A Word In Due Season
1st Week of May 2009


Scripture:  II Corinthians 4:6  "... the god of this world (Satan) has blinded the mind of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, Who is the image of God, should shine unto them." 
In many of the cities and even in some of the remote rural areas there are so many lights that the stars in the heavens are hidden.  Although you can usually see the moon, you must travel several miles to find a place that is dark enough to give you a clear view of the stars.  Many times these true and supernatural lights of God's creation are impossible to be seen because they are dimmed by the artificial lights of man's making.  The technical term for this problem is called "light trespass."  God's handiwork and true beauty are overshadowed by the progress of time and this overabundance of artificial illumination trespasses upon the territories of His heavens and the awesome glory of His perfect lights.
Yet regardless of this interference, God's wonders are still there in the heavens and His glory has not declined in the least.  If you can get past the artificial, you will find that the moon is still glowing and the stars are still shinning.  Every light that God created from the foundations of the world is still illuminated by His power.  They are still functioning according to His plan and purposes even though their awesome beauty is challenged and endangered by the trespass of foreign light that dims their view.
In the spiritual realm we face a similar situation.  The god of this world attempts to blind our eyes so that we cannot see the true light of the glorious gospel of Christ.  Satan, himself, appears as an angel of light and treads upon God's territory as he trespasses in the hearts of men.  He shines his light as brightly as he can in an effort to outshine the beauty of the True Light that gives life to man.  His artificial light conflicts with the real and the supernatural as he offers things that appeal to the carnal man.  In an effort to dim the eternal glories of the true riches that are in Christ Jesus, he offers temporal moments of pleasures.  He dims our vision of the Kingdom of God by enticing us to exchange it for the kingdoms of this present world.  He offers immediate satisfaction and entices us not to wait for God's best.  Satan is a master of deceit and shows us the forbidden fruit of his wisdom so that we will not believe and receive the light of God's wisdom, which comes down from above.  He entices our hearts to be so over crowded with the things of this world that we forget the light of God's word, which is designed to be a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path.  He tempts us to get involved in doing good things so that we do not have time to follow after God's perfect will for our lives.
The Light of the Lord Jesus shines brightly, but we must not allow anything to obscure our view of Him; not our fame or fortune, fulfillment of our own desires, or the brightness of any temptation that the devil offers to us.  Neither can we allow our failures and disappointments to overshadow the light of God's mercy, grace, and faithfulness to forgive.  We cannot allow our minds to be blinded by the god of this world, who seeks to trespass against the light of the glorious gospel of Christ.  Instead we must make every effort to find God's light at all cost.  We must turn our eyes towards Jesus, who is the image of the true and living God, and focus upon the light of His love, His joy, and His peace. +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


A Word In Due Season
2nd Week of May 2009


Scripture: Philippians 2:13 "For it is God which works in you, both to will and to do, of His good pleasure."

From the very beginning, God had a plan and a purpose for your individual life. The moment He breathed life into you, He began to sovereignly work to bring that desired plan to fruition. Jeremiah 29:11 tells us that God's plan is designed for good and not evil. God even sacrificed His most precious possession to give you life, a future, and a hope. His ultimate goal is to make you an expression of your Creator. As He works in you to bring about that future and hope, He works patiently as a potter does with clay and from time to time remakes you over again and again. He works tirelessly, forgiving and cleansing you from your sins and faults. Look at the example of Peter. When Jesus first met Peter, He saw his potential and knew that God wanted to work His will and pleasure in Peter's life. In John 1:42 Jesus said, "You are Simon, ... you shall be called Cephas, which is by interpretation, a stone."

Yet, before Peter reached the state that God intended for him, he faced many failures. Even after receiving a revelation from God the Father in Heaven that Jesus was the Son of God, Jesus found it necessary to rebuke Peter. Jesus told him, "Get thee behind me, Satan: you are an offense to me" (Matthew 16:23). Can you imagine Jesus saying those words to you? Later, Peter denied Jesus three times, cursing and swearing that he did not even know Him. Peter was also very impulsive, as in the situation when he cut off the ear of the servant of the High Priest. Yet despite all of Peter's faults, God had a future and a hope for him and planned for him to stand one day before thousands of people and preach the message of Jesus Christ. Through this one sermon alone in Acts 2:14-47, thousands repented and were added to the church.

God is working in you right now to make you an expression of Himself just as He worked in Peter's life. He doesn't expect you to be perfect, just pliable in His hands. Seasons of discouragement may come as He works with you, but whatever the enemy causes in your life for evil, God means it for good. "All things work together for good to those who love God and are called according to His purpose" (Romans 8:28). Remember Jesus' words to Peter, "You shall be." Your future is inside of you right now! Surrender to God and allow Him to complete His will and His pleasure in you. +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


