A Word In Due Season
1st Week of October 2009


Scripture: James 4:8 "Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you."

Isn't it amazing that the all-sufficient God who created everything, who has everything, and who can do anything desires our love and affection? He is omnipresent, omniscient, and omnipotent, but He still wants to be loved by us. Our love, praise, adoration, and trust is the only thing that we truly possess that we can give to Him, for all that we are or ever will be is because of His grace upon our lives. All of our material goods, gifts, and talents that we can offer to the Lord came to us by His own hands, but our love, praise, trust that we offer up to Him comes from our heart and is our free will gift to Him.

Even though we may feel like we are a long way from God, the truth is that He is patiently waiting for us to move towards Him. When we make the slightest effort to move in His direction, He responds and moves towards us. It is like a great love affair that is waiting to happen. His word declares that if we seek Him, we will find Him, for He will make Himself known to us. If we knock, He will open the door and fellowship with us. If we talk to Him, He will listen, and if we ask Him questions, He will answer. God is there, all the while waiting for us to approach Him.

One of our own basic needs is to be loved. We tend to think that God is so mighty that He has no needs. But we must assume that He has the need to be loved and cherished because He has put that same desire in us and we are created in His image. What other reason would He have made this His number one commandment? In Mark 11:30, Jesus told us that the first commandment we are to obey is to "Love the Lord your God with all of your heart, with all of your soul, with all of your mind, and with all of your strength." God wants to be the main interest in our lives. Jesus said that if the praises of men were to be held back, "the stones would immediately cry out" (Luke 19:40). Even nature and the atmosphere of the earth contain the potential for love and praise to God. Let's not allow a stone to take our rightful place in worshiping the Lord. Let's draw near to God and love Him with all of our heart. +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


Scripture: II Corinthians 10:4 "For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but they are mighty."

Battles are never fun but battles are important in our lives. Our natural desire is to shrink from conflict but adversity is the seed that brings the harvest of conquered territories. Every battle is an invitation to keep that which we have intact or to gain something greater than what we already possess. It is only as we do battle and conquer that we protect our old places and obtain new territories.

To win any kind of battle, natural or spiritual, it is necessary to identify the enemy and know how and when to use our weapons. In the spiritual, we must be equipped by God and directed by His Holy Spirit. We can't just call down fire out of Heaven at our own choosing to consume those that we disagree with like the disciples, James and John, wanted to do. Jesus rebuked them saying, "You do not know what manner of spirit you are of" (Luke 9:55). Neither can we cast out devils by our own power and strength. They will turn and attack us as they did with the sons of Sceva, the chief of the priest (Acts 19:15). It is imperative that we know God's word concerning this matter, for the greatest battles and the mightiest weapons are not natural or carnal, they are spiritual. Therefore we must learn God's spiritual laws, use His spiritual weapons, and rely upon His spiritual power. There is no other way to win life's battles.

Paul told us that our enemy was not flesh and blood but spiritual principalities, powers and rulers of darkness, and spiritual wickedness in high places (Ephesians 6:12). He also warned us that this unseen enemy goes about as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. The devil is constantly searching for the weakest area in our lives and tempting us in that area. We may feel overwhelmed by the struggles in our hearts and the strongholds in our minds, but the Apostle Paul told us that we would not be tempted above that which we are able because God would always make a way of escape (I Corinthians 10:13). The devil is limited in what he can do to us when we are dwelling in the secret place of the Most High and abiding under the shadow of the Almighty God (Psalms 91:1).

Paul also told us that our weapons are not carnal, just as our enemy is not physical flesh and blood. But God has equipped us with mighty weapons, two of which is Worship and His Word. Worship keeps our minds stayed on God and allows Him to fight our battles. You cannot truly worship and worry at the same time so this weapon confuses the enemy. Jehoshaphat experienced this in II Chronicles 20:21-22. When his army obeyed God and went out praising the Lord and the beauty of holiness, the Lord set an ambush against the enemy. And in their confusion, the enemy rose up and killed each other. Jehoshaphat's army didn't have to do anything but obey God. We also have the powerful sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God. It inspires hope, builds faith, and gives direction. It is the same sword that Jesus used when the devil tempted Him. Jesus simply said, "It is written" and the devil left Him because the devil had no power to work against the Word of God.

When we use these two powerful supernatural weapons, something happens in the natural. It is unexplainable but the enemy flees at the sound of worship and the Word. Like a soldier who keeps his weapons at his side, we need to keep these two mighty spiritual weapons close by us at all times. With worship and the Word at our side, we will be ready for any battle that comes to challenge the promises of God in our lives. +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


A Word In Due Season
2nd Week of October 2009


Scripture: Matthew 5:13 "You are the salt of the Earth."

In life we have so many chances to be a blessing to so many people, but we often miss our opportunities because we view most opportunities as insignificant. The little that we could do goes undone because we see the greater need and think that our small part will not make a difference. Yet, we must remember the words that Jesus spoke to us, we are the salt of the Earth and we must consider that a little salt goes a long way. Just a pinch or two of salt will give flavor to our food and immeasurable pleasure to our palate. In comparison to the amount of pleasure that it affords, salt is very inexpensive.

There is a man who comes and takes care of my front yard. He is very faithful and inexpensive. The summer months require his care every week, but in the winter, he only comes occasionally. I often wonder how he makes it through those cold dark months. During the Christmas season, I always leave something extra for him and his family in addition to the normal fee for the yard work. I have done this for a few years but never understood the impact of this small gift until this last year. For some reason, I was at home when he came to take care of the yard. I could not believe the expression on his face when he saw that I had left a few extra dollars and a card of appreciation for his good work and faithfulness. The joy that I saw in his face was worth more than the small gift that I had left.

