A Word In Due Season
1st Week of March 2009


Scripture:  Luke 9:61  "Lord, I will follow Thee; but let me first go and bid them farewell which are at home at my house."

 Jesus extended an awesome invitation for men to follow Him in His ministry, but His offer was met with excuses.  The reasons may have sounded legitimate but Jesus wanted total surrender to His call and His voice of direction.  Jesus' answer to this man's plea to wait until later was, "No man who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God."  Jesus was looking for more than faith; He was also looking for a determined focus to His agenda and immediate commitment to His will. 

The most limiting thing in life is a firm choice to be totally submitted to God's will.  Total submission means that we must continually deny ourselves, take up our cross, and follow Him.  It is a forward walk in His foot prints every step of the way.  There is no time to look back at the failures or successes of yesterday and there is no room to wander from the straight and narrow path.  Think about yourself and the circle that is about you.  A circle has 360 degrees.  As you position yourself at the edge of that circle, see yourself standing on the first degree.  This means there will be 359 degrees remaining or in other words there will be 359 other directions that you could go.  Most of us would never think of turning and going 180 degrees in the opposite direction of God's will, but many times we do alter our course by a slight degree.  We fail to realize that if we go one degree in the wrong direction for a length of time, we will eventually be very far from the presence and purposes of God.

There are many distractions and temptations in life.  Jesus declared that if we are considering any options other than following Him, we are not ready for His kingdom.  Being human is a challenge because living in the natural conflicts with life in the spiritual.  So we need to understand that God's ideas are better than ours and then walk as wise servants of the Most High God.  Our present season is a seed for our future.  What we do today will determine our tomorrow.  We have a choice to either follow our own way, the persuasions of others, or the voice of the Living God.  We must ask ourselves these questions, "What did God tell me to do?" and "Am I doing it?"  When we discover the answer, then we must put our hand to the plow, follow Him, and never look back. +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


Scripture:  Psalms 68:19  "Blessed be the Lord, who daily loads us with benefits; even the God of our salvation.  Selah."
The word "Selah" at the end of this verse of scripture is used seventy-one times in the Psalms.  It means to "pause, and calmly think about that."  In other words, when we read God's word we should stop and think about what He is saying to us as an individual, for these words are personal messages from our personal God.  Many times we forget that these are the very same words that God breathed into the hearts of the men who recorded them and that the truth of these words has lived for centuries.  They have proven themselves true.  Each and every word of God is a powerful living organism that will create life within us when we allow it to rule our hearts.  We must not allow God's words to become routine but instead we must pause and take time to reflect upon them and realize that His words are spirit and life.  
In Mark chapter four, Jesus compared the Word of God to a tiny seed and explained that the heart of man was like the soil.  Seeds have life within themselves, but Jesus said that the growth of the seed depended upon the condition of the heart.  He said, "Take heed how you hear."  You must read the scriptures with the intent to hear God's still small voice.  In the words of the psalmist you must "Selah" or pause and calmly think on God's Word.  Each time you read God's Word, meditate on it.  Roll His words around in your heart until revelation comes and the word begins to take root and grow.  The tiny seed of His Word will eventually become like a tree in your life.  As you hear His Word, faith will arise in your heart.  Psalms 1:2-3 says that as you meditate on His word day and night, you will be like a tree planted by the rivers of water.  Your leaves will not wither, you will bring forth fruit, and all that you do will prosper.
II Timothy 3:16 says, "All scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable ..."  God inspired each and every scripture and intends that you profit from them.  When you listen to what God is saying through the scriptures, you should expect to find the answers that you need for your current situation and you should also come to understand what His will is for your life.  God is your salvation and He wants to load you up daily with His blessings.  He wants you to search His word for your answers and then pause and calmly think about what He is saying to you personally.  Selah! +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


Scripture: Luke 3:8 "Bring forth fruits worthy of repentance."

John the Baptist preached repentance to the large crowds that followed him. Yet many of the people wanted to be baptized without changing their ways. John did not mince his words or make it easy for them. His message was bold and tough. He actually called them a generation of vipers and accused them of only trying to flee the wrath of God. He told them if they had truly turned to God and were sorry for their sins and misconduct, they would turn from their wicked ways and their lives would produce fruits of repentance.

Repentance is not just being sorry for bad behavior, for you can be sorry and never repent. You can be sorry that you did something because it made you feel guilty or you can be sorry that you are going to have to pay the consequences. You can be sorry that you hurt other people or sorry that you disappointed God by transgressing against His laws. However, sorrow is what brings you to repentance. Repentance, on the other hand, is confirmed by its actions. Repentance means that you are so filled with remorse and regret for your conduct that you are willing to make a change. You make a quality decision to turn from your sin and misconduct and go in the opposite direction. You don't look back as you leave the sin behind, but you begin to prove by the way that you live that you have repented. Your repentance was not with words alone, for others can see that you are not the same. Your have been changed within and your outward actions have followed suit. These changes in your life are the fruits that are produced because of the repentance that is in your heart. Only a good tree can bring forth good fruit.

There is a fresh call to repentance. It is a still small voice letting us know that we all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. Yet in its quietness, we can still hear God offering us the opportunity to repent and change from our wicked ways. Everyday we sin and make mistakes, yet God is very gracious and full of mercy. He is always near and will help us when we call out to Him in despair. He is for us and not against us, and is faithful to show us a better path. He wants us to be overcomers in this life and to be able to present to Him our fruits of repentance. +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


Scripture: John 15:15 "I have called you friends."

