A Word In Due Season
1st Week of June 2011


Scripture: Deuteronomy 30:19 "I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both you and your seed may live."

God has set before you a new season, and this new season has two paths. One is called life and blessing and the other is called death and cursing. God said that you must choose which path you will follow. Choice is not a feeling and it is not always easy. It is an individual and personal decision that involves an act of the will. It means making changes by leaving the old and possessing the new. There are steps involved in making choices and experiencing changes. You must believe that you are in control, believe that you actually have a choice, and be convinced that you need to make a change. Finally after you make a choice to change, you must discipline yourself to replace the wrong with the right.

God said, "Choose life." He wants you to live and prosper. II Corinthians 8:9 says, "Jesus became poor that you, through His poverty, might be rich." God intends for you to be blessed, but you must take charge of that which has been committed to you. It has been said, "If you don't back up, the devil will back down." You can take back the territory that the devil has stolen from you, but your heart must be undivided in this endeavor. A heart that is full of faith and does not waver will gain its rewards. The world will step aside to allow you to pass if you know where you are going and they recognize that you are determined to get there.

There is a world to win, a territory to conquer, and a generation to save. You must choose to minister to those who are waiting by allowing your life to bring glory to God the Father. You must choose courage in the face of fear when the enemy seems greater than yourself. You must choose to have faith in times of great storms and adversities. You must decide to love when bitterness challenges your soul. You must choose forgiveness and go beyond the hurts and pains of the past. You must choose to walk down the path of integrity and not the path of deceitfulness. When you make these choices of life and blessings, instead of the alternatives that bring death and curses, God will impart His strength and create a power within you to accomplish His will. He has set before you life and death, blessing and cursing. Which one will you choose? +++

Copyright © 2011 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture:  Genesis 4:25  "God has appointed me another seed."

Adam and Eve had two sons named Cain and Abel.  Both of these sons gave an offering to the Lord, but the Lord was only pleased with Abel's offering.  He totally rejected Cain's offering and because of this, anger and jealousy raged in the heart of Cain.  When the opportunity presented itself, Cain killed his brother, Abel.  His deed left a grieving mother but she found comfort when she gave birth to another son.  To Eve, the birth of Seth meant restoration of what had been destroyed by a selfish and evil act.  Seth's birth brought hope and renewed vision to a very wounded soul.  Eve could now look beyond the loss that she had suffered and envision a brighter future.  She saw this blessed event as God granting her another opportunity.  

Today is the first day of the rest of our life.  We stand on the edge of our future.  We have more control than we realize, for our destiny is governed by our choices and actions.  There is a seed of hope within each of us that is waiting to come alive.  We can either mourn the past and its many disappointments or celebrate the days to come.  We can look at life and declare that there's nothing to hope for or we can place our faith in God and declare that He is appointing us another chance.

God has promised to restore the years that have been devoured and wasted (Joel 2:25 & Isaiah 58:12).  Things are never so bad in our lives that God cannot restore them, for He is God and He is our awesome Creator.  Losses are never so great that He cannot redeem.  No sickness is so grave that He cannot heal, and even death, itself, cannot resist His resurrection power.  The Lord is able to repair anything and everything that is broken in our lives.  All we have to do is give Him all of the pieces of our broken lives and shattered dreams and He will perfect those things that concern us.  As we patiently wait for Him, He will appoint to us another season, another chance, and a new beginning. +++

Copyright © 2011 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture: Psalms 41:9 "Even my best friend has turned against me - a man I completely trusted."

It's a hard and hurtful experience when a sweet relationship turns and we are left with pain and rejection. The failed relationship may be with a friend or spouse, brother or sister, or a parent or child. Like David, we grieve when a trust is broken by those whom we love. Many times we find ourselves in confusion because we don't understand what happened. When rejection replaces acceptance and warmth turns to coldness, we try to analyze the situation, but our efforts are of no avail. It may be months, or sometimes years, before our true offense is revealed to us. Meanwhile, precious time and memories are lost for both parties involved. And although reconciliation is made and ties are mended, many times the pain of the past continues to haunt us. Questions and doubts linger in our mind and total trust is never regained.

Many great men of God faced the same feelings of rejection that you may have experienced. King David said, "Even my best friend has turned against me." David had placed complete trust and confidence in this friend. In Psalm 55:12-14, David said that it wasn't an enemy who was insulting and causing him reproach. It was a man who was his equal, his companion, and his familiar friend. It was someone whom David enjoyed being with. They had shared sweet communion together and their counsel to one another had been pleasant. They had even gone to the house of God together, but now their close bond had been broken and David was dealing with the loss.

David lost his close friend, but also think about the story of Joseph. Joseph's own brothers rejected him and intended to kill him, but God spared his life and instead of killing Joseph, they sold him into slavery. Joseph was taken away from his homeland and beloved father, and for about sixteen years he served the Egyptians. During that time he suffered heartache and the painful memories of the past. Eventually situations forced his brothers to ask him for forgiveness. Jesus also suffered the rejection of His earthly brothers, His disciples, and the multitudes for whom He sacrificed His life. All of His friends failed Him. Isaiah 53:3 says that Jesus was "despised and rejected of men."

God has set these and other scriptures in the Word to encourage your heart and to let you know that you are not alone in your plight. God knows all about your hurts and feelings of rejection. He sees your heartache and confusion and is with you during your difficult times. You can go to Him when there's no one else to turn to and talk to Him when everyone else is tired of listening. No one will ever love you like the Lord loves you. When your best friend turns against you and your family fails, He will be there. When you are suffering the pains of the past, He will be there to comfort you. Jesus will never leave you, nor forsake you. He is your friend forever and will "stick closer to you than a brother" (Proverbs 18:24). ++

Copyright © 2011 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


A Word In Due Season
2nd Week of June 2011


Scripture:  Galatians 4:4  "But when the fullness of the time was come, God sent forth His Son."

