A Word In Due Season
1st Week of February 2013


Scripture:  Job 35:10  "God my Maker, who gives songs in the night."

If God is going to give us songs in the night, then it stands to reason that we must have night seasons to face.  Regardless of whether these night seasons are literal or spiritual, we can count on God to be there and put a song in our heart.  The night that Jesus and His disciples received the Passover meal, they sung a hymn.  This occurred shortly before Jesus was to face the agony of the garden, the betrayal, and His crucifixion (Matthew 26:30).  How the words and melody of that hymn must have lingered in His soul while He faced the darkness of His destiny.  After Paul and Silas were beaten and put into stocks in the prison, they prayed and sang praises at the midnight hour (Acts 16:25).  God gave these men a song to sing in the midst of their darkest hours.

Many times it is in the darkest hours of men's lives that God gives songs that are everlasting.  Haratio Spafford and his wife were grieving over the death of their son when they encountered financial disaster during the Great Chicago Fire of 1871.  They decided to get away from their problems and sail to England to be in the Dwight L. Moody services.  Spafford's wife and four daughters left ahead of him.  On their journey across the Atlantic Ocean, their ship collided with another vessel and sank very quickly.  His four daughters were lost in the collision.  In grief and shock, Spafford boarded the first ship to meet his wife.  As he crossed the Atlantic, the ship's captain pointed out the place where the ship had gone down.  Psalms 42:8 says, "In the night God's song shall be with me."  That night God gave a song to Spafford and he penned these words to a hymn that has been the source of comfort to millions for over a century.

    "When sorrows like sea-billows roll; Whatever my lot,
    Thou hast taught me to say, "It Is Well, It Is Well With My Soul."
    "Though Satan should buffet, tho' trials should come my way,
    Let this bless assurance control, "It Is Well, It Is Well With My Soul."

The psalmist said, "I am so troubled that I cannot speak" but  "I call to remembrance my song in the night" (Psalms 77:4 & 6).  The psalmist's mind was troubled, but He allowed God to stir a song in his heart.  Haratio Spafford may have had these same feelings that dreadful day that he lost his four daughters.  He may have been so troubled that he could not speak, yet he allowed God to comfort his heart with a song.  God does the same for us.  He is with us in the midst of our problems and surrounds us with songs of deliverance (Psalms 32:7).  He preserves us during sorrows and shields us from the buffeting of Satan by giving us lyrics and melodies that minister peace, joy, comfort, and encouragement.  You must believe that whatever is happening in your life, God will meet you at your point of need.  He will surround you with His love and minister songs of deliverance to you.  You can then declare as Haratio Spafford said, "It Is Well With My Soul." ++

Copyright © 2013 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


A Word In Due Season
2nd Week of February 2013


Scripture:  Exodus 14:29  "The children of Israel walked upon dry land in the midst of the sea; and the waters were a wall unto them on their right hand, and on their left."

The children of Israel had no way to escape their enemy.  The Red Sea was in front of them and the Egyptians were pursuing from behind.  It seemed that the Israelites were at the end, but God took the natural and turned it into a supernatural miracle of deliverance for them.  He used two natural elements, the wind and the water, to create a way to deliver His people and at same time destroy their enemy.  God is God.  He could have just transported the Israelites across the Red Sea in the Spirit like He did with Philip after he had witnessed to the Eunuch in the desert (Acts 8:39).  Instead, God chose to have the Israelites walk right through the middle of the sea.

This journey on the dry ground was a miracle in itself because the sea floor should have remained wet and muddy long after the waters were rolled back, but God caused the ground to be dry and stable enough for millions of people to cross.  Even though God provided dry ground for them to walk upon, their supernatural walk was between two walls of water that could have possibly come surging in on them at any given moment.  This had to be an awesome sight and yet a frightening moment in their lives as they gathered their young children and elderly parents and walked with them between the walls of water.  Can you imagine the faith that it took to obey God's command and walk this supernatural walk?

Our walk of faith many times is like this, for we can see that God is making a way for us.  In the midst of our adverse circumstances, He tells us to go forward and He gives us dry ground to walk upon.  We rejoice because it is an awesome miracle.  Yet as we begin to make our journey in obedience to His words of direction, we see adversity on the right and on the left like the walls of water that stood in heaps as the Israelites passed through the middle of the sea.  It is no less frightening for us than it was for them, for it is a new and strange thing.  Thoughts of doubt and fear attack our minds and tell us that it is just a matter of time before everything crashes in upon us.  We fail to consider that God is in control and that He has a plan and a reason for the walls of water.  He plans to use those walls of water to destroy our enemies forever, just as He did with the Israelites.

God has never promised that our walk would be easy, for life itself will always demand faith and trust on our part.  When God leads, He will cause the ground to be dry beneath our feet, one step at a time.  Our steps forward will demand faith as we walk between the walls of water to receive our deliverance and to experience our destiny. +++

Copyright © 2013 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture:  III John 2  "Beloved, I wish above all things that you may prosper and be in health, even as your soul prospers."


We often think of prosperity in the terms of money and material things, but true prosperity is a far reaching concept that includes success in every area of life.  The spirit of prosperity doesn't depend upon what you have or what you don't have.  There are many people who are wealthy and have an abundance of material possessions but are lacking prosperity because their lives are empty and unfulfilled.  They are never satisfied and many times complain about what they do have.  They are always reaching for more in an effort to satisfy their own lust, and as a result have little time to think of the needs of others.  Yet there are others who have very little as far as worldly goods are concerned, but possess great prosperity in their hearts.  They are happy and satisfied and their greatest fulfillment is to share what they have with someone who needs it more than they do.  They feel blessed just to be able to be a blessing, even though it may leave them without.