What a wonderful friend we have in Jesus. We can unload all of burdens upon Him and exchange all our grief and sorrows for His peace, His encouragement, and the solace of His presence. Yet we all know that true friendship is not one sided. It's a sharing relationship and there are requirements from both sides that must be met and maintained before a true friendship can be developed and sustained. Have you ever met someone you thought would become a very close friend, then have the relationship suddenly end? You may have discovered that you were not on the same terms of you new found friend or possibly the trust that you extended was violated. Or perhaps, you both were so caught up in the routine of life that neither of you could devote sufficient time to the relationship.

Like natural friendship, our friendship with Jesus also has demands, for there are things that He expects from us. To prove and maintain our relationship, He says in verse fourteen that we must "do whatsoever He commands." One of the most important commands that He give is that we love one another (Vs. 17). This is a simple statement of what He requires from our friendship. When we are saved, we have eternal life, but to maintain our friendship with Jesus, we must walk in love towards one another. In return for our obedience to this commandment to love, He says, "All that I heard from the Father, I have made known unto you." There is a tremendous bonding that occurs when we disclose ourselves to our friends.

Jesus disclosed Himself and the secret mysteries of the Almighty God with us. He has shared not just some of the things His Father told Him, but everything. He extended His trust to us because we are His friends, thus making Himself and His Father available and accessible to us. What a unique relationship we have at our disposal. We have a friend who is Christ, the Son of the Living God. He is a friend that will stick closer to us than our own brother (Proverbs 18:24). And He is a friend who has shown us His great love by laying down His life for us (John 15:14). He has enriched our lives and extended His friendship to us. Now our time has come to reciprocate and maintain this wonderful friendship, He states it very simply,

If you obey the commandment of love - you are My friend.
If you do not obey - you are not My friend. +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


Scripture: Hebrews 13:9 "Be not carried away with divers and strange doctrines. For it is a good thing that the heart be established with grace."

There are many religions and many doctrines that we will hear about while we are traveling the pathway to eternity. Some of them will be good and true, but others will be wrapped up in deceit. God never intended for religion to be difficult, but unfortunately there is a devil that works subtly behind the scenes to corrupt the simplicity that is in Christ (II Corinthians 11:3). The devil successfully beguiled Eve in the Garden of Eden and works just as hard to get us to believe his lies. The writer of Hebrews warns us not to be carried away or follow after the strange doctrines that the devil creates, for there is no room for error in our convictions. Instead we must understand truth and be established in what we believe.

It is amazing that people can read the same scriptures and come up with so many different conclusions. For example when Jesus healed the blind man in John 9:6-11 several things occurred. Jesus spat on the ground, made clay with the spittle, anointed the eyes of the blind man with the clay, and then told him to go wash in the pool of Siloam. The man was healed and received his sight, but which of these things, if any, brought about his healing? One religion would say that it was the spit from the mouth of Jesus. While another would declare that healing came from the clay that was mixed with the spittle. Another group would hold to the doctrine that healing came when Jesus, Himself, touched and anointed the eyes of the blind man with the clay. The last group would declare that it was none of the above, but that healing came from the water that the blind man washed in at the pool of Siloam. At the end, true doctrine might step in and say that this healing was based on faith, obedience, and the sovereign actions of Almighty God. But each group would declare their own doctrine and make an attempt to convince others to believe and follow them.

Strange doctrines are in the world today, but we do not have to fear them if our hearts are established in grace. When we know the truth, the truth will set us free. With every word that comes our way, we can measure it with the Word of God and determine its truth. Jesus assured us that as His sheep, we would recognize His voice and we would not follow another. Let us be careful to listen to His voice and be determined that our heart will be established and not depart from the simplicity of the gospel of Christ Jesus. +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


A Word In Due Season
2nd Week of March 2009


Scripture: Psalms 119:18 "Open Thou my eyes ..."

I often think that it would be great if God opened my eyes and allowed me to see all that He is able to see, to see life as it really is and to know the future and all that lies ahead. Yet, I know in reality that ability would be too enormous for the finite mind to comprehend and would bring a responsibility that would be too great to bear. In God's divine wisdom, He secretly keeps many things hidden until we are prepared for them. He has a way of directing our vision and allowing us to see only what He wants us to see.

I had an experience that illustrates this point in the natural. I learned that two can travel the same road but experience things so differently. On a mission trip to the Philippines, we traveled up a mountain and went through a place called the Lion's Head. Two people were sitting in the front seat and had an open view of the road ahead. I sat on the left side in the back of the vehicle and two other people sat next to me on the right side. Out of my window, I could see a small sign that read 'Lion's Head,' which had a small picture of a lion painted on it. Everyone in the vehicle was talking about the Lion's Head, while I was thinking, "What is the big deal? It's just a small picture of a lion." Little did I know that they were seeing something entirely different on the right side of the road. After we traveled up the mountain and looked back on the scene, they directed my attention to the Lion's Head several miles below. I was awestruck as I saw a huge lion's head that had been carved out of the stone and painted. I had been a few feet from the Lion's Head, but had missed the entire scene simply because my eyes were focused in the wrong direction.

I took counsel from this life lesson and asked God to direct my spiritual vision, for I want to see as He sees. Like the Lion's Head incident, we can always look back on our life and see very clearly with reality the results of the decisions that we have made. I have decided that I do not want to go the way of my flesh and miss God's best for my life. Like King David, I want the Lord to point out anything that He finds in me that makes Him sad (Psalms 139:23 Living Bible). I want God to show me the right path and keep me from self-destruction because I know that He sees the entire picture, while my vision is limited and I can only see what is near. I am determined to take a closer look at myself when those about me seek to counsel me with words that I may not want to hear. They see things differently and I must keep in mind that I may be looking in the wrong direction and away from wisdom. God may have shown them a glimpse of what lies ahead so that they are better able to counsel and comfort me along the way. Last but surely not least, I will pray the words that David prayed, "Lord, open my eyes that I may see." +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


Scripture:  Jeremiah 10:23 (Amplified)  "It is not in man to direct his own steps."

