A Word In Due Season
1st Week of February 2011


Scripture: Jeremiah 17:9 "The heart is deceitful above all things."

There are many deceptions in life for us to watch for and to be aware of. Circumstances will lie to us, symptoms in our bodies will alarm us, and people will consciously or unconsciously deceive us. Yet, the greatest deception that we will ever encounter is that of our own heart, for God said through the prophet that the heart is deceitful above all things. Jeremiah declared that the heart was not only deceitful above all things, but that it was also desperately wicked. He then asked the question, "Who can know it?"

It is a sobering thought to know that our heart is desperately wicked and that we cannot know it or discern its motives. We want to think that we are in control and have it all together. We want to believe that we are right and are doing right. Yet, experience has taught us that our lust will draw us down a path of darkness that we never intended to go down. Then our desire to gratify ourselves will cause us to justify the path that we are traveling and we will believe every lie that supports our feelings. The sad truth is that this road of deception leads to heartache and pain, and if unchecked, it will eventually lead to death. James 1:14-15 tells us, "Every man is tempted when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed. Then when lust is conceived, it brings forth sin, and sin, when it is finished brings forth death." Briefly said, lust leads to temptation, temptation leads to sin, and sin leads to death. The enticement to sin is a deceitful and subtle trick of the devil. Lust that leads to sin may seem inconsequential for a moment, but sin is like conception. Once sin is conceived, there will be results. At the beginning the fruit may be hidden, but eventually the results will be evident and final.

If our heart is deceitful and we can't know it, who can? And, if we can't trust ourselves, whom can we trust? The answer is simple. God alone has all knowledge and is trust worthy. We can trust the Lord when we can't trust ourselves or anyone else. We must give ourselves totally to Him and not lean upon our own understanding, for He has all of the answers and knows our lives from the beginning to the end. His plans are good and we must obey His word even though we do not understand the whole matter. If we yield ourselves to this mindset and allow God full control of our lives, He will open our eyes and spare us from falling into self-deception. As the prophet said, the heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked, but if we turn to the Lord, He will lead us away from temptation so that He can deliver us from evil. Yielding ourselves to God in this manner should be a part of our daily prayer if we want to live in truth and victory. ++

Copyright © 2011 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



II Timothy 4:16-17  "All men forsook me ... but the Lord stood with me and strengthened me."

Knowing and serving God is a one-on-one personal endeavor.  It is an individual life of obedience to the Father.  Although we may worship with others, our personal relationship with the Lord is never a group effort.  Very often it requires standing alone in our convictions and following the Holy Spirit when no one understands.  Like the Apostle Paul, many voices may rise against us and our closest friends may forsake us when God begins to deal with us.  As we follow God, the reasons for our actions may be questioned and our motives scrutinized.  Simply standing in the midst of this adversity will become a test of our faith.  Then, as we choose to follow God instead of giving in to other opinions, we usually find ourselves rejected and standing alone.  This is the price of servanthood and the cost of freedom.

Oswald Chambers wrote, "A servant of God must stand so much alone that he never knows he is alone."  We must become so accustomed to this place of solitude that we do not think of it as being strange.  Like the eagle that soars alone, it must become our comfortable place.  We must know that God is with us, for He has made a commitment to never forsake us or leave us alone.  Paul knew very well how it felt to experience this place when he was beaten, stoned, and imprisoned.  Yet, he never allowed these places of solitude to disillusion him or cause him to give up.  When all men forsook him, Paul knew that God was standing with him and he found renewed strength in that belief.

Even Jesus' disciples abandoned Him in a crucial hour.  When He was taken from the Garden of Gethsemane, all of His disciples forsook Him and fled (Mark 14:50).  Judas had openly betrayed Him.  Yet, it seemed that at least one of the remaining eleven disciples would have chosen to stay by Jesus' side.  After all, they were His closest friends.  Even those that He had healed or delivered did not come to His rescue and the thousands that He had fed when He multiplied the loaves and fish were nowhere to be found.  Instead, He was despised and rejected of all men and forced to stand alone when it came time for Him to fulfill God's plan.

Like Jesus, our passion must be fueled by God's will and purposes for our lives regardless of whom it separates us from or where it takes us.  We can be sure that when all men forsake us, the Lord will stand with us and strengthen us.  We must abandon ourselves to God and take refuge in His presence so that the greatness of His being can be birthed within our souls. +++

Copyright © 2011 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture:  John 6:12  "Gather the fragments that remain, that nothing be lost."

When Jesus made this request He had just finished feeding over five thousand people.  He fed them by blessing and multiplying five loaves of bread and two small fish that His disciples had obtained from a young boy.  It seems strange that Jesus would gather up the leftovers after such an awesome experience.  He didn't gather the fragments that remained so that He could show that the miracle that He had just performed supplied more than enough, for they ended up with twelve full baskets of leftovers.  Nor were they collected in order to keep the grounds and hillside clean.  His words clearly indicated His intentions, "that nothing be lost."

God is awesome in His power and He is His own source.  Yet we see in this story that even though He can create anything, He wastes nothing.  He is not slothful in any sense but is faithful in all things.  He always takes care "that nothing be lost."