Two of God's greatest wishes is that we prosper and that we be in good health.  However, our health, our material prosperity, and our personal success is linked to the prosperity of our soul.  Matthew 6:33 confirms this thought by saying, "Seek first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you."  When you seek God, He blesses your life in a supernatural way.  Abraham left everything to follow after God and God blessed him and made him rich.  God offered King Solomon anything that he wanted, but Solomon did not ask for riches or fame for himself.  Instead he asked for wisdom to lead God's people, and God not only imparted wisdom to Solomon, but gave him wealth and fame beyond measure.  Isaac obeyed God and stayed in the land where God had placed him and God made him to prosper in the time of famine.  God even caused everything that Joseph did to prosper when he was a slave and serving in the prison.  These men prospered because their souls prospered.  They followed and sought after God's best and trusted His sovereign plan.


If you desire to experience true prosperity in your life, then allow your soul to prosper.  Take time to wait upon God so that you can draw strength from His presence.  Study His Word and listen to His voice, which will speak words of wisdom to you.  Seek to accomplish God's will by obeying His commands and following where He leads.  Want what God wants.  As you totally commit your life to Him and trust in His sovereign plan, your soul will prosper and all that God has ordained for your life will come to pass. +++

Copyright © 2013 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture:  Proverbs 20:4 (Living Bible) "If you won't plow in the cold, you won't eat at the harvest."

Fruit and grain for our livelihood does not spring forth from the ground without effort.  There is much work and faith that goes into bringing about a harvest.  The ground has to be plowed and the seed has to be planted at the right season, for nature does not allow for procrastination.

God's spiritual kingdom is also like this.  Luke 10:2 says, "God is the Lord of the harvest" and tells us that we are to pray that He would send laborers into His harvest.  Both the laborers and the harvest are symbols of the minister and the work that he is called to do.  Yet, many times when we are called as laborers into the harvest to witness or minister, we fail to follow God's leading because we are distracted.  Like the natural farmer, we see the hazards of the cold.  We may feel that we are not spiritually prepared enough to witness, or think that the person that we are to witness to is not ready.  Perhaps we feel there are other matters that we must take care of first, so we fail to plow the field and plant the seed.  Therefore, the promise is lost because of procrastination and the work is left undone because of distractions.

In Luke 9:62, Jesus tells us that we are to put our hand to the plow, and not look back.  The Living Bible says, "Anyone who lets himself be distracted from the work I plan for him is not fit for the Kingdom of God."  We are not to allow any distractions to keep us from God's appointed time.  When He speaks to us or shows us a need, God is letting us know that the season is right and that His Holy Spirit has already begun a work.  If we fail to move at God's biding and in His season, we will fail to see the many blessings that God had prepared for those lives that He had intended to reach through us.

Has God placed it on your heart to do a good deed, say a kind word, or meet a special need?  Has He called you into His fields to witness to someone about salvation?  Do you have good intentions, but do not follow through because of the distractions of life?  Like a natural harvest, God's Kingdom does not allow for procrastination, either.  If God is speaking to you, He is working on the other end to prepare the harvest.  As the Lord of the harvest, He waits for you to put your hand to the plow and sow the seeds that He has provided.  The Lord depends upon you, His laborer.  You are the hope of His glory in the Earth.   If you do not work God's fields, bless others, or reach out to the lost, there will be no harvest. +++

Copyright © 2013 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture: Ecclesiastes 9:1 "... the righteous, and the wise, and their works are in the hand of God."

An illustrated cartoon depicted a large hand that was labeled 'God's Hand.' The palm of the hand was facing upward, and a very small man was standing in the center of the palm of God's hand. The man was fearfully and anxiously looking around for help. There was a bubbled caption coming from his lips that read, "Where's God when you really need Him?"

How true this picture is in our own lives. In the midst or our frustration, we often lose sight that God is right there with us. We can't see beyond ourselves because our heart aches and our weaknesses overwhelm us. In our confusion, we stand in the very presence of the Almighty and cry, "Where is God?" We look in every direction, but fail to see God because our circumstances and problems are blocking our view. Disappointment clouds our vision and darkness has dominion over our souls.

Even though it seems that we have no hope, we need to know that God has never lost control. He holds us in the palm of His hand, protecting us from all danger and carrying us through every situation. As God watches us squirm in His hand, He must wonder at our anxiety. He has made it very plain in His Word that He has every intention of meeting all of our needs. God has reassured us many times that He will not give us a burden that is too heavy to carry and that His grace will never be insufficient. His mercy will endure in every situation and His joy will be our strength. He cares for us as a father cares for his own children. All we have to do is release everything to Him. God's hand is bigger than our life and all of its problems. Regardless of the storms and adversities that we may be facing, we have nothing to fear because the Lord has given us a promise of security. God is holding us in the palm of His hand and Jesus declared that no one could take us out of that special place (John 10:29).

Copyright © 2013 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture:  II Corinthians 4:6  "... the god of this world (Satan) has blinded the mind of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, Who is the image of God, should shine unto them." 


In many of the cities and even in some of the rural areas there are so many lights that the stars in the heavens are hidden.  Although you can usually see the moon, you must travel several miles to find a place that is dark enough to give you a clear view of the stars.  Many times these true and supernatural lights of God's creation are impossible to be seen because they are dimmed by the artificial lights of man's making.  The technical term for this problem is called "light trespass."  God's handiwork and true beauty are overshadowed by the progress of time.  This overabundance of artificial illumination trespasses upon the territories of His heavens and hides the awesome glory of His perfect lights.