God has a master timetable for all of us and we need to consider this fact as He sovereignly works in our lives.  We may think that He is not working fast enough, but only God knows the master plan.  God knows everything from the beginning to the end, but He patiently waits until the fullness of time before He completes His plan.  He did not even send Jesus to this Earth until all things were ready for His ministry.  God is not on the same timetable that we are on.  We see the present state of the matter but God sees everything from an eternal perspective.  When we think about ten years of our life, we consider it as a long length of time.  When God sees ten years, He compares it with eternity, and it is as nothing.  His word even tells that our entire life is as a vapor of smoke or a moment in time compared to Heaven's eternity. 

When we pray, we want to see our answers immediately, but just like God waited to send His own Son to redeem mankind, He gives us our answers in the fullness of His time.  My husband was a structural steel designer/draftsman, and designed the steel for oil refineries and commercial buildings.  At times, work would become slow.  In a particular season of lack, one of my husband's commercial clients decided that he would build the same mall that my husband had previously designed for another location in the city.  At the time, work and finances were so scarce that we fasted and prayed concerning this particular project.  We felt in our hearts that the contract belonged to us.  My husband made a bid for the job, but instead of using him, his client used my husband's previous designs and drawings to build the exact mall in the new location.  Our hopes were dashed and our faith was challenged.  We were in such desperate need and wondered why God didn't answer our prayers.  Little did we know, that God answered our prayers but that the manifestation of His answer would not come until ten years later and at a more crucial time.

They built the mall as planned, but the mall did not succeed in that location.  Ten years later, they decided to turn the mall into a medical center.  At the time, my husband was bed ridden with cancer.  He had no way of providing for the family and I could not work because I was his twenty-four hour caregiver.  His client asked him to oversee the job.  My husband hired another man to make the revisions and he allowed me to make all of the corrections on the drawings.  With little effort and a few hours of our time, God allowed us to make ten thousand dollars, which helped us make it through my husband's season of illness.  Ten years before when we had prayed and nothing seemed to have happened, we could have thought that God had failed us.  But in the fullness of time, we recognized that God did answer our prayer.  He just did it in His own season and at His own time.  When His time was ready, He gave us the contract and God's timing turned out to be better than our own timing.  There is a saying, "God is an on time God; He is seldom early, but He is never late!"  You must never give up on your prayers.  Be assured that God will answer them in His own way and in the fullness of His own time. +++

Copyright © 2011 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


Scripture: Matthew 9:36 "When Jesus saw the multitudes, He was moved with compassion ..."

Jesus went about teaching in the synagogues, preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every sickness and every disease among the people. He had great gifts and there was a mighty anointing of the Spirit of God upon Him. Yet with all of Jesus' glory, power, and fame, He never lost sight of the people and their needs. He saw them in their weakness and distress, and looked upon them with compassion. He felt their pains and suffered with them. Jesus had power, but Jesus was love.

Jesus Christ is the same today as He was yesterday. He has not changed and is just as full of compassion and love today as He was nearly 2000 years ago when He looked upon the multitudes. Jesus desires to carry your load and to meet your need. As His eyes gaze upon you in the midst of your heartache and feelings of rejection, He knows exactly how you feel because He was also rejected and despised by men. He sees your loneliness and your broken heart and remembers when God forsook Him when He was on the cross. He is touched by your pain and suffering because He can recall the stripes that were laid upon His own back, the crown of thorns that was pressed deep into His brow, and the pain and agony of the cross.

He understands your anxieties and fears as He experienced these same feelings in the garden of Gethsemane. He knows the sorrow of grief that you bear as He recalls His tears when His friend, Lazarus, died. He extends His mercy, grace, and forgiveness when you fail during a moment of weakness because He knows the difficulty of resisting temptation, for He was tempted in the same manner in the wilderness. Jesus is also concerned about your lack and stands ready to multiply your loaves and fish so that your physical needs can be satisfied.

There is no area of your life that the compassion of Jesus does not touch. He feels your heart beat and will listen to your cries when no one else wants to listen. He will lead you through the valleys and restore your soul. He has prepared green pastures and still waters for you. His eyes may gaze upon the multitudes, but His heart searches for you. Like a good shepherd, if you are not there, Jesus will leave the ninety-nine to bring you back into the fold. You are His main interest and He has numbered the very hairs upon your head. What a wonderful friend you have in this man called Jesus. He loves you and your needs cause Him to be moved with compassion. ++

Copyright © 2011 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


Scripture: Psalms 94:11-13 (Living Bible) "The Lord is fully aware of how limited and futile the thoughts of mankind are, so He helps us by punishing us. This makes us follow His paths ..."

Even though correction and punishment is not something that parents really enjoy, they know that it is necessary so they can teach their children the right paths to follow. Parents want their children to have the best that life has to offer, so they exercise the discipline in order to mold their children's character and teach them to be graceful in life's situations. And, yes, it does hurt the parent more than it hurts the child.

God looks at us, His children, and regards us in the same manner. He knows that our minds are limited to the natural realm. Most often, our spirits are not discerning enough to recognize every evil that confronts us. Nor is our spirit strong enough in itself to resist the temptation of the evil one. We need God's help in these areas. It grieves the heart of God when He sees us go astray, and it gives Him great pain when He has to punish us. But as a Father, He corrects and deals out punishment to us because He loves us. Although His correction and punishment is not pleasant, it is through these means that He protects us from following after our enemy whose ultimate goal is to kill, steal, and destroy.

