A Word In Due Season
1st Week of May 2011


Scripture:  Nehemiah 9:15  "The Lord gave them bread from heaven for their hunger, and brought forth water for them out of the rock for their thirst."

God is so awesome.  Just when we think we have things figured out, God does something new.  He amazes us with His creativity and surprises us with the unexpected.  Look at the Israelites as they came out of Egypt.  They were hungry and had need of food and they were thirsty and had need of water.  To meet these vital needs, God provided them with an open heaven and a rock.  Who would have ever thought that you could secure water from a rock in the desert by simply speaking to it?  Or who could have ever imagined that enough bread could fall out of the heavens every morning for forty years to feed six million people?  God is truly awesome.

God's provision for His people came with such simple instructions, "speak to the rock" and "gather the manna daily."  God speaks to us in this same simple way today.  He is the Rock of our refuge (Psalms 94:22), and He tells us to speak to this Rock.  He said, "Call upon Me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things that you have not known before" (Jeremiah 33:3).  When you pray, He will create solutions that are just as amazing as water coming from a rock.  If you have a need of any kind, He says, "Come to Me in the Name of Jesus ... Ask and it will be given, seek and you shall find, knock and it will be opened to you" (Matthew 7:7).  Your Rock, Christ Jesus, is waiting for you to speak to Him.

God also told us to gather our manna daily just as He did the Israelites.  Jesus said our prayers are to be "Give us this day our daily bread."  We are not to worry and fret over future provisions.  Jesus told us not to be anxious about what we are going to eat, drink, or wear.  We are to "Seek the kingdom of God first and all these things will be added to us" (Matthew 6:31-34).  God doesn't depend upon our resources but supplies all of our needs according to His own riches.  He opens the windows of Heaven and pours out blessings that we are incapable of receiving.  We serve the same God that Moses and the Israelites served, and He is just as interested in meeting our needs today as He was in meeting their needs.  What He did for them, He will do for you.  Trust Him.  His resources are awesome and unlimited. +++

Copyright © 2011 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture:  Psalms 75:6-7  "For promotion comes neither from the east, nor from the west, nor from the south.  But God is the judge:  He puts down one and lifts up another."

God holds our lives in His sovereign hands, and regardless of our abilities and talents, we can go no further than what He allows.  Even our boastings will not promote us, but will only make us look foolish to those who are listening.  Verse four of this chapter says, "I said to the arrogant and boastful, don't deal arrogantly - don't boast; and to the wicked, don't lift up the horn of personal aggrandizement" (Amplified Bible).  In today's language we would say, "Don't blow your own horn."  Proverbs 27:2 says, "Let another man praise you, and not your own mouth; a stranger, and not your own lips."

God has good plans and purposes for your life, but He takes you through many tests and makes sure that you are seasoned and mature before He releases you into those places of responsibility.  Often those tests become very discouraging and it may seem that God will never show up.  God kept Moses on the backside of the desert for forty years and caused Joseph to pass through the pit and prison for about 16 years before promoting him.  When the fullness of God's time finally came for these men, He appeared to Moses in a burning bush and promoted Joseph to second in the kingdom in just one day.  Even Jesus, Himself, had to wait until He was thirty years old before His promotion and fame came.  Then suddenly after His water baptism and His temptation in the wilderness, "Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit unto Galilee: and there went out a fame of Him through the entire region" (Luke 4:14).  The people marveled and spoke, "Is this not Joseph's son?"  They couldn't believe that this simple carpenter's son was doing these mighty works.  God almighty had promoted Him.

God desires to promote you, but He has a principle that He operates by.  If you know anything about God's principles, you know they always seem to be opposite of our natural thinking.  For instance, if you want to receive - you must give; if you want revenge - you are to do something good for your oppressor; if someone steals from you - you are to give them something more.  Now God says if you want to be promoted, humble yourself and He will exalt you (I Peter 5:6).  This principle is found again in Matthew 23:12 (Amplified), "Whoever exalts himself with haughtiness and empty pride shall be humbled; and whoever humbles himself - who has a modest opinion of himself and behaves accordingly - shall be raised to honor."  Trust in God, for He is your judge and your promotion will come from His hands. ++

Copyright © 2011 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture:  I Corinthians 3:9  "... you are God's building."

The church, which is the people of God, is like a magnificent building.  I Peter 2:4-5 says that Jesus Christ is the foundation of the building, and we, as individuals, are the lively stones that God uses for the existing structure.  God is the Master Builder and He works with each of us to form and fit us together just like a mason works with stones and bricks.  He studies each stone and carefully sets it into the wall where it will fit precisely together with the other stones so that there are no gaps or overlaps.  Each stone is valuable to the builder, regardless of its size or shape.  In fact, the various shapes and sizes enhance the beauty of the final product.

God has placed within each of us different talents and abilities so that we compliment each other and make up for any lack or differences.  Each and every individual is important and serves his unique purpose, enhancing the beauty of God's building.  If the mason finished his building and discovered that one stone was missing in the construction, he would consider his building a disaster.  Not only would the beauty of the building be ruined, but the security of the structure would also be in danger.  Just like the stonemason, God doesn't want any gaps in His building.  He wants each individual member of His building to be fitly joined together, working in unity, and fulfilling His will and purpose.

