............ A Word In Due Season
1st Week of October 2014


Scripture: Proverbs 22:19 "That your trust may be in the Lord."

God wants us to simply trust in Him with all of our heart and not lean upon our own understanding. He told us that if we would acknowledge Him in all of our ways, then He would direct our paths (Proverbs 3:5-6). Trusting God is a simple formula that brings health to our bodies and peace to our souls because it allows God to deal with all of the stress that challenges our lives. 

God gave us these excellent words of His counsel and allowed us the knowledge of His truth, but many times it is difficult to simply trust in the Lord with all of our hearts. Frankly, most of us do not want to give up the control of our own lives and lean upon someone we can't see regardless of how powerful He may be. For me, I tend to analyze everything and seek desperately for solutions. It is frustrating not to be able to take some sort of action when needed. I want all things to work out in a sensible way, but I found that God usually does not work in that manner. His wisdom is confusing to the minds of men and His ways overshadow their plans. He rolls back the massive waters of the Red Sea for Moses instead of building a bridge. He shuts the mouths of the lions instead of simply rescuing Daniel out of the lion's den. He calms the raging storm when He could have warned the disciples to wait a while before trying to cross the sea. He raises Lazarus from the dead instead of getting there in time to just heal him.

Who can explain God's ways, for His ways are never the same as ours? Yet we can rest assured that He always has a better plan because He is our Father and He cares for us just the same or even more than we care for our own children and loved ones. We are God's main interest and He wants the very best for our lives. We must come to the place that we trust Him enough to cast every care upon Him and then leave our burdens in His hands until He works everything out. When He is finished solving the problem, we will find that He did all things well. We must resist the temptation to analyze everything and how it should be.

One of the greatest truths that I have learned is that God is smarter than I am. When I received the revelation of this awesome truth, I was able to trust in the Lord with all of my heart and not lean upon my own understanding. The Lord now sits as the King over all the kingdoms of my heart and every chamber belongs to Him. I have never been disappointed in any of His decisions for my life. My prayer for you is that you would find this wisdom and even when you don't understand what is going in your life that you can still declare, "Lord, my trust is in You." +++ 


Scripture: Galatians 5:16 "Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh."

The Lord understands how strong the temptations are that come against us because while He was living in a fleshly body here on Earth He was tempted in all the areas that we will be tempted in. Yet, Jesus was able to make it through the temptations without committing any sin whatsoever. He alone is the spotless Lamb of God. Even though Jesus was able to remain without sin, He is aware that we will experience many failures in our lifetime. He knows that our spirit is willing to live right, but He also knows that our flesh can be very weak. We face a constant dilemma, for as the Apostle Paul said, "The things that we want to do, we don't do, and the things that we don't want to do, we do."

Temptations can be rough for us to handle at times because our enemy is aware of our personal desires and he will challenge us in the areas of our greatest weakness. There are things that you may encounter that would not bother me at all, and vice versa. Our desires and temptations vary but we all have battles of some kind to deal with. The Lord did not leave any of us without a solution. Instead, He gave us words and instructions to live by so that we can overcome the temptations of life. He simply told us to walk in the Spirit. It is a comfort to know that God did not say the opposite, "Do not sin and then you will be able to walk in the Spirit." He put first things first. He knew that we needed the strength of His Spirit to be able to stand against temptations and successfully deal with the challenges of life. He also knew that only as we submitted ourselves to God could we resist the devil, for our own strength is too small to stand against the forces of evil.

Walking in the Spirit is like walking in the natural. It takes determination and effort on our part. It is a one step at a time process that demands focus, for it is possible to step out of the Spirit at any time. Temptations can come suddenly and without warning. Therefore, we must constantly guard our heart as we walk with God along the narrow path of His righteousness. As we walk with God, we have the assurance that He will avail Himself to us and help us in our battles. The Lord has promised not to put more upon us than we can bear and He is faithful to those words. He will never leave us or forsake so we will never have to battle with temptations alone. As we give ourselves to God and walk in the Spirit we will be able to resist the lust of the flesh because of the strength of His grace. +++


Scripture: Mark 10:51 "Jesus said, What do you want Me to do for you?"

A blind man named Bartimaeus sat by the roadside begging. Undoubtedly, he had heard about a man named Jesus who was going about healing the sick and performing mighty miracles. When he heard that this same Jesus was near, he began to cry out for mercy. Those about him tried to quiet him, but their opposition only caused him to cry louder. His voice of faith stopped Jesus in His journey. Jesus stood still and commanded Bartimaeus to come to Him. In faith that he would be healed, Bartimaeus cast aside his beggar's garment, a garment that had provided him provision and security for most of his life. By this act, he was demonstrating his trust in Jesus and his faith for his own personal miracle.

Jesus asked Bartimaeus, "What do you want Me to do for you?" Jesus could see that Bartimaeus was blind, but He was not necessarily moved by the blind man's need to see. Jesus was moved by Bartimaeus' faith and his fervent cries. He wanted Bartimaeus to state his need. This blind beggar could have been short minded and asked for a few coins or a morsel of bread to sustain him for another day. He very well could have taken a lesser blessing, but his faith was great. In the presence of Jesus, he could have asked for anything, but he didn't need the Red Sea to part before him. He didn't need manna to rain down from heaven or water to come out of a rock. He didn't need to be rescued from a lion's den or a fiery furnace. He simply needed to see, so he asked Jesus to restore his sight. Jesus answered his prayer and said, "Go your way, your faith has made you whole."

What are your needs today? God wants the cries of your heart to arrest His attention and your voice of faith to stop Him and cause Him to stand still. He wants your heart to draw upon His love and compassion so that He can meet your need. Like Bartimaeus, God wants to see you leave all of your earthly security behind as you totally lean upon Him. James 4:2-3 says, "You do not have because you do not ask. You ask and do not receive because you ask amiss or with the wrong motives." God is waiting for you to express your needs and desires to Him in specific terms. He wants to fill every need that is not amiss or out of the scope of His intended provision for you. Like the blind man, you may not need the same miracles that Moses, Daniel, or the three Hebrew children experienced, but your needs and desires are important to Jesus and nothing is impossible with Him. He says, "I see your heart, I know your pain, and I hear your cries. What is it that you want Me to do?" +++

A Word In Due Season
2nd Week of October 2014


Scripture: I John 2:27 "The anointing, which you have received of Him, abides in you."