God is watching over you just as Jesus watched over the fragments that remained that day among the people.  What may seem insignificant in the eyes of others is important to the heart of God.  In Joel 2:25 He says, "I will restore all the years that the locust has eaten."  He looks at your life that has been broken just like the bread and the fish and He believes that He can mend you.  You feel that you have no significant purpose, but the Lord says I have hope and future plans for you (Jeremiah 29:11).  You see only crumbs, but He sees baskets full.  You see yourself as having been scattered, but He sees you drawing close to Him.  Your life to you seems as nothing but brokenness, but He sees great potential.  And, He speaks into your life as Jesus spoke to His disciples.  "Gather the fragments that remain, that nothing be lost."  Begin today with what little you have and bring the fragments back to God.  He will take the pieces that you give to Him and bless them so that nothing will be lost. +++

Copyright © 2011 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture: Psalms 96:2 "Sing unto the Lord, bless His Name; show forth His salvation from day to day."

The Lord is our Shepherd and He gently leads us day to day. Whether He is coming or going, the Shepherd's path is always forward. He never reverses His steps. Many times, as His sheep, we have no idea where the path is leading or what to expect. The uncertainty can be frightening and frustrating, so the Lord asks us not to exercise our minds in things that we do not understand or think about the things that are too high for us. His words of wisdom assure us that His ways are higher than our ways and that His infinite knowledge is far greater than our finite mind can comprehend. As a loving Shepherd, the Lord has our best interest in mind at all times, so we must trust in Him with all of our heart and not lean upon our own understanding.

The Shepherd never asks His sheep to focus on the past or to look too far into the future. He said, "Today's trouble is enough for today" (Matthew 6:34 NLT). The joy of the journey is in the present moment and He just wants us to follow Him in faith, one step at a time. His word tells us not to dwell on the former things, for He forgives the sins of the past regardless of whether they were committed years ago or moments ago, or whether we consider them big or small. It makes no difference, for nothing is too difficult for Him to handle. He encourages us not to be condemned or overcome with regrets but to take every failure and discouragement as a lesson to be learned. He promised to restore the years that the canker worm devoured, to build up the old waste places, and make all things new in our life.

Neither are we to be anxious about tomorrow. And yet, too often, we either worry about it or pin our hopes on what will be in the future instead of the joys that are available to us today. You can plan for the future, but don't live there. Don't worry about what the future holds or look to it as a place of escape from today. Instead, live today and enjoy every moment. The joy of your journey with Jesus is daily feeding on the green pastures and drinking from the still waters that He provides. It is allowing your soul to be refreshed and restored in His presence. To sum things up,

If you dwell on the past, you will miss out on your future.

If you dwell on the future, you will miss out on the joys of today.

If you dwell on living today, you can experience life at its fullest.

Remember that life does not stand still and it does not last forever. Our time on earth is a precious season that God has graciously given to each of us. Let us enjoy all of life's moments as it moves forward, day to day. The psalmist declared, "This is the day the Lord has made and we are to rejoice and be glad in it" (Psalms 118:24). +++

Copyright © 2011 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


A Word In Due Season
2nd Week of February 2011


Scripture: Job 19:8 "He has fenced up my way that I cannot pass."

Job was challenged by many trials and temptations. When he explained his situation, he said that it was as though adversity surrounded him on all sides like a fence. Job had lost his wealth, his health, his children, his prestige in the community, the loyalty and honor of his friends, and the devotion of his wife. He had nothing left but his relationship with God and he mentioned that there were even doubts about that. He said that God had overthrown him, set darkness in his path, and stripped him of his glory (Verses 6-9). Job's losses had come suddenly and without warning and there was nothing that he could do about his extreme situation. Satan had been allowed to attack his body and vex his soul and Job knew that he could not pass from his dilemma except at the mercy of God.

There is a time in our walk with God that we face similar circumstances. They may not be as severe as Job's testing but it is a place of frustration because it seems that the season has no value. It is a time of waiting because the gates are closed and the doors will not open. We are not allowed to go in and out by our own choosing. We can't seem to do anything and we can't change anything. It is a season when God limits us to His design and tells us to "Be still." It is difficult to be still when we do not know what is happening. Yet, it is in these moments of isolation that God molds us into the vessel that fit His purposes. He uses this time to remove things from our lives, physically, emotionally, and spiritually, which are not pleasing to Him and are a hindrance to His work. For the moment, these losses bring confusion and grief, but when the process is completed, there is great joy.

A fence has two purposes. It keeps things within its borders while at the same time it keeps intrusions out. Both of these purposes are meant for your protection. Like Job, you may feel, at times, that God has overthrown you and set darkness in your path because, from your viewpoint, everything seems to be confusing and unclear. Yet when God is in control, you don't have to know what is happening; you just need to know the One who is making it happen. You must understand that if God is not allowing you to escape the fenced-in place and pass through to the other side, there is a valid reason for it. He is working something greater in you than you can imagine or protecting you from something that you don't even know exist. For as long as your shut-in season last, you must rest in faith, knowing that God's fence is there for you and not against you. It is God's sovereign design for this season of your life. So trust in Him with all of your heart. He will keep you safe and allow you to pass through the gate at His timing. ++

Copyright © 2011 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture: Psalms 107:15 "Oh that men would praise the Lord for His goodness, for His wonderful works to the children of men!"