Yet regardless of this interference, God's wonders are still there in the heavens and His glory has not declined in the least.  If you can get past the artificial, you will find that the moon is still glowing and the stars are still shinning.  Every light that God created from the foundations of the world is still illuminated by His power.  They are still functioning according to His plan and purposes even though their awesome beauty is challenged and endangered by the trespass of foreign light that dims their view.


In the spiritual realm we face a similar situation.  The god of this world attempts to blind our eyes so that we cannot see the true light of the glorious gospel of Christ.  Satan, himself, appears as an angel of light and treads upon God's territory as he trespasses in the hearts of men.  He shines his light as brightly as he can in an effort to outshine the beauty of the True Light that gives life to man.  Satan's artificial light conflicts with the real and the supernatural as he offers things that appeal to the carnal man.  In an effort to dim the eternal glories of the true riches that are in Christ Jesus, he offers temporal moments of pleasures.  He dims our vision of the Kingdom of God by enticing us to exchange it for the kingdoms of this present world.  He offers immediate satisfaction and entices us not to wait for God's best.  Satan is a master of deceit and shows us the forbidden fruit of his wisdom so that we will not believe and receive the light of God's wisdom, which comes down from above.  Satan entices our hearts to be so over crowded with the things of this world that we forget the light of God's Word, which is designed to be a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path.  He tempts us to get involved in doing good things so that we do not have time to follow after God's perfect will for our lives.


The Light of the Lord Jesus shines brightly, but we must not allow anything to obscure our view of Him; not our fame or fortune, fulfillment of our own desires, or the brightness of any temptation that the devil offers to us.  Neither can we allow our failures and disappointments to overshadow the light of God's mercy, grace, and faithfulness to forgive.  We cannot allow our minds to be blinded by the god of this world, who seeks to trespass against the light of the glorious gospel of Christ.  Instead we must make every effort to find God's light at all cost.  We must turn our eyes towards Jesus, who is the image of the true and living God, and focus upon the light of His love, His joy, and His peace. +++

Copyright © 2013 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


A Word In Due Season
3rd Week of February 2013


Scripture: Daniel 10:13  "The prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me twenty-one days..."


Daniel had mourned, fasted, and prayed for twenty-one days but received no answers or solutions from God.  At the end of this agonizing period, Daniel had a supernatural vision in which a messenger from God appeared to him. The messenger told Daniel that he had come because of the words that Daniel had prayed.  The messenger also told Daniel that from the first day that he had set his heart to understand and to chasten himself before God that his words had been heard.  He also told Daniel that the answer to his prayer had been delayed those twenty-one days by an evil presence.  Daniel was not the only one that was suffering in this situation, for the messenger himself had to call for one of the warring angels, Michael, to come help him.


God has pledged to answer our prayers when our petitions are made in accordance to His will and presented to Him in faith in the Name of Jesus.  God does not lie and His words do not fail.  What He has spoken will come to pass.  Yet we see from Daniel's situation that the answer to our prayers can be delayed in the heavens by evil forces.  It is difficult to endure a season when we do not receive answers to our prayers because when we don't hear anything from Heaven, we begin to wonder if God even heard our prayer in the first place.  This delay is a prime time for the devil to plant doubt in our heart and tempt us to give up.  Yet God has heard us and He has already responded to our cry and answered our prayer.  The matter is completely taken care of as far as God is concerned.


If you have sought God concerning situations but have received no solutions and have prayed prayers that have seemingly not been answered, I encourage you to keep holding on in faith until you hear from God.  Never give up, for even though it can happen, answers are not always immediate.  It may also be that you do not recognize the answer because it is not exactly what you asked for or expected.  In any event, you can be sure that God will always arrive on time and will never be late.  You can also be confident that however He chooses to answer, He will have your best interest in mind because He is for you and not against you.  God will always give you the best when you allow Him to do the choosing and at the end of the matter you will be thankful.  God loves you so trust in Him and know that even though the answer to your prayer seems to be delayed, it is already on its way. +++

Copyright © 2013 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture:  Romans 12:9  "Let your love be sincere."

When I took Latin as my foreign language in high school, I learned the true meaning of the word sincere.  When the word sincere was originally created, it meant "without wax."  The word came into being because many of the vendors at that time came to the marketplace with the intentions of deceiving their buyers.  They often hid pockets of heavy wax within the center of their precious metals in order to increase the weight and increase the value.  They overlaid the waxed-filled items with the precious metals and even though it looked good on the outside, the inside was fake.  The buyer had to be cautious and able to determine if the wares they were receiving were truly sincere or if they were actually full of wax.  Today, we sign letters with the words "Sincerely" in an effort to convey that our words are true and that our affections are genuine.

Many of us have entered into contracts and relationships that looked good on the outside, but instead turned out to be "full of wax."  These words may even define our own lives if we seek to deceive, so the Apostle Paul encouraged us not to allow this to happen.  He said, "Let your love be sincere" or let your love be pure and without wax and deception.  We cannot allow hypocrisy in our lives, for the Lord told us to love as He loved and we know that His love was sincere and certainly without wax, for He showed His love by sacrificing His life on the cross.  He loved unconditionally and also loved all creation.   He didn't pick and choose those whom He would die for, but gave His life for all men whether lovely or unlovely.

We too must love in the same manner.  The Message Bible translates this verse, "Love from the center of who you are."  If you are born again, the Spirit of God lives within you and He is love.  God, Himself, is harbored in the very center of your being and all that you need to do is to allow Him to manifest Himself in your life.  When you do, genuine love will flow out of you to a world that is full of hurting people.  The unlovely will cross you path each and every day, but you won't have to pretend that you love them or overlay the judgmental and hateful feelings that you have with a mere cloak of love.  Instead, you will see them through God's eyes and you will sincerely love them the way He loves them.  When you submit to God and allow Him to warm your being with His presence, the wax will melt, and the Lord will fill the void places with His sincere love. +

Copyright © 2013 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture:  John 15:12  "This is My commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you."