Scripture:  Romans 10:15   "How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!"
The Apostle Paul declared that the feet of those who spread the gospel and bring good tidings were beautiful.  He also mentioned the feet when he listed the spiritual armor in Ephesians 6:15 and instructed us not to go into any kind of spiritual battle without having the shoes of the gospel of peace on our feet.  Notice that he included both feet.  He recognized the importance of walking in total peace in every situation, for you cannot minister peace to others if you do not have peace within yourself.  Have you ever tried to bring peace into a situation when you, yourself, were in a panic and those you were attempting to calm down told you that you were the one who was making them nervous?  I have. 
Jesus came to this earth to do great battle against the devil and to destroy the works of evil, yet in this mighty battle, He ministered peace everywhere He walked and was called the Prince of Peace.  Even at His birth the angels recognized His true mission and sang out the declaration, "Peace on Earth and good will to men."  Jesus brought light and gave life by dispelling darkness and overcoming death.  He spoke peace and calmed the raging storms.  Jesus exchanged the spirit of peace for the torment that was in the mind of the man who was filled with demons and He also imparted peace into the hearts of the other believers who followed Him.  Jesus walked in the shoes of this gospel of peace all the way to the cross of Calvary and made these shoes available to us as we believe.  He said, "My peace I give you" (John 14:27).  It is not the same kind of peace that the world gives, but a peace that passes all understanding and keeps you from being afraid in a troubled world.  
You can recognize feet that are clad with peace, for they do not walk hesitantly or with a spiritual limp.  They walk with a determined purpose to fulfill the will of God and are continually pressing towards the mark of the high calling of God.  Beautiful feet are the ones that walk up to you and always have a good report regardless of how dark the situation may seem.  They do not bring evil reports or bear tales of gossip and are never swift to run to evil.  Instead, they are clad with peace and bring a word in due season to your soul that is fitting for the moment.  Beautiful feet support you and stand beside you in adversity and do not kick you when you are down.  They are quick to run to your aid with provisions when they see that you have a need.  Beautiful feet stand in agreement with you and don't shuffle around in condemnation when you go to the Father in prayer.  They dance to the rhythm of the same song and are never found to be out of step.  They encourage you to walk with them down the paths of righteousness and don't try to lead you astray.  They never leave you, but walk beside you through valleys and stick with you even in the shadows of death.  Beautiful feet are very desirable, but require attention just like our natural feet.  Let us take time to sit in the presence of Jesus and allow Him to wash our feet with His word until they become beautifully shod with the gospel of peace.  Then, as we possess His peace, let us set about to share His glad tidings of good things. +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


Scripture:  Romans 6:23  "For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord."

Satan is very clever.  He offers you the pleasures of sin for a season, but fails to mention the consequences that will result when the sin has completed its course.  James 1:15 says,  "When lust is conceived, it brings forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, brings forth death."  The sequence is very simple; sin leads to death.

From the beginning in the Garden of Eden until now, Satan roams about like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour.  His purpose is to steal, kill, and destroy you and your relationship with God.  In all these years, he hasn't changed his tactics.  He still challenges God's word in the same manner that he did with Adam and Eve, saying "Surely you won't die.  Eat the fruit.  It is good and it will make you wise."  He appeals to your lust, draws you into sin, and then mocks you when you fall into his trap.  His words and his offer of relief are very tempting.  However, he never tells you the terrible side effects of his product.  He draws you into unforgiveness but never explains that an unforgiving spirit opens the door for torments in your own life and that to be forgiven, you must forgive.  He doesn't explain that substituting an immoral lifestyle for your loneliness will keep you from inheriting the kingdom of God, which is righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.  He doesn't tell you that a greedy selfish spirit will keep the windows of God's blessings closed to you.  And worst of all, he tries to cover your eyes with scales so that you can't see that rejecting Jesus as Lord and Savior will lead to an eternal death and separation from God.

Satan's fruit and the temporary relief that he offers is no different than some of the products on our market today.  For instance, a magazine advertisement for the medical relief of stiff joints and common arthritis pain lists several side effects that may occur if you use the product such as respiratory infection and inflammation, headache, dizziness, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting, heartburn, swelling of legs and feet, back pain, tiredness, urinary tract infection, serious stomach problems, and even intestinal bleeding which could cause death.  This leaves one to wonder which is worse: to be stiff or to be dead and stiff?

When you are tempted to sin, look at God's word, study the side effects or the end results, and consider if yielding to the temptation is really worth it, for Satan's wages are high priced.  He gives you death in exchange for a short season of pleasure.  God's wages, however, are priceless.  God not only gives you life and life more abundantly, He also gives you eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


Scripture:  Psalms 33:23 (NIV)  "May Your unfailing love rest upon us, O Lord, even as we put our hope in You."
This scripture is the focus for America's National Day of Prayer, which is today.  The theme for the day is "Prayer ... America's Hope".  This is a call for God's people across the nation to pray because prayer truly is our only hope in these days of global distress.  Today, many people will go to special prayer meetings throughout the land and others will take a special private moment to call out to the Lord for help.  I encourage you to be a part of this massive prayer effort.  Our daily devotional also goes to many other nations and I invite those of all nations to join with the believers in America as we approach the throne of God in prayer.
Can you imagine how God must feel to hear the voices of so many of His children calling out His Name in prayer on this special day.  It will be a sound of many tongues, from people of many nationalities and colors, but with one voice, crying out for God's unfailing love and mercy to prevail in these desperate times.  God said, "If My people, which are called by My Name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from Heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land" (II Chronicles 7:14).  God needs to hear our voices; yours and mine!  He doesn't require all of the people of the world to pray.  He only requires His people who are called by His Name to humble themselves and pray.   
Prayer made to the Father in Heaven changes things.  It invites God's presence to move in our midst and builds an atmosphere on Earth for Him to work.  It lets God know that He is wanted in the affairs of men, for He will not interfere if He is not welcomed.  Our words to the Father will cause Him to release supernatural answers.  Let us be mindful that if we pray He will hear us, and if we seek Him we will find Him.  His Word tells us that God's eyes are upon those who fear Him and He blesses the nations that consider Him to be their God (Psalms 33:12 & 18).  Let us all join together in prayer.  As the Lord sees that we are putting our hope in Him, His unfailing love and His mercy will rest upon us. +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


