A Word In Due Season
1st Week of February 2012


Scripture:  Matthew 6:10  "Thy kingdom come."

Jesus established a principle of prayer that prayer is not to be made just for our own personal needs.  Instead, prayer is designed for the benefit of the entire kingdom of God.  A prayer that was once published shows how we often think.  A man prayed,  "Lord, I pray that you would bless me, my wife, our son John and his wife ... us four and no more."  Yet, Jesus' prayers were never about His own physical needs, but were always focused on the kingdom of God.  In teaching us how to pray and get results, He said, "Pray that God's kingdom would come on Earth as it is in Heaven."  He then mentioned that we should pray concerning our personal needs but also told us that we did not need to be overly concerned about material things.  He said, "Seek first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you" (Matthew 6:33).  Jesus was telling us to seek the invisible and then the visible will be added.  When you take care of God's business and His kingdom, He will take care of your business.

The definition of the Kingdom of God is given in Romans 14:17 which says, "For the kingdom of God is not meat, and drink; but righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost."  When you have a situation in which there is no righteousness, peace, and joy, you need to pray and declare that God's kingdom manifest and take control.  Matthew 11:12 says, "The kingdom of Heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force."  The devil gets violent and does all that he can do to keep you from living in righteousness, peace, and joy.  But, you can get violent in the spirit and stand against him.  Even Jesus stood violently against the moneychangers and drove them out of the temple with a whip.  In the sixth chapter of Ephesians, we are told to put on the whole armor of God and stand against the strategies of the devil.  We are not wrestling against flesh and blood, but against principalities, powers, the rulers of the darkness of this world, and spiritual wickedness in high places.

God's kingdom will dispel and drive out the forces of the kingdom of darkness.  In the natural, when you walk into a room that is dark, all you need to do to dispel the darkness is to turn on the light.  The light will drive out the darkness by its own strength.  You do not have the power within yourself to drive out the darkness, but you have the power to flip the switch that will produce the light.  Likewise you cannot bring righteousness, peace, and joy into a situation by natural means, but you can flip the spiritual switch by praying as Jesus taught you to pray.  When you begin to pray for His kingdom to come and start declaring His authority in your situation, then the righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost will come into your kingdom and Jesus will rule as Lord in your life. ++

Copyright © 2012 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture: Psalms 136:1 "O give thanks unto the Lord; for He is good; for His mercy endures forever."

Twenty-five verses follow this first one, each ending with the same refrain, "His mercy endures forever." The psalmist was making a very strong point that God's mercy, love, and kindness never ends. He speaks of the God of all gods, who by His own wisdom made the heavens and the earth. God then created the sun to rule the day, and the moon and stars to rule the night. Yet, this same God who has done such great wonders and mighty works still extends His mercy and compassion to mankind. The psalmist said, "God remembers us in our low estate" (verse 23).

This psalm makes mention of the mighty deliverance of Israel from Pharaoh and the bondage of Egypt. Verse twenty-four declares that we also have been redeemed from our enemies because of God's great mercy. Lamentations 3:22-23 says, "Great is Thy faithfulness ... God's compassion never fails and His mercies are new every morning." This means each and every morning, our gracious God has a new batch of mercies prepared that He is ready to extend to us because He knows that we will need them to make it through the day. This scripture continues to say that it is only because of the Lord's mercies and unfailing compassion that we are not consumed. 

On days that you feel that you have utterly failed the test, your speech has not ministered grace to the hearer, and your own transgressions have exceeded those who have transgressed against you, remember that God's mercy still endures forever. His mercy doesn't stop with your failure and He is not waiting there to consume you with His wrath. He has already extended His mercy to you. All you must do is receive it and give Him thanks. Repeat the refrain, "God's mercy endures forever," twenty-six times like the psalmist did and let the reality of these words minister to you. As you cope with the challenges of your day, you will discover that you really do have a good and faithful God whose mercies endure forever. +++

Copyright © 2012 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture: Hebrews 11:5 "Enoch had this testimony, that He pleased God."

There are not many words in the scriptures concerning this man, Enoch, but I think all of us would love to have his wonderful testimony and know that we pleased God like he did. What are the secrets to pleasing God? Verse six answers that question. It says, "Without faith it is impossible to please God." It goes on to say that we must believe that "God is" and that "He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him." 