God is so good and His works are wonderful, yet we rarely stop to consider all that He does for us. He hides us under the shelter of His wings like a mighty eagle that protects her young. He is our shield in the time of battle and He is our hedge against problems. He walks with us in the midst of the fire and He keeps us safe in the flood. He calms the raging storms and leads us through the dry barren desert. He stands beside us when the lions roar and also helps us to conquer every giant that mocks us. He is our daily provision and our hope for the future. He is our Shepherd who leads us through the dark valley and our intercessor who continually sits at the right hand of God. He is our Savior and our best friend. How could we ask for anything more?

As I read the many prayer requests that come through this ministry, I realize how thankful we need to be on a daily basis because God is sparing many of us from some of the heartache and pain that others are facing at the moment. Yet, I remember a season when I was pressed beyond measure on every side just as others are experiencing at this time. In that year, my husband passed away after a long battle with cancer, my brother died, and my home was flooded with over two feet of water from a tropical storm. My heart was broken because of the loss of my loved ones, and in the midst of my grief, I was forced to handle financial situations and make decisions that I had never had to face alone. It was a terrible season of hard work, financial loss, grief, and sorrow. But in every situation, God's grace proved sufficient, and my experiences became a training ground for me to learn how to love and encourage others who would later face the same challenges.

We are reminded of these seasons of heartache and pain, from time to time, and may even wonder how we made it through the various trials. Yet, how often do we give thanks to the Lord that we are not experiencing similar circumstances at the present time? We should give thanks every day of our life, for each day God protects us in some way that we do not realize. He spares us from sickness or some unseen situation that He knows we are unable to handle because He promised that He would never put more upon us than we could bear. He allows only a portion of pain for a given season so as not to overwhelm our spirits. If we could see all that the Lord had spared us from, we would be as passionate as the psalmist. We would agree with his declaration of desire. We would become one of those people who would "praise the Lord for His goodness and for His wonderful works to the children of men!" ++

Copyright © 2011 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture: Matthew 25:21 "His lord said unto him, Well done, thou good and faithful servant."

In this story, the lord of the servant did not demean his servant because he had been given so little. Instead, the lord commended his servant for being faithful over the 'few things" that had been entrusted into his care. It is easy to relate to this story when we look at those about us who have been given great gifts. We may feel very humble and count ourselves as insignificant when we compare ourselves to them. Yet, God has created us in His image, and because He is faithful, He expects us to be faithful whether we have been endowed with little or with much. God never asks us to go beyond the abilities that He has placed in our lives or to do less than what He has entrusted us to do. Few talents and small abilities do not negate our responsibility to be faithful in His kingdom. We are accountable for every word and deed that we do or that we do not do.

However, the devil doesn't want you to be faithful in God's kingdom so he stays very busy trying to convince you that you can't do what God has asks you to do. He makes you fearful and encourages you to hide the gifts that God has given you. He tells you that no one will listen to you. Yet just a few seemingly insignificant words of witness spoken from your lips at the right time could save a soul that is headed for an eternal Hell. Your words of comfort and encouragement could be the message that draws someone out of the valley of discouragement to the mountaintop of joy. So, you must learn to be faithful over the few words that God has given you to say. Little will be much when God anoints it with His Holy Spirit.

When the devil is successfully able to keep you from doing God's will in your personal life, he succeeds in hindering the entire kingdom of God. He intrudes upon your territory just like he did with Israel. Every battle Israel fought was over boundaries. The enemy continually challenged God's word concerning the Promised Land. If you are finding yourself in a busy but unfruitful place, reposition yourself and enforce your boundaries. Seek to develop every talent and gift and determine to be in the flow with the heart of God by committing to obey His word at any cost. At the end of life's journey, wouldn't you rather hear God say, "Well done thou good and faithful servant" than for Him to ask, "The thing I gave you to do, did you do it?" ++

Copyright © 2011 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture: Proverbs 22:19 "That your trust may be in the Lord."

God wants us to simply trust in Him with all of our heart and not lean upon our own understanding. He told us that if we would acknowledge Him in all of our ways, then He would direct our paths (Proverbs 3:5-6). Trusting God is a simple formula that brings health to our bodies and peace to our souls because it allows God to deal with all of the stress that challenges our lives.

God gave us these excellent words of His counsel and allowed us the knowledge of His truth, but many times it is difficult to simply trust in Him with all of our hearts. Frankly, most of us do not want to give up the control of our own lives and lean upon someone we can't see regardless of how powerful He may be. For me, I tend to analyze everything and seek desperately for solutions, and it is frustrating not to be able to take some sort of action. I want all things to work out in a sensible way, but I found that God usually does not work in that manner. His wisdom is confusing to the minds of men and His ways overshadow their plans. He rolls back the massive waters of the Red Sea for Moses instead of building a bridge. He shuts the mouths of the lions instead of simply rescuing Daniel out of the lion's den. He calms the raging storm when He could have warned the disciples to wait a while before trying to cross the sea. He raises Lazarus from the dead instead of getting there in time to just heal him.