Scripture:  Proverbs 31:29  "Many daughters have done virtuously, but you excel them all."
There is a total difference in "doing" a virtuous act and "being" a virtuous person.  Proverbs 31:10-31 list the things that make up the character of a virtuous woman.  She is trustworthy with her marriage vows and does good for husband all the days of her life.  She takes care of business needs and works willing with her hands.  She rises early and prepares food for her family.  She takes care of herself and strengthens her own body.  She stays up late at night in order to get the necessary things done.  She clothes her family and herself with comfortable and beautiful clothing and she also reaches out to the poor and needy.  She causes her husband to be known in the city and have honor in his workplace.  Her mouth is filled with wisdom and in her tongue is the law of kindness.  She is never idle but always energetic as she takes care of her entire household. 
Many are capable of doing some of these virtuous works, but it is quite a challenge to conquer the entire list and do it all with excellence.  If you get up early before everyone in the house, fix the breakfast and the lunches for the day, it is hard to stay up and be the last one to go to bed at night.  If you work all day with your hands and take care of business needs, it is difficult to find the time to exercise and strengthen yourself.  With everything on your list, you must also factor in time to care for the poor and needy without neglecting your own family's need.  This is not to mention that at the end of the day you must prepare the meal while everyone else is resting from their day of labor.  As you accomplish all of these things you must also be an encourager to those around you.  Words of wisdom must continually be coming from your mouth and the law of kindness be on your lips.  The list is longer than you want to look at and the energy is just not there to complete all of the task.  That is why virtue is about "being" and not just about "doing".  Even Jesus pulled away from the needs of the people to rest and He did not run to every battle or even make haste to reach Lazarus before Lazarus died.  
The virtuous woman always excels.  She is not in pursuit of favor because she has discovered that it is deceitful and she does not seek beauty in itself, for she has found it to be vain (Vs. 30).  The key to her life is spiritual and she has gained wisdom because she fears the Lord, and the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom (Proverbs 1:7).  This aspect of her character makes the difference in her life.  It governs her natural affairs of life and causes her to be stable in relationships.  And because of the godly virtue that reigns in her heart, her husband is able to trust in her.  He praises her and her children also rise up and call her blessed.  Her love and reverential fear of the Lord has created within her a servant's heart and even her works speak out in praise to her.  This is a virtuous woman whose price is so far above rubies that she cannot be bought. She serves because she loves and does not love because she is served by others.  If you want to be considered a virtuous woman the conclusion is simple.  Seek to be virtuous in your heart and then virtuous acts will follow what your virtuous heart demands and dictates. +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


A Word In Due Season
3rd Week of May 2009


Scripture:  Matthew 13:25  "But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat."
In this parable, Jesus told of a man who had sown good seed in his field, but while he and his men were asleep, the enemy came and sowed weeds or thistles throughout his field.  The man wasn't aware of the evil deed that had been done against him, but when his wheat began to spring up, the tares or weeds also appeared.  The man's servant wanted to remove the tares immediately, but his master declined the suggestion with the warning that if they tried to remove the tares, they might uproot the wheat in the process.  He said, "Let both of them grow together until the harvest, then we will gather up the tares and burn them and gather the wheat and store it in the barn." 
Jesus explains this parable saying that the tares are the children of the wicked one (Vs. 36-43).  While Jesus sowed the good seed in the earth, which produced wheat, the enemy sowed bad seed, which produced the tares.  It seems that the fields of God's Kingdom are always the targets of Satan's activity.  He goes about as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour and continually mingles his evil seed amongst the good.  Satan's goal is to deceive the very elect if possible.  His work is so very subtle that in the beginning both the wheat and the tares look so much alike that it is hard to distinguish them from each other.  Jesus warned us that the devil himself would appear as an angel of light and also referred to many of the religious leaders of His time as being vipers or snakes.  Jesus also told us that there would be those who would do mighty works and even cast out devils in His name, but in the end of time, He would declare that He never knew them.  All of these manifested themselves as being good.  Who could deny an angel of light, religious leaders, or those doing mighty works in the Name of Jesus?  Yet these workers of iniquity were actually tares that were growing amongst the wheat.
We must understand that God doesn't take all the wrong influences out of our lives and give us a perfect world to live in.  He said that evil would be with us until the end of time.  The devil will make his bid for our attention and for our very life.  There will always be those around us who professed to be wheat, when in reality they are tares.  They may say and do all the right things but they walk in deception.  We must ask the Holy Spirit to open our spiritual eyes and help us walk in discernment so that we are not led astray and tossed about by every wind of doctrine.  We must be vigilant and learn to distinguish between right and wrong, good and evil, wheat and tares, by judging and measuring everything with the Word of God. +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


