............ A Word In Due Season
1st Week of February 2014


Scripture: II Chronicles 20:12 (Amplified) "We do not know what to do, but our eyes are upon You."

When an army of great magnitude came against God's people, they began to seek the Lord with diligence. They acknowledged their lack because they knew that by themselves, they were no match against their enemy. They told the Lord that they had no might, no strength, and no power, but declared their trust in Him by saying, "Our eyes are upon You." They recognized where their strength would come from and who would give them victory in the battle. As they prayed, God gave them a simple plan, which was to go into the battle praising Him. As they obeyed His word, He gave them a glorious victory.

My grandson is fascinated with buttons and wires. And even though he doesn't understand electrical power, he knows that the buttons and wires make things work. One evening when he was a little over two years old, he began to rearrange the wires on the backside of my electronic keyboard. He had already tried the on/off switch but could not get the keyboard to work. He worked diligently but had no success because he didn't know that the main power switch at the wall outlet was turned off. He finally declared, "It boke," which translates into "It is broken." This was the only conclusion that made sense to him because he could not get the buttons and wires to work.

Many times our faith is "broken" in the same fashion. All the wires and buttons are there and we say and do the right things, but nothing works because we do not stop and recognize where our power and strength comes from. We try to work out a sensible solution on our own, when all the time, the power of God's presence and His wisdom is within our reach. James 1:5-6 says, "If any man lacks wisdom, let him ask of God ... but let him ask in faith, nothing wavering." There is no lack when God's presence and wisdom is with us.

In the midst of our trials, we just need to call out to Jesus and repeat the scripture above, "We do not know what to do, but our eyes are upon You." His plan may be as simple as give praise in the midst of the battle or stand still and see My salvation. It may be a magnificent plan to confront the enemy. Whatever the solution, we can be sure that when we stop trying to figure out all the buttons and wires and begin to focus our eyes upon Him, our efforts will not be wasted. We must believe that He is the source of our strength and then as we connect directly with Him, He will infuse us with the power that we need to obtain the victory. +++


Scripture: Psalms 94:9 "He that planted the ear, shall He not hear? He that formed the eye, shall He not see?"

The psalmist makes a declaration that he believes that God is hearing and seeing everything that is going on in our lives. He calls out to God to avenge him and to pay back to the wicked what they deserve. He even asked God how long would He allow the evil doers to oppress and triumph over the righteous. The psalmist calls attention to their arrogance and boastful words, for the wicked boldly declare that God does not see nor regard their evil deeds. They mistakenly think that they will get away with their actions and not suffer any consequences.

We have either experienced the injustice of the wicked in our own lives, have seen it happen in the lives of our friends and family, or have witnessed it in the news media. We have also heard the wicked boast about the unpleasant things that they have done. They have even laughed and scorned in the face of their victims. Our heart goes out to those who are being oppressed in such a manner as this and we wonder why God lingers and allows the injustice to happen to the innocent instead of bringing immediate judgment. Yet, we must remember that God has a season for all things. God made the eye. He is not blind, He is merciful. God made the ear. He is not deaf, He is full of grace. He is hearing and seeing everything that is happening, yet He is patient and will wait a long season for the arrogant and wicked to repent of their evil ways. There will come a time, however, that His grace will expire and His mercy will cease. He will then suddenly arise, avenge the righteous, and deal with the wicked.

We should not be fearful and frustrated when it seems that evil is prevailing in the world about us. When there is nothing that we can do to remedy the situation, we must place our confidence in God and trust His judgment, for He knows much more about the situation than we do. He understands the hearts of all men and knows their deepest motives. He may be working with their soul and giving them one more chance. We must believe that the God who made the ears and formed the eyes is the One who is in charge. We must keep the spirit of faith alive in our own hearts and put our trust in Him. As we allow God to be the Lord over the situation, He will take care of all the matters that concern us at His chosen time. +++


Scripture: Hebrews 4:19 "So we see that they could not enter in because of unbelief."

Joshua and Caleb were allowed to enter the Promised Land because they simply trusted God and believed His word of promise. The rest of the Israelites who had come out of Egypt with them wandered around in the wilderness for forty years but failed to enter into God's promise because of their unbelief. God gave them a promise and delivered them from the Egyptian bondage with a mighty hand. He then showed them His power and His provision through miraculous signs and wonders as they traveled through the wilderness. Yet, time and time again, they chose to disbelieve God. They had forty years to get it right, but they murmured against God and continually complained about their circumstances. They were never able to come into a place of total trust and confidence in God, and for that reason, they never received what God intended for them to have.

This parallels our own lives, for God has delivered us out of darkness and bondage and He has translated us into the Kingdom of His marvelous light. Yet even though we are in God's Kingdom, most of us are not experiencing the fullness of the things that His Kingdom affords. We suffer lack in many areas of our lives because of our unbelief and do not enter into the rest that God has designed for us. Instead, we wander around in the wilderness and struggle with our circumstances. Darkness, defeat, and discouragement are easy to come by and all that we have to do to experience these things is just exist. But life and light demand faith. We must believe God if we intend to receive His promises and walk victoriously in them.