Who can explain God's ways, for His ways are never the same as ours? Yet we can rest assured that He always has a better plan because He is our Father and He cares for us just the same as we care for our own children and loved ones. We are God's main interest and He wants the very best for our lives. We must come to the place that we trust Him enough to cast every care upon Him and then leave our burdens in His hands until He works everything out. When He is finished solving the problem, we will find that He did all things well. We must resist the temptation to analyze everything and how it should be. One of the greatest truths that I have learned is that God is smarter than I am. When I received the revelation of this awesome truth, I was able to trust in the Lord with all of my heart and not lean upon my own understanding. The Lord now sits as the King over the kingdoms of my heart and every chamber belongs to Him. I have never been disappointed in any of His decisions for my life. My prayer for you is that you would find this wisdom and even when you don't understand what is going in your life that you can still declare, "Lord, my trust is in You." +++

Copyright © 2011 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture: Psalms 19:14 "Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Thy sight, O Lord, my Strength and my Redeemer."

Our concerns about righteousness are usually about what we have done or said, but God is interested in much more than that. He considers not only our words and actions but also the meditations of our heart, for it is the thoughts and feelings of our heart that determine who we truly are. Sometimes we respond with the correct words and a seemly right attitude when in reality we are frustrated in having to deal with a person or a matter. We only pretend to be patient, loving, and kind, but the true meditations of our heart are hidden. They are not in agreement with our false actions. Our pretense on the outside looks good to the world but our heart is void of the inward fruit of the Holy Spirit.

The truest measure of integrity is explained as doing the right thing when no one is looking. It is obeying the laws of life and also the laws of the heart when there is no one there to judge us. If our hearts are right, it won't matter if we have an audience or not, we will always choose to do the right thing. We will give knowing that we will gain nothing from the receiver of our gift. We will be kind to the unlovely when there is no glory to be received. We will be honest even though no one will ever know the difference. We will do our work with excellence even though no one is watching us. We will be discreet in every respect of life and walk out what we profess to believe.

David prayed concerning the words of his mouth and the meditations of his heart. He wanted both to be acceptable in the sight of God. David knew that we could have our words right but that the meditations in our heart could be very wrong. He also recognized that God was his Strength and Redeemer so he called out to Him. We must understand as David did that God is very aware of the intents of our hearts. He sees our actions but He also knows our thoughts and meditations. He discerns the evil and is saddened but He rejoices in the goodness that is within us. He desires that we live in truth and manifest the fruit of His Spirit. Like David, before the words of our mouth and the meditations of heart begin to conflict with the heart of God, we can call out to the Lord. God is always near and He is there to help. He will give us strength in our weakness and be our Redeemer in every situation. +++

Copyright © 2011 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


A Word In Due Season
3rd Week of February 2011


Scripture: I Corinthians 13:13 "... the greatest of these is love."

We know that without faith it is impossible to please God and we are told to hope in Him and His word. Yet, Paul says that love is greater than both faith and hope. Love will cause a man and a woman to give up their own individual lives to join together in unity for life. Love will cause a mother and a father to sacrifice themselves to nurture and provide for their children and love will cause children to become caretakers for their elderly parents. Love for one's country and what it represents will cause a man to go to war and lay down his own life for the cause. Love will cause pastors to lay down their lives for their sheep and love will cause sheep to serve their pastors faithfully. Love will cause brothers and sisters to fight for one another and love will bond friendships that cannot be broken. Love caused our Father God to give His only begotten Son to die on the cross for our sins (John 3:16). The greatest expression of love was this act at Calvary.

Love excels all emotions. It is a mighty force that originates with God, for God is love. In Matthew 22:37 & 39, Jesus said that the two greatest commandments are, "Love the Lord your God with all of your heart, and with all of your soul, and with all of your might ... and love your neighbor as yourself." When we do these two commandments, we fulfill the Ten Commandments. You can not love God with all of your heart, soul, and mind while you are worshiping other gods, taking God's name in vain, or polluting His holy day. You can not love and honor God if you do not honor your parents as the Word of God instructs. You can not truly love others if you are willing to kill them, steal from them, bear false witness against them, commit adultery with their mate, and covet their belongings. Love and evil can not be mingled in the same vessel. They will neutralize one another. Even our gifts have no place if our love is not pure and undefiled. Paul said that our gifts become as noisy gongs and clanging cymbals where there is no love.

We are to keep, or guard, our hearts (Proverbs 4:23). I Corinthians 13:4-8 tells us that love is patient and kind. When love governs our heart, jealousy, arrogance, pride, and vanity are unable to prevail. When love is ruling, it doesn't insist on its own way and is not rude and unbecoming. Love is never self-seeking or resentful. A heart governed by love doesn't dwell on the evil that has been done to it nor does it rejoice at injustice or unrighteousness. A heart full of love will rejoice when right and truth prevail. It will also be able to bear up under anything and everything that comes. A heart guarded with love will always believe the best of every person and its hopes are fadeless under all circumstances. Love never fails and never fades away but will endure to the end. The greatest gift is a heart full of love. When a heart is filled with love for God and others, there is no room for self. ++

Copyright © 2011 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture: Psalms 139:14 "I will praise Thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made."

