A Word In Due Season
1st Week of November 2009


Scripture: Luke 19:5 Jesus said, "Zacchaeus ... come down for today I must abide at your house."

Zacchaeus was the chief among the publicans, meaning that he was over them. The publicans were tax collectors for the Romans and had very bad reputations, often abusing the tax system through extortion. Zacchaeus had become very rich because of his position and yet there was something lacking in his life. One day, he heard that Jesus was going to be passing by, and because Zacchaeus was little in statue, he hid in a tree to get a better glimpse of Jesus. Can you imagine how Zacchaeus must have felt when Jesus stopped underneath the tree and spoke directly to him and called him by name?

This story is like many others in the Bible. It's a story of a man seeking God and at the same time a story of God seeking that same man. Zacchaeus was in the tree looking down when Jesus stopped and looked up. Even though Zacchaeus was probably trying to hide, Jesus knew exactly where he was physically and also spiritually. Jesus knew all of his secrets and was aware that he was caught in a web of deceit and greed. In His mercy and grace, Jesus told Zacchaeus that He intended to go to his house that day and eat. Jesus wanted to fellowship with the chief of the publicans and to sit at the table of a thief. And for this, Jesus was criticized. Verse seven says, "When the people saw it, they murmured, saying, He has gone to be a guest with a man that is a sinner."

Jesus could always be found seeking out those with needs, whether rich or poor. It was never difficult for Him to minister to the unclean or to the outcast. He had no problems reaching out and touching the diseased and those who were living in moral degradation. He continually left the religious folks and gave Himself to the prostitutes and the thieves. He forgot about the laws and it's harshness and allowed His heart to be tender towards the rejects of society. Verse ten says, "For the Son of Man came to seek and to save that which was lost." He was looking for those who needed help and He continues that search today. He knows your secrets and where you are lacking. He knows where you are hiding and He also knows your name. He knows your desires and He is waiting for you to approach Him. Like Zacchaeus who climbed a tree, when you diligently seek to make contact with Jesus, He will notice and He will respond and seek you out so that He may abide with you. +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


Psalms 27:10 "When my father and my mother forsake me, then the Lord will take me up."

Many have experienced those times when it seemed that their dearest friends had forsaken them and their own brothers or sisters had failed them. Some have even had their own fathers and mothers or sons and daughters to withdraw their love and ignore their cries for help. The pain that comes with rejection and neglect by a loved one is heart wrenching. The disappointment is overwhelming because the bonds of friendship that were depended upon and the ties of love that were trusted failed in the season of adversity. When this happens a deep and lasting wound is created in the spirit of the one rejected and neglected.

You may be experiencing this kind of difficult season right now with someone you thought that you could depend upon. You may think that this has only happened to you, but you can be encouraged because you are not alone. Most everyone has faced this difficult place in their life at one time or another. Joseph's life is an example of the same rejection and abandonment that you may be feeling. His own brothers treated him very cruelly. They were jealous of him, hated him, sold him into slavery, and lied to their father about his disappearance. Their actions forced Joseph away from his family and cheated him from his youth. Yet after many years of separation from them, Joseph was still able to love, forgive, and embrace the same brothers who had treated him so badly. Joseph was able to look beyond his brother's rejection and cruel treatment and see that what they had meant for evil, God meant for good. God trained Joseph in the season of his adversity and then used him to save not only his brothers but a multitude of people from the famine.

We also see Jesus being rejected by His closest friends. Judas betrayed Him and sold Him for a few pieces of silver. Peter cursed and denied Him. His family misunderstood Him and said that He was mad. The disciples could not stay awake and pray with Him for an hour in the Garden of Gethsemane. Then when adversity came, they all fled away from Jesus and hid themselves in the fear of the moment. In the midst of the crisis, they did not show their love for Jesus but love must have prevailed in their hearts because they returned to Him. Jesus forgave them and empowered them with His Spirit so that they could carry forth His message. When the test came again years later, they did not forsake Jesus. Instead many of them honored Jesus by dying a martyr's death for Him.

The psalmist gave us clear assurance that God would never forsake us. God's love for us is stronger than a natural father or mother and He will stick closer to us than our own brother or sister. His commitment to us is greater than that of any friend and His loyalty will never fade away. He will rejoice with us in the good times and He will sustain in the bad times. He will always be there and His Word will remain true and faithful. And like the psalmist said, "When everyone else fails us, the Lord will take us up." +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


Scripture: James 4:2 "... You have not because you ask not."

I had a dream several weeks ago. In the dream, I was standing with a lady next to a copying machine. I handed her some sheets that I wanted copied. I waited as she ran the sheets through the copier, one by one. When she finished, she kept the originals and gave the copies back to me. I glanced through the copies and noticed that several of the sheets were blank. I was disturbed because I thought each sheet should have been filled, so I asked the woman why some of the copies had nothing on them. She told me that the sheets came out blank because there was nothing on the original. She said if I wanted something to come back on my copy, I must present something to her on the original. She then proceeded to tell me that these sheets were like my prayers. Some of my prayers were answered, but many of the things I desired and needed had not come back to me because I gave God blank requests. There was nothing for God to respond to. I had floundered around, never truly verbalizing my need to God.