In the previous verses, Paul corrected the church for the division they were having concerning Appollos and himself.  Paul made it very plain that both he and Appollos were servants of the Lord and co-workers together with Him.  One was not greater than the other.  There is no room for jealousy in God' building.  Paul also emphasized that God would be the one who would prosper the work.  Like Paul and Appollos, we are called to fulfill the purposes of God according to the abilities that He has placed within us.  Regardless of what we are chosen to do, we must endeavor to leave no gaps in God's spiritual building.  God may choose us to plant or to water.  It makes no difference what our unique part may be because God will be the one who will bring the increase.  We need to rest in this assurance that we are all necessary and important to God, for we all are part of God's building.  ++

Copyright © 2011 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture:  Joshua 1:6  (NIV)  "Be strong and courageous, because you will lead this people to inherit the land ..."

Joshua ministered to Moses' needs and served him as an assistant as they journeyed with God's people in the wilderness.  When Moses died, God promoted Joshua and chose him to take Moses' place.  God instructed Joshua to lead the people into their inheritance.  Surely the burden of this awesome responsibility must have concerned Joshua.  Yet, God, Himself, had imparted strength into Joshua's heart and God knew that he was capable of completing the task.  He charged Joshua to remain strong and be courageous.

Fear is a great enemy.  It paralyzes our vision and keeps us bound in mediocrity.  It disallows us to inherit the promises of God or to fulfill His purposes.  There is a story of two caterpillars that were walking slowing upon the ground.  Suddenly, a beautiful butterfly appeared in the sky above them.  As it soared through the air, its colors radiated the glory of God's vision for its life.  As they watched this beautiful sight, one of the caterpillars spoke of his dreams and visions.  He said, "Someday, I will be just as beautiful and I will fly like that butterfly."  There was something deep within his being that was calling him to a higher level.  He knew that his destiny had not yet been fulfilled.  The other caterpillar spoke out in fear as he watched the butterfly soaring in the air and said, "You got to be kidding.  You'll never get me up in one of those things."  Both were headed towards their destiny that God had planned.  One traveled in anticipation and delight for what the future held and the other shrank back in fear because he was afraid to fly.

Jeremiah 29:11 says that God has good plans for you and He wants you to be strong and courageous as you face those plans.  He doesn't want you to shrink back in fear of your destiny or any assignment that it might require along the way.  He wants you to face the future with anticipation and delight and to see yourself in the beauty and glory that He has planned for your life.  If God has chosen you for some awesome responsibility, you have no need for concern, for He will equip you.  If He calls you to witness, He will fill your mouth with words.  If He calls you to help others, He will finance His plan.  If He calls you to minister to your next-door neighbor or sends you to a foreign mission field, He will give you sufficient strength and grace to complete the task.  God will never leave you helpless or hopeless.  He will always impart into your life gifts that will equal His call, for He never falls short in preparing His servants.  So when God calls, be strong and courageous, for nothing is impossible with God.  If He calls you to soar through the air, He will give you unfailing wings. +++

Copyright © 2011 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


Scripture:  Psalms 127:3 (New Living Translation)  "Children are a gift of the Lord."

Children come into our lives by the hand of the Lord, for He alone is the one that creates life.  Conception and birth are both miracles of God.  There are many instances in the scriptures where the barren woman was blessed with children because God intervened in her life.  Sarah was one of those women who were barren, but when she was ninety years old, she gave birth to Isaac.  Another miracle was Mary, the Mother of Jesus.  She conceived at a very young age and gave birth as a virgin.  God spoke about Sarah's child, Isaac, and also about Mary's child, Jesus, before they were ever created.  He knew these children and had plans for them before He ever formed them in the womb of their mother.

In the eyes of God, no child, then or now, comes into being as an accident, for God creates and plans the life of every being.  Each child is precious and has a purpose in the kingdom of God.  Yet, there may be a time when our children stray away from God's ordained plan for their lives.  There is a hope that is given to us by the Word of God when this happens.  God's Word tells us that if we train up our children in the way that they should go, when they are old they will not depart from it (Proverbs 22:6).  Sooner or later, they will return.  In the meantime, and in the middle of their situation, we need to be there for them.  We must love them and accept them unconditionally, just as God, our Father, loved us through our many temptations and failures.

We cannot minimize our children's battles that we don't understand nor write off their pain that we have not felt.  We must ask God to give us wisdom and help us empathize with them.  Empathy doesn't mean that we feel sorry for them.  Instead, it means that we experience their pain with them.  We feel what they feel and hurt as they hurt.  We become so involved with our hearts that we understand their temptations and what they are going through.  Jesus did this when He came to Earth to die for us.  He emptied Himself of His deity and took on the nature of mortal man so that He could understand what we go through and be touched with the feeling of our infirmities.  He was tempted in all points that we would be tempted in, yet He remained without sin (Hebrews 4:15).

When things begin to get kind of sketchy with your relationship with your child or you know that the path that they are taking is wrong, remember these words that Solomon spoke in the Psalms, "Children are a gift from God."  Then, treat them in that manner.  When you realize that God created your children and that He loves them just as much as you love them, you will be able to put them into the Lord's hands and confidently trust in Him to take care of them. +++

Copyright © 2011 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


A Word In Due Season
2nd Week of May 2011


Scripture: Luke 5:5 "At Thy word I will."

Obeying and acting on God's word sometimes can be very challenging. Peter and his men had spent the night fishing and were tired and weary. When they brought their boat to the shallow waters of the shore Jesus asked them to allow Him to use it as a platform to teach the people. When Jesus finished teaching He told Peter to "Launch out into the deep." This command challenged Peter and his men because it meant greater self-sacrifice. They wanted to go home and rest, but Jesus was asking them for more. Peter responded and said, "Nevertheless at Your word I will let down the net." He was saying, "I'm going to submit myself to Your word. I'm going to trust in You." They obeyed the word of the Lord and because they did, they were blessed and their nets were filled with fish.

