A Word In Due Season
1st Week of December 2012


Scripture:  Hebrews 5:14  "But strong meat belongs to them that are of full age, even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil."

We understand the meaning of physical maturity and how it comes about through the process of time, proper nourishment, and exercise.  But we often forget that Christian maturity is developed in the same manner.  First there is the time factor.  We are not born into the kingdom of God as mature Christians any more than we are born in the natural world as mature adults.  Maturity involves a process of time.  Our spirits are gradually transformed by the renewing of our minds through the Word of God, one precept at a time.

The second phase of growth is proper nourishment.  We've all seen the horrific pictures that display the malnourished children of foreign lands.  Likewise, our spirits develop in an unhealthy manner when we do not take in the meat of God's Word and grow in the knowledge of Him.  Verse thirteen tells us that we stay as babes and don't mature when we are satisfied with just the milk of the Word.  Because we have no desire for the meat, we are unable to discern right and wrong or teach others because we are unskillful and untaught ourselves.  We are content to be complacent, but the Apostle Paul exhorts us to study God's Word of truth so that we can understand it and rightly divide or share it with others (II Timothy 2:15).

Finally, growth also depends upon exercise, for your muscles can only become stronger with use.  Exercise is an individual process and no one else can do it for you.  It is the same with your spiritual senses and discernment.  They become stronger as you experience the working of the Word of God in your own life.  Being able to distinguish between truth and deception comes only as you develop a relationship with the Author of the Word.  It is through experience of a relationship that you come to know His character.


I had a close personal relationship with my earthly father.  If someone had tried to deceive me concerning him, my senses would easily be able to discern the truth because I knew that he was a man of integrity and good moral character.  I could immediately identify anything that was contrary to his nature.

God wants us to have this same assurance and be able to identify anything that is contrary to His word and His nature.  He doesn't want us to fall into the same trap that Adam and Eve did when the devil tempted them by saying, "Hath God said?"  God has provided the meat of His Word and He wants us to partake of it.  He wants us to sharpen our senses by experiencing it so that we will have an answer for every question and be able to boldly face every challenge with the words, "It is written." ++

Copyright © 2012 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture:  Psalms 145:18  "The Lord is near to all them that call upon Him ..."


These words were written by King David who knew what it meant to experience the presence of the Lord in a personal way.  When he was just a young shepherd boy, David called out to God to protect him and his sheep and God gave him courage to fight against the lion and the bear.  As a young man, David called out to God, and God delivered him from the hand of King Saul who was trying to kill him.  David called out to God when he challenged Goliath, and the hand of God guided the stone that slew the giant.  He cried out to God when he grieved over the death of his infant son, and God comforted him.  David cried out to God in his sin with Bathsheba, and he found forgiveness.  David called out to God in battle, and saw God conquer the enemy.  David also called out to God when his own son tried to take his kingdom from him, and God reached down and rescued David.


Every time that David called out to God, he found that God was near.  God never failed him.  David learned early in life that all he had to do was cry out to God and that God would hear his cry and save him.  God was there for David in the quiet times and in the raging battles.  He could feel God's presence when he sang songs of praise and worship and also when his voice was shouting a battle cry.  God was there when David played on the harp or when he held the battle weapon in his hands because David's thoughts were directed towards God.  Whatever David needed, he knew that he could depend upon God.


Your prayers pull at the heart of God and they invite His presence into your life.  When you call out to God, you open the door for Him to come in.  It doesn't matter what you need, He wants to give you your desires as well as to meet your needs.  Regardless of whether your battle is big or small, God will be there for you.  He draws near when He hears your voice calling out to Him.  He rushes to your aid when He hears your petitions and He listens intently when His Name is spoken from your lips.  Your words reach into God's heart and stir Him to rescue you from your dilemma.  You can be assured that He will draw near to you if you draw near to Him and He will answer you if you call upon Him. +++

Copyright © 2012 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture:  Isaiah 52:12  "For you shall not go out with haste, nor by flight: for the Lord will go before you; and the God of Israel will be your reward."


The prophet Isaiah spoke to the people and told them not to be so hasty in trying to leave the situation they were in, but to wait on God to go before them.  These words also speak to us today, for many times we either want to run ahead of God or to take flight and run away from the things that are plaguing our hearts and souls.  Because we have been conditioned by our fast paced society, we find it hard to slow down and wait for answers and directions from God.  Many times our own hasty decisions and actions cause our downfall and defeat.  In the end, we find ourselves admitting that in the depths of our soul, we could sense that God was dealing with us and we are also forced to acknowledge that we had refused to patiently wait. 


I heard a reputable and trustworthy minister tell a  story, which he said was true.  He had read about an incident that was so bizarre that he, himself, confessed that it was hard to believe even though it came through reliable sources.  In fact, he said that he had to read the article twice to make sure the facts were correct.  The news article declared that a military plane was going so fast that it actually passed up the ammunition that it had fired and ended up shooting itself.  That is an enlightening thought.


Have you ever felt like this has happened to you?  In your haste to achieve answers to your situation or find your direction in life, you acted too quickly and the end result brought confusion and defeat rather than joy and victory.  Like the plane, you were going so fast in your attempt to solve your problems by your own means that you ended up spiritually shooting yourself.  You sought God for direction, but instead of waiting for Him to show you the way, you followed your own plan and missed the path that He had ordained for you.  You prayed for healing but did not wait on His healing to come, and ended up spending money on medical bills that gave no answers.  You asked God for provision for your material needs, but before His answer came, you borrowed instead.  You sought God concerning the questions in your heart, but was too busy to wait for His answers.


