A Word In Due Season
1st Week of October 2012


Scripture: Genesis 5:22 "Enoch walked with God ..." 

This is a simple testimony of a man who pleased God. God was so pleased with Enoch that his name is recorded among the other giants of faith (Hebrews chapter 11). Yet, Enoch didn't spend 120 years building an ark like Noah, offer his son on the altar like Abraham, roll back the Red Sea like Moses, shout the walls down at Jericho like Joshua, or stand faithful in a lion's den like Daniel. Like those in today's religious world, Enoch didn't write books, hold conferences all over the nation, or go to the foreign field. He also wasn't a radio personality or the host of an evangelistic television program. Enoch just simply walked with God. One day at a time, one step in front of the other, he remained faithful in that walk for three hundred years. 

Sometimes we make Christianity too hard. We substitute works for relationships with God, conference attendance in place of our communion with God, and sacrifice instead of obedience to God. Yet in reality, what God really wants is for us to simply walk with Him, one step at a time. He wants our every moment engulfed in His perfect will for that moment. If He goes to the left, He wants us to go to the left. If He goes to the right, He wants us to follow. If He picks up the pace and begins to run or slows down, He wants us to follow suite. If He stops to rest for a while, He wants us to be there right by His side, sitting next to Him, and resting in His presence. He wants us to be where He is and He doesn't want us to be anxious about the time or fretful over the future, for there are no wasted moments in His presence. 

God invites us to walk with Him and to be conscious of His presence, knowing that He is going to direct this day that He has made. Time and again the Lord said that He would be with us always. We just have to acknowledge this awesome fact and be assured that He is with us for every battle and for every celebration. Walking in the natural is healthy, for it strengthens every area of your body and gives you energy. So it is with walking with God. As we walk with Him, we grow stronger and He restores and regenerates our spirits. 

Today, do not dwell upon what you must do for God, but dwell upon where you must be with God. Simply make a determination to walk with God as Enoch did, one step at a time. You may not become famous in the eyes of the world, but you can be assured that you will become famous in the eyes of the Lord as you walk with Him at His bidding. ++

Copyright © 2012 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture:  Philippians 2:13  "For it is God which works in you ..."

Do you realize that right in the midst of your current situation, which may be very challenging and distasteful to you, God is at work with you and within you?  You may be facing a great mountain of conflict regarding your health, finances, or relationships, but God is right there energizing you so that you can make it through the ordeal.  The Lord is your personal friend who is closer than a brother and unlike your friends and family, He will never leave you or forsake you regardless of how hard things may get.

God not only creates within you the desire to do His will, but also empowers you with strength and then helps you to follow through until you complete the task and accomplish His purposes.  He makes a way where there seems to be no way and with every temptation that seeks to divert you from His will, He makes a way of escape.  You never have to depend upon your own strength.  God is aware that Satan will try to sift you as wheat just as he did with Peter, so He set Jesus at His right hand to intercede and continually pray for you.  God is faithful and He works with you and does all that He can do for you, but verse 12 says that you must cooperate with Him, working with God in reverent fear and awe.

One of God's greatest desires is that you come through the battle victorious.  He wants your testimony to be that you are more than a conqueror through Christ Jesus who loved you and who gave Himself for you.  You have a choice to survive or thrive in your circumstance.  It's up to you.  You can murmur against God and engage in disputes with others or you can yield to God's workings within you.

 How do you yield to His workings?  Paul said, "Do all things without grumbling, fault finding, and complaining against God, or questioning and doubting each other" (Verse 14).  This may be hard, but it brings great contentment and eternal rewards.  As God works within you and as you allow Him to work with you, you "show yourself blameless, harmless, and sons of God without fault in this wicked generation" (Verse 15-16).  As the world sees the results of God's effective work within you, you will "shine as a bright light in their darkness and be able to give forth the Word of Life." +++

Copyright © 2012 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture:  Job 42:10  "And the Lord turned the captivity of Job, when he prayed for his friends: also the Lord gave Job twice as much as he had before."

Job was called to go through a very difficult season of testing.  God, Himself, spoke to Satan and said, "Have you considered My servant Job?  There is none like him in all the earth.  Job is perfect and upright and he hates evil" (Job 1:8).  Instead of hiding Job, God called Satan's attention to him.  God's motive was not to punish Job or cause evil in his life.  God only allowed the hedge that was around Job to be intruded upon because He knew that Job could stand the test.  When the hedge was removed, Job lost his possessions, his children, his health, and his self-esteem.  Even Job's wife was at variance with him and encouraged him to curse God and die.  Job finally found himself sitting in ashes and scraping the boils on his body, while thinking that God had done this terrible deed to him.

In the process of Job's distress, his friends came to comfort him.  Instead of rendering encouragement, they brought judgments and condemnation.  They had all of the answers but no real solutions.  They spoke about God, but not words from God.  Job patiently listened to the opinions of his friends and made a futile attempt to respond to their accusations.  Job finally declared, "God knows the way that I take: when He hath tried me, I shall come forth as gold."  He kept his faith in the midst of his adverse circumstances and came to know God not from the hearing of the ear, but a seeing and knowing with a spiritual eye (Job 42:5).  He experienced God and realized that God was in control of everything even when it didn't appear to be so.  Job's perseverance led him down a path to victory.  God gave Job the ultimate assignment and told him to pray for his friends who had so harshly judged him.  When Job obeyed, the Lord turned his captivity.  God set him free, restored his health, and gave him twice as much as he had before.

Jesus also set forth these same mysterious principles in His words, "Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you and persecute you" (Matthew 5:44).  There is a miraculous power that works when we pray for those who misjudge us, abuse us, and take advantage of us.  When we pray for them, we willingly open up a channel between us and God.  As we open our hearts wide towards Heaven, God is able to pour out a blessing upon us through that same open channel.  It is like opening the door to let someone out.  While the door is open, it allows the fresh air to come in.  If you are in a hard place, put it all into God's hands and allow Him to deal with it.  Open the channel to Heaven by blessing and praying for those who do not understand you or your situation and allow God to reverse your captivity. +++

Copyright © 2012 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture: II Kings 6:5 "Alas, Master! For it was borrowed."

The school of the prophets was over crowded, so the students went down to Jordan to build another school. As they were cutting down the trees for construction, an axe head came off of the handle and fell into the water. The man who was using the axe began to panic because it was borrowed, and he cried out to Elisha, the prophet, for help. Elisha threw a stick into the water, and as he did, the iron axe head rose to the surface and began to swim so that the man could retrieve it. This is an unbelievable story, but God's miracles are always unbelievable.