There are several things that you must do to reach any desired destination.  First, you must know your Destination, for if you don't, you will flounder around in a sea of uncertainty.  It would be pointless for you to go to the airport and ask for a ticket if you don't know where you want to go.  The first thing they will ask is "What is your destination?"  Without that information, they cannot issue a ticket.  Henry Kissinger once said, "If you don't know where you are going - any road will take you there."  It is the same in the Kingdom of God.  If you do not have a revelation or understanding of where God is leading you, you will not know which direction to take and you will easily be lead astray.

Second, once you know your Destination, it is important for you to follow the Direction of the Holy Spirit along the way.  Proverbs 3:6 says, "Acknowledge God in all of your ways, He will direct your paths."  We have to recognize Jesus as Lord and trust Him with all of our hearts.  My son said there are two reasons that it's hard for people to stop and get directions.  First, they don't want to admit that they don't have any idea where they are.  And second, they don't want to admit that they have no idea of how to get to where they want to go.  In our Christian walk there are times when we get into this same situation.  It's at those times that we need to acknowledge that we have no idea of where we are in God's plan and that we have no idea of how to get to where He wants us to be.  We need to just stop and ask the Holy Spirit for directions, and then, as He speaks, listen to the directions!  Have you ever stopped and asked for directions, then asked the person traveling with you, "What did they say?"  When God speaks, we need to listen!

Third, have a Determination to reach your destination regardless of opposition.  Paul said, "I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith" (II Timothy 4:8).  Jesus said, "It is finished."  Both of these men completed God's destiny for their lives, but it wasn't easy in either case.  Before Paul finished his course he endured labors, beatings, prison, death, shipwreck, robbers, perils with His country men and the heathen, weariness, pain, hunger, thirst, and cold (II Corinthians 11:23-28).  Then, consider Jesus who is the author and finisher of our faith lest you faint in your mind.  Because of the joy that was set before Him, Jesus was able to endure the cross and despise the shame (Hebrews 12:2-3).  God has a special plan in mind for you.  Be determined to reach it.  Jeremiah 29:11 says that it is a place of good and not evil with a future and a hope.  Ask God for a clear vision of His destiny for your life, but don't try to direct your own steps.  Listen to the Holy Spirit and follow His directions along the way until the journey is complete.  Trust in God,  He will direct your steps and He will get you there. +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


Scripture:  Isaiah 41:10  (Amplified) "Fear not; [there is nothing to fear] for I am with you; do not look around you in terror and be dismayed."

Webster's Dictionary defines dismay as "A sudden or compete loss of courage or confidence; sudden disappointment, anxiety, fright, apprehension, or dread."  In this verse God tells us that we must get rid of these kinds of negative emotions.  He says, "Don't be looking around for something to be afraid of and don't consider the circumstances that surround you, but consider Who I am."  Then He lists who He is in reference to our circumstances.

     1)   "I am your God."
     2)   "I will strengthen you and harden you to difficulties."
     3)   "I will help you."
     4)   "I will hold you up and retain you with My victorious right
            hand of rightness and justice."

Regardless of how bad things look, your problems and circumstances are not your God.  God is your God and Jesus is your Lord.  God will not only strengthen you so that you can make it through the trial, but He will cause you to become stronger because of it.  God is bigger than any problem, and with Him at your side the enemy does not have a chance.  You are more than a conqueror when God is on your team.  He is holding you up with His right hand and He will not allow you to fall.  The prophet continues to say in verse eleven and twelve that "those who strive and contend against you shall be put to shame, confounded, and brought to nothing."  And "they who war against you shall be as nothing, as nothing at all."  Praise His Name.

God is ready to help you in all of the circumstances that are overwhelming to you.  But before He can help, you have to change your attitudes and act in faith.  You can't allow fear, sudden disappointment, anxiety, and dread to deplete your courage and confidence.  For victory to come in your life, you must not be terrified of the enemy.  You must let go of your anxieties and grab hold of faith.  You must believe that God is God and when He is with you, you have nothing to fear. +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


Scripture:  Hebrews 4:2  " ... the Word preached did not profit them, not being mixed with faith."
As a child, I remember mixing ingredients together in order to make a paste that we could use for glue.  There were only two ingredients needed for this paste, which were flour and water.  Later, I learned that you could mix just a few other things with the flour and water, such as sugar, baking powder, butter, and eggs, and end up with something special and totally different, like a cake.  The ingredients used determined the results and just a few additions and variations resulted in either paste or something sweet to eat.
As the ingredients in the natural realm determine what we end up with, so it is in the spiritual realm.  There are certain spiritual ingredients that become very powerful when they are mixed together.  The writer of Hebrews declared that faith had to be mixed with the Word of God for the Word to be profitable in our lives.  We may have a great knowledge of the written word of God, yet in our hearts we may doubt His power to perform it.  This kind of knowledge has little profit.  The faith that we add to our knowledge of God's Word is what makes a difference in what we receive and what happens in our lives.  Yet faith can only be acquired by hearing the Word of God.  It is an awesome mixture.  Faith comes by hearing the Word of God and then the Word of God works according to the faith that is within us.  In other words, God's Word activates faith, and faith activates God's Word and causes it to come to pass.
Other things can alter this recipe of life and either enhance it or hinder its strength.  We may have a portion of faith but have mingled it with doubt and fear, and then wonder why we are not receiving the promises of His word.  We may have received God's word, but allowed the persecutions and the cares of this life to choke out the seeds and destroy our faith.  If we had only mixed a little joy with the Word and our faith, we could have endured to the end, for joy imparts strength into our spirits.  Jesus was able to endure the cross because of the joy that was set before Him.  We must remember too, that faith works by love.  You can't use God's Word in faith for hateful reasons, for it is not designed to be used as a weapon of revenge.  True faith in God's Word makes no demands on the sovereignty of God.  Like in the case of Job, true faith says, "Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him."  We must decide what we want to achieve when we hear God's Word, paste or something substantial.  The choice is ours.  Are we going to settle for just a passing word or do we want to receive God's Word as an eternal and powerful Word of faith? +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


