking for those who love Him and who are diligently seeking to trust His word and obey His commandants.  God is not a politician who says things so that He can be voted into your life.  Neither is God an actor who portrays himself to be someone that he is not.  God is for real and His words are truth.  Establish or consider your covenant with God, for it is completely thorough or exhaustive.  If you honor and respect God as your Heavenly Father, He will treat you as His son.  If you recognize Him as the Lord God your Healer, He will heal you of all your diseases.  If you look to Him as your Source of supply, He will meet all of your needs.  If you see Him as your Deliverer, He will come to your rescue and deliver you.  If you ask Him for forgiveness, He will be faithful to forgive.  If you allow Him to be your Comforter, He will be with you always.  Men will continue to fail you in your time of need, but God's grace will always be sufficient.  His mercy will never cease, for He is a covenant keeping God. +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


A Word In Due Season
3rd Week of June 2009


Scripture: Acts 11:26 "The disciples were called Christians first in Antioch."

There had been much activity with the followers of Christ after His death but no label had been attached to them until they were called Christians in the city of Antioch. In this city they assembled themselves together on a regular basis to teach and preach about the Lord Jesus Christ and the grace of God. It was apparent to everyone that the disciples were Christ like in their belief, speech, and activities They were full of the Spirit of God and manifested the qualities of Christ. They followed His example and lived according to His teachings. It wasn't something they just tried to do in order to impress others; this was their true nature. And it was because of these godly actions that they were identified as Christians and called by Christ's name.

Life has a way of categorizing all of us. Our dress and cultural habits tell people what nationality we are such as American or African. Even within our own nation we are known by our state as Texans or New Yorkers. Our speech defines the groups we support or the political party we belong to like the Republicans or Democrats. Our beliefs and behavior distinguish our religious preference such as Baptist or Catholic. All of these categories have names that distinguish its members from the other groups, and the names themselves explain the nature of the group. When you hear one of these names attached to a person you know what to expect from that individual.

So it is with the believers of Christ. If we truly follow His example and live our lives according to His teachings people will recognize that we are part of the church, the body of Christ, and they will call us Christians. Like Peter when the Roman soldiers had taken Jesus in for questioning, our speech will betray us. Our character will separate us from the world and define our allegiance to a Holy God. Our actions will speak even louder than our words. Without putting a voice to our beliefs, people will know who we are by the way we conduct ourselves. Our political persuasions will acknowledge the teachings and doctrines of Christ and prevent us from pledging ourselves to contrary campaigns. There will be no question about whom we serve, what we believe, or who we aspire to be like. God has called us to His kingdom for such a time as this, so let us examine ourselves and make any changes that will help us to be all that we can be.

Our greatest responsibility is to reflect the imagine of Christ in truth.
Our highest esteem is be recognized as a true believer of Christ.
And our supreme honor is to be called by His Name, Christian. +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


Scripture: Proverbs 13:12 "Hope deferred makes the heart sick: but when the desire comes, it is a tree of life."

Many hopes abide in our heart; salvation for our loved ones, healing for our bodies, restoration for our relationships, ministry opportunity, financial blessings, and security. We try to stand in faith as we wait for the fulfillment of these needs, but often it becomes very difficult. Just when we think things are coming together, our hopes are deferred and our dreams are shattered. The answer is postponed and put off to a future time. The benefits of our prayers and confessions are delayed and the disappointment of that delay leaves us heartsick. It challenges our faith like no other temptation, for it seems that we are left with no options and thoughts of giving up pierce our heart and soul.

Solomon in all of his wisdom understood our plight when he wrote this proverb, but he didn't leave us with "deferred hope." He went on to say that "when the desire comes, it is a tree of life." It is true that many times our hope is delayed and it seems that all is lost. Yet God is still on the throne in Heaven and He is still in control. His will is that we trust Him to take us from the place of deferred hope to the fulfillment of our desires. This happens as we continue in His word. Solomon continued to say that those who despised the word would be destroyed, but those who feared the commandments would be rewarded (verse 13). Even in the most difficult of times, you must not despise God's promise but continue to believe His word. Joseph's hope was deferred many times as he experienced the pit and the prison. He had ample opportunity to get mad at God and give up, but he didn't allow himself to despise God or the dreams that God had given to him. Joseph held on in faith throughout the many delays and disappointments and God rewarded him for his faithfulness. When his desire came, Joseph became a tree of life for himself, his family, and the nations.