Look at these encouraging words from God that are found in Hebrews 12:5-11 in the Living Bible. "My son, don't be angry when the Lord punishes you. Don't be discouraged when He has to show you where you are wrong. For when He punishes you, it proves that He loves you ... and that you are really His child. Let God train you, for He is doing what any loving father does for his children. Whoever heard of a son who was never corrected? If God doesn't punish you when you need it, as other fathers punish their sons, then it means that you aren't really God's son at all - that you don't really belong to His family. Since we respect our fathers here on Earth, though they punish us, should we not all the more cheerfully submit to God's training so that we can begin to really live? ... Being punished isn't always enjoyable while it is happening - it hurts! But afterwards we can see the result, a quiet growth in grace and character." ++

Copyright © 2011 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


Scripture: Proverbs 4:18 (NIV) "The path of the righteous is like the first gleam of dawn, shining ever brighter until the full light of day."

Solomon compared the path of the righteous to the light of the sun. As the sun rises in the morning there is little light or heat, but this light gets stronger and the heat intensifies as the morning progresses. Finally, at noon, or as Solomon said, "at the full light of day", the path of the righteous is very clear.

Helen Keller said, "To have eyes and no vision is worse than being blind." Helen Keller was blind and had to grope around in a dark world because she had no sight. She was also deaf so she lived in silence with no audible sounds or voices to lead her. Yet, she felt that to lack spiritual vision was a worse disability than having physical blindness. Even though she could not see the first gleam of dawn or watch the light grow brighter through the day, it is apparent that she understood the concept of progressive vision.

God has set a path before each of us. At the dawning, there is little light and it's often hard to get a clear picture of what He desires to do in our life. God may even purposely hold back part of the plan at the beginning because He knows the whole picture will overwhelm us. There may be shadows or early morning fog that distorts the vision, but as the light shines upon our path they disappear and the vision of God's plan becomes precise and impassions our soul. When God's vision begins to dawn upon our soul, responsibilities come that require commitment and discipline, and that also demand change. So, God takes ample time to deal with us in His love.

As time passes, His Spirit prepares our heart by shining a little more light as we proceed down the path of our destiny. It is much like waking up in the morning to the bright sun that is too much for our eyes to handle. As we wake, we comfort our eyes by squinting and rubbing them until we can handle the light and our vision becomes clear. Spiritual sight is much the same. God knows us and will not put more upon us than we can bear. He starts with the light of dawn and we often can't believe the new word that He is imparting to our spirits. Yet, He begins to shine His light upon that word and His plan and purposes become more definite and defined in our hearts. His light gets brighter and brighter like the sun that rises at dawn and it confirms our path and gives direction. As the Lord leads us one step at a time, we sense our desires changing and coming in line with His great purpose for our lives. Finally, we get a glimpse of how it will all work out and can say, "God's will has dawned upon me and is getting brighter like the full light of day." ++

Copyright © 2011 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


Scripture: Isaiah 45:3 "I will give you the treasures of darkness, and hidden riches of secret places, that you may know that I, the Lord, which call you by your name am the God of Israel."

Dark places can be frightening. I can walk the streets of my neighborhood in the midday sun without any anxiety, but if I were to travel these same streets in the darkness of midnight I would be attacked with the torments of fear. I have experienced this without even leaving my yard as I simply took the trash out to the curb after dark. There was no apparent danger or evil lurking in the shadows but because I didn't have clear vision in the darkness that surrounded me, fear flooded my soul. My mind could not handle the uncertainty of the situation.

We would like to be in the light at all times regarding our spiritual life as well as our natural life. Yet, there are times that we must walk in physical darkness and there will also be times when it seems there is a veil over our spiritual life. We will have no idea what is happening and it is as though we are walking alone on a dark street at midnight with no certain direction. All we can see are the shadows that are mocking us. It can be fearful to face financial difficulty and not know if you are going to have enough funds to meet your needs. It can be more frightening when your medical report comes back with negative information and you have to trust God with your very life. It seems that we can't stop fear and perplexity from attacking our minds when our children stray from the narrow path of God's plan. Yet, the Lord never forsakes us and He gives us hope in all of the dark and lonely places that me must pass through.

God promised to give us treasures in the darkness and hidden riches of the secret places so that we would know that He is God and that He has called us by our name. Some of the most precious times that we will ever spend with the Lord will be when we are passing through the dark places. We may have read a scripture a thousand times, but it will come alive when we are in the secret place of the Most High. It will give us hope when we hiding under the shelter of His wings. His Word will give us light that cannot be quenched by the darkness. It will give revelation and shine like the natural lights of the heavens. God's Word is always there but it is often hidden like the stars in the midday sun. The stars are always out and the moon is always shinning, but their light is hidden in the daylight. It takes the darkness of the night to reveal their enormous glory. In the light, we can only see what is near, but in the darkness, we can see the lights of the galaxies that are millions of miles away from us. In our darkness, God is magnified and He gives us enormous vision.

If you are experiencing a dark season, do not be afraid. My darkest moments have birthed the greatest light into my soul. The hardest seasons that I walked through have produced the greatest faith that cannot be taken from me. I encourage you to embrace the darkness that surrounds you with anticipation and search for God's light. Ask Him to show you the treasures that are in the darkness that you are experiencing and seek out the hidden riches of the secret places. God will illuminate His word and speak a personal word to your heart and soul. When He does, you will never be the same. You will have no doubt that God is God and that He knows you by name. +++

Copyright © 2011 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


A Word In Due Season
3rd Week of June 2011


Scripture: II Peter 1:3 "His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him."

Our Father God has given us many precious promises. Yet, His word tells us that we cannot be slothful if we intend to obtain them. We must search the scriptures and come into a full personal knowledge of Christ so that we can know what He has provided for us through His journey to the cross, His death, and His resurrection. When we truly come to know Him, we will discover what our rights and responsibilities are in the kingdom of God. His promises are powerful but they will not come easy. We must seek to inherit them through our steadfast faith and patience (Hebrews 6:12). Through faith and patience, we will come to understand that God really has given us all things that pertain to life and godliness. He left nothing out. His Word and His Spirit not only instructs us in the things of life and tells us what we are to do in the natural, but also instructs in godliness and shows us who we are to be spiritually.

