............ A Word In Due Season
1st Week of May 2014


Scripture: Revelation 1:5 "Unto Him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in His own blood."

We can do nothing to wash our own sins away except to come to Jesus and "confess with our mouth that He is Lord, and believe in our hearts that God raised Him from the dead" (Romans 10:9). However, once we have confessed our sins and have been washed in His precious blood there are things that we can do to stay clean.

Can you imagine putting your dirty clothes back on after you have taken a refreshing shower? The dirty clothes would cause you to still look and feel unclean. The Apostle Paul tells us that if we have been born again, we are a new person. We have been raised to new life through Christ Jesus and we are to set our minds on the things above and think differently. Once cleansed by the blood of Jesus, we are not to go back and put on the old filthy deeds that oppose the will of God in our lives.

Paul lists these deeds in Colossians 3:8-9 and says, "Put away and get rid of all the old ways such as anger, rage, bad feelings toward others, curses and slander, foul mouthed abuse, and shameful utterances. Do not lie to one another, for you have stripped off the old unregenerate self with its evil practices." We are not to even consider putting these things back into our cleansed lives. Putting dirty deeds over a cleansed heart would be like putting dirty clothes over a cleansed body. The unclean sinful ways destroy our witness and testimony for Christ because people are not able to discern that we have been born again. Our outward sinful and unclean nature hides our cleansed and reborn spirit.

We are to put on the new man, or to "clothe ourselves with the new spiritual self ... after the image and likeness of God" (Colossians 3:10). The next few verses tell us what our new spiritual clothes are to be. We are to put on behavior that is marked by tenderhearted pity and mercy. We are to be kind, gentle, and patience. We are also to be long suffering and have the power to endure whatever comes, with a good temper. We are to have a lowly opinion of ourselves and be ready to pardon and forgive others as Christ forgave us. Above all, we must "put on love...and let the peace of God rule in our hearts." The Apostle Paul speaks the same message in Ephesians 4:22-32. He says that WE are to put off our former nature and old self, and WE are to put on the new nature that has been created in God's image. Jesus redeemed and washed us on the inside with His blood but we are the ones who have to decide to put on the new nature that has been provided for us. +++


Scripture: Exodus 31:1-4 (NRS) "The Lord spoke to Moses: See, I have called by name Bezaleel ... to devise artistic designs ..."

We recognize the name of Moses, a man who was chosen by God for a special work, which was to bring God's people out of their bondage in Egypt. This exodus and mighty deliverance was a journey that lasted forty years and everyday they experienced miracles, wonders and supernatural provisions. Yet, most of us would not recognize the name of Bezaleel who traveled with Moses and this entourage of millions of people. Because Bezaleel's name only appears a few times in the scriptures, we may think that he was insignificant, but the truth is that he was also chosen and called by God to do a special work. God not only called him but also filled him with His Spirit and gave him great wisdom, ability, and skill to construct the Tabernacle and everything that it contained. Bezaleel even made the Ark of the Covenant (Exodus 37:1). We hear much about the Ark of the Covenant, but little if any about this man who actually made it.

God was so particular with the design for the Tabernacle and the things within it that He called Bezaleel by name to make sure that he would be the one to devise the artistic designs. God chose him and then validated his call and assignment to Moses. Can you imagine how Bezaleel must have felt as he left Egypt and wandered around the wilderness? He may have thought that his artistic gift would never be used again. Yet, God had a wonderful plan for him and used him to create beautiful things to be used in worship even in the midst of the wilderness experience.

God commissions all of us for particular works and it is not our place to second-guess His choices. We may think that His gifts and calling only include the spiritual things like preaching, teaching the Bible, or being a missionary. Yet we see in this scripture that God also anoints artists for His purposes because God loves art and beauty. In fact, God paints every sunrise and sunset, which are new and fresh each day. He also creates the magnificent colors of the rainbow and the glorious silver lining behind the clouds. Even the beauty and wonders of the moon and stars at night are credited to His awesome artistic handiwork.

God has gifts and callings available in every category of life and He can use the least of us for His glorious purposes for He is the artist of our souls. We need to prepare ourselves and be willing and obedient to answer when He calls. We must not allow our current circumstances or our lack to dictate our God ordained destiny. We must understand that God is in control and that His gifts and callings are without repentance (Romans 11:29). At some point, even in the desert wilderness or place of hopelessness, God will validate our gifts before others and He will call us out by name to do the work that He has designed for us to do. +++

A Word In Due Season
2nd Week of May 2014


Scripture: Romans 1:8 "... your faith is spoken of throughout the whole world."

Paul was looking forward to ministering to the church in Rome and he wrote a letter to them to prepare the way for his visit. He gave thanks to God for them and for their testimony of faith. He told them that their faith was so profound that it had gained its own reputation and was widely known and spoken of throughout the whole world.

Everything that we accomplish, whether natural or spiritual, depends upon our faith. In the natural, we plant seeds in faith expecting to reap a harvest. We invest our finances believing that we will gain. We buy in faith and sell in faith believing that every transaction will be profitable. We work hard each week expecting to be compensated by those we serve. We invest in friendships and relationships with faith in our heart that the love we give will be returned to us in some manner. In the spiritual, we pray in faith believing that God, Himself, will hear our words and answer our prayers. We ask in faith because the Lord said that if we ask it would be given to us. We seek in faith because He said that we would find, and we knock in faith because He told us that the doors would open.

The world about us watches our every effort and most of the time it is without our knowledge. I recall the year when my husband was dying of cancer. It was a season when my faith was sorely tried, physically, financially, and emotionally. It took every ounce of faith to make it through the long dark valley of the shadow of death. Yet, the Lord was true to His Word every step of the way. He was always near, met every need, and was a present help in the time of trouble. We were a family that lived from payday to payday, yet we made it through several months with no savings and no income. When I had to drive my very sickly husband to the hospital for his radiation treatments in the 100-degree Texas heat in a car with no air conditioner, I asked God to give my husband a cloud. Each day, without fail, for several weeks a cloud came just at the right time to cool down the car for the 25-mile journey to the hospital, then it would disappear until the time for the return journey home. 