Just as your food needs salt to enhance its flavor so do the people that cross your path. Jesus said that your witness and good deeds is like salt to a world that needs flavor. Yet, you must be attentive and look for ways that you can minister to others and share the salt of your life. Maybe someone needs your smile or word of encouragement just to make it through the day. Perhaps something in your closet will meet the need of someone who is in lack of clothing. You can invite a family to dinner or a coworker to lunch who is just trying to make it to payday. There are always people in the hospital and the elderly to be visited. We try so hard to be spiritual, but one minister said that we should never share the word of God with someone until we have shown them the love of God at least three times in some natural way. They don't need to hear a sermon as much as they need to see one.

Jesus, who was the greatest minister that ever lived, continually met the physical needs of the people. He understood their hunger, was touched by their sorrow, and empathized with their pain. He even turned water into wine at a wedding so that the celebration would not be ruined. He now speaks a clear word to you to become the salt that He ordained for you to be in this Earth. You may feel that you have little to give, but remember that a little salt goes a long way and that the Lord is well able to bless and multiply all that you do in His Name. +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


Scripture: Romans 12:18 "If it be possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all men."

When Jesus came to Earth, He brought peace and good tidings of great joy. Then shortly before He left this Earth to return to Heaven, He said, "Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you." The peace that He left is supernatural and is sufficient to help us maintain inner peace in every situation that challenges us. Yet, the Apostle Paul recognized the impossibilities of living in total and perfect peace with the outside world at all times. He said, "When keeping the peace depends upon you, then do it ... if possible."

Paul's word encourages us to bend almost to the breaking point, turn the other cheek, and bite our tongue when necessary, but he never instructs us to compromise our convictions in an effort to maintain peace. Paul experienced these kinds of situations. When he entered a city, the scriptures declared there was "no small stir" (Acts 19:23). A large commotion began to occur because Paul taught against pagan worship and preached in the Name of Jesus. In another incident, there was so much contention between Paul and his brothers in Christ, Barnabus and Mark, that they had to separate from each other. Barnabus was determined to take John Mark with him and Paul on their missionary journey, but Paul thought that it was not a good idea. Acts 15:39 says, "The contention was so sharp between Paul and Barnabus that they departed from each other." Barnabus took Mark and sailed to Cyprus and Paul chose Silas and went another direction. Jesus, Himself, faced times that weren't too peaceable. Even though He was the Prince of Peace, He made a whip and drove the moneychangers from the temple (John 2:15).

Like the Apostle Paul and Jesus, even though peace is ruling and reigning in our hearts, there will still be times when we will encounter irate individuals and adverse circumstances. Righteous convictions usually bring conflict at some point and time, and that conflict will force confrontation. In these situations, the peace that we hold in our heart will not be able to control the actions of others or protect us from difficult situations. Yet, we must never cower down under pressure. We must always stand for that which is right and remember what Paul said, "If it be possible, live peaceably with all men." +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture: Genesis 37:35 "He refused to be comforted."

Joseph's brothers were jealous of him and sold him to the slave traders who took him to Egypt. Then his brothers dipped Joseph's coat of many colors into the blood of an animal and returned it to Jacob, their father. When Jacob saw the condition of this special coat that he had made for Joseph, he assumed that Joseph had been devoured by an evil beast and he immediately went into mourning. Jacob had eleven other sons besides Joseph and some daughters, and all of them attempted to comfort him, but he refused to be comforted. Jacob made a decision to grieve over this loss and declared that he would go to the grave in mourning over Joseph. He mourned over Joseph for about 17 years. Jacob didn't know that God was working His sovereign purpose in Joseph's life and that He planned to use him as an instrument to save a multitude of people from the famine. Neither did he know that he and Joseph were destined to be together again.

Sometimes our lives seem to shipwreck on the ocean of life. Everything seems to be going along fine until suddenly an unexpected storm comes up and blows us over, or we run our ship into a sand bank, or like the Titanic, we hit an iceberg that tears us apart. Everything in our life turns dark as we sink into the waters of hopelessness where our faith is tested beyond measure. The people whom we love and trust the most may fail us or we might even lose them to death. Possibly, our finances fail and we don't know what direction to take next. Perhaps we receive a bad report from our doctor or we find ourselves in legal trouble. After the shock of these shipwrecks, the spirit of grief will attempt to find a safe harbor in our soul.

Grief is a strong spirit, and if it can build a stronghold in your life, it will control you. You will never be able to move forward while you are trying to bear the burden or carry the baggage of grief. It is just too heavy. King Solomon said that there is a time to weep and grieve over the losses in our lives, but mourning should only last for a season. There comes a time when we must let go of every loss and every pain of the past and face the future with joy in our hearts. The Lord is waiting to comfort you in your sorrow. You can either be like Jacob, who made a conscious decision to continue in pain by refusing to be comforted, or you can receive the comfort that is available to you right now. Jesus came to give you beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, and the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness (Isaiah 61:3). If you submit your grief to Him, He will comfort you. He loves you with an everlasting love, so please don't refuse His offer to set you free from your pain. Receive His comfort. +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture: Joshua 24:15 "Choose you this day whom you will serve."

This day with all of its uncertainties belongs to you. It is like a tapestry that is being woven with threads, some provided by you and others by a sovereign God. And although God is in total control, much of the pattern will be determined by your choices. The choices you make today will affect your future health, future wealth, and future relationship with God and man. Exercise today and you will be strong for tomorrow. Be a junk-food couch potato today and you will be physically weak tomorrow. Work hard and make the right investments today and you will be financially secure tomorrow. Be wasteful with your time and money and you will face future lack in both areas. Build strong relationships with friends and family today and they will sustain you through the difficult tomorrows of your life. Choose to serve God today and He will be there for you tomorrow and throughout eternity.

You have a choice today to choose whom you will serve. You can choose to serve the God of love, joy, and peace, or you can give yourself to the enemy by allowing the irritations and vexations of others to intrude into your life and steal the fruits of God's Spirit from the garden of your heart. You must be sober and vigilantly watching for the enemy of your soul for he will entice you to choose to serve hate, bitterness, and sadness. Through your choices, the god of this world will cause you to be impatient, rude, and unfaithful, and at the end of your choices you will find yourself in confusion and out of control.