God has always had good plans for you. You don't belong in the desert of despair and lack. Instead you belong in the Promised Land of blessings. As children of the Living God and as joint Heirs with His Son, Jesus Christ, you have been given precious promises. You are not only promised salvation for your soul through the sacrificed life of Jesus on the cross of Calvary, but God has promised to meet all of your needs according to His riches in Christ Jesus. He has also provided healing by the stripes that were laid upon Jesus' back and has sent the promise of the Holy Spirit to comfort, teach, and guide you. The Lord has promised to perfect all things that concern you and vowed that He will be with you until the end of the world. All of these promises belong to you but you must take possession of your blessings by faith. Faith is not mental assent. Instead, it is substance that is birthed in your heart by the Spirit of God. You must feed on God's Word and stay in communion with Him until your faith comes alive. Faith is not just about the promise; it is about the Promise Giver. As you look to God and call upon His faithfulness, He will dispel your unbelief and you can be assured that the Promise Giver will keep His promise. +++


Scripture: Genesis 37:20 " ... and we shall see what will become of his dreams."

Joseph's angry and jealous brothers sought to stop Joseph's dreams from coming to pass. They stripped Joseph of the special coat of many colors that his father had given him and cast him into a pit. They later sold him into slavery. Their first choice would have been to kill Joseph, but their evil devices could only go so far because a sovereign God was still in control. God spared Joseph's life by using his older brother, Reuben, to rescue him from greater harm. When Joseph finally found himself in Egypt, he may have thought that God had forsaken him all together. Yet all the while, God was moving in Joseph's life and leading him to the place that he needed to be so that He could fulfill Joseph's dreams and accomplish His own divine plan.

When God thinks of you, He thinks of someone that He loved so much that He sacrificed His only Son for them. He allowed Jesus to become a curse for you so that you could spend eternity with Him. You mean something to God and are special in His eyes and He has thoughts and plans for you that include a future and a hope (Jeremiah 29:11). God has spoken good words over you. Like Joseph, you may presently be limited by circumstances beyond your control. Life may have dealt you a poor hand, and as you view the future, it may seem that time is running out for your hopes and dreams to come to pass. For whatever reason, the future seems to only hold a few years and you may wonder how God can finish His work in your life in such a short period of time.

Regardless of how you view your situation, you must not become discouraged for God is still in control and He can do a quick work. Joseph was raised from the pit to the palace in one day. His grand work lasted only a short time, seven years of plenty and seven years of lack. In this short time, however, Joseph saved a nation from destruction and his dreams came to pass just as God had promised. Also consider Jesus. His ministry on Earth was only for three years, but look at what He accomplished in that short length of time. Like these men, it is time for you to make every moment in your own life count. You may have only three short years as Jesus did to fulfill your life's call. No one knows for sure what the future holds. You must work as though God is going to keep His promises to you and you must pray expecting Him to actually answer you. You must continue to express your thanksgiving to God and worship Him in anticipation of His manifestation. Remember that even though you are human, God is divine. Stretch your faith and your thinking, and see what becomes of your dreams, for nothing is impossible with God. He is well able to bring your dreams into reality. +++


Scripture: Romans 4:19 & 20 "Abraham considered not his own body ... and staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief."

Long before Abraham had a son, God made a promise to him that he would be the father of many nations and also told him that his seed would be as numerous as the stars in the heavens. From the very beginning, this promise seemed impossible in the natural because Abraham was very old and his wife, Sarah, was barren. Yet, Abraham chose to believe the promise and he put his faith in God's ability to fulfill His promise.

Abraham disregarded his own lack and did not stagger at the promise that God gave to him. One who staggers does not stand and walk straight. Instead, they lean to the left and to the right as they stumble along. Abraham overcame each challenge by refusing to consider the impossibilities and did not stagger to the left or lean to the right. In other words he did not allow himself to be driven or tossed about by unbelief. James 1:6-7 says, "For he that wavers (in faith) is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed. For let not that man think that he shall receive anything of the Lord."

One year before Isaac was born God changed Abram's name to Abraham, which means father of many nations. In essence God was saying, "It's already finished." God's eternal Word established the fact. God was calling things that be not as though they were and His words were causing Abraham and Sarah's natural bodies to come alive. When Abraham had to tell others his new name was Abraham, he was agreeing with God and declaring the promise that God had made to him. He did not stagger at the fact that he was 100 years old and that Sarah was ninety. He just gave glory to God and continued to hope when there was no reason to hope in the natural. Today, his faith would appear foolish to many, but then true faith usually does.

Corrie Ten Boom sums faith up with her words,

"Faith Sees the Invisible,
Believes the Unbelievable,
Receives the Impossible."

Scriptures declare that Abraham believed God, hoped in His promise, stayed strong in the faith, and was fully persuaded that God would do what He said He would do. And because Abraham considered not and staggered not, he eventually received the promise of God. We must follow his grand example if we want to receive our promises from God. +++

A Word In Due Season
2nd Week of February 2014


Scripture: I Timothy 6:6 (NLT) “True godliness with contentment is itself great wealth.”