Jesus came so that we might have life and have it more abundantly. He intends for our natural life to be blessed just as our spiritual life is blessed. The Lord wants us to be thoroughly furnished and balanced in both life and godliness. We can't be so earthly minded that we have no time or nothing to offer for the kingdom of God. Yet, we can't be so spiritually minded that we are of no earthly good to those in the natural world about us. We may want to be like the spiritual giants that we have read about in the scriptures, yet the truth is that we live in a natural world. We can't sit at home and just pray and study the Bible all day because we have to go to work and provide for our families. God gave us many examples in the scriptures to show us that the men of great faith and godliness also had to live in the natural world and face the giants and challenges of everyday life.

The Message Bible states that Jesus has invited us to God, which is the best invitation that we ever received. We are given "Tickets to participate in the life of God." But only the Lord can equip us to live a noble life in the natural world and also help us to live in spiritual godliness. We must depend upon His strength, for there are too many temptations that will draw us the other direction. I encourage you to look at the attributes of God and then make a quality decision to obtain them for yourself. Remember that the Lord has offered you the privilege of leaning upon His divine power to help you manifest His character and godliness in your life. ++

Copyright © 2011 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


Scripture: Romans 8:14 " For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God."

Our loving heavenly Father is just like any earthly father and continually deals with us and tries to lead us in the right paths. He is concerned with every aspect of our lives and always has our best interest in mind. His Holy Spirit speaks to our spirits, giving us a sense of direction and reminding us to stay in the bounds of God's commandments. We can rest assured that His continual dealings with us are for our benefit, as He desires to fulfill His promises to us and complete His purposes within us. Jeremiah 29:11 says "I know the thoughts and plans that I have for you ... to give you a future and a hope in your final outcome." Yet, it is altogether possible to miss the destiny that God has planned for us if we do not follow Him.

Psalms 32:8 says, "I, the Lord, will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel or guide you with my eye." This brings to memory my own parents who instructed me and taught me the proper way to act. When I disobeyed, I felt grieved knowing that I had failed their expectations. It took only one glance in my direction, and the expression in their eyes would call me to repentance very quickly. I had a choice to either change my behavior or continue in rebellion and reap the consequences.

David continued in this psalm to tell us that we are not to be stubborn as horses or mules that have to be forced in the right direction with bits and bridles because they have no understanding. We are given a choice. We can choose to be led by the Holy Spirit and follow God's instructions and gentle reminders or we can be restricted by God as He attempts to keep us on the right path. God feels the same towards us as we feel toward our own children. He takes no pleasure in having to restrict us as though we have no spiritual direction. His will is that we seek Him and be sensitive to His voice and that we behave as mature sons and daughters. Consider these questions as you endeavor to follow God and be led by His Spirit.

1) Do my thoughts line up with the Word of God?
2) Does the Spirit of God bear witness with my spirit?
3) Will my decision lead me closer to God or away from Him?
4) Am I following after peace?
5) Is God providing for me to go in this direction?
6) Am I listening to God's voice or being influenced
by the opinions of others?
7) Has my decision been confirmed by godly counsel? ++

Copyright © 2011 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


Scripture:  Matthew 6:8  (Living Bible)  "Remember, your Father knows exactly what you need even before you ask Him."

Do you remember some of the prayers that you prayed in the past concerning things that you thought you needed or just had to have?  You later rejoiced and thanked God that those particular prayers were not answered.  How many hardships have we brought on ourselves by taking less than God's best or acting out of His perfect timing?  God is full of wisdom and much smarter than you and I will ever be.  He loves us enough to protect us from ourselves, and yet we struggle and get depressed when we don't get the things that we want.

God encourages us not to fret about those desires that go unmet.  We are instructed to trust the Lord with all of our heart and told not to lean upon our own understanding, for He is an omniscient God, and He knows exactly what we need.  Just as a wise earthly father rations sweets or caffeine to their children, God refuses to give us the things that He deems harmful to our body, soul, and spirit.  His ways are higher than our ways, and His thoughts are higher than our thoughts.  He will provide everything that we need.

God says in Isaiah 65:25, "I will answer them before they even call to Me.  While they are still talking to Me about their needs, I will go ahead and answer their prayers."  God's thoughts toward you are good, and His plans far exceed anything that you could ask or think.  He is like a loving father and mother who are expecting a child.  The child is unaware of any of its needs at present, and in reality could do with a lot less than the provisions that are in the making.  But the loving father and mother rearrange their whole life and sacrifice their time and space to make room for the child to come.  Months before the baby is born, they begin to decorate the nursery and acquire items for the baby.  They are taking care of the needs before the baby ever knows the need exists or knows how to ask.  If we can be so loving towards our own children, how much more can God, who is love, be loving towards us?  Jesus said, "Don't be anxious about your needs; not even about what you are going to eat or wear."  God knows your situation.  Trust Him.  You are His child, He loves you, and He knows exactly what your needs are and is making provisions before you even ask. ++

Copyright © 2011 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


Scripture: Proverbs 13:22 "A good man leaves an inheritance to his children."

A legacy is a possession that we either receive from our ancestors or that we leave to those whom we love. It is an inheritance that may be valuable or simply cherished because it belonged to someone significant in our lives. Some of these gifts are tangible but the most important legacies that are imparted to us or that we can impart to others are intangible. Proverbs 22:6 says, "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it." To some, guidance and correction are common. Yet in reality, they are positive and priceless legacies. We cannot discount their value because they form the individual and set them on the path of life. It is like the old saying goes, "As the twig is bent, so grows the tree." Whatever we want our children to become, we must gently guide them in that direction.