The anointing of the Holy Spirit is not just a feeling that we experience. Instead, it is a supernatural force that abides within us, which can break the yoke of bondage and set the captives free. It is like a mighty rushing river that flows from our inner being (John 7:38-39) and empowers us to do the work of God, which we could not do otherwise. Even Jesus had to depend upon the anointing of the Holy Spirit to complete His work, for He declared that He could do nothing of Himself, but only what the Father showed Him.

When God anointed Jesus with the Holy Spirit, Jesus went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed of the devil (Acts 10:38). Notice that He went about doing good deeds and delivering those who were oppressed. God is love and He intends for the anointing in our lives to be used to fulfill His desires and complete His purposes. The anointing is never meant to be a show of personal power or to do evil. Consider the event with Jesus' disciples, James and John. They wanted to use the power of God to command fire to come down from Heaven and consume those who did not agree with them (Luke 9:54). Jesus told them that they didn't understand which spirit was operating within them, for the Spirit of God seeks only to minister and give life, not destroy and bring death. Yet, this is what happens when we allow our carnal mind to be in control. We, too, can easily lend ourselves to the wrong influence just like the disciples who personally walked this earth with Jesus. It seems that they would have been beyond error, but the truth is that we all have weaknesses within our soul.

According to God's Word, the Holy Spirit is always present within us. The Holy Spirit is there to strengthen and direct us although we may not sense His presence. In the natural, we have muscles that are never used until the need arises. We don't necessarily feel them or notice them, yet they make themselves available and show their strength when they are needed to move, lift, or push a heavy object. The anointing is like a spiritual muscle that is waiting to be used. When a need presents itself, the anointing of the Holy Spirit will rise within us to meet the challenge because He is abiding within us. The anointing will cause us to find the boldness to do things or say things that we normally would be too shy to do or too timid to say. We may surprise ourselves at times by praying for someone or witnessing to them because the Holy Spirit suddenly moves within us.

There are many needs around us and we need to become more aware of the anointing that is within us. Like Paul told Timothy, we need to stir up this precious gift. We must be conscious that the anointing that is within us is there for a purpose. We must be ready at God's command to allow His Spirit to flow through us so that we can do good deeds, minister to the oppressed, and complete the Lord's work for His glory. +++ 


Scripture: Isaiah 50:4 "Morning by morning, He awakens my ear to hear as the learned."

These words simply mean that God helps our hearts to understand what our ears are hearing. Words in themselves mean nothing to us unless we have understanding about the subject at hand. For example, when someone gives me an in-depth instruction concerning the computer, they may as well be speaking in a foreign language. I can hear the words they are saying, but can't follow the meaning because I have limited understanding about the subject. I have no foundation to build upon so my ears do not hear as a learned person. I am sure that it must be frustrating to the one who is trying to teach me.

This same also is true with hearing the Word of God. God's thoughts and words do not come to us all at one time. They come as precept upon precept, line upon line, and here a little, and there a little" (Isaiah 28:10). Wisdom and understanding increase as we hear God's Word. It is a simple equation; the more we hear, the more we understand. God gives us new and deeper revelation with each reading and study of His Word, for God's thoughts and words are eternal and have no end. It is through consistently hearing the Word of God that faith is birthed in our hearts (Romans 10:17). But faith doesn't stop there. It grows exceedingly larger within our hearts as we continue to hear the Word (II Thessalonians 1:3). As we move from the milk of the Word to the meat of the Word, we grow even more (Hebrews 5:14). Our spiritual ears become more sensitive because we not only hear the Word, we experience the truth of the Word. When we experience the Word, our senses are exercised and we learn to discern both good and evil. 

Morning by morning, God said that He would open our ears to hear. I learn new things about the same scriptures every day and I understand more now than I did when I was a child because I can now hear as the learned. Isaiah also said, "The Lord God gives us the tongue of the learned." God wants us to share what we have learned, but that privilege only comes when our ears are able to hear as the learned. The milk of the Word is good, but we must desire the meat of the Word. I encourage you to search for the deeper meaning of God's Word without leaving the simplicity of the gospel. God's Word is not meant to be complicated, but it is a mystery, which is waiting to be discovered. Flesh and blood cannot reveal the mystery of God's Word to you. The Holy Spirit, who is your teacher, will guide you into all truth. Read a portion of God's Word everyday and remember that His revelations come as precept upon precept, or little by little. As you consistently study the Word, you will eventually notice that God has awakened your ears to hear as the learned. +++ 


Scripture: Matthew 28:18-20 Jesus spoke to them saying, "All power is given unto me in Heaven and in Earth ... go therefore and teach all nations ... lo, I am with you always..."

After Jesus' death and resurrection, He spoke these words to His disciples. His words were few and simple but they encapsulated His vision that all men everywhere would hear the good news of the gospel and that none should perish but that all should receive eternal life. These words also defined the great work that Jesus commissioned His followers to do. His followers were to go into all the world and teach the gospel to all nations. They were to win the lost, heal the sick, and help those in need. They were to complete the work that Jesus had begun, and according to His words in John 14:12, they were to do even greater works than He had done.

Such a simple command, "Go and teach." Jesus called His disciples to be a part of His dream. Yet His dream was so big that it demanded great power and authority. So with this command, Jesus also issued the authority and gave the promise of His power that would be needed to complete the mission. Jesus gave them His Word, or the gospel, His Name, and the promise of His presence. In this account in Mark's gospel, Jesus said, "I am with you always." His presence alone is power, and when His presence is with you, it releases authority in you, and great and marvelous things happen. When the disciples followed His command of "Go and teach," they witnessed the fulfillment of these words. Mark 16:20 declares that as they went forth and preached everywhere, the Lord worked with them and confirmed His Word with signs.

Jesus, who was life, gave up His life so that He could offer eternal life to a dying world. His purpose and His vision has not changed and His Word remains the same. He says, "Go, teach, and I will be with you." Then He waits to hear us respond with, "Jesus, I will do anything to be a part of Your dream. I will go. I will teach. I will fulfill Your commission. My life is in Your hands." We may never reach the foreign soil, but we can send one who will go, and we can reach the people of the many nations who are on our own soil. We may not find opportunity to teach the multitudes, but we all have someone within our own circle that needs help. We all have a world and each one is different. It doesn't matter if we are a student, a mother, a businessman, part of the church staff, or one who is incarcerated in prison. We can all share the good news that Jesus loves and Jesus cares. As we go and touch those about us with His light and life, Jesus fulfills His promise. He works with us and confirms His Word. +++ 


Scripture: Psalms 77:8 "Is God's mercy clean gone forever?"