Your destiny starts with one small choice and builds with each choice that follows. The devil gives you reasonable excuses for your choices and behavior. II Corinthians 11:14 says, "Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light." He makes everything look right, but eventually there are consequences for every choice, whether good or bad. You have a choice to live behind the sham of pretense or allow God to show you a reflection of your true self and reveal to you whom you really love and are serving. With each choice you make, you choose to serve the true and living God or the god of this world. This is the day that the Lord has made. It is a day of salvation and deliverance, so be wise in your choices because you are the maker of your fate. +++  

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture:  I Kings 17:13  "Make me a cake first ... and bring it to me."

The prophet Elijah made a hard request to a widow in the time of famine.  When he first saw her, she was out gathering up a few sticks so that she could make a fire in order to cook the last meal for her and her son.  Elijah asked her to give him a little water to drink.  This was the same prophet who had brought the famine into existence by prophesying that no rain would come for years.  He declared that rain would only come according to his word, so in essence, he could end the famine at any time by his words.  Instead of ending the famine, he made an extreme demand upon the widow, and while she was going to get his water, he asked her to also bring him a cake of bread.  The widow only had a handful of meal and a little oil left in her provisions, but she obeyed his word and believed the promise that he made to her.  He told her that her barrel of meal and cruse of oil would not fail until the day that the Lord sent rain upon the earth.

God often makes extreme demands upon us, but He never asks us to give that which we do not have and every request that He makes brings a blessing back to us.  He exchanges the sacrifices that we make for the provisions that we need.  Like the prophet, He says, "Make me a cake first and bring it to me, then I will sustain you throughout your particular famine."  God tells us to forgive everyone for everything that they have done against us.  This is for the benefit of our own soul as well as theirs, for it is only in forgiving that we can receive forgiveness for ourselves.  When we feel that no one cares for us and that there is a famine of love within our lives, He tells us to start showing our love and to include the unlovely, for as we love, love will be bestowed upon us.  He tells us to give Him our past and all of its pain so that He can give us a future and a hope.  Like the widow, He asks us to give when it seems that we have so little.  His demands may seem extreme and selfish.  Yet, in time, we come to understand that God's ways are overwhelmingly simple and that it is only as we give that we will receive.

You may be in extreme circumstances today in some area of your life and God may be telling you to give your all to Him.  He may be telling you to forgive when it is not easy, to love the unlovely, to give Him the pieces of your broken heart, or to give what little you have materially to someone who needs it more than you do.  God's purpose in asking you to give is not to take from you but to get you to a place where He can bless you more abundantly than you could ever imagine.  He wants to exchange the small amount of meal and oil that you have in your hands for the bountiful blessing that He holds in His hands.  So trust Him and give Him a chance to prove Himself.  When you bring your all to Him, He will come through for you. +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


A Word In Due Season
3rd Week of October 2009


Scripture:  I Kings 17:13  "Make me a cake first ... and bring it to me."

The prophet Elijah made a hard request to a widow in the time of famine.  When he first saw her, she was out gathering up a few sticks so that she could make a fire in order to cook the last meal for her and her son.  Elijah asked her to give him a little water to drink.  This was the same prophet who had brought the famine into existence by prophesying that no rain would come for years.  He declared that rain would only come according to his word, so in essence, he could end the famine at any time by his words.  Instead of ending the famine, he made an extreme demand upon the widow, and while she was going to get his water, he asked her to also bring him a cake of bread.  The widow only had a handful of meal and a little oil left in her provisions, but she obeyed his word and believed the promise that he made to her.  He told her that her barrel of meal and cruse of oil would not fail until the day that the Lord sent rain upon the earth.

God often makes extreme demands upon us, but He never asks us to give that which we do not have and every request that He makes brings a blessing back to us.  He exchanges the sacrifices that we make for the provisions that we need.  Like the prophet, He says, "Make me a cake first and bring it to me, then I will sustain you throughout your particular famine."  God tells us to forgive everyone for everything that they have done against us.  This is for the benefit of our own soul as well as theirs, for it is only in forgiving that we can receive forgiveness for ourselves.  When we feel that no one cares for us and that there is a famine of love within our lives, He tells us to start showing our love and to include the unlovely, for as we love, love will be bestowed upon us.  He tells us to give Him our past and all of its pain so that He can give us a future and a hope.  Like the widow, He asks us to give when it seems that we have so little.  His demands may seem extreme and selfish.  Yet, in time, we come to understand that God's ways are overwhelmingly simple and that it is only as we give that we will receive.

You may be in extreme circumstances today in some area of your life and God may be telling you to give your all to Him.  He may be telling you to forgive when it is not easy, to love the unlovely, to give Him the pieces of your broken heart, or to give what little you have materially to someone who needs it more than you do.  God's purpose in asking you to give is not to take from you but to get you to a place where He can bless you more abundantly than you could ever imagine.  He wants to exchange the small amount of meal and oil that you have in your hands for the bountiful blessing that He holds in His hands.  So trust Him and give Him a chance to prove Himself.  When you bring your all to Him, He will come through for you. +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


Scripture: James 5:16 "The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much."

Prayer is a real mystery to our carnal mind, for how can we as human beings talk to the Maker of the universe and the Creator of every living thing? How can God hear each of us praying at the same time, especially with our prayers coming from the four corners of the earth? How can He keep all of our requests separated and be able to answer them accordingly? Prayer is quite a mystery. Yet with so many needs and so many voices crying out to Him, God still opens the door to His throne room and gives all of us an invitation to come boldly to His throne of grace in time of need.