As we look at Enoch, we find these attributes. He had a strong conviction that "God is." He was in God's presence on a daily basis, and when you are in the presence of someone on that scale, you know they exist. Genesis 5:24 says that Enoch walked with God; and he was not, for God took him." One of the Hebrew meanings of this word 'walked' is "to be conversant." God and Enoch had conversation with each other as they walked. When you walk with someone, you talk with them and they talk with you. You see the same things they do and you experience the same things they experience as you walk together down the same path. You walk at the same pace and breath the same air. Because Enoch walked with God, He understood the character of God and was personally concerned for God's interest. And because he knew God as He is, Enoch developed a concern for holiness and an indignation against unrighteousness. In faith, he boldly prophesied against those who were speaking out against God. Jude 14 and 15 records the prophecy that Enoch gave concerning the ungodly, their ungodly deeds, and their ungodly speeches.

Enoch also had confidence that God would do the things that He promised. He believed that God was a "rewarder of those who diligently seek Him." Enoch was very consistent, for Genesis 5:22 says, "Enoch walked with God after he begat Methuselah three hundred years." He was diligent in his walk with God for three centuries. I'm sure he must have faced difficulties and discouragement during that time. There may have been days that he did not want to walk with God. But he kept his faith because he knew that "God is" and that "He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him." Consistence received its reward and one day God translated him. I heard a minister tell this story on a human level. He said that every day that Enoch walked with God he went further and further. One day God and Enoch were out walking, and God told Enoch, "We are closer to My house than yours. Come home with Me." 

As we walk with the Lord, we must strive to have these same attributes in our life that Enoch had so that we can obtain the testimony that we please the Lord. We must have the simple faith that believes that "God is" and that "God rewards" as we diligently seek Him. Then, one glorious day while we are walking and talking with the Lord, He will speak to us and say, "We are closer to My house than yours, come home with Me. ++

Copyright © 2012 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


A Word In Due Season
2nd Week of February 2012


Scripture: Mark 10:48 (NLT) "He only shouted louder, "Son of David, have mercy on me!" 

A large crowd followed Jesus and His disciples as they left the city of Jericho. At the same time a blind beggar named Bartimaeus was sitting beside the road that they traveled, and when he heard that Jesus was passing by he began to cry out to Him with a loud voice. He had probably heard the stories about Jesus and how He had healed the sick and done other notable miracles. The crowds tried to hush Bartimaeus, but the more they tried, the louder he got. He was desperate and not the least bit ashamed to make his plea known. He needed mercy and healing and his cries for help caught the attention of Jesus. 

Jesus could have just passed Batimaeus by and the people would not have thought too much about it because they had no compassion for this blind man. While they made every attempt to silence this hurting and needy soul, Jesus stood still and commanded Bartimaeus to be brought to Him. Jesus then asked him what he wanted and when the blind man replied that he wanted to see, Jesus declared, "Your faith has made you whole."

This is a mighty story about a humanly impossible situation in the life of an ordinary man. The blind man had no hope in the people about him or in the religious leaders of the synagogue, but he had hope in Jesus. He knew that Jesus was the Healer so he cried to Him with a loud voice. When his voice of faith was not heard, he cried louder. He didn't care what others thought of him because he recognized that this was his moment of opportunity and he was desperate for a touch from the healing hands of Jesus.

God is always looking for believers who will trust in Him for their needs to be met because He wants to be God in their lives just like He was for the blind man. There was no way that the blind man could heal himself. It took a miracle from God. Likewise, there is no way that we can help ourselves. If we can do it, it is not faith. If we can make it happen, it is not a miracle. God wants to do the impossible in your life so that He may be glorified in the Earth. You can't allow adversity to quench your faith or the doubts of others to silence your voice. God is waiting to answer your prayers like He did for blind Bartimaeus but you must call out to Him and when opposition presents itself, you must cry even louder. If you have a need now is the time to arise and allow your voice of faith to be heard by the Master. +++

Copyright © 2012 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture:  Proverbs 12:16  "A prudent man ignores an insult."

Solomon, one of the wisest men who ever lived, wrote this proverb concerning a prudent man's response to insults.  One of the definitions of 'prudent' is "to be careful with respect to one's own interest and conduct."  Solomon stated that it was not in our best interest to give in to the evil voices of other people.  When we allow ourselves to be provoked by others and we respond to them in anger or defense, we are allowing the offender to control us and we are also allowing our anger to dictate our conduct.  We play right into the hands of the enemy of our soul, which allows him to bring us down to his level.

In these situations, we fail to realize that we are wrestling with spirits, not flesh and blood.  In the passion of the moment we fail to use good judgment in handling the matter and speak foolish words that are generated by our pain.  Sometimes, we go away for a moment and plan a response that becomes harsher than the words that we've received.  We can't seem to turn the other cheek as Jesus taught us to do because we feel a need to get even.