Sometimes we tend to forget that God is concerned about each and every need that we have and that He is still able to do miracles such as this. This story shows that the Lord is even concerned about the things that have been loaned to us, which includes money that we've borrowed to purchase material possessions. He knows that our intent is just like the student prophet that borrowed the axe. This man had every intention of taking care of the axe and returning it to the lender. However, circumstances worked against him and he found himself in a terrible situation. He obviously could not replace the axe, as he was not prosperous enough to own one in the first place. When he became overwhelmed with the loss, he panicked, but the God of the prophet Elisha was there to perform a miracle and meet his need.

You may find yourself in a dilemma such as this where you are over extended in your debts, either by reason of mismanagement or adverse circumstances. Whatever the reason may be, you have a God that is concerned for you and will help you if you call out to Him. God may surprise you in the way that He meets your need, for He is a God of miracles. He is not limited in any way by the natural. God can supernaturally do more than you can ask or think when you put your faith in Him.

God is your Father and nothing is too great or too small for Him to take care of. "God shall supply all your needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus" (Philippians 4:19). He is not limited by your riches, your income, or your resources but supplies for your need based upon His riches and His resources. Don't forget that God lives in a place where the gates are made of pearls and the streets are pure gold. If God can make iron to swim in order to meet the need of a man who borrowed an axe, He can and will take care of your needs when you cry out to Him.++

Copyright © 2012 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture:  Hebrews 11:16  "For this reason, God is not ashamed to be called their God."

God's people, who are listed in this chapter, pleased Him in such a manner that He was not ashamed to be called their God.  They pleased God by receiving His promise and being fully persuaded that He had told them the truth.  And because they believed God, they obeyed His every command to bring about the fulfillment of the promise.

When God spoke to Noah, Noah spent 120 years building an ark on dry ground, even though the earth had never before experienced rain.  His faith and act of obedience saved his family and future generations.  When God spoke to Abraham, he loaded up his entire family and went out looking for the city that God had promised him.  When Abraham started out, he didn't even know where he was going nor did he trouble his mind about the destination.  He just obeyed the call and followed God one day at a time.  Others were tested in their faith.  Among them was Moses, who passed through the Red Sea on dry ground, and Joshua, who saw the walls of Jericho come down with a shout.  All these men experienced great things at the hand of God, but the formula remained the same in every situation.  They trusted in God, believed His promise, and then acted upon His word.

Noah could have become discouraged any time during the 120 years as people mocked the monstrosity that he was building.  He could have chosen to leave the project of the ark unfinished in order to keep his self esteem and pride intact.  Abraham could have returned to his homeland when he encountered wars and famine, but he kept looking for that promised city whose builder and maker was God.  He traveled from place to place counting himself as a stranger and a pilgrim in the world.  Moses and Joshua could have allowed fear to reign in their lives, but both men went forth in faith.  All of these men pleased God because they believed Him and chose to act on His word.

If you are walking by faith in uncertain places today, listen for God's voice.  His testimony over you will be the same as His words over His other servants.  You will hear Him say, "You have pleased me very much.  You truly believe that I exist and that I will reward you when you earnestly and diligently seek Me.  You have wholly followed after Me and have not allowed discouragement to deter you from My call.  You have not turned back to the things of the world when the opportunity presented itself although it would have been much easier.  I am pleased because you had faith to obey My voice even though you didn't understand everything.  You have continued in faith, while others mocked.  I am very pleased because you have judged Me to be faithful to My word, and I want you to know that I am not ashamed to be called your God." ++

Copyright © 2012 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


A Word In Due Season
2nd Week of October 2012


Scripture: Habakkuk 2:3 "For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it: because it will surely come."

Visions that have not come to pass, prophecies that have not been fulfilled, promises that have not come to fruition, prayers that have not been granted, and questions that have not been answered are not always denials from God. In most occasions, the time of their fulfillment is only delayed and awaiting His appointed time. The prophet Habakkuk encouraged us not to become disappointed or discouraged when things didn't happen right away but to wait for God and also wait for His appointed time. God will not come early or arrive too late. Neither will He come empty handed. When the time is right, He will fulfill His word, and like the prophet said, "At the end, His vision will speak and not lie."

It seems that it is so hard to wait, especially for God, for we have nothing to look at physically or to hold in our natural hands. The only substance we have is the faith that we hold in hearts, which is not tangible. Though God's word is very real and clear when it is spoken to us, it often becomes vague when the devil begins to sow doubt in an effort to challenge it. This is especially true when God's word of promise lingers awhile in our spirits before it comes to fruition. John the Baptist faced this dilemma. He preached repentance and also acknowledged that Jesus was the Messiah as he declared, "Behold the Lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world." Yet when he was in prison, his vision was challenged and he sent two of his disciples to inquire of Jesus, "Are you the Christ that should come, or do we look for another?" Doubt was clouding John's mind, for he expected his vision of the Christ as a leader to come to pass right away, but God had another plan and a more appropriate time. 

As difficult as it may be to patiently wait for God, there is something worse than having to wait and that is wishing that we had waited for His appointed time. When we move ahead and do not wait for God, Himself, to bring the vision to pass, it cultivates anxiety because we have to wait for Him to catch up with us. Not only that, but when we step out of His timing, we remove ourselves from His place of provision and peace. This reminds me of a missionary who felt a call to go to the mission field, but was so excited that he went immediately without any preparation. The first year was very difficult and in his desperation, he questioned God about his dire circumstances and meager provisions. God responded by saying, "Yes I called you to come, but you came a year too early." The next year, which was God's appointed time. God proved Himself faithful to the missionary in every respect.

In every circumstance, we must learn to wait patiently for God and allow His timing to bring His word to pass. Time is on our side, for as we wait upon God, we will grow stronger. We can be certain that at the end of our wait, His appointed time will come and His vision will speak and not lie. ++

Copyright © 2012 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture:  II Timothy 1:7  "God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and a sound mind."

God is our loving Heavenly Father and He will not give His children anything that is evil or harmful to them in any way.  His gifts are only good.  He never intended for us to be overburdened, troubled, or fearful in our hearts concerning the matters of life.  He doesn't even want us to be concerned about what we are going to wear or eat (Matthew 6:25).  Throughout the scriptures God said, "Do not fear" and He assured us that He was with us at all times and that He would take care of us.  Jesus also said, "Let not your heart be troubled and neither let it be afraid."  He gave us personally responsibility to not allow the devil to torment us with fear.