Have you ever noticed that God usually calls you to do something when you are too tired, too busy, or feel too inadequate to do the jov? The Lord usually starts by giving us something to do in the shallow part of the lake that is near the shore. He knows that it is something that we can handle. He tests our faithfulness in these small and shallow things and then calls us into a place of greater responsibility. Often the shallow waters have proven to be a challenge and we can't imagine being able to handle the deeper waters. Yet our desire to please God and do more for His kingdom draws us to obey His voice and do His will.

As we obey God's word and launch out into the deep, we discover several things. Going out into the deep water means that we must give up the security of the shore, and sometimes it means that we have to leave others behind. To go into the deeper water requires greater commitment and a greater dependence upon God. We find that we can't jump ship at the first sign of trouble and return to the safety of the dry land. There will also be stronger winds of adversity to face and increased responsibility, but this greater challenge means greater opportunity to see God work as we exercise "water walking faith." Psalms 107:23-24 says, "They that go down to the sea in ships, that do business in great waters; These see the works of the Lord, and His wonders in the deep." Another translation says, "When you are in great waters, you see God in action." The call that God is now extending to you may be far greater than your past experience, but as you obey His word, He will bless you beyond measure. Take the challenge! At the Lord's command, launch out into the deep. Trust in the Lord with all of your heart and say as Peter said, "Nevertheless, at Your word I will do it." ++

Copyright © 2011 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture: II Timothy 1:12 "For I know Whom I have believed, and am persuaded that He is able to keep that which I have committed unto Him against that day."

Shortly before the Apostle Paul was martyred, he wrote these words to Timothy, his son in the faith. He wanted Timothy to understand that to know God is to love God and to trust Him with every detail of your life. When you choose God, you choose a life of commitment and fulfillment. When you walk with Him, it leaves no room for fear and intimidation. You place your very life in His hands and come to the same conclusion that Job did, "Though He slay me, yet I will trust Him." You stake your faith in God's wisdom and you rely upon Him to keep you in all situations. Even when you sense that bad things are about to happen, you trust God to cause everything to work together for your good.

True knowledge of God comes by a relationship that is bound together by times of communion and experiences that are shared. When you watch God intervene in your life and see Him push back your own personal sea of difficulty, like He did the Red Sea for the Israelites, you become acquainted with His power and faithfulness. You begin to be persuaded that even though you can't see it, God is at work for you in the darkness of the hour that you are facing. When you have been nourished daily by supernatural manna or have actually watched God multiply your food when things were scarce, you become persuaded that He will continue to take care of all of your needs according to His riches in Christ Jesus. When God walks with you in the midst of the fire or keeps you safe in the lion's den, you accept it as an indication that He will be there beside you in the next danger that you encounter.

In the midst of a raging storm, Jesus asked His disciples "Where is your faith?" He wanted to know who and what they believed in. Was their faith in the circumstances of the fierce hour that they were facing or was their faith in the Son of the Living God who was right there in the boat with them? Were they persuaded that the storm would take them or were they persuaded that Jesus would keep them in this moment of present danger? The Lord has not changed. He is still very interested and moved by the persuasion of our heart. He is touched when He knows whom we believe in and He honors our faith when we believe that He will keep those things which we have given and committed to Him. ++

Copyright © 2011 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture: II Kings 7:3 "... Why sit we here until we die?"

Four leprous men were living outside the gates of the city because this was what the law of the land required. As they began to commune with each other, they came up with the conclusion that they needed to make a change in their life or else they were going to die. Their options were few. Verse four tells us that if they went into the city, they would die because of the great famine in the land. Yet, they would also die if they remained where they were. They decided to do something bold, which was to approach their enemies, the Syrians. They felt that they had nothing to lose. If their enemy ended up killing them they would be no worse off than they were at the present moment.

These men had little hope of survival and had just about given up on life. Little did they know that God was working on their behalf. As they began to move forward towards their enemy's camp, God caused the Syrians to hear a great noise of chariots and horses. The Syrians fled from their camp in fear. In their haste they left everything behind, and when the lepers arrived on the scene, they found food, drink, clothing, and gold. Their bounty was more than enough to meet their own needs so they took the news back to the city and shared their good fortune with a starving and needy people.

Decisions of faith are not always easy and very rarely make sense. Yet, faith will always move you forward. It will take you places that you have never been and provide peace in every circumstance. Like the situation with the leprous men, many times things look hopeless because there are no reasonable options. You just have to go forward and believe that when you get there God will make a way where there seems to be no way and will provide for every need. Make no mistake; God is the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End. He is well able to do more than you could ever ask or think. When He gets ready to bless you, He may do it in an unexpected way like he did with the lepers. You must simply trust Him to make a way in the wilderness and believe that He will drive your enemies out before you. With God all things are possible. It is better to move forward in faith than to sit in doubt and die. If you don't give up in despair, you will find yourself standing on the other side of victory. +++

Copyright © 2011 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture: Matthew 7:14 "Straight is the gate and narrow is the way, which leads to life."

Our family recently spent a few days at the beach. To get from our living accommodations to the beach area we had to use a footbridge to cross over the sand dunes. Over time the sand dunes had turned into grassy knolls and were really not very inviting, but some people must have been drawn to them because signs were posted on both sides of the bridge. One sign simply said, "Walk on the bridge and stay off of the sand dunes." The other sign said, "Do not walk on the sand dunes. They are a natural habitat for sea turtles, crabs, spiders, rats, and rattlesnakes." The first sign was a simple instruction, which contained no reasons or warnings why we should stay off of the dunes, but the second sign really caught our attention. It listed the serious hazards and consequences of not staying on the bridge. Disturbing the habitat would be not only destructive to the life that lived there, but was also a possible danger to the life of the intruder.