Scripture:  Psalms 9:10  "They that know Your Name will trust in You, for You Lord, have never forsaken those who seek You."
I watched as my 18-month-old grandson jumped from the side of a swimming pool into the arms of his father.  My grandson had sensed the danger of the water and had shown much fear of even being in the water.  As he looked at the situation, you could discern a little anxiety as he made his leap.  Yet at the bidding of his father's words and outstretched arms, he jumped courageously in the direction of the big pool of water that he had cautiously tried to avoid.  The only thing that stood between him and the same water that he had been fearful of was the presence of his father.  He had found security knowing that his father would protect him from any danger the water presented.  His actions manifested his total confidence and trust in his father.  He had a pure heart of faith that his father would not bid him to come and then forsake him in the midst of his obedience. 
Our relationship with our Heavenly Father is no different.  God attempts to mature us spiritually and to stretch our faith by bidding us to leap into His everlasting arms with total faith.  We may look at the situation with great fear and trembling, for we have not experienced the news paths or places that are set before us.  Our vision of the future may be clouded and dim, and many factors unknown.  The waters may look deep and the circumstances may be over our heads and overwhelming to our minds.  Besides that, we can't actually see God or His outstretched arms.  We can only hear His still small voice saying, "Come."  As we hear His call, we realize that He alone is the only thing that is between us and the present danger that exists or the failures that could occur.  As we step out, we know that He is our only hope and that without Him, we can do nothing.
Trust doesn't come easy or quick.  It is earned and can only be built upon relationship.  My son had worked with my grandson for 18 months, one step at a time, developing an unwavering trust within his heart, and this simple trust was a witness to me.  I thought about how our trust in our Father God must also be a tremendous witness to the world as we act upon His promises and trust in His Name.  We believe that the Lord will be there when we jump towards the water that is over our heads because we have felt the security of His arms many times in the past.  We trust Him in the midst of the raging storms because we have seen Him speak peace into situations that were beyond our control.  We expect Him to deliver us from our enemies because He has come to our defense in the past, and we know that His Name is above all other names.  We look to Him to meet all of our needs according to His promises, and because He has never failed us, we have a pure heart of faith.  We know that He will not forsake us but will be there with open arms when we need Him. +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


Scripture:  Hebrews 11:1  "Now faith is..."
Faith is not the past, for it doesn't take faith to believe in the things that God has already done in your life.  Those things are history.  The memory of what God has done and what He has accomplished, however, may encourage your faith and give you something to build upon when He speaks a new and fresh word to you.  Again, faith is not the future, for that is expectation and hope.  The writer of Hebrews said, "Faith is now!"  It's not passive, it's active. 
Faith is your present tense response to God's personal words to you.  It is the substance and evidence of what you believe to be true but can't see.  Yet, faith is not without valid support.  It is based upon what you know in your spirit, not on what you don't know.  There can be no faith without the voice of God's word because faith comes by hearing the word of God.  If you proceed without a word from God, it is presumption and you will find yourself in a dilemma.  However, when you hear God's voice, you know that He will perform what He has spoken.  His word is truth and He is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end of your faith. 
When God speaks, it creates a crisis in your life.  A choice is set before you and you must decide to believe or not believe what God has spoken.  Your response reveals what you truly believe about God, for faith is based on your relationship with Him, not just a concept.  Faith's object is a person.  Your personal relationship with your Heavenly Father will determine if you believe that He will meet all of your needs according to His riches in glory.  Your relationship with the Him will give you strength in the midst of your adversities because you know that according to His word, He will deliver you out of every affliction.  Because you have a close relationship with the Father and know that He is near, you will not fear death nor be swallowed up in sorrow and defeat.  Your relationship with the Lord will cause you to believe His words and the faith that is born from that trust will bring about the fulfillment of the things hoped for.  So when God speaks, choose to believe Him.  Remember that faith is not yesterday or tomorrow.  Faith is now ... and the evidence of your faith pleases God. +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


Scripture: Jeremiah 18: 4 "... He made it again into another vessel ..."

God led Jeremiah to the potter's house to encourage him and to show him a very important life lesson; that things do not always work out as planned and that sometimes you just have to start over. He allowed Jeremiah to witness the great patience of the potter and his attentiveness to every detail of the vessel that he was working with. Jeremiah saw the potter diligently work with the clay in an effort to create a particular vessel, only to destroy it. This did not mean that the clay itself was useless but that it needed special attention by its maker. The potter didn't try to patch the vessel up or paint over the cracks and flaws but took time to work with clay and made it into another vessel that was without imperfections.

Like the vessel on the wheel of the potter, God puts us on the wheel of life. From the very beginning of our lives, He has a plan to mold us into the vessel that can be used for His particular purpose. Yet many times we do not stay in the center of His wheel, but instead we venture to the left or to the right. We make great promises to the Lord but fail to keep them. We develop unhealthy relationships, dwell on bitter memories, and allow them to hold us in bondage. We leave unspiritual doors open to the enemy of our lives and we visit addictions. Eventually temptations become so strong that we go through those doors. This variance keeps us from becoming the vessel that God has designed us to be. God's intentions for our lives are thwarted, yet He is not discouraged but continues to work with us and eventually makes us into another vessel.

You may have situations in your life that cannot be altered or corrected. The sins of your past may haunt you and you may think that there is no hope for your destiny to be fulfilled because of your past experiences. You must remember that God's love has no end and surpasses our understanding. He has faith in us even though we feel that we are miserable failures. He looks at us with hope in His heart and has a vision of a vessel that is without imperfections. He speaks life and light into our spirits and is determined to personally work out all of the defects in our lives. As clay in His hands, we must trust the Potter. It is time to let go of evil condemnation and take hold of the Lord's conviction. We must make Jesus the Lord of our life, obey His laws, live in His covenant, and allow Him to make us over again into another vessel. Only as we find victory over the past will we be able to have hope for the future. +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


Scripture: Psalms 73:28 "It is good for me to draw near to God."

Have you ever had one of those moments when you just needed someone that you could talk with? Maybe the day hasn't gone just as you expected or you have been challenged with troubles, disappointments, and sorrow. Frustrations have come and continue to be in your path all day long. Traffic did not allow you to change lanes so you were forced to pass your exit, you got in the slow lane at the bank, your computer crashed and you lost your information, or maybe someone was rude to you for no apparent reason. Your entire day from start to finish was filled with useless turmoil. Yet there is an awesome privilege available to you, which is a haven of rest in God's presence.