The Apostle Paul referred to fear as a spirit and James 4:7 instructed the believer to resist the devil and that he would have to flee.  This includes the devil's evil spirit of fear.  We do not have to have the power within our own natural being to conquer evil, we just have to use the authority that has been given to us.  We were told that we could use the Name of Jesus and the power of His blood.  No weapon that has been formed can prosper against those two weapons.  We have the right to condemn every tongue, including the voice of fear, that rises against us.  We do not have to listen to the devil or his torments, for God did not give us a spirit of fear.  God doesn't give us gifts that are foreign to Himself.  Instead He imparts the qualities that are of His own nature, which are love, power, and a sound mind.  These three entities represent the God Head.  Acts 1:8 says that you will receive Power after the Holy Ghost comes upon you.  John 4:24 tells us that God is a Spirit and I John 4:8 says that God is Love.  If we have the Spirit of God within us we have the Spirit of Love.  And I Corinthians 2:16 says, "We have the Mind of Christ."  When we have the mind of Christ, we will definitely have a sound mind.  This trinity of power, love, and a sound mind is a mighty force against the devil and his strategies.

The devil goes about as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour and one of his greatest weapons is fear.  His roar is loud and ferocious and it comes with many threats but a roar has no power within itself, except to bring fear.  A roar cannot hurt you.  It can only harass and torment.  We cannot allow ourselves to be taken in by the spirit of fear, for it will drive us to disappointment, depression, defeat, and even death.  We must resist anything that God did not give to us, which includes the spirit of fear, and rise above the clamor of the world's many voices.  God's voice is bigger than the roar of the lion and His power is greater than any force that can come against us.  We must turn our hearts towards God and rely on His Holy Spirit to enable us and strengthen us with His power, His love, and His sound mind.  Fear is only a spiritual voice and it will flee in the presence of these powerful forces of God. +++

Copyright © 2012 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture: Psalms 34:19 "Many are the afflictions of the righteous ..." 

Have you ever been in a season where you felt that you were fulfilling this portion of scripture that David wrote? You were trying to live right but you were experiencing many afflictions. Like the scene with Job, while you were learning about one dilemma in your life, another was occurring. You discovered that your righteous living did not exempt you from troubles and it seemed that for the moment, you were facing more conflict and struggle than you were going to be able to bear. 

Where is the comfort in your situation? David finished this verse by declaring that the Lord would deliver the righteous out of all their afflictions. This is a grand promise that gives hope and will keep you from losing heart in the midst of the raging battle that surrounds you. According to the Apostle Paul, the afflictions you face right now are only for a season and are working for you an eternal glory beyond all measure (II Cor. 4:17-18). Somehow God is going to redeem your situation and use it for His glory. Romans 8:18 says that the things you are suffering at the present can't even be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in you. 

David wrote this psalm concerning afflictions and deliverance out of a hurting heart and a broken spirit. He had fled from King Saul in an effort to save his own life, but met another conflict when King Achish recognized him. David had to pretend to be insane before King Achish in order to save his own life. David was in the midst of many afflictions, yet he trusted in the Lord, and the Lord delivered him from all of his troubles (I Sam. 10-15). You may also be in the midst of many afflictions yourself, but rejoice. God is still in control of your life and you can be assured that Jesus will never leave you while you are in the midst of your brokenness and trouble. His presence was with Joseph in the prison, Daniel in the lion's den, and the three Hebrew children in the fire. He did not fail them in their desperate hour, and He will not fail you. When you are facing many afflictions and things look their worse, don't lose heart, for God's deliverance will always come through. +

Copyright © 2012 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    




Scripture:  II Timothy 1:7  "God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and a sound mind."

God is our loving Heavenly Father and He will not give His children anything that is evil or harmful to them in any way.  His gifts are only good.  He never intended for us to be overburdened, troubled, or fearful in our hearts concerning the matters of life.  He doesn't even want us to be concerned about what we are going to wear or eat (Matthew 6:25).  Throughout the scriptures God said, "Do not fear" and He assured us that He was with us at all times and that He would take care of us.  Jesus also said, "Let not your heart be troubled and neither let it be afraid."  He gave us personally responsibility to not allow the devil to torment us with fear.

The Apostle Paul referred to fear as a spirit and James 4:7 instructed the believer to resist the devil and that he would have to flee.  This includes the devil's evil spirit of fear.  We do not have to have the power within our own natural being to conquer evil, we just have to use the authority that has been given to us.  We were told that we could use the Name of Jesus and the power of His blood.  No weapon that has been formed can prosper against those two weapons.  We have the right to condemn every tongue, including the voice of fear, that rises against us.  We do not have to listen to the devil or his torments, for God did not give us a spirit of fear.  God doesn't give us gifts that are foreign to Himself.  Instead He imparts the qualities that are of His own nature, which are love, power, and a sound mind.  These three entities represent the God Head.  Acts 1:8 says that you will receive Power after the Holy Ghost comes upon you.  John 4:24 tells us that God is a Spirit and I John 4:8 says that God is Love.  If we have the Spirit of God within us we have the Spirit of Love.  And I Corinthians 2:16 says, "We have the Mind of Christ."  When we have the mind of Christ, we will definitely have a sound mind.  This trinity of power, love, and a sound mind is a mighty force against the devil and his strategies.

The devil goes about as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour and one of his greatest weapons is fear.  His roar is loud and ferocious and it comes with many threats but a roar has no power within itself, except to bring fear.  A roar cannot hurt you.  It can only harass and torment.  We cannot allow ourselves to be taken in by the spirit of fear, for it will drive us to disappointment, depression, defeat, and even death.  We must resist anything that God did not give to us, which includes the spirit of fear, and rise above the clamor of the world's many voices.  God's voice is bigger than the roar of the lion and His power is greater than any force that can come against us.  We must turn our hearts towards God and rely on His Holy Spirit to enable us and strengthen us with His power, His love, and His sound mind.  Fear is only a spiritual voice and it will flee in the presence of these powerful forces of God. +++

Copyright © 2012 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture: Matthew 6:14-15 (NIV) "If you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins."