You must always be conscience that your life is in God's hands and you must determine to slow down and wait on Him.  Life is difficult as it is and you can't afford to be an enemy to yourself.  Allow God time to go before you if you want Him to clear the way.  And then follow Him if you want Him to lead you down the right path.  Don't be so hasty in your actions that you annul His plans.  When you wait upon God and refuse to act in haste, He will be there for you and He will be your reward. +++

Copyright © 2012 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture:  Proverbs 10:12  "Love covers all sins."


Firewalls are built between the units in apartments and commercial buildings so that if a fire breaks out in one unit, it can be contained.  This is a sensible solution and is intended to keep the fire from spreading and doing greater damage.  Unknowingly, we build walls of this sort within our own hearts in an effort to keep ourselves from being hurt from without.  It starts with one wall but grows with every disappointment that we face.  When we are hurt in a relationship, we build a wall and vow that we will never give in to love again.  When those we esteem and honor in ministry fail before our eyes, we build another wall and disallow ourselves to trust leadership.  When friends turn against us, another wall goes up to protect us from future rejection.  If we loan money out and it doesn't return, we put our guard up so that we are not taken advantage of the next time.  Even with spiritual things, we lose faith and build walls.  We feel that we can't trust God anymore because our prayers were seemingly not answered, our healing didn't come, and restoration didn't happen.  


Each time we are disillusioned and build a wall to shut out our disappointments, we move further away from being able to trust others and having faith for our own situations.  It eventually becomes impossible for anyone to penetrate the firewalls that we have created.  But worse still, these walls create a place of captivity for our own souls.  The devil uses this tool to build a wedge between us and the joys of life.  The walls dictate our boundaries and control our lives because we are limited by our own thoughts.  We become unable to move beyond the confines of the strongholds that we have allowed our own minds to create. 


I Peter 4:8 says the same thing that Solomon said.  "Love covers a multitude of sin."  Love disregards the hurts and pains that are experienced and refuses to protect itself by building firewalls.  Love follows God's example and continues to love and forgive in spite of all the failures it witnesses in those that it loves.  God never builds a wall to shut us out of His heart.  Even though we may fail Him, reject Him, or take advantage of His blessings, the Lord keeps the way clear between us and allows us to approach Him so that we may find His forgiveness and gain His favor.  God's love never fails, and we cannot allow our love to fail either.  We must tear down the firewalls that our hearts have built and allow ourselves to be vulnerable to love and to be loved.  Just as God's love covers all of our sins, we must allow our love to cover one another's transgressions. +++

Copyright © 2012 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture:  Matthew 12:34  "Out of the abundance of the heart..."

Love comes from the heart, yet it seems almost physical, for it can be seen and felt.  It is wonderful to love and it is wonderful to be loved.  There is no soul that does not respond to true love and it is so overwhelming that it motivates people to do things that they normally would not do.  The voice of love is tender yet very powerful and when it speaks everyone listens.  Love is so important that Jesus said that it is the basis of the two greatest commandments of God, which are to love God with all of your heart, soul, and mind and then to love your neighbor as yourself (Matthew 22:37-39).  Jesus later told us to, "love as He loved" and demonstrated His love by personal sacrifice.

When my granddaughter was not quite five years old she had her mother write an email to me.  In my granddaughter's own words she ended her message by saying, "It's great to have you in our hearts."  She signed her name and her younger brother's name.  These were such special and endearing words to me, and as I reflected on them I realized that she was speaking out of the abundance of her heart.  Her words were not empty words, but an expression of love that produced a response of love within my own heart.  She said that it was great for her to have me in her heart, but the greater joy belongs to me in knowing that I am in her heart.  My grandchildren love me, but I can truly say that I loved them first and anticipated their being before they were ever born.  Even before they were conceived there was a hope in my heart and plans in my thoughts for their life. 

God's love is the same.  The prophet Jeremiah said that before God formed us in the belly, He knew us.  And before we were born, He sanctified us and ordained us for His purposes (Jeremiah 1:5).  God had us in His heart from the beginning of time.  More than two thousand years before we were born He sent His only begotten Son to Earth to die in our place so that we could have eternal life.  Jesus also had us in His heart when He hung on the cross in shame, allowing His life to escape.  Out of the abundance of Their hearts, They both made the ultimate sacrifice; God gave His Son and Jesus gave His life.  How could we not respond to such an expression of love?

A heart that is filled with love is a full heart and has no room for bitterness, jealousy, envy, strife, or any other negative thing.  It is full of kindness, patience, joy, and peace, and possesses everything that is positive.  Like God the Father and Jesus, love expresses itself by giving and making sacrifices.  I John 4:19 says, "We love God because He first loved us."  His love for us caused us to love Him.  As we think about God's love towards us, let us respond by opening up our hearts and filling it with people that we can love.  There are multitudes of people whom we can bless by the abundance of love that is in our hearts.  It is important to let them know what they mean to us.  So think of the people that you love and tell them, "I love you.  It is great to have you are in my heart." +++

Copyright © 2012 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


A Word In Due Season
2nd Week of December 2012


Scripture:  Jeremiah 10:23 (Amplified)  "It is not in man to direct his own steps."