Unless my life changes and I become rich and famous, I will have no great riches to pass to my family. Yet, there are things that are important to me that I would hope that my children and grandchildren would receive from my influence upon their lives. If I could, I would pass to them the awareness of the presence of the Lord in their lives that I have experienced in my own life. I would also want them to love God and know the love of God as I do. These are my greatest personal assets and are more important to me than any material possession that I own. My desire is that my children and grandchildren would have the same commitment to God's kingdom purposes that I have. I would like to pass to them my standard of life, which is to do all things with excellence and integrity. These are priceless legacies and some of these values were passed to me from my father, mother, and other spiritual leaders decades ago as they nurtured me in the things of God.

I remember the glorious day that I gave my heart to the Lord and received Jesus into my heart. I was about nine years old. Yet, as far back as I can recall, I don't ever remember a time that I didn't know about the Lord. He has been real to me my entire life. What greater legacy could I have received in life or what greater legacy could I pass on to those that whom I love and cherish? I can only pray that I have instilled this same privilege of faith in my children as well. Our children are building their lives, one brick at a time. We must share our faith in God with them and also give them our wisdom and experiences to use as mortar for their bricks. ++

Copyright © 2011 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


Scripture: Proverbs 4:1 "Listen, children, to the instruction of a father, and attend to know understanding."

We have all learned from our fathers in one way or another. A good father teaches us the principles of life and guides us into truth by their pure examples. They may never say a word concerning a certain matter, yet, their actions alone will cause us to understand the difference between right and wrong. Their heartbeat will be the drum that we listen to and learn to follow. A father who is not so good also teaches us, but in a different way. With a father of this sort, we learn the things that we shouldn't do if we want to live a good and blessed life. It is a matter of choice, for many good sons and daughters have come from less desirable parents.

Earthly fathers are meant to be a type and shadow of our Heavenly Father. They are to love us unconditionally but also be there to discipline us when needed. They are to be our comfort, protector, and provider, but more importantly they are to be our guide through life as they lead us down paths of righteousness. Solomon said, "Hear the instruction of your father, and give attention to understand what they are saying." He then follows these words by saying that if we listened to our fathers and gave attention to their guidance, that their wisdom would preserve and keep us (Vs. 6), promote us and bring honor to us (Vs. 8), be an ornament of grace and a crown of glory to us (Vs. 9), give us life (Vs. 13), and bring health to our flesh (Vs. 22). It is one thing to hear, but it is another thing to follow. Being told that the stove is hot and not to touch it is good instruction and guidance, but understanding and giving attention and obedience to those words is wisdom.

I had a wonderful earthly father who served God faithfully. Was he perfect by Heaven's standards? No, but his heart was perfected by God's love. He made many mistakes for sure, but I knew that he loved and cherished me and that he always had my best interest at heart. He went to be with the Lord many years ago, but I still honor his life. The Apostle Paul tells us to honor our father and mother, and then he reminded us that this is the first commandment with a promise (Ephesians 6:2). In all of the other commandments, God just said, "Thou shalt" or "Thou shalt not" and never gave a stated promise with the command. When He gave us the commandment to honor our father and mother, He promised that our obedience to that command would give us long life on this earth. Solomon reiterated the promise by saying that honoring the wisdom of our fathers would preserve us, keep us out of danger, and give us life.

We will have many fathers who will give guidance to our lives and there are great rewards for listening to their words and then yielding our lives to their instructions. We must understand that honoring these faithful men of God and giving attention to their words of wisdom is not a one-day affair as on Father's Day. Instead, it is continual lifestyle that will bring us long life. ++

Copyright © 2011 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


A Word In Due Season
4th Week of June 2011


Scripture: Romans 8:31 "If God be for us, who can be against us? Who can be our foe, if God is on our side?"

When we were young and played games we always started by dividing into teams. I was usually one of the last ones chosen because I was not very big nor athletic and my abilities in sports were no asset whatsoever. In fact, I was usually a hindrance to the team. I can still remember hearing the sighs as one of the team captains was forced to take me onto their team. As adults we are able to move on from these simple games of childhood, but we now experience the more complicated game of life.

The first thing to realize in this game of life is that God is on our side and with Him on our team there is no way that we can lose. When He is for us, no one can stand against us. Notice that God doesn't play a half-hearted game. He puts everything that He has into the game because He is determined to win. He loves us so much that He sacrificed His very best so that He could invest in our lives. Romans 8:32 says, "God gave His Son so that He could freely and graciously give us all things." Sometimes we think that God is just waiting around for us to do something wrong so that He can condemn us, but the truth is that He is our team captain and He is not against us, He is for us. In the next few verses (Vs. 33-35) Paul asked three thought provoking questions:

"Who shall bring any charge against God's elect?"
"Who is there to condemn us?"
"Who shall ever separate us from the love of Christ?"

Paul then gave his answers to these questions:

"No one can make charges against us as God Himself
has justified us."
"Jesus will not condemn us as He died for us."
"There is absolutely nothing that can separate us from God's love."

Hebrews 13:6 says, "So we take comfort and are encouraged and confidently and boldly say, The Lord is my Helper, I will not be seized with alarm - I will not fear or dread or be terrified of what man can do to me." We never have to be anxious about anything that life has to offer when we are on the same team with God. There is no foe that can stand against us, for the Lord makes us more than conquerors. +++

Copyright © 2011 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture: Acts 17:27 "That they should seek the Lord, if haply they might feel after Him, though He be not far from every one of us."