Scripture:  Genesis 50:20  " ... God meant it for good."
These words came from a man who had been rejected and abused by his brothers.  Joseph's brothers had stolen the special coat that his father had made for him, thrown him into a pit, and then sold him into slavery.  Joseph's response to their abuse was, "You meant your deeds for evil against me, but God meant it for good."  Things had been very bad for many years, as Joseph was taken from his homeland, separated from his family, and made to serve in a foreign land, yet he did not hold this evil in his heart.
Joseph made the best of his circumstances and excelled in all of his efforts.  Even those who had authority over him recognized that the Lord was with Joseph and made everything that he did to prosper.  In all of Egypt, Pharaoh said that there was no one so discreet and wise as Joseph and he made him the governor of the land and overseer of the provisions that were stored up for the famine.  When Joseph's brothers came to get provisions at his hand, he could have repaid their earlier deeds and displayed unforgiveness.  He could have sought revenge and refused to help them or even exercised his authority and had them put in prison.  He could have been as ugly and disrespectful to them as they had been to him, but he recognized God was working a sovereign plan in his life.  He declared that God used their evil deeds and caused all of this to happen so that God could use him to be an instrument to save many people.
We may sometimes wonder what God is thinking because the circumstances in our lives seem totally out of control, storms are raging, and things are looking bleak.  As far as Joseph was concerned, it was about sixteen years before he understood why he had to endure the hardships he faced or what God was doing with his life.  God works with us in the same manner.  We are not told to understand what is going on, but to simply trust while He takes the things that are intended for evil against us and turns them into good.  He trains us in our prisons so that we can be prepared for our palace assignment.  Instead of remaining as the abused brother, we can become their hope of survival.  Or like Moses, God may prepare us in a palace so that He can use us in the wilderness.  He spares us in the lion's den like Daniel so that we can become a victorious witness to the king.  He takes us through fires and we come out without burns or even the smell of smoke so that He can show the world that there is a God in Heaven.  And like Jesus, God allows us to take up our cross daily so that we might sit with Him in Heavenly places.  I encourage you to never be discouraged but to understand that the evil that is coming against you is meant for good. +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


A Word In Due Season
3rd Week of March 2009


Scripture: Psalms 107:28 "Then they cry unto the Lord in their trouble, and He brings them out of their distresses."

In Psalms 107 there were four categories of men who were in trouble or in captivity who found their deliverance through God. First, there were travelers who wandered in the wilderness but found no city to dwell in. They were hungry, thirsty, and their soul fainted within them, but when they began to cry out to the Lord concerning their problem, God delivered them from their distress (Vs. 4-6). Second, there were prisoners who sat in darkness, suffering the pains of affliction. They were bound in iron because of their rebellion, but they too were delivered out of their trouble and the shadow of death when they cried out to God for help (Vs. 10-16). Third, there were those who were sick in their bodies. When they began to cry out to God for deliverance, He sent His word and healed them (Vs. 17-22). The fourth group were sailors who went down to do business in great waters. They were tossed to and fro like drunken men upon the storm driven sea. Finally at their wits end, they cried out to the Lord and He brought them out of their distress. God calmed the storms, quieted the sea, and brought them into a haven of rest (Vs 23-32).

Each of these men had problems that were too great for them to handle or to bear. Without God's help, they would surely die, either in the wilderness, in the prison, on the sick bed, or in the raging storm at sea. But death is death no matter how it comes and the darkness and distress that accompany it is always frightening. God was their only hope in their situation so each one of them prayed for help. They cried out with their voice and made their petition known and that cry not only reached the ears of God, it reached His heart. It brought God to their aid and He faithfully delivered them out of their problem. .

This psalm teaches us that no matter where we are in life or what the source of our problem may be, God is there to help. We may have lost our way in the wilderness of life and our soul may be fainting within because we can't find happiness in anything we do. It may seem that we can't stop the hunger or quench the thirst that we feel within our soul. We may be in bondage because we have transgressed the laws of the land, we may be facing a serious health issue, or we may be in some sort of business or financial difficulty. Yet, it doesn't matter with God, for He is able to deliver us out of all of our distresses regardless of what they are. He waits to hear our cry so that He can answer. James 4:2 says, "You have not because you ask not." Let us determine today to make our petitions known and cry out to God in our time of need and recognize that He is our only way out of distress. +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


Scripture: Jeremiah 17:8 ".... as a tree planted by the waters, and that spreads her roots by the river."

A tree that is planted near the rivers of water does not suffer during the time of heat or dry up in the seasons of drought. It is well watered and flourishes all year long. Its leaves remain green throughout each season because its roots have spread themselves out underneath the surface of the earth and have found the source of nourishment that the tree needs. A tree that is green and flourishing in this fashion is a joy and a source of nourishment to all, for it never ceases to bear fruit or to be a shield for those who are experiencing the heat of the sun.