Lamentations 3:26 says, "It is good that a man should both hope and quietly wait for the salvation of the Lord." It's not easy to quietly wait when you are the one who is in the midst of the battle or to continue in hope when you are the one in the fiery furnace. It's not easy when you've been put into a den of hungry lions because you were serving God. And it's not easy to believe when you are sick, sad, broke, and your hope for help has been delayed. But, like Joseph and many other heroes of faith in the scriptures who faced disappointments, you must continue to hope and wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord. God is working even in the midst of your darkness and stands somewhere in the shadows. He is hidden even in the storm clouds of your life. The answer to your prayers may be delayed just as Daniel's prayer was delayed twenty-one days. Yet you must not give up or allow yourself to be heart sick. You must take courage, for your deliverance is on the way, and when your answer comes it will be a tree of life for you and also for all of those around you. +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


Scripture:  Revelation 3:8  "I have set before you an open door."
God doesn't give us everything that we want, but He gives us all that we need to complete our journey in life.  He sets before us an open door and tells us that He will go before us and make a way where there seems to be no way.  He will clear a path through the wilderness and also make the crooked ways straight.  His word will be a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path so that we don't have to walk around in darkness.  He will make our feet stable like the hinds feet and set us upon the high places that He has ordained for us.  He will lead us beside still waters and in paths of righteousness.  He will be with us each step of the way, even on the other side of the door.  All we have to do is go through the door.
However, doors can be very frightening and intimidating because we never know what is on the other side.  When a door opens before us, it requires a new level of faith and trust on our part, for the door could lead to a room full of light or a place of total darkness.  The other side of the door could offer joy unspeakable or grief and sadness.  We could discover new relationships or we could find ourselves all alone.  There could be prosperity or lack waiting on the other side.  The door may lead to the mountaintop or to the lowest valley.  Who knows what is on the other side?  Small doors can open into wide places and large doors can lead to narrow passages.  We will never know what awaits us until we take that step of faith and go through the open door that God has set before us.
God wants us to open our hearts to all of the possibilities of life, but He will not force us to go through any door.  He opens the door and then we must choose to experience all that He has for us or to shrink back in fear and miss out on His bountiful blessings.  Yet there is no reason to fear when we are under His leadership, for where God leads there will be protection and where He guides, He will provide.  When God is leading us by His Holy Spirit, we can be sure that it is a promising door and that He wants us to follow Him in faith.  He doesn't withhold any good thing from us but He allows us to make our own personal decision.  It is a simple choice, but it requires that we leave the familiar behind and go forward into the unknown.  Behind the door is the future and it holds many adventures and mysteries.  As we go through, we must surrender to God's assignment for us and set our expectations upon Him.  He has set before us an open door and we need to trust Him enough to take advantage of that opportunity. +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


Scripture: Psalms 98:4 "Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all the earth: make a loud noise, and rejoice, and sing praise."

Seven times in the Psalms we are exhorted to "Make A Joyful Noise" unto the Lord, and four of those Psalms began with these same words. It seems that God is trying to get a message to us and is not being shy about the fact that He wants us to express our love and appreciation to Him in an exuberant way. Joyful in the original text means, "shout or make a triumphal proclamation with a thundering voice." Loud shouts and sounds seem to be okay for open air ball games, but for many of us it almost seems too wild for the quiet worship services that we are accustomed to. Yet, the psalmist encouraged us to praise God in this manner and even said that our expressions should be accompanied with loud instruments such as the trumpets, coronets, and drums.

By definition, noise is sound that is loud, disagreeable, and unwanted. It is also described as commotion or random disturbance that obscures or reduces clarity. We've all heard the noise that children make, which in most cases fits the definition of noise very well. However, when my two small grandchildren were visiting me the other day, one sat down at the piano and began to bang and the other one picked up an old out of tune banjo and began to play with it. As they both were making noise with their particular instruments, they also began to sing individual songs. Nothing was flowing together and there was no real beauty about the noise they were making. Their music would have been deemed a pitiful sounding concert by anyone else's standards. However, the joyful noise they were making was a joy to my ears and beautiful music to my heart because my granddaughter told me that they were singing for me. Their intent had suddenly caused the noise to be very precious music to me.