Many things come into our lives to cause problems and stress, but in the midst of it all we can stop and take a spiritual break to draw near and be enveloped in God's presence. When we enter His presence, it releases us from the strain of the day as He speaks words of peace and encouragement to our soul. The Lord's quiet and gentle voice stops the pounding of our hearts and causes us to simply rest. It is an awesome privilege to have this benefit at our disposal and to have a friend that we can go to and cling to, who has promised to always be there.

A moment in God's presence will revive your energy and renew your strength. His counsel will make your path very plain and His gentle voice will direct you in the way that you need to go. His Spirit will help you make decisions when you don't know what to do. He is a good and wonderful God and His presence will enable you to face stress with a peace that passes all understanding. You can experience bitterness, abuse, and hateful actions from others, and because of God's presence in your life, you can still have love in your heart. You don't have to walk around in a fog of confusion when His presence walks beside you. For when confusion comes your way, you can know exactly what is happening and what should be done because God's presence prevails in your life. Floods will come and waters will rise, but His presence will draw you out of the waters and place your feet on solid ground.

God's presence protects you and imparts wisdom beyond your natural understanding. The power of His presence heals and empowers you with holy authority when you need it. His presence takes care of you when you can't take care of yourself. You can be anywhere that you want to be but you must choose to be in God's presence. If you draw near to Him, He will draw near to you (James 4:8). You must acknowledge God and give reverence to His presence in your life. He is watching over you even as you read these words. Psalms 16:11 says that in His presence there is fullness of joy. What a privilege to have His presence and joy in our lives. Is it any wonder that the psalmist said, "It is good for me to draw near to God"? +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


A Word In Due Season
4th Week of May 2009


Scripture:  Hebrews 1:3  "Who being the brightness of His glory, and the express image of His person, and upholding all things by the word of His power."

Jesus was the exact representation of God on this earth.  He was the Word of God who became flesh so that He could dwell among men and become acquainted with our personal feelings and infirmities.  He was the brightness of God's glory and the essence of God's character or the expressed image of God's person.  His very being was a mirror of God's nature.  Jesus only spoke what God told Him to speak and did nothing unless the Father showed Him.  He was in complete obedience to the Father's will and even when it went against His own desires and wishes, Jesus yielded Himself totally to the Father and said, "Not My will, but Thine be done."

Jesus followed the Father's plan all the way to the cross and became obedient to death.  After Jesus arose from the dead and before He ascended into Heaven, He declared to His disciples that all power had been given to Him in Heaven and in Earth (Matthew 28:18).  The writer of Hebrews now declares that Jesus upholds all things by the word of His power or by the power filled words that He speaks.  It only takes a few words from the lips of Jesus to create a miracle.  When He said, "Peace be still" the raging storm ceased and became calm.  Thousands were fed at His word when He blessed the few fish and the loaves of bread.  With His word of power, He called Lazarus from the dead, cast demons out of the possessed, and spoke healing to those who were sick.  Even the centurion recognized the power of Jesus' words and told Jesus, "Speak the word only, and my servant shall be healed" (Matthew 8:8).

God's word never returns to Him void but always accomplishes what He sends it forth to do.  No matter what your situation, Jesus is still in control.  He is holding everything in your life together by the word of His power.  You have nothing to fear because nothing escapes His notice.  He is sitting at the right hand of the Father, but His eyes are upon God's creation.  He sees your difficulty, your heartache, and your physical pain.  Because He has walked this earth and has experienced the same things that you are experiencing with His own flesh, He understands and He wants to help you.  It only takes one power filled word from Him to change your circumstances around.  Trust Him as He holds your heart in His hands.  He will speak a word in due season and change your darkness into light and your sorrow into joy.  Jesus never fails.  As your faith reaches out to Him, He will be there to uphold you with the word of His power. +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


Scripture: Ephesians 4:13 "Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ."

The Apostle Paul exhorts us to come up to the measure of the fullness of Christ and gives us some words to guide us in the direction to achieve this state. He says come together in the unity of faith, gain knowledge about the Son of God, and become perfect, meaning mature. Three simple words; unity, knowledge, and maturity. Without these attributes, our lives will fall short of the measure of the fullness of Christ.

There is a story about a town that had a factory with a whistle, which blew three times a day to let the workers know that it was time to start work, time for the noon break, and time to quit. The factory confirmed their time periodically by calling the local phone company. One day the power went out in the entire city. Once the power was restored, the clock that governed the whistle at the factory needed to be reset. The factory supervisor called the phone company because it had always had the correct time in the past. This turned out to be a fruitless effort, for the factory supervisor discovered that the phone company had always set their clocks by the whistle at the factory. Both the factory and the phone company had been using each other to set their clocks and possibly neither one of them had been correct for a long time.

This is what happens in our lives. Rather than measuring ourselves with Jesus, we measure ourselves against the standards of someone else, and instead of coming up to the fullness of Christ, we fall short. Our whistles are sounding but they are incorrect. We are like the blind leading the blind or the deaf trying to hear for the deaf. There is no vision and the sounds we hear are unclear. There is no faith because we have set our hearts by those who are full of doubt and unbelief. There is no joy and peace because those we mingle with are frustrated and confused.