The prophet Jeremiah compared the man who trusted and hoped in the Lord to a tree that is planted by the waters. Trees are firmly planted and have no intentions of moving about. They are satisfied because their roots have found water. Likewise, there are two things that are important for a person who desires to flourish in life. These are their spiritual location and their root systems. Psalms 92:13 says that those who are planted in the house of the Lord will flourish. Your faith must be stable and your hope and trust in the Lord must be unwavering. Your heart must be fixed on the faithfulness of God's promises. If your spiritual roots are receiving this nourishment you can be assured that you will be blessed. You can be living in the middle of a spiritual desert or going through a very dry season, and your spirit will remain well watered. Your life will continue to be fruitful because your roots are deep. Others will be amazed at the strength you will display in the times of trouble because they cannot see your roots. You can be weathering confusion and frustration but still remain calm because your roots have discovered the waters of peace. You can hope in a hopeless situation because you have stayed close to Jesus who is the Water of Life. You have soaked up God's word and dwelt in His presence before the need ever presented itself. You didn't wait until you saw your leaves turning yellow or felt your branches drying out.

No tree can stand alone or maintain itself without an efficient root system. Jeremiah said the tree itself spreads its roots in an effort to find the water. It is up to you to establish a spiritual root system that will sustain and support you in the seasons of distress and discouragement. When you have allowed the Holy Spirit to develop a depth within your spirit, you will be able to withstand the dry seasons, the heat, and even the times of persecutions. You may bend a little but you won't blow over with every storm. You won't break in the seasons of adversity or wither in the heat. Like Job, you will be able to withstand every test and not fall apart each time there is a conflict because you are trusting in the Lord God Almighty, not in your own fortunes, family, health, or friendships. You will flourish because God alone is the Living Water from which you are drawing your strength. +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


Scripture: Hebrews 5:14 "But strong meat belongs to them that are of full age, even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil."

We understand the meaning of physical maturity and how it comes about through the process of time, proper nourishment, and exercise. But we often forget that Christian maturity is developed in the same manner. First there is the time factor. We are not born into the kingdom of God as mature Christians any more than we are born in the natural world as mature adults. Maturity involves a process of time. Our spirits are gradually transformed by the renewing of our minds through the word of God, one precept at a time.

The second phase of growth is proper nourishment. We've all seen the horrific pictures that display the malnourished children of foreign lands. Likewise, our spirits develop in an unhealthy manner when we do not take in the meat of God's word and grow in the knowledge of Him. Verse thirteen tells us that we don't mature, but stay as babes because we are satisfied with the milk of the word. Because we have no desire for the meat, we are unable to discern right and wrong or teach others because we are unskillful and untaught ourselves. We are content to be complacent, but the Apostle Paul exhorts us to study God's word of truth so that we can understand it and rightly divide or share it with others (II Timothy 2:15).

Finally, growth also depends upon exercise, for your muscles can only become stronger with use. Exercise is an individual process and no one else can do it for you. It is the same with your spiritual senses and discernment. They become stronger as you experience the working of the Word of God in your own life. Being able to distinguish between truth and deception comes only as you develop a relationship with the Author of the Word. It is through experience of a relationship that you come to know His character. I had a close personal relationship with my earthly father. If someone had tried to deceive me concerning him, my senses would easily be able to discern the truth because I knew that he was a man of integrity and good moral character. I could immediately identify anything that was contrary to his nature.

God wants us to have this same assurance and be able to identify anything that is contrary to His word and His nature. He doesn't want us to fall into the same trap that Adam and Eve did when the devil tempted them by saying, "Hath God said?" God has provided the meat of His Word and He wants us to partake of it. He wants us to sharpen our senses by experiencing it so that we will have an answer for every question and be able to boldly face every challenge with the words, "It is written." +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


Scripture: Matthew 12:34 "Out of the abundance of the heart..."

Love comes from the heart, yet it seems almost physical, for it can be seen and felt. It is wonderful to love and it is wonderful to be loved. There is no soul that does not respond to true love and it is so overwhelming that it motivates people to do things that they normally would not do. The voice of love is tender yet very powerful and when it speaks everyone listens. Love is so important that Jesus said that it is the basis of the two greatest commandments of God, which are to love God with all of your heart, soul, and mind and then to love your neighbor as yourself (Matthew 22:37-39). He later told us to, "love as He loved" and demonstrated His love by personal sacrifice.

When my granddaughter was not quite five years old she had her mother write an email to me. In my granddaughter's own words she ended her message by saying, "It's great to have you in our hearts." She signed her name and her younger brother's name. These were such special and endearing words to me, and as I reflected on them I realized that she was speaking out of the abundance of her heart. Her words were not empty words, but an expression of love that produced a response of love within my own heart. She said that it was great for her to have me in her heart, but the greater joy belongs to me in knowing that I am in her heart. My grandchildren love me, but I can truly say that I loved them first and anticipated their being before they were ever born. Even before they were conceived there was a hope in my heart and plans in my thoughts for their life.

God's love is the same. The prophet Jeremiah said that before God formed us in the belly, He knew us. And before we were born, He sanctified us and ordained us for His purposes (Jeremiah 1:5). God had us in His heart from the beginning of time and more than two thousand years before we were born He sent His only begotten Son to Earth to die in our place so that we could have eternal life. Jesus also had us in His heart when He hung on the cross in shame, allowing His life to escape. Out of the abundance of Their hearts, They both made the ultimate sacrifice; God gave His Son and Jesus gave His life. How could we not respond to such an expression of love?