We search for wealth every day of our lives. Finances are our present and future consideration. We work and make investments in order to multiply our finances, and we set up retirement accounts to insure that we have enough wealth to carry us through to the end of our lives. Yet, when the Apostle Paul wrote to Timothy he did not tell him that riches were an indication of wealth. Instead, Paul told Timothy that true godliness with contentment was great wealth. Godliness and contentment are things that money cannot buy. There are many rich people in the world who would like to be considered godly and who would not hesitate to pay a large sum of money just to gain a little contentment in their lives. For many, having great riches becomes tormenting because riches can be stolen or lost so very quickly and has no guarantees.

Your desire for wealth should not be condemned because God's highest wish for you is that you prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers (III John 2). Yet, notice that your main interest should be that your soul prospers. God wants to bless you materially so that you can be a blessing to your family and share with others about you. But His greatest priority is that you wrap your desires around the purposes and will of God and learn to be content in all things. Jesus said that you should be seeking the kingdom of God first in your life and then all the things that you desire will be added to you (Matthew 6:33). What a wonderful promise. When you understand the concept of putting God first and honoring Him with all of your substance then He will be able to honor you with wealth. This is great wealth because the blessings of the Lord that come to you will never be accompanied with sorrow.

For many years, I struggled with my finances and could never seem to get ahead. It was a daily battle to make ends meet, but Gods always came through and many times the material provision for my need was no less than a miracle. Through the years, I have continued to trust God and believe His Word and today things are different. I don't have all that I want but I do have all that I need. I have found the place of contentment and don't have to have the best, the newest, or the most stylish. I have inherited true wealth in knowing that God is on the throne of my heart and contentment has come to my soul because I am seeking His kingdom first in my life. I am not rich by the world's standard, but following God's way with contentment has brought great wealth to my heart and soul. I encourage you to seek this same kind of wealth. +++


Scripture: Numbers 14:9 "They are bread for us: their defense is departed from them, and the Lord is with us; fear them not."

When God led His people out of Egypt, He promised to give them a prosperous land, one that flowed with milk and honey. Twelve spies went out to view that land and all of them returned with wonderful fruits confirming that it was just as God had said. Yet in spite of the fact that it was a good and prosperous land, ten of the twelve spies had an evil report. They said, "The land that we searched is a land that "eats up" or devours its inhabitants, for the men we saw there were giants." Not only did they waver in their own faith but they also discouraged the hearts of the rest of the congregation.

However, the other two spies, Joshua and Caleb, encouraged the people of God. They said, "Yes, there are giants in the land, but the giants won't eat us - we will eat the giants. Let us go up at once and possess the land." They refused to allow fear to control them or to steal their blessing and decided to conquer the problem and not let the problem conquer them. Many years later, Joshua and Caleb were the only ones of that generation who were allowed to enter the land and possess God's promise.

Every day you have the opportunity to meet adversities and challenges in your life. Your inefficiencies will magnify the negative and make them look like giants that are waiting to eat you up. If you are short, you will see everyone else as being tall. If you are old, you will see everyone else as being younger. Everyone will seem wiser than you. Your perspective on life will either make you weak or cause you to grow stronger and your disappointments will make you bitter or cause you to become better. Your tribulations will bring frustrations or they will work patience and other virtues into your life.

Like Joshua and Caleb, you can't ignore the giants, but you can choose to conquer them. You have the opportunity to see the situation as negative and run in fear or to see it in a positive light. To walk in victory, you must look beyond the challenge and see God's ability. You must remember that you are "more than a conqueror through Him who loves you and gave Himself for you" (Romans 8:37). As you consider how big God is, the size of the giant will diminish and you will realize that the enemy's defenses has departed from him. Each giant that you overcome through God will become bread for you. Each battle will make you wiser. Your victories will sustain you and will assure you that God is with you. This knowledge will make you stronger to face the next challenge. +++


Scripture: Proverbs 28:1 "The wicked flee when no man pursues: but the righteous are bold as a lion."

Did you ever notice how anxious you become when you know that you've done something wrong and you are in fear that you may get caught? I remember one of those experiences. I had a job that required me to go to the courthouses in seven different precincts of the county, and each time I went there would be numerous police cars in the parking lot. I parked my car right next to theirs without any reservations and even backed into the parking space for easy departure. I boldly displayed my front windshield because I thought that I was in right standing with the law. Little did I know that the inspection sticker on my car had expired five months earlier.

One Saturday, as I sat in my car waiting to meet some friends at a restaurant, I noticed that the sticker had expired. When I realized that I was out of the confines of the law, my boldness turned to guilt, and the guilt opened the door to fear. I could not get the car inspected until after the weekend, so from that moment on, I was like the wicked man who fled when no one pursued. I envisioned the police pulling me over and giving me a ticket so I would make unnecessary detours in order to get to my destination. My whole attitude and actions changed because I knew that I was operating against the laws of the land.