There is no misunderstanding about what Jesus was saying in this scripture, for His words are about as plain as they can get. God's rule is very simple, "Forgive if you want to be forgiven." Considering these words, is it any wonder that sometimes we find it hard to receive forgiveness from God for ourselves? For in the hidden recesses of our hearts, we are harboring unforgiveness. Unforgiveness may have been in our hearts for such a long period of time that we had forgotten that it was there and possibly don't exactly remember what the issue was about. Nevertheless, our sins will not be forgiven if we, ourselves, haven't forgiven others.

Maybe you can relate to my experience. In the natural, there have been times that I have packed away an item and then forgotten that I had it. Later, I was shocked when I discovered that item. I have even forgotten about places that I visited or an event that I attended until I looked at old photos. Yet the memory is still there, it's just dormant until something stirs it. When the item is uncovered or the photo is revealed, the memory becomes very fresh in my mind and I say, "Oh, I remember now." Even in arguments, we tend to bring up past events and things that we thought were long forgotten. Unforgiveness in our hearts is like a hidden item or a photo. We think it is not there until something nudges us and we feel the old familiar pain. There was a season that required much forgiveness on my part. With God's help, I was able to forgive the one who transgressed against me. Yet, the enemy still tries to use painful memories to resurrect the past in an effort to overthrow the spirit of forgiveness that is within my heart. This is a common battle for all of us.

We need to understand that forgiveness is a gift that we give to ourselves. We are the ones who benefit when we forgive, for It is the only way that we can approach God. When we go to the altar with unforgiveness in our hearts, we offer an empty sacrifice to the Lord and our prayers are hindered. It is as though a veil is over our hearts and God won't look beneath that veil. When He sees unforgiveness, He turns His head in sadness. Jesus said, "Reconcile yourself with your brother and then bring your sacrifice to the Lord." You, yourself, must remove the veil of unforgiveness. If you want God to listen to you, then you must listen to Him and obey His words. He simply says, "Forgive." You may think that it is impossible, but Jesus would not tell you to do something that was impossible for you to do. Forgiveness is a decision, an act of your will. So, remove the veil of unforgiveness from your heart and you will find that you have removed the veil between you and God's heart. +++

Copyright © 2012 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture:  Isaiah 54:3  "For you shall break forth on the right hand and on the left."

Have your ever felt like your life was barren because your dreams were unfulfilled or do you wonder when you will experience a major breakthrough in your circumstances?  The prophet Isaiah spoke to the people of Israel concerning the same issue.  He compared their situation to that of putting up a tent.  In essence, he told them that even though they had been barren up to this point, they were to sing and cry aloud because things were getting ready to change in their lives.  He instructed them to prepare themselves for growth.  They were not only to enlarge the place of their tent but were to stretch it out and not spare anything.  He also told them to lengthen their cords and strengthen their stakes.  In other words, they were not only to enlarge their dwelling space, but to also make it stronger.  He then told them that after these preparations were made, they were to get ready to experience growth on the right hand and on the left, for it was going to break out suddenly.

Many of us find ourselves in barren places such as those that the prophet spoke about.  It seems that nothing special is happening in our lives and time is passing away too quickly.  We are finding that our dreams and visions are fading from view and the light in our spirit is becoming dim by the discouragement that surrounds us.  We thought surely by this time in our life we would be further down the road in accomplishing the things that God had placed in our hearts so many years ago.  Now it seems almost impossible to reach those goals or complete our destiny that once burned so passionately within our hearts, for there are just too many other responsibilities that demand our attention.  But then we get a glimpse of the examples of Abraham and Sarah and remember that they did not consider their circumstances or the weakness of their own bodies.  They trusted God, believed His promise, and continued to hope when things seemed hopeless.  God rewarded their faith and Isaac was born to them when Abraham was a hundred years old and Sarah was ninety.  What an amazing result of simple faith.

God's promises to us are no less sure than the promises that He gave to Abraham and Sarah, for He is no respecter of person.  If God has spoken it, it will surely come to pass.  As we think about the unfinished goals in our lives, we need to take Isaiah's words to heart and realize that nothing is going to happen until we begin to follow these same instructions that he gave to Israel.  Even though we are barren at the moment, we need to sing aloud with praise and thanksgiving in faith for what God has done and what He is going to do.  We must look at the future with anticipation as we offer up our petitions to God.  It is imperative that we let go of the things that have discouraged us and kept us down in the past, for our hearts and minds must be stayed on the vision that God placed in our hearts for the future.  We must begin to enlarge the borders of our heart by turning our eyes from ourselves and looking towards the needs of others.  As we stretch forth towards a higher goal and the greater vision that God has ordained for us, the Holy Spirit will move us forward in a positive direction.  Like the Apostle Paul, we must press towards the mark of the high calling of God for our lives.  We need to make our goals sure by lengthening our cords and strengthening our stakes spiritually through studying God's word, prayer, and communion with Him.  God will not move until we are prepared and ready, but as we do our part and focus on His plan for our lives, He will bring life and hope into our situation and cause us to break out on the right and the left. +++

Copyright © 2012 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


A Word In Due Season
3rd Week of October 2012


Scripture: Luke 3:8 "Bring forth fruits worthy of repentance." 

John the Baptist preached repentance to the large crowds that followed him. Yet many of the people who heard his message wanted to be baptized without changing their ways. John did not mince his words or make it easy for them. His message was bold and tough. He actually called them a generation of vipers and accused them of only trying to flee the wrath of God. He told them if they had truly turned to God and were sorry for their sins and misconduct, they would turn from their wicked ways and their lives would produce fruits of repentance. 

Repentance is not just being sorry for bad behavior, for you can be sorry and never repent. You can be sorry that you did something because it made you feel guilty or you can be sorry that you are going to have to pay the consequences. You can be sorry that you hurt other people or sorry that you disappointed God by transgressing against His laws. However, sorrow is what brings you to repentance. True repentance, on the other hand, is confirmed by its actions. Repentance means that you are so filled with remorse and regret for your conduct that you are willing to make a change. You make a quality decision to turn from your sin and misconduct and go in the opposite direction. You don't look back as you leave the sin behind, but you begin to prove by the way that you live that you have repented. Your repentance is not with words alone, for others can see that you are not the same. Your have been changed within and your outward actions have followed suit. These changes in your life are the fruits that are produced because of the repentance that is in your heart. Only a good tree can bring forth good fruit. 