Yet, King Solomon told us to be prudent and ignore the insult.  He held a secret inside of himself.  He knew that if he could exhibit control over himself, then he was, in a sense, displaying the greatness of his own character.  He spoke again in Proverbs 16:32 and said, "A man that is slow to anger is better than the mighty, and the man who can rule his own spirit is better than a man who can take a city."  In other words, Solomon said, "You must be in control of your anger.  You must be in control of your spirit."  This quiet strength will prove who is the mightiest.  The winner is not the one with the sharpest tongue, but the one who can control his tongue.  What a challenge it is to control this small member of our body.  What a display of wisdom, just to simply ignore harsh words and accusations.  What a victory to be like Jesus when He faced His accusers.  "Jesus gave no answer or reply, not even to a single accusation, so that the governor marveled greatly" (Matthew 27:12).

Prudence is strength.  If you want to be prudent and to stop the evil effects of insults, let silence be your answer. +++

Copyright © 2012 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture: Joshua 5:6 "The Israelites traveled forty years in the wilderness, until all the warriors who came out of Egypt, perished, not having listened to the voice of the Lord." 

A journey that started out so promising for the Israelites ended in defeat simply because of unbelief. It should have taken less than two weeks for God's people to make their way across the desert into the Promised Land, but instead their journey lasted forty years and they perished along the way. Throughout the journey they murmured and complained. And even though they had lived in cruel bondage in Egypt, they continued to look back. They even voiced their desire to return to the evil they had been delivered from. God rained down manna from Heaven upon them for forty years and provided water from a rock to quench their thirst, yet they still longed for the leeks and garlic that they had left behind. Somehow they imagined that the conditions of the past had been better than they actually were. Because they could not give up or resolve the past, they failed to receive God's promise for their future.

How many journeys do we fail to complete? Our hopes and plans perish in the middle of our dreams because we give up along the way. Our unbelief outweighs our faith and we fail to work with God by following His plan to the end. The desert places get too dry even though God is there providing water from the Rock, Christ Jesus. The den is too dark and scary even though we can see that God has shut the mouths of the lions for us. The fire is too hot even though we can feel the Lord standing with us and shielding us from the flames. And the storms are too fierce even though we know that we are secure because He is in the boat with us.

In life's journey we tend to repeat the things that we do not resolve. Like the Israelites, many times we wander back and forth through the wilderness of unforgiveness, disappointments, bitterness, and emotional hurts. If the wounds of the past are not resolved every time that God pours Himself into us, His goodness will flow out through the open wounds of our heart. We can't hold it in because we can't believe in ourselves. God loves us and doesn't want us wandering around in a wilderness of emotional pain for forty years. He wants to take us from that bondage and bring us into a new and glorious place that He has prepared for us. To get a grip on the things that God has planned for us, we must work with Him and move forward in faith, resolve the old issues, and let go of the past. No matter where we are in life, there is a new level and a higher place. Let us determine to listen to God and work with Him so that we do not perish in the wilderness of defeat. ++

Copyright © 2012 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture:  Psalms 115:12  "The Lord has been mindful of us:  He will bless us."

This psalm is a wonderful reminder that we serve the only true and living God and that He is always mindful of us.  He watches us just as a father watches his own son or daughter.  He protects us and provides for us.  He is there to comfort us in our grief and dry the tears from our eyes.  He also lifts us up when we become discouraged and lets us know that all things are going to work together for good.  He gives us hope and lets us know that He has good plans for our future.  He even extends His mercy and grace when we fall.  And all of these provisions and blessings require no sacrifice on our part, for His love is unconditional.

This psalm also speaks of the other gods that men worship and serve.  It says that those gods are handmade of silver and gold.  Instead of being the Creator like the Living God we serve, they are the created.  They have mouths, but they can't speak, eyes that can't see, and ears that can't hear.  They have noses that can't smell and hands that can't grasp and handle things.  They also have feet that can't walk or run and throats that are unable to utter a sound.  These idols and gods are useless.  They can't be touched with our feelings or understand our pain.  How sad it would be to serve such a god that cannot function or communicate and whose value is limited to the amount of precious metal that it is made of.

We are blessed to have a personal relationship with a Living God.  He is sovereign and He knows every situation of our lives.  Sometimes things may get out of balance and we may wonder what is happening in our life.  We must understand that God is always in control and that He is mindful of us.  We are in His thoughts even when we are under spiritual attack.  Satan, himself, could not attack Job without the permission of God, and even then he was restricted by the limitations that God dictated.  It has been said that we are either coming out of a trial, in a trial, or about to go through a trial.  Wherever you are today, remember that you are on God's mind.  He loves and cares for you and He is going to bless you. +++

Copyright © 2012 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture: John 3:16 "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life."