I cannot explain faith's mystery or how we even made it through that year. I only know that God was faithful. When I was the weakest, God revealed His strength. I later found out that my neighbors were watching as I leaned upon the Lord and allowed Him to take me through the valley one day at a time. A neighbor remarked that she drew strength from my example, which helped her get through the same situation the next year. II Corinthians 3:2 says that we are an epistle, known and read of all men. Faith has a reputation, whether it is weak or strong. What is your faith speaking to those in the world around you? +++


Scripture: Ephesians 4:2 (Living Bible) "Be humble and gentle. Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other's faults because of your love."

As believers and followers of the Lord Jesus Christ, we have inherited a responsibility to walk worthy of the divine calling that is placed on our lives. We cannot and must not act or react in the same manner as those who do not profess Christ as their Lord. Our lives are an open book that is read of all men and we must be careful of what we write on the pages. Our actions must encourage those in the faith and be a witness to those who are searching for the reality of God. Our speech must be tempered and our words must always minister grace to the hearer. All that we do in word or deed must be done to manifest the glory of God, for we are new creations in Christ Jesus.

Did you notice that Paul didn't tell us to be humble, gentle, and patient to those with faults because they desire it or deserve it? He didn't even tell us to do it because of God's love toward those who are at fault. Instead, Paul said we are to act with humility and gentleness because of the love of God that is within us. We are also to be patient and make allowances for each other's faults. In other words, we are to allow others to have faults. Then we are to be so filled with love ourselves that the love in our heart is able to flow out and cover their faults and overshadow all of their transgressions. 

Love is a powerful force because its source is God, for God is love (I John 4:16). When you say that you have love in your heart, you are saying that you have God, Himself, within you. This is an awesome and overwhelming thought. When God is within you and His love is reigning on the throne of your heart, there will be a manifestation of humility, gentleness, and patience in your life. Your behavior will be a credit to God's kingdom because of the love that you show towards those who have faults. +++


Scripture: Ecclesiastes 7:10 (Living Bible) "Don't long for the 'good old days', for you don't know whether they were any better than these!"

Often we look back on life and may wish that we could return to the "good old days." We remember the times that our children's laughter filled our homes, but now they have homes and families of their own. They may even live in distant cities and we rarely get to see them. Possibly, we recall our own youth and long for the love of our mothers and fathers or loved ones, which are no longer with us. We remember a time of freedom from the tremendous burdens of responsibility of adulthood that we now face. Maybe we think of a more prosperous time or a time of better health than what we are experiencing at this current season of our lives. Whatever the case, time has a way of changing things. And regardless of our desire, there is no way to turn back the hands of time. Life goes forward.

Solomon, in all of his wisdom, instructs us not to long for the former days or to wonder why they seem so much better than today. He said it's not wise for us to look back because we don't know for sure that the former days were better than the day that we are now living in. We are to live this day to the fullest, cherish every moment, and celebrate each experience. We are to recognize that all things may not seem to be good at the moment, but that good can come from all things. This is God's promise to us. Our attitude is what makes the difference. God rewards those who trust Him and who do not murmur and complain.

In Philippians 4:11-12, Paul teaches us this same concept. He tells us to be content in all things. We are to learn how to be abased when we suffer lack and how to abound when we have plenty. We are not to long for the 'good old days' or wish for a better future day. We are to count each day as a blessing and a gift from God. God is using each day and every circumstance in our life to mold us and make us into His special vessels. We must trust Him and not look back or long for the past. God has made today for us and given us breath to experience it. It should be an adventure and we should "rejoice and be glad in it" (Psalms 118:24). +++


Scripture: Luke 5:5 "At thy word I will let down the net."

Jesus told His disciples to launch out into the deep water and to let down their nets, and then they would catch a lot of fish. Peter's response was similar to what ours would be in this situation. He said, "Master, we have toiled all the night, and have taken nothing." Peter was saying, "But Jesus, you just don't understand the situation." Peter was a fisherman by trade and he knew how to fish. He knew when to fish and he also knew when not to fish. They had just come from the lake and the fish were not biting. He was trying to tell Jesus, the carpenter, that this was not a good time to fish. In essence Peter was saying, "Jesus, you can do carpenter work anytime. The hammer, saws, and nails will always work with the wood, but in the fishing trade you have to have the cooperation of the fish. We have fished all night long and this just isn't a good time to fish."

Although Peter and his partners were exhausted, they did not ask if they could go home and rest a few hours. They just responded to Jesus even though it meant that they would have to clean their nets again when they finished, regardless of whether they caught any fish this time or not. And although the timing seemed against his better judgment as a fisherman, Peter submitted himself to the Lord and said, "Nevertheless at Thy Word I will let down the net." Had they postponed God's timing, they may have missed their miracle altogether. But when they acted upon Jesus' Word, they gathered a multitude of fish so great that their nets began to break and they had to ask the other boats that were surrounding them for help to bring the fish in.

Jesus gave Peter and his men a direct word with a promise. He said, "Let down your nets for a large catch of fish." When Jesus spoke these words, He meant exactly what He said. Peter and his men were to expect a great haul of fish. Like this story, when God tells us to do something, He means what He says and will stand behind each and every word. His word to us will always be productive and effective, and will accomplish His purposes. Yet, the Lord will only fulfill His promise when we submit to Him. We must obey and not lean upon our own understanding, realizing that God's ways are higher than our ways and His thoughts are higher than our thoughts. When the Lord speaks, we must act and not wait until it is more convenient, for His timing is just as important as His calling. +++


Scripture: Proverbs 31:10 & 28 "Who can find a virtuous woman? For her price is far above rubies ... Her children rise up and call her blessed; her husband praises her."