There is a fresh call to repentance. It is a still small voice letting us know that we all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. Yet in its quietness, we can still hear God offering us the opportunity to repent and change from our wicked ways. Everyday we sin and everyday we make mistakes, yet God is very gracious and full of mercy. He is always near and will help us when we call out to Him in despair. He is for us and not against us, and is faithful to show us a better path. God wants us to be overcomers in this life and to be able to present to Him our fruits of repentance. ++

Copyright © 2012 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture: Genesis 50:20 " ... God meant it for good." 

These words came from a man who had been rejected and abused by his brothers. Joseph's brothers had stolen the special coat that his father had made for him, thrown him into a pit, and then sold him into slavery. Joseph's response to their abuse was, "You meant your deeds for evil against me, but God meant it for good." Things had been very bad for many years, as Joseph was taken from his homeland, separated from his family, and made to serve in a foreign land because of his brother's jealous actions. Yet Joseph did not hold this evil in his heart. 

Joseph made the best of his circumstances and excelled in all of his efforts. Even those who had authority over him recognized that the Lord was with Joseph and made everything that he did to prosper. In all of Egypt, Pharaoh said that there was no one so discreet and wise as Joseph. He was so impressed by Joseph that he made him the governor of the land and overseer of the provisions that were stored up for the famine. When Joseph's brothers came to get provisions at his hand, he could have repaid their earlier deeds and displayed unforgiveness. He could have sought revenge and refused to help them or even exercised his authority and had them put in prison. He could have been as ugly and disrespectful to them as they had been to him, but he recognized that God was working a sovereign plan in his life. He declared that God used their evil deeds and caused all of this to happen so that God could use him to be an instrument to save many people. 

We may sometimes wonder what God is thinking because the circumstances in our lives seem totally out of control, storms are raging, and things are looking bleak. As far as Joseph was concerned, it was about sixteen years before he understood why he had to endure the hardships he faced or what God was doing with his life. God works with us in the same manner. We are not told to understand what is going on, but to simply trust while the Lord takes the things that are intended for evil against us and turns them into good. He trains us in our prisons so that we can be prepared for our palace assignment. Instead of remaining as the abused brother, we can become their hope of survival. Or like Moses, God may prepare us in a palace so that He can use us in the wilderness. He spares us in the lion's den like Daniel so that we can become a victorious witness to the king. He takes us through fires and we come out without burns or even the smell of smoke so that He can show the world that there is a God in Heaven. And like Jesus, God allows us to take up our cross daily so that we might sit with Him in Heavenly places. I encourage you to never be discouraged but to understand that the evil that is coming against you is actually meant for your good. ++

Copyright © 2012 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture: Acts 11:26 "The disciples were called Christians first in Antioch." 

There had been much activity with the followers of Christ after His death but no label had been attached to them until they were called Christians in the city of Antioch. In this city they assembled themselves together on a regular basis to teach and preach about the Lord Jesus Christ and the grace of God. It was apparent to everyone that the disciples were Christ like in their belief, speech, and activities They were full of the Spirit of God and manifested the qualities of Christ. They followed His example and lived according to His teachings. It wasn't something they just tried to do in order to impress others; this was their true nature. And it was because of these godly actions that they were identified as Christians and called by Christ's name. 

Life has a way of categorizing all of us. Our dress and cultural habits tell people what nationality we are such as American or African. Even within our own nation we are known by our state as Texans or New Yorkers. Our speech defines the groups we support or the political party we belong to like the Republicans or Democrats. Our beliefs and behavior distinguish our religious preference such as Baptist or Catholic. All of these categories have names that distinguish its members from the other groups, and the names themselves explain the nature of the group. When you hear one of these names attached to a person you know what to expect from that individual. 

So it is with the believers of Christ. If we truly follow His example and live our lives according to His teachings people will recognize that we are part of the church, the body of Christ, and they will call us Christians. Like Peter when the Roman soldiers had taken Jesus in for questioning, our speech will betray us. Our character will separate us from the world and define our allegiance to a Holy God. Our actions will speak even louder than our words. Without putting a voice to our beliefs, people will know who we are by the way we conduct ourselves. Our political persuasions will acknowledge the teachings and doctrines of Christ and prevent us from pledging ourselves to contrary campaigns. There will be no question about whom we serve, what we believe, or who we aspire to be like. God has called us to His kingdom for such a time as this, so let us examine ourselves and make any changes that will help us to be all that we can be. 

Our greatest responsibility is to reflect the imagine of Christ in truth.Our highest esteem is to be recognized as a true believer of Christ.And our supreme honor is to be called by His Name, Christian.++

Copyright © 2012 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture:  Psalms 98:4  "Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all the earth: make a loud noise, and rejoice, and sing praise."

Seven times in the Psalms we are exhorted to "Make A Joyful Noise" unto the Lord, and four of those Psalms began with these same words.  It seems that God is trying to get a message to us and is not being shy about the fact that He wants us to express our love and appreciation to Him in an exuberant way.  Joyful in the original text means, "shout or make a triumphal proclamation with a thundering voice."  Loud shouts and sounds seem to be okay for open air ball games, but for many of us it almost seems too wild for the quiet worship services that we are accustomed to.  Yet, the psalmist encouraged us to praise God in this manner and even said that our expressions should be accompanied with loud instruments such as the trumpets, coronets, and drums.      

By definition, noise is sound that is loud, disagreeable, and unwanted.  It is also described as commotion or random disturbance that obscures or reduces clarity.  We've all heard the noise that children make, which in most cases fits the definition of noise very well.  However, when my two young grandchildren were visiting me, one sat down at the piano and began to bang and the other one picked up an old out of tune banjo and began to play with it.  As they both were making noise with their particular instruments, they also began to sing individual songs.  Nothing was flowing together and there was no real beauty about the noise they were making.  Their music would have been deemed a pitiful sounding concert by anyone else's standards.  However, the joyful noise they were making was a joy to my ears and beautiful music to my heart because my granddaughter told me that they were singing just for me.  Their special intent had suddenly caused the noise to be very precious music to me. 

As I thought about my reaction to my granddaughter and grandson's expression of love, I realized that God our Father is much the same, for when we praise the Lord, He doesn't hear as the world hears.  The world may hear the noise of missed notes and ill timing, but God hears as a Father who is listening to His child.  God's ear is turned towards our hearts and He hears a melody of love.  Skill and perfection are not as important to Him as a joyful noise that is filled with the content of thanksgiving, praise, and adoration.  Deep is calling unto deep and He is listening for the praise that is deep within our soul.  We must never be afraid to express ourselves to the Lord, for we are precious in His sight.  Let us remember that the most perfect praise that we can offer to God is a joyful noise that comes from our heart. +++

Copyright © 2012 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture:  II Samuel 5:12  "David perceived that the Lord had established him king over Israel, and that God had exalted his kingdom for the sake of His people, Israel."