How tremendous this statement is. God loved us so much that He gave His most treasured possession so that everlasting life could be provided for us. There are several wonderful facts about God's love. First, His love never fails. Natural love relationships with family and friends often fail at some point and time, but God's love is eternal. In Jeremiah 31:3 God says, "I have loved you with an everlasting love." The Apostle Paul listed seventeen things that were unable to separate him from God's love: "tribulation, distress, persecution, famine, nakedness, peril, sword, death, life, angels, principalities, powers, things present, things to come, height, depth, nor any other creature" (Romans 8:35, 38, 39).

Second, God's love is not influenced by who we are. Deuteronomy 7:6-8 tells us that God did not choose Israel because they were a large nation, for in reality they were the smallest. He chose them to be a special people because He loved them and wanted to establish His covenant with them. He chooses us in the same fashion. He looks at us as individuals, but it doesn't really matter who we are, it matters who God is. Third, God's love is also free. In Hosea 14:4, God says, "I will heal their backsliding, I will love them freely." We cannot earn God's love, for we have nothing to offer to God that would be able to merit the sacrificial gift of His Son's life. We must come to God just as we are. Fourth, His love is not just for a select few, but is offered free to whosoever will believe in Him. This includes the rich and famous and also the poor and the needy. 

Finally, Ephesians 3:19 says, "The love of Christ passes understanding." Our natural minds simply cannot comprehend how God could give His own Son to die in our place. Nor can we understand why Christ, Himself, would suffer the shame of the cross so that He could redeem us, for none of these enormous sacrifices make sense. This information goes beyond our human understanding. Yet, God showed us His love by His sacrifice. We do not deserve God's awesome love, which is eternal and free. Neither are we required to understand it or to figure out how His love works. All we must do is believe in Him and receive His love sacrifice, then we will not perish but have everlasting life. ++

Copyright © 2012 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


A Word In Due Season
3rd Week of February 2012


Scripture: John 15:13 "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends."

The second commandment that Jesus gave us was to love our neighbor as ourselves. James 2:8 calls this the "royal law of the scriptures." It follows the first and great commandment, which is "to love the Lord your God with all of your heart, and with all of your soul, and with all of your mind" (Matthew 22:37). Jesus said that all of the law and prophecies rest in these two commandments. Yet, Jesus speaks again of a "greater love." He says, "Love one another as I have loved you" (John 15:12). This love goes beyond loving someone as you would love yourself, and loves to the degree that it is willing to lay down its own life for the one that it loves. This love is a supernatural fruit that is produced by the Spirit of God and abides within us. When we love with this type of love, we show the world that we are disciples of Jesus Christ (John 13:31).

I Corinthians chapter thirteen tells us that this love is superior to the gifts. It is greater than being able to speak with the tongues of angels, prophesying, having supernatural knowledge, exercising faith, and doing charitable works. Even martyrdom for our faith cannot be compared to love. For all these things will eventually pass away, but love will remain forever. Without this love, we are like noisy gongs and clanging cymbals. We are totally useless to God and become as nothing before Him.

Greater love follows Jesus' example and lays down its life by being patient and kind. It is never envious nor jealous. It is not boastful or vain and does not display itself in a haughty manner. This kind of love is not conceited, nor arrogant or inflated with pride. It is not self-seeking and does not insist on its own way. It is not rude or resentful and pays no attention to the wrong that it has to suffer. It endures everything without weakening and it never fails. It is willing to love others wherever they are in their life so that they may be brought into God's eternal kingdom. This greater love demands a greater sacrifice. God the Father and Jesus gave us an example of this greater love. Because of Their great love for us, God gave His only begotten Son and Jesus gave His own life. ++

Copyright © 2012 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture: I Corinthians 12:31 "Covet earnestly the best gifts ... yet I show you a more excellent way."

The Apostle Paul spoke of the gifts of the Spirit that were available to the believer and told us to covet the best of those gifts. He then said that there is something more excellent than any of the gifts and began to talk about love. He told us that love was far more valuable than any gift, including faith and hope. He also told us that if we displayed gifts without love, we would be like noisy gongs or clanging cymbals. We would be useless and unprofitable because faith could only work by love. (Galatians 5:6)

Even in our natural life, gifts that are received from someone who does not really love us hold little or no value. Yet, how precious we hold the most insignificant gift when it comes from someone we love or someone who loves us. My most treasured items are the things that my children presented to me in love. The paper angel, colored with crayons, that is placed at the top of our Christmas tree each year is of little monetary value, yet it is very special because it was presented to me in love about 40 years ago by my little boy, who is now a grown man with children of his own. His love made this gift special.