David praised God and acknowledged that man was an awesome creation of God. God very carefully put every one of us together as He desired while we were still in our mother's womb. Each person has more than 50,000 genes that influence their intelligence, personality, physical and mental talents, and behavior. And each gene differs in a number of ways when compared to the genes of another person. Our voices are so uniquely different that we can recognize the voices of our family members, friends, and famous people in the midst of a million of other voices. And regardless of how good a voice impersonator may be, they are not completely convincing to those who are truly knowledgeable. Our fingerprints and hair strands can also be used to positively identify one person from another. God created us with a brain that is far greater than any computer and has also given us the ability to be able to love, experience emotions, and commune spiritually with Him.

Consider this reference in the Dake's Reference Bible - Concordance:

"The body is wonderfully made. It consists of various chemicals - iron,
sugar, salt, carbon, iodine, phosphorus, lime, calcium, and others -
about 98 cents worth. The body has 263 bones; 600 muscles;
970 miles of blood vessels; 400 cups on the tongue for taste;
20,000 hairs in the ears to tune in to all sounds; 40 pound jaw
pressure; 10,000,000 nerves and branches; 3,500 sweat tubes to
each square inch of skin or 40 miles long; 20,000,000 mouths that
suck food as it goes through the intestines; 600,000,000 air cells to
the lungs that inhale 2,400 gallons of air daily; and a telephone system
that relates to the brain instantly any known sound, taste, sight,
touch, or smell. The heart beats 4,200 times an hour and pumps
12 tons of blood daily."

When we think about these facts, we realize that we are truly wonderfully made and blessed beyond our comprehension. We serve an awesome God and He not only formed us, but continues to watch over the being that He created. Jesus said, "The very hairs of our head are numbered" (Matthew 10:30). In other words, God is so concerned and involved with our personal life that each time we lose a hair, He is on the scene. This God that created us is unique and He has fearfully and wonderfully created us in His own image. ++

Copyright © 2011 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture:  Proverbs 3:27  "Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in your power to do it."

The expression that no man is an island is very true.  Many times we do not want to admit this fact or be dependent upon someone else, but the fact remains that we all need each other.  For a season, we may be successful in our efforts to stand alone, but events will happen in our lives and things will change.  When they do, we discover that we are not as self-sufficient as we thought.  We are members of one body and God has designed us to function as a unit, giving and receiving from each other.

King Solomon was known for his wisdom.  He continued to say that we should not only do good for others when we are able to do it but also to do it immediately.  He said,  "Do not say to your neighbor, go and come again, tomorrow I will give it, when you have it with you."  Yet, there are many times when the opportunity presents itself that we fail to follow these instructions.  For whatever reason, we postpone the good deed or repayment of a debt that we owe to a more opportune time.  Then too often the good that we could have done and intended to do is totally forgotten about.  When God shows us a need of any kind, it is for a reason.  We are not to put it on a shelf and allow the moment to pass.  We must ask God what He would like for us to do about the situation and then submit ourselves to His will.  We never know but that our actions could be the answer to someone else's prayer and our abundance the provisions for their needs.

You hold the power of doing good in your hands so be generous with your thoughts, words, and actions.  Doing good is not limited to finances.  It can be any area of life.  You can be the intercessor that prays your brother or sister through a very dark season.  You can be a helping hand to someone who has a heavy load.  You can be a strong shoulder and understanding heart to those who need someone to lean upon.  You can be a listening ear and counselor to those who need to share their problems.  You can be a voice in the wilderness speaking a word in due season to the weary.  You can be a light in the darkness to a desperate soul and show direction to the lost.  Your presence can bring peace in the midst of the storm, joy in times of sorrow, and comfort in seasons of grief.  Whatever the occasion may be, recall Solomon's words of wisdom and do not withhold good when it is in your power to do it. +++

Copyright © 2011 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture: Genesis 13:10 & 11 "Lot lifted up his eyes, and beheld all the plain of Jordan, that it was well watered everywhere, before the Lord destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah ... Then Lot chose him all the plain of Jordan."

Abraham took Lot, his nephew, with him when he left Egypt. However, it became difficult for them to live together because both men had such large herds and great possessions. When the land could not support both of them any longer, strife began to develop between their herdsmen. In an effort to control the strife, Abraham suggested that he and Lot separate themselves and go different directions. Abraham said, "The whole land is before us. You take what you want and I will take what is left."

This was such a generous offer on Abraham's part, as he was Lot's elder and leader and could have demanded the best for himself. Abraham's herdsmen, who were already in strife with Lot's herdsmen, would have stood with Abraham in battle to gain the more fruitful and better land. Yet, Abraham gave Lot first choice. Lot responded to this offer by choosing the very best portion of land, the plain of Jordan, which was well watered, lush, and green. However, this land did not remain in this state for very long. Because of the sin which polluted Sodom and Gomorrah, God's judgment fell upon it. In its final state, the land that Lot chose became a barren desert. It was no longer fruitful but was in total contrast to its original state of being well watered, lush, and green.