There are several things that you must do to reach any desired destination.  First, you must know your Destination, for if you don't, you will flounder around in a sea of uncertainty.  It would be pointless for you to go to the airport and ask for a ticket if you didn't know where you wanted to go.  The first thing the ticket agent will ask is "What is your destination?"  Without that information, they cannot issue a ticket.  Henry Kissinger once said, "If you don't know where you are going - any road will take you there."  It is the same in the Kingdom of God.  If you do not have a revelation or understanding of where God is leading you, you will not know which direction to take and you will easily be lead astray.

Second, once you know your Destination, it is important for you to follow the Direction of the Holy Spirit along the way.  Proverbs 3:6 says, "Acknowledge God in all of your ways, He will direct your paths."  We have to recognize Jesus as Lord and trust Him with all of our hearts.  My son said there are two reasons that it's hard for people to stop and get directions.  First, they don't want to admit that they don't have any idea where they are.  And second, they don't want to admit that they have no idea of how to get to where they want to go.  In our Christian walk there are times when we get into this same situation.  It's at those times that we need to acknowledge why we have no idea of where we are in God's plan and that we have no idea of how to get to where He wants us to be.  We need to just stop and ask the Holy Spirit for directions, and then, as He speaks, listen to the directions!  Have you ever stopped and asked for directions, then asked the person traveling with you, "What did they say?"  When God speaks, we need to listen!

Third, have a Determination to reach your destination regardless of opposition.  Paul said, "I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith" (II Timothy 4:8).  Jesus said, "It is finished."  Both of these men completed God's destiny for their lives, but it wasn't easy in either case.  Before Paul finished his course he endured labors, beatings, prison, death, shipwreck, robbers, perils with his countrymen and the heathen, weariness, pain, hunger, thirst, and cold (II Corinthians 11:23-28).  Then, consider Jesus who is the author and finisher of our faith lest you faint in your mind.  Because of the joy that was set before Him, Jesus was able to endure the cross and despise the shame (Hebrews 12:2-3).  God has a special plan in mind for you.  Be determined to reach it.  Jeremiah 29:11 says that it is a place of good and not evil with a future and a hope.  Ask God for a clear vision of His destiny for your life, but don't try to direct your own steps.  Listen to the Holy Spirit and follow His directions along the way until the journey is complete.  Trust in God,  He will direct your steps and He will get you there. +++

Copyright © 2012 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture:  Hebrews 4:2  " ... the Word preached did not profit them, not being mixed with faith."

As a child, I remember mixing ingredients together in order to make a paste that we could use for glue.  There were only two ingredients needed for this paste, which were flour and water.  Later, I learned that you could mix just a few other things with the flour and water, such as sugar, baking powder, butter, and eggs, and end up with something special and totally different, like a cake.  The ingredients used determined the results and just a few additions and variations resulted in either paste or something sweet to eat.

As the ingredients in the natural realm determine what we end up with, so it is in the spiritual realm.  There are certain spiritual ingredients that become very powerful when they are mixed together.  The writer of Hebrews declared that faith had to be mixed with the Word of God for the Word to be profitable in our lives.  We may have a great knowledge of the written word of God, yet in our hearts we may doubt His power to perform it.  This kind of knowledge has little profit.  The faith that we add to our knowledge of God's Word is what makes a difference in what we receive and what happens in our lives.  Yet faith can only be acquired by hearing the Word of God.  It is an awesome mixture.  Faith comes by hearing the Word of God and then the Word of God works according to the faith that is within us.  In other words, God's Word activates faith, and faith activates God's Word and causes it to come to pass.

Other things can alter this recipe of life and either enhance it or hinder its strength.  We may have a portion of faith but have mingled it with doubt and fear, and then wonder why we are not receiving the promises of His Word.  We may have received God's Word, but allowed the persecutions and the cares of this life to choke out the seeds and destroy our faith.  If we had only mixed a little joy with the Word and our faith, we could have endured to the end, for joy imparts strength into our spirits.  Jesus was able to endure the cross because of the joy that was set before Him.  We must remember too, that faith works by love.  You can't use God's Word in faith for hateful reasons, for it is not designed to be used as a weapon of revenge.  True faith in God's Word makes no demands on the sovereignty of God.  Like in the case of Job, true faith says, "Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him."  We must decide what we want to achieve when we hear God's Word, paste or something substantial.  The choice is ours.  Are we going to settle for just a passing word or do we want to receive God's Word as an eternal and powerful Word of faith? +++

Copyright © 2012 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture:  Psalms 107:28  "Then they cry unto the Lord in their trouble, and He brings them out of their distresses."

In Psalms 107 there were four categories of men who were in trouble or in captivity who found their deliverance through God.  First, there were travelers who wandered in the wilderness but found no city to dwell in.  They were hungry, thirsty, and their soul fainted within them, but when they began to cry out to the Lord concerning their problem, God delivered them from their distress (Vs. 4-6).  Second, there were prisoners who sat in darkness, suffering the pains of affliction.  They were bound in iron because of their rebellion, but they too were delivered out of their trouble and the shadow of death when they cried out to God for help (Vs. 10-16).  Third, there were those who were sick in their bodies.  When they began to cry out to God for deliverance, He sent His Word and healed them (Vs. 17-22).  The fourth group were sailors who went down to do business in great waters.  They were tossed to and fro like drunken men upon the storm driven sea.  Finally at their wits end, they cried out to the Lord and He brought them out of their distress.  God calmed the storms, quieted the sea, and brought them into a haven of rest (Vs 23-32).