Jesus was so possessed with love that He willingly laid down His life for you and me and hung on the cross in shame so that we could have eternal life.  His love manifested His unselfishness towards all mankind and demonstrated His submission and obedience to our Heavenly Father.  Because of Jesus' great love, we have been made joint heirs with Him in His kingdom.  Now, He desires that we show others the same love that He has shown to us.  The love we have for others may not call us to a literal cross like Jesus experienced, but it will call us to a cross of daily self denial (Luke 9:23).  When we truly follow the Lord and love as He commanded, we will find ourselves laying down our very own lives.  We will choose to set aside our own desires, agendas, and goals in an effort to help and encourage others.  This is not something we will just do, it is also an indication of who we are and who we have become in Christ Jesus.


Jesus said that there is no greater love than this, "That a man lay down his life for his friends" (John 15:13).  As you show the love of God, you make a tremendous difference in the lives of others.  Recently, I read that people come into our lives for a Reason, a Season, or for a Lifetime.  It is easy for us to understand when people come into our lives for a Season or a Lifetime and we are able to share, grow, and learn with each other in a giving and receiving relationship.  However, there are others who come into our lives for a Reason.  It is a brief encounter so that their need or our need can be met, and when that need is met, the relationship ends.  Sometimes we are left wondering if all the time, energies, and finances that we put into the relationship was worth it.  We may have thought that it was going to be a long-term situation, but find that God had other plans or a particular purpose, which was simply to meet a need.


We must remember that Jesus met the needs of people many times in similar cases and never felt cheated.  He fed the thousands on the hillside, healed the multitudes, and took care of many physical needs.  Yet, many of the people that He spent His life for didn't remain with Him.  There were only 120 on the day of Pentecost waiting for His Spirit to empower them to become His witnesses.  Many of the people forgot Him when He was no longer the source of their supply.


With Jesus as our example, we should never allow ourselves to be discouraged when God uses us for a Reason.  We must be thankful that God has called us for such a time as this to lay down our life for Him and for others.  God works His plans through us and accomplishes His purposes through our lives.  He said that we were the hope of His glory in the earth.  We are His hands to help, His feet to go, and His lips to speak encouragement to the broken hearted.  So remember when you love and give to others, you are an extension of Jesus and who He is and be blessed with the knowledge that you are obeying one of His greatest commandments, which is to love as He loved. +++

Copyright © 2013 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


Scripture:  I John 4:16  "God is love, and those who abide in love abide in God, and God abides in them."

Love originates with God.  God is love therefore love is God.  You can't separate the two nor have one without the other.  We are not talking about a sensual kind of love, but that supreme quality that is manifested by giving one's life for another.  Words of love are easy to say and cards expressing love are inexpensive to purchase.  God could have just spoken words of love to us through the scriptures, but He didn't.  He chose to go much further than that.  He manifested His love in action.  God loved the world so much that He gave His only begotten Son to die for us so that He could set us free from sin's snare and give us eternal life (John 3:16).  This is the love of God.  It is rich and it is pure, for while we were sinners, Christ died for us.  His love can not be earned or bought and is not based on our performance, but comes to us as a free gift and is eternal.

I John 4:19 says, "We love God because He first loved us."  The next verses tell us that we can't say that we love God when we hate our brother, for love and hate cannot be mingled in the same vessel.  If mingled, they will neutralize one another.  God has given us a commandment that if we are going to love Him, we must also love our brothers and sisters.  Every act that we do and every word that we speak should be preceded by love.  The Apostle Paul said that if love is not working in our life, we are like noisy gongs or clanging cymbals, making a lot of empty noise.  Real love has substance and makes sacrifices.  The price of God's love was that He allowed His only begotten Son to hang on a cruel cross.  When love is in our hearts there is also a price that we must pay.  Paul lists the demands and sacrifices that love makes in our lives in I Corinthians 13:4-8.

(Amplified Bible)

    1)  Love endures long and is patient.

    2)  Love is kind.

    3)  Love is never envious or boils over with jealousy.

    4)  Love is not boastful or vainglorious.

    5)  Love does not display itself haughtily.

    6)  Love is not conceited - arrogant and inflated with pride.

    7)  Love is not rude and does not act unbecomingly.

    8)  Love does not insist on its own rights or its own way.

    9)  Love is not self-seeking.

  10)  Love is not touchy, fretful, or resentful.

  11)  Love takes no account to the evil done unto it, and pays no attention to suffered wrong.

  12)  Love does not rejoice at injustice and unrighteousness.

  13)  Love rejoices when right and truth prevails.

  14)  Love bears up under anything and everything that comes.

  15)  Love is ever ready to believe the best of every person.

  16)  Love's hopes are fadeless under all circumstances and endures everything (without weakening).

  17)  Love never fails - never fades out or becomes obsolete or comes to an end. +++

Copyright © 2013 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture:  Proverbs 20:24 (NIV) "A man's steps are directed by the Lord.  How then can anyone understand his own way?"

When we truly believe that God directs our steps, we must put away the notion that the life changing events that happen in our lives are mere accidents.  There are many variables that could happen as we journey through life but we must recognize that God is directing our lives according to His sovereign plan and that nothing is left to chance.  It was no accident that we were at the right place at the right time to meet our spouse or to meet that special lifetime friend.  It was no accident when God caused someone to witness to us about Jesus or brought someone along our path who would receive our witness of faith.  Neither was it an accident that we were placed on our jobs or given the particular positions that we have, for even though we can't see it or understand it, God is continually working His awesome plan in our lives.