We limit God when we do not make our request known to Him. We stand next to the copier waiting for our answer, only to receive a blank sheet of paper, which is the exact duplicate of what we originally gave to God. We then wonder why our needs are not met. Jesus made it very plain in Matthew 7:7-8 that He wanted us to actually ask God for help and provision. He said, "Ask and it will be given, seek and you will find, knock and it will be opened to you. For everyone that asks receives, everyone that seeks finds, and everyone that knocks, it will be opened to them."

When you ask in accordance with God's will and with an assurance that He heard you and that He will answer you, something new will happen within your spirit. You will start expecting answers to all of your prayers. You will begin to talk to God with the intent of actually receiving an exact duplicate answer to the original request that you had handed to Him. There will be no blank sheets returned to you and no disappointments. Jesus made it very simple. He said, "Ask and you shall receive that your joy may be full" (John 16:24). This is how prayer works - ask and you shall receive. +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture: Acts 13:22 "I have found David the son of Jesse, a man after My Own heart, which shall fulfill all My will."

God led the people of Israel out of Egypt and separated them unto Himself. He then raised up the various judges who judged and guided the people for four hundred and fifty years. After that, He appointed King Saul to rule over them. Finally, He removed Saul from leadership and anointed David to be the king of Israel. God never judged any of these chosen or appointed people to have a pure heart towards Him except for David. Yet, David's pure heart for God can not be defined as one that was without sin or short comings. In fact when we look at his life, we have to wonder how God came to the conclusion that David was a man after His own heart, for we see that David made many mistakes. He harbored lust in his heart for Bathsheba and committed moral sin with her. David also arranged for Bathsheba's husband, Uriah, to be killed in battle. David did this so that he could hide his adulterous affair with Uriah's wife. David even tried to deceive Samuel, the prophet of the Lord, when Samuel confronted him and exposed the sin that he had committed against God.

After seeing David's pitiful record, we would probably all agree that David did not deserve the recognition of being called "A Man After God's Own Heart." Our eyes would only see David's unwise choices, which were beyond belief. Our limited vision would focus on the dreadful sins that David had committed and their horrifying results. Even after being chosen and anointed to be king over Israel, he still made many bad decisions and suffered many failures. Those things would turn our eyes away from discerning the pure heart that David had towards God and God's kingdom.

God's vision is not limited like our vision. He can see that which is not visible to our eyes. He could see into the depths of David's soul and discern his spirit. When God looked at David He saw a man that loved Him with all of his heart. God knew that regardless of David's personal failures that he wanted to obey God and was committed to fulfill God's will regardless of the cost. It was true that he fell into nature's trap and allowed lust to rule him for a season. It is also true that he chose the ways of darkness rather than light and self pleasure instead of self sacrifice. Yet, God knew that He was David's first love.

The story of David's life was recorded to encourage us. For all scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable ... so that we can be complete and thoroughly furnished unto all good works (II Timothy 3:16-17). When we see how God judged David, we realize that God is looking at our hearts and not just our failures. We can then believe that if God forgave David of his sins and use David as a mighty man in His kingdom, He will also forgive us and use us in spite of our short comings. When we look at David's life, our sins begin to look small and our failures and mistakes become insignificant in comparison to his. We also come to understand that when we fail, it doesn't mean that we don't love God, for David sinned and was still declared to be a man after God's own heart. Our failures show us that we are frail in our humanity and that God understands our weaknesses. Yet, this doesn't mean that we can continue in sin and cheat God's grace. Instead it means that we do not have to discard our love for God because God's forgiveness is bigger than any of our failures. So let us always love God and always seek to be men and women after God's own heart. +++  

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture: Psalms 12:6 "The words of the Lord are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times."

God inspired holy men of old to write the scriptures and then breathed upon those words, causing them to become spirit and life for all of those who would receive them. His words are as fresh water to the thirsty and bread to the hungry. Every word of God is full of power and accomplishes what He intends because He diligently watches over His words to perform them. God never speaks careless words, for His words are eternal. His words have been tried in the fire and withstood all the tests. God asks us only to believe Him and trust His integrity.

It's easy to believe God in the good times when He is leading us through green pastures, beside the still waters, anointing us with oil, and restoring our soul. However, when being led through the hard places, like the valley of the shadow of death, it becomes very difficult to trust God's word. When circumstances are unbearable, it's hard to believe at that moment that "all things are working together for good in your life simply because you love God and are called according to His purpose." When your cupboards are bare and there isn't enough money to pay the rent or the utilities, you may begin to wonder about the words, "I shall not want." The devil tempts with these words, "Hath God said? Did God really mean that He would supply all my needs according to His riches in Christ Jesus? Will God really do exceedingly beyond what I think or ask?" In times of testing and temptation, our thoughts may challenge God's words by saying, "Is God going to come through with His plan of escape?"

These questions plague all of us at times regardless of our station in life. The poor man may not be able to buy all the things he needs, but likewise the rich man cannot buy health and life. And too, the luxury of peace and happiness are not for hire. These things come only from God. In every situation, whether good or bad, God's words must prevail in our hearts for us to experience the abundant life. His words remain pure. In the lives of countless men and women throughout the scriptures, His words have been tried like silver is tried in a furnace. They have been tried in the wilderness, dungeons, lion's den, fiery furnaces, and against giants, and have always prevailed. We must learn to treasure their value for they are as pure as silver that has been tried in the furnace seven times. "The grass withers, the flower fades: but the word of our God shall stand forever" (Isaiah 40:8). +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


A Word In Due Season
2nd Week of November 2009


Scripture: Hebrews 4:16 " Let us come boldly to the throne of grace ..."