All through the scriptures, we see righteous men who stood boldly in adverse situations. Moses confronted Pharaoh and Esther persuaded the King against wicked Haman. Paul witnessed to the people in spite of the difficulties and persecutions that challenged him and Jesus confronted the religious leaders. There were many others righteous men who did not flinch or run in the heat of the battle. However, there were others who did flee and hide from God because of their unrighteousness. Adam and Eve hid in the garden when they had eaten the forbidden fruit and Cain hid after he had killed his brother, Abel.

Just like my experience, there is something about the element of spiritual failure and sin in our lives that causes us to want to run and hide from God. Our boldness is dispelled by guilt and fear, and we feel that God is pursuing us so that He can punish us. Yet, God's true desire is not to punish us, but to extend His forgiveness. Hebrews 4:15-16 tells us that the Lord knows how we feel because He was tempted in the same manner as we are when He was here on Earth. He experienced temptation so that He could free us from sin. God is waiting for our simple confession and when we own up to our sins, He is faithful to forgive and cleanse us from all unrighteousness (I John 1:9). The choice is ours. We can allow ourselves to be pursued by guilt and fear or to become bold as lions through repentance. Let us make the right choice. +++


Scripture: Romans 13:10 "Love is the fulfilling of the law."

Have you ever read all of the commandments and laws of God that Moses recorded in the scripture? It is overwhelming just to read them and even harder to remember some of them. There are the ten most prominent commandments that most of us know by heart, but there are also all of the dietary and other laws that are attached. And even though we do not literally steal, kill, commit adultery, or transgress any of the Ten Commandments, the commands themselves can be broken simply by our thoughts and desires. For the Lord, Himself, said that if we have lust and sin within our hearts, it is as though we have committed the transgression itself.

The law presents a real challenge but Jesus made keeping the law simple by giving us one law, which was the law of love. He said that all of the commandments hung on two laws, which were to love the Lord our God with all of our heart and to love our neighbors as ourselves. Love is not contrary to the law but it fulfills the law in a unique way. If you love your neighbor as yourself, you will not steal from him or have a need to steal from him. Your love relationship between each other will open the door for you to ask for help in your time of need and that same love will draw upon your neighbor's compassion to help you. If you are walking in love, you are not going to kill someone, for the spirit of murder has no room within your heart when your heart is filled with love. Your love for your neighbor will fulfill the law. If you love God and are seeking to serve Him, you will not commit adultery with your neighbor's spouse because your love and passion for God is greater than your natural desires. Your love for God will fulfill the law. Your spirit will rise up within you in the same manner as Joseph's did when Potiphar's wife attempted to draw him into adultery. Joseph responded to her seduction by asking the question, "How can I do this great wickedness, and sin against God?"

Love is of God and it operates in righteousness and thinks no evil. It is gentle in its thoughts and follows through with acts of kindness. Love goes out its way not to harm or offend God or anyone in any manner. Romans 13:8 says, "Owe no man any thing, but to love one another." Love is a debt that you owe and it is by no means cheap. God the Father paid an enormous price to extend His love to us by giving His only begotten Son to die in our place and Jesus gave His own life. Love demands a supreme sacrifice, but when you pay the price of love, you please God and you fulfill His law. +++    


Scripture: Colossians 3:14 (NIV) "Above all these virtues put on love."

As followers and disciples of Christ, our lives should be very different from those who do not profess to know or have a personal relationship with the Lord. In everything that we do or say, we should be reflecting the virtues of Christ. Each day before we meet the world that we live in, we should clothe ourselves with His characteristics, which are holiness, humility, kindness, mercy, and forgiveness. And then above all of these virtues, the Apostle Paul told us to put on love. Without love we are not fully dressed.

Paul said that love is the most important attribute that we should have in our lives because it binds everything together in harmony. All of the other virtues and even faith, itself, are set in motion and work because of love. When love is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit, it brings God's holiness into our lives. Because of our great love for God, we do not want to do evil against Him, and because we love others we do not want to harm them in any way. Love causes us to perform pure acts of kindness, show mercy, and extend forgiveness. You cannot express love and be unkind or impatience at the same time. Neither can hate and bitterness dwell in the same vessel where there is love. It just will not work, for when there is love, it will rule supreme.

Love goes beyond human comprehension and can't be explained or ignored. You can never admonish others for the love that is in their hearts because love is a commandment from God. He told us to love Him with all of our hearts and to love our neighbors as ourselves. There were to be no exceptions, not even for our enemies or those who did evil against us. Love was designed by God to make the greatest sacrifices and cover a multitude of sin. We are told to put on love because it is a matter of choice and conscious effort. Love is always appropriate and essential in every situation. We are to wear it as our outside garment everywhere we go. The first thing that others should see as we approach them is our covering of love. Jesus said, "By this shall all men know that you are My disciples, if you have love one to another" (John 13:35). As you look at yourself in the mirror before you start each day, remember to check your spiritual garments and above all make sure that you have put on the spirit of love. +++

A Word In Due Season
3rd Week of February 2014


Scripture: Matthew 12:20 "A bruised reed shall He not break."