In Luke 12:15, Jesus told us that our lives do not consist in the abundance of things which we posses. Riches never satisfy the soul. A rich man and a poor man debated which of the two where the wealthiest. The rich man told the poor man, "I'm the wealthiest because I have great riches and you have nothing." The poor man said, "I'm the wealthiest. You have great riches for sure, but you always want more. I have very little, but I have all I want." II Timothy 6:6-9 says, "contentment is great gain ... be content with having food and clothing. Those who crave to be rich fall into temptation and a snare and into many foolish and hurtful lusts." God knows you and knows your needs. He has great plans for you and will provide what is best for you. Instead of choosing the land that is well-watered, lush, and green, seek His blessing and perfect will for your life. God will always give you the best when you let Him do the choosing." +++

Copyright © 2011 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture: James 2:17 "Faith, if it has not works, is dead, being alone."

We are saved by faith and not by works, and yet faith always generates good and productive works. Faith demands corresponding actions and when faith stands alone without any actions to support its beliefs, it is dead. In the previous verses, James gave an example of a brother or sister who were naked and destitute of daily food. He said that if we tell them to go in peace and be warmed and fed, and do nothing about their situation, there is no profit. Our words are dead and have no life. Then, he told us that the same thing is true of our faith. When we just talk about what we believe and wait for something to happen, it profits nothing. There is no fruit unless we act on what we believe.

Faith works and faith has works. The blind man's faith caused him to cry out to Jesus for healing. He even cast away his beggar's garment by faith when Jesus called for him to come. He had faith that he would be healed and he got rid of his garment because he believed that he would not have to beg again. The faith of the leprous men caused them to search out Jesus for cleansing. The lame man acted in faith and picked up his bed and walked at Jesus' command. Peter acted on his faith and walked upon the water when Jesus bid him to step out of the boat and come to Him. Zacchaeus was a small man but his faith prompted him to climb up in a tree so that he could see Jesus. The faith that was in the heart of the woman with an issue of blood caused her to push through the crowd of people so that she could touch the hem of Jesus' garment and be healed. Lazarus had to put away the graves clothes and walk out of the tomb when Jesus called him to come forth. Noah acted on faith and built an ark and Moses led millions of people across a desert. These are just a few that put actions to their faith.

Our lives are full of opportunities every day to express our faith in the Lord and His word. I am almost sure that none of us will be called to walk on the water or walk out of a tomb, but our faith will be challenged, none the less. We will have to put actions to our faith and show what we declare to believe. If we believe that God can take care of all of our needs, we will have to stop worrying and cast all of our cares upon Him. If we believe God's word about giving to Him and others, we will have to share in our own lean times and expect the Lord to honor His promise of a greater return. If we believe that Jesus paid the price for our healing, we can't give up. We must stand in faith until our answer comes. In every situation that demands faith, we will have to trust in the Lord with all of our hearts and not lean upon our own understanding. Faith's actions are not easy, but they are always evident. If faith is standing alone and does not have works, it is dead. +++

Copyright © 2011 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


A Word In Due Season
4th Week of February 2011


Scripture: I Peter 5:10 "But the God of all grace, Who has called us unto His eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after you have suffered awhile, make you perfect, established, strengthen, and settle you."

Our Heavenly Father is the God of all grace. There is nothing too big for Him to handle and no situation that outweighs His measure of grace. There is no mountain too high, no valley too low, and no river too deep that will cause His grace to fail. God's grace is and always will be sufficient for every need. However, grace is only needed when there is a lack. The scripture above tells us that God has called us unto His eternal glory, but His glory will only come to us as we pass through the process of suffering.

We all want to experience God's glory but we do not relish the thought of suffering to get there. Like a piece of clay that must suffer through the process of being shaped into something useful, it is through suffering that God is able to mold us into the vessels that He wants us to be. Peter said that the God of all grace deals with us until we are perfect or mature and complete in every way. God doesn't leave the clay unfinished. He completes our beings through fiery trials and adverse situations. He also uses our seasons of suffering to establish us or make us resolute and steadfast in our direction, for when we suffer through various situations, we come out vowing never to be in those places again. Through suffering, we are also strengthened in power as our thoughts toward God are confirmed in spiritual knowledge. Seasons of suffering also settle our hearts and make sure our foundation.

You may wonder why God is so slow in turning your situation around. The previous scriptures tell you what you should do during your season of suffering. First, you must "humble yourself under the mighty hand of God" (VS. 6). By demoting yourself, you allow God to rule and have dominion over you. As you completely yield yourself to Him, He is able to finish His work within you. Second, you are to "cast all of your cares upon Him" (Vs. 7). He knows that you are in a tough place, but as you learn to let Him take all of your anxieties, worries, and concerns, it releases you from the power of the evil one. You must also "be sober and vigilant" (Vs. 8). Watching for the snares of the devil will keep you well-balanced and temperate. Caution must be exercised at all times because the devil will try to use your suffering situation to destroy your faith. Finally, you must realized that you are not alone and that suffering should not be considered something strange for those in the Kingdom of God. "The same afflictions are happening with your brothers throughout the world" (Vs.9). You have an adversary that is going about as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. He is a desperate foe, but you can take refuge in the knowledge that God is the God of all grace, favor, and blessing. So be encourage to know that God has called you into His eternal glory and He is in control. He has designed your destiny and made sure that your suffering will only be for a season. ++

Copyright © 2011 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture:  Genesis 1:1  "In the beginning God created ..."