Women and mothers are very special. Each day of their lives is one of sacrifice and giving, and their greatest reward is to know that they have made a difference in the lives of their family, whom they love and cherish. There is no greater reward for a woman than to have her children bless her or her husband praise her. Likewise, there is no greater need or satisfaction than for a child to have a mother who is a blessing to them or for a husband to have a virtuous wife whom he can trust and truthfully praise. Solomon declared that the worth of this type of woman is far above monetary value. She can't be purchased with the simple price of rubies, and her role and influence cannot be passed over as unimportant. She directs the future as she "trains up her children in the way that they should go, so that they do not depart from the right path" (Proverbs 22:6)

In II Timothy 1:5, we see an example of the importance of mothers and grandmothers who taught and lived their faith in front of their children. The great Apostle Paul taught and mentored young Timothy in the things of the Lord, yet, Paul gave much of the credit for Timothy's faith to Timothy's mother, Lois, and his grandmother, Eunice. Paul said that he remembered Timothy's sincere and unqualified faith. He noticed that Timothy had been taught to lean entirely upon God and had displayed an absolute trust and confidence in God's power, wisdom, and goodness. Paul had also seen this same type of simple but profound trust in God in the hearts of Timothy's mother and grandmother, who were women of virtue. It was easy to recognize that their influence had affected Timothy in a big way and that the pure faith which they possessed had been transferred to him in the same degree and measure. Lois and Eunice had been diligent to train Timothy in the things of God and in the way that he should go. The evidence of their faith lingered in the heart of Timothy and the results could definitely be seen.

There will be days in our lives that will be uneventful and maybe even seem boring, but we should never forget how important our roles are as mothers, grandmothers, and wives. We have great influence so we should always strive to be virtuous women of purpose. Proverbs 31:10-31 declares that a virtuous woman has strength, ability, efficiency, wealth, valor, faith, and is excellent in every way. Her price is far above rubies and she cannot be purchased. Yet, her love, faithfulness, and service to her home and family come free. We should ask God daily to help us develop these characteristics. We can be assured that when these qualities show forth in each day of our lives, our children will rise up and call us blessed and our husbands will praise us. +++

A Word In Due Season
3rd Week of May 2014


Scripture: Ephesians 6:15 "And your feet shod with the gospel of peace."

One of the most important choices of our day is to select the appropriate shoes to wear. We have various selections, from work shoes to dress shoes. Paul told us to put on the whole armor of God, and in that armor he included the shoes of the gospel of the preparation of peace. The shoes were just as important as the breastplate, helmet, shield, or any other piece of the armor, for no soldier goes into battle barefooted. Without proper shoes or boots, a soldier can't march very long or be able to do battle against the enemy. So it is in the spiritual. You cannot last long in the battles of life unless your feet are protected with God's supernatural peace.

As the day begins, you must make time to fill your heart with God and His Word, for His Word is the gospel of peace. As you linger in His presence and mediate upon His Word, He pours Himself into your soul. He instills strength and gives you faith for the journey of the day that is set before you. God makes you equal to every task, and through Him you find that you are able to do all things because His strength is abiding in you. The silent company of His Spirit engulfs your being as you walk peacefully through the turbulence of life's situations. You become a witness to others as they sense this supernatural manifestation of God's peace in your life. You are an example of the Kingdom of God on this earth, which is righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost (Romans 14:17).

Paul said, "Look carefully how you walk! Live purposefully, worthily, and accurately, not as the unwise and witless, but as wise - sensible, intelligent people" (Ephesians 5:15 Amp). It is not sensible or wise to live outside the realm of peace, for it will inflict havoc in your body, soul, and spirit just as marching barefoot will cause problems with your feet and other parts of your body. You must be wise and purposefully put on the shoes of peace that God has provided through His Son, Jesus.

In John 14:27 (Amp) Jesus said, "Peace I leave with you; My Own peace I now give and bequeath to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be trouble, neither let it be afraid - stop allowing yourselves to be agitated and disturbed; and do not permit yourselves to be fearful, intimidated, cowardly, and unsettled." Every moment of this day, make a personal determination that you will walk in the shoes that God has provided so that you can experience His supernatural peace that passes all understanding. +++


Scripture: Numbers 33:53 "You shall dispossess the inhabitants of the land, and dwell therein: for I have given you the land to possess it."

God led His people out of Egypt with a great promise. He told them that there was a land before them that was exceedingly rich. In fact, He said that it flowed with milk and honey. God gave this Promised Land to His people, but they had to go in and possess it themselves. This meant that before they moved in and took over, they had to dispossess the inhabitants that were already living there. To make matters worse, some of the inhabitants were giants and some of the cities were surrounded with walls. The challenge looked fierce, but God promised to go with them and fight for them.

We have many promises from God that are written in the scriptures. These words are exceedingly rich and they cover everything that we will ever need. God's blessings are waiting to be possessed. Yet with every promise, there comes a challenge. There are giants that must be overcome and there are walls that must be torn down. These strong forces are not easy to dispossess, but we can trust God to be with us each step of the way because He wants us to possess the blessings that He has made available. We must be steadfast in our efforts and remember that when the giants get too big and the battle gets too rough, the Lord will fight for us.

For every promise that God gave to us, He gave us an instruction on how to possess that promise. He told us that He wanted us to prosper and be in health, even as our soul prospers (III John 2). If we want to live in God's hope for prosperity in our lives, we must dispossess the spirit of poverty that resides in our soul. Dispossessing poverty comes by obeying God's words concerning money. The scriptures teach us that we must work hard, be wise and frugal with our funds, and share with others by giving tithes, offering, and alms. If we want to possess good health, we must obey God's laws that concern our physical bodies. Good health does not come without responsibility. We must eat right, get plenty of rest, exercise, and deal with stress in the proper manner. We can't possess health until we dispossess the bad habits that plague us.