Life is not always easy! Even a life lived with Christ at your side can have its ups and downs. All sorts of trouble can happen, which could get the best of you. Temptation may surround you and try to pull you in. Or defeat may discourage you until you want to give up. Everything negative will hit at one time until you feel that you are ready to break. But God looks down at your battered life and makes a promise. He says, "Even though you are bruised, I will not break you ...Trust me. I still have a good plan and purpose for your life. I will take the bad in your life and turn it around for your good." God never gives up. He is the eternal potter and "you are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus" (Ephesians 2:10). The Lord will take the broken pieces of your life and make it over again into a vessel that He can use.

Jeremiah 29:11 says that God knows the thoughts He has for you. They are good thoughts of hope for your final outcome. He has a great exchange in mind for you. He desires to bring you from the state of a dry, bruised, and breakable reed that is shaken with every wind of doctrine into a strong and healthy tree that cannot be moved. Jeremiah 17:5-6 tells us that "the man who trusts and depends upon man, and allows his heart to depart from God will be like a shrub in the desert." Dry shrubs in the desert have no roots, no fruit, and no purpose. Because their roots are shallow and not secured, they are pulled from the ground and carried by the wind. They are easily bruised and broken.

However, Jeremiah continues to say, "The man that trusts in the Lord, and whose hope is in the Lord will be like a tree planted by the waters" (Verses 7-8). He will thirst after God and will spread his roots looking for water. Because this man is nourished by the water of the Word, he will be able to stand in the time of extreme heat and drought. It won't matter to him what is happening above the ground as his life is sustained by deep roots. If things get rough, his roots dig just a little deeper. The deeper his roots go and the wider they spread, the taller he becomes. Like a tree, he is committed and he is a manifestation of the blessings of God. Because of God's grace, his leaves remain green and never wither. He gives no visible signs to the world around him that he is facing difficulty. He doesn't faint in the day of adversity, but weathers the great winds and storms. He may experience bruises, but he does not break. The fruits of the Spirit such as love, joy, peace, patience, and self-control are evident in his life and are a testimony to those around him.

If you have been bruised in life by loved ones or adverse circumstances, you must learn to trust again. As you put your faith in God and yield to His Spirit, He promises not to break you. He wants you to be secure in Jesus who has come to give you "beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, and the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness." When you find your place in Him, you will no longer be a dry shrub in the desert blown about by the wind, but you will be a "tree of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that He might be glorified" (Isaiah 61:3). +++


Scripture: Exodus 14:14 "The Lord shall fight for you, and you shall hold your peace."

Have you ever moved in faith at God's command and then found yourself in a hard situation? As you sat there in the dilemma, confusion and fear came against your mind, and doubt and unbelief filled your heart. God's people found themselves faced with these same feelings when God led them out of Egypt. God instructed Moses and the Israelites to set up their camp by the Red Sea because He knew that Pharaoh would think that they were trapped between the wilderness and the sea. The irony of this plan was that God was secretly working against the enemy. The sea was to be the way of escape for Moses and the children of Israel and a trap of destruction for the Egyptians. But as the Israelites faced the enemy on one side and the waters on the other, they said, "We would have been better off staying in bondage than to be out here in the wilderness." They had no idea that God was preparing a way of total deliverance for them. God told them, "Don't be afraid, stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord. Just hold on to your peace." God had a plan. He was going to fight the battle for them and He didn't want them to do anything except move forward at His command.

Like the Israelites, God does amazing things in our lives and we are excited and full of faith about what He is doing until the first impossible situation comes along. When we find ourselves between the wilderness and the Red Sea we wonder how we got there. We forget that God, Himself, led us there and put us in that situation for a purpose. Our reasoning becomes limited because we are looking at the immediate circumstances and think that we are near failure or possible death. There seems to be nowhere to turn and no way out of the situation. Our anxieties cause us to discount God's wisdom and forget His words, "My ways are higher than your ways, and My thoughts are higher than your thoughts" (Isaiah 55:9).

Are you standing between the Wilderness and the Red Sea? Are you facing difficulties in your personal life or financial challenges? It is when you stand in these places of uncertainty that you discover the sufficiency of God. When you are overwhelmed by circumstances and there is no solution in the natural, you must realize that you are close to a miracle. As you hold your peace and rest in God's promises, He rolls back the sea and makes a way where there is no way. He comes through right on time, every time. He is a miracle working God who cannot fail, so be at peace. The Lord is always on your side and He will always fight for you. +++


Scripture: Psalms 143:8 "... Cause me to know the way wherein I should walk."

This Psalm was written by King David, a man who sought God with all of His soul and loved Him with all of his heart. God, Himself, gave testimony concerning David's affection for Him and also expressed His confidence in him. In Acts 13:22, God said, "I have found David, the son of Jesse, a man after My own heart, which shall fulfill all My will." David's full surrender was a delight to the heart of God and God knew that He could trust him. God placed His confidence in David and raised him up to be king over Israel. 