God is love. The greatest gift He presented to us was His beloved Son, Jesus, who then gave His life for us because of His great love. If we want to be like our Father God and our Master Jesus Christ rather than like a loud gong or cymbal, we need to develop the characteristics of the love that They displayed. In I Corinthians chapter thirteen, Paul identifies these characteristics of love.

1) Love is patient.
2) Love is kind.
3) Love is never envious nor boils over with jealousy.
4) Love is not boastful or vain.
5) Love does not display itself haughtily.
6) Love is not conceited, arrogant, and inflated with pride.
7) Love is not rude and does not act unbecomingly.
8) Love does not insist on its own rights or its own way.
9) Love is not self-seeking.
10) Love is not touchy, fretful, or resentful.
11) Love takes no account of the evil done to it,
and pays no attention to suffered wrong.
12) Love does not rejoice at injustice and unrighteousness.
13) Love rejoices when right and truth prevail.
14) Love bears up under anything and everything that comes.
15) Love is ever ready to believe the best of every person.
16) Love's hopes are fadeless under all circumstances
and Love endures everything without weakening.
17) Love never fails - never fades out,
becomes obsolete, or comes to an end.++

Copyright © 2012 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture: Isaiah 64:8 "O Lord, You are our Father; we are the clay, and You are the potter; and we all are the work of Your hand." 

We are the work of God's hands. We are not being shaped by fate or some invisible force but by a loving Heavenly Father. When God envisioned us, He did not see us as a number among the billions of people that would be created. He saw us as individuals with our own special personality, a creation of His image. When He created us, He focused all of His efforts upon us to make us into the vessel that He needed us to be so that we could fulfill His purposes. Just as the potter is with the clay vessel that he is forming, God holds us firmly and forms us with His own hands. There are not two potters at the potter's wheel. There is only one. From the beginning to the end, God involves Himself with us on a one-on-one basis and if we allow Him, He will become not only our creator but also our closest friend. 

All of God's dealings are meant to make us into a vessel that is solid. Like the potter who removes the lumps and particles from the clay, God also works to remove the things from our lives that will weaken our vessel and that are destined to destroy us. We must trust God's sovereignty and His decisions. Our ultimate destiny may be hidden from our view and there may seem to be no immediate purpose for the things that we are going through. We may see our lives as spinning in many directions and out of control, but God has a wonderful plan for our life. He is not in a hurry and will take His time with us to insure that we are ready for use. We must focus our eyes upon Him and His righteousness and allow Him to conform us into His image. 

In Psalms 17:15 King David said, "I shall be satisfied when I awake with Your likeness." David was a man after God's heart, yet he was not satisfied with his present state. He wanted to be changed into the likeness of God, and we too must be satisfied with no less. The scriptures declare that God is love. God is our Father and we are the clay. We must give ourselves to Him and allow love to form the clay into His likeness. ++

Copyright © 2012 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture: Psalms 13:1 "How long will You forget me, O Lord." 

David must have been in extreme misery and difficulty when he wrote this psalm, for in the first two verses he questioned the Lord four times saying, "How long?" He said, "How long will you forget me?" "How long will you turn your back and hide your face from me?" "How long must I bear pain and sorrow in my soul?" "How long will the enemy be exalted over me?"

I can imagine how David must have felt because I have faced some discouraging seasons myself and asked, "How long?" Even when I go through a stressful place like having dental work or having to endure some other unpleasant procedure, the first thing that I ask is, "How long is this going to take?" It seems that it is a whole lot easier to endure a situation if you know there is an end in sight. Yet, many times our ordeal may take much longer than anticipated because our own struggles cause delays.

David was waiting for God to deliver him from the oppression of his enemy, but it seemed that the Lord had turned His face from David and had forgotten all about him. This situation must have gone on for some length of time because David declared that he had sorrow in his heart daily and felt that he was near death as his enemies triumphed over him. As David worried over his situation and the oppression of the enemy, he suddenly stopped questioning God. Right in the midst of his dilemma, he began to pray for God's deliverance. When he began to pray, his mindset changed and he ended this psalm in victory. Notice that David was still in the same place physically, but his faith had moved to a different level spiritually as he declared his trust in God's mercy, salvation, and bountiful love and care. 