The Message Bible quotes this scripture in a more direct way. It says, "So let's walk right up to Him and get what He is so ready to give. Take the mercy, accept the help." We are encouraged to come boldly and fearlessly into God's presence so that we can obtain mercy for our failures and find grace to meet every need. We are to approach God's throne of grace with a solid confidence in our heart that He will help us with every situation that we are facing. We don't have to shrink before Him in fear because of the sins that we have committed or live in shame because of our failures, for He understands our hearts and is able to sympathize with all of our weaknesses. Jesus knows how vulnerable the natural man is and declared that the human spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.

Jesus experienced everything so that He could become our Mediator and our High Priest. He is ready and willing to help us. When we come before God's throne with our petitions, Jesus is sitting at the Father's right hand and supports us as we present our needs to Him. Even though Jesus sits at the Father's right hand, He is not out of touch with reality or the weaknesses that we face in our flesh. Jesus is constantly interceding for us because He understands what we are going through. He was tempted in every area that seeks to challenge us, yet He was able to remain without sin.

This is not the case with us, for we are not able to remain without sin. The Lord was aware that we would fail and that our faults would overwhelm us so He provided a way for us to find mercy and grace. The throne of grace is a special place where God's unmerited favor is poured upon us. It is a place where we can find total forgiveness when we make confessions with hearts that are filled with true repentance. At His throne of grace, we can find direction for our lives and healing for our souls. There is also physical healing, restoration, and provision for every need at this special place of mercy and grace. Is it any wonder that the devil will try to make us feel unworthy to approach God and present our needs to Him? The devil will condemn us with true and false accusations to keep us from talking with God. We must never allow the devil to steal our blessings by mingling his lies with truth. We cannot listen to him when he tells us that we are not worthy to approach God's throne of grace. Jesus paid too big a price for us to forsake this privilege or to let the moment pass. There is a place where all needs are met and it is at the throne of God's grace. We must be bold enough to go there. +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


Scripture: I Kings 19:4 "It is enough: now, O Lord, take my life."

Elijah challenged the prophets of Baal, and fire from heaven came down, consuming the sacrifice that he had placed on his altar. When the fire consumed the sacrifice, the people repented and turned to God. Elijah then commanded that the prophets of Baal be killed. After this, he prayed for rain, which came in abundance even though there had been many years of drought. Elijah experienced great victories because he was a man who had power with the Lord. Yet, even though Elijah was a mighty prophet of God, he was still subject to the same passions that we have. James 5:17 says, "He was a human being with a nature such as we have -- with feeling, affections, and a constitution as ourselves."

After Elijah had displayed such great courage and zeal, he ran for his life from Jezebel, who was threatening to kill him in retaliation for the slain prophets. Elijah ran until he reached a place of such weariness and discouragement about his own situation that he requested to die. He said, "O Lord, it is enough, take away my life." Maybe you haven't come to this point of utter discouragement or ever felt that life itself was a burden and not worth living. Maybe you've never had to run in fear that your life would be taken. Yet, at times we all face situations when we say, "I've had enough, I just can't take any more. I can't go on." In the midst of these wearisome and stressful situations, if we would just stop and listen for the voice of God, we would hear Him speak to us as He did to Elijah, "What are you doing? Stand up. I want to talk to you" (I Kings 19:9).

As Elijah began to listen for God upon the mountain, he had to wait through many distractions. God's voice didn't come in the great and mighty wind, the earthquake, or the fire, but He spoke in the sound of gentle stillness. God also wants to speak to you in this same still small voice. He wants to calm every fear and encourage you in your season of distress. Don't be distracted by all the noise about you but wait upon the Lord and listen for His faintest whisper. Psalms 46:10 says, "Be still and know that I am God." Stillness is very powerful. When you are still, you cease from yourself and do not give in to the voices of the strong winds, earthquakes, and fires. It will be in the stillness of His presence that you will come to know God. And it will be in the quietness of His presence that your answers will come and that your strength will be renewed. +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture: Psalm 32:8 "I will instruct you and teach you in the way which you should go."

Are you busy and going in so many directions that you find yourself unproductive and unfruitful? When we spread ourselves too thin, we are unable to do justice to anything. That's the time we must eliminate things in our life in order to concentrate. We have to prioritize and let unnecessary things go. Good advice says, "Don't Be Everything - Be Something!" To be something, you must concentrate on the gifts and talents that God has given to you. Find the mold that fits your personality and fulfills the passions of your heart and then flow with it. Too many times we feel that we have to rescue every situation and we fail to wait upon God and listen for His instructions. As a result, we end up taking on every responsibility that comes our way and assuming burdens that God did not intend.