As I thought about my reaction to my granddaughter's expression of love, I realized that God our Father is much the same, for when we praise the Lord, He doesn't hear as the world hears. The world may hear the noise of missed notes and ill timing, but God hears as a Father who is listening to His child. God's ear is turned towards our hearts and He hears a melody of love. Skill and perfection are not as important to Him as a joyful noise that is filled with the content of thanksgiving, praise, and adoration. Deep is calling unto deep and He is listening for the praise that is deep within our soul. We must never be afraid to express ourselves to Him, for we are precious in His sight. Let us remember that the most perfect praise that we can offer to Him is a joyful noise that comes from our heart. +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


Scripture: Proverbs 22:6 "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it."

Fathers, as well as mothers, have an awesome responsibility to train their children in the ways that they should go. They are to continually mold, instruct, prepare, and point their children in the right direction. There will be many challenges, but the Apostle Paul encouraged particularly the fathers, not to provoke their children to wrath, but to bring them up in the nurture and loving discipline of the Lord (Ephesians 6:4). Parents must be an example to their children everyday of the year. Following is a poem, which reveals the results of our everyday actions.

Author Unknown

If a child lives with criticism, he learns to condemn.
If a child lives with hostility, he learns to fight.
If a child lives with ridicule, he learns to be shy.
If a child lives with shame, he learns to feel guilty.
If a child lives with tolerance, he learns to be patient.
If a child lives with encouragement, he learns confidence.
If a child lives with praise, he learns to appreciate.
If a child lives with fairness, he learns justice.
If a child lives with security, he learns to have faith.
If a child lives with approval, he learns to like himself.
If a child lives with acceptance and friendship,
he learns to find love in the world.

We honor all fathers and encourage them to listen to the wisdom of these words.+++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


A Word In Due Season
4th Week of June 2009


Scripture: II Corinthians 2:14 "But thanks be to God, Who always causes us to triumph in Christ."

For a short season of time, I worked with a master craftsman who restored antiques. I was amazed as I watched him take an old tragic piece of furniture and turn it into a triumph of beauty. To me, it seemed like it should have been put on the trash heap long ago, but he was able to look beyond the marred and broken piece and see great potential. He was in his mid eighties and would refer to his own age and the disabilities that age had brought. Yet even with his many years, he considered each moment of his own life a blessing and he was a sweet fragrance to all that he met. He told me that everything had value, we just needed to look for it.

He never hurried but worked very patiently for a few minutes every day on each piece. It was as though he had a personal relationship with the wood and knew just how far to take it in each session. He began by stripping the old wood and then gradually worked with the warped places until they were back in alignment. When he glued parts together, he allowed them to set for several days to insure their strength. I was concerned for those pieces, but learned that the glue composition caused them to be stronger than the original wood. When he felt that the wood was ready and its strength was restored, he would carefully sand the piece. He only finished with the stain when he knew that he had done all that he could do with the wood, and even then, he waited until the humidity level was absolutely perfect according to his gage. Many times I brought him the piece that I was working on with the hopes of going to the next step, but most of the time he would look at it carefully, shake his head, and then tell me to start over. I wasn't able to see the flaws until he pointed them out because I was a novice. However, he was a master who had been in the restoration business for fifty years. He had learned early on that each step must be completed perfectly if the piece is to be restored to its original beauty and strength.

God is much the same as He works with us to turn our tragedies into a triumphs. We may look at our battered and abused life and think that we are beyond help and that we are ready for the junk heap like the old antique. Too much time has passed and we have made too many mistakes to be useful to anyone. We may also look at the broken lives of others and think that there is no hope of restoration for them, much less beauty. We must remember the words of my friend, "Everything has value and we must look for it." God sees value in you and He wants to turn every tragedy of your life, whether past or present, into a triumph for His glory.

You may have tried to fix your life by yourself and failed. There may be too many broken pieces and too much heartache and pain from the past. But Jesus is the Master and He can take your life and make you stronger than you were at the beginning. He is able to put your life back together again if you give Him all of the pieces, but you must be patient and allow Him to work at His own pace. The process may seem slow and the season may be long, but remember that God is in control. Regardless of how tragic your circumstances may be, you can be sure that all things are going to work together for good if you love God and are called according to His purposes. As you allow His Spirit to work in your life, He will restore not only your strength, but also your beauty and will bring triumph out of tragedy. +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


Scripture: Luke 14:27 "Whosoever does not bear his cross, and come after Me, cannot be My disciple."