Each of these men had problems that were too great for them to handle or to bear.  Without God's help, they would surely die, either in the wilderness, in the prison, on the sick bed, or in the raging storm at sea.  But death is death no matter how it comes and the darkness and distress that accompany it is always frightening.  God was their only hope in their situation so each one of them prayed for help.  They cried out with their voice and made their petition known and that cry not only reached the ears of God, it reached His heart.  It brought God to their aid and He faithfully delivered them out of their problem.  .

This psalm teaches us that no matter where we are in life or what the source of our problem may be, God is there to help.  We may have lost our way in the wilderness of life and our soul may be fainting within because we can't find happiness in anything we do.  It may seem that we can't stop the hunger or quench the thirst that we feel within our soul.  We may be in bondage because we have transgressed the laws of the land, we may be facing a serious health issue, or we may be in some sort of business or financial difficulty.  Yet, it doesn't matter with God, for He is able to deliver us out of all of our distresses regardless of what they are.  God waits to hear our cry so that He can answer.  James 4:2 says, "You have not because you ask not."  So let us determine today to make our petitions known to God.  Let us cry out to God in our time of need and recognize that He is our only way out of distress. +++

Copyright © 2012 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture:  II Timothy 1:12  "For I know Whom I have believed, and am persuaded that He is able to keep that which I have committed unto Him against that day."

To know Christ and the fellowship of His sufferings had been one of the Apostle Paul's greatest desires.  Now Paul speaks very tenderly to Timothy, his young son in the faith, concerning this issue.  Paul obviously had obtained the knowledge that he had desired, for he declares that he not only knows the One Whom he believed in, but has staked all of his faith in Him.  Paul also acquired an assurance in his spirit that the Lord would keep everything that Paul had committed to Him until the Day of Judgment.  He believed that none of his accomplishments or the faith that he had found in Christ would be lost.

Paul's deep and abounding knowledge of the Lord had come because of the intimate time that Paul had personally spent when he was caught up in His divine presence.  And his total persuasion that the Lord would be faithful to him had not come easy, but it had been developed during the many hardships that he had endured and the persecutions that he had experienced.  Paul's life and ministry had produced many difficulties, yet in his walk with the Lord, he had come to this place of total persuasion.  He knew Jesus whom he believed in and knew that He would be faithful until the end.  When Paul wrote these words, he was alone in a cold dungeon and knew that he was near death.  According to tradition, soon after this intensely personal letter to Timothy, Paul was beheaded.

Paul had come to know in the Spirit God's only begotten Son, Jesus, who had died on the cross for his sins.  This was God's ultimate sacrifice for all of us, for which we should always be thankful.  If we cannot think of anything else to praise God for, we can always praise Him for Jesus who made a difference in our lives.  When we choose to believe in Jesus and receive Him as our Lord and Savior, He spares us from a personal eternity in Hell.  The next phase of our relationship with Christ after salvation should be the same as Paul's commitment, which was to know the One in Whom we have believed.  Yet this total trust and persuasion in Him can only be birthed by His presence and the knowledge of His covenant with us.  We must search for this personal and intimate relationship with Jesus like Paul did, for it will sustain us even when we are at death's door.  And like Paul, we too will be able to declare without any reservations, "For, I know Whom I have believed, and am persuaded that He is able to keep that which I have committed unto Him against that day." +++

Copyright © 2012 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture:   Psalms 73:28  "It is good for me to draw near to God." 

Have you ever had one of those moments when you just needed someone that you could talk with?  Maybe the day hasn't gone just as you expected or you have been challenged with troubles, disappointments, and sorrow.  Frustrations have come and continue to be in your path all day long.  Traffic did not allow you to change lanes so you were forced to pass your exit, you got in the slow lane at the bank, your computer crashed and you lost your information, or maybe someone was rude to you for no apparent reason.  Your entire day from start to finish was filled with useless turmoil.  Yet in all these situations there still remains an awesome privilege available to you, which is a haven of rest in God's presence.

Many things come into our lives to cause problems and stress, but in the midst of it all we can stop and take a spiritual break to draw near and be enveloped in God's presence.  When we enter His presence, it releases us from the strain of the day as He speaks words of peace and encouragement to our soul.  The Lord's quiet and gentle voice stops the pounding of our hearts and causes us to simply rest.  It is an awesome privilege to have this benefit at our disposal and to have a friend that we can go to and cling to, who has promised to always be there.

A moment in God's presence will revive your energy and renew your strength.  His counsel will make your path very plain and His gentle voice will direct you in the way that you need to go.  His Spirit will help you make decisions when you don't know what to do.  He is a good and wonderful God and His presence will enable you to face stress with a peace that passes all understanding.  You can experience bitterness, abuse, and hateful actions from others, and because of God's presence in your life, you can still have love in your heart.  You don't have to walk around in a fog of confusion when His presence walks beside you.  For when confusion comes your way, you can know exactly what is happening and what should be done because God's presence prevails in your life.  Floods will come and waters will rise, but His presence will draw you out of the waters and place your feet on solid ground.