In our lives, we too are given instructions and told not to go to the left or to the right. We are told to stay on the narrow bridge of life, so to speak, and not to allow ourselves to enter into the temptations of sin. The command is simple, "Thou shalt not", but the consequences may not be listed there with the command. Like the hazards of the sand dunes, unless we study God's word thoroughly, we may not understand the results of straying outside the borders that God has set for us. Yet, disobedience to His commands is a matter of life and death. We must pay close attention to God's words, commands, and His gentle voice because He is trying to keep us away from real danger. He may say a simple, "Do not sin" or "Stay on the bridge" but we should trust Him. All of His words should get our full attention regardless of how simple they may sound.

The prime signpost in our lives is Jesus Christ and in order to have a complete and blessed life, we cannot allow ourselves to stray from His laws. We must acknowledge Him in all of our ways and follow the leading of His Holy Spirit. We need to continually ask for His direction before we lose our way on the journey through life. If we rely upon the Lord, He will open the doors that we should go through and close those that we should not enter. If we yield to His sovereign will, He will be a solid foundation for us and will open our eyes to the evils that lurk outside of His boundaries. He will keep us from the unknown dangers and snares that are between us and our destiny. The Lord's signs are simple. He tells us that there is set before us the blessing or the curse and life or death. We need to listen and obey as He warns of the consequences of the broad way that leads to destruction and as He encourages us to choose the narrow path that leads to life. ++

Copyright © 2011 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture: Psalms 4:1 "You have enlarged me when I was in distress."

Spiritual growth comes as we face times of distress. For instance, it is only during times of financial difficulty that we learn to stretch our faith to believe God to meet our needs. As we exercise faith and see the need met, we discover that our faith for the next financial challenge is stronger. When we walk through the valley of the shadow of death with a loved one, we gain great insight into the preciousness of every moment that we have with those remaining and we become more thankful for our every breath. Likewise, sickness causes us to lean upon God for healing. Each and every trial strengthens our faith, enlarges our soul, and gives depth to our spirit. Distress to our inner man is like the exercises we do for our muscles. Through physical stress our physical muscles are strengthened and through times of distress our inner man is strengthened. In fact, the psalmist ends this psalm by declaring that it was in the time of lack that God caused gladness to come into his heart as he felt God's peace and safety.

We find that our great and wonderful times do not shape and form us as do the times of our greatest sorrows and temptations. It is as we pass these tests and make it through trials that we qualify to go to the next level. The story of Joseph is a good example. Here was a man that endured much distress in his life but he was enlarged through each and every one of them. He was rejected by his brothers and sold into slavery, but he allowed God to enlarge him during this difficult season. In doing so, he cultivated forgiveness in his heart for his brothers rather than bitterness. He was put into prison, but instead of murmuring and complaining, he worked hard and developed his capabilities until he was able to become overseer of Potiphar's house. He chose to make each grievous situation an opportunity. If Joseph had never been a prisoner of Egypt, he would never have risen to become governor of that land.

Like Joseph, God has a plan for you. You may not recognize it as God's plan when you are experiencing it because His ways are not like your ways. His plan may seem hard and grievous, but He has a divine purpose that He is seeking to fulfill. He wants to enlarge your heart and infuse iron into your soul like He did with Joseph (Psalm 105:18). He takes you to the edge of the sea and you think all is lost. However, He has a higher plan than your plan and He parts the sea before you. You find yourself in a storm and your boat is filling with water, but He speaks peace and calms the storm. Like the lad with a few fish and a few loaves of bread, God asks you to give Him what little you have, and you think there is no way that you can make it. He then multiplies it back to you, and you end up with an abundance. His ways are never your ways, nor His thoughts your thoughts. They are much higher. As you face the next distressing situation, remember that God is at work and He is enlarging every area of your life. ++

Copyright © 2011 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


A Word In Due Season
3rd Week of May 2011


Scripture: Isaiah 43:18-19 "Do not remember the former things; neither consider the things of old. Behold I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth ... I will even make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert."

You may be wondering how God is going to get you out of your current situation or the adversity that is vexing your soul. You may be challenged in your health, finances, or relationships, and anxiety may be attacking you as you face the insecurities of the future. There may be a vast wilderness or a dry barren desert before you. You may find yourself frustrated as you endeavor to work everything out in the same manner as you did in days past, only to discover that the formula is no longer working. There may be questions in your mind of what to do next.

God has an answer to every question and a solution for every problem. He says through Isaiah, the prophet, "Don't remember the former things, neither consider the things of old." God is not limited by your knowledge or confined to the routine of the past, so don't dwell on those things. His ways are higher than your ways and His thoughts are higher than your thoughts. He is still the creator and He is doing a new thing. He can make a way where there seems to be no way, for nothing is too difficult for Him. He will give you answers that you have never thought of because He will create them. He will make a way in the wilderness and cause streams to spring up in the desert. Never fear the new paths or the new direction that you are feeling in your spirit. If God is speaking to you, He is also going before you to make the crooked way straight and work out every detail to bring about this new thing.

It's easy to turn back or give up when the wilderness gets too thick and the desert becomes too dry. But remember David's words in Psalms 37:23, "The steps of a good man are directed and established of the Lord." This includes the easy steps as well as the hard steps. Should God lead you down a rough path, He promises to make a way and will give you the strength to complete the course. He orders your steps and assures you that rivers will spring up within your deserts and your life will bloom in a new fashion. He is a faithful God, a loving Father, and a keeper of His word. The road you are called to travel may not always be easy, but the journey will be worth all of the bumps. +++

Copyright © 2011 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture: Psalms 118:24 "This is the day which the Lord has made ..."