Have you ever been to the point where it seems that you just couldn't take much more? You wanted to know how much longer the journey was going to take. You felt that you could hold out to the end if you only knew when the trial was going to be finished. When would your health be restored? When would you find another job? How long are you going to be in debt? When will you meet that special someone? Like a child, you questioned God, "Are we almost there?" You must understand that God really has not turned His back or hid his face from you or your circumstances. He is there working out the problem, but He is also waiting for you to change your approach to the situation. It is one thing for us to murmur and complain about our circumstances and it is another thing for us to place those things that disturb us into God's hands. God can't work for us because we will not let go of the things that concern us and rely upon Him to perfect them. Many times when we ask God, "How long," He probably wants to answer, "As long as you cause it to be." So if you want God to complete His work, give all of your struggles to Him and rest in His timing. ++

Copyright © 2012 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


A Word In Due Season
4th Week of February 2012


Scripture: Mark 16:15 & 20 "Jesus said, 'Go into all the world and preach the gospel' ... And they went forth ... the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs and wonders." 

When Jesus spoke these words "Go into all the world and preach the gospel," He also made promises to those who obeyed Him. He promised the Anointing of the Holy Spirit, the Authority to use His name, and the Assurance that He would confirm His word with signs and wonders. He made it very clear that the believers would not have to depend upon their own powers and abilities, for their strength would never be a sufficient match for the challenges set before them. When God led His people to the edge of the Red Sea, He was aware that they had no ability to cross it. He knew that it would take His own miracle working power to deliver them. Moses, their leader, was not equipped to roll back the sea by himself, but the presence of the Lord that was with Moses was greater than the task that was set before him.

When Joshua faced the walls of Jericho, God knew that Joshua did not have the strength to bring the walls down, but God had a plan. He told Joshua to march around the city once a day for six days and seven times on the seventh day, and then give a mighty shout. When Joshua and his army obeyed God, God's power filled their shouts and the walls came down. Paul and Silas found themselves in prison with no hope of helping themselves, but God's power was greater than the chains and prison bars. As they prayed and sang praises to God a great earthquake shook the prison. The doors were opened and they were set free. 

When God sends the believer out, He always goes before them and prepares the way. You can be sure that if God is speaking to you about something, He is also working on the other end of the situation just as He did with Moses, Joshua, and Paul and Silas. God is not slack in any area. He is the Author and Finisher of His work. He is preparing the heart that you are being compelled to witness to. His healing power is waiting for your prayers of faith to activate it. There is no Red Sea, no Jericho wall, and no prison that can stop God from fulfilling His will and purposes in your life. There is no task that is set before you that is greater than God's presence within you. He has made you more than a conqueror in every situation. God will go before you and make the crooked way straight and also make a way in the wilderness. He will give you favor and will meet every need. Trust in the Lord with all of your heart and do not lean upon your own understanding, for as you go, He will confirm His words with signs and wonders. ++

Copyright © 2012 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture:  II Peter 1:3-4  "His divine power has given unto us all things that pertain to life and godliness through the knowledge of Him ... that by these you might be partakers of the divine nature."

The divine power that is mentioned in this scripture is the Greek word "Dudamus" and it means the power to reproduce itself.  When Jesus comes into our life, He gives us the opportunity to partake of His divine nature.  He promises to share His very being with us and gives us everything that pertains to life and godliness so that His nature can be revealed in us.

Peter tells us how this wonderful transformation takes place.  When we make a diligent effort to know Jesus in a personal way, His divine power begins to reproduce within us and we are changed from the inside out.  As His power works on the inside of us, we begin to act like He acts, talk like He talks, and think like He thinks.  His very nature becomes our nature.  Verse eight tells us that as these qualities of Christ become ours, they keep us from being barren and unfruitful.  Barren and unfruitful means being unable to produce and without fruit, which is a disappointment to all.  We see many born again believers in this state who have the nature of God inside of them, but are unfruitful in their character and works.  They have faith in God but do not partake of His divine nature or allow Him to transform their lives into His image.

Fruitfulness comes about by diligent effort like a muscle that is developed through exercise.  It takes personal sacrifice, but as you yield to Christ, His divine power begins to reproduce His divine nature.  Peter explained how this divine nature comes about in verses five through seven.  Faith is just the beginning of your walk with the Lord.  It is your basic foundation, but to partake of Christ's nature you must add virtue to your faith.  Virtue is general moral excellence and right action.  Peter then says, add knowledge to your virtue and temperance to your knowledge.  Temperance is moderation and self-restraint in your conduct and expression.  You are then to add patience, a willingness to wait and endure without complaining.  To your patience, you must add godliness, and to godliness, brotherly kindness.  Charity, which is love of God and love of humanity, must also be added.  If you are diligent in these areas and allow Christ's divine power to work within you, you will not only be partakers but also examples of His divine nature. +++

Copyright © 2012 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture:  Lamentations 3:21-22  (NIV)  "Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope: Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail."