"Being Everything" is like being a swamp. A swamp goes everywhere, yet it goes nowhere. It has no definite borders and is totally governed by the circumstances surrounding it. It is muddy, shallow, and breeds disease and mosquitoes. It is unproductive and unfruitful in every way. When you are overloaded and overwhelmed with tasks that are set before you, you may use the expression "I'm swamped". God does not want you to be "swamped." Instead, He wants you to flow like a mighty river that produces fresh pure water and breeds good food. He wants you to "Be Something". A river has direction and is going somewhere. It has one main objective and goal, which is to get to the sea. It doesn't wander to the right or the left, but continues in a steady path. It may become wide or narrow at different points, but it remains steady, reaching out for its destiny.

Reaching God's destiny for your life means that you must make a decision to "press towards the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus" (Philippians 3:14). You must persevere by setting priorities and making a determination, like the river, that you will not be distracted. You must follow God's instructions and exercise your faith to complete His plan for your life. As you begin to flow, you will hear God's voice saying, "This is the way, walk in it" (Isaiah 30:21). When you feel swamped, remember, "God is not the author of confusion, but of peace" (I Corinthians 14:33). Allow Him to set your priorities. If you listen to Him, He will instruct you and teach you in the way that you should go. +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture: John 9:4 (Amplified) "I must work the works of Him Who sent Me, and be busy with His business while it is daylight; night is coming when no man can work."

Jesus was conscious of the limited time that He had to complete the Father's business here on Earth. In the short time that He was here, He proved Himself diligent and effective. Even as a young boy, Jesus lingered in the temple, listening to the doctors and asking them questions. When His mother and father finally found Him, He responded with the words, "Didn't you know that I must be busy about My Father's business?"

We too have a short time to fulfill the work that God has designed for us. Often, however, we wait for some prestigious opportunity to come along that will be big and important. We forget that God's call is not about our own ego but about helping people and ministering to hurting humanity. Our job description is to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, provide for the widow and fatherless, visit the sick and those in prisons, and take care of the homeless. Yet we shun the thought of mingling with those who are poor and can't dress well, and we seldom think of the homeless street people or those in prison. Even the widows and orphans with their daily needs are far from our minds and busy lives as we seek to serve Jesus. However, if we listened, their spirits would speak to us, "Don't you recognize me, I'm the Jesus you say that you love." For Jesus said in Matthew 25:45, that if we fail to minister to the least of these who are with needs, we have failed to minister to Him.

Our ministry call is to find a void and fill it; find a need and meet it; and find a hurt and heal it. We are to allow God to do His work through us on this earth while there is still day. Very soon the night will come and our opportunity will be gone. If we are not careful, we will never finish the work that God has ordained for us because we will pass up the simple in search for the grand. Taking care of God's business is simply ministering to each need that we see. If we do this, one day Jesus will say to us, "I was hungry, and you fed Me. I was thirsty and you gave Me a drink. I was a stranger and you took Me in. I was naked and you clothed Me. I was sick and in prison and you visited Me. When you ministered to the least of these, you were ministering to Me" (Matthew 25:40). +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture: Luke 15:18 "I will arise and go to my father, and will say unto him, Father, I have sinned against heaven, and before thee."

The prodigal son took his inheritance, separated himself from his father and family, and went to a country far away. After he had wasted everything that he had on a lavish and sinful lifestyle, he found himself wanting and in need. He refused to return to his father's home and provisions, and instead, he chose to secure a job with a citizen of the country. In time, he realized that he was in a place that was lower than his own father's hired servants. As he worked, feeding the swine, he became so hungry that he could have eaten the food that he was feeding to them. His desperation finally brought him to his senses and with a repentant heart he decided to return home.

The prodigal son left his father's home saying, "Give me my inheritance," but he returned saying, "Make me your servant." His heart and values had been changed through the misery of his experience. Yet, it took much faith for the son to humble himself and make his way back home. His self worth had been destroyed and in his own mind, there was always the chance that forgiveness and restoration would not be extended to him. And he surely found this to be true concerning his brother's attitude towards him. It has been said:

"Sin will take you further than you wanted to go,
Keep you longer than you wanted to stay,
Teach you things that you wished you never learned,
And charge you more than you wanted to pay."

We may not find ourselves in the exact situation as the prodigal son, but often our choices lead us away from God's best, and in due time, we must face the consequences. When we end up in a dilemma and away from God's blessings. We must remember that redemption only comes through repentance. We must come to the realization that we have missed God and we must be humble enough to acknowledge our faults and failures. We can only return home when we are truly honest with ourselves and with our Heavenly Father. It takes faith to return, but when we confess our sins and bad decisions, God is faithful to forgive us and restore our lives. God is full of mercy and grace. Like the prodigal son, as we draw closer to our Heavenly Father's presence, we will find that He has been waiting patiently and faithfully for our return. +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


A Word In Due Season
3rd Week of November 2009


Scripture: II Corinthians 1:20 "For all the promises of God in Him are yea, and in Him Amen."

I saw a picture of a decorative flower cart in a mail order magazine. The advertisement pictured it with several normal sized flowerpots and said that it was 43" in length. I got real excited about this bargain because I had just recently seen one at an antique store, which cost about seven times the amount of the one in the magazine. I assumed that the huge difference in the price was because the flower cart had to be assembled. I figured that even with the shipping cost, I would still save money and have a beautiful cart for my plants on the patio. I thought that I had made an incredible find.