The psalmist was in a dilemma because he had no answers for his questions and no solutions for his problems. He was so troubled that he couldn't even sleep. As he complained about these problems that were overwhelming him, he finally came to the conclusion that God's mercy was "clean gone forever." Clean means that he couldn't see the slightest trace of God's mercy in his situation. It was as though God's mercy was totally washed away. He even said, "Does God's promise fail all the time? Has He forgotten His grace?" The Message Bible says it another way, "Just my luck, God went out of business just the moment I needed Him."

The psalmist finally changes his tune and says, "This is my infirmity, I am sick, but I will remember the years of the right hand of the Most High. I will remember His works of the past. I will meditate and talk of the wonders that He has done. Who is so great a God as our God?" (Vs. 10-13) The psalmist took his focus off of himself and his problems. He then placed his attention upon the Lord God Almighty and thought about all of God's mighty works that He had done in the past.

Have you ever driven through a long dark tunnel in which you were not able to see where you had been or where you were going? You could only trust that you would reach the end soon and come out safely. Seasons in our lives sometimes seem like long dark tunnels. Our situations become just like the one that the psalmist described. Lingering sickness and discouraging difficulties suppress our faith until we feel that God's mercy has been totally wiped out, and is "clean gone forever." None of God's promises seem to be working for us, and just when we need Him the most, it seems that He has gone out of the mercy and grace business. But, my friend, you must never give in to these thoughts of despair. Instead, meditate upon God and His Word in your dark hour, and as you do, you will see a small glimmer of light at the end of the darkness. Your hope will be revived and you will discover that God's grace is sufficient and that His mercy remains and is not 'clean gone forever'. +++ 10/09/14


Scripture: John 15:8 "Herein is My Father glorified, that you bear much fruit."

When we delight in the law of the Lord and meditate upon His Words day and night, we become like trees that are planted by the rivers of living water. Our roots run deep in search of the nourishing water and this water of His Word keeps our leaves from withering. It also causes us to bear much good fruit, for whatever we do prospers (Psalms 1:2-3). The fruit that we bear from our healthy branches not only brings glory to God but also imparts strength to those about us who receive from our lives.

Fruit is produced through much conflict. A natural tree struggles against the forces of nature such as the storms and winds, the drought and heat, and the wild fires and the icy cold. It also has to stand against the birds of the air that are waiting to pluck the fruit prematurely from its branches. There is no rest for the tree or the fruit, for each season brings new and difficult challenges. I have a fig tree in my yard that produces luscious figs every year. The sad news is that I seldom get to enjoy the fruit because it is spoiled by the birds and the squirrels. I don't mind feeding God's creatures, but they don't eat the entire fig. Instead, they take one bite or one peck from each fig and then leave it to ruin. I have often wondered why they waste such good fruit. The only way that I would ever be able to gather unspoiled fruit from my tree would be to guard it night and day.

The same is true with our spiritual life and the fruit that God has ordained for us to bear. We have to guard our hearts, night and day, because we have an adversary who seeks to destroy the fruit in our lives. He takes us through dry spells and also brings storms and floods into our lives. He tempts us in the areas of our personal weakness. He also causes others to attack us or to provoke us to evil so that our fruit is ruined on the vine. Even if he is only able to get in one bite or one peck, he loves to see us lose our Christian witness. We may not recognize our true enemy or his evil tactics at first. We may even wonder why we lost our temper or said something that laid our soul open for judgment. We may think that the illness, financial problems, and other unresolved issues that are challenging us are just a matter of course. We forget Paul's words that declared that we are not wrestling with flesh and blood. Instead we are wrestling against the principalities, powers, and rulers of a spiritual world of darkness whose sole intention is to steal our spiritual fruit and bring condemnation to our soul.

We must be aware of the strategies of the devil because he goes about as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. He can't take our fruit unless we allow him, but he will take every advantage that he can. If we give the enemy a place, he will sow hate and bitterness in our hearts so that he can drive out the fruit of God's love. If we allow sorrow and grief to linger in our soul, it will steal the joy from our hearts. If we are not vigilant, confusion will attack our peace and then doubt and unbelief will overtake our faith. If we neglect to continually nourish our spirits with the water of the Word, the fruit of patience, kindness, and gentleness will wither on our branches. We must be wise and discerning so that we can produce much good fruit. This is God's plan for our lives and our abundance of good fruit will not only be pleasing to Him but will also glorify Him in the eyes of others. +++

A Word In Due Season
3rd Week of October 2014


Scripture: Lamentations 3:26 "It is good that a man should both hope and quietly wait for the salvation of the Lord." 

A friend sent me a humorous email recently with several pictures of animals that were caught in precarious situations. One of the pictures was of a mule that was in quite a predicament. The mule was harnessed to the front of a two-wheeled cart, which was loaded down with heavy goods. The weight on the cart must have been unevenly distributed because the rear of the cart was touching the ground and the front of the cart, with the mule, was in the air. The caption over the picture read, "Even when things seem hopeless." This situation was certainly hopeless, for there was no way the mule could help himself, much less pull the heavy burden that had been assigned to him. He just hung there in hopeless despair waiting for his master to unload part of the weight.

Have you ever been in a place of hopeless despair like the mule in this scene? It seems that your burdens are too heavy, your storm is too great, your grief is too painful, or your situation is too bleak. There just doesn't seem to be any relief in sight. Jesus never intended for you to suffer through life in this manner. In fact, He came to give you an abundant life. Jesus said that His yoke would be easy and His burden would be light. He also said that He would not put more upon you than you could bear. Yet, many times we become overburdened by our own design. We take burdens that are not ours to bear and engage in battles that are not ours to fight. We put too much on our cart physically, mentally, and emotionally. In the midst of it all, our strength begins to fail and our faith is challenged beyond measure. Then, like the mule, we are stopped in our tracks and held in suspension by these heavy loads.

We may look just as ridiculous to the Lord when we try to carry our own burdens as the mule looked when he was lifted into the air by the weight of his burdens. Jesus must look at us and wonder why we don't unload our cart and cast every care upon Him. He cares for us and He wants us to cease from our struggles, let go of the conflicts that surround us, and begin to rest in His presence. He wants us to wait for His salvation, for only the Master of our soul can deal with our situations and deliver us. As we yield ourselves to Him, He will take our burdens one-by-one. Things may look bad at the present. Yet even when things seem hopeless, it is time for us "to both hope and quietly wait for the salvation of the Lord." +++ 


Scripture: Matthew 9:29 "According to your faith be it unto you."