A heart that is filled with love is a full heart and has no room for bitterness, jealousy, envy, strife, or any other negative thing. It is full of kindness, patience, joy, and peace, and possesses everything that is positive. Like God the Father and Jesus, love expresses itself by giving and making sacrifices. I John 4:19 says, "We love God because He first loved us." His love for us caused us to love Him. As we think about God's love towards us, let us respond by opening up our hearts and filling it with people that we can love. There are multitudes of people whom we can bless by the abundance of love that is in our hearts. It is important to let them know what they mean to us. So think of the people that you love and tell them, "It is great to have you are in my heart." +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


Scripture: Psalms 145:18 "The Lord is near to all them that call upon Him ..."

These words were written by King David who knew what it meant to experience the presence of the Lord in a personal way. When he was just a young shepherd boy, David called out to God to protect him and his sheep and God gave him courage to fight against the lion and the bear. As a young man, David called out to God, and God delivered him from the hand of King Saul who was trying to kill him. David called out to God when he challenged Goliath, and the hand of God guided the stone that slew the giant. He cried out to God when he grieved over the death of his infant son, and God comforted him. David cried out to God in his sin with Bathsheba, and he found forgiveness. David called out to God in battle, and saw God conquer the enemy. David also called out to God when his own son tried to take his kingdom from him, and God reached down and rescued David.

Every time that David called out to God, he found that God was near. God never failed him. He learned early in life that all he had to do was cry out to God and that God would hear his cry and save him. God was there for David in the quiet times and in the raging battles. He could feel God's presence when he sang songs of praise and worship and also when his voice was shouting a battle cry. God was there when David played on the harp or when he held a battle weapon in his hands because David's thoughts were directed towards God. Whatever he needed, he knew that he could depend upon God.

Your prayers pull at the heart of God and they invite His presence into your life. When you call out to God, you open the door for Him to come in. It doesn't matter what you need, He wants to give you your desires as well as to meet your needs. Regardless of whether your battle is big or small, God will be there for you. He draws near when He hears your voice calling out to Him. He rushes to your aid when He hears your petitions and He listens intently when His name is spoken from your lips. Your words reach into His heart and stir Him to rescue you from your dilemma. You can be assured that He will draw near to you if you draw near to Him and He will answer you if you call upon Him. +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


A Word In Due Season
4th Week of March 2009


Scripture: Psalms 119:165 "Great peace have they which love Thy law: and nothing shall offend them."

Offenses knock on the door of our hearts daily through misunderstandings, unkind words, and inappropriate actions against us. Offenses not only come from an insensitive world but also from our closest friends and family. We can write off many of the offenses because we do not have a close bond with the offender. Their words and actions are easily excused because they are not included in the circle of our truest and most trusted relationships. But the greater the love that we have for the offender, the greater the offense will be to our spirit. And likewise, the greater someone loves us, the easier it is for us to offend them even though our offensive words and actions may not be intentional.

The worst part about an offense is not the deed itself. The wound is painful but it is only the beginning of the destructive force that is designed against us. Offense is a spirit that seeks to kill, steal, and destroy relationships. It is a seed that wounds the spirit and if it is not dealt with when it is planted, it will grow into a mighty tree that cannot be easily removed. The fruit of this tree will be bitterness, hate, and unforgiveness. Many friends and family members have been separated for years because of a simple offense, and many times they can't even remember what the initial offense was. My own sons still rehearse an offense because one of them ate the cherry that was on top of the other one's birthday cake some thirty years ago when they were children. Of course, it is a big joke now and all is forgiven but the truth remains that the offense has never been forgotten. I stand amazed because bottles filled with cherries have never been able to absorb the fact that one lone cherry disappeared from a birthday cake so many years ago.

I heard an illustration that spoke of an offense as being like a ball that is thrown to us. We have the opportunity to either catch the ball when it is thrown or we can choose to let it pass. If we catch the ball or receive the offense we do violence to our own spirit. The offense will cause us to distrust the offender in the future and we may find ourselves dealing with negative emotions and unable to walk in love towards them. When we receive an offense into our lives, it will motivate us to build a wall of protection around ourselves so that we are not vulnerable to another painful experience. In the midst of it all, we fail to realize that the same wall we create not only shuts out our offender but it also keeps God from entering in. His Word declares that if there is offense in our lives, me must lay our gift at the altar and go reconcile ourselves with our brother and then come offer our gifts to God (Matthew 5:23-24). He says that if we do not forgive others, we cannot be forgiven by Him. This is a high price to pay for harboring an offense in our heart.

Knowing God's Word and operating in His laws will give you a greater strength against the spirit of offense. Refusing the offense is a conscience effort that you must make for the good of yourself and for the good of the other person. The psalmist said that nothing can offend you if you love God's law. So wrap His words around your mind and allow them to guard your heart. Great peace will be your reward. Remember that it is up to you to refuse to catch the ball or resist the spirit of offense when it comes your way. +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


Scripture: Psalms 34:19 "Many are the afflictions of the righteous ..."

Have you ever been in a season where you felt that you were fulfilling this portion of scripture that David wrote? You were trying to live right but you were experiencing many afflictions. Like the scene with Job, while you were learning about one dilemma in your life, another was occurring. You discovered that your righteous living did not exempt you from troubles and it seemed that for the moment, you were facing more conflict and struggle than you were going to be able to bear.

Where is the comfort in your situation? David finished this verse by declaring that the Lord would deliver the righteous out of all their afflictions. This is a grand promise that gives hope and will keep you from losing heart in the midst of the raging battle that surrounds you. According to the Apostle Paul, the afflictions you face right now are only for a season and are working for you an eternal glory beyond all measure (II Cor. 4:17-18). Somehow God is going to redeem your situation and use it for His glory. Romans 8:18 says that the things you are suffering at the present can't even be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in you.