To my surprise, however, when the cart was assembled, it turned out to be much smaller than what the picture indicated. I thought there must be a mistake so I looked up the item in the catalogue to make sure that I had not misread the measurements and to verify that I had received the correct item. Sure enough, the magazine read 43" in length, but in very fine print to the side, it said, "with handle". The length of the handle was counted and included as part of the length of the cart. And the flowerpots that were displayed on the cart must have been miniature ones. The advertisement was misleading to a degree, and I could have sent the cart back, but the cost of the postage was nearly as much as the cart. After the shock and disappointment, I enjoyed a good laugh at myself because it was entirely my fault for not paying attention to the fine print.

This incident reminded me of the goodness of God and the integrity of His word. We don't have to be on guard when God speaks because He is never misleading and His promises are never empty. All of His words are true. When He told us that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life, that is exactly what He meant. There is no fine print to distort this promise. If you believe on Him and receive Him into your heart as Savior and Lord, you will be saved. His words are never meant to deceive. When He painted us a picture of Heaven by saying that the streets were of pure gold and the gates were made with huge pearls, He was speaking the truth. He was not trying to lure us into Heaven by showing us an enlarged photo of an actual miniature. He declared His love for us and said that His mercy endures forever, and we can believe it, for He does not hide a lie beneath the mask of truth. He said that He was anointed to bring good tidings to the meek, bind up the broken hearted, and preach the gospel to the poor. He also said that He would give us beauty for ashes, joy for mourning, and a garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness. He will never repent or back away from these promises. If He has spoken it, it will come to pass, for He is not a man that He should lie (Numbers 23:19). All of God's promises are yea and amen and we can always depend upon His Word because there will never be any fine print to nullify His truth. +++  

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


Scripture: Luke 6:45 "A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth that which is good."

Jesus compares your heart to a treasure chest and says the contents of your heart will depend upon what you put into it. You make the choice of the types of treasure that you store in your heart. You can fill your treasure chest with the trash of the world or the treasures of God. The decision is yours, but consequences will follow your choice and actions. Only what you have deposited can be drawn out, whether good or evil. For Jesus said, "Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth will speak."

If you deposit pennies in a coin bank, you can't expect those pennies to turn into quarters. What goes in is what will come out. So it is in the spiritual. If you have been filling your treasure chest with God's words of faith and promise, then positive words of faith and hope will flow out of your mouth "ministering grace to the hearer" (Ephesians 4:29). On the other hand, if you have been taking in the vain language that the world offers, then negative, vain, and corrupt communication will dominate your speech. The treasures of your heart can't be hidden for very long, for eventually, your mouth will speak and expose your thoughts to the world, whether they're good or evil.

To store good treasures in your heart, you must first find good treasures. You must expose yourself to the word of God by listening to good teaching, preaching, and through personal Bible study. Proverbs 2:1-4 instructs you to receive God's words, hide them in your heart, incline your ear to them, search to understand them, and cry out for them. It continues to say that you must search for the wisdom of God's words as though you were searching for silver or hidden treasure. You are not slack concerning your material treasures as you make your paycheck a daily priority. Your spiritual treasures demand no less. Just as a conscious and diligent effort must be made to search for natural treasures, so it is with the spiritual. If you desire to fill up your treasure chest with God's words you must search for them as you would for silver or gold. You will only be able to draw good treasures from your heart in proportion to the good deposits that you have made. +++  

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


Scripture: Philippians 1:12 "I want you to know, beloved, that what has happened to me has actually helped to spread the gospel ..."

The Apostle Paul was an amazing person. It was as though nothing could discourage him. He allowed nothing to separate him from the love of God, nor did he allow anything to deter him from the call of God on his life. When he found himself in prison, instead of grumbling, complaining, and questioning God, he wrote letters to the churches. Even though he was facing hardships and death itself, he made an effort to encourage the saints and ministers. When Paul wrote to them in the first chapter of Philippians, he didn't speak concerning his sad state of affairs or beg them for their sympathy. Instead, Paul told them, "Every time you cross my mind, I thank God for you. I commend you for your faithfulness, and I pray for you with joy in my heart."

Paul could rejoice and be content in the place where he found himself because he had an assurance that God was in control of his life. He knew that God was still God whether he, himself, was in prison or living in freedom. Paul also knew that all things were going to work together for good for him because he loved God and was following after God's purpose. He stood in faith as he looked at his circumstances and chose to let his conflict become a blessing to others instead of a source of defeat. He forgot about his reputation and his own personal comfort, and as a result of his selflessness, the prison guards heard the message of Jesus Christ. The confidence of the Christians outside the prison walls was also increased because they saw Paul's all consuming desire to advance the gospel and witnessed his unwavering spirit of fearlessness.

Paul teaches us a great life lesson in this chapter. Every hardship in our life presents us with an opportunity of response. In our hour of conflict, we can become discouraged that God has selected us to go through the fiery trial or we can become a witness as we pray for others and rejoice that God is using us to promote their spiritual growth. When adversity comes, we can face it with unwavering faith in the living God, or we can give in to our fears. When afflictions come, we can believe God's word that says, "Many are the afflictions of the righteous but God delivers them out of them all" (Psalms 34:19), or we can lose faith in God's word. In the midst of every heart-breaking situation, we can murmur and complain, or we can encourage our brothers by saying what Paul said, "What has happened to me has actually helped to spread the gospel." In other words, when we face difficult circumstances and adversities, we can either choose to imprison the message and life of Jesus Christ that is within us or we can choose to share Him freely. +++   

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


Scripture: Proverbs 10:22 (Amplified) "The blessings of the Lord, it makes (truly) rich, and He adds no sorrow with it."