Two blind men followed Jesus, crying out for help and deliverance from their blindness. Jesus asked them, "Do you believe that I am able to do this?" They both responded, "Yes, Lord." Jesus then touched their eyes and said, "According to your faith be it unto you." And they were healed because their faith was working.

Notice first that Jesus asked the blind men a question, "Do you believe that I am able?" He then declared, "According to your faith." Faith is simply believing God and acting on His Word as though it were true. We have to believe in the "I AM" and believe that He is able. Paul tells us in Romans 12:3 that God has given to each man a measure of faith. What we do with this measure of faith governs what happens with it. We can either cultivate that faith or we can allow it to lie dormant within us. Our measure of faith will grow as it feeds and meditates on God's Word, or it will shrink and be useless in obtaining God's blessings. The responsibility and results rests upon us.

Faith is like a muscle. As it is nourished and exercised, it grows stronger and expands. But if neglected, it remains small and weak. Spiritual power is always in proportion to the strength of our faith. We should be able to believe God in a stronger way today than when we were first saved. However, if we haven't been renewing our minds in His Word, then our thoughts are going to naturally conform to doubt and unbelief.

The two blind men followed Jesus even though they could not see, and according to the faith in their hearts, they were healed. Like the blind men, faith is following after that which we cannot see. It's speaking and acting as though we had the answer before it ever comes. In II Thessalonians 1:3 Paul told the church, "We thank God always because your faith is growing exceedingly." Personal faith grows when it feeds on God's Word and it must be exercised on a daily basis. When you truly believe that God is and that He is able you become pleasing to Him (Hebrews 11:6), for God can only work in and through you according to your faith. The more faith you have in God, the more you can accomplish for God. So keep believing. +++


Scripture: Psalms 25:4-5 "Show me Your ways, O Lord; teach me Your path. Lead me in Your truth."

There is a path that I take to work each day to save a little time. It leads from the post office where I pick up the daily mail to the main street. This shortcut goes through the parking lot of several commercial buildings and the speed is maintained in the lot by speed bumps. You barely pick up speed before you have to slow down again to cross over a bump. There is a better way, however, to keep your speed up while traveling this path and that is by weaving around the edges of the speed bumps from the left to the right. This act of impatience totally disregards the fact that the local officials put the speed bumps there for a reason, which is to maintain safety.

One day all of the outside edges of the speed bumps were blocked by parked cars. I was forced to adhere to the law, slow down, and drive across the speed bumps. As I did, I thought about God's plan for our lives. In Jeremiah 29:11, He said that He had good thoughts and plans for us and even a hopeful future. From the very beginning, when He laid out this master plan, He instituted spiritual speed bumps and put them there purposely to slow us down. He gave us a Sabbath Day and told us to rest one day out of the seven and He provided nights so that we could sleep and regenerate our bodies and minds. He also expects us to retreat and take extra seasons of rest. Even Jesus told his disciples to separate from the crowds and take a rest. God extends an opportunity to us to slow down and rest so that we can soak in His presence and commune with Him.

Taking physical rest is not the only time that God instructs us to slow down. He has told us to be slow to speak, slow to judge, slow to anger, and slow to express wrath. He said, "In your patience, you possess your soul." Time and again, the Lord instructs us to wait and not be hasty. Yet, many times our impatience prompts us to swerve around God's speed bumps, hurry along the path, and disregard His words and signals. Instead of being slow to anger and quick to understand and appease the situation, we become quick to anger and slow to appease. Instead of being slow to judge and quick to forgive, we are quick to judge and find it difficult to forgive and forget.

God is attempting to lead us down a straight path and we must slow down and listen to His voice. It is not His will that we impatiently swerve to the right and left in order to avoid His signals. As we consider David's words again, let us ask God to do the same for us, "Show me Your way, teach me Your path, and lead me in Your truth." We must recognize that life's speed bumps are there for a purpose and then we must yield to them. +++ 


Scripture: Matthew 21:28-31 Jesus said, "What do you think? There was a man who had two sons. He came to the first and said, Son, go and work today in the vineyard. And he answered, I will not; but afterward he repented and changed his mind and went. Then the man came to the second son and said the same thing, and he replied, I will go, sir; but he did not go. Which of the two did the will of the father? They replied the first one."

Doing God's will is simply walking in obedience one step at a time. It is starting at the point where we are when the Lord speaks and following Him wherever He may lead. It is a simple matter of putting our foot into His footprint along the pathway of life. There are times, however, in all of our lives that we fail to do God's will either because of rebellion, compromise, or simple neglect. When we find ourselves in these places we need to call out to the Lord for help, be quick to repent, acknowledge our fault and sin, and search for the perfect will of the Father.

When my oldest son was about three years old, he was playing in the yard. We lived in a safe neighborhood and the yard was enclosed with a cyclone fence. There was no way that he could unlock the gate and get out so I felt that he was very safe. I needed to go into the house for just a few minutes so I told him not to climb the fence. A few minutes later, I heard him calling from the yard. His cry was loud, but not frightening. I immediately went out to find him hanging on the fence. The hood of his winter jacket was ensnared in the wires at the top of the fence and he was hanging there like a picture on a wall. He was not hurt or even uncomfortable, just stuck in a situation that he had created. There was no way that he could help himself get out of this dilemma. I asked him if he had climbed the fence against my word and He said, "No, Mommy. Just get me down." He knew that I still loved him and that I was able to fix this situation for him. I asked him this question several times and each time he denied that it was his fault. Finally, he realized that his denial was not helping the situation and that he was not getting off of the fence until he repented and promised never to do it again.

I laugh today as I remember this episode and wonder how many times do we find ourselves in a similar predicament. We fail to obey God and then find ourselves hanging on a fence. We are aware that we've stepped out of God's will and that He knows it too. Yet, we try to deny that we have made a mistake or that we have sinned. We just want God to fix the situation for us and get us down from the fence. Like my love for my own son, God's love is still there for us and He wants to fix everything in our lives that concern us. He is well able to get us down from the fence, but He waits for us to repent. He wants us to promise that we will not repeat the wrong action or that we will do those things that we have neglected. Take note of your situation. Are you hanging on the fence of rebellion or indecision? If you are struggling with doing the will of the Father, confess your unfaithfulness to Him. He will forgive and cleanse you from all unrighteousness (I John 1:9.), and He will deliver and set you free to fulfill His will. +++


Scripture: Isaiah 43:19 "I will make a way in the wilderness and streams in the desert."