Sometimes it is difficult to understand what God is doing because His ways are far beyond our comprehension.  We wonder why we lost our job or why we didn't get the promotion that we worked so hard for.  Situations do not work out like we planned and it seems that our prayers are not being answered.  When these thoughts come and our circumstances get a little confusing, we need to stop and recognize that things would be a lot easier for us if we just trusted God and allowed Him to lead.  We must also understand that there will be times that we are not given any choices.  Joseph, who was sold into slavery by his own brothers, could do nothing but follow God into the destiny that was planned for him.  Joseph had a dream that he would rule, but his dream was challenged and his hopes shattered by the cruel circumstances that surrounded him.  Most likely, Joseph did not understand what was happening in his life.  Yet God was directing Joseph's steps.  He used the evil deeds of Joseph's brothers to get him to Egypt where He could cause Joseph's dreams to come to pass and use him as an instrument to save a multitude of people.

When God gave Joseph his dreams, He did not show him the pit, the prisons, or that he would have to endure the separation from his father and family.  If Joseph had seen the hardships and cruel bondage that he would suffer on the way to his dream, he probably would not have chosen to follow his dream.  God only showed Joseph the glorious end so that he could maintain his hope and God gave him no choices, except to exercise wisdom and be discrete in his actions.

We must admit that some of the best decisions that we have made were the ones where we given no opportunity to choose and had to take the only option that was presented to us.  Like Joseph, we may not understand what is happening until we get to the end of the journey.  But when we have finished the course, we will discover that God always gives us the best when we allow Him to do the choosing.  Regardless of what is happening, trust God with your life.  Do not lean upon your own understanding but acknowledge that God is God and that He knows what He is doing.  God gave Solomon great wisdom, so allow his words to settle your mind, "The Almighty, All Knowing God is directing your steps, so how can you possibly understand your own way?


Copyright © 2013 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


A Word In Due Season
4th Week of February 2013


Scripture: Acts:7:31  "When Moses saw it, he wondered at the sight and as he drew near to behold it, the voice of the Lord came to him."


God had a very special plan for Moses' life.  God protected him from death when all the male babies of the nation were being killed at their birth.  He also kept Moses safe while he floated down the river in a tiny basket.  God allowed Moses to be rescued from the river by Pharaoh's daughter and to be raised in the palace of Pharaoh.  This exposed Moses to the protocol of the Egyptian courts, where later he would make pleas for the freedom of God's people.  Eventually, Moses was forced to leave the comforts of the palace and the family and friends that he cherished and flee into the desert for safety.  During this season it probably didn't look like God was doing anything special or that He was even involved in Moses' life.  Yet all the while, God was definitely working His divine plan in Moses' life.


After Moses left the palace he tended sheep on the back side of the desert for forty long years.  This had to be a very humbling and mundane experience for a man who had experienced the excitement and grandeur of the palace.  He had been raised as the son of Pharaoh's daughter and his life had been one of prosperity, prestige, and honor.  But now his duties were different than they had been in the courts of Pharaoh.  Instead of the hustle and bustle of the royal life and overseeing important matters that pertained to Pharaoh's vast kingdom, Moses' days were now spent caring for his father-in-law's sheep in a remote wilderness.  He may have wondered if he had missed God's plan for his life as he quietly maintained this daily routine year after year.


Then suddenly one day Moses noticed a flame in a bush and said, "I must now turn aside and see why the bush is not consumed."  This one decision and one declaration led Moses into the presence of God.  As he drew near, the voice of the Lord spoke to him out of the bush.  Moses probably never dreamed that when he took the time to investigate the bush situation that he was going to have a God experience and that his whole life would suddenly change.  He could have made excuses; "I'm too busy.  I am too tired.  I am not interested in this strange phenomenon.  I can't leave my sheep."   But his good choice allowed God to speak to him personally and in this moment of time God commissioned him to deliver His people from the bondage of Egypt.


We will not have the exact experience that Moses had or be called to lead a multitude of people out of Egypt.  But God will approach us so that we can be a part of His supernatural work in the Earth.  Our God experience probably won't be a literal burning bush encounter but a simple nudge for us to do something good for someone in need.  When we respond, our act of kindness will be the miracle that they are praying for.  Somehow God will cause us to help them find direction and we will be their cloud by day and their fire by night for a season.  Our listening ear will be a haven of refuge for their hurting heart.  Our words of comfort will be an encouragement of hope in their despair.  Our natural provisions will satisfy their hunger.  Our presence in their life will point them to the Rock, Christ Jesus, the Living Water, who will quench their thirst.


God used every man in the scriptures differently and He has a plan for you.  He needs you just as He needed Moses to fulfill a particular assignment on the earth.  I encourage you to be very sensitive to the still quiet voice of the Holy Spirit.  When He speaks, turn aside and draw near to Him.  He will direct you and place you in the path of the needy.  When He does, then take notice of what God is showing you and do what He wants you to do. +++

Copyright © 2013 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture:  I John 5:4  "This is the victory that overcomes the world, even our faith."


Faith is not some fancy mental or emotional feeling.  It is your response to the power of God's Word, and your own personal statement that declares, "God said it so I believe it."  Regardless of what is happening around you, your heart is convinced that everything is going to be okay because you know that God is on your side.  Faith causes everything within you to believe that you can trust God.  Your whole being makes a firm determination to stand upon His promises regardless of what happens, for you know that He cannot and will not fail.  This is the victory that overcomes the world.