There is a tremendous difference in the blessings that come from God and chance that just happens in our lives. Without exception, blessings that come from the Lord are good and they make us truly rich, for He knows exactly what to give us and what to hold back. He knows our needs better than we do and His plans for us are for good and not evil to give us a good future and a hope. There is never any grief or sorrow that comes with God's blessings and for that reason you never hear the expression "bad blessing." With luck, it is different. It is like the pendulum of a clock that swings back and forth, for it can go either way. If you choose to believe that your life is governed by luck, you can have good luck or you can experience bad luck.

A man in our local community won thirteen million dollars a few years back. Some of my close friends knew him personally. At first glance, we would have called this win a blessing and the world would have labeled him a lucky man. Yet, at the end of the matter, things did not turn out good for this individual, for there were no blessings attached for him personally. In fact there was only devastation, for within two years of winning this enormous amount of money, he was divorced, lost his home and family, and ended up taking his own life because of the grief and sorrow that surrounded him.

Bruce Wilkinson speaks much about the word "blessing" in his book, "The Prayer of Jabez." He said, "When we ask for God's blessing, we're not asking for more of what we could get for ourselves. We're crying out for the wonderful, unlimited goodness that only God has the power to know about or give to us." Jabez asked God for something that Jabez himself could not produce. He asked for a supernatural blessing and then left his life in the hands of a sovereign God. Like Jabez, we need to present ourselves to God and look to Him for blessings rather than to depend upon fate or luck. We have God and He is all that we need to help us make it through life. Ephesians 1:3-7 tells us that God has already blessed us with spiritual blessings in Christ Jesus. He has chosen us to be holy before Him, adopted us, and made us accepted in the beloved. Through the Lord Jesus we have redemption and through His blood we have the forgiveness of sin. We must agree that we are truly blessed and these blessings make us rich and do not bring with them sorrow of any kind. +++   

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


II Timothy 3:7  "Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth."

The Apostle Paul writes to Timothy, his son in the faith, and cautions him about the world around him.  In the previous six verses, Paul tells him that perilous times would come and he then gave Timothy a list of things that would be happening in the last days.  Paul said that men would be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affections, trucebreakers, false accusers, uncontrolled, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God, and that there would be silly women laden with sins seeking to lead them astray.  Paul also said that a form of godliness would abound, but declared that the power of God would be denied.

The Apostle Paul wrote these words in 63 AD, which was about 30 years after Christ was crucified.  But you would think that he was describing our problemed society today, for we witness these characteristics every day as we watch the television, hear the news, or observe public behavior.  It is very evident that there are many who are truly "ever learning, but never coming to the knowledge of the truth."  There has never been a time when the gospel was more accessible or proclaimed through so many mediums, but many who hear the word never change their lives.  Satan deceives them from recognizing their true needs and their self-satisfying lust blinds them from being able to understand the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.  Jesus, Himself, used graphic illustrations in His teachings and made everything He taught come alive.  Yet even in His day, many could not understand or receive His simple teachings because their minds were closed to the truth.

The scriptures are given by inspiration of God and are designed to teach us good doctrine and instruct us in the ways of righteousness.  They are also there to reprove and correct us (II Timothy 3:16).  Our shortcomings may not be in the list that Paul gave to Timothy, but we must acknowledge that we all have areas in our lives where God is dealing with us.  We hear a word that pricks our heart, but we tend to push it away because we don't want to be accountable to its truth.  Like Paul's statement, we learn about the truth but we never come to know the truth because we do not allow ourselves to experience it.  It is one thing to learn that we are to live a holy life but it is quite another to understand that truth by submitting our entire being to God and actually living a holy life before Him.  There is a difference in learning about thankfulness and being truly thankful.  We can learn about the spirit of arrogance but that does not impart a spirit of humility into our lives.  We have to work at making a change.  The Holy Spirit will teach us daily and guide us into the truth, but we must give heed to His leading.  If we want to change we must make a determination that as we hear the truth, we will discipline ourselves to obey God's words of wisdom.  If we do not obey them, we will find ourselves fulfilling the words of Paul, "ever learning but never coming to the knowledge of the truth." +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


A Word In Due Season
4th Week of November 2009


Scripture: Psalms 61:2 "When my heart is overwhelmed: lead me to the rock that is higher than I."

Have you ever been overwhelmed by circumstances and could not seem to find your way out? You feel utterly overcome and upset by either the physical or emotional forces that are coming against you. You have no control over what is happening, and there seems to be no one to help you. You feel like a vessel that is being engulfed and submerged by the waves of the sea. It's very frightening because you don't know what to do at that present moment and certainly can't predict the future outcome.