Prayer is the most powerful influence in the spiritual realm, for when we pray, our prayers touch three worlds, Heaven, Hell, and the Earth. Our prayers pull at the heart of God in Heaven and cause Him to work on our behalf. God uses our prayers to bind evil and destroy the works of Hell. Our prayers also bring blessings to us and those whom we are praying for here on Earth. Prayer is not limited by time and allows us to deal with our past, our present, and our future. We can ask forgiveness for things that we have done in the past or ask for help for the present situation that we or someone else is in. We can also ask for the guidance, direction, and protection that we need for the future path that lays before us.

In the scripture above, James lists two things needed for prayers to be effective. The prayer has to be fervent and the one praying must be righteous. In the same verse, before James spoke of the fervent prayer of the righteous man, he instructed us to confess our faults one to another. It is a simple spiritual progression. Confession brings forgiveness and forgiveness creates righteousness or right standing with God. God has given you an awesome invitation and is waiting for you to come into His presence. Don't allow the moment to pass. If it is sin that stands between you and God's throne, confess your sins and He will cleanse you from all unrighteousness. If you feel that your prayers are not getting past the ceiling, earnestly ask God to anoint you and help you to pray according to His will. When you have a heart that is fervent and in right standing with God, tremendous power is made available to you. When you align yourself with God's will and embrace His dreams, He will stop to listen to your prayers and you will receive wonderful results. +++
Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    




Scripture: Hebrews 2:9 "But we see Jesus."

"When Leonardo da Vinci had painted his immortal 'Last Supper,' he
asked a friend for an evaluation. The friend heaped superlatives on
the masterpiece, and especially praised the wine cup by the Lord's
hand. At that point, Leonardo blotted out the cup. He was to have
said, 'Nothing should distract one's attention from the Lord.'"
... From More Stories For The Heart - Author Unknown

This story makes me wonder what we see when we look at Jesus? Do we see the glory of His presence, or do we get distracted by the material things that will benefit us if we serve Him? Do we look at Him as being our Lord and our first love, or do we just serve Him for the honor of our own reputations? Do we give others more honor and adoration than we do God's beloved Son? Do we tend to make our spiritual leaders equal to our Lord and Savior?

It is very easy to get distracted from the real picture and see the cup rather than the Savior. Even Peter fell into this trap when Jesus was transfigured before his eyes. He watched as Jesus' appearance was totally transformed before him. Jesus' clothes began to shine, glistening like the snow, and then Elijah and Moses appeared with Him. Peter got caught up in the moment, and focusing on the spectacular, he suggested that three memorials be built; one for Jesus, one for Moses, and one for Elijah. At that moment of distraction, the three were equal in Peter's eyes. Yet when it came to an end, Jesus was the only one that was remaining, and God's voice spoke with validation, "This is My only begotten Son" (Mark 9:2-8).

These words remind us that we are never to build memorials in our spirits that will distract us from the only begotten Son of God. Jesus should always be our main interest, and the One that we focus our attention upon regardless of what else or who else shows up in the scene. Other ministries and the spectacular may try to lure and distract us like the cup at the Lord's hand in the painting. Even our own talents, work, and ministries may turn into masterpieces that are admired by the world. But like Leonardo da Vinci's response, we too must blot out any beauty and glory that seeks to supersede and overshadow the Lord Jesus. We should not allow anything to draw our attention away from Him. Regardless of what is happening around us, whether good or bad, we should declare, "We see Jesus." The lyrics of an old song remind us of this thought;

"Turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full in His wonderful face
And the things of earth will grow strangely dim
In the light of his glory and grace." +++
Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    




Scripture:  I Samuel 17:29  "Is there not a cause?"

David's father sent him to take food to his brothers at the battle front.  When David got there, he saw the armies of Israel cowering in fear as the Philistine giant, Goliath, mocked them.  When David began to ask questions concerning this situation, his brother, Eliab, became enraged.  Eliab began to mock and accuse David saying, "Why did you come here?  Where did you leave your few sheep?  I know the pride and evilness of your heart.  You came only to see the battle."  David answered his brothers with these simple words, "Is there not a cause?"

David was inspired to meet Goliath's challenge, but before He could pursue the giant in battle, he faced other discouraging voices.  King Saul told David that he couldn't possibly go against the giant because David was but a youth and Goliath was a man of war.  He further complicated the situation by trying to provide David with unnecessary armor.  Then Goliath, the giant, scorned David by cursing and threatening to destroy him.  David had little support but he proceeded to go into battle despite all of the mockery and words of doubt that were coming against him.  He not only went into the battle, but he ran quickly towards the battle to meet the giant.  What gave David such courage to run with confidence towards the giant?  He had a cause.  Goliath was defying the armies of Israel, the purposes of God, and the Name of God.  David's great cause was to honor God and to take away the "reproach of Israel".

In our daily lives, we face many Goliaths, and these giants mock and threaten to destroy us.  Discouragement and fear attack and try to control us.  The armor that the world provides never fits and none of our solutions seem to work.  At times, even our own families and leaders will speak discouraging words against us because they do not understand our purpose and our God given cause.  The passion in our hearts is beyond their comprehension.  Yet, Jesus is always there, standing with us and He knows the heartaches that we face, for His own family rejected him and said that He was mad.  However, Jesus understood His mission and knew that God had sent Him into the world with a cause.  John 3:8 tells us, "For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil."  Jesus destroyed the works of the devil on the cross of Calvary, and with His own blood, He set us free from the reproach of sin.  Now we must fight for the cause of our faith and do battle for others.  The enemy will mock us but regardless of the issues that we face or the size of our problems, we have nothing to fear because we are the Lord's main interest and He is our giant fighter. +++
Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    




Scripture:  Deuteronomy 1:21  "Behold the Lord your God has set the land before you; go up and possess it."