Even though David loved God and his heart was right with God, He continually asked for God's guidance and direction. He said, "Cause me to know the way that I should go." But he didn't stop there. He not only wanted to know the will of God, but also said in verse ten, "Teach me to do Thy will." Doing God's will is totally different than knowing God's will. Many times we stand at a crossroad knowing the right path, but instead we choose the wrong path. Our heart is willing, but our flesh remains weak. God's will may overwhelm us at times because our finite mind can't seem to get it all into perspective. We try to figure out God's plan on our own instead of relying upon the Holy Spirit who is our "Comforter, Counselor, Helper, Intercessor, and Strengthener" (John 15:26 Amplified).

David sought the Lord's will in every area of His life. Sometimes, God told Him to go out and do battle. Other times, God told him to stand still and see the salvation of the Lord. Whatever God said, David did. We may have great affection for the Lord, but we cannot presume to know God's thoughts without seeking Him, for His thoughts are higher than our thoughts and His ways are much higher than our ways. Like David, we must ask God to cause us to know His will. When God shares this vital information with us, we then must ask Him to teach us how to fulfill it. God, Himself, is all that we need in order to complete His will. +++


Scripture: James 5:11 "You have heard of the patience of Job, and have seen the end of the Lord; that the Lord is very pitiful, and of tender mercy."

Job was rich in material blessings and was surrounded by a wonderful family. He was well known and respected in the city and he was also a man that worshiped God and hated evil. He was a good man who was enjoying his life when bad things began to happen to him. He suddenly lost everything that was dear to him, even his own health. In his trials, he experienced much that could have caused him to lose his patience. Yet because Job endured to the end, he received more than he lost because of God's pity and tender mercy.

Job had a hard path to follow, but we see his statements of positive commitment along the way. When his children and material blessings were taken from him, he didn't give up his faith in God. He recognized that everything that he had received in his life had came from God and acknowledged that it still belonged to God. He said, "Naked came I out of mother's womb, and naked I shall return." He also continued to worship God in the midst of his loss and stated, "The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away, blessed be the Name of the Lord" (Job 1:21). Even when Job felt threaten by death, he maintained his faith in God by saying, "Though God slay me, yet will I trust Him" (Job 13:15). Job spoke these words to his critical friends, while he was sitting there in an ash heap, scrapping the painful boils that covered his body.

Every believer suffers trials and experiences trouble at some point in their life. Maybe it is not to the same extent that Job suffered, but the challenges are there just the same. Job declared that God would not even allow him to catch his breath, but piled bitterness upon bitterness (Job 9:18 Message Bible). Yet, as hard as this was for Job, his trials were meant to be an example for us. God shows us the trials of Job's life so that we may understand that trials do come to good people and that tragedy can strike even though we are striving to live right. Job's life also shows us that trials do come to an end and that at the end of the matter God's tender mercy will prevail if we trust and believe in Him as Job did.

Still, it is hard to maintain faith when we are being tried, but God will help us if we call out to Him in the midst of it all. If we feel ourselves doubting, we must be honest and ask the Lord to help us with our unbelief. When we are tempted to give up in the midst of adversity, we must trust God to sustain our patience and be encouraged by the thoughts and words of the Apostle James. He said that at the end of our patience we will find that "The Lord is very pitiful and of tender mercy." +++


Scripture: Isaiah 30:15 "In quietness and in confidence shall be your strength."

Regardless of whether we are homemakers or business executives, our schedules often become hectic and hurried. Deadlines have to be reached and appointments met. There is so much to do with so little time to do it, and before we know it, we are stretched to the limit and stressed out. The answer to this daily dilemma is found in God's Word. It is the simple spiritual law of quietness before God. Like the law of gravity, I can't explain it, but I know that quietness before God works. As we take a few moments to get quiet in the presence of the Lord, He supplies us with a grace that gives us strength to meet every challenge.

Isaiah 40:30-31 declares that even "The young will faint and be weary, but they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength." Waiting on the Lord enables you to draw strength from Him so that you can complete your course without weariness or fainting. Being quiet and putting your confidence in God is a discipline that shows your submission to the sovereignty of God and His will. As you wait and are still before God, He directs your paths and makes the crooked ways straight. Things will then fall into place without stress and struggle.

Even though Jesus had only three years to complete His ministry assignment on earth, He took time to rest. In Mark 6:3, He told the disciples "Come apart into a desert place, and rest for awhile." It is said that if we don't "come apart and rest" we will "come apart." Jesus knew the importance of taking time to wait before God. In Luke 6:12, He prayed all night and in Mark 1:35, He arose a great while before day, went into a solitary place, and prayed. He knew His strength came from the anointing and confidence that He gained while He was in the quietness of God's presence.

Reflect on the concepts of this prayer and allow your soul to be quiet and slow down. Authorship of this prayer is unknown.