Jesus gives the world an open and compelling invitation to come to Him for salvation. He excludes no one and says, "Whosoever will, may come." Yet He also tells us that those who want to become His disciples and follow Him must consider the cost, for full commitment to Christ means bearing a daily personal cross for His sake. It means forsaking everything that is important to yourself, submitting your all to Him, and conforming to His teachings. In verse twenty-six, He said that your commitment must be so strong towards Him that you would be willing to give up everything and even put Him before your family. This doesn't justify neglect, malice, or ill will towards your family. It simply means that your devotion to Christ must be the number one priority in your life.

Jesus was looking for more than followers. He had many who followed Him because of His supernatural gift of healing. He healed all kinds of diseases, caused the blind to see, opened the ears of the deaf, and made the lame to walk. There were those who sought Him out in order to be delivered from demonic possession and spiritual oppression. Some followed because He fed them fish and bread or turned the water into wine. Others followed Him because they wanted to hear Him speak His great words of wisdom or share His revelations concerning the scriptures. These followers had a personal agenda, but not many wanted to be a true disciple who was ready to bear a cross in order to follow Him.

We must always understand that when we make a commitment to Christ things will start happening in our lives. Commitment to Christ doesn't guarantee a promise that everything will be perfect in our lives. The truth is that there is a cost. This side of commitment looks like a life of contentment, but the other side brings the reality of the challenge. When you surrender you heart and affections to Jesus, you will have great joy, yet He may call you to places that you don't understand. It may be a place of no reputation and may cost you everything that is dear to you. You will be totally fulfilled as you give yourself to Him but you must know that at some point you will also suffer persecution, for II Timothy 3:12 says, "All that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution." This did not exclude anyone. Yet as you forsake all and surrender to Christ, you will also reap great rewards. So regardless of the cost, be willing to take up your cross and follow Him, for it is said, "Anything that cost nothing is worth nothing and achieves nothing." +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


Scripture: Colossians 3:17 (Amplified) "And whatever you do - no matter what it is - in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, and in dependence upon His Person, giving praise to God the Father through Him."

Every word and every deed that we do is supposed to mirror the character of Christ. Yet, we often find ourselves in provoking situations and even though we do our best to remain silent in these situations, we usually react in frustration. We make an effort to defend our position and justify our actions. In contrast to the scripture above, our reactions are not done in the name of the Lord, nor in dependence upon His Person, and God surely receives no praise for our actions.

James 3:7-8 tells us that every kind of beast, bird, reptile, and sea animal can be tamed, but the human tongue cannot. Our tongues are unruly, undisciplined, and motivated by our emotions. Too often, we react rather than respond. Solomon, the wisest man of his time, said, "He who is slow to anger is better than the mighty, and he who rules his own spirit is better than he who takes a city." Solomon also said, "He who has no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down and without walls." (Proverbs 16:32 & 25:28) When the walls of our spirit are broken down, any element can intrude and provoke us to wrong words or deeds.

Jesus was our greatest example of someone ruling his own Spirit. He taught and preached with much authority, calmed the storms with a few words, rebuked the "religious" folks, drove the moneychangers out of the temple, and cast demons out of the possessed. Even though some of these things seemed harsh and bold, Jesus never reacted out of His own will and emotions. Scripture records that He only spoke and did the things that the Father showed Him. Even Pilate marveled greatly when Jesus didn't answer the accusations that were made against Him. Our goal is to follow Jesus and resist the temptation to say the wrong thing, at the wrong time, and in the wrong spirit. We were always told to count to ten before reacting. But if we simply follow God's Word and consider the three statements that Paul made in the above scripture, we will be able to rule our spirit and tame our tongues. Considering Paul's statements, ask yourself these three questions when you are confronted with a provoking situation:

1) Can I say this word or do this deed in the Name of the Lord?
2) Can I depend on the Person and presence of Jesus to back me up in
this word or deed?
3) When I say this word or do this deed, will it give glory to God the Father
through Jesus?

Perhaps by the time you finished these questions in your mind, the moment of passion will have passed. Nevertheless remember, that the less you say, the less you have to repent of. +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


Scripture: Ephesians 6:11 "Put on the whole armor."

We have an enemy who rages against us daily. This enemy is not contained in a body of flesh, nor does he have blood flowing through his veins. He is a spiritual enemy and his battle strategies are evil. The Apostle Paul gives us instructions on how to combat this enemy, the devil. One of the main things we must do is recognize who he is. We then must put on the whole armor of God and come against him with spiritual weapons, for "the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but are mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds" (II Corinthians 10:4).