God's presence protects you and imparts wisdom beyond your natural understanding.  The power of His presence heals and empowers you with holy authority when you need it.  His presence takes care of you when you can't take care of yourself.  You can be anywhere that you want to be but you must choose to be in God's presence.  If you draw near to Him, He will draw near to you (James 4:8).  You must acknowledge God and give reverence to His presence in your life.  He is watching over you even as you read these words.  Psalms 16:11 says that in His presence there is fullness of joy.  What a privilege to have His presence and joy in our lives.  Is it any wonder that the psalmist said, "It is good for me to draw near to God"? +++

Copyright © 2012 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


A Word In Due Season
3rd Week of December 2012


Scripture:  Proverbs 13:7 (Living Bible)  "Some rich people are poor, and some poor people have great wealth." 


King Solomon, who wrote this proverb, was the wisest and richest man who ever lived.  People traveled from distant lands just to see his grandeur and to listen to his words of wisdom.  Yet, with all the riches that he had obtained in this world, he understood the concept of true wealth.  He knew that true wealth was not wrapped up in earthly possessions and riches and he declared that a person could be poor in earthly things and yet have a great storehouse of wealth.  True wealth can be yours because you have family, friends, and health.


As time has passed, I have come to realize that my favorite things and most prized possessions are not my most expensive things.  The things that I treasure the most are the things that revolve around people and have been touched by a special relationship in my life.  If you were to visit my home, you would wonder why I have such a hodgepodge of stuff sitting around.  It looks like I'm an eclectic collector of sorts because things do not match.  I would like for my home to look like a model home where everything is designer perfect, but in reality, I am just a sentimentalist who has saved nearly everything that everyone has ever given to me.  The results are that I often display things that are not of my own personal taste.  Yet, these are my treasures because they were given to me in a spirit of love and are a reminder that someone cared enough to share their life with me.


My most treasured possessions are the hand made items from my children and grand-children.  One of these items is the forty-one year old paper angel who lost one of her wings many years ago.  It is placed on the top of the Christmas tree each year.  Every year when I put the angel on the tree, I remember how proud my four-year-old son was when he presented it to me.  Our tree is full of similar decorations and my closets are filled with boxes of other mementos that my children have made throughout the years.  Of course another favorite thing is the family photos, which are a reminder of days past.  These are the items that fill my life with joy and could never be replaced by any amount of money.  I would be devastated if these precious items were destroyed.  Also, I could not forget to mention my tear-stained Bible with the underlined and highlighted verses and side notes with dates scribbled in the margins.  These markings all speak of the intimate moments when the Lord spoke something special into my life; a promise, a word of encouragement, and yes, sometimes a correction or a rebuke.


As we travel life's journey, let us look at the stuff that is most dear to our heart and remember what King Solomon said, "Some poor people have great wealth."  I must confess that I feel that I am one of those.  Regardless of your financial state in life, look at your storehouse of blessings and remember that wealth is not defined by expensive earthly possessions.  True wealth is not having all that you want.  It is being able to enjoy all that you have. +++

Copyright © 2012 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture:  John 14:16 (Amplified)  "I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Comforter (Counselor, Helper, Intercessor, Advocate, Strengthener and Standby) that He may remain with you forever."


In the natural, we face times when circumstances demand that we have help in solving a problem.  Recently I had one of those days.  Without knowing it, I had left the light inside of my car on for two days, which drained the car battery.  Fortunately, I had a standby.  My son offered his help.  He pushed the car out of the garage, down the curved driveway, pass the trees, and all the way to the street.  I was amazed at his strength, for it was something that I could not have done myself.  All I had to do was sit inside the car and turn the steering wheel a little.  It was his strength that got us where we needed to be, and then it was his expertise that got the car started.  He became my comforter in this situation as he involved himself in my need and solved my problem.  Without him, the car would still be in the garage with no power.


Just as I needed help getting my car started, there are times in this life that we all need help with our problems.  However, during these times we can take comfort in the promise that we have from Jesus' own lips.  He said that He would be with us forever and that we would never be without help.  The Holy Spirit is with us and will help us face life's many challenges and frustrations, for He is dependable and whatever we need - He is.  He stands along side of us to give us help in every situation.  He is our Comforter and our Counselor and as we yield to Him, He leads us in the direction that we need to go.  He is our Intercessor and involves Himself with every need that we have, speaking on our behalf as He approaches the Father.  As our Advocate, He defends and pleads our case.  The Holy Spirit is always standing by, waiting to empower us with the strength that is necessary to meet the challenges that are set before us and making us to be more than a conqueror.


When I experienced the problem with the car, I had to give complete charge to my son and allow him to direct.  I had to trust his judgment and knowledge, follow his instructions, and lean upon his strength.  He knew what he was doing when he assumed control.  At one point, when I questioned him, he directed me to get in the car because I was in the way of his progress.  Likewise, so many times we get in the way of the progress of the Holy Spirit.  Jesus prayed and asked the Father to send the Comforter to us.  We must believe that God hears the prayers of His Son and intends to answer them.  Yet, often our impatience causes us to stop following and start directing.  We don't adhere to the Holy Spirit's counsel, for it seems beyond our ability to release total control to Him and allow Him to be our Advocate.  We find it difficult to let Him fight our battles for us even though we know that He is our Helper and is well able to finish the work that He has started in us.