If we want to remain pure and holy before God, we must dispossess the ungodly thoughts that linger in our minds that would lead us to commit sinful acts. At the first sign of temptation, we must resist the devil and flee. If we want to possess peace in our lives, we must dispossess strife and disallow division to rule and reign in our hearts. If we want to overcome addictions, we must dispossess them by refusing to give in or to give up. We must cast down imaginations and every thought that exalts itself against the spirit of Christ so that we can be transformed into His image. 

The Promised Land is ours for the taking, but we must be like Joshua and Caleb. We must have faith in God and voice our victory before the battles begins. With God's help, we will be able to possess the land, for He is bigger than any foe that needs to be driven out. The plan is simple. Dispossess the enemy so that you may possess God's promises. +++


Scripture: Matthew 23:23 (NIV) "You have neglected the more important matters of the law --- justice, mercy and faithfulness."

Jesus spoke boldly to the religious leaders of His day and condemned them for strictly adhering to the law but not taking care of the more important matters. They were indeed paying their tithes, even on the smallest of herbs, but at the same time they were neglecting the law of justice, mercy and faithfulness. Their good works were only done so that they could be seen by others. They distorted their faces to announce that they were fasting and would sound trumpets in the streets when they gave their gifts to the church. Yet, they had no mercy when it came to those in true need, for they took financial advantage of the widows and neglected to care for their own elderly parents. In their hearts, the religious laws were far above the spirit of love, mercy and grace. They made no exceptions to the law even when exceptions were necessary so that the goodness of God could be presented to the people. They even found fault with Jesus when He healed people on the Sabbath day because they were bound by the law of the Sabbath.

Jesus, on the other hand, was unlike these religious leaders. Although He taught the scriptures in the Synagogue, spent time with the doctors and lawyers, fasted, prayed, and did the other spiritual things that they did, He never allowed Himself to get bound up with the religious laws. He didn't condemn the law but He came to fulfill it, and through His awesome works He displayed love, mercy, faith, and compassion to those who were hurting. He didn't move away from the woman with an issue of blood when she touched Him although the law said that she was unclean and that it was a transgression for her to be in public. Jesus didn't condemn the woman caught in adultery or the woman at the well who had been married five times and was now living with a man who was not her husband. Instead He brought forgiveness, healing, and restoration to these women. Jesus also dined and fellowshipped with the tax collectors and thieves in order to win them to God. And He chose unlikely and imperfect men to follow Him as His disciples in ministry.

Jesus' destiny was not cheap. It came with the great price of His life. So while He was here on Earth, He used His time and efforts wisely and paid attention to the more important matters of life. Jesus cared for the needs of people. He strengthened the weak, fed the hungry, healed the sick, and taught the scriptures to the meek. He came to serve and not be served. Jesus has given us the same mandate and commissioned us to do the same works that He did. We are to follow the laws of the land and obey the laws of God. But like Jesus, we too are to give heed to the more important aspects of the law. We are to love the unlovely and lift up the fallen. We are not to neglect the true needs of people, but instead we are to respond in love by fulfilling the law of justice, mercy, and faithfulness. +++


Scripture: Psalms 119:50 "This is my comfort in my distress, that Your promise gives me life."

When distress comes into your life, and it will, you can find comfort in God's Word. Isaiah 40:8 tells us that "the grass will wither and the flowers will fade, but the Word of the Lord shall stand forever." God's Word is eternal. It never withers and never fades away. In the midst of conflict, His Word remains stable and unmovable and in every circumstance it refreshes the soul and revives the spirit. There is life in every word that God has spoken and there is hope in every promise that He has made.

The scriptures were written for our learning and instruction and it is through the patience and comfort of these words that we have hope (Romans 15:4). Job was a man who suffered many afflictions, yet despite the pain, he never denied the words of the Holy God. Job found much comfort as God spoke to him, and he determined that even if God were to slay him, he would still trust God. Even in the face of death, Job trusted God and found comfort in His promises. David also declared that he had hid the Word of God in his own heart so that those words would keep him from sinning against God.

Words themselves are very meaningful and God's words are powerful. If you want to be rescued from temptation and comforted in the times of affliction, you must learn the scriptures. You must also store the Word away in your heart in the same fashion that David did and trust in the Word as Job did. Establish a Word account in your heart just as you would establish a bank account for your finances. As with a bank account, you can't draw God's Words from your heart if you haven't deposited them there. Neither can you find comfort in His Word if you haven't learned what the scriptures teach. You must memorize and hide God's Word and promises in the secret chambers of your heart so that you can be refreshed and revived as the Spirit of God quickens those words to you.

If you do not consume God's Word on a regular basis, you will suddenly find yourself overdrawn with nothing fresh to lean upon. With your Word account depleted, you will lose hope, become discouraged, and suffer defeat. In these stressful times, you can't allow that to happen. God's Words are guaranteed to give life. Allow Him to plant them deep within your soul so that you can find hope and experience comfort in the seasons of distress. +++


Philippians 3:13-14 "... this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark ..."

Paul knew that he was not all that he should be as he endeavored to complete God's calling for his life, but he kept working towards that goal. He never let anything separate him from obeying and following after God's will regardless of how difficult the situation became or how challenging the disappointments. Paul just kept going forward one step at a time. He declared, "This one thing I do." One of the first things that Paul decided to do was to forget the past. He was not going to allow his past to haunt him or hold him back from completing the race that was set before him. He knew that looking back would only cause him to lose time and possibly make him stumble. Besides that, he knew that the past could not be relived.