The great healing evangelist, Kathryn Kuhlman, said, "We don't live on yesterday's glories, nor tomorrow's hopes - But on today's experience." Her words are simple but they stir our hearts with new revelation. Too often we miss the joys of today because we are weighed down by the memories of yesterday or we're too busy looking for a brighter tomorrow. We say, "I will be happy when ..." and we fill in the blank, but as soon as that particular need or desire is met, we insert something else in the blank space. Our hearts are never complete because we are searching for something that cannot satisfy our souls. True joy when comes as God ministers to us.

We must learn to appreciate the wonders of each new day that God so graciously gives to us. Very often we take our lives for granted and fail to consider that each breath that we take and each moment that we have is given because of God's loving kindness, mercy, and grace. We tend to waste the day that God made for us because we don't treasure or understand its value. We just try to make it through the individual hours. At the end of the day we've lost something that we cannot redeem, which is not just a block of time but also a portion of our life.

Each day should teach us something new and we should grow in the light of that day. We should exchange each day for something of value such as giving and receiving love and experiencing joy. As we live each day, our prayer should be that our very presence will make a difference as we pass through the lives of others. This is the day the Lord has made and we should seek Him with all of our hearts and expect to find Him in a unique way. We should listen for His voice and expect His words to pierce our hearts. As we reach out to Him, we should expect to feel His presence. We must not dwell in the mundane and the predictable. Instead, we should engage ourselves in new activities and adventures, for they will create a fresh awareness of life. We are never assured of tomorrow's sunrise so let us hold to the convictions that this is the day that God has made for us. This day is new and it is exciting. It will never return so let us live it with intense passion. ++

Copyright © 2011 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture: Mark 9:50 (Living Bible) "Good salt is worthless if it loses its saltiness; it can't season anything. So don't lose your flavor."

As believers of the Lord Jesus Christ, we have been commissioned to spread the gospel and reconcile others to Him. Jesus said that we are the salt of the earth and a light to the world. This is an awesome responsibility because as His witnesses, we must make sure that the salt in our lives has flavor and that the light of His presence never grows dim. Our witness must remain true and minister grace to all of the lives that we touch.

Jesus warned us about salt that had lost its flavor, saying that it was worthless and would accomplish nothing. When the salt in our lives has lost its flavor it is a condition that cannot be hidden because others will recognize our lack. When they hear our words and see our actions they will easily discern our state. Salt enhances, but if our life has no flavor, what good is it? If we continually murmur, complain, and criticize instead of speaking a word in due season to the weary, what have we accomplished with our words? If sadness and depression prevail in our hearts, how can we show forth the spirit of joy? If hate, bitterness, and prejudice govern our actions, how can others see the love of God in our lives? If we allow confusion and turmoil to dominate us, can we really touch others with the spirit of peace? If we are filled with anxiety and dominated by fear and doubt, how can we teach faith? If there is no kindness, meekness, and patience manifested in our lives, can we say that the salt in our lives has flavor?

Our lives are but a vapor and we can not waste our precious moments on pretense. We can't pretend that our salt has flavor, for others will discern our deception. If our salt has flavor it will be evident, for it will enhance the lives of others and entice them to come to Jesus by gently drawing them into His circle. His Spirit working through us will bind up the broken hearted and give beauty for ashes. He will cause us to be able to comfort those who mourn and minister to the meek and lowly. He will work through us to drive away evil and set the captive free. The season has come that we have an opportunity to be a blessing to all mankind. Let us start by making sure that the salt in our life has flavor so that we can enhance the lives of others. +++

Copyright © 2011 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture:  II Kings 6:17  "Open his eyes, that he may see."

A great army had surrounded the city where the prophet Elisha and his servant were staying.  When the servant saw that they were surrounded, He became distressed and sought comfort from Elisha.  Elisha told his servant not to fear and declared that there were more for them than against them, but the servant still couldn't see what the prophet of God saw.  Elisha then prayed this simple prayer asking God to open the eyes of the servant.  When God opened the servant's eyes and allowed him to see beyond the natural, he saw that the mountains were full of horses and chariots of fire, which were there to protect them.

Before my grandchild was born, we experienced a great blessing, for we were allowed to see an amazing video of her while she was still in the womb of her mother.  As the doctor scanned the baby with the sonogram, we were able to see many of her features, which included her heart beating and a perfect view of her mouth making definite sucking motions.  It was awesome to grasp this wonderful blessing.  Modern technology had made it possible for our eyes to see beyond our natural capabilities and allowed us to view a miracle.  Yet, if we had not been able to see the child with our own eyes, the fact remained that she was there and full of life.

This is a life lesson for us in the spiritual.  Too often, it seems that evil surrounds us, and like the situation with Elisha and his servant, our vision is limited.  We are only able to see the opposition and we experience fear because we can't see what is happening in the spirit.  Yet, God is surrounding us with His forces.  Without God opening our spiritual eyes, we can't see a way of escape any more than we could see the baby in the womb without the help of a sonogram.  Yet regardless of our limited vision, God is quietly working undercover on our behalf and has a plan and a time to bring all things into fruition.

I pray for you today, as the prophet prayed for his servant, that God would open your eyes supernaturally and allow you to see the heavenly forces that are fighting for you in the battles of life.  I pray that you will get a glimpse of the blood of Jesus that was shed for your sins so that you could receive eternal life.  I pray that you would come to understand the significance of the stripes that were laid upon Jesus' back, for Isaiah says that "by His stripes you are healed."  I pray that God's peace that passes all understanding would flood your spirit as you envision the crown of thorns that was placed upon Jesus' brow, for "He took the chastisement of your peace upon Himself" (Isaiah 53:5).  And finally, I pray that your spiritual eyes would be opened to know God's heartbeat and that you would be assured that He is surrounding you with His love.  I encourage you to pray the same simple prayer that the prophet prayed, "Open my eyes that I may see." +++

Copyright © 2011 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture:  John 15:8  "Herein is My Father glorified, that you bear much fruit."