David wrote this psalm concerning afflictions and deliverance out of a hurting heart and a broken spirit. He had fled from King Saul in an effort to save his own life, but met another conflict when King Achish recognized him. David had to pretend to be insane before King Achish in order to save his own life. He was in the midst of many afflictions, yet he trusted in the Lord, and the Lord delivered him from all of his troubles (I Sam. 10-15). You may also be in the midst of many afflictions yourself, but rejoice. God is still in control of your life and you can be assured that Jesus will never leave you while you are in the midst of your brokenness and trouble. His presence was with Joseph in the prison, Daniel in the lion's den, and the three Hebrew children in the fire. He did not fail them in their desperate hour, and He will not fail you. When you are facing many afflictions and things look their worse, don't lose heart, for God's deliverance will always come through. +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


Scripture: Matthew 14:31 "Jesus stretched forth His hand, caught Peter, and said to him, "O ye of little faith, why did you doubt?"

Peter saw two things that affected his faith. First, he saw Jesus walking on the water in the midst of the storm and this sight produced so much faith in Peter's heart that he asked Jesus to bid him to walk out upon the water, also. While Peter was in the process of walking upon the water towards Jesus, he saw something else. He turned his eyes from Jesus and began to look at the storm and the boisterous winds. This second vision brought fear to his heart and caused his faith to fail. As his faith grew dim, he began to sink into the waters and in the midst of his dilemma, Peter cried out to Jesus. Jesus harkened to his cry, stretched forth His hand, and rescued Peter. At the end of the matter, Jesus asked him plainly, "Why did you doubt?"

Peter's great faith had dwindled to little faith because he didn't keep his eyes upon Jesus. He was overcome with the circumstances of the moment and allowed them to bring fear to his soul. Instead of shouting a victory shout because he was experiencing a mighty miracle by walking on the water, his voice sounded out cries of fear and terror. His fear and doubt drove away the miracle working power of the Lord. Peter should have realized that when Jesus said, "Come" that the waves and the storms were no longer his own business. They belonged to the Lord. Jesus was the Master of the sea, storm, and the water, and He loved Peter and wasn't going to allow him to drown right there before Him.

Our hearts are just like Peter's. We are human and anytime that we begin to measure and value the raging winds of the storm against the powerful winds of the Holy Spirit, it will cause doubt to arise in our soul. When we think that we are separated from Christ because of the dashing waves that are between us and Him, we will experience fear. When our vision of Jesus is lost and all we can see are the flashes of lighting, our hopes will fail. When the thunder is so loud that we can't hear His voice, our direction will be unclear. When we can only see the dangers and difficulties, we will experience doubt, and like Peter we will begin to sink. You may be wondering where Jesus is in the midst of your current storm and why things are not working. The answer is easy. He is right where you saw Him last, on the other side of the waves that are being driven by the boisterous wind. He is there with you in the midst of the adversity that is attempting to engulf your soul. His hands are stretched towards you and He will keep you safe. So keep your eyes on Jesus and your ears open to His voice. Regardless of what is happening around you, keep walking towards Him in faith. +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture: Psalms 51:10 "Create in me, a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me."

King David was a man that loved God with all of his heart and continually worshipped Him. However, he was human and fell victim to the devices of the devil. He never quit loving God but the lust that he had in his heart for Bathsheba displaced his allegiance and commitment to God. For a short season, this spirit of lust enticed David to commit adultery, and in a moment of weakness, he sinned grievously against God. This act then drove David into deception and conspiracy as he purposely planned to have a man murdered so that he could keep his own sin hidden.

When the prophet Samuel confronted David about his sin, David's heart broke and he began to repent before God. He pleaded for forgiveness and cleansing as he acknowledged his transgression against men and his sin against God. But David's prayer did not end there. He not only asked for forgiveness, he asked God to do a new thing in his heart. David didn't want God to work with his old corrupt heart and just rearrange his priorities. He wanted a brand new fresh start. He wanted the One who had created and formed his heart in the first place to create or to bring into being a clean heart within him. David also wanted his spirit renewed and the joy of God's salvation restored in his life.

Have you ever tried to fix something that was too old to deal with? We recently cleaned the inside of our garage and was intending to keep an old handmade shelf where we stored cans of paint so that we could save a few dollars. From the front the shelf looked fairly good, but when we looked at the back of it, we discovered that the bottom shelf was actually an old hollow door that was buckled in and ready to collapse. It could no longer handle the weight of all the cans of paint and it was apparent that we had to start all over and create a new shelf if we wanted things to looked and function better.

Our hearts are very similar. We harbor sin and keep old memories and obtrusive clutter in our hearts by holding on to the things that have offended us and by rallying around the pain of the past. We have no idea how hollow those chambers of our heart are or how damaging it will be when they collapse under the pressure of the moment. We need to allow God to examine every area of our heart and get rid of anything in our life that does not fit well into His Kingdom. I encourage you to pray the simple fifteen words that David prayed, "Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me." Then expect God to answer, for He wants to do a new thing within you. ++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture: II Timothy 1:7 "God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and a sound mind."

God is our loving Heavenly Father and He will not give His children anything that is evil or harmful to them in any way. His gifts are only good. He never intended for us to be overburdened, troubled, or fearful in our hearts concerning the matters of life. He doesn't even want us to be concerned about what we are going to wear or eat (Matthew 6:25). Throughout the scriptures He said, "Do not fear" and He assured us that He was with us at all times and that He would take care of us. Jesus also said, "Let not your heart be troubled and neither let it be afraid." He gave us personally responsibility to not allow the devil to torment us with fear.