"Slow me down, Lord!
Ease the pounding of my heart by the quieting of my mind.
Steady my hurried pace with a vision of the eternal reach of time.
Give me, midst the confusion of the day, the calmness of the
everlasting hills.
Break the tensions of my nerves and muscles with the soothing music
of the singing streams that live in my memory.
Help me to know the magical, restoring power of sleep.
Teach me the art of taking minute vacations.....
of slowing down to look at a flower, to chat with a friend,
to pat a dog, or to read a few lines from a good book.
Remind me each day of the fable of the hare and the tortoise
that I may know that the race is not always to the swift;
that there is more to life than increasing its speed.
Let me look upward into the branches of the towering oak and
know that it grew great and strong because it grew slowly and well.
Slow me down, Lord, and inspire me
to send my roots deep into the soil of life's enduring values
that I may grow toward the stars of my great destiny.
In Jesus' Name. Amen"

A Word In Due Season
4th Week of February 2014


Scripture: Psalms 46:1 "God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble."

We often speak of the spiritual armor that God has provided for us and the seasons of spiritual warfare that we must face. This scripture, however, gives us another concept of victory in battle. It is a picture of a successful defense rather than a victorious campaign. It is a place that we can run to and find refuge and renewed strength. This place is God's presence, for His presence brings power and shields us from our enemy. As Psalms 91 declares, we have nothing to fear because God will cover us with His feathers and hide us under His wings.

My family recently went on an outing to the beach. A storm had passed through the area just the day before and had left the sand unstable. We parked our vehicle on the beach just as we had done for years without incident. Suddenly we discovered that the van was sinking. We tried frantically to remedy the situation but all was in vain, as it sunk deeper and deeper into the sand. There was nothing we could do and natural help seemed too far away. This scripture came to my mind in the midst of this dilemma and I reminded God that He said that He would be a "very present help in trouble." Others were praying also. Time was of the essence and there was no room for delay. We were in trouble and needed God to show Himself strong right then and right there. Just before the body of the van went into the watery sand, a group of teenagers came to our rescue. God delivered us and made sure His promise to us that He was indeed a very present help in the time of trouble.

You may have a battle today that is totally out of your hands. The enemy may have you up against the wall and it may seem that there is no way out. You may have no strength left in your being to maintain the warfare. Your hopes may be dashed and your future may seem dim as you see your situation sinking into the sand. These are the times that you need to run to God and hide in His presence. Let Him be your refuge and allow Him to renew your strength. He is not a God that is going to be. He is a God that is. God is God all by Himself and He can take care of any situation. There is nothing too difficult for Him. Trust God for He is with you now and He is a present help in the time of trouble. +++


Scripture: I Kings 19:11 " ... the Lord passed by ..."

Elijah had served the Lord with great zeal but he came to the place where he felt that he was all alone and that he was the only prophet left in Israel. He was in despair and even wanted God to take his life from him (Vs. 4). God told Elijah to go stand on the mountain and that He would speak to him there. God then allowed Elijah to experience a great and strong wind, an earthquake, and a fire. Elijah listened intently for the Lord. Yet, God's voice was not heard in any of these mighty occurrences. When God finally approached Elijah, He came as a still small voice. There was quietness and the sound of a gentle whisper when God spoke to him. After Elijah's long season of discouragement, God commissioned him again for the ministry.

Have you ever felt ignored in life or ministry? The doors have not opened for you and rejection has met you at every corner just to mock you. You can't seem to find direction and have even struggled with your own identity. That old question plagues your mind, "Who am I, and where am I going?" Could it be that you are listening to all of the outside extreme forces such as the great and strong wind, the earthquake, and the fire? While all the time God wants you to ignore the distractions so that He can speak to you in a quiet whisper. He has declared that He has a good plan for your life (Jeremiah 9:11). Your life is not an accident. God ordained your life before you were ever born and He placed you in situations so that He could train you for His purposes. The Lord longs to share His plan with you and give you direction for your life so that you can complete that plan. You must be willing to listen to Him. 

God is always faithful and He understands your weaknesses. He knows when your spirit is broken and realizes when you cannot go any further without His intervention. Like Elijah's desperate moment, God sees you in the valleys of despair and in the depths of hopelessness. Yet, He is never far from you. He walks right into the midst of the storm to rescue you because He loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life. He will touch your present life and give you a vision and hope for the future. If you want your life to change so that you can be all that God wants you to be, take note when He passes by and listen very carefully for His gentle whisper. +++


Scripture: I Corinthians 3:9 "For we are laborers together with God."

The Apostle Paul was a very important man to the kingdom of God and had many reasons to promote himself above others. Philippians 3:5 and 6 declares that there was no fault in him. He was circumcised on the eighth day, and he was of the race of Israel and of the tribe of Benjamin. He was of the party of Pharisees and observed all of the laws. He was so zealous for God that he persecuted the church with a good conscious. In verse four, Paul said if anyone had reason to rely on themselves, he had more. 

Even though Paul had all these things going for him, he put them aside. He forgot his prestige and counted his personal abilities as loss. Throughout his ministry Paul never sought to exalt himself above others, but became a servant to the very church that he once persecuted. He became a laborer with those who were trying to spread the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. He knew that he could not do the work of the ministry alone and neither could they. Paul spoke against those who manifested envy, strife, and division by trying to exalt him above Appolos, who was another minister of the Lord Jesus. Paul explained that he had planted, Appolos had watered, but God was the one who gave the increase. Paul and Appolos were ministering for the same cause and Paul realized that both of them were nothing without the work of the Holy Spirit in their lives.