In any race, once you start, you are on your way and regardless of how bad your initial start is you can't go back to the starting line. Paul's start was not so good although he had many good qualities. His resume for a minister of the Lord Jesus Christ and a writer of the gospel was not very impressive for he had persecuted the church. Even after his conversion on the road to Damascus, these past memories were still there to haunt him. How many times did the scene of Stephen being stoned flash into his memory? How many times did grief and remorse attack his spirit for the other dreadful things that he was responsible for? Yet, Paul said, "I forget those things that be behind."

Second, Paul reached forth for the things that were before him. He put the past behind him so that he could experience new things in Christ. He caught hold of the vision that God had for his life and he continued in his race, making each step count. It takes little effort to start the race when your strength is fresh or to run across the finish line, but it takes great effort to make the strenuous mundane steps that are in between. Putting one foot in front of the other can become boring and discouraging, especially when everyone else seems to be passing you and there are no shortcuts in view.

A friend of mine told this story. She was in a hurry to get to a certain destination. As it happened, a truck pulling a boat got in front of her on a two lane - no passing zone - street. Things were moving too slowly for her so after a while, she decided to take another route so that she could get ahead of the situation. She turned and went down several streets as fast as she could and then finally got back to the main road. As she sat at the stop sign waiting to turn onto the main road again, she had to wait for the same truck with the boat to pass. Despite all of her efforts, she found herself behind the truck and boat again. Sometimes our anxieties try to hurry God along in His plan. Yet, when we try to take shortcuts, we find ourselves no further down the road because God has ordered our steps and He is testing our patience as He works His plan.

The third thing Paul did was to press towards the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. There are two things to keep in your sight as you run the race. One is the mark, which is the final destination, the goal, or the finish line. The other is the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. If you want to live in God's will one hundred percent of the time, just pursue it fifteen minutes at a time. Each step committed to Him will eventually get you there.

Philippians 1:6 (Amplified) says, "He who began a good work in you will continue until the day of Jesus Christ - right up to the time of His return - developing [that good work] and perfecting and bringing it to full completion in you." So regardless of your situation, remember that God is able to bring about His original plans and complete His purposes in your life. You need to simply forget the past, reach forth for the vision of the future, and press towards that goal one step at a time. +++

A Word In Due Season
4th Week of May 2014


Scripture: Romans 14:12 "So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God."

We all have people in our lives that we are accountable to, and whether we realize it or not, God has set them as precious guards for our souls. They are stones beneath our feet that keep us stable in life's circumstances. Many times, our accountability to them is established by relationship and may be unspoken. The circles of our accountability may be our supervisors or co-workers, our teachers or students, our parents or children, our family members or friends, or our church leaders and pastors. Yet, whoever they may be, our relationship allows them the right to watch over us and to speak into our lives. We must be ready at all times to render to them an account of our words and an explanation for our behavior. 

Beyond the natural, there is a higher place of accountability in our lives and that is with God, Himself. When Daniel Webster was asked, "What is the greatest thought that can occupy a man's mind?" His answer was, "His accountability to God." In Psalms 139:7, David asked God, "Where shall I go to flee from Your presence?" There is no where to go in order to get away from our place of responsibility and accountability to God. He is in our high places and our low places. He is with us in the darkness as well as the light. Yet, we often forget this minor detail. When no one is around, we do things and say things that would shame us in front of others. We fail to consider that God is there with us. If we could physically see Him, it would probably make a tremendous difference in our secret actions. Yet, God is always watching everything that we do and hearing all that we say. He even knows the thoughts in our hearts.

Joseph was a young man who was confronted by Potiphar's wife. When she tempted him to sin, Joseph let her know that he was committed to his master and was accountable to his God. Even though no one would see his acts of indiscretion, he declared, "How can I do this great wickedness, and sin against God?" Even in the secret and dark places, he knew that he was still accountable for his actions. King David experienced the same feelings when his sin was exposed. He made himself accountable to the prophet, Nathan, and acknowledged his grievous sin to the Lord. He told the Lord, "Against Thee, Thee only have I sinned."

Sin speaks of the pleasure that will be enjoyed for the moment, but never says anything about the long-term consequences that will follow. It speaks of fun and not the heartache and pain that it will leave behind. It speaks of secrecy and not transparency. So in the moment of choice, let us remember that we are all personally accountable to those that we are in relationship with. And most importantly, that each of us will have to give an account of himself to God. +++


Hebrews 4:16 "Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in the time of need."

God's promise of mercy and grace for the time of need is offered to each one of us individually. Under the old covenant, the priests were the only ones who could enter into the Holy of Holies and they could only do that once a year. When Jesus was crucified the veil of the temple was torn from top to bottom signifying that every believer could go into the Holy presence of the Lord. No longer did they have to depend upon their priest, for they were provided direct access to God through the shed blood of Jesus Christ. The writer of Hebrews now tells us that we not only have the privilege to approach God but that we can do it with boldness and without fear and trembling.

Whatever you are facing today, God gives hope in all situations. He offers you healing, prosperity, forgiveness, and blessings in many other areas. These provisions of God are not only sufficient, but they are also personal. God wants all of your needs met. We would fill up many pages if we began to list all of the good things that we know God has in store for us. Yet, Ephesians 3:20 tells us that His bounty is beyond our knowledge. It says that God is able to do exceeding abundantly more than we could ask or think. His promises are faithful. They have been signed with the precious blood of the Lord Jesus Christ and dated nearly 2000 years ago when He hung on the cross and declared, "It is finished."

Although God's provisions are there waiting for us, it remains our responsibility to go before His throne of grace to receive them. James 4:2 tells us that we have not because we do not ask, and that when we do ask, we ask amiss. It is time that we consider our real needs and also the enormous price that has been paid to meet those needs. The work is finished! We can come to God at any time for any thing. Let us not waver in our faith but come boldly before God's throne of grace in the time of need believing that He will answer our prayers (James 1:6). +++


Scripture: Genesis 17:18 "And Abraham said unto God, Oh that Ishmael might live before Thee." 