When we think of changing things or redecorating, our plans are not nearly as grand as those of God. His thoughts are much higher than our thoughts and His vision is much greater than ours. Most of us would never think that it would be possible to make a path through the wilderness or believe that a stream could be made to flow in the midst of the desert as the prophet declared. We just don't think on those terms because of our limited resources. Our thoughts are limited to our own personal abilities, but God's wisdom, knowledge, and ability is infinite. He is not limited in any way because He is the Creator and He controls all of the resources that are needed to accomplish His desires. When God gets through redecorating the Earth, the wilderness and desert do not function or look the same as they did in the past, for God prospers everything that He touches and gives it all purpose. The wilderness becomes a convenient pathway and the desert becomes a profitable place of refreshing water, growth, and vegetation.

Like the natural wilderness and desert, there are seasons in our lives when we experience barren and dry places. We may have had big dreams, a huge desire to accomplish something particular, and a determination to finish our goals. But then life happens and all is disrupted. None of the plans that we made have come to pass and discouragement has begun to settle in. It is during this season that the Lord is very near to our hurting soul. In the wilderness of discouragement, the Lord speaks and says, "I am your way." And in the dry and barren seasons, the Lord encourages us with His Word and lets us know that He will never forsake us. He is going to cause a stream to spring forth out of the desert of our soul. This is His grand promise to us and it is imperative during this time that we trust His Word, His integrity, and His faithfulness, for God is about to change things.

When God begins to change things in our lives, He does everything new. He causes things to be just the opposite of what they were before He got involved. It is as though He is redecorating our lives. He takes out the old and brings in the new at His discretion. He turns our darkness into light and paints our life with new colors. He turns our mourning into joy and gladness and gives us a garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness. He restores our soul and gives us beauty for the ashes of our life. With the stripes that Jesus received on His back, we do not have to endure sickness and disease without hope, for He provides healing for our bodies. With the crown of thorns that pierced His brow, we no longer have to remain in torment and confusion, for He offers us peace of mind. He gave up everything and suffered all so that we could live in abundance. Everything that He sacrificed was so that streams could flow in the deserts of our life and so that He could make a plain pathway when we passed through the wilderness. He makes all things new and is a God of provision for every area of our life.

The Holy Spirit is hovering over you right now just as He did in the beginning of time when God turned the emptiness and void into a beautiful world with just His words and His voice. God wants to do a new thing in your life and is working to remove the old empty places so that He can restore and make all things new. Where you can only see the wilderness of your situation, God has a vision for a glorious pathway. And where you can only see the dry barren desert, He has plans for a spring that will flow through the center of your life that will refresh and restore your spirit. Keep in mind that God is unlimited and makes all things beautiful in His time. So give all of your concerns to the Lord and allow Him to change and redecorate your life as only He knows how to do. +++

A Word In Due Season
4th Week of October 2014


Scripture: Proverbs 3:27 "Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in your power to do it."

The expression that no man is an island is very true. Many times we do not want to admit it or be dependent upon someone else, but the fact remains that we all need each other. For a season, we may be successful in our efforts to stand alone, but events will happen in our lives and things will change. When they do, we discover that we are not as self-sufficient as we thought. We are all members of one body and God has designed us to function as a unit, giving and receiving from each other.

King Solomon was known for his great wisdom. He spoke the proverb above and continued to say that we should not only do good for others when we are able to do it, but also to do it immediately. He said, "Do not say to your neighbor, go and come again, tomorrow I will give it, when you have it with you." Yet, there are many times when the opportunity presents itself that we fail to follow these instructions. For whatever reason, we postpone the good deed or repayment of a debt that we owe. We put it off until a more opportune time. Then too often the good that we could have done and intended to do is totally forgotten about. When God shows us a need of any kind, it is for a reason. We are not to put it on a shelf and allow the moment to pass. We must ask God what He would like for us to do about the situation and then submit ourselves to His will. We may never know but our actions could be the answer to someone's prayer and our abundance the provisions for their needs.

You hold the power of doing good in your hands so be generous with your thoughts, words, and actions. Doing good is not limited to finances. It can be any area of life. You can be the intercessor that prays your brother or sister through a very dark season. You can be a helping hand to someone who has a heavy load. You can be a strong shoulder and understanding heart to those who need someone to lean upon. You can be a listening ear and counselor to those who need to share their problems. You can be a voice in the wilderness speaking a word in due season to the weary. You can be a light in the darkness to a desperate soul and show direction to the lost. Your presence can bring peace in the midst of the storm, joy in times of sorrow, and comfort in seasons of grief. Whatever the occasion may be, recall Solomon's words of wisdom and do not withhold good when it is in your power to do it. +++ 


Scripture: Hebrews 13:5 "I will never leave you, nor forsake you."

No one on this earth has the right to say these words or the power to fulfill this commitment. Our lives are very unpredictable and regardless of our best intentions, circumstances and seasons eventually separate us from those who are the dearest to our hearts. However, God's promises to us are very sure. When He said, "I will never leave you", you can be assured that He will fulfill His words. His faithfulness is always predictable.

There are times when we find ourselves on the lonely back side of the desert and we may begin to wonder about these words. Jesus experienced this when He was on the cross. After a mocking trial and brutal beating, He hung on the cross with nails driven through His hands and feet. Spittle from the mockers replaced the beard that had been torn from His face. Isaiah 52:14 said that His face was so marred that He could scarcely be recognized as human. A crown of thorns was forced into His brow and a sign was placed above Him that read THIS IS JESUS, THE KING OF THE JEWS. What thoughts must have run through Jesus' mind as He hung there in shame? The crowds reproached and abusively jeered at Him, wagging their heads and saying the same words that Satan had challenged Him with in the wilderness. "If Thou be the Son of God" do something about your situation. When Jesus was crucified, darkness covered the earth from noon until three in the afternoon. Finally in agony, He cried out to the Father in a loud voice and said, "My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me?" (Matthew 27:27-46)

What brought Jesus to such a place as this? It was because of the need that you and I would experience in our own lives. Jesus had to pay the price so that He could be touched and feel everything that you and I would ever have to encounter. He was despised and rejected by men, and was acquainted with grief and sorrow so that He could understand our heartaches and inner pain. He was wounded for our transgressions and bruised for our iniquities. The chastisement of our peace was placed upon Jesus, and stripes were laid on His back so that we may be healed. Isaiah 53:3 says that He was stricken, smitten, and afflicted by God." No wonder He cried in a loud voice, "Why have You forsaken Me?"