King David was experiencing these same emotions when he wrote this psalm. He was overcome but he knew the answer for his dilemma. He cried out to God in his overwhelming situation and asked the Lord to lead him to the Rock that was higher than himself. David knew that his physical strength was insufficient and that he couldn't depend upon his own understanding. He wanted help from the One whose ways were higher than his own ways and whose thoughts were higher than his own thoughts. He looked to the past and remembered that God had always been there as his shelter and strong tower in times of distress. In every situation, God had protected him from the fierce enemy.

In Psalm 142, David again spoke of his spirit being overwhelmed. He poured out his complaints to the Lord and showed Him all of his trouble. David said, "No one will help me; no one cares a bit what happens to me ... Lord, You are my only place of refuge." Life presents us with many challenges and often overwhelming circumstances. Like David, there will be times in our life when there will be no one in the natural that we can turn to. No one will want to listen to our problems or share our grief. Yet, we can always go to the Rock of our salvation and find our answers and comfort. So, when you find yourself overwhelmed with life and its many battles, remember that someone really does care you. Then make every effort to find your way to the Rock, Christ Jesus, and place your confidence in Him. Jesus is your only faithful refuge. +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


Scripture: Romans 8:28 "... called according to His purpose."

There is an intriguing story of a soldier who stood at attention at an isolated corner of the Russian palace. When questioned about his purpose for standing there, the soldier could only say that he was following the captain's orders. The captain was summoned, but he too did not know the purpose of this guard. He only knew that regulations required a guard to be at this particular post. Upon investigation, it was discovered that a century earlier, Katherine the Great, who was an Empress from 1762 to 1796, had established that a guard be posted to protect a rose bush that she had planted. One hundred years later, guards were still being posted to keep watch over a barren spot of turf where the rose bush had once been.

These are desperate times and we must discern the season. Now is not the time to waste on busy works or barren pursuits, for life is short and time is of the essence. The harvest that remains is too great. We must find out how the Master wants us to fulfill His purpose and then follow through with action. We can't stay tied to a mission that has ended or continue to operate where there is no anointing. We must realize that God is enlarging our borders and accept the fact that He is moving us on to greater places and higher purposes.

Yet, sometimes it is hard to let go and move forwards. Occasionally, it is wise to simply ask ourselves, "Why am I doing this? Is this God's will for me at this crucial hour?" If we find that we are only guarding the turf where roses used to bloom, we need to give our situation some thought and pray for new direction. When we discover that the horse has been dead for several years, it's time to dismount. Jesus is coming for His church soon, but until He comes, we have a purpose to fulfill. There are still souls that are held in the balance. They are waiting for us to obey the great commission that Jesus gave in Mark 16:15, which was to "go into all of the world and preach the gospel." The world to some may be a foreign country and the world to others may be their own nation with it's many nationalities. Yet, we are all called and commissioned to be a light to the world and to "preach the gospel to every creature." There is someone who is waiting in the darkness for you to share God's light. God has called you to them. Your light will shine and you will glorify your Father in Heaven when you answer His call, do His will, and fulfill His purpose. +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


Scripture: Mark 11:24 "What things so ever you desire, when you pray, believe that you will receive them, and you shall have them."

What a promise from the word of God. It sounds so simple. When you pray, believe. Yet, how many times do we just say a prayer rather than pray with real faith? Prayer should be a reverent petition to God, not just words uttered aloud. When you pray there should be great expectation. For prayer to be effective, you must reach out in faith and release your request in the spirit. As you do, the answer will come to pass in the natural. Awesome things happen when a simple prayer that is mixed with faith meets God.

Notice Jesus said, "When you pray, believe ... and you shall have." There is a time to believe and that is at the moment you ask. After your encounter with God in prayer, your faith may be tested, but keep holding on. The faith in your heart will work even though doubt is attacking your mind. Just before Jesus told his disciples to have faith when they prayed, He cursed the fig tree that had no fruit. Jesus had faith when He spoke to the tree and it began to wither on the inside. There was no evidence of change on the outside, but when the disciples passed by the next day, they saw the fig tree dried up from the roots. Jesus used this example to teach the disciples some important principles concerning prayer. He said, "You shall have." In other words, your answer is on the way. Most of the time we can't comprehend that our prayers are in the process of being answered because we can't see God at work. Too often we give up just before the answer comes.

Verse twenty-two says, "Have faith in God." God delights in honoring your faith. When you believe and trust in God, you set a mighty force to work. Like gravity, which is the strongest force in nature that can't be seen, faith is a very strong force in the spirit. Although it can't be seen or explained, FAITH works. So when you pray, believe, and when you truly believe, you shall have. +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture: Colossians 2:7 (Living Bible) "Let your lives overflow with joy and thanksgiving for all that the Lord has done."

As we journey through life, we learn more about the Lord and also come to understand the more precious things that life has to offer. We learn that each and every year contains its own special storehouse of blessings; new births in the family, new friends added to our circle, new songs to sing, fresh experiences, and the addition of special memories. As I review what God has done in my life, I am overwhelmed at His bountiful goodness. When I add together all of the blessings that I have received in the years past, I realize that I am truly very blessed and that I have more to be thankful for this year than any year in the past.