In the twelfth chapter of I Corinthians, Paul said that we are all part of the body of Christ and that every member has an important role. In Ephesians 2:21, He also likened the members of the church to a building that is fitly framed together. He emphasized that no part of the body or the building is more significant than the other. He also showed us by example that we are not to envy someone else, feel intimidated by our low degree, or exalt ourselves. We are God's workmanship and He sets the terms, placing us where He wants us to be. We are accountable to fulfill that responsibility. We need to work together. Like the Paul and Appolos scenario, if you plant the seed, I need to water, and vice versa. We are not to strive one against the other, as there is no place for division in the Kingdom of God. Jesus is one Lord over us all and He will bring the increase as we labor together with Him. +++


Scripture: Mark 4:40 "Why are you fearful? How is it that you have no faith?"

Jesus told His disciples to go to the other side of the lake. However, He did not tell them about the storms that they would encounter while trying to get to the other side. Neither did He mention the difficulty they would have in obeying His command or trying fulfill His will. Have you ever followed the leading of the Holy Spirit and found yourself in a seemingly bad situation? You know that you are in the will of God, yet you find yourself in a great storm, your boat is filling up with water, your life is in jeopardy, and although you know Jesus is there with you, it seems that He is asleep.

These times become very frustrating because we can't understand what is happening or why God doesn't intervene immediately and take care of the whole situation. We allow our emotions to take control and we react to our situations like the disciples did. They asked Jesus, "Do you not care?" Their very words showed their feelings of rejection. Have you ever felt that God didn't even care about you or your situation? You see God answering other people's prayers and working on their behalf, but He is strangely silent concerning you. There seems to be no answers or help for you as you stand alone in your dilemma. In Psalm 42:3 the psalmist said, "My tears have been my meal day and night, while they continually say unto me, 'Where is your God?'" Even his tears were questioning his circumstances.

The disciples were feeling the same way about Jesus. They were afraid that He was going to let them perish in the storm. They forgot that His words to them were, "Let us go to the other side." His intention was to get to the other side of the lake safely. The storm in the middle of the lake was just a test of their faith. The disciples, however, allowed their emotions and feeling of rejection and fear to destroy their faith. In Luke's account of this story, Jesus says, "Where is your faith?" He asks us the same question. We must decide, "Is our faith in God, or in what our emotions dictate to us?"

Jesus did two things in this circumstance. He rebuked the wind, then spoke to the sea and said, "Peace be still." He showed us by example that when the storms of life come against us, we are to rebuke the spirit that is the root cause of the situation, and then speak peace to the physical circumstances. We are to place our faith in God and continue in His will despite the contrary winds and adversities that are coming against us. We must believe that if the Lord told us to go, He will make a way for us to get there. If He told us to do something, He will help us do it. It is very easy to trust God when the sun is shinning, but real faith causes you to have peace even in the midst of the raging storm. +++


Scripture: Deuteronomy 31:6 "Be strong and of good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the Lord your God, He goes with you; He will not fail you, nor forsake you."

Moses tried very hard to lead the Israelites into the place that God had for them, but many of them missed out on the promises of God because of a spirit of discouragement. This discouragement came from within the group as they began to talk about the obstacles that would stand in their way. The discouraging voices said that the cities that they were to face were very great and had mighty walls. These same voices also spoke of the people who were greater and taller than themselves, in fact their enemies were giants. As God's people heard these words, their souls became very discouraged and they spoke against God and Moses (Numbers 21:4-5). Those who had no faith also deprived their brothers of their confidence and hope. Their negative words drained their spirits and caused their hearts to melt.

There will be those in your life whose words will deprive you of your confidence and hope. Very often discouragement will come from those closest to you. They may even do this in good will, thinking that they are giving you good counsel. In their own hearts they may have your best interest in mind. Yet if you listen and give heed to their disapproval and objections, their words will drain your spirit and destroy your dreams. Their words will prevent you from completing God's will and deprive you from His blessings.

When hindering words from any source come to you, you must make a decision to either operate in the positive (courage), or operate in the negative (discouragement). There is no neutral ground. It is either faith or fear. Not only must you disallow discouraging words to affect you, you must be very careful with your own words when you find yourself in the midst of a challenging situation. For if you are not careful you will be the one to speak words that would discourage someone else's faith and deprive them of their blessing.

Our courage rests in our faith and our hope in a faithful God enables us to face danger and hardships with confidence. Faith and hope cause us to be brave and resolute regardless of our circumstances and the fears that seek to hinder us. God said that He is the one who goes with us and He has promised never to fail or forsake us. We need no other words to keep our minds and hearts in peace. We do not have to struggle with fear for God is in control. We only need to rest in God's promise and "Be" strong and "Be" of good courage. +++

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