Doubt and unbelief will rob you of your blessings and your peace of mind.  When you begin to see things the way the devil wants you to view them, discouragement and despair will fill your heart.  Satan's concepts will render you helpless when you face the storms of life, and his seeds of doubt will flourish within your spirit until you have no hope.  You will see the mountain instead of your God who can take you over the mountain.  You will see the desert instead of your God who can sustain you in the desert.  You will see your needs instead of the One who will meet your needs and who will give abundantly beyond what you ask or think.  Instead of your faith overcoming the world, the world will overcome your faith and erase any chance of victory.


Faith, however, will change your atmosphere and alter the results.  It will cause you to look at things with a totally different perspective, as you see your problems as God sees them.  You will not see yourself as a grasshopper in the eyes of the giant, but will see yourself as one who is able to take down the giant and possess the promises of God.  I recently heard someone say, "A shark in the ocean is dangerous and a lion in the forest is equally dangerous."  But listen to the rest of the words, "But a shark in the forest is not dangerous, and a lion in the ocean is not dangerous."  Both the shark and lion were potentially dangerous, but were rendered helpless when their environment and atmosphere were changed.


God is awesome and He is able to change your atmosphere and render the strategies and works of the devil helpless in your situations.  God changed the atmosphere for the Hebrew children in the furnace of fire and also for Daniel in the lion's den.  He will do the same for you in your situations when you exhibit faith in Him and His words.  The Lord will surround your sharks with the forest and cast your lions into the ocean.  All you have to do is look beyond the natural, get a glimpse of God, and allow your faith to be the victory that overcomes the world. +++

Copyright © 2013 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture:  Deuteronomy 9:1  "Go in to possess nations greater and mightier than yourself."


These words must have brought a great challenge to the heart of the Israelites.  They were just about to cross the Jordan River when Moses made this announcement and informed them that their enemy was greater and mightier than they were.  In fact, their enemies were actually giants whose cities were walled and fortified.  They were up against a tough battle, but Moses did not leave them in a pit of discouragement with the words that he spoke.  He encouraged them by telling them that the Lord would go before them as a consuming fire and bring down their enemies before them.


Have you ever been given an assignment by God that seemed to be greater and mightier than yourself?  Or did you ever feel that you needed to do something that seemed beyond your capabilities?  Maybe you felt that you should start a ministry, pray a prayer of faith over someone who needed a miracle, give a special donation that would drain your personal funds, or make an application for employment that you felt that you were not totally qualified for.  God may also be dealing with you to lay down an addiction or walk away from some other unhealthy or immoral situation.  Whatever the case may be, it all seems too big for you to handle, for it is greater and mightier than you are.


When God speaks to our heart and tells us to go and possess the destiny that He has set before us, it demands that we go beyond ourselves.  As He shares His new vision with us, it sets our whole world spinning.  For even though we say that we believe in God and have faith in Him, it is often hard to rest in His promises.  This is especially true when the Lord is telling us to go in and possess situations that are greater and mightier than we are.  When His word comes, we begin to realize that our trust has been in ourselves and our own abilities.  It may also be easy to trust those about us, but our heart begins to tremble when there is no one to lean upon and we are forced into a situation where we must totally trust in God.


We must understand that God was aware of our weaknesses and He also knew the challenges and the strength of our enemy before He called us into the battle.  He understands the challenge that we are facing.  When He tells us to possess, we can be assured that He is going to give us the power to accomplish that command, for He will never tell us to do more than He has equipped us to do.  He is God and He will enable us to go beyond ourselves and help us possess the things that are greater and mightier than we are. +++

Copyright © 2013 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture:  Psalms 143:7 (Message Bible)  "Hurry with Your answer, God!  I'm nearly at the end of my rope.


King David asked the Lord to come speedily to his rescue because his enemies were pursuing him.  They were attempting to crush his life into the ground and all of the turmoil that was happening around David caused him to be in a state of deep depression.  Because of the darkness that surrounded him, David felt that if God did not come to his aid quickly, he would go down to the pit, which meant that he would just give up and die.  David was at the end of his rope and he was desperate.  He needed some kind of answer from God and he needed it right away.


We have all heard the expression that when we get to the end of the rope, just tie a knot and then hang on.  That expression gives the impression that the knot is supposed to be a source of deliverance for us, but hanging on to a knot in mid air for a long season is a very difficult task in itself.  We must understand that the knot at the end of the rope is not our salvation, for the truth is that we can't do it alone.  We are only going to be able to hold on for just so long before our own strength begins to fail.  It is good to do all that we can do to survive, but if we are going to tie a knot at the end of the rope, we are definitely going to need God to strengthen us physically, mentally, and emotionally so that we can hold on until His supernatural deliverance comes.


While David was in his perplexing situation, he told the Lord, "I remember Your glorious miracles that You did in the days past and I reach out for You" (Verse six).  God had delivered him many times, so David decided to let go of everything and trust in God.  You may be at the end of your rope because of the circumstances that surround you and you may not know whether to let go or hang on, but you do know that things cannot continue as they are.  Like David, you need God to hurry, to come speedily to your rescue with His answer, for you recognize that time is running out.  I encourage you to speak to God very plainly as David did and tell Him that you are at the end and that you need Him to come through for you one more time.  God understands exactly where you are, for He sees your needs and He has answers for you.  So set your gaze upon the Lord and stretch forth your arms to Him.  Let Him know that you are trusting totally in Him rather than the knot at the end of your rope.  As you reach out to the Lord, He will reach out to you. +++

Copyright © 2013 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture:  Philippians 2:7  "... Jesus took on Himself the form of a servant."