Like Psalms chapter one declares, we have walked with those who have given us ungodly counsel, and we have become ungodly. We have stood in the way of sinners and became sinful, and we have sat with the scornful and learned to be scornful. Our values have become corrupted and we don't even know it because we are measuring ourselves according to the standards of those around us. We must come to understand that the only precise measurement is the Lord, Himself. We must examine our lives and determine to live not by the world's standards but by the character of the Lord Jesus Christ and the Word of Almighty God. We will only come into the fullness of Christ by finding the unity of faith, the knowledge of Jesus, and experiencing the maturity that is in Him. +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


Scripture:  I John 5:4  "This is the victory that overcomes the world, even our faith."
Faith is not some fancy mental or emotional feeling.  It is your response to the power of God's word, and your own personal statement that declares, "God said it so I believe it."  Regardless of what is happening around you, your heart is convinced that everything is going to be okay because you know that God is on your side.  Faith causes everything within you to believe that you can trust God and your whole being makes a firm determination to stand upon His promises regardless of what happens, for you know He cannot and will not fail.  This is the victory that overcomes the world.
Doubt and unbelief will rob you of your blessings and your peace of mind.  When you begin to see things the way the devil wants you to view them, discouragement and despair will fill your heart.  Satan's concepts will render you helpless when you face the storms of life, and his seeds of doubt will flourish within your spirit until you have no hope.  You will see the mountain instead of your God who can take you over the mountain.  You will see the desert instead of your God who can sustain you in the desert.  You will see your needs instead of the One who will meet your needs and give abundantly beyond what you ask or think.  Instead of your faith overcoming the world, the world will overcome your faith and erase any chance of victory.
Faith, however, will change your atmosphere and alter the results.  It will cause you to look at things with a totally different perspective, as you see your problems as God sees them.  You will not see yourself as a grasshopper in the eyes of the giant, but will see yourself as one who is able to take down the giant and possess the promises of God.  I recently heard someone say, "A shark in the ocean is dangerous and a lion in the forest is equally dangerous."  But listen to the rest of the words, "But a shark in the forest is not dangerous, and a lion in the ocean is not dangerous."  Both the shark and lion were potentially dangerous, but were rendered helpless when their environment and atmosphere were changed.
God is awesome and He is able to change your atmosphere and render the strategies and works of the devil helpless in your situations.  He changed the atmosphere for the Hebrew children in the furnace of fire and also for Daniel in the lion's den.  He will do the same for you in your situations when you exhibit faith in Him and His words.  He will surround your sharks with the forest and cast your lions into the ocean.  All you have to do is look beyond the natural, get a glimpse of God, and allow your faith to be the victory that overcomes the world. +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


Scripture:  III John 2  "Beloved, I wish above all things that you may prosper and be in health, even as your soul prospers."
We often think of prosperity in the terms of money and material things, but true prosperity is a far reaching concept that includes success in every area of life.  The spirit of prosperity doesn't depend upon what you have or what you don't have.  There are many people who are wealthy and have an abundance of material possessions but are lacking prosperity because their lives are empty and unfulfilled.  They are never satisfied and many times complain about what they do have.  They are always reaching for more in an effort to satisfy their own lust, and as a result have little time to think of the needs of others.  Yet there are others who have very little as far as worldly goods are concerned, but possess great prosperity in their hearts.  They are happy and satisfied and their greatest fulfillment is to share what they have with someone who needs it more than they do.  They feel blessed just to be able to be a blessing, even though it may leave them without.
Two of God's greatest wishes is that we prosper and that we be in good health.  However, our health, our material prosperity, and our personal success is linked to the prosperity of our soul.  Matthew 6:33 confirms this thought by saying, "Seek first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you."  When you seek God, He blesses your life in a supernatural way.  Abraham left everything to follow after God and God blessed him and made him rich.  God offered King Solomon anything that he wanted, but Solomon did not ask for riches or fame for himself.  Instead he asked for wisdom to lead God's people, and God not only imparted wisdom to Solomon, but gave him wealth and fame beyond measure.  Isaac obeyed God and stayed in the land where God had placed him and God made him to prosper in the time of famine.  God even caused everything that Joseph did to prosper when he was a slave and serving in the prison.  These men prospered because their souls prospered.  They followed and sought after God's best and trusted His sovereign plan.
If you desire to experience true prosperity in your life, then allow your soul to prosper.  Take time to wait upon God so that you can draw strength from His presence.  Study His words and listen to His voice, which will speak words of wisdom to you.  Seek to accomplish God's will by obeying His commands and following where He leads.  As you totally commit your life to Him and trust in His sovereign plan, your soul will prosper and all that God has ordained for your life will come to pass. +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


Scripture:  Matthew 6:14-15  (NIV)  "If you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.  But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins."

There is no misunderstanding about what Jesus was saying in this scripture, for His words are about as plain as they can get.  God's rule is very simple, "Forgive if you want to be forgiven."  Considering these words, is it any wonder that sometimes we find it hard to receive forgiveness from God for ourselves?  For in the hidden recesses of our hearts, we are harboring unforgiveness.  Unforgiveness may have been in our hearts for such a long period of time that we had forgotten that it was there and possibly don't exactly remember what the issue was about.  Nevertheless, our sins will not be forgiven if we, ourselves, haven't forgiven others.

Maybe you can relate to my experience.  In the natural, there have been times that I have packed away an item and then forgotten that I had it.  Later, I was shocked when I discovered that item.  I have even forgotten about places that I visited or an event that I attended until I looked at old photos.  Yet the memory is still there, it's just dormant until something stirs it.  When the item is uncovered or the photo is revealed, the memory becomes very fresh in my mind and I say, "Oh, I remember now."  Even in arguments, we tend to bring up past events and things that we thought were long forgotten.  Unforgiveness in our hearts is like a hidden item or a photo.  We think it is not there until something nudges us and we feel the old familiar pain.  There was a season that required much forgiveness on my part.  With God's help, I was able to forgive the one who transgressed against me.  Yet, the enemy still tries to use painful memories to resurrect the past in an effort to overthrow the spirit of forgiveness that is within my heart.  This is a common battle for all of us.