The Apostle Paul told us that we should seek the Lord and feel after Him as though He is not far from us. Other translations of this verse tell us that we must "reach out for Him," "feel our way towards Him," or "grope for Him." It is like finding the light switch in the darkness. The switch is there, but we must make an effort to find it if we want to experience the light. One time I got up in the middle of the night and headed towards the light switch that was on the wall near the door to the closet. The closet door had been left open, and in the darkness I was misdirected. Instead of finding the light switch, I walked into the open closet. I knew that I had gone astray because the wall upon which the switch was mounted was not that far from my bed. Confusion set in and I could not figure out where I was. The only alternative was to keep groping in the darkness and carefully feel around until I touched something familiar. When my hands touched the clothes, I realized where I had made my mistake. I then reversed my steps and made my way back to the light switch outside of the closet.

God is not playing hide and seek. He is not remote but is very near. Like the light switch on the wall, He doesn't change. He remains stable. We are the ones who go past His presence and are led away into the darkness. Paul said in verse twenty-nine that we are not to think of the Godhead as being an idol of silver or gold, for this is ignorance. He is not the Jesus that is displayed on a cross. He is our resurrected Lord and Savior who sits at the right hand of God in Heaven, and this is the Lord that we should seek. If we are groping around in the darkness with no joy of victory, we must repent and find the source of our light.

God is not far from every one of us. He is near and how we choose to experience Him is based upon our own individual pursuit. James 4:8 says, "If we draw near unto Him, He will draw near to us." We can fear Him, enjoy Him, love Him, resent Him, neglect Him, or seek after Him. Our search for God can be in a halfhearted manner or with all of our heart. We can pursue Him with great zeal or in laziness. The decision is totally up to us. Yet, how we seek for the Lord determines how we will experience Him. We may try to excuse ourselves or blame others or our circumstances for not being able to have time with the Lord, yet the responsibility of our search rests upon our own shoulders. II Chronicles 15:12 says, "They entered into a covenant to seek the Lord God with all of their heart and with all of their soul." In the darkness of this hour, let us determine to do the same. The Lord is waiting for us to touch Him. So let us seek God and feel our way towards Him until we find Him and experience Him in the fullness of the Spirit. +++

Copyright © 2011 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture: Isaiah 40:31 "They that wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint."

Others may be able to counsel you, pray for you, and teach or instruct you, but only you can wait upon the Lord for yourself. The time that you spend alone in God's presence is what gives you the strength so that you can mount up with spiritual wings and soar above the storms that come into your life. This scripture doesn't say that there is a 50-50 chance that you will be stronger if you wait upon the Lord. It declares that you WILL definitely be stronger, for strength is conceived in solitude with God. As you wait in God's presence, you exchange your weakness and lack of might for His power and renewed strength. Isaiah 40:30 tells us that even the young men who don't wait upon the Lord will faint, be weary, and fall. This is because true strength doesn't come by natural might or power, but by the Spirit of the Lord (Zechariah 4:6).

The eagle stands on the edge of the cliff, spreads its wings, and then waits for the wind. It stands there alone for as long as the season demands. The eagle isn't pressed by time or the circumstances that surround it. It doesn't jump off the cliff ahead of the wind, for the eagle knows that its strength is not in itself but in the wind. The eagle waits on this unseen force and depends upon it to lift it above its circumstances. When the wind comes, a mysterious thing happens. As the eagle yields to the wind, it exchanges its weakness for the power to soar. So it is in your life with the Spirit of the Living God. You don't have to understand how the wind of the Spirit works, just be still and wait upon the Lord. When you sense His presence, yield yourself to Him. As you do, He will replace your weariness with strength and cause you to mount up with wings as the eagles.

Be encouraged by these words from Roy Lessin.

"As you wait on the Lord,
You learn to see things from His perspective,
You move at His pace, and function under His directives.
Waiting times are growing times and learning times.
As you quiet your heart, you enter His peace;
As you sense your weakness, you receive His strength;
As you lay down your will, you hear His calling.
When you mount up, you are lifted by the wind of His Spirit.
When you move ahead, you are sensitive to His timing.
When you act, you give yourself only to those things
He has asked you to do." +++

Copyright © 2011 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture:  Psalms 34:6  "This poor man cried, and the Lord heard him and saved him out of all his troubles."

When David wrote this psalm of thanksgiving, he had just gone through a very tough situation.  Saul was trying to take David's life so David fled in fear to seek refuge in the Philistine territory.  Yet, in this place of refuge, the servants of King Achish recognized David and he soon realized that he was in another place of jeopardy.  His new fears forced him to change his behavior, and he acted like a madman in an effort to save his own life.  King David scratched on the doors of the gate and let his spittle flow down his beard.  Putting on an act such as this must have been very hard for a man who was a mighty warrior and had slain thousands in battle.  However, this humiliating act convinced King Achish that this man was indeed mad.  King Achish did not recognize David and allowed him to leave.  It's no wonder that David wrote, "This poor man cried, and the Lord heard him and saved him from all his troubles" for these words came straight from his heart.

David gave thanks to the Lord and also called upon God's people to join him in praise for his mighty deliverance.  He said, "I will bless the Lord at all times:  His praise shall continually be in my mouth.  I sought the Lord and He heard me and delivered me from all of my fears.  O, taste and see that the Lord is good: blessed is the man that trusts in Him."  Like David, you have a great God and Father who wants to help you and is right now listening for you to make your needs known to Him.  He watches you and sees the frustration and the confusion of your situation.  He sympathizes as you struggle, trying to work out your solutions.  And He wants you to know that He is well able to help you.  He says, "Seek Me and I will deliver you from your fears."  All you have to do is trust Him, and if you do, you will see that He is good and that His mercy endures forever.  Even in your most difficult situation, He will never leave you nor forsake you for He is near to those who are of a broken spirit and a contrite heart.  