If you are facing a season of despair and feeling rejected and forsaken by friends and family, remember that Jesus "has been there and done that." There is nothing that you are passing through mentally or physically that He has not experienced. The price of your deliverance has been PAID IN FULL on the cross by His suffering. Why would Jesus leave you or forsake you now? He stands in the shadows of every valley and waits for you to simply reach out to Him. As you do, He surrounds with His love and ushers in deliverance. +++ 


Scripture: Psalms 26:11 "But as for me, I will walk in my integrity."

Many words come to mind when we think of the word 'integrity' such as soundness, honesty, and an adherence to standards and values. Webster's dictionary defines integrity in the same manner, but adds another interesting meaning. It states that integrity also means "the quality or condition of being undivided or the state of being unimpaired."

Integrity is not just obedience to the rules, but is an undivided and unimpaired heart attitude towards right. Integrity is not prompted by what others will think or by the rewards or consequences that will be received. It is a deep desire of the heart to do the right thing simply because it is the right thing to do. An undivided and unimpaired heart means that it is not lacking in any area. When you are walking in integrity, there are no hindrances that are able to tempt or challenge your decision and there are no handicaps to keep you from fulfilling your commitment. You are single minded and determined to fulfill God's will and His commandments at any cost, and you cannot be forced to do otherwise. Integrity separates you from those whose schemes are questionable because your standards and values do not waver or bend with the opinions of your associates. 

The psalmist, David, decided far in advance that he would walk in integrity. He declared his intentions by emphatically stating, "As for me, I will walk in my integrity." He was undivided in his decision to walk in the straight and narrow path of righteousness. David's integrity began with a decision of the will and the heart, and he followed through with actions. He felt so strongly about his decision that he challenged the Lord to examine or search him, test him, and try him (Psalms 139:23). For sure, David had faults, but his heart was perfect before God. David loved God and trusted God to keep him as he walked this straight path.

There is stability and security when you walk in integrity. David said, "My foot stands on level ground." As with David, God sees your heart and knows if it is undivided and unimpaired. When you declare your intentions to walk in integrity, God will walk with you and lead you in paths of righteousness one step at a time. +++ 


Scripture: II Corinthians 1:9 (Amplified) "Indeed, we felt within ourselves that we had received the very sentence of death; but that was to keep us from trusting and depending on ourselves instead of on God Who raises the dead."

The Apostle Paul had experienced a lot of trouble when he was in Asia. Paul was strong in the Lord. Yet when he spoke of this season that he had spent in Asia, he said that he was so utterly and unbearably weighed down and crushed that he despaired even of life itself. There was so much affliction and oppressing distress that He felt like he had received a sentence of death. There seemed to be no hope, but God rescued Paul from these perilous situations. And because God had come through for him in the past, Paul had confidence that God would deliver him again.

In the midst of all the turmoil and confusion, Paul received a revelation. The revelation was that God used the hardships, danger, and difficult places to teach Paul that he could not trust nor depend upon himself. God showed Paul that He alone was Paul's source and his deliverer. This was a hard realization for Paul because he was used to being in control and making things happen. Paul used this experience and shared the grace and peace that he received from the Lord during this season. He told the saints that because he was comforted during these hard and perilous times, he now found that he was equipped to comfort others with the same comfort that he had received. Because he had suffered, he now had the grace to console and encourage the suffering.

There are times when we just can't figure out what is happening in our life. We try to believe and make our confessions positive but it seems that God is miles away. We want to get things in focus, but regardless of our efforts, our life remains out of control. We are pressed beyond measure on every side and have no answers for life's questions. We are used to trusting in our own abilities and depending upon our own resources to bring us through. Yet, we find that nothing works. Where do we go and what do we do?

Did you know that nothing surprises God? He is aware of every situation in your life. You may be out of control, but you are the only one who is out of control. God is still on the throne and is fully aware of your situation. He holds you in the palm of His hands. God wants you to do all that you can do, but He first wants you to trust and depend upon Him to perfect and complete those things that concern you. He wants you to depend upon Him. He is able to deliver you and will do exceedingly beyond anything that you can ask or think; for He is a God who never fails. +++ 


Scripture: II Corinthians 1:9 (Amplified) "Indeed, we felt within ourselves that we had received the very sentence of death; but that was to keep us from trusting and depending on ourselves instead of on God Who raises the dead."

The Apostle Paul had experienced a lot of trouble when he was in Asia. Paul was strong in the Lord. Yet when he spoke of this season that he had spent in Asia, he said that he was so utterly and unbearably weighed down and crushed that he despaired even of life itself. There was so much affliction and oppressing distress that He felt like he had received a sentence of death. There seemed to be no hope, but God rescued Paul from these perilous situations. And because God had come through for him in the past, Paul had confidence that God would deliver him again.

In the midst of all the turmoil and confusion, Paul received a revelation. The revelation was that God used the hardships, danger, and difficult places to teach Paul that he could not trust nor depend upon himself. God showed Paul that He alone was Paul's source and his deliverer. This was a hard realization for Paul because he was used to being in control and making things happen. Paul used this experience and shared the grace and peace that he received from the Lord during this season. He told the saints that because he was comforted during these hard and perilous times, he now found that he was equipped to comfort others with the same comfort that he had received. Because he had suffered, he now had the grace to console and encourage the suffering.

There are times when we just can't figure out what is happening in our life. We try to believe and make our confessions positive but it seems that God is miles away. We want to get things in focus, but regardless of our efforts, our life remains out of control. We are pressed beyond measure on every side and have no answers for life's questions. We are used to trusting in our own abilities and depending upon our own resources to bring us through. Yet, we find that nothing works. Where do we go and what do we do?

Did you know that nothing surprises God? He is aware of every situation in your life. You may be out of control, but you are the only one who is out of control. God is still on the throne and is fully aware of your situation. He holds you in the palm of His hands. God wants you to do all that you can do, but He first wants you to trust and depend upon Him to perfect and complete those things that concern you. He wants you to depend upon Him. He is able to deliver you and will do exceedingly beyond anything that you can ask or think; for He is a God who never fails. +++


Scripture: Isaiah 45:3 "I will give you the treasures of darkness, and hidden riches of secret places, that you may know that I, the Lord, which call you by your name am the God of Israel."