Proverbs 3:5 tells us what we are to do in these situations.  We are to "Trust in the Lord with all of our heart; and lean not unto our own understanding."  In other words, we are to sit in the car and rest in God's strength and ability while His Spirit gets us where we need to be and then gets things going for us. +++

Copyright © 2012 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture:  John 4:10  "Jesus answered and said to her, If you knew the gift of God, and who it is that says to you, 'Give Me a drink,' you would have asked Him, and He would have given you living water."

The Samaritan woman that Jesus spoke these words to had lived a very hard life.  Her life style and morals did not measure up to the other women in the city, and it seemed that she did not merit their friendship because she came to the well alone.  She had been married five times and was now living with a man that was not her husband.  She was an outcast in society, yet this Jewish man, Jesus, was taking the time to talk with her, even though Jews normally had no dealings with the Samaritans.  He was offering this woman the gift of God.  This was a new concept as gifts and sacrifices were always given to God, not received from God.

Jesus said to the woman, "If you only knew the gift of God."  The most precious gift ever given was this gift by God some 2000 years ago.  God's gift was not wrapped in beautiful foil paper and topped off with a beautiful bow.  Nor was it put in a decorative bag with tissue paper.  It was simply wrapped in swaddling clothes, laid in a manger, and hidden away in a stable among the smells of the animals.  But God's precious gift was one of a kind and was supernatural.  His gift was Jesus, who brought eternal life and light to those who would receive Him.  He is the living water that He spoke about to the Samaritan woman and He quenches every thirst.

John 3:16 tells us more about this wonderful gift and why God gave it.  God's gift was His only begotten Son, and His giving was motivated by great love.  God loved us so much that He gave that which was most precious to Him.  His great gift had great purpose.  It was eternal and was given so that we would not perish but have everlasting life.  God's gift was made flesh, for only the blood of His Son could redeem mankind from sin.  What an enormous gift; an everlasting gift of love, a gift of great sacrifice, and a gift of purpose.  Even though His gift was wrapped in swaddling clothes and laid in a manger, its worth exceeds silver and gold, and nothing compares to the treasure that we possess when we come to know and receive His gift.  Jesus is our gift of Living Water and when we receive Him, there is no room for thirst in our spirits.  It is no wonder that Jesus approached the woman at the well and spoke these words into her life, "If you knew the gift of God."

Copyright © 2012 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture:  Matthew 1:23  "Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call His name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us."

Jesus' name was called Emmanuel, meaning God is with us.  No generation before had this wonderful promise fulfilled, for this was a new and marvelous thing that God was doing.  Jesus, the Word, was made flesh, came to Earth, and dwelt among men.  He became one of us so that He could be touched with the same feelings that we experience.  He wanted to know our joys and understand our sorrows.  And when His work on Earth was finished and He returned to Heaven, Jesus promised never to leave us or forsake us.  He is still our Emmanuel, and He is "with us always, even unto the end of the world" (Matthew 28:20).

Many in the world today tend to forget what this wonderful season is all about and attempt to celebrate without Jesus.  Attention is turned towards the presents to be given or those to be received, and not focused on the presence of the Eternal King who is the true reason for the season.  The celebration of the birth of the Son of God and the fulfilling of the promise of His glorious presence becomes lost amidst the hustle and the bustle of the traffic, the parties, and the last minute shopping.  If we are not careful, our times of devotion and prayer will be pushed aside in order that we can meet the demands of our busy holiday schedules.  Even now, just a few days from the eve of Christmas, we are looking forward to the rest after the rush.  We are pledging to do better and spend more time with God in prayer and Bible study after the first of the year.

The good news is that you don't have to wait until the New Year to find rest and a time to commune with the Lord.  You don't even have to wait until you go to a religious service.  Wherever you are throughout your busy day, just take a few moments and be still before God.  He promised to be right there, so welcome and acknowledge Him.  Experience the Lord's awesome presence that surrounds you.  Right now, even as you read these words, pause and slowly breathe His Name aloud several times, "Jesus - Emmanuel, God is with us."  As you speak His Name, you will sense His presence and peace and rest will enter your soul. ++

Copyright © 2012 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture:  John 4:10  "Jesus answered and said to her, If you knew the gift of God, and who it is that says to you, 'Give Me a drink,' you would have asked Him, and He would have given you living water."

The Samaritan woman that Jesus spoke these words to had lived a very hard life.  Her life style and morals did not measure up to the oe is no room for thirst in our spirits.  It is no wonder that Jesus approached the woman at the well and spoke these words into her life, "If you knew the gift of God." +++

Copyright © 2012 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


A Word In Due Season
4th Week of December 2012


Scripture:  Matthew 2:11  "They presented unto Him gifts; gold, and frankincense, and myrrh."


The wise men were experts in the study of the stars and when they saw the special star in the East, they knew that the Messiah had come.  They followed the star to Jerusalem and it then went before them and led them to the place where Jesus was.  The wise men made this long tedious journey with the intent to worship Jesus because they knew from their studies that He was the King of the Jews.  They not only came to worship Jesus with their hearts but to present to Him their gifts and treasures.  They brought gold, frankincense, and myrrh to the Christ Child.  These gifts not only provided financial substance for the family but also had special symbolic meanings.  The gold represented Jesus' deity, for He was the Son of God.  The frankincense, which was used as incense because of its perfumed aroma, represented His purity.  Finally, the myrrh, which was used for embalming purposes, foretold of Jesus' death.