The Apostle Paul encouraged us to let the same mind be in us that was in Christ Jesus.  He then explained what was in the heart and mind of the Lord.  Even though Jesus was part of the God head and equal with God, He laid everything aside and took on the form of a servant.  Jesus emptied Himself of His deity and allowed Himself to be made into the likeness of man so that He could experience the limitations of humanity.  He humbled Himself in this fashion so that He could meet the requirements that were necessary for Him to be able to redeem mankind by His own death on the cross.

Christ was unique as a person and everything that He sacrificed for us, He did by choice.  No one forced Him to leave the grandeur of Heaven and come to Earth or to forsake His place next to the Father to become a mere man.  Jesus willingly laid down His life for us and became a servant to our needs.  He gave up His throne in glory even though He would have no place to lay His head on Earth.  His first experience after leaving Heaven was His birth in a lowly animal stable because there was no room for Him in the inn.  He became poor that we may be rich.  He gave His back to be beaten for the healing of our bodies and suffered torments for the deliverance of our minds.  In weariness He gave Himself to the multitudes and did not count His service as that of bondage or slavery.  Instead, He freely gave Himself and His unselfish servanthood promoted Him, for God highly exalted Jesus.  He never sought for a grand reputation but God gave Him a name that is above every name and at the name of Jesus every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that He is Lord.

The Apostle Paul said that the believer should have the same mind that Christ had and take on the form of a servant like He did.  We are to forget the grandeur that life offers and serve in humility as Christ served.  We are to lay aside our own reputation and status as we give ourselves to others.  It is not always easy.  In fact it can be a challenge to serve others in a spirit of love when they have a hateful attitude towards us.  Yet Jesus loved us and gave His life for us while we were still sinners.  It is hard to remain in joy when we are called to serve those who are full of bitterness, but Jesus showed us an example.  Because of the joy that was set before Him, He endured the cross and its shame.  Jesus knew that His disciples would forsake Him, that Peter would curse and deny Him, and that Judas would betray Him, but He still took on a servant's heart.  Jesus knelt before the disciples, washed their feet, and served them the bread and wine, which represented His own body that was about to be broken and His blood that was about to be shed for their sins.

God wants us to have a servant's heart towards Him and also towards people.  Yet, He would not tell us to do something that we were unable to do so He enables us to do it.  First, He helps us understand the heart and mind of Christ by giving us His Word, Christ's example, and the Holy Spirit as our teacher.  Then He gives us supernatural strength to help us take on the form or attitude of a servant.  After He equips us in these two areas, He sets before us an open door and gives us a choice; to love or be loved, to serve or be served, to help or be helped, and to give or receive.  Our choice will always be governed by what is in our heart, and the degree to which we love and serve the Lord is the same degree that we will love and serve others.  Let us determine today to have a servant's heart that is willing to love, serve, help, and give. +++

Copyright © 2013 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    


A Word In Due Season
5th Week of February 2013


Scripture:  Genesis 13:14-15  "And the Lord said to Abram, after Lot separated from him, Look as far as you can see in every direction, for I am going to give it all to you and your descendants."

When Abraham and Sarah left Egypt, Abraham's nephew, Lot, went with them.  But as time progressed strife begin to occur between Abraham and Lot's herdsmen.  Abraham suggested that he and Lot separate from each other in an effort to end the strife and confusion.  After Lot separated from him, God spoke to Abraham and showed him the land that was to be his.  He also promised Abraham that his seed would be as numerous as the dust of the earth, meaning it would be impossible to count his descendants.

Notice that God didn't speak to Abraham until after Lot separated from him.  God led Abraham out from the safe and familiar into a new place, and then separated him from his close relationships.  This pattern is a very familiar one with God.  God separated Moses and sent him to the backside of the desert for forty years before He commissioned him to deliver His people out of Egypt.  Joseph was separated from his family and imprisoned in a foreign land for about sixteen years before he was promoted to second in the kingdom.  And the apostle Paul was alone in the desert for about eight years before God used him to preach the gospel of the Lord Jesus and to write most of the New Testament.

All of us would like to hear from God and receive a new promise and commission from Him like these great men, but ministry comes with a price.  Before God brings us to a new level and empowers us for a new service, He first leads us out and separates us to Himself.  It is hard to be separated from the things that we know and enjoy, but we can't get to the Promised Land without going through the wilderness.  When God calls us out, we can't do all the things that our friends do or go to the places they go.  God's new plan requires cutting away the old and familiar so that He can bless with the new.

If you have found yourself separated in thought and desire from the things that were familiar and that used to seem comfortable, God is possibly drawing you into a new place of commitment and service for Him.  Don't be discouraged if you don't seem to fit into the old ways any more.  Just let go and be encouraged as the old things separate from you.  God is doing a new thing in your life so that you will be ready for His new plan.  His thoughts towards you are good.  Jeremiah 29:11 says that God's plan is to prosper you and not to harm you.  His greatest plan is to give you a future and a hope, but first you must let go.

Copyright © 2013 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture:  I Corinthians 14:8  "For if the trumpet give an uncertain sound, who shall prepare himself to the battle?

The ancient Hebrews used an instrument that was called a shofar, which was a trumpet that was made from a ram's horn.  It was used to sound an alarm, to summon the people together, and was also used in other various rituals.  It dictated to the people what their response should be, for it made certain and clear sounds with a specific purpose in mind, which was to call the people to war, celebration, or worship.  It is still used today by the Jewish people at their New Year's celebration of Rosh Hashanah and their most holy day of Yon Kippur.

The shofar was put under much pressure before it became the instrument that could be used in such a manner.  It had to be cut from the ram and the inside of it had to be totally gutted and made clean.  It then had to be boiled until it was soft and pliable and put under fire so that it could be shaped.  After this process was complete, the shofar had to be sanded until it became smooth.  Only after this enduring process was it ready to fulfill its purpose and its destiny, which was to make a clarion call to battle, celebration, or worship.