When we delight in the law of the Lord and meditate upon His words day and night, we become like trees that are planted by the rivers of living water.  Our roots run deep in search of the nourishing water and this water of His word keeps our leaves from withering.  It also causes us to bear much good fruit, for whatever we do prospers (Psalms 1:2-3).  The fruit that we bear from our healthy branches not only brings glory to God but also imparts strength to those about us who receive from our lives.

Fruit is produced through much conflict.  A natural tree struggles against the forces of nature such as the storms and winds, the drought and heat, and the wild fires and the icy cold.  It also has to stand against the birds of the air that are waiting to pluck the fruit prematurely from its branches.  There is no rest for the tree or the fruit, for each season brings new and difficult challenges.  I have a fig tree in my yard that produces luscious figs every year.  The sad news is that I seldom get to enjoy the fruit because it is spoiled by the birds and the squirrels.  I don't mind feeding God's creatures, but they don't eat the entire fig.  Instead, they take one bite or one peck from each fig and then leave it to ruin.  I have often wondered why they waste such good fruit.  The only way that I would ever be able to gather unspoiled fruit from my tree would be to guard it night and day.

The same is true with our spiritual life and the fruit that God has ordained for us to bear.  We have to guard our hearts, night and day, because we have an adversary who seeks to destroy the fruit in our lives.  He takes us through dry spells and also brings storms and floods into our lives.  He tempts us in the areas of our personal weakness.  He also causes others to attack us or to provoke us to evil so that our fruit is ruined on the vine.  Even if he is only able to get in one bite or one peck, he loves to see us lose our Christian witness.  We may not recognize our true enemy or his evil tactics at first.  We may even wonder why we lost our temper or said something that laid our soul open for judgment.  We may think that the illness, financial problems, and other unresolved issues that are challenging us are just a matter of course.  We forget Paul's words that declared that we are not wrestling with flesh and blood.  Instead we are wrestling against the principalities, powers, and rulers of a spiritual world of darkness whose sole intention is to steal our spiritual fruit and bring condemnation to our soul.

We must be aware of the strategies of the devil because he goes about as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour.  He can't take our fruit unless we allow him, but he will take every advantage that he can.  If we give the enemy a place, he will sow hate and bitterness in our hearts so that he can drive out the fruit of God's love.  If we allow sorrow and grief to linger in our soul, it will steal the joy from our hearts.  If we are not vigilant, confusion will attack our peace and then doubt and unbelief will overtake our faith.  If we neglect to continually nourish our spirits with the water of the word, the fruit of patience, kindness, and gentleness will wither on our branches.  We must be wise and discerning so that we can produce much good fruit.  This is God's plan for our lives and our abundance of good fruit will not only be pleasing to Him but will also glorify Him in the eyes of others. +++

Copyright © 2011 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


A Word In Due Season
4th Week of May 2011


Scripture: II Corinthians 12:9 "My grace is sufficient for you: for My strength is made perfect in weakness."

The apostle Paul was a man who had supernatural experiences with God and had received great revelations from God. Yet, Paul didn't have things easy. He said that he was given a thorn in the flesh so that he would not be exalted beyond measure because of the revelations that he had received. We are not certain what the thorn was, but time and time again, the devil attacked Paul. Yet, Paul did not allow the devil to have the upper hand. In verse ten he said, "I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for Christ's sake: for when I am weak, then I am strong." Paul experienced something greater than the hardship and adversity that was at hand. He experienced the grace of God and came to know and understand that God's grace was sufficient for every circumstance and that God's strength was made perfect in Paul's weakness.

Grace is unmerited favor and comes by divine impartation. God places a part of Himself, a portion of His very being, inside of you so that you can endure for a season. It is special and it is supernatural. You may think you can't endure, and like Paul, you may pray three times for the thorn to be removed. Or like Jesus, you may ask three times for the cup to pass from you. You may later wonder how you ever made it through the impossible ordeal that you were forced to encounter. But also like Paul, you will come to know and understand that God's grace was the element that kept you in your time of need. It was God's grace, a portion of Himself inside of you, which gave you strength in your weakness.

It is marvelous to know that God is still in the business of dispensing His grace. His grace gives hope in a hopeless situation, turns our mourning into joy, gives added strength when our labors increase, mercy in our afflictions, faith for our challenges, and peace in a troubled world. His grace is always enough. It is sufficient and is never lacking. God seems to measure His grace out. It is like the manna that fell in the desert ... it's this much grace for this much need. It can't be gathered and stored up ahead of time. Grace is just there when you need it as you face every hardship and emotional pain. Something special happens as you lean upon God and experience His grace. Somewhere in the midst of your situation you realize God's goodness in allowing you to embrace the pain. As you see yourself changing, you begin to take pleasure in the infirmities, reproaches, necessities, persecutions, and distresses. Like Paul, you say, "When I am weak, then I am strong. The God of grace and the God of strength is inside of me and that is sufficient for all of my needs." +++

Copyright © 2011 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture: John 13:35 "By this shall all men know that you are My disciples, if you have love one to another."

God has a purpose for your life. You may not see it clearly at this time or even be aware that He is using you in your daily routine. Never the less, God is doing an awesome work through your life. He is showing forth His love through you and using you as a minister of reconciliation (II Corinthians 5:18). Whether your good deeds are great or small, you are announcing to the world the message of God's grace and reconciling others to Him. That message is validated by the love that is manifested in your life and the world will know that you are His disciple because of the love of God that is in your heart.