The Promised Land was a prosperous place that God wanted His chosen people to have so He set it before them and then told them to go in and possess it.  The land belonged to them because of God's promise but it did not come to them as they sat idly by.  They had to possess the territory by their own faith and skills.  It was necessary for them to sacrifice their homes and leave everything that was familiar.  They had to travel through the wilderness, trusting God, one miracle at a time.  They received water from a rock and were sustained forty years with daily manna from Heaven.  They had no maps or instructions but were led by a fire at night and a cloud during the day.  Their experience was a long journey of trust in God, which many did not finish because their faith failed in the process.  Those who finally made it through the wilderness were faced with another challenge.  They discovered that there were giants in the land, which they had to drive out in order to possess the promise that God had given to them.

Times have changed since God led His people out of Egypt, but our lives are no different than theirs because we all have our own individual Egypts or bondages to deal with.  Their experiences were recorded for our benefit and the lessons are valuable because we face some of the same things.   We make it through some ordeal using all the faith that we have and then at the end, we discover there is still one more giant to conquer.  We learn that we have to trust God on a daily basis because every promise that He gives comes to us with a challenge.  His Word to us "Go and possess"  is a call to battle and a charge to conquer.  His promises are true but it is our responsibility to possess the new territories.

It is exciting when God shows us something new that is beyond ourselves and when He gives us permission to go in and possess it.  We rejoice when we see that He is enlarging our borders, moving us to higher levels, and taking us to places that we've never been.  We are very ready to move forward with God's new plan, but then reality shows up.  We begin to understand the commitment that must be made on our part and the scope of our own personal responsibility that comes with the promotion.  Suddenly, the glorious new place becomes an overwhelming challenge to our natural mind.

Success on any level is never handed out on a silver platter.  It is gained through sacrifice, determination, and labor.  God's promises only come to fruition when we take action to possess that which He offers.  God gives us a mountain but He expects us to climb it.  He gives us a vision and a hope, but our actions of faith bring the promised blessing into being.  Victory will not come easy or without sacrifice but we have an assurance that God will be faithful to His word and will be with us every step of the way.  What has the Lord spoken to you?  If He has filled your heart with a vision or given you a word of promise, He wants you to have it and He gives you permission to go after it.  So define the new territory that God has promised you and prepare your heart to go in and possess it. +++
Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



A Word In Due Season
4th Week of October 2009


Scripture: John 4:26 (Amplified) "Jesus said unto her, "I Who am speaking with you am He."

In this scripture setting, Jesus revealed Himself to the woman at the well. This woman had been married five times and was now living with a man that was not her husband. Many of us would have passed her by as a hopeless case. We would have judged her with our own self righteous standards and wondered if she were even deserving of God's amazing grace because it seemed that she could never get her life right. She had failed so many times that it would have seem useless to us to put our trust in her one more time. We would want to write her off as a loss. We would also fail to consider that areas of our own lives were actually in just as much disarray in the eyes of our holy God as her life was to us.

It is interesting to watch Jesus as He ministered to the people because His thoughts and actions are so contrary to religious thinking. He passed up the clergy and made His way to meet with the publicans and sinners and to minister to the demon possessed. He also invited the tax collectors and dishonest men into His closest circle of associates. He even spoke kind words of forgiveness to the prostitutes. Now Jesus, who was a Jew, was speaking to this Samaritan woman who was living in open sin. Time and time again, she had sought for love with the wrong people, but Jesus was able to look beyond her faults and see her need. When Jesus revealed to her that He knew of her marital status, she recognized that He was a prophet and she began to expose her inner most desires. Her need was to love and be loved. She wanted to love and worship God and she wanted to do it right. She questioned Jesus about the proper place to worship God, on the mountain or in Jerusalem.

Isn't the love of God wonderful? Jesus was weary from His journey, but He sat on the well and waited for this woman to come draw water. She didn't come to the well with the other women but came alone because of her immoral lifestyle and she probably was not accepted in the formal places of worship either. Yet, her heart was crying out for God and she was watching and waiting for the Messiah to come. Jesus sought this woman out and met her at her point of need. He reached out to her with kindness and forgiveness and told her that those who worship God must worship Him in spirit and in truth. Like this woman at the well, Jesus is never beyond your reach. Regardless of where you are right now or your mistakes in life, Jesus wants to meet you at your point of need. He knows where you are and He places Himself in the center of your territory. When your heart begins to worship Him, He will find you and make Himself known and available to you. He will minister to you personally, one on one, and give you Living Water to quench your thirsty soul. +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


Scripture: Psalms 138:7-8 "Though I walk in the midst of trouble, ... the Lord will perfect that which concerns me."

Do you have concerns today for which you have no solutions? Are you right in the middle of a troubled situation and it seems that you are being tossed about in a terrible storm? David was in a dilemma such as this, but he was able to retain his confidence in God. Right in the midst of his turmoil, David declared that God would revive him and raise him up. He trusted God to stretch out His mighty hand, fight for him, and make everything perfect. David knew that God cared for him so he humbled himself before God and cast all of his cares upon Him.

The middle of trouble is a frightening and crucial place, but it is also the place where God manifests His strength and power. It is a place where Jesus suddenly steps up and calms everything with one command, "Peace be still." Like David, Jesus' disciples found themselves in the midst of trouble when their ship encountered a storm. What were the disciples' thoughts when the storm first began? Jesus didn't seem to care at all. He rested as the storm began to approach, and then slept soundly as the storm grew worse. Jesus wasn't trying to help them maintain the ship in the natural or deal with it in the spiritual. While the prince of the air was trying to destroy the ship, the Prince of Peace slept peacefully. Fearful and frustrated, His disciples asked, "Don't You even care that we are about to perish?"