Paul gives us simple advice.  He says, "Don't worry about anything.  Instead, pray about everything; tell God your needs and don't forget to thank Him for His answers"  (Philippians 4:6).  David said, "Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but God delivers them out of them all."  In other words, in every situation, whether big or small, cry out to God because He is listening.  He will solve all of your problems and deliver you out of all of your troubles. +++

Copyright © 2011 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture:  Genesis 37:22   "... cast him into this pit that is in the wilderness."

Jacob had twelve sons, but he showed special favor to one of his sons named Joseph and also made him a beautiful coat of many colors.  The special favor and the coat provoked Joseph's brothers to envy.  To make matters worse, Joseph told his brothers that he had a dream in which his entire family bowed down before him.  Joseph's dreams only infuriated his brothers more, and in a jealous rage, they made plans to kill him.  They called Joseph the dreamer and said, "Let us slay him and then we shall see what will become of his dreams."  The eldest brother, Reuben, saved Joseph's life by suggesting that they put him into a pit in the wilderness rather than killing him.  Reuben's intent was to come back later and rescue Joseph, but while he was away, Joseph's brothers sold Joseph into slavery.

This incident would have been frightening to anyone at any age, but Joseph was just seventeen years old when this event occurred.  Being physically cast into a dark and lonely pit in the wilderness would have been hard enough to bear, but Joseph also had to deal with the emotional side of it.  He not only had to come to terms with the evil actions that had been committed against him, but also had to acknowledge the rejection that was dealt to him by his own brothers.  Joseph was their flesh and blood but they didn't want him in their lives and they hated him so much that they want to kill him.  They wanted to destroy the dreamer and his dream.  The bruises of the heart many times are harder to bear than the wounds to the physical body.  Yet, the evil that transpired with this situation proved in the end to be a part of God's sovereign plan.  God had an enormous purpose for Joseph's life and this pit in the wilderness was necessary to bring about that plan.

Sometimes we find ourselves in a pit or in a wilderness place and wonder what we did to deserve it.  Nothing seems to be happening at the present.  Our lives are not moving forward and it seems that we are losing valuable time.  None of us like for our lives to slow down in this fashion.  Instead, we want everything to keep moving at top speed.  Yet, God has planned divine pit stops for us.  He calls us away so that He can make necessary adjustments in our thinking and form us into the person that He wants us to be.  Pits and wilderness places are never fun but they are powerful, and after the experience, we are never the same.  In the wilderness, we learn to be attentive to God.  When we find ourselves alone, God gives us rest so that our bodies and spirits can be regenerated for the next leg of the race.  The hard places make us stronger and the challenging places increase our faith.  The spiritually lean and dry desert places cause us to hunger and thirst after God.  Trials develop patience and dark places cause us to long and search for the true light.

Joseph had many pits and prisons to experience before he finally made it to his ordained destiny in the palace, but God used all the evil intended for Joseph to bring about good for a multitude of people.  Keep this reminder in your soul.  The devil is not only after you, the dreamer, he also wants to destroy your God given dreams.  You may be in a pit of despair or alone in a wilderness place, but God knows all about your needs and desires.  He knows the hardships that you are facing right now and He wants to encourage you.  What the enemy intends for evil, God will turn around for good.  God's hand is upon your life and nothing the devil can do will cause God to lose His grip.  Trust the Lord, for He is faithful!!  At the appointed time, He will lift you out of the pit that you are in or visit you in your wilderness and fulfill the dreams that He has placed in your heart. +++

Copyright © 2011 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


A Word In Due Season
5th Week of June 2011


Scripture: I Peter 4:8 (NLT) "Most important of all, continue to show deep love for each other, for love covers a multitude of sin."

There are instructions in the Word of God concerning our daily walk with the Lord and our walk with others. In many of those instructions, God underscored the need for us to love all people, at all times, and in all situations. He didn't tell us that we had to understand every thing that they did or agree with them in every area, but that we were to love them. This can be difficult because people are people and there can be many offenses that occur every day of our lives. People will offend us when they don't mean to and we will offend others without even being aware of it. A word will be spoken out of order or a deed will be done that will cause confusion in our minds and bring pain to the deepest parts of our soul.

Peter had a great understanding about the power of love. He said the most important thing for us to do is to continue in love because love covers a multitude of sin. In the natural, when you cover something up, it is hidden from your view and everyone else's. The same is true in the spiritual realm when you allow God's love to flow through you and cover a deed. When His love covers up a transgression that someone has committed against you, you no longer see it and others do not see it as well because you don't show it to them. You keep it hidden and you don't talk about the wrong that has been done against you. If someone speaks evil of you or responds to you in a negative manner that causes confusion, you must cover it with love. You will find that when you release the love in your heart, you will be released from the torment in your mind. When you feel like you have been slapped in the face even though you acted with the best of intentions, Jesus said turn the other cheek. When you turn the other cheek, you allow love to cover the abuse. When you've spoken with a pure heart and a condemning judgment has risen against you, you must allow God to be God and do what He does best, which is cover the transgression with love. His love will silence the harsh words of condemnation and bring peace and healing to your heart.

God is love and He created us in His image. If God is love, and we are created in His image, we are 'to be love' just as 'He is love'. Love is not designed to be just an act, but a vital part of being. Love is the greatest gift of all. The Apostle Paul stated that love was even greater than faith and hope (I Corinthians 13:13). This is probably why the devil will try to destroy the love relationship amongst God's children. The devil knows that love has power and he doesn't want us to be united so he uses the smallest offense to cause dissension and confusion. When Jesus taught us to pray, He told us not to only seek forgiveness for our own sins but also to forgive others who had sinned against us. Love is a choice and it is beautiful when we allow it to be manifested in our lives, for love forgives and love covers or hides a multitude of sin. +++

Copyright © 2011 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Luke 22:33 "Peter said unto Him, Lord I am ready to go with You, both to prison and to death."  