Jeremiah, the prophet, was very distraught concerning the circumstances that surrounded him.  He was in such a bad state of mind that his perception of God changed and he began to think that God was against him on every side.  He put the blame on God and expressed his despair and fear, saying, "God has hedged me about so that I cannot get out" (Verse 7).  It is recorded that the Assyrians would wall up their prisoners so that they had no way of escape and would allow them to die in this state.  Jeremiah's thoughts caused him to experience this kind of pain and anxiety.  He envisioned himself as being trapped within walls that were unmovable.  He could not help himself and had come to the point that he felt that there was no help or deliverance coming from God either.  In his distress, he declared, "My strength and my hope is perished from the Lord" (Verse 18). 

Jeremiah had allowed his mind to be shaped by the events around him and he gave in to his emotions.  Yet in the midst of his inner struggle and outward turmoil, he remembered God, and when he began to think about God's mercy and compassion, hope returned to his heart.  As he looked at his situation from a different perspective, he saw with a clearer vision the reality of what was really happening.  He came to the conclusion that he would not be consumed in his problems because he knew that God's great love and compassion never fails.

I suppose that most of us have been in a place similar to Jeremiah's where it seemed that we were surrounded by four walls that were closing in on us.  There were financial difficulties on one side, failing health on the other, problems with relationships on the third side, and finally unpleasant situations on the job or something else to deal with.  As the stress mounted, our strength failed and our hopes began to perish.  Maybe you have even been like the Apostle Paul and have had more than four conflicts going on in your life at the same time.  Paul declared that he had no rest because he was troubled on every side (II Corinthians 7:5).  Yet, he did not allow himself to be distressed or in despair, but instead he continued in faith.

We must have this same resolve that we are not going to be consumed or overwhelmed in the conflict that surrounds us.  Instead, we are going to remember who God is in our lives and believe in His great love and compassion for us that never fails. +++

Copyright © 2012 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Psalms 139:7  "Where can I go from Your Spirit?  Or where can I flee from Your presence?

In this prayer that King David prayed, he acknowledged the abiding presence of the Lord in his life.  He said there was nowhere that he could go in order to flee from the presence of God.  He also focused on some other wonderful supernatural attributes of God.  He declared God's knowledge of all things, His awesome power, and His holiness.

God's presence has a purpose in our lives.  He is not around just for the sake of being there so that we can experience a special feeling.  He is in our lives to search our heart and destroy all evil.  Because David recognized God's presence and knowledge of all things, he asked the Lord to search him and know his thoughts.  He relied upon the holiness of God to try him in every area of his life.  He willingly laid his heart open before God.  David wanted the Lord to reveal any wicked way that might be in him, for he knew that the Lord had the power to deliver him from the evil that was within his own heart  (Verse 23 & 24).  He desperately longed for the Lord to lead him in the ways of righteousness.  

We must understand that our life with God is not just a time of His visitation, but a life of His habitation.  When we are born again we become a peculiar people and His Spirit dwells within each of us, setting us apart from all others.  He takes up residence within our spirit and He is always there.  He never leaves us or forsakes us.  He is not just around when we are worshipping in church with other believers or when we are doing good deeds.  He is present even when we are in the midst of questionable things.  Like the psalmist said, there is no place that we can go to get away from God's Spirit and nowhere to flee from His presence.  When we come to realize that we are surrounded and consumed with God's wonderful presence, our lives will be transformed and the options of our hearts will change.  We will begin to understand the thoughts and feelings of God's heart and our heart will want to please Him only.  We will not want to flee from His presence but will want to fulfill all of His desires. +++

Copyright © 2012 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture: Luke 24:49 "Tarry ....until you be endued with power from on high." 

There is always a voice calling us to a new and higher level whether it be in our financial status, our professions, our friendships and close relationships, or our calling to the ministry. It is a supernatural pull to move upward and forward in all areas. Most of us will do all that we can to move to this higher place, especially in spiritual things and the area of ministry. Like the Apostle Paul, the things of the past will become unimportant and we will make a determination to "press toward the mark of the high calling of God in our lives" (Philippines 3:14). 

When God first speaks to us of a new level, it is often overwhelming. It may even be troubling, like it was to the Virgin Mary who asked the angel, "How can these things be?" The outcome of the unknown is always a challenge in our minds. Yet when we sense that God is calling us from one place to another in our lives, something within us arises and causes us to want to run to it immediately. Our souls may be overwhelmed, but our spirits are excited by the vision and regenerated by the fresh word from God. New strength is infused within our hearts by the impartation of the new assignment and the gifts that have been dormant in our lives are suddenly stirred and resurrected to new life. We are ready, but then we hear that still small voice of the Lord telling us to "tarry ... until," for God's call always demands the power of His Spirit. 