Fear and frustration may cause you to feel the same way as the disciples felt. It may seem that God is not interested at all in your circumstances as they progressively get worse, but He truly is concerned. There is no situation in your life that escapes His notice and He promises to perfect everything that concerns you. The Lord is able to take everything that is happening in your life and make it work together for good. There is not one concern that you may have that is too big for Him to handle because He is able to fix every problem in more ways than you could ever dream of. He has ways and solutions that are higher than your ways His thoughts are higher than your thoughts (Isaiah 55:9). Before you even ask, He has the answer for your problem. When life demands that you walk through trouble, cast your cares upon the Lord and trust Him to make perfect those things that concern you? +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture: Jonah 1:1 & 3:1 "The word of the Lord came to Jonah" ... "The word of the Lord came to Jonah the second time."

There was much that went on between the two times that the Lord spoke to Jonah. The first time God spoke, He instructed Jonah to arise and go preach against the wickedness of the great city of Nineveh. Instead of obeying God's voice, Jonah got on a ship and fled to Tarshish. In the midst of his rebellious flight, Jonah was thrown off of the ship and was swallowed by a whale. He stayed in this terrible dilemma for three days and three nights. While he was in the belly of the fish, he came to terms with his disobedience and remembered God. When he began to cry out to the Lord for deliverance, the Lord spoke to the fish and it vomited Jonah out onto the dry ground. Then, the word of the Lord came to Jonah the second time but after all the distress and suffering that Jonah had endured, God had not changed His mind. His word to Jonah remained the same, "Arise, go to Nineveh and preach."

All of us have probably walked down the trail of disobedience at some point in our lives and discovered that its fruits were not very pleasant. I could tell you about a terrible situation that I got myself into because I was following after my own heart's desires instead of the perfect will of God for my life. Like Jonah, I found myself in the belly of a whale, not physically of course, but spiritually, mentally, and emotionally. It was the darkest and most painful experience that I ever endured. The hopelessness that I felt and the distress that I experienced drove me to my knees because I knew that God was the only one who could deliver me. God is very loving and merciful and He understood my frail humanity. He was faithful and patient with me and graciously provided a way of escape.

Every time that God speaks, the devil comes to challenge that word so that he can steal the blessing that God has planned. God's word to us is meant to touch other lives as well as our own. Jonah clearly heard the word of the Lord both times and knew that God wanted to use him to bring deliverance to the people of Nineveh. The first time God spoke, Jonah chose not to obey, but the second time he was convinced that he needed to do God's will regardless of his own personal preference, for he had experienced the results of disobedience and it wasn't very pleasant. When God speaks and we find it difficult to submit, we must remember the example of Jonah. We must make a determination to be attentive to God's voice and choose to be obedient to do His perfect will the very first time that He speaks. Our immediate obedience will keep us from having to go through the process of correction and being spoken to the second time. +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture:  Proverbs 20:24  "Man's steps are ordered by the Lord; how can a man then understand his way?"

All scripture is given by the inspiration of God and is meant to minister grace and build faith in the heart of the hearer.  Allow this word to minister to you as you think about God's marvelous plan for your life.  He created you in His image and He has ordered your steps.  Before you woke up this morning and started on your way, His thoughts were upon you.  He very lovingly began to make plans and designed the path that He wanted you to take, the people that He wanted you to meet, and the experiences that He wanted you to encounter.  He then set about making a way through the wilderness and clearing the paths before you.  He also saw to it that the proper provisions were along the path that He had designed for you to take. 

God leaves nothing undone or to chance and regardless of what happens in your life, He is not surprised.  He knows what you are capable of and also the degree to which you can be tested.  He orders your steps and when you follow as He leads, He promises that there will be no burdens too heavy for you to bear and no temptations greater than your resistance.  Look at Job's life and you will see that every step that he took and all that he endured was allowed by God.  God was always in control and the devil was limited by God's sovereign power.

However, the plan of God can be thwarted and His Holy Spirit grieved because God has given each of us a free will.  We can either follow as His Spirit leads or be led away by our own lusts or other voices.  The Lord has ordered our steps and designed our paths, but when we are not in tune with Him, how can we understand which way to go?  From birth until death, His design for our life and His plan is waiting for us, but it is so easy to wander off and lose our way.  To accomplish His divine design, our ears must be able to hear His quiet and gentle voice telling us which path to take and our hearts must be willing to lay aside the plans that we have made for ourselves.  Our steps have been ordered by the Lord, but we must choose to walk in the path that He has ordained for us. +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture: II Samuel 5:12 "David perceived that the Lord had established him king over Israel, and that God had exalted his kingdom for the sake of His people, Israel."

David recognized that the hand of the Lord was upon him because he could see that his kingdom was being enlarged. As David began to see God's mighty anointing and blessings upon his life, he perceived that God had established him as king over Israel. Yet, David realized that this exaltation was not for his own benefit so that he might sit on a throne, wear a crown, and be honored before the people. He knew that God was allowing him the benefits of kingship so that he might be used as a channel of blessings for Israel's sake. David clearly recognized God's hope for his life.

It is important for us to understand God's hope and purpose for our own life, but our vision is often limited. We are like the six blind men in a poem that was written by John Saxe. The blind men wanted to learn about an elephant. As they groped around in their darkness and touched the elephant, they came to these conclusions:

"The first blind man felt of the broad side of the elephant and bawled,
"The elephant is like a wall."
The second felt of the tusk and said, "It's very clear,
The elephant is like a spear."
The third caught hold of the squirming trunk and boldly spake,
"The elephant is more like a snake."
The fourth felt about the elephant's knee,
And said, "What are you thinking? The elephant is a tree."
The fifth felt the elephant's huge ear and said, "Deny, who can?
The elephant feels like a fan."
The sixth grabbed hold of the its swinging tail, that fell within his scope
And said, "You're all wrong, I see, the elephant is like a rope."

Each man had an opinion that was partially right, but completely wrong. They argued about something that they had never seen. In contrast to the example of the blind men, God doesn't want you to operate in blind misconceptions about His plan and provisions for your life. He wants to give you a clear perception. Paul taught us to pray that the "eyes of our understanding would be enlightened so that we would know the hope of God's calling" (Ephesians 1:18).