We have the opportunity to offer these same gifts to the Lord.  We may not have actual gold, frankincense, and myrrh, but we can offer what these precious gifts represented.  First, our faith that has been tried in the fires of life and has come out as pure gold can declare Jesus' deity in our lives.  Peter said that the trial of our faith is more precious than gold and it will give honor and glory to the Lord at His appearing (I Peter 1:7).  Our faith sets Jesus upon the throne of our heart and signifies that we believe in Him and have made Him the Lord and Savior of our life.  Second, Timothy told us to be an example of the believer in purity (I Timothy 4:12).  We are an epistle read of all men.  We must not allow impurities to weaken the rivers of living water in our life or disqualify our witness.  Our life should be as sweet incense before the Lord and a pure example of love to a hurting world.  The third gift was symbolic of death.  This is no easy chore, for the Apostle Paul said, "I die daily" (I Corinthians 15:31).  If we want to follow Jesus, we must deny ourselves and take up our cross every moment of every day (Luke 9:23).  We must continually crucify our flesh and mortify the deeds of our bodies (Romans 8:13).  We cannot allow our selfish natures to live if we want Christ to live and reign within us as Lord over all.


As you have given gifts to your friends and families this Christmas season, remember that you need to put something special under the tree of Calvary for the One who gave His life for you.  Jesus is not looking for your gold, frankincense, and myrrh.  His desire is to receive gifts that come from your heart.  First, He wants to know that your faith in Him is as pure as gold.  Second, He takes much pleasure when a heart is so pure that it becomes as a sweet aroma of incense to Him.  Finally, He is honored by a life that is so committed to Him that it has crucified its own desires in order to please Him.  These are the gifts that are worthy to offer to Jesus, the King of kings and the Lord of lords. +++

Copyright © 2012 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scriptures:  Luke 2:10 - 11 & 1:31 - 33  "Fear not:  I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.  For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord.  Thou shalt call His name JESUS.  He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Highest ... And He shall reign forever; and of His kingdom there shall be no end." 

"He was born in an obscure village.
He worked in a carpenter shop until He was thirty.
He then became an itinerant preacher.
He never wrote a book.
He never held an office.
He never had a family or owned a house.
He didn't go to college.
He had no credentials but Himself.
While He was still a young man, the tide of public opinion turned against Him and His friends ran away.
He went through a trial that was a mockery.
He was nailed to a cross between two thieves.
While He was dying, His executioners gambled for the only
piece of property He had on earth, and that was His coat.
When He was dead, He was laid in a borrowed grave.
Twenty centuries have come and gone, and today
He is the central figure of the human race.
All the armies that have ever marched,
All the navies that have ever sailed,
All the parliaments that have ever sat,
And all the kings that have ever reigned have not affected the life of man on this earth as much as that ..."

ONE SOLITARY LIFE ...     Copied - From Unknown Author

 May your Christmas be blessed as you celebrate the Birth of this One Solitary Life. +++

Copyright © 2012 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture:  Psalms 19:3 (Living Bible)  "Without a sound or word, silent in the skies, their message reaches out to all the world."

The psalmist says that the heavens have no language, yet they speak of the grandeur of God.  The sun, moon, stars, and the galaxies are a marvelous display of His craftsmanship.  They have no speech and they have no words, yet they are able to declare God's glory.  Day and night, they keep speaking about God who created them and placed them in His heavens.  Without any kind of sound, their message reaches out to the entire world.  As we see their awesome beauty and marvel at their faithfulness to fulfill God's purposes for us on this earth, we experience the greatness of our God.

This same God who has touched Earth with such beauty is also able to make you lovely.  With His Spirit, He gives you a new birth.  When He recreates you, He washes you in His own blood and you become crystal pure like streams of running water.  He gives you His Word that causes you to be stable like the mountains that are unmovable.  And He imparts to you joy in your salvation, which makes you strong, sure, and enduring.  He calls you a tree of righteousness for His Name's sake (Isaiah 61:3).  And He plans good things for your life, as you become His witness and His hope on this earth.

Like the Earth with its beauty and the grandeur of the universe, you too can declare the greatness of our awesome God.  In Colossians 1:27 Paul declared, "Christ in you, the hope of glory," and Jesus said, "You are the light of the world."  Just as the lights of the universe shine and speak of God, you are to "let your light shine before men that they may see your good works".  Without speaking any words, you function as an epistle that is read of all men (II Corinthians 3:2).  The world watches your daily actions and your responses to adverse circumstances.  They study your faith.  As they do, they either see the frailty of mankind in your life or the majesty of your Maker.  Even in your silence, the message of your life and faith reaches out to the entire world.  So choose to shine as a light to those in darkness and without hope.  As you shine, you will glorify your Father, which is in Heaven. +++

Copyright © 2012 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture:  Proverbs 19:20 (Amplified)  "Hear counsel, receive instruction and accept correction, that you may be wise in the time to come."