There are four things that Paul tells us to do in Ephesians 6:10-18:

1) Be strong in the power of the Lord. (vs. 10)
2) Put on the armor of God. (vs. 11)
3) Stand with the armor on. (vs. 13-14)
4) Pray with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit. (vs.18)

Paul makes it very plain that our strength and power will come from the Lord, for it will be God's armor, not our own, that will protect us in the evil day. His armor is listed as truth, righteousness, peace, and salvation. When we realize that it is God's armor that we are standing in, it will give us courage to lift up the shield of faith against the devil. When truth prevails in our heart, we understand that we don't have to depend upon our own strength and self-righteousness. All we have to do is stand in God's armor and allow God take care of the battle.

Paul said, "stand, and having done all, stand." This word "stand" in the Greek language means "stand and get ready for the next battle." The devil never quits. Our battles will continue throughout our lifetime but we must remember that God has equipped us for battle. After Paul told us to put on the armor of God and stand, he then instructed us to pray. This means that we are to enter into prayer with God's armor and aggressively come against the enemy with the sword of the spirit, which is the Word of God. Our battles will be won in prayer and with the Word of God. As we resist the devil, he will flee from us because he has no choice. He knows the power of God's Word. When the devil sees God's armor coming towards him and hears the Word of God being spoken against him from inside the armor, he thinks that it is God and he will flee. +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


Scripture:  Numbers 13:33  "And there we saw the giants ... and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight."
God took His people out of Egypt with a mighty show of power and then provided for them miraculously while they wandered in the wilderness for forty years.  When they were near the Promised Land, Moses sent the leaders of the twelve tribes to search out Canaan.  When they returned, their report verified God's promise that the land was indeed prosperous.  Yet, their unbelief caused ten of the twelve to bring an evil report concerning God's ability to carry out His promise.  They began to compare themselves with their enemy and saw themselves as grasshoppers.  The giants in the land became bigger than God's promises in their hearts. 
After forty years of wandering in the wilderness, God's people were only one day away from their dreams being fulfilled.  They were close enough to go in and spy out the land.  And they were close enough to bring back some of the grapes, pomegranates, and figs without the fruit perishing.  Yet, their hearts were far away from receiving God's promise because they still could not believe for victory over the giants that were in the land.  This scene mirrors our own situation, for many times we come close to God's plan for our life but allow the giants of doubt and insecurity to hold us back.  Instead of looking at God, we look at ourselves and our own strength shrinks before the challenge that is set before us.  If we allow it, this comparison will undermine God's plan for our individual lives.  It will destroy our faith by distorting our vision.  It will usher in fear that will birth a negative report.  We will see ourselves as grasshoppers in the sight of our gigantic problems and reap failure because we discount God's ability to fulfill His promise.
What has God spoken to you that requires faith?  To possess God's promise and complete His will, you must become aware of the strategies of the devil.  You must let God be God and you must stay off of His throne.  You must do your job and then allow God to do His.  Victory demands that you be obedient to God's voice and allow Him to work out all of the details.  When God speaks, trust Him to equip you to fulfill His will.  When you face the giants of adversity, do not give in to a spirit of fear and doubt.  Never think of yourself as being unworthy or allow yourself to focus on your inability.  Refuse to give in to the grasshopper mentality.  Instead, allow God to enhance and build your self-image.  See yourself as God sees you.  He sees you as a unique vessel that He has created and chosen for such a time as this.  So don't stay in the wilderness of defeat.  Instead, discover the will of God for your life and then possess His promise. +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