David recognized that the hand of the Lord was upon him because he could see that his kingdom was being enlarged.  As David began to see God's mighty anointing and blessings upon his life, he perceived that God had established him as king over Israel.  Yet, David realized that this exaltation was not for his own benefit so that he might sit on a throne, wear a crown, and be honored before the people.  He knew that God was allowing him the benefits of kingship so that he might be used as a channel of blessings for Israel's sake.  David clearly recognized God's hope for his life. 

It is important for us to understand God's hope and purpose for our own life, but our vision is often limited.  We are like the six blind men in a poem that was written by John Saxe.  The blind men wanted to learn about an elephant.  As they groped around in their darkness and touched the elephant, they came to these conclusions:

"The first blind man felt of the broad side of the elephant and bawled,

        "The elephant is like a wall."

The second felt of the tusk and said, "It's very clear,

        The elephant is like a spear."

The third caught hold of the squirming trunk and boldly spake,

        "The elephant is more like a snake." 

The fourth felt about the elephant's knee,

        And said, "What are you thinking? The elephant is a tree."

The fifth felt the elephant's huge ear and said, "Deny, who can?

        The elephant feels like a fan."

The sixth grabbed hold of the its swinging tail, that fell within his scope

        And said, "You're all wrong, I see, the elephant is like a rope."

Each man had an opinion that was partially right, but completely wrong.  They argued about something that they had never seen.  In contrast to the example of the blind men, God doesn't want you to operate in blind misconceptions about His plan and provisions for your life.  He wants to give you a clear perception.  Paul taught us to pray that the "eyes of our understanding would be enlightened so that we would know the hope of God's calling" (Ephesians 1:18).

Clear perception removes all doubt and endows you with an inner strength to press towards the goal that God has set.  When your heart is flooded with God's light, faith begins to arise in your heart and His power is then manifested in your life.  Seeing God's big picture for your life will help you make it through temptations and also sustain you in battle.  When God's hopes and vision take root in your heart, they will encourage you in your failures and disappointments and give you an assurance that nothing is able to separate you from the love of God.  God wants you to perceive His plan.  Then as He begins to establish His kingdom in your life, He wants you to understand that it is not for your own benefit, nor for your own glory, but for the sake of His people. +++

Copyright © 2012 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


A Word In Due Season
4th Week of October 2012


Scripture: Psalms 1:2 "His delight is in the law of the Lord; and in His law does he meditate day and night."

The blessed man is one who does two things concerning God's Word. He delights in God's Word and he continually meditates on it. When one delights in the Word of God, he finds it valuable and he purposely sets about to understand the precepts, meanings, and intents of the words that come from God's heart. The Word brings him pleasure and the fresh insights thrill his soul and bring light and life to his being.

Meditate means to murmur, imagine, study, talk, or make plans in the mind. It means to roll a thought over and over in the mind until it becomes smooth and acceptable. When we read or hear a promise of God, it is important to process that thought by rolling it over in our spirit until it begins to speak to us. Light and revelation will come into our spirits, causing life and fruitfulness. God's Word will then take hold of our imaginations and begin to transform our thoughts. We will begin to imagine change and then start making plans in our minds to bring about those changes. And because we are conforming to God's Word and His Will, He causes us to prosper.

We tend to do this process all the time in the negative realm. It is called "worry." For instance, we hear a negative report concerning our health or finances and we begin to roll that thought over and over in our minds until it becomes a reality. Our aches and pains or lack of finances begin to speak into our minds until we imagine ourselves sick or bankrupt. We start to murmur, complain, and make plans for the worse to happen. We meditate and roll the negative thoughts over in our minds until they become smooth and acceptable to our spirits. These negative thoughts then begin to take life as we enable them to kill, steal, and destroy our faith.

The Word of God never tells us to dwell on the negative. In fact Jesus said, "Don't take any anxious thought about the needs for tomorrow." Don't let worry become a habit. James 4:7 tells us to "resist the devil and he will flee." We must resist the negative thoughts and choose to meditate on the positive Word of God. The Word of God will create fruit in our lives. When we exchange worry by replacing it with the meditation of God's Word, the scriptures tell us that we will become like trees that are planted by the rivers of living water and whatever we do will prosper. ++

Copyright © 2012 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



SCRIPTURE: Ecclesiastes 3:1 "To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven." 

All of the seasons in nature are planned and set in motion by God. There is no way for man to shorten the winter because of its cold or stop the summer because of its heat. The beautiful spring with its mild weather and gentle rains cannot be prolonged and the crisp clear pleasant days of the fall cannot be lengthened. The seasons remain in the hands of almighty God. Likewise, the seasons in your personal life are divinely designed by God. Jeremiah 29:11 says that God knows the thoughts and plans that He has for you and it includes a future with hope and a destiny of fruitfulness. Even in your senior years God has a plan for you, for Psalms 92:14 says, "They shall still bring forth fruit in old age." All that you must do is flow in and out of the seasons and remain faithful. 

There will be seasons like the fall when everything seems to be very clear and crisp within your spirit. You seem to have exact direction and perfect vision. Hope fills your heart as you anticipate the future, but then just when things are falling into place, the clouds of darkness begin to cover up your seeds of hope and everything turns cold. For some length of time, your dreams remain dormant with seemingly no hope of life or fulfillment. Then, just as suddenly as this disappointing and unproductive season appeared, it passes and you are surprised by the singing of the birds. God begins to resurrect all that surrounds you and He restores your hopes and dreams. He overwhelms you by giving life to the dormant seeds that are harbored deep within your heart. His Spirit refreshes your faith like the spring rain that falls upon the earth and He once again begins to accomplish His purposes in your life. Eventually, the summer appears and there is an abundance of fruit that God is able to produce in your life because of your faithfulness to remain steady. 