Clear perception removes all doubt and endows you with an inner strength to press towards the goal that God has set. When your heart is flooded with God's light, faith begins to arise in your heart and His power is then manifested in your life. Seeing God's big picture for your life will help you make it through temptations and also sustain you in battle. When God's hopes and vision take root in your heart, they will encourage you in your failures and disappointments and give you an assurance that nothing is able to separate you from the love of God. God wants you to perceive His plan. Then as He begins to establish His kingdom in your life, He wants you to understand that it is not for your own benefit, nor for your own glory, but for the sake of His people. +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


A Word In Due Season
5th Week of October 2009


Scripture: Galatians 6:9 "And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not."

We all would like to be "well doers" who reap rewards. Yet rewards are only promised to those who do not faint in the middle of the season. Look at the farmer who plants his fields. From the very beginning, he has to cope with each challenge that comes his way. First, through much labor, the ground has to be cleared and turned with a plow. Then fertilizer has to be shoveled and mixed with the dirt, which is not the most pleasant project. This is just the beginning of his work, for the seeds have to be planted and then continually watered and the ground weeded. After this, the tender shoots and crops have to be protected from the frost and animals. The farmer cannot relax in any of his efforts or put off any project during this entire season.

The farmer not only experiences a lot of hard work in the physical, but must also extend a lot of emotional effort. He begins his process in faith that his seeds will produce, that God will send rain from heaven, that the sun will shine, and that the harvest will come forth. He doesn't concentrate on the negative but believes for the best and understands the principal that he will reap only what he sows, so regardless of how weary he becomes or how hot the season gets, he doesn't neglect his fields. He knows that for his crops to mature, he must endure and not faint in his labors. He also labors with patience; for there is no way that he can rush the season regardless of how much he needs the harvest.

It's easy for us to get discouraged when we are sowing in God's fields. We often want immediate results as we witness and try to draw others into the kingdom of God. We also become frustrated because we can't understand why those in the kingdom can't see the light and change their attitudes. The enemy continually tries to steal our seeds, and we wonder if we will ever reap the promised harvest. Often, we become tired and begin to faint along the way and our purpose and conviction weakens. We begin to lose our spiritual strength and vigor and if we are not careful, we forfeit our harvest just before due season.

Jesus gave us a clue as to how to keep from giving up and how to see the results through to the end. He told a parable concerning a widow who troubled a judge until she obtained results. She did not become weary, but instead she wearied the judge by her persistence until he finally gave in. Jesus said, "men ought always to pray and not to faint" (Luke 18:1). Prayer brings strength and is Jesus' antidote to weariness and weakness. If you don't faint or become weary, you will eventually reap your harvest. Your loved ones will be saved, relationships restored, bodies healed, and finances replenished. Today, begin to look to the Lord of the harvest and pray, pray, pray for your due season is near. +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


Scripture: Psalms 91:4 "He shall cover thee with His feathers, and under His wings shall thou trust."

Psalms ninety-one gives us many promises of God's protection. It tells us that if we "dwell in the secret place of the most High that we shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty." To be in His shadow means that you are in His presence. Psalms 31:20 speaks of the secret of His presence that hides you. The following story is copied from an unknown source:

"An article in National Geographic several years ago provided a
penetrating picture of God's wings. After a forest fire in Yellowstone
National Park, forest rangers began their trek up a mountain to assess
the inferno's damage. One ranger found a bird literally petrified in
ashes, perched statuesquely on the ground at the base of a tree.
Somewhat sickened by the eerie sight, he knocked over the bird with a
stick. When he struck it, three tiny chicks scurried from under their
dead mother's wings. The loving mother, keenly aware of impending
disaster, had carried her offspring to the base of the tree and had
gathered them under her wings, instinctively knowing that the toxic
smoke would rise. She could have flown to safety but had refused to
abandon her babies. When the blaze had arrived and the heat had
scorched her small body, the mother had remained steadfast.
Because she had been willing to die, those under the cover of her
wings would live."

These tiny chicks experienced the love of their mother. How much more love has our Almighty Father shown us? He loved us so much that He gave His only begotten Son to die for us so that we would not perish but have everlasting life (John 3:16). And Jesus loved us so much that He willingly left His throne in Heaven, became flesh, endured the shame of the cross, and sacrificed His life for us. Knowing that you are loved this much should make a difference in your life. All you need to do is trust God and climb underneath the shelter of His wings. He will take care of you. +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture: Proverbs 20:24 (NIV) "A man's steps are directed by the Lord. How then can anyone understand his own way?"

When we truly believe that God directs our steps, we must put away the notion that the life changing events that happen in our lives are mere accidents. There are many variables that could happen as we journey through life but we must recognize that God is directing our lives according to His sovereign plan and that nothing is left to chance. It was no accident that we were at the right place at the right time to meet our spouse or to meet that special lifetime friend. It was no accident when God caused someone to witness to us about Jesus or brought someone along our path who would receive our witness of faith. Neither was it an accident that we were placed on our jobs or given the particular positions that we have, for even though we can't see it or understand it, God is continually working His awesome plan in our lives.

Sometimes it is difficult to understand what God is doing because His ways are far beyond our comprehension. We wonder why we lost our job or why we didn't get the promotion that we worked so hard for. Situations do not work out like we planned and it seems that our prayers are not being answered. When these thoughts come and our circumstances get a little confusing, we need to stop and recognize that things would be a lot easier for us if we just trusted God and allowed Him to lead. We must also understand that there will be times that we are not given any choices. Joseph, who was sold into slavery by his own brothers, could do nothing but follow God into the destiny that was planned for him. Joseph had a dream that he would rule, but his dream was challenged and his hopes shattered by the cruel circumstances that surrounded him. Most likely, Joseph did not understand what was happening in his life. Yet God was directing Joseph's steps and used the evil deeds of his brothers to get him to Egypt where He could cause Joseph's dreams to come to pass and use him as an instrument to save a multitude of people.