People are not interested in religion. They are looking for relationships. As they watch your life, they recognize your devotion to God and are able to truthfully discern if the love that you are manifesting for God and towards them is real. The Apostle Peter instructed us to make sure that we have an "unfeigned love of the brethren." This means that our love cannot be false. He said, "See that you love one another with a pure heart fervently" (I Peter 1:22). Love has no value if it is not true and real.

God wants to raise up committed believers who will be servants of God's love. You can't earn any place or position with God, for His place comes by His grace. He chooses and establishes His vessels when He feels that He can trust them to show forth His love in all situations. That is not always an easy task. It means turning the other cheek and many times taking the blame. Jesus showed His love for mankind and His commitment to God the Father by pouring out His life on the cross even though He had no faults. He then gave us a commandment to love as He loved. Like Jesus, we are to pour out our lives for others so that they may see our good works and glorify the Father who is in Heaven. When our love towards the world is manifested in this manner, we become a strong witness and others recognize and acknowledge that we truly are disciples of Jesus. +++

Copyright © 2011 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture: Amos 7:15 "And the Lord took me as I followed the flock, and the Lord said to me, Go, prophesy to My people Israel."

Amos was a simple herdsman who also took care of the trees and gathered fruit before the Lord called him to be a prophet to Israel. He was actually following his flock and going about his normal duties when the Lord called him. He declared that until the Lord called him, he was not a prophet or even the son of a prophet. His words indicate that the thought of ministry had never entered his mind and that he was just as surprised as everyone else that God had chosen him. There seemed to be nothing special about this man whom God, Himself, decided to call. Yet God saw great potential in Amos. When God called him, He put His own words in Amos's mouth and caused him to prophecy to a nation and speak out against their social evils and pagan worship.

When God wants something special done, He seems to call people who are busy about the duties at hand. He called Elisha when Elisha was plowing a field. Moses was in a desert tending his father-in-law's flock when God called out from the burning bush. Joseph was working hard in the prison. David was in the field keeping sheep. Paul was on the Road to Damascus fervently attempting to serve God when God changed his life around, introduced him to Jesus, and put true ministry into his heart. Matthew was collecting taxes and Peter was fishing. All of these men were doing their normal duties when God called them. They may have been tired and dirty as they plowed the fields with the oxen or followed the sheep, but none of them were lazy or slothful.

God is awesome in His choices and it is often surprising to see whom He will call. In I Corinthians 1:26-27, the Apostle Paul said that God doesn't call many wise, mighty, or noble to do His work, but that He chooses the foolish to confound the wise and the weak to confound the mighty. God is simply looking for those who are ready for the harvest and will work hard in His fields. If you aspire to do great things for God, you must start by plowing and planting the field that you are in today or following and caring for the flock that He entrusted you with until He commissions you to do otherwise. When you are found faithful in these small things, God will call and qualify you for greater things. +++

Copyright © 2011 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture:  Romans 12:2  "Be not conformed to this world: but be transformed by the renewing of your mind."

It takes very little effort to conform to this world because the process is very subtle and we are usually unaware that a change is even taking place.  It is like wet cement that simply conforms to the mold or pattern that it is poured into.  You can't pour wet cement into a square mold and expect it to come out round.  Likewise, our minds tend to conform to the ideas and mindsets of the things we yield ourselves to.  As we do routine things such as attend movies, read literature, listen to music, and associate with friends, our spirits begin to come into agreement with them and our attitudes and actions are slowly shaped by the world about us.  Little by little, we start acting in compliance to the world's expectations.  Eventually, we develop into its image and may even give in to its motto, "If it feels good, do it."

Most often, conformity occurs because we are unsure and not established in our own hearts concerning certain matters.  Peter confirms this result of ignorance in his writings.  He tells us "not to fashion ourselves according to the former lusts in our ignorance" (I Peter 1:14).  It takes effort on our part to fashion or transform our minds so that we do not stay in the place of ignorance.  We can only do this by the renewing of our minds, which comes about as we study and meditate on God's word on a regularly basis.  Through right information and Godly influence, our thoughts can be changed or transformed.  As our thoughts are changed, our lives will also begin to change, and there will be an outward manifestation of the inward working.  This is a supernatural work of the Holy Spirit.  A metamorphosis happens in our spirit like the process of a comely caterpillar transforming into a beautiful butterfly.  The spiritual process of transformation, like the natural process of metamorphosis, is hard and gradual, but the results are just as beautiful and overwhelming.

When we allow this spiritual metamorphosis to occur in our lives, we then begin to live according to God's design and He is pleased.  We are no longer conforming to the world nor allowing it to shape us into its example, but we are allowing God to transform us into His image.  As this transformation occurs within our inner man, we become like the wet cement that is ready to submit to a particular mold.  Whatever God wants, we become because we no longer desire to live according to the world's standards.  We eagerly "present our outward man to God as a living sacrifice and are ready to do His good, acceptable, and perfect will" (Romans 12:1).  Obedience to God's commands becomes "our reasonable service" and we delight to do His will because we are no longer conformed to the world but transformed by Him. +++

Copyright © 2011 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture: I Samuel 17:28 "And with whom have you left those few sheep in the wilderness?"