Dark places can be frightening. I can walk the streets of my neighborhood in the midday sun without any anxiety, but if I were to travel these same streets in the darkness of midnight I would be attacked with the torments of fear. I have experienced this without even leaving my yard as I simply took the trash out to the curb after dark. There was no apparent danger or evil lurking in the shadows but because I didn't have clear vision in the darkness that surrounded me, fear flooded my soul. My mind could not handle the uncertainty of the situation.

We would like to be in the light at all times regarding our spiritual life as well as our natural life. Yet, there are times that we must walk in physical darkness and there will also be times when it seems there is a veil over our spiritual life. We will have no idea what is happening and it is as though we are walking alone on a dark street at midnight with no certain direction. All we can see are the shadows that are mocking us. It can be fearful to face financial difficulty and not know if you are going to have enough funds to meet your needs. It can be more frightening when your medical report comes back with negative information and you have to trust God with your very life. It seems that we can't stop fear and perplexity from attacking our minds when our children stray from the narrow path of God's plan. Yet, the Lord never forsakes us and He gives us hope in all of the dark and lonely places that me must pass through.

God promised to give us treasures in the darkness and hidden riches of the secret places so that we would know that He is God and that He has called us by our name. Some of the most precious times that we will ever spend with the Lord will be when we are passing through the dark places. We may have read a scripture a thousand times, but it will come alive when we are in the secret place of the Most High. It will give us hope when we are hiding under the shelter of His wings. His Word will give us light that cannot be quenched by the darkness. It will give revelation and shine like the natural lights of the heavens. God's Word is always there but it is often hidden like the stars in the midday sun. The stars are always out and the moon is always shinning, but their light is hidden in the daylight. It takes the darkness of the night to reveal their enormous glory. In the light, we can only see what is near, but in the darkness, we can see the lights of the galaxies that are millions of miles away from us. In our darkness, God is magnified and He gives us enormous vision.

If you are experiencing a dark season, do not be afraid. My darkest moments have birthed the greatest light into my soul. The hardest seasons that I walked through have produced the greatest faith that cannot be taken from me. I encourage you to embrace the darkness that surrounds you with anticipation and search for God's light. Ask Him to show you the treasures that are in the darkness that you are experiencing and seek out the hidden riches of the secret places. God will illuminate His Word and speak a personal word to your heart and soul. When He does, you will never be the same for that Word will produce light to your soul and create life in your spirit. You will have no doubt that God is God and that He knows you by name. +++ 

A Word In Due Season
5th Week of October 2014


Scripture: I Peter 5:10 "But the God of all grace, Who has called us unto His eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after you have suffered awhile, make you perfect, established, strengthen, and settle you."

Our Heavenly Father is the God of all grace. There is nothing too big for Him to handle and no situation that outweighs His measure of grace. There is no mountain too high, no valley too low, and no river too deep that will cause His grace to fail. God's grace is and always will be sufficient for every need. However, grace is only needed when there is a lack. The scripture above tells us that God has called us unto His eternal glory, but His glory will only come to us as we pass through the process of suffering.

We all want to experience God's glory but we do not relish the thought of suffering to get there. Like a piece of clay that must suffer through the process of being shaped into something useful, it is through suffering that God is able to mold us into the vessels that He wants us to be. Peter said that the God of all grace deals with us until we are perfect or mature and complete in every way. God doesn't leave the clay unfinished. He completes our beings through fiery trials and adverse situations. He also uses our seasons of suffering to establish us or make us resolute and steadfast in our direction, for when we suffer through various situations, we come out vowing never to be in those places again. Through suffering, we are also strengthened in power as our thoughts toward God are confirmed in spiritual knowledge. Seasons of suffering also settle our hearts and make sure our foundation.

You may wonder why God is so slow in turning your situation around. The previous scriptures tell you what you should do during your season of suffering. First, you must "humble yourself under the mighty hand of God" (VS. 6). By demoting yourself, you allow God to rule and have dominion over you. As you completely yield yourself to Him, He is able to finish His work within you. Second, you are to "cast all of your cares upon Him" (Vs. 7). He knows that you are in a tough place, but as you learn to let Him take all of your anxieties, worries, and concerns, it releases you from the power of the evil one. You must also "be sober and vigilant" (Vs. 8). Watching for the snares of the devil will keep you well-balanced and temperate. Caution must be exercised at all times because the devil will try to use your suffering situation to destroy your faith. Finally, you must realized that you are not alone and that suffering should not be considered something strange for those in the Kingdom of God. "The same afflictions are happening with your brothers throughout the world" (Vs.9). 

You have an adversary that is going about as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. He is a desperate foe, but you can take refuge in the knowledge that God is the God of all grace, favor, and blessing. So be encourage to know that God has called you into His eternal glory and He is in control. He has designed your destiny and made sure that your suffering will only be for a season. +++ 


Scripture: Genesis 13:10 & 11 "Lot lifted up his eyes, and beheld all the plain of Jordan, that it was well watered everywhere, before the Lord destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah ... Then Lot chose him all the plain of Jordan."

Abraham took Lot, his nephew, with him when he left Egypt. However, it became difficult for them to live together because both men had such large herds and great possessions. When the land could not support both of them any longer, strife began to develop between their herdsmen. In an effort to control the strife, Abraham suggested that he and Lot separate themselves and go different directions. Abraham said, "The whole land is before us. You take what you want and I will take what is left."

This was such a generous offer on Abraham's part because he was Lot's elder and leader and could have demanded the best for himself. Abraham's herdsmen, who were already in strife with Lot's herdsmen, would have stood with Abraham in battle to gain the more fruitful and better land. Yet, Abraham gave Lot first choice. Lot responded to this offer by choosing the very best portion of land, the plain of Jordan, which was well watered, lush, and green. However, this land did not remain in this state for very long. Because of the sin which polluted Sodom and Gomorrah, God's judgment fell upon it. In its final state, the land that Lot chose became a barren desert. It was no longer fruitful but was in total contrast to its original state of being well watered, lush, and green.

In Luke 12:15, Jesus told us that our lives do not consist in the abundance of things which we posses. Riches never satisfy the soul. A rich man and a poor man debated which of the two where the wealthiest. The rich man told the poor man, "I'm the wealthiest because I have great riches and you have nothing." The poor man said, "I'm the wealthiest. You have great riches for sure, but you always want more. I have very little, but I have all I want."