When God gave Joseph his dreams, He did not show him the pit, the prisons, or that he would have to endure the separation from his father and family. If Joseph had seen the hardships and cruel bondage that he would suffer on the way to his dream, he probably would not have chosen to follow his dream. God only showed Joseph the glorious end so that he could maintain his hope and God gave him no choices, except to exercise wisdom and be discrete in his actions.

We must admit that some of the best decisions that we have made were the ones where we given no opportunity to choose and had to take the only option that was presented to us. Like Joseph, we may not understand what is happening until we get to the end of the journey. But when we have finished the course, we will discover that God always gives us the best when we allow Him to do the choosing. Regardless of what is happening, trust God with your life. Do not lean upon your own understanding but acknowledge that God is God and that He knows what He is doing. God gave Solomon great wisdom, so allow his words to settle your mind, "The Almighty, All Knowing God is directing your steps, so how can you possibly understand your own way?" +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture: Job 42:5 "I have heard of You only by the hearing of the ear; but now my spiritual eye sees You."

The book of Job wrestles with the question, "Why do good people suffer?" Job was a man who was morally good and highly respected. He was spiritual and even functioned as a priest and offered burnt offerings for his family. Yet, God removed Job's hedge of protection and allowed Satan to come against him for a season. In an effort to destroy him physically and spiritually, Satan repeatedly used the forces of nature, sickness, and people against Job, but he continued to trust God. Even death, itself, held no threat in Satan's challenge to destroy Job's faith, for Job said, "Though God slay me, yet will I trust Him" (Job 13:15).

Several months of testing passed as Job continued to place his confidence in God. When his season of testing finally came to an end, Job had experienced a new relationship with the Lord. He now recognized the sovereignty of God and his need to acknowledge it. Before he had been afflicted, his words had only been words without knowledge (Job 38:2). But in the midst of his tests, God spoke to Job directly, asking him simple but profound questions. When God began to commune with him, Job's spiritual eyes were opened, and he realized that God was the creator and was still in control. His knowledge of God changed from a hearing of the ears to a knowing of the heart.

This is the same process that God takes us through in the seasons of our own lives. Throughout our life, we hear of Him with our ears, but when we are challenged like Job, we come to spiritually see or know God with our heart. We may hear of Jesus, the Son of God, but we only know Him as Savior when the Holy Spirit reveals Him to us, convicts us of our sins, and we receive Him into our heart. Likewise, we only come to know Jesus as the healer when we experience healing or to know Him as the provider when we see Him meet our needs. As we encounter the Lord directly, we become persuaded about who He is, and nothing can separate us from that knowledge. In the midst of our afflictions, we discover that God is not just a theory or a thought or someone that we have heard stories about. God is very real and He must be experienced. +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture: Matthew 6:9 "Hallowed be Thy Name."

Hallowed means sacred, holy, and blameless. Jesus taught us that we are to give reverence, honor, and glory to the Name of our Father who is in Heaven. In the Ten Commandments, we are told not to take the Name of the Lord our God in vain. This command not only means not to speak His Name in profanity, but also not to dishonor His Name in the way we live, for God's name is sacred, holy, and blameless.

Names not only identify a person, but also call to mind the character, attitudes, and integrity of that person. For this reason, we try to protect our name. My father was very proud of his name and did not want it to be dishonored. I was taught that everything I did was a reflection on my father and his name. In our community, my father's name was trusted because it was backed up by his character and integrity. Everyone knew that he was a hard working, honest, no-nonsense person, and that he paid his bills. His word was his bond and his name backed up his word. He could borrow money from the bank on his name alone and made deals with just a handshake. I was given the privilege to use my father's name and could charge debts against his name. I was never questioned because I was his child, and I was called by his name. Although I did not personally have any resources, the lender knew that my father would honor and take care of the debt.

This is true in the spiritual realm as well. God gave Jesus a special name that is above every name and Philippians 2:10-11 declares that "at the Name of Jesus, every knee shall bow ... and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord". Jesus then told us that we could also use this special name that the Father had given to Him. In John 14:14 He said, "If you shall ask any thing in My name, I will do it."

Listed below are names of God in the Old Testament. These names were established as God met with man and revealed His character to them.

YAHWEH, "I AM THAT I AM" - Exodus 3:14
Jehovah Jireh, "The Lord my Provider" - Gen. 22:14
Jehovah Nissi, "The Lord is my Banner" - Ex. 17:15
Jehovah Shalom, "The Lord is Peace" - Judges 6:24
Jehovah Sabbaoth, "The Lord of Hosts" - I Sam. 1:3
Jehovah Maccaddeshcem , "The Lord my Sanctifier" - Ex. 31:13
Jehovah Raah, "The Lord is my Shepherd" - Ps. 23:1
Jehovah Tsidkenu, "The Lord my Righteousness" - Jerm. 23:6
Jehovah Shammah, "The Lord is there (present)" - Ezk. 48:35
Jehovah Elohim, "The Lord God of Israel" - Jud. 5:3; Is. 17:6
Jehovah Rophe, "The Lord my Healer" - Ex. 15:26

As we think on these names, let us remember that God is all we need. We have no power within ourselves, but we have power in His Name. He is the same God today as He was when He spoke to Moses, "I AM THAT I AM" (Exodus 3:13-14). Whatever we need today, He says, "I AM." I AM the answer to all of your questions. If you need provisions, I AM your Provider. If you need healing, I AM your Healer. If you need victory, I AM your Banner. I AM your peace. I AM your Shepherd and will lead you through the valleys and restore you. I AM your Righteousness. And, I AM the God that is always present. I AM your God. I AM everything that you need Me to be. I AM THAT I AM! HALLOWED BE HIS NAME!!!! +++

Copyright © 2009 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    