In Genesis, God made a promise to Abraham that his seed would be as the stars of the heavens and that he would become the father of many nations. Abraham believed God, but as time passed he grew impatient. He allowed himself to be persuaded by his wife, Sarah, to take action that would bring the prophecy to pass in the natural. Instead of waiting for God to fulfill His promise, Abraham took Sarah's maid, Hagar, and together they had a son whom they named Ishmael. God's word eventually came to pass as He had promised and Abraham had another son with his wife Sarah. They named this son Isaac. Isaac was the fulfillment of God's promise. Yet, Abraham's interference with God's plan and timing brought heartache and despair to all concerned. Ishmael's name meant wild man and he became a source of conflict to Isaac (Genesis 16:12). The descendants of Ishmael (the Arabs) still plague the world today.

How many times has God spoken a word to us, but in our haste to receive the promise, we've acted as Abraham did? We have not waited on God, but have chosen to go down a trail called "Ishmael" in an effort to make the word come to pass in the natural. It is a trail that leads only to heartache and confusion. The mistakes that we make in life set up circumstances that plague us for many years. In our struggle we cry out to God to make our bad choices work out for the good. We plead for prosperity in spite of our financial mismanagement and ask that our transgressions be overlooked. We also try to keep our private dreams alive, which are designed to satisfy our own personal desires and lusts. Like Abraham, we cry out to God and say, "Oh, that our plan or our Ishmael may live before You."

Eventually we acknowledge the error of our choices. The consequences may seem irreversible, but God is merciful and He is a God of another chance. He is able to restore all that has been stolen from us. When we repent of our own doing and submit our lives to Him, He looks beyond our faults and begins to work on our behalf. He is like any loving father whose heart is touched by their children's needs. He is a God of miracles and nothing is too hard for Him. He can "restore the years that the locust has eaten and the cankerworm has devoured" (Joel 2:25). When you return to God's original plan, He will cause the latter years of your life to be greater and more productive than the former. Wait on God and don't be hasty. Trust in Him with all of your heart and agree with His plan. Do not seek that your Ishmael may live, but that God's will be done in your life, here on Earth as it is has been planned in Heaven. Then and only then will you experience God's greatest destiny for your life. +++


Scripture: Matthew 5:13 & 14 "You are the salt of the earth ... You are the light of the world."

One of our greatest purposes on Earth is to glorify our heavenly Father. Jesus made a declaration of several godly characteristics that we are to maintain in our daily lives in order to accomplish that purpose (Verses 3-11). We call these characteristics the beatitudes. We are to be poor or humble in spirit; mournful or able to feel and be stirred, meek or teachable, hungry and thirsty for righteousness, merciful, pure in heart; peacemakers, and also have the ability to endure false accusations and persecution for righteousness' sake.

Think of these "beatitudes" as the attitudes that we need to be. We are challenged on a daily basis to respond to life situations, and sometimes we may react differently than what Jesus set forth in the beatitudes. When this occurs we need to make an attitude adjustment and allow God to change our heart. Jesus taught that in all situations we are to react as He did and not as the situation demands because we are to be as salt to the earth. Salt causes thirst. When people see our responses and notice that our actions glorify God, it becomes like salt to them and makes them thirst for the inner peace and joy that we have. When we fail to display the examples that Jesus set forth, however, our lives become as salt that has lost its savor or saltiness. Jesus said that salt in this condition is good for nothing. When our lives do not have spiritual flavor, they become worthless and do not bring glory to God our Father.

Jesus also said that we are to show forth His light in our lives. Our light is to shine in our own houses as we display a private and personal witness to those closest and nearest to us. And our light should also be as a light on the hill that shines before men who are in the market places and around the world. Yet, we cannot manufacture or create our own light. Our light will only shine as bright as the light of God's life that is within us. We have an awesome responsibility as we live before others. If we allow the salt in our lives to be compromised or fail to display the light of the Lord, it will be as though our witness is hidden under a bushel. Salt causes thirst and light draws men out of darkness. We must keep watch over our attitudes so that we can be the vessels that God has ordained us to be. When our life is as salt and we are full of God's light, our lives will glorify God and lead others to Him. +++


Scripture: Psalms 30:5 " ... weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning."

The worse dilemmas that we face in many cases are not the hard ones but the long ones. It is not the dark moments that suddenly occur in our lives that challenge our souls but rather the long dark night seasons that seem to never end. For example, giving birth is a very painful experience but not nearly as painful as a permanent disability or as challenging as a chronic illness that leaves you incapacitated for some length of time. A significant financial crisis is hard to bear but it is not as rough as enduring years and years of financial lack, with seemly no hope for the future. Likewise, experiencing a short period of extreme loneliness, depression, or emotional conflict doesn't compare to living in these dark places day after day, week after week, month after month, and sometimes year after year. When we are going through these kinds of situations, we need a reminder or a word of hope that better times are promised and that joy will follow the difficult season at hand.

Through out the scriptures men faced dark and difficult seasons, but time always brought victory and joy. Noah and his family escaped death, but their confinement in the ark had to be a trying time for all of them. After God closed the door of the ark, there was no way for them to escape until He opened it again. They were prisoners of the flood and the darkness that surrounded them. But at the end, joy came as God made a promise to Noah and established His new covenant with him and sealed it with a rainbow.