We need to understand that forgiveness is a gift that we give to ourselves.  We are the ones who benefit when we forgive, for It is the only way that we can approach God.  When we go to the altar with unforgiveness in our hearts, we offer an empty sacrifice to the Lord and our prayers are hindered.  It is as though a veil is over our hearts and God won't look beneath that veil.  When He sees unforgiveness, He turns His head in sadness.  Jesus said, "Reconcile yourself with your brother and then bring your sacrifice to the Lord."  You, yourself, must remove the veil of unforgiveness.  If you want God to listen to you, then you must listen to Him and obey His words.  He simply says, "Forgive."  You may think that it is impossible, but Jesus would not tell you to do something that was impossible for you to do.  Forgiveness is a decision, an act of your will.  So, remove the veil of unforgiveness from your heart and you will find that you have removed the veil between you and God's heart. +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


A Word In Due Season
5th Week of May 2009


Scripture: Exodus 12:14 "And this day shall be unto you for a Memorial."

This scripture is in reference to the institution of the Passover, which began when Moses was leading the people out of Egypt. This event was a shadow or an illustration of the redemptive work that Jesus was to accomplish for us on the cross. At this first Passover, Israel was instructed to take a lamb without spot or blemish, kill it, and apply the blood to the doorpost of their homes. God told them that when He saw the blood, He would pass over them and not kill the firstborn of that house. He promised that death would have no dominion over them if they would simply apply the blood of the slain lamb.

God grants us a Memorial Day such as this. Jesus is our lamb without spot and blemish. When John the Baptist saw Jesus, he said, "Behold the Lamb of God, which takes away the sin of the world" (John 1:29). Jesus was slain on the cross of Calvary for our sins and because of His sacrifice, we have a promise of eternal life, and death no longer has dominion over us. However, just like the first Passover, God's work is not complete until we personally apply the blood of Jesus to our lives by receiving Jesus as our Savior and Lord. God gave such simple instructions to His people. They were to just take the lamb, kill it, and apply the blood. Yet, many people in Egypt did not respond to these instructions. You also have a choice. Eternal salvation is just as simple, for God has made a way for you by sacrificing His own Son. Please respond to His great invitation, for the steps to salvation are as simple as ABC.

A) Acknowledge your sin, for all have sinned. (Romans 3:23)
B) Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. (Acts 16:31)
C) Confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your
heart that God raised Him from the dead, and you will be
saved. (Romans 10:9)

If you have an opportunity this Memorial Day, share this thought with someone. When you see the red stripes on our great American flag, think about those who have given their life serving this nation ... And also remember the great sacrifice that Jesus made for your sins and the crimson blood that He shed for you. +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


Scripture: Acts:7:31  "When Moses saw it, he wondered at the sight and as he drew near to behold it, the voice of the Lord came to him."

God had a very special plan for Moses' life.  God protected Moses from death when all the male babies of the nation were being killed at their birth.  He also kept Moses safe while he floated down the river in a tiny basket.  God allowed Moses to be rescued from the river by Pharaoh's daughter and to be raised in the palace of Pharaoh.  This exposed him to the protocol of the Egyptian courts, where later he would make pleas for the freedom of God's people.  Eventually, Moses was forced to leave the comforts of the palace and the family and friends that he cherished and flee into the desert for safety.  During this season it probably didn't look like God was doing anything special or that He was even involved in Moses' life.  Yet all the while, God was definitely working His divine plan in Moses' life.

After Moses left the palace he tended sheep on the back side of the desert for forty long years.  This had to be a very humbling and mundane experience for a man who had experienced the excitement and grandeur of the palace.  He had been raised as the son of Pharaoh's daughter and his life had been one of prosperity, prestige, and honor.  But now his duties were different than they had been in the courts of Pharaoh.  Instead of the hustle and bustle of the royal life and overseeing important matters that pertained to Pharaoh's vast kingdom, Moses' days were now spent caring for his father-in-law's sheep in a remote wilderness.  He may have wondered if he had missed God's plan for his life as he quietly maintained this daily routine year after year.  Then suddenly one day he noticed a flame in a bush and said, "I must now turn aside and see why the bush is not consumed."  This one decision and one declaration led Moses into the presence of God.  As he drew near, the voice of the Lord spoke to him out of the bush. 

Moses probably never dreamed that when he took the time to investigate the bush situation that he was going to have a God experience and that his whole life would change suddenly.  He could have made excuses; "I'm too busy.  I am too tired.  I am not interested in this strange phenomenon.  I can't leave my sheep."   But his good choice allowed God to speak to him personally and in this moment of time God commissioned him to deliver His people from the bondage of Egypt.

We will not have the exact experience that Moses had or be called to lead a multitude of people out of Egypt.  But God will approach us so that we can be a part of His supernatural work in the Earth.  Our God experience probably won't be a literal burning bush encounter but a simple nudge for us to do something good for someone in need.  When we respond, our act of kindness will be the miracle that they are praying for.  Somehow God will cause us to help them find direction and we will be their cloud by day and their fire by night for a season.  Our listening ear will be a haven of refuge for their hurting heart.  Our words of comfort will be an encouragement of hope in their despair.  Our natural provisions will satisfy their hunger.  Our presence in their life will point them to the Rock, Christ Jesus, the Living Water, who will quench their thirst.