God never leaves you or forsakes you in these various seasons of your life. Notice the trees that look so hopeless during the dormant season. Their bark turns an ashen gray and their leaves, which were lush and green, change colors and eventually fall from the tree. The tree is left totally exposed with seemingly no life, no beauty, no purpose, and no hope. The tree has no energy as its sap is drained from its trunk, but the tree never waves its barren limbs at God and questions Him about its current and bleak situation, for it has experienced this place many times. Instead, it takes the nourishment through its roots and patiently waits again for God's appointed season. God never fails, and as the barren tree waits, its strength is renewed and a new season of growth comes. It finds itself again flourishing. Just like the tree, you must always remember that God has designs for your life. The season you are in has been divinely ordained and appointed by your Creator. So never be discouraged, but embrace the season and patiently wait, for its purpose will be revealed. +

Copyright © 2012 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture:  Colossians 3:15  (Amplified) "Let the peace, or soul harmony, from Christ rule or act as umpire continually in your hearts."

An umpire is one who is appointed to rule and is empowered to settle an issue.  He is designated as judge and arbitrator to direct and govern disputes.  In sports events, both teams depend upon the umpire to follow the rules and to be fair.  There are moments of anticipation as both teams wait for the umpire to give the call.  Once the umpire's call is given, it is accepted.  We may have seen things differently from our position in the stands, but there are no questions and no arguments.  The umpire's judgment is deemed final.

Paul tells you to let the spirit of peace do this same work on the inside of you.  When there are questions in your mind, you should allow the peace of God to rule and be the umpire.  You are to wait for the Holy Spirit to give His call and speak peace to your soul.  Your soul is your mind, will, and emotions.  When your soul is in harmony, all these areas are in agreement and at peace.  Your mind and your emotions can only be at peace when your will is flowing in God's divine will for your life.  If there is any turmoil in your soul, you should realize that there is something about the situation that you don't have knowledge about or that you do not understand.  Like the umpire, God sees what you can't see.  At His vantage point, He can see the whole picture.

When Jesus went away, He left us His peace.  He said, "My peace I give unto you: not as the world gives, give I unto you   Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid" (John 14:27).  God's peace is supernatural and passes all understanding.  It keeps and guards our minds and hearts through Christ Jesus.  God's peace should decide and settle with finality all questions that arise in your mind.  You are to "trust Him with all of your heart and not lean upon your own understanding" (Proverbs 3:5).  You must come to a place in your walk with God that you are able to totally surrender your mind, will, and emotions to Him, and allow His peace to be your umpire. ++

Copyright © 2012 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture: Jeremiah 17:8 ".... as a tree planted by the waters, and that spreads her roots by the river." 

A tree that is planted near the rivers of water does not suffer during the time of heat or dry up in the seasons of drought. It is well watered and flourishes all year long. Its leaves remain green throughout each season because its roots have spread themselves out underneath the surface of the earth and have found the source of nourishment that the tree needs. A tree that is green and flourishing in this fashion is a joy and a source of nourishment to all, for it never ceases to bear fruit or to be a shield for those who are experiencing the heat of the sun. The prophet Jeremiah compared the man who trusted and hoped in the Lord to a tree that is planted by the waters. Trees are firmly planted and have no intentions of moving about. They are satisfied because their roots have found water. Likewise, there are two things that are important for a person who desires to flourish in life. These are their spiritual location and their root systems. Psalms 92:13 says that those who are planted in the house of the Lord will flourish. Your faith must be stable and your hope and trust in the Lord must be unwavering. Your heart must be fixed on the faithfulness of God's promises.

If your spiritual roots are receiving this nourishment you can be assured that you will be blessed. You can be living in the middle of a spiritual desert or going through a very dry season, and your spirit will remain well watered. Your life will continue to be fruitful because your roots are deep. Others will be amazed at the strength you will display in the times of trouble because they cannot see your roots. You can be weathering confusion and frustration but still remain calm because your roots have discovered the waters of peace. You can hope in a hopeless situation because you have stayed close to Jesus who is the Water of Life. You have soaked up God's Word and dwelt in His presence before the need ever presented itself. You didn't wait until you saw your leaves turning yellow or felt your branches drying out. 

No tree can stand alone or maintain itself without an efficient root system. Jeremiah said the tree itself spreads its roots in an effort to find the water. It is up to you to establish a spiritual root system that will sustain and support you in the seasons of distress and discouragement. When you have allowed the Holy Spirit to develop a depth within your spirit, you will be able to withstand the dry seasons, the heat, and even the times of persecutions. You may bend a little but you won't blow over with every storm. You won't break in the seasons of adversity or wither in the heat. Like Job, you will be able to withstand every test and not fall apart each time there is a conflict because you are trusting in the Lord God Almighty, not in your own fortunes, family, health, or friendships. You will flourish because God alone is the Living Water from which you are drawing your strength. +++

Copyright © 2012 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture:  Philippians 2:5 (Amplified)  "Let this same attitude and purpose and humble mind be in you, which was in Christ Jesus.  Let Him be your example in humility."

Jesus gave us the greatest example of humility.  Verse six and seven tells us that even though He was one with God and in the form of God, He made Himself of no reputation, but stripped Himself of His deity and all that He was so that He could become like men.  John 1:1 &14 says, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God ... And the Word was made flesh."  Jesus emptied Himself of all that He was and became a servant so that He might live among us and experience all that we would experience.  His body of flesh enabled Him to face every area of temptation; that is the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life (I John 2:16).  These temptations helped Him to understand our weakness and to sympathize with our feelings (Hebrews 4:15).  Jesus humbled Himself to such a degree of obedience that He even submitted Himself to the death on the cross.

Paul instructs us to have the same mindset, attitude, and purpose that Christ had.  We are to humble ourselves and follow His example.  As we begin to empty ourselves of ourselves, Jesus will fill us with His Spirit and live through us.  Emptying ourselves means that we must let go of the bitterness and the pain of past situations and release all things in our lives that are contrary to the Spirit of Christ.  This includes the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life.  Then, we are to allow the Lord to fill our empty vessel with the fruits of His Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23).  We are to keep our minds on Jesus and think on the things that He would think upon.  Philippians 4:8 tells us to "think on the things that are true, honest, just, pure, lovely, of a good report, virtuous, and of praise."

Two things or two beings cannot occupy the same space at the same time.  One has to relinquish its rights.  The Holy Spirit will not dominate when self is in control.  The following quote sums up the progression of emptying ourselves and allowing God to fill us.

       "None of God - All of Me
        Little of God - Most of Me
        Some of God - Some of Me
        More of God - Less of Me
        All of God - None of Me."
            Author Unknown ++

Copyright © 2012 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


A Word In Due Season
5th Week of October 2012


Scripture:  Hebrews 13:9  "Be not carried away with divers and strange doctrines.  For it is a good thing that the heart be established with grace."