David's father sent him to the front line of the battle to take food to his brothers. When he got there, he heard Goliath, the giant, defying the armies of God. David inquired concerning the rewards that were offered to the man who could conquer this giant. The very thought that David considered challenging the giant angered his brother, Eliab. Eliab questioned David. He asked him who was caring for the sheep and what his motives were for coming to the battlefront. He accused David of having pride and of just wanting to watch the battle. Eliab purposely insulted David by asking him about the few sheep that he was supposed to be taking care of. He wanted to remind David that his place in life was of little importance.

David, however, had already been anointed by the prophet Samuel to be the king of Israel (I Samuel 16:13). He had been chosen over Eliab and his other brothers, but he continued to tend the sheep. Have you ever felt that God had called and anointed you to do a special work for Him, but at present you find yourself in a place of little importance? Your current responsibilities have nothing to do with the calling that is in your heart. Nothing in your life seems to be going in the direction to fulfill God's purposes. You may be locked into a job, family situation, or other circumstances, and feel that your destiny is passing you by. There seems to be little hope of doing anything significant for the kingdom of God.

David must have had these same thoughts, as day after day, he led the sheep from pasture to pasture. Although he could not see what God was doing, God was training him for the battle with the giant. Alone on the hills and in the valleys, he entertained himself by practicing with his sling and stones until he became very accurate. Eventually, David had to face a lion and a bear in order to protect the sheep that he was caring for. I Samuel 17:34-35 says that he went after a lion that took a lamb out of the flock. He caught the lion by the beard and killed him, and later killed a bear. Can't you see this small boy holding a lion by the beard or coming against a bear? This was his combat training. God was training him to come against a "bear sized" giant that he would later encounter. And as fierce as the roar of the giant was, it was probably still not as frightening as the roar of the lion that David had already conquered. The lion's fierce roar had prepared him for the frightening roar and insults of Goliath, the giant. God's deliverance in these battles built David's confidence and gave him assurance that God could and would bring him victory again.

The position you are in today is not insignificant. Wherever you are and whatever you are doing today, God is training you for tomorrow's purposes. So be diligent in all that you do. "Whatsoever you do, do it heartily, as unto the Lord" (Colossians 3:23). And don't "despise the day of small beginnings" (Zechariah 5:10). Let this day prepare you for tomorrow. Your divine destiny is just ahead and God's appointed time will come. ++

Copyright © 2011 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


A Word In Due Season
5th Week of May 2011


Scripture: Psalms 37:4 "Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart."

We often think this scripture means that God is going to give us anything that we want if we just simply show Him a little bit of interest first. We probably appear to the Lord as small children when we approach Him in this manner. I can remember doing this with my own father in my childhood. I would be real sweet to him and try to gain his favor before I asked him for something, but He could always figure out my schemes and see through my childish manipulations. Before I even had a chance to make my request known to him, he would ask, "Why are you being so nice to me and what do you want?" My hand that was seeking for provision was more evident and truthful than my heart that was full of love for him.

God is certainly wiser than our earthly fathers and He can discern the thoughts that are hidden deep within our hearts. He knows when we are truly delighting ourselves in Him and when we are attempting to manipulate Him by our praise and adoration. In Mark 7:6 Jesus said, "These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me." The Lord sees each chamber of our heart and knows our thoughts better than we do, and sometimes He doesn't answer our prayers so that He can give us the true desires of our heart. I have asked God for so many things that I did not receive. And I confess that I am very grateful that He has not answered all of my prayers, not just the prayers of my youth, but also those of my more mature spiritual years. I have learned that even after walking many decades with the Lord, I am still not equal to His wisdom.

In the Hebrew, the word "delight" in this scripture means "soft and pliable." If we substitute those words for delight, it would read, "Make yourself soft and pliable in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart." We are simply clay in the Potter's hands and must allow Him to mold and make us into the vessel that He has planned for us to be. God always gives us the best when we allow Him to do the choosing. We must find out what His will is for our lives and then delight or make ourselves soft and pliable in His hands so that we can complete His will. When we wrap our hearts and souls around His purposes then the desires of our heart will truly be met. Instead of getting what we wanted, we will find that we want and are delighted with what He has given to us. +++

Copyright © 2011 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture: I Corinthians 4:2 "Moreover, it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful."

We are required to be faithful stewards over that which God entrusts to us. The Apostle Paul said that it didn't matter to him what men said about him or how they judged him. It wasn't even important how he judged himself. His main concern was that the Lord would see him as a faithful minister and steward. In verse four, Paul said, "It is the Lord (Himself) Who examines and judges me." It was more important to Paul to be in the place where God wanted him to be than to have the praises of men or the wealth of the world.

There is a story of a lady who walked in the country. As she looked at the things of nature, she thought surely God had made some mistakes. She saw the strong tree that held the very small fruit of an acorn, and the small vines on which large watermelons grew. She questioned the wisdom of the large fruit on the small vine, and the small fruit on the large tree. In all her wisdom, she thought that she would have planned things a little differently had she been God. As she sat down under the tree, however, her mind was suddenly changed when a small acorn fell from the tree and hit her. It would have been quite a disaster if the watermelon had been growing in the tree.

Romans 12:6 tells us that we have been given gifts that differ according to the grace that is given to us. The foot should not complain that it is not the hand, and the ear should not complain that it is not the eye. All of the members of the body are important and necessary. God has set every one of the members in the body as it pleased Him (I Corinthians 12:15-18). Like the small acorn or the large watermelon, God has put us in the places on this Earth where He felt that we would fit the best and He has fashioned and formed us for that particular place. We must depend upon the wisdom of God for all areas of our life. We are not responsible for gifts or positions that God did not ordain for us and we must never force a ministry that He has not called us to do. We must only be good stewards over that grace which has been entrusted to us and faithfully bloom and be a blessing wherever He has planted us. +++

Copyright © 2011 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    