God used every man in the scriptures differently and He has a plan for you.  He needs you as He did Moses to fulfill a particular assignment on the earth.  I encourage you to be very sensitive to the still quiet voice of the Holy Spirit.  When He speaks, turn aside and draw near to Him.  He will direct you and place you in the path of the needy.  When He does then take notice of what God is showing you and do what He wants you to do. +++   

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


Scripture:  John 17:15-16  "I pray that You should not take them out of the world, but that You should keep them from evil.  They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world."
Jesus prayed these words to the Heavenly Father for you and me.  He realized that we would face many evils in this wicked world, "For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life is not of the Father, but is of the world" (I John 2:16).  Yet, Jesus didn't pray that we would be rescued and taken out of the world and from all of these things, but that God would protect us while we remained in the world.  Jesus continued to ask God to sanctify us through His truth, which meant that He wanted God to keep us separated from the evil that was present in the world and to be set apart for Him and His holy purposes.
There is a saying that a boat is safe when it is in the water, but the boat is not safe when the water is in the boat, for it will sink.  The same is true in the spiritual realm.  We can be in the world and be safe, but we are not safe when the world makes its way into our hearts.  When the things of the world begin to scatter our thoughts and displace the things of God in our lives, our spiritual boat will be in trouble.  When we allow lust, pride, and disobedience to rule we will begin to sink.  We must guard our hearts and disallow this to happen.  We can't let anything and everything into our lives and hearts.  We must turn our eyes towards Jesus and be so full of His Spirit and the Word of God that we have no appetite for the things of the world.
Have you ever found yourself in a sinking boat, trying to dip the water out?  Often times this is a fruitless effort and help has to come from outside.  So it is with our exposure to the evil that is in the world.  We must depend upon God to keep us from the evil just as Jesus prayed to that effect for us.  And we must pray, ourselves, for Jesus taught us to pray these words, "Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil."  There is a constant battle between right and wrong, good and evil, and the spiritual and carnal.  But you will be safe as long as none of the evil is allowed to take residence within you.  You will be enticed and tempted by the world, but don't wait until your boat is full of water and about to sink.  Instead, take authority over the situation and agree with Jesus' prayer for you that God will keep you from the evil that is in the world. +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


Scripture: Ephesians 2:7-8 "The exceeding riches of His grace ... for by grace are you saved through faith; and not of yourselves: it is a gift of God."

There are exceeding riches when we experience the awesome act of grace. The greatest extension of grace that I have ever received came to me from the heart of God. God loved me so much that He gave His only begotten Son to die for my sins so that I could have eternal life. He did the same for you. The greatest extension of grace on my part has been to share God's grace with someone else and to let them know that God's grace is greater than all of their sins.

Probably the most loved and cherished hymn ever written is "Amazing Grace." It was written by John Newton, who lived from 1727-1807. He wrote these words to express his own personal testimony of God's transforming power in his life. He was a hardened slave trader and an infidel until he met Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. It is no wonder that he wrote the words, "Amazing grace! ... That saved a wretch like me," for his life had been filled with evil acts against others. Then when he came face to face with God's love, mercy, forgiveness, and grace, he recognized the state that his own soul was in. He felt conviction and comfort in God's grace as he declared that "Grace had taught his heart to fear, and that same grace his fears relieved." The gift of grace and forgiveness is often best appreciated by those who need it the most. For God took John Newton, pardoned his sins unconditionally, changed his life, and appointed him to preach the same gospel that he had labored to destroy.

God's grace did not end with John's Newton's salvation experience. He recognized that grace was an ongoing act of God's mercy and love. He said that God's grace had brought him through "many dangers, toils, and snares" and he trusted in God's grace to lead him and be there until the very end. When he was eighty-two years old he said, "My memory is nearly gone, but I remember two things: that I am a great sinner, and that Christ is a great Savior." Like John Newton, we all need this great Savior, for we cannot pay the price to redeem our own sins. We must depend upon the exceeding riches of God's amazing grace and accept His plan that through grace, we are saved by faith and not of ourselves, for it is a gift of God. +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


Scripture: Jeremiah 33:3 "Call unto Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you have not known."

In the next few verses, God continues to speak through the prophet, Jeremiah, saying, "I will lay upon you health and healing, and I will cure you and reveal to you the abundance of peace, prosperity, security, stability, and truth. I will cause your captivity ... to be reversed, and will rebuild you as you were at the first. I will cleanse you from all the guilt and iniquity because of your sin against Me ... And you shall be to Me a name of joy, a praise, and a glory before all the nations of the earth ... because of all the good ... that I provide."

In this particular passage, the prophet Jeremiah shows us that prayer is a prerequisite to miracles and answers from God. He says, "Call unto Me and I will answer." God's blessings will come to us as we pray to Him. We don't have to call on someone else and or have them get an answer from God for us. We can approach God directly. All that we need to do is humble ourselves before God and voice our petitions to Him. As we do, God will forgive us and heal us. James 4:2 tells us very plainly the reason that we don't receive answers many times is because we don't ask. Even Jesus, the Son of God, spent time in prayer and drew strength from the presence of God. He got up early before day and stayed awake all night communing with the Father. Jesus made His request known unto God and because He prayed, God answered and showed Him great and mighty things. Jesus went about healing various types of diseases and performing all kinds of supernatural wonders. His power was evident but it came through prayer and communion with the Father.

When God instructed us to, "call" it wasn't meant to be an empty word. It was meant to provoke us to action, for God's words are not mere literature. They are inspired by the Holy Spirit and God has breathed on every word. His words are alive and powerful and He uses them to set forth principles that will guide us in our daily life. II Timothy 3:16 says, "All scripture is given to us by inspiration of God and is profitable." Do you need God to supernaturally reverse situations in your life, to forgive you, heal you, or to meet your financial need? If so, then take God at His word today and begin to call out to Him, expecting Him to show you the great and mighty things that you have not known before. For when you call, He has promised to answer. +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    