II Timothy 6:6-9 instructs us that, "contentment is great gain ... be content with having food and clothing." And then it warns us that, "Those who crave to be rich fall into temptation and a snare and into many foolish and hurtful lusts." God knows you and knows your needs. He has great plans for you and will provide what is best for you. Instead of choosing the land that is well-watered, lush, and green, seek God's blessing and His perfect will for your life. God will always give you the best when you allow Him do the choosing." +++ 


Scripture: Psalms 37:7 "Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him."

This is a simple instruction but sometimes it is difficult to rest and wait patiently for God because it seems that nothing is happening and our prayers are not being answered. Little do we realize that God is working behind the scenes to give us a better answer than what we have asked of Him. God's answer is far greater than anything than we could have asked or imagined (Ephesians 3:20) because His ways are always higher than our ways and His thoughts are always higher than our thoughts. Our worries turn out to be in vain because God always thinks beyond today's hope and answers according to tomorrow's best for us. 

One day I left work to run a short errand, which should have taken a few minutes, but on my way back to the office I was stopped by a train. The train was proceeding very slowly, but to make matters worse, it stopped on the tracks. I could see that there were four engines pulling the train, but the rest of the train was hidden from my view by some buildings. I wanted to take matters into my hands and squeeze out of the line so that I could take an alternate route over the overpass, but I was prevented by the other cars that blocked my escape. I was only nine blocks from my destination, yet I had no choice but to sit there and wait. At first, I was frustrated and impatient, but then I began to use the time to commune with God, and in just a little while, the train began to move. I still thought that I would have a long wait because in most cases, when four engines are pulling a train, it indicates that it is a very long train. To my surprise, as the train started moving, I could see that the four engines were pulling only five freight cars and my wait was suddenly ended. I was grateful that God had prevented me from leaving the line because the alternate route would have delayed me even more.

Like this train incident in my life, there are circumstances that occur in all of our lives that force us to wait. We may feel that we are very close to receiving our answer and even be able to see the end of our journey, but we can't seem to hurry things along in order to get there. When this happens, all kinds of questions and solutions come to our mind. Yet, we find that we have no choice in the matter. Our only choice is whether we are going to wait patiently or wait in a state of frustration and anxiety. We must learn not to become discouraged when there are delays, for the wait may be shorter than we thought. Like the train, the end may be hidden from our view. We may think that we have a long wait ahead, but in a moment of time God can rearrange all of the circumstances so that we can continue to pursue our agenda. We must also understand that God has a plan and that many times He blocks our way by His divine intervention. His delay is for His purpose and we must trust in the Lord's timing so that we can experience His perfect plan. As we trust in the Lord, we will come to know that the heart that is filled with faith in God can and will rest and wait patiently for Him. +++ 


Scripture: I Peter 4:8 (NLT) "Most important of all, continue to show deep love for each other, for love covers a multitude of sin."

There are instructions in the Word of God concerning our daily walk with the Lord and our walk with others. In many of those instructions, God underscored the need for us to love all people, at all times, and in all situations. He didn't tell us that we had to understand every thing that they did or agree with them in every area, but that we were to love them. This can be difficult because people are people and there can be many offenses that occur every day of our lives. People will offend us without that being their intention and we will offend others without even being aware of it. A word will be spoken out of order or a deed will be done that will cause confusion in our minds and bring pain to the deepest parts of our soul.

Peter had a great understanding about the power of love. He said the most important thing for us to do is to continue in love because love covers a multitude of sin. In the natural, when you cover something up, it is hidden from your view and everyone else's. The same is true in the spiritual realm when you allow God's love to flow through you and cover a deed. When God's love covers up a transgression that someone has committed against you, you no longer see it and others do not see it as well because you don't show it to them. You keep it hidden and you don't talk about the wrong that has been done against you.

When someone speaks evil of you or responds to you in a negative manner that causes confusion, you must cover it with love. You will find that when you release the love in your heart, you will be released from the torment in your mind. When you feel like you have been slapped in the face even though you acted with the best of intentions, you must obey what Jesus said and turn the other cheek. When you turn the other cheek, you allow love to cover the abuse. When you've spoken with a pure heart and a condemning judgment has risen against you, you must allow God to be God and do what He does best, which is to cover the transgression with love. God's love will silence the harsh words of condemnation and bring peace and healing to your heart. 

God is love and He created us in His image. If God is love, and we are created in His image, we are 'to be a vessel of love' just as 'He is love'. Love is not designed to be just an act, but a vital part of being. Love is the greatest gift of all. The Apostle Paul stated that love was even greater than faith and hope (I Corinthians 13:13). This is probably why the devil will try to destroy the love relationship amongst God's children. The devil knows that love has power and he doesn't want us to be united so he uses the smallest offense to cause dissension and confusion. When Jesus taught us to pray, He told us not to only seek forgiveness for our own sins but also to forgive others who had sinned against us. Love is a choice and it is beautiful when we allow it to be manifested in our lives, for love forgives and love covers or hides a multitude of sin. +++ 


Scripture: Romans 8:31 "If God be for us, who can be against us? Who can be our foe, if God is on our side?"

When we were young and played games we always started by dividing into teams. I was usually one of the last ones chosen because I was not very big nor athletic and my abilities in sports were limited. I was no asset whatsoever to the team. In fact, I was usually a hindrance. I can still remember hearing the sighs as one of the team captains was forced to take me onto their team. As adults we are able to move on from these simple games of childhood, but we now experience the more complicated game of life.

The first thing to realize in this game of life is that God is on our side and with Him on our team there is no way that we can lose. When God is for us, no one can stand against us. Notice that God doesn't play a half-hearted game. He puts everything that He has into the game because He is determined to win. God loves us so much that He sacrificed His very best so that He could invest in our lives. Romans 8:32 says, "God gave His Son so that He could freely and graciously give us all things." Sometimes we think that God is just waiting for us to do something wrong so that He can condemn us. The truth is that He is our team captain and He is not against us, He is for us. In the next few verses (Vs. 33-35) Paul asked three thought provoking questions concerning this matter:

"Who shall bring any charge against God's elect?"
"Who is there to condemn us?"
"Who shall ever separate us from the love of Christ?"

Paul then gave his answers to these questions:

"No one can make charges against us as God Himself
has justified us."
"Jesus will not condemn us as He died for us."
"There is absolutely nothing that can separate us from God's love."

Hebrews 13:6 says, "So we take comfort and are encouraged and confidently and boldly say, The Lord is my Helper, I will not be seized with alarm - I will not fear or dread or be terrified of what man can do to me." We never have to be anxious about anything that life has to offer when we are on the same team with God. There is no foe that can stand against us, for the Lord makes us more than conquerors. +++ 

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