............ A Word In Due Season
JUNE 2019


Scripture:  John 16:33  "In the world you shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world."

Sometimes we think that because we are Christians we should live in a bubble of protection and be able to live a life of ease.  But Jesus says, "This is not so."  Jesus said there would always be tribulations and difficulties in this world.  A lady once asked a minister to pray that she would have no problems and that the devil would not be able to attack her in any way.  The minister then began to pray for her, asking God to take her to Heaven immediately.  The lady stopped him and said, "I don't want to die, I just want to be free of problems."  The minister then explained that the only way to be totally free from tribulations would to be to enter the gates of Heaven, for it is only there that all of our trials are ended and our tears are wiped away.

Even though we are destined to experience difficulties in this world, Jesus told us to be cheerful and to understand that He is in control.  He has overcome all of the forces of evil.  It is a finished work.  He speaks these encouraging words to us in advance to prepare us and give us strength so that we may be able to maintain our inner peace.  When conflicts come, we can be assured that Jesus has a plan and we can rest in the fact that all things are going to work out for our good.

Acts 14:22 tells us that just a few days after Paul had been stoned and left for dead, he exhorted the people to continue in faith, saying that we must through much tribulation enter the kingdom of God.  Paul's encouraging words to endure tribulations were not empty words spoken by a man who had not experienced difficulty.  If I had been stoned and left for dead, I would probably tell you to run and hide when you were faced with the same adversity.  But Paul told us to "glory in tribulations" because by the time they are finished we will have gained several qualities (Romans 5:3-5).

Those new gained qualities are that tribulations will work patience.  Patience will work experience or prove our character.  Experience will develop hope, and hope will cause the love of God to be shed abroad in our hearts.  The Message Bible says it another way.  When the tribulation is finished, "We're never left feeling shortchanged.  Quite the contrary -- we can't round up enough containers to hold everything that God generously pours into our lives through the Holy Spirit!"  So when tribulations come, and they will, be cheerful knowing that Jesus has overcome. +++


Scripture:  Numbers 13:33  "... And we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight."

God led His people out of Egypt with great signs and wonders but when the journey became long and things became difficult, they allowed a spirit of deception to defeat them and lead them astray from their destiny and God's best for their lives.  They were deceived about their provisions and murmured about not having flesh to eat even though God was faithfully raining down fresh bread from Heaven every day to satisfy their hunger. When they complained about the lack of water, God supplied it from a rock, but they were still deceived about God's presence with them.  They said, "Is the Lord among us or not?"  They even thought that God had lured them into the wilderness to kill them.  They were in deception about who they really were and what God really wanted to do for them.

They limited the Holy One of Israel because they were caught up in deception in their own minds.  They did not see themselves as God saw them or believe that He could do what He promised to do.  They had no faith that He was able to bring them into the Promised Land.  When they finally saw the fruit of the land, they believed another evil report.  Deception told them that they could not penetrate the walled cities and possess the inheritance that God had given them because there were giants in the land.  And they were so deceived that they begin to see their own selves as grasshoppers in the sight of these giants.  Deception spoke again to their hearts and caused them to want to return to Egypt and to the bondage from which they had been delivered.

You may be experiencing a wilderness in your present walk with the Lord, but God does not want you to be deceived.  He wants you to see yourself as you really are and to know that you can have all the things that He has promised to you.  He does not want you to view yourself as a grasshopper in the midst of your giant enemies.  You were created in God's image and He wants you to see yourself in that light.

One of Satan's greatest fears is that you will see yourself as God sees you.  God sees you forgiven and washed in the blood of Jesus.  He sees you healed by the stripes of Jesus.  He sees you prospering as your soul prospers.  He sees you delivered and set free because Jesus paid the price on the cross of Calvary.  Do not allow deception to steal your inheritance.  God's promises belong to you and they are yours to possess. +++


Scripture:  Isaiah 26:20  "Come, My people, enter into your chamber, and shut your doors behind you; hide yourself for a little moment ..."

Isaiah spoke about the people of God who were in great turmoil.  In their day of trouble, they went to the Lord and poured out their hearts to him.  Isaiah said they cried out in pain before God like a woman who is travailing in labor as she gives birth to a child.  God answered their cries of distress and told them to go into their chambers, shut their doors behind them, and hide themselves for a little while.

God extends this awesome invitation to us as well.  Yet when challenges come, our natural instinct is to run here and there trying to solve our own problems.  In our confusion, the enemy of our soul moves in and tries to deceive us into thinking that we have been left alone and that God is too busy or too far away to help.  Satan tries to force us out of our hiding place and