A Word In Due Season
5th Week of June 2009


Scripture:  Romans 12:5  "So we, being many, are one body in Christ, and everyone members of one another."
The believers of Christ are all members of His body.  Just before the Apostle Paul made this statement, he said that we are to present ourselves as a living sacrifice unto God, which is our reasonable service.  He also said that we are not to be conformed to the world's way of thinking.  Instead, we are to be transformed by the renewing of our mind through the Word of God.  The world's view is to be more concerned about yourself than others, but a believer of Christ should consider others before themselves.  Believers should also endeavor to function in unity, one with another.  Like a body with different parts, we will possess different gifts and ministries but we are still members of one body and should encourage and exhort one another daily so that the body of Christ can be strong in the Earth.
It is evident that the Lord wanted us to care for one another because He inspired holy men of God to write scriptures to instruct us in the ways that we were to treat one another.  It is quite amazing but the Lord uses us to touch others for Him and to do what is in His heart.  Following is a partial list that defines the expectations of the Lord and tells us how we are to treat one another:
  1)    We are not to oppress 'one another'
         or take advantage of 'one another' (Lev. 25:17).
  2)    We are to love 'one another' as Jesus loved us (John 13:34).
  3)    We are to be kindly affectionate 'one to another',
         and in honor to prefer 'one another' (Rom. 12:10).
  4)    We are not to judge 'one another' (Rom. 14:13).
  5)    We are to serve 'one another' in love (Gal. 5:13).
  6)    We are not to destroy or devour 'one another' (Gal. 5:15).
  7)    We are not to provoke 'one another' to envy (Gal. 5:26).
  8)    We are to forbear or be patient to 'one another' in love (Eph. 4:2).
  9)    We are to forgive 'one another' as God forgave us (Eph. 4:32).
10)    We are to teach and instruct 'one another' (Col. 3:16).
11)    We are to comfort 'one another' with the Word of God (I Thess. 4:18).
12)    We are to edify or build up 'one another' (I Thess. 5:11).
13)    We are to exhort 'one another' daily (Heb. 3:13).
14)    We are to consider 'one another' and
          to provoke 'one another' to love and good works (Heb. 10:24).
15)    We are to submit ourselves 'one to another' (Eph. 5:24).
16)    We are not to lie to 'one another' (Col. 3:9).
17)    We are to pray for 'one another' (James 5:16).
18)    We are to show hospitality 'one to another' (I Peter 4:9) .
19)    We are to minister 'one to another' (I Peter 4:10).
This is not an exhaustive list, but God's intentions are very plain.  It is apparent that He wanted us to love and minister to one another just as our own body cares for its many members.  When a member of our personal body has a need or is in pain, the entire body rushes to its rescue.  Our body comforts and cares for itself.  One hand is there for the other hand.  Its members work one with another until the body is healed and functioning well.  I encourage you to consider the scriptures above and allow them to renew your mind and transform your thinking.  Let them guide you as you minister to others.  Remember that you are not only a part of the Body of Christ but also members one of another. +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


Scripture:  Ephesians 1:18  "The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of His calling."

God is working in your life to bring about His plans, and He is working in a far greater way in the spiritual than you can see in the natural.  From the moment God created you, He placed within you gifts and abilities so that He could use you to fulfill His desires and accomplish His purposes.  Within you lies the potential to be His hands, His feet, His ears, and His voice in the earth.  Upon you rests the responsibility to share God's heart with a hurting world.  Colossians 1:27 sums it up with these words, "Christ in you, the hope of glory."  You are God's hope as you walk through this spiritually dark world carrying His light in your life.  You must be careful not to hide that light under a bushel, but let it shine for the entire world to see.

Just as Paul prayed for the church's eyes to be opened so that they could know the hope of God's calling for their life, God wants your eyes opened.  He wants you to catch His vision, for without a vision your gifts and callings will never come to fruition.  He wants to open your mind and fill it with His knowledge and His wisdom.  God wants to unlock your soul and spirit so that He can empower you with His Holy Spirit.  He has good plans for your life, but the Holy Spirit can't do it all.  You must do your part by submitting to Him and making every effort to stir up the gifts that reside within you.  Only then can He resurrect those talents that have lain silently dormant for all these years.

You may have doubts and fears that God has passed you by and that your time is over, but Romans 11:29 tells us that "the gifts and the calling of God are without repentance."  God never changes His mind; we just grow complacent and give up.  What gift has God endowed to you?  What desires has He placed in your heart concerning His kingdom?  If there is a desire within you to do something special for God, then there is a place and a time for it to happen.  God will not put something into your heart that He does not equip you to do.
Look at the birds.  God gave them the ability to fly and a sense of desire to go south in the winter.  He would not have stirred them to go south unless there was a south to go to.  Yes, it may be frightening for them to leave their safe homes and head for the unknown places that are hundreds of miles away.  Yes, they have to work hard and fly long hours to get there and may face storms and dangers along the way.  It is true that there may be struggles and they may grow weary and become discouraged.  But as they fly one mile at a time and face each day as it comes, they will eventually complete their journey.  Just like the birds, God has created a special purpose for your life and He wants to bring you into that new place, but it will be a process of time.  So begin to allow the Lord to flood your heart with His light so that you can see and know what is the hope of His calling. +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    