God was very busy in the first chapter of Genesis.  With the exception of five verses in this chapter of thirty-one verses, He is either planning, making, dividing, creating, speaking things into existence, or blessing His finished work.  He took no rest until His work was complete.  This first verse of this chapter presents us with God and reveals that He is the Creator.  We also learn from the very beginning that God is constant and we know that everything that He set in order thousands of years ago still continues to function precisely today.

James 1:17 calls God, "The Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning."  God, Himself, declared in Malachi 3:6, that "He changed not."  If God doesn't change, then He is still Creator today just as He was at the beginning of time.  As Creator, we see Him at work when He rained down manna from heaven for the people of Israel and caused water to come from the rock.  One minister encouraged us not to fear and said that "God hasn't lost the recipe for manna."  Regardless of our current circumstances, what the future holds, or how hard times may get, we know two things; God is in control and God can create the things that we need from absolutely nothing.

Verse two tells us that in the beginning, God's Spirit hovered and moved over the earth, which was without form, void, and covered in darkness.  The Holy Spirit was waiting for the voice of God to speak so that He could move and bring light into darkness and life into a hopeless situation.  In the same manner, the Spirit of God hovers over our lives when we do not know where to turn or what to do.  The Holy Spirit sees our pain and confusion but waits for God the Father to speak so that He can move in our situations that are out of order, void, and covered in darkness.

God on the other hand is waiting for us to make our request to Him and speak words of faith concerning our needs.  James 4:2 said, "You have not because you ask not."  Then, again in Mark 11:23, Jesus instructed us to speak to the mountains in our lives.  He said that if we believed what we said, the mountains would be removed and we would have the things that we say.  We must realize that the power of life and death are in our tongues and that God will create the fruit of our lips (Isaiah 57:19).  God created us in His image and we are to speak words into the ears of God so that His Spirit can work in our lives.  God will begin to create when our words are filled with faith and there is no doubt in our hearts.  As you read the scriptures, allow God's Word to come alive in your heart by faith.  Speak them over your circumstances and watch God turn your darkness into light. +++

Copyright © 2011 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture: I John 1:9 "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."

This promise from God's word does not give us a license to sin, but an assurance that if we do sin, God will always be faithful to forgive us. His love and grace will prevail in every situation if we will humbly confess and freely admit to Him that we have sinned. Often, however, to keep from admitting our sins, we label them as faults or group them together and ask God to forgive us of all of our wrongs. It's really hard for us to admit that we have sinned and to call our sins out, naming them one by one. Yet, this is what God requires. It is the only way to true repentance and cleansing, for when we confess our sins, the blood of Jesus washes away every trace of unrighteousness.

God desires that we look at our thoughts and actions and then measure them against His word and His standard. There are no little sins or big sins. He looks at the intents and motives of our heart because our heart attitude is just as important as our actions. Jesus teaches us this principle in Matthew 5:28 saying that the one who entertains lust and evil desires in his heart is the same as the one who commits the sin. There is no distinction and all sin, outward and inward, must be confessed if we want to be free and experience God's will and purpose in our lives.

Another passage of scripture that speaks of the benefits of our confession is in Psalms 32:1-5. The Message Bible translates David's words very plainly:

"Count yourself lucky, how happy you must be -
You get a fresh start, your slate is wiped clean.
Count yourself lucky - God holds nothing against you
and you're holding nothing back from Him.
When I kept it all inside, my bones turned to powder, my words became daylong groans. The pressure never let up ...
Then I let it all out;
I said, "I'll make a clean breast of my failures to God."
Suddenly the pressure was gone -
my guilt dissolved, my sin disappeared." God is faithful and His word is true! If we will confess, He will forgive! ++

Copyright © 2011 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture: Proverbs 22:2 "The rich and the poor meet together: the Lord is the maker of them all."

Luxury is relative, which means that it is related to the matters at hand. The personal things that I would consider a luxury are not to even be compared to the real luxuries that I enjoy every day of my life. Life is like looking at a coin. We see one side and may never be exposed to other side of the coin. It is when you go to the poverty-stricken areas of our nation or to a foreign mission field that you come to understand what real luxury is all about. The things that you have consider to be luxuries no longer matter because you see the other side of the coin of life and what others are doing without.

When you see the women of other nations standing on the banks of the river and using a rock to pound their clothes against a larger rock, your washing machine becomes a luxury. When you see their clothes spread out on their rooftops, you also view your automatic clothes dryer as a luxury. When you realize that people get their drinking water just a little ways down the stream from where they washed their clothes and bathed their bodies, you thank God that you have pure water to drink and it becomes a luxury of life. When you see their children stripped bare so that their clothes can be washed, you stop complaining that you have nothing to wear when your closets are full. When you witness the hungry starving children going through the trash in search of a morsel of stale bread, you learn to appreciate your bountiful supply of food. When you see the houses that are made of cardboard or pieces of metal from a car, you see your own home as luxurious. Even those who are fortunate enough to have a real house with water and electricity suffer because their utilities are rationed every day.