How often do we seem unwise at the end of a situation because we have failed to do the three things listed above; hear counsel, receive instruction, and accept correction?  We have always heard the expression, "Two heads are better than one."  This is also true from God's viewpoint, as He never intended for us to stand alone and figure out how to solve our own problems.  Throughout His Word, He encourages us to seek counsel with each other and look at our situations from different perspectives.  In Isaiah 9:6, God promised us a Wonderful Counselor in the person of Jesus Christ.  And in II Timothy 3:16, the Apostle Paul tells us that God's written word would give us counsel.  He says, "All scripture is given by the inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, reproof, correction, and instruction in righteousness."

When we fail to seek and receive counsel from Jesus, the Word, or others, we set ourselves up for failure.  Proverbs 11:14 declares, "Where no wise guidance is, the people fall; but in the multitude of counselors there is safety."  Another proverb tells us that purposes and plans are brought to an end when there is no counsel, but with many counselors plans are established.  Direction is gained and plans become established as you share with others and make yourself accountable to those you have involved in your life decisions.  Yet obtaining good and wise results doesn't end with just hearing wise counsel.  You must also "receive instruction."  Counsel will tell you where you are missing it, but instruction will tell you how to fix it.  You must not only listen but also receive what is being said.  Several times Jesus made a comment about those whom He ministered to, stating that they had eyes but did not see and ears but did not hear.  They were seeing and hearing but not receiving any of His teachings into their heart.

Wisdom takes us a step further.  Hearing counsel and receiving instruction come to an end if we do not accept the correction and actually make the changes that are suggested or offered.  For instance, if a mechanic tells you that the transmission in your car is bad, you may hear every detail of his wise counsel.  You may even agree that you need to repair or replace the transmission.  But if you don't make the corrections that are necessary, the transmission in your car will continue to work improperly.  Solomon said if you accept correction, then you will be wise at the end of the matter.  Wisdom demands change when corrections are needed so listen to your Wonderful Counselor and respond to His instructions.  In so doing you will be wise in the time to come. ++

Copyright © 2012 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture:  Acts 4:31  "And when they had prayed, the place was shaken where they were assembled together."

The Sanhedrin counsel had just forbidden the disciples to preach about the resurrection of Jesus.  The disciples responded by coming together to pray concerning this dilemma and when they had finished praying the place was physically shaken.  That was a mighty prayer.  Not many of us have ever had this kind of prayer experience.  What brought such power into the room when they prayed?  The answer is simple.  They had the right perspective and purpose for their prayers as we can see in the following verses.

1)  They were in agreement with each other concerning the situation.  They

      all prayed the same very plain and specific prayer. (Vs. 24)
2)  They made themselves aware that they were talking to God.  They said,

     "You are God," and then they submitted to His control and power. (Vs. 24)
3)  They reminded themselves and God of what He had done in the past.

      They acknowledged Him as Creator and believed that as Creator,

      He controlled everything and could do mighty things for them. (Vs.24)
4)  They asked God to look at their problem.  They said, "Now, Lord, Behold
      the threats of the enemy." (Vs. 29)
5)  They prayed for boldness to speak the Word of God.  They did not pray

      for their own deliverance from persecution, but only that the Word of God

      go forth and be confirmed with signs and wonders. (Vs. 29)
6)  They asked God to stretch forth His hand to heal and do signs and
      wonders in the Name of Jesus. (Vs. 30)  Their main concern was that
      they would have a powerful witness of the resurrection of the Lord
     Jesus Christ and that His Name be exalted in their lives.

These are valuable principles of prayer that we need to remember if we want to experience God in a powerful way in our prayer life.  Verse thirty-three confirms that God did answer their prayer.  Prayer makes a difference.  It brings God's presence into our lives and when He comes, He comes with answers and deliverance. +++

Copyright © 2012 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


A Word In Due Season
5th Week of December 2012

Scripture:  I Timothy 6:20  "Keep that which is committed to your trust ..."
Another year lies before us and as with everything new and fresh, it begins with excitement.  At the beginning of the year, it is easy to commit to change, for there are new calendars to fill in, new journals to start, and new resolutions to make.  Even diets are easier to start during this season because we are tired of all the food that we have consumed over the holidays.  Yet, as we go through the days and months ahead, we must realize that most of our commitments will be challenged.  As we settle into the routine affairs of life, the new will eventually wear off and the fresh season of change will disappear.  We will again find ourselves facing the mundane process of daily business.  We will face pressures, experience disappointments, and have to overcome the obstacles that appear in our path.  This is life.

God is very gracious and giving and He commits many things into our hands.  He then tells us to keep those things that He has committed to us.  He gives us family and friends, finances, professions and ministries, material things, and our own being, but He expects us to guard and protect them.  He also gives us intangible things such as the revelation of His word, spiritual gifts, talents, and time, but makes us the stewards over them.  He diligently watches to see what care we give to these things that He has committed to our trust.  Throughout His Word, God gives us instructions and examples to show us how we are to manage and handle all of these blessings.  They are not to be taken for granted or abused but to be handled with wisdom and discretion.  Yet, God doesn't just give us rules and regulations.  Instead, He also instills His nature within us so that His character can dictate our actions.

As we think about the new year and the blessings that have been committed to us, let us be passionate and determined in our resolve to keep them even though many challenges will come our way.  Let us not grow weary but hold tightly to the natural and spiritual things that the Lord has so graciously entrusted to us.  Let us understand that He trusted us enough to make us managers over our own lives and His work here on Earth.  With the Lord's help, let us do the best we can to manage His endowment in a way that pleases Him. +++

Copyright © 2012 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    