There are many blessings that we take for granted. I remember standing in the family circle as we prayed over our dinner on Thanksgiving Day just a few weeks after 9/11, a day when our nation was attacked by terrorist. It was a special moment as we offered our prayer of thanksgiving for our food. Yet, in our hearts, there was also a unanimous and awesome feeling of gratitude for our free nation. We probably had never expressed those thoughts with such passion before, but the recognition of our freedom had become more important to us than the food that was spread before us. In just a few hours of time, things in our nation had drastically changed and we had all come to realize that we must never again take our lives, families, freedom, or blessings for granted.

As we approach this season, let us vow that Thanksgiving will no longer be just a one-day ritual for us, but that it will be a continual reflection of God's goodness in our lives. Let us determine that our voices will resound throughout the year declaring our gratitude for the gracious blessings that we have been granted. Let us learn to celebrate life itself each and every day and allow our hearts to continually overflow with joy and thanksgiving to the Lord. With hearts filled with anticipation, let us believe that this will be our best Thanksgiving ever. +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture: Luke 2:52 "Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man."

Jesus grew in three areas; in the physical, in wisdom, and in favor with God and man. Understanding how to grow in our physical stature is easy. We simply eat the right foods, exercise, and take care of our bodies. Once we have grown to a certain height and weight, and developed our muscle tone, we then must continue to maintain our bodies to keep them healthy. It is a daily process that lasts as long as we are in an earthly vessel. This is an easy concept to understand in the natural because even though we can't see the process of growth, we do see the physical results. We go from one size to the next without realizing it and it's all the result of consistent action.

Growing in wisdom and favor is basically the same sort of process as growing in the natural. It comes by feeding on God's word daily and exercising ourselves to understand it. It is gaining insights concerning His nature by communing with Him. Jesus was the Son of God, yet He was not endowed with wisdom and favor from His birth. The scriptures declare that He increased and grew gradually in these areas. At an early age, He was busy about His heavenly Father's business as he studied God's word and questioned the priests in the temple. Luke 19:47 tells us that as an adult, Jesus was in the temple daily. His major interest was the search for God and His wisdom. As He received revelation and gained wisdom, He grew in favor with God. And as He gained favor with God, He gained favor with man.

Proverbs 9:10 tells us that the starting point of wisdom is the reverential fear of the Lord. This wisdom does not happen by a mechanical formula or by a process of book knowledge. Knowledge can be acquired through study, but wisdom is only received as it is imparted by the Holy Spirit. It comes as a result of a relationship with God. There are many unlearned people who are quite wise because they spend time with the Lord, and likewise there are many educated scholars who lack wisdom. Wisdom speaks to us in Proverbs 8:33-34 and says,

"Listen to my counsel - oh don't refuse it - and be wise.
Happy is the man who is so anxious to be with me (wisdom) that he
watches for me daily at my gates, or waits for me outside my home!"

In this proverb, Solomon gives us a picture of the man who desires wisdom. He anxiously waits for wisdom as a person who waits to get a glimpse of someone coming out of their gate or home. The man who truly desires wisdom seeks for it on a daily basis and determinably waits at lengths for it. The person who sets his mind to this pattern will eventually increase in wisdom. As he increases in wisdom, favor with God and man will follow. If you are at a place in life that you do not have favor with man, think on these words of Solomon and remember that it is a consistent growth process. Search for the wisdom of God. As you gain the wisdom of God, it will usher in His favor and His favor on your life will create favor with men. +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


A Word In Due Season
5th Week of November 2009


Scripture: Psalms 131:1 "Lord, my heart is not haughty, nor my eyes lofty: neither do I exercise myself in great matters, or in things too high for me."

David was a great leader and warrior who conquered tens of thousands. He was a man who worshipped and communed with God. He was also the king over a great nation. And although he had great position and much prestige among the people, he did not allow his heart to become haughty or his eyes to be lifted up in pride. In speaking to the Lord, he expressed his childlike trust. He said, "Neither do I exercise myself in great matters, or in things too high for me."

David did not have the answers to all of life's questions. He was human and he went through all of the ups and downs, just as we do. There must have been many things that he did not understand, for there were times in his life when things were really rough. David's life was in jeopardy when King Saul desperately tried to kill him after he had served Saul faithfully. David faced defeat when his city was burned and his family was taken captive. He faced discouragement when his own men blamed him for the incident and wanted to stone him. David was betrayed by his son, Absalom, who tried to take his kingdom from him and his wife mocked him when he worshipped God. He had to bear the burden of shame for the sin he committed with Bathsheba and the guilt that he suffered for having her husband killed in battle. David also suffered great grief when he lost his young son to death.

David certainly had a lot to think about as these things may have tried to plague his mind. Yet he made a decision not to allow things that were too high to occupy his thoughts or overwhelm him. He determined to keep his spirit free by keeping his thoughts on God. He recognized that God knew the beginning and that He knew the end and that was enough for David. Like David, there are many things in our lives that are crying out for answers. Regardless of how long we analyze and rethink the situation, we can't find the solutions. Questions still remain, "Why do the young die? Why do bad things happen to good people? Why do the wicked prosper?" Questions that are too high for us only bring confusion. To have peace in our lives, we must come to the same conclusion that David did. We must discover that there are some things that God doesn't share and determine that we will not exercise our minds in those areas. We must let it all go and allow it to rest in the hands of an all knowing and all loving God. +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    