We don't recognize the seemingly small things in our lives as luxuries because we are accustomed to them. We have plenty of food and water at the present time. Yet, if we did not have them, they would soon become the luxuries that we would desire the most and our definition of luxury would quickly change. We need to remember that we could easily be the ones washing our clothes on the riverbank and drying them on the rooftops if it were not for God's grace. I think that God would be very pleased if we started looking at our lives in a different way. We need to view every blessing that God gives to us as a luxury and thank Him everyday for every provision. God has given us the greatest luxuries of life; our eyesight, our hearing, mobility in our bodies, and the capacity to love, think, and feel. Finally, let us understand that even life itself is a luxury, for every breath that we breathe comes from God Almighty, who is the Lord and the Maker of us all. +++

Copyright © 2011 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture: Hebrews 12:1 "Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight and the sin that clings so closely, let us run with patience the race that is set before us."

Challenges greet us at every turn in life and many things seek to weigh us down. We may have thought that life's race would be easier than it is. Yet even when we are being obedient to God's voice and know that we are in His will, it's still hard to understand the hurdles that stand in our way and the many pitfalls that are there to surprise us. Condemnation tells us that we must be doing something wrong and temptation speaks to our soul to give up and drop out of the race. Discouragement says, "It is hopeless. You will never make it." Then physical weariness takes us to the very edge.

The Apostle Paul knew that we would face these struggles and told us that in the midst of temptation, there are other voices that we can turn to. He spoke of a great cloud of witnesses that surround each and every one of us to give us encouragement, correction, and inspiration for enduring faith. These witnesses that surround us have passed this way before. Their stories and examples throughout the scriptures show us the way through the wilderness, give light in our darkness, and direction for our path. When we are weak, we can view their lives and draw strength.

The witness of Joseph tells us to hold onto our dreams, for they will come to pass at the appointed time. The witness of Noah says, "Obey God's voice even if it seems ridiculous, for you will never regret it." The witness of David says, "Fight for your cause and don't be afraid of the giants in your life." The witness of Moses says, "God will meet every need, even if He has to rain it down from Heaven." The witness of Daniel lets us know that God can shut the mouths of hungry lions. The witness of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego is there to encourage us when we are in the hopeless furnaces of life. Their witness speaks to us that, "The Lord will walk with us through the fire and that we will come out not even smelling like smoke." And finally the greatest witness and inspiration of all is that Jesus gives hope of resurrection and a new and eternal life.

These are just a few of the witnesses that surround you. It doesn't matter if you are going through a flood or in a fiery furnace; God's witnesses have been there. God has a perfect word for every dilemma and a voice for every cause. His witnesses are cheering from the sidelines and speaking encouragement to your soul and spirit. Read their accounts in God's word and listen to their voices, for they are the witnesses of a better time to come. Their testimonies of deliverance will help you lay aside the weights that are hindering you, and their accounts of victory will be an inspiration that will help you stand in the midst of your adversities. ++

Copyright © 2011 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


A Word In Due Season
5th Week of February 2011


Scripture:  Psalms 139:23  "Search me, O God."

This Psalm speaks of the greatness of God and tells us that He is omniscient.  He knows all about our ups and downs, our thoughts and ways, and even all of the paths that we will take.  There is not one word that comes from our tongue that God doesn't know about and there is nothing in our lives that can be hidden from Him.  God is not only omniscient but also omnipresent.  There is no place that we can go to escape His presence.  Verse seven says, "Where shall I go from your spirit?"  In other words, wherever we are ... He is!  David said, "This knowledge is too wonderful for me, I can't attain unto it."  He then concludes this Psalm in verse twenty-three and twenty-four by submitting himself totally to God and asking God to do several things.

David said, "Search me."  In the original Hebrew language, this word "search" means to examine intimately.  It is to look deep into ones most private and personal nature.  One minister gives a brief description of "intimacy" as "in-to-me-see."  Intimacy with God means that we allow Him to look at everything within our heart, even though He already knows everything about us.  As we open ourselves to Him, His light shines upon us and exposes all of the darkness within us. 

David also said, "Know my heart and my thoughts."  This word "know" in the Hebrew means to "ascertain by seeing."  After God has searched us, He then examines and studies our heart more closely.  He shares His truth and understanding and allows us to see ourselves as we really are.  He reveals our true thoughts and motives to us and deals with our doubts and anxieties.  He then shows us how we can change and encourages us to be transformed by the renewing of our minds through His Word (Romans 12:2).

David went on to say, "Try me and see if there is any wicked way in me."  This word "try" means to examine through a process of proving, testing, and tempting.  When we make this request, we are boldly accepting the challenge to be purified by the fires of adversity.  As we are tested and brought through the fires, the Holy Spirit reveals any spiritual weaknesses within our hearts.  Only God can do this work, for Jeremiah 17:9-10 tells us that "the heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked."

David ended by saying, "Lead me."  Doing God's will begins in our thoughts and hearts.  God holds us in His power but He does not force us to go His way.  Instead, He instructs us, grows us, and fashions our inner being.  He then proves us through trials and testing.  It is only after we have become intimate with God and allowed Him to search us, to know our heart and thoughts, and to prove us that we are truly ready to follow where He leads. +++

Copyright © 2011 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    