Another example of victory and joy after a dark and difficult season is Jacob. He was greatly afraid and distressed when he heard that his brother, Esau, was coming to meet him because years before Jacob had stolen Esau's birthright. Jacob wrestled with the angel of the Lord all night long, but his joy came in the morning when the angel declared a blessing over him and his brother, Esau, received him in peace. Daniel suffered in the lion's den for a night, but joy came in the morning as he gave great witness of God's protection. Mary endured the pangs of childbirth, but when Jesus was born, the angels made an announcement to the shepherds in the fields, proclaiming good tidings of great joy. God traded their tears, grief, and sorrows for His unspeakable joy and glory.

The Lord does the same for us. God's Word says that He will never put more upon us than we can bear. At some point, He will turn our captivity into a place of freedom and for all of the tears that we have sown, we will reap joy (Psalms 126:5-6). Jesus has been anointed to "give us beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, and the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness" (Isaiah 61:3). He will turn our sorrow into dancing again (Psalms 30:11). And our "light affliction, which was for a moment will work in us a far more exceeding weight of glory" (II Corinthians 4:17).

These words are our promises from God, for He has good plans for us. He holds our lives in His hands and in His time, the sun will rise, the morning light will appear, and darkness will flee. The Lord will faithfully fulfill His promise of joy to us. Our weeping may endure for a night, but our joy will come in the morning. +++

A Word In Due Season
5th Week of May 2014


Scripture: Exodus 12:14 "And this day shall be unto you for a Memorial."

This scripture is in reference to the institution of the Passover, which began when Moses was leading the people out of Egypt. This event was a shadow or an illustration of the redemptive work that Jesus was to accomplish for us on the cross. At this first Passover, Israel was instructed to take a lamb without spot or blemish, kill it, and apply the blood to the doorpost of their homes. God told them that when He saw the blood, He would pass over them and not kill the firstborn of that house. He promised that death would have no dominion over them if they would simply apply the blood of the slain lamb.

God grants us a Memorial Day such as this. Jesus is our lamb without spot and blemish. When John the Baptist saw Jesus, he said, "Behold the Lamb of God, which takes away the sin of the world" (John 1:29). Jesus was slain on the cross of Calvary for our sins and because of His sacrifice, we have a promise of eternal life, and death no longer has dominion over us. However, just like the first Passover, God's work is not complete until we personally apply the blood of Jesus to our lives by receiving Jesus as our Savior and Lord. God gave such simple instructions to His people. They only had to take the lamb, kill it, and apply the blood. Yet, many people in Egypt did not respond to these instructions and faced the judgment of their choice.

You also have a choice. Eternal salvation is just as simple, for God has made a way for you by sacrificing His own Son. Please respond to His great invitation, for the steps to salvation are as simple as ABC.

A) Acknowledge your sin, for all have sinned. (Romans 3:23)
B) Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. (Acts 16:31)
C) Confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your
heart that God raised Him from the dead, and you will be
saved. (Romans 10:9)

Today we celebrate Memorial Day in American in honor of those who have given their lives for this country. So when you see the red stripes on our great American flag think about those who have fought and have paid the ultimate price for your own personal freedom. And also remember the great sacrifice that Jesus made for your eternal freedom and the crimson blood that He shed for the remission of your sins. +++


Scripture: Hebrews 11:7 "By faith, Noah being warned of God ... prepared an ark ..."

In the book of Genesis, we find that God became very discouraged about the things that were taking place on Earth. In fact, Genesis 6:6 says, "It repented the Lord that He had made man on the Earth, and it grieved Him at His heart." For this reason, He decided to destroy man and every living creature, but a man named Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord, and God spared him and his household from the flood. 

When God chose Noah, He chose a man that walked with Him and a man who was just and blameless among the people of his time. Noah was also a man that dared to be different. He followed God when it didn't make any sense. He didn't worry about what other men thought about him as he made provision to build a huge ark, hundreds of miles from the water. Noah boldly spoke God's words and warned of a flood that would come even though rain had never fallen before upon the land. He obediently cooperated with God's plan. God said, "This is what I want you to do and this is the way I want you to do it." God gave every measurement and provided every detail, and Noah did all things according to God's instructions without question. It took Noah 120 years to prepare for God's plan, but he persevered until the ark was finished.

Noah was not just involved, he was fully committed to God's plan. It made no difference to him whether he understood everything or not. He had a reverential fear of God and was determine to be prepared for God's great plan and to fulfill His purposes. There were no gray areas in Noah's faith. It didn't matter to him how long it took or how old he became, he just continued to prepare for the destiny that was set before him. He trusted God in all things.

God is still looking for that characteristic in men today and when God finds that kind of commitment, He commissions a work. He takes ordinary people and does extra ordinary things in and through their lives. When God imparts His hopes and desires into our hearts, they are designed to complete His purposes. Like Noah, we must dedicate ourselves to prepare for the destiny that is set before us whether we understand God's ultimate plan or not. For when the moment arrives, God can and will only use those who have obeyed His voice and taken the time to prepare according to His words. +++


Scripture: Matthew 7:3 "Why worry about the mote or speck in the eye of a brother when you have a beam or a board in your own?"

As I read this scripture, I was reminded of a time when I was judging another brother in the church. The matter was so important at the time, but now I can't even remember what it was about. One night I went to bed praying that God would correct this man and show him his faults. The next morning, my son told me that he had a dream about me. God is amazing at times. My son had no idea about the struggle that was going on within my own heart. As he related his dream to me, he said that there was a huge pile of railroad ties stacked in our front yard. I was trying to move them, one by one, to the back yard so that they couldn't be seen. I didn't want to get rid of them; I just didn't want anyone else to know that I had them. As I carried each one to the back yard, I had to go around the corner of the house. Unfortunately, each time I tried to get though the narrow passage, I would knock some of the bricks off of the side of the house. I was doing a lot of damage to my nice house in an effort to hide the railroad beams.