Peter made a very bold statement to Jesus. He declared that he was willing to face prison and even death itself because of his relationship with Christ. This declaration came after Jesus warned Peter that Satan was going to sift Peter as wheat in an effort to destroy his faith. Shortly after Jesus had spoken these words, Peter's faith and boastful pledge was challenged. In the midst of fear and confusion, Peter denied that he even knew Jesus. Later, however, his repentant heart caused him to weep in bitter remembrance of that moment of failure, and the prayer that Jesus made on his behalf prevailed. Peter's faith did not utterly fail. He became a great witness for Jesus, the One whom he had earlier denied.

God loves a willing heart, but it takes more than a willing heart to please Him. This story shows us that the most zealous of all and the strongest of the strong can fall. Yet, for some reason, we can't see ourselves in this position. Like Peter, because of our ambition for God, we feel that we could face anything, even prison or death. Our zeal lends itself to boastfulness and we make fantastic promises to God. During trials, we place great confidence in our own ability to sustain ourselves. We never think that we would deny Christ in the midst of pressure as Peter did. And we certainly do not think that we would sell Jesus for success or a few pieces of silver as Judas did. Yet, in spite of our good and noble intentions, we often fail.

 The concept of victory and survival is so easy when adverse circumstances are far away. We are ready for anything that life has to offer when we are on the mountaintop and our confession is bold as we proclaim that we are more than conquerors. The hardship of the trial and the despair of the valley seems a small thing. However, the same Peter who thought that he was invincible to failure came to realize the vulnerability of the followers of Christ when he found himself denying the Lord. The Apostle Paul warned us with these words, "Be sober and vigilant because your adversary, the devil, is going about as a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour" (I Peter 5:8). Even though our spirits are ready for prison and death, our flesh is weak. When our faith is being sorely tried, our only hope is to depend upon the power of the Holy Spirit. In the midst of every temptation, we have the assurance that Jesus is praying for us that our faith will not fail. +++

Copyright © 2011 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture: Job 14:8 (Living Bible) " ... it may sprout and bud again at the touch of water, like a new seedling."

Job speaks of the hope of a tree that has been cut down. He says even though the roots in the earth have grown old and the stump is decayed, the tree still has life. The old roots don't look like much underneath the earth, but the only thing that they need is the touch of water and they will become like a new seedling. The tree that was once destroyed will begin to grow, and then sprout and bud. We see this so often with trees and plants after the spring rains.

Job knew too well what it was like to be cut down to nothing. He had lost his possessions and wealth, his sons and his daughters, his position and prestige, the respect of his wife and his friends, and his health. He had absolutely nothing left. As Job sat in the ash heap scraping his boils, his friends condemned him rather than comforting him. Yet underneath Job's discouragement and distress, there was life in his spirit and he still had faith in God. His trust remained, and even in the face of death, itself, he said, "Though God slay me, yet will I trust in Him" (Job 13:15). Job knew that if he could just get a touch of water from the Lord, things would begin to change.

There may be forgotten hopes and shattered dreams in your life. You may have given up on a relationship, financial situation, health issues, or the dream of your life. You may have prayed until you can't pray anymore concerning the matter that you once had such great faith in. Underneath the surface of the pain, you know there is still life in the matter, yet the possibility of resurrecting that vision seems too vague. Job makes the solution simple to understand. All that you need is the touch of water. You may have been cut down and feel totally destroyed but God has been preparing you for this season and He will bring new growth. You have been in a waiting period and God has saved you for such a time as this. He declares that He has good plans for you. Your situation may look like old dead roots, but in reality it is as a new seedling that is waiting to sprout and bud. All that it needs is the touch of water. When you begin to search for that touch of water, God will begin to rain upon you and resurrect and perfect those things that concern you. +++

Copyright © 2011 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture:  Isaiah 55:9  "For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts higher than your thoughts."

Long ago, the knowledge of this scripture went beyond being mere words to me and became a reality in my heart.  I finally figured out that God was much wiser than I was and that His ways were much higher than my own.  I realized that God had accomplished something that I could not begin to do.  He was the One who formed me in my mother's womb and breathed life into my being when I had no ability to begin life or find breath.  He knew me before I was ever born and knows when my days will come to an end, which is a mystery to me.  He knows more about me than I could ever know about myself, for He has even numbered the hairs that are upon my head.  He knows my true thoughts, but I can easily be self deceived, for it is said that we are all wrong about something, we just don't know what that something is. 

My way is to dwell upon taking care of my own needs, but God's higher way is for me to forget about myself and consider what I can do for someone else.  My thoughts of love are to love and be loved by my family and friends who are close to me, but God's thoughts of love are divine and much higher.  His love caused Him to give His most priceless gift, the life of His Son, for the entire world.  My thoughts are restless, but God's higher thoughts are for me to rest in His presence, knowing that all things will work together for my good.  My way is to rush ahead and try to solve the problem, but God's higher way is for me to wait patiently for His direction in the matter.  He may say, "Stand still and see the salvation of the Lord" or He may say, "Pursue the enemy."  My thoughts tend to harbor and entertain doubt, but God's higher thoughts dwell on faith.  My ways are to murmur and complain, but God's higher ways are to rejoice in adversity.  My thoughts and ways are anxious, but His higher thoughts and ways are calm and peaceful.         

I encourage you to abandon yourself to God in such a way that you lay aside your own thoughts and ways so that you can yield yourself unreservedly to His wisdom and His will.  You may not understand everything that is going on in your life, but if you want to experience God's higher way, you must "Trust in the Lord with all of your heart and not lean upon your own understanding.  In all of your ways, acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths" (Proverbs 3:5-6).  God wants to personally direct your life.  When you allow Him this privilege, you will experience His higher ways and reap the benefits of His higher thoughts. +++

Copyright © 2011 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    