The Apostle Paul referred to fear as a spirit and James 4:7 instructed the believer to resist the devil and that he would have to flee. This includes the devil's evil spirit of fear. We do not have to have the power within our own natural being to conquer evil, we just have to use the authority that has been given to us. We were told that we could use the Name of Jesus and the power of His blood. No weapon that has been formed can prosper against those two weapons, and every tongue, including the voice of fear, that rises against us, we have the right to condemn. We do not have to listen to the devil or his torments, for God did not give us a spirit of fear. God doesn't give us gifts that are foreign to Himself. Instead He imparts the qualities that are of His nature, which are love, power, and a sound mind. These three entities represent the God Head. Acts 1:8 says that you will receive Power after the Holy Ghost comes upon you. John 4:24 tells us that God is a Spirit and I John 4:8 says that God is Love. If we have the Spirit of God within us we have the Spirit of Love. And I Corinthians 2:16 says, "We have the Mind of Christ." When we have the mind of Christ, we will definitely have a sound mind. This trinity of power, love, and a sound mind is a mighty force against the devil and his strategies.

The devil goes about as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour and one of his greatest weapons is fear. His roar is loud and ferocious and it comes with many threats but a roar has no power within itself, except to bring fear. A roar cannot hurt you. It can only harass and torment. We cannot allow ourselves to be taken in by the spirit of fear, for it will drive us to disappointment, depression, defeat, and even death. We must resist anything that God did not give to us, which includes the spirit of fear, and rise above the clamor of the world's many voices. God's voice is bigger than the roar of the lion and His power is greater than any force that can come against us. We must turn our hearts towards God and rely on His Holy Spirit to enable us and strengthen us with His power, His love, and His sound mind. Fear is only a spiritual voice and it will flee in the presence of these powerful forces of God. +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



A Word In Due Season
5th Week of March 2009


Scripture: Song of Solomon 2:11-13 "For lo, the winter is past, the rain is over and gone; The flowers appear on the earth; the time of the singing of the birds is come ... "

We pass through various seasons in our life and with each one we experience God in a different way. The dormant winter seasons are the hardest to endure, for they often become very confusing. There is little understanding about the cold darkness that surrounds us, for during these winter seasons our talents lay buried and our efforts seem fruitless. It seems there is no hope for a brighter day, and our tears pour like rain and flood our soul. And yet, it is during this time that God is doing His greatest work in our lives. Our hearts become fertile as we diligently seek His will and allow Him to search our hearts, and then as He points out the things in our lives that are displeasing to Him, we repent and He forgives.

Look back at the seasons in your life and you will discover that spiritual growth and depth came to you during your darkest hours. When your feelings were hurt, you learned to react in love and when you were taken advantage of, you learned to forgive instead of retaliate. When facing tribulations, you learned to rejoice in the knowledge that God was in control and that He was developing patience in your life. When finances were low, you learned to have faith in God's provision. In those dark hours when your body was sick, you saw Jesus as your healer. In the lonely moments, you experienced the Lord's very real and awesome eternal presence. In the spiritual valleys, He became the restorer of your soul, and in your time of mourning, He became your great comforter. In every weak endeavor, you discovered His omnipotent strength and when you lacked knowledge and understanding, He was your all-knowing omniscient God.

Every dormant season that you have encountered was necessary to prepare you for God's greater purpose. Yet, the winters that challenge your soul are not destined to be forever. They will pass and God will release you from their embrace. Your tears will cease and the darkness will give way to the brightness of the light. As His light comes, you will realize that your tears actually watered the garden of your heart and caused you to flourish with new growth, new direction, and new strength. As you let go of painful disappointments and allow the winter to pass, new life will emerge in your spirit, the flowers will begin to appear and give forth a beautiful fragrance just as they do in nature. They will attract the birds that sing and your heart will again rejoice at their sound. God's love will flow as never before and cleanse your heart, washing away the seeds of bitterness that could have taken over. Never give up when the darkness of winter challenges you, for it will soon pass and you will find that God is faithful. God will bring the spring and He will enlarge your borders once again. He will also restore the song and the beauty to your life and ministry. +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture: James 3:17 "But the wisdom that is from above is ... easy to be entreated."

To "entreat" means to make an earnest request or petition for something. James said that it is easy to entreat or ask God for wisdom. One reason that it is easy is because we know that we are doing what God wants us to do, for He is the one who told us to ask Him for wisdom. So in asking for wisdom, we are obeying His will and fulfilling His desires. Yet many times we allow the opportunity to pass us by because we just don't think about involving God in our routine or daily problems. We leave the quest for His wisdom for the greater situations that we don't think that we can handle. Like our natural inclination when we are trying to install or put something together, we don't worry about reading the instructions - until we can't get it together by ourselves.

James 1:5 gives another reason why it's easy to ask or entreat God for wisdom. He said that God doesn't reproach, mock, or make us feel ignorant because we lack understanding. When we seek God concerning a matter or ask Him for direction, He doesn't slap His forehead in gesture and say, "Are you really that stupid?" He is our faithful God and Father and He always meets us at our point of need. He makes asking easy as He only requires that we ask for wisdom with a heart full of faith, believing that He will answer (James 1:6).

In Proverbs 3:15 & 16:16, Solomon tells us that "Wisdom is more precious than rubies" and "better than gold." He also said, "Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom." Solomon was the wisest man who ever lived and he said, "Get wisdom!" The formula is simple. We get wisdom by asking God for it. When we ask, His Holy Spirit teaches us. He is the supplier of the wisdom that comes down from above. His wisdom is "first pure, then peaceable, gentle, easy to be entreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy" (James 3:17). God's wisdom is there for us and His Spirit is waiting to instruct us in every detail of life. All we must do is ask and we will receive, seek and we will find, knock and it will open to us. +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    