There are many religions and many doctrines that we will hear about while we are traveling the pathway to eternity.  Some of them will be good and true, but others will be wrapped up in deceit.  God never intended for religion to be difficult, but unfortunately there is a devil that works subtly behind the scenes to corrupt the simplicity that is in Christ (II Corinthians 11:3).  The devil successfully beguiled Eve in the Garden of Eden and works just as hard to get us to believe his lies.  The writer of Hebrews warns us not to be carried away or follow after the strange doctrines that the devil creates, for there is no room for error in our convictions.  Instead we must understand truth and be established in what we believe.

It is amazing that people can read the same scriptures and come up with so many different conclusions.  For example when Jesus healed the blind man in John 9:6-11 several things occurred.  Jesus spat on the ground, made clay with the spittle, anointed the eyes of the blind man with the clay, and then told him to go wash in the pool of Siloam.  The man was healed and received his sight, but which of these things, if any, brought about his healing?  One religion would say that it was the spit from the mouth of Jesus.  While another would declare that healing came from the clay that was mixed with the spittle.  Another group would hold to the doctrine that healing came when Jesus, Himself, touched and anointed the eyes of the blind man with the clay.  The last group would declare that it was none of the above, but that healing came from the water that the blind man washed in at the pool of Siloam.  At the end, true doctrine might step in and say that this healing was based on faith, obedience, and the sovereign actions of Almighty God.  But each group would declare their own doctrine and make an attempt to convince others to believe and follow them.

Strange doctrines are in the world today, but we do not have to fear them if our hearts are established in grace.  When we know the truth, the truth will set us free.  With every word that comes our way, we can measure it with the Word of God and determine its value and its truth.  Jesus assured us that as His sheep, we would recognize His voice and we would not follow another.  Let us be careful to listen to the Lord's voice and be determined that our heart will be established and not depart from the simplicity of the gospel of Christ Jesus. +++

Copyright © 2012 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture: Psalms 119:18 "Open Thou my eyes ..." 

I often think that it would be great if God opened my eyes and allowed me to see all that He is able to see. That is, to see life as it really is and to know the future and all that lies ahead. Yet, I know in reality that ability would be too enormous for the finite mind to comprehend and would bring a responsibility that would be too great to bear. In God's divine wisdom, He secretly keeps many things hidden until we are prepared for them. He has a way of directing our vision and allowing us to see only what He wants us to see. 

I had an experience that illustrates this point in the natural. I learned that two can travel the same road but experience things so differently. On a mission trip to the Philippines, we traveled up a mountain and went through a place called the Lion's Head. Two people were sitting in the front seat and had an open view of the road ahead. I sat on the left side in the back of the vehicle and two other people sat next to me on the right side. Out of my window, I could see a small sign that read 'Lion's Head,' which had a small picture of a lion painted on it. Everyone in the vehicle was talking about the Lion's Head, while I was thinking, "What is the big deal? It's just a small picture of a lion." Little did I know that they were seeing something entirely different on the right side of the road. After we traveled up the mountain and looked back on the scene, they directed my attention to the Lion's Head several miles below. I was awestruck as I saw a huge lion's head that had been carved out of the stone and painted. I had been a few feet from the Lion's Head, but had missed the entire scene simply because my eyes were focused in the wrong direction. 

I took counsel from this life lesson and asked God to direct my spiritual vision, for I want to see as He sees. Like the Lion's Head incident, we can always look back on our life and see very clearly with reality the results of the decisions that we have made. I have decided that I do not want to go the way of my flesh and miss God's best for my life. Like King David, I want the Lord to point out anything that He finds in me that makes Him sad (Psalms 139:23 Living Bible). I want God to show me the right path and keep me from self-destruction because I know that He sees the entire picture, while my vision is limited and I can only see what is near. I am determined to take a closer look at myself when those about me seek to counsel me with words that I may not want to hear. They see things differently and I must keep in mind that I may be looking in the wrong direction and away from wisdom. God may have shown them a glimpse of what lies ahead so that they are more able to counsel and comfort me along the way. Last but surely not least, I will pray the words that David prayed, "Lord, open my eyes that I may see." ++

Copyright © 2012 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture: Judges 6:12 "The Lord is with you, you mighty man of valor."

Gideon was so afraid of his enemies, the Midianites, that he hid himself behind the winepress. He was there sifting his wheat in secret behind the winepress rather than in the open field. Yet regardless of his apparent fear, God saw Gideon's inner strength and knew what he could become. God saw Gideon as a man of valor and envisioned him to be brave, courageous, and full of worth. Even though God, Himself, spoke positive words to Gideon, Gideon still couldn't believe that he was capable of fulfilling God's call on his life. He asked God to confirm His words through various signs and fleeces.

Sometimes we're like Gideon. God calls upon us to do something that really stretches our faith and goes beyond our natural abilities. We can't imagine that God wants to use us in a certain capacity when there are others who are more capable. As we look at ourselves in the natural, we fail to see what God sees, for we are looking at our past and our present, while God is seeing our potential and our future. We see our failures and insufficiencies, but God looks at the gifts and callings that are lying dormant within our lives. He knows the strengths that are within us, for He planted them within us long ago so that He could call them forth at the right season. When God calls upon us, we often exhibit the same attitude and answer Him in the same tone as Gideon did in verse thirteen. Gideon said to God, "If the Lord be with us, why then is all this befallen us? And where are all His miracles?" In other words, Gideon was saying, "Lord, I haven't seen you work in my life yet. If I am such a mighty man and have so much valor, why haven't I noticed it before now?" He wasn't even sure that it was God speaking to him. In verse seventeen he said, "Show me a sign that You are the one that is talking with me." Yet God saw Gideon's heart and very patiently and faithfully answered all of his questions and strengthened his faith by meeting his request.

God is doing mighty things in your life right now and preparing you for the season that He has for you. He has a good plan and has placed you in His kingdom for such a time as this. You may not be conscious of this fact, but He is implanting His Word and His vision on the inside of you. In the time of your greatest fear and most hopeless situation, God's words of strength will speak to your heart. When you least expect it, He will call you forth and proclaim you as a mighty person of valor, for He is not looking at who you were or even who you are right now. He is looking at your potential and who you can be in the future. He is with you so do not be afraid, for as you yield to Him, He will give you courage to complete His will. ++

Copyright © 2012 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    