The Apostle Paul encouraged us to be like a trumpet that gives forth a certain sound.  We all want to fulfill that call and purpose, but not many of us want to go through the process of becoming the instrument that God can work through, for it is much like the process of refining the shofar.  Our souls must be cut away from everything that would hinder our freedom in Christ and we must allow ourselves to be totally cleaned within by God's Holy Spirit.  This is not an easy process because God offends our minds in order to test our hearts.  Often we do not understand His works of righteousness, for there is much pain that is involved to affect His purposes in our lives.  He allows us to experience the fire so that we become soft and pliable enough to be shaped in His hands.  Then just about the time that we think He is finished and we feel that we are ready, He begins the sanding process.

We must remember that God is not trying to be cruel to us.  He just wants to make sure that our words and lives are making a clear and certain sound to those about us.  He said that we were the hope of His glory and His kingdom depends upon our witness and testimony.  We are epistles read of all men and we are not to be confusing to those about us.  Our lives are to be sure and our sound is to be certain, whether it is a call to battle, celebration, or worship. +++

Copyright © 2013 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture:  Psalms 26:7  "That I may publish with the voice of thanksgiving, and tell of all Thy wondrous works."


God's creation goes far beyond anything that we ourselves could have ever imagined to create.  In fact, our minds can only comprehend a portion of His awesome works, and our most precise words are inadequate to tell of His marvelous wonders.  There are no words to describe the majestic mountains whose heights surpass the clouds or explain the beauty of the lush green valleys.  Who can tell of the dry barren deserts and wilderness places that are unique and wondrous in their own way, or speak of the vast oceans and enormous lakes?  There are also tall trees and small intricate flowers to consider.  There is the beauty of the heavens, which goes far beyond what our eyes can behold, and there is also the sunrise and sunsets that no artist could ever duplicate on canvas.  God was truly very imaginative when He created this earth and this was just the beginning of His wondrous works.


After God finished creating the heavens and the earth, He created man and filled his being with wonders that surpass the wonders of nature that surrounds him.  These works of God are awesome and precious to us on a personal and daily basis.  God has graciously given us sight, which allows us to behold His wondrous works and enables us to move about unhindered in the earth.  He has given us ears so that we may hear voices, music, and the awesome sounds of nature.  He has equipped our nostrils with the sense of smell, which not only enhances life but also serves to protect us when there are the hidden dangers such as fire.  We have been given the wonderful sense of taste for our pleasure so that we can enjoy all the various foods and drinks that God has created.  God made our vocal cords so that we could speak, sing, and communicate with one another.  We enjoy the sense of touch and also the ability to feel emotions such as love, joy, and passion.  God has also given us a spirit so that we might experience the privilege of communicating directly with Him, for God is spirit.


God is awesome and His works are truly wondrous.  Yet, many times we neglect to acknowledge them.  It is time for us to make a change in this matter.  Let us join with the psalmist who desired to publish the wondrous works of God with a voice of thanksgiving.  Let us consider all the works of God's hands; the beauty of the mountains, valleys, oceans, lakes, trees, flowers, and all that He has set before us.  And then let us speak of these wondrous works to God, to ourselves, and to others with a voice of thanksgiving.  God has been so gracious to give us such beauty and wonder to behold and He deserves the glory and praise for all that He has done. +++

Copyright © 2013 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    



Scripture:  Deuteronomy 8:18  "But you shall remember the Lord your God: for it is He that gives you power to get wealth, that He may establish His covenant ..."

These words spoken by Moses make two things very clear concerning finances and blessings.  First, Moses identifies the Lord our God as being the source of our wealth.  He instructs us to remember the Lord, for He is the One who gives us the power to gain wealth.  We have nothing that did not come from God's gracious hands.  We may think that we earned it all by ourselves but the truth is that He gave us the abilities and He placed us in positions to gain and accumulate our wealth.  If you think about it, the power to get wealth is worth more than the wealth itself, for wealth in itself can be lost in a moment's time.  We have witnessed this truth recently throughout the world as the tsunamis, hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, and fires have suddenly destroyed the possessions of many.  Their wealth failed as they lost their possessions, but the power to get wealth will enable them to regain everything that they lost, for God is able to restore all things and cause all things to work together for good in their lives.

Second, Moses states the purpose for our wealth and blessings is so that God can establish His covenant with His people.  This is much the same as the unspoken covenant that we have with our own children.  When they are born, we become committed to provide their food, clothing, meet their emotional needs, and allow them their special place at the family table.  As they grow and continue to mature, we allow them other special opportunities such as the privilege of driving the car.  As the parent, we are the source of their blessings and we share those blessings with them simply because they are our children and we love them. 

God feels the same towards you.  Your prosperity is never about you, but about what God wants to do with you, for you are only a steward of the material blessings that God has bestowed upon you.  Remember that God's wish is that you prosper and be in health and this will happen as you put God first in your own life and as you seek His kingdom.  As your soul prospers, God's blessings will come upon you so that He can use you to establish His covenant in the Earth.  That means sharing with those who have nothing and who are not gifted with the power to gain wealth for themselves.

God is never limited by our circumstances, but we must understand that contrary to everyone's wishes, not everyone is going to be rich in this world's goods, for Jesus, Himself, said that you will have the poor with you always.  If you really want to be blessed with the power to gain wealth, then begin to be a blessing to those about you and seek to meet the needs of others.  God will see your compassion and faithfulness.  Even the smallest gift that you share to establish His covenant in the Earth will become a seed.  That seed will reap a harvest in your own life so that God can give you more wealth to share. +++

Copyright © 2013 Mary Padgett Ministries. All Rights Reserved    