Of course, my son had no idea what the dream meant, but I immediately recognized that it had to do with my attitude towards my brother in Christ. I was judging him for something that was smaller than the critical spirit that I was harboring in my own heart. And I was also trying to hide my spiritual short comings from the world. As I heard this dream, God immediately spoke this scripture to me. Jesus said, it's so easy for us to pick out the faults in other's lives and disregard our own faults. We look for the smallest particle of dust, and when we find it, we judge it, gossip about it, and often sow discord trying to correct it. We fail to realize that we will be judged with the same judgment that we judge others. In reality, when we are critical and judge others, we are destroying ourselves just as I was destroying my own home in the dream when I tried to hide the railroad beams in the back yard.

We must come to realize that when we harbor a critical spirit, we damage ourselves physically, mentally, and emotionally. We knock the bricks out of our own life, one by one. This doesn't mean that we are not to use Godly discretion and discernment, for we are instructed to know others by their fruit. But, we are to consider ourselves and understand that our first mission from God is to get the board out of our own eye so that we can see. When our hearts are made pure and the negative beams are destroyed, Jesus will be able to use us to help others with their problems and to show them how to get rid of the "specks" that are in their lives. Then as we approach them with love instead of condemnation, we will truly be able to minister to them. +++


Scripture : Psalms 25:12 (NIV) "Who is the man that fears the Lord?

When we speak of the fear of the Lord we are not talking about being afraid of Him as though He were a mean and hateful God, for the Lord is not vicious or abusive in any way. Instead, God is defined as love and all that He does is motivated by the love that is within Him. Even His correction shows His love for us. He corrects us because He hates sin and His chastisement is meant to keep us from further sin. It was because of God's great love that He made the ultimate sacrifice and sent His only begotten Son into the world to die for our sins. He paid a great price for us and that indicates that is He is for us and not against us. God does, however, set righteous standards for us. He wants us to be so full of His Holy Spirit that we emulate Him and His kingdom in the Earth and that we show forth His glory to all mankind.

When the Word speaks of the fear of the Lord, it refers to a holy reverence towards the Lord and a respect for the things that He represents. Proverbs 8:13 tells us that the fear of the Lord is to hate evil. Then it goes on to list some of the evil things that God hates, such as pride, arrogance, evil behavior, and perverse speech. If we truly fear or reverence and respect God, we too will hate the evil that He hates and we will shun the evil temptations that come against us. We will refuse to allow ourselves to be involved in evil because God's Spirit lives within us and evil is against His holy nature. And if we love God, we will obey His commandments. Psalms 25:12-14 lists several things that belong to you when you choose to fear or reverence the Lord.

1) God will instruct you in the way that has He has chosen for you.
2) You will spend your days in prosperity.
3) Your descendants will inherit the land.
4) The Lord will confide in you and you will know His secrets.
5) The Lord will make His covenant known to you.

God is not blind, deaf or naive. He knows the ones who truly fear Him just as an earthly father knows when his own children respect and reverence him. One of the virtues of God is that He is not a man who will lie or deceive. You can depend upon every word that He has spoken. If God said it, it will come to pass. You can be assured that He is watching for those who fear Him and He will reward them accordingly. +++


Scripture: Romans 8:38-39 "For I am persuaded ... that nothing can separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord."

Our relationship with the Lord is special. So our steadfast commitment to Him is very important and our love towards Him is to be complete in every way. He must be the Lord of all and must own every parcel of our heart. In fact, the scriptures tell us that we are to love the Lord our God with all of our heart, with all of our soul, and with all of our mind. There is to be no place in our lives that shuts out the Spirit of the Living God, for we are His temple and His abiding place.

Likewise, we can also have an absolute confidence in God's love and commitment to us, for He loves us in every way that He requires us to love Him. In fact, He loved us so much that He gave His only begotten Son so that we could be redeemed and His Son sacrificed His own life on the cross for us. This sacrificial love was the love of God that was manifest in Christ Jesus our Lord. Because Jesus loved us so much that He willing gave His life for us, we can be assured that He will never leave us or forsake us. He is our Savior and Lord. He is also our fortress in trouble, our healer in sickness, our comforter in grief, our provider, our shelter from the storm, and our friend who sticks closer than a brother. The list is infinite, for He declared Himself to be the 'I AM.' This means that He is the All Sufficient One. The Lord is whoever we need Him to be or whatever we need Him to be. The Lord loves us with an everlasting love and regardless of what happens in our lives, we can be persuaded that nothing and no one will ever be able to separate us from His great love.

Life is not a one time event, but a series of experiences. As I look back, my life is much richer because of my own personal life experiences. It is true that things were not always easy and circumstances were not always good, but in the midst of it all I discovered that God's Word really is true and that all things do work together for good. There have been many disappointments and times of total despair, but they taught me that God is the healer of the broken heart. There was a long season of hopelessness in my life, but during that season I learned that God never gives up. When I was down, He lifted me up and helped me to be able to endure to the end. There have been times of physical pain and financial lack, but I found that God's grace was always sufficient for me. He never allowed more upon me than I could bear. There were places where the shadows of death dominated my life, but the Lord never left me alone. Instead, we walked together through those dark valleys.

In the end, my strength has been increased by the challenges that I have faced. My faith in God's promises has grown stronger because I had to believe His Word to make it through every trial. My trust in God has been established and is now unshakable because I found that I could truly and totally depend upon Him at all times. My wisdom has increased because I have discovered that I do not have to lean upon my own understanding. God knows more about me and my situation than I do and His ways and thoughts are much higher than mine. My compassion for others has grown deeper because of the trials and adversities that I have passed through. I know the anxieties of their hard places. My empathy for them is also greater because of the things that I have suffered. I can now actually feel their pain and understand their grief.

I have not always understood everything that was happening in my life, but I have seen the unfailing faithfulness of the Almighty God. And like the writer of this scripture, I have also come to be persuaded that nothing and no one will ever be able to separate me from God's incredible love. +++

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