Jesus had a great calling for His disciples and followers. He wanted them to preach the gospel to the meek, heal the sick, deliver the oppressed, and do other mighty miracles in His Name just as He had done when He was on Earth. Teachers and mentors always want their students to excel. The Lord's voice was calling them to a higher place but He also told them to tarry until they received power from on high. He knew that they could do nothing of themselves, just as He could do nothing of Himself. Jesus depended upon God's power and He knew that His disciples must do the same. That power came on the day of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit came like a rushing mighty wind from Heaven and filled all of them. They did not have to announce their promotion or exalt their gifts because signs and wonders became evident in their own ministries. 

If you believe that you are not in the place that God has ordained for you to be or feel that you are lacking in any area of life, that is an indication that God is trying to move you forward. He wants you to succeed and be all that you can be, but until promotion comes you must realize that you are in a season of preparation. It is a season to glean from the wisdom of others who have passed this way before. It is a season to learn all that you can and absorb all that God brings your direction. It is a time to wait in God's presence, to develop the fruits of His Spirit, and to gain the knowledge that comes down from above. Most importantly, it is a time to "tarry ... until" God empowers you with His Holy Spirit. +++

Copyright © 2012 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


A Word In Due Season
5th Week of February 2012


Scripture: Ephesians 2:10 (NAS) "For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them."

The following quote is a meditation from the book "Reflections of God's Glory" by Corrie ten Boom:

"In the basement of a large tenement house in which many families
lived, there was an old broken harp. People had often tried to
repair it and play it, but no one had ever succeeded in doing so.
One day a beggar came and asked for shelter. The only place for
him to spend the night was in a corner of that basement. Late that
night people heard the sound of beautiful music coming from the
basement. They found the beggar there playing the harp, and they
asked, "How were you able to repair the harp and play it so
beautifully?" He replied, "I made this harp myself. When I was
young, I made lots of harps. This is one of my harps. Shouldn't
I be able to repair something I made myself?" We have been
created by the hands of Jesus. I despair when I try to change
myself and patch myself up. I can't do it and never will be able to
do it, but if I surrender myself to Him who made me, I experience

Just like the harp that was created to make beautiful music, God has created us for good works, special plans, and definite purposes. Jeremiah 29:11 says, "God knows the thoughts He has for us, they are for good and not evil, to give us a future and a hope." We are His workmanship. He created us in Christ Jesus and works with us to make us into the vessels that He has preordained us to be. Although we may get battered about by the storms of life and seemingly cast aside for a season, we can take hope, for "The gifts and calling of God are without repentance" (Romans 11:29). God never changes His mind or withdraws His gifts. They are irrevocable. At the appointed time, God will set His hand upon us the second time and restore us to His original purpose. The harp could not make music in the state that it was in. It took the hands of the creator to bring restoration. So it is in our lives. The ability to make music is still there within us, but if we want God to restore us we must totally surrender all the pieces of our broken lives to Him. He made us. Shouldn't He be able to repair and restore us? +++

Copyright © 2012 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture: Mark 1:35 "And in the morning, rising up a great while before day, Jesus went out, and departed into a solitary place, and there He prayed."

Giving God the first part of the day is like giving the tithe of your income. In both situations in some miraculous way, God takes what you give to Him, then He blesses it and returns it to you. What you have left in terms of money or minutes is supernaturally stretched and multiplied by His mighty power. God rebukes the devourer for your sake and your abundance cannot be explained. Jesus, Himself, arose a great while before the day began and went to a solitary place to pray. He showed us that being alone with God and giving Him the first portion of the day was important. If the Son of God felt that it was important to seek the Father before He started His day, shouldn't we? There is a secret in this special time of communion, for it is in the quiet hours of the early morning that we gain strength for our entire day. We start our physical day with nourishment and should do no less in nurturing our spirit.

David was a man after God's own heart. And like Jesus, David also knew the secret of having communion with God before the day began. In Psalms 143:8, He spoke very clear words to God. David said, "Cause me to hear Your loving kindness in the morning, for in You do I trust. Cause me to know the way wherein I should walk, for I lift up my soul to You." In these few lines David made a very definite request. He wanted to hear about God's unfailing love for him every morning and he wanted God to show him where to walk that day.

These words could also become a daily prayer for you before you start your day. Find a solitary place as Jesus did and spend a few moments with the Lord. As you wait on God, He will renew your strength. You will mount up with wings as the eagles and you will find yourself running without growing weary. In the quietness of His presence, He will fill you with His Spirit and give you clear directions for the day. ++

Copyright © 2012 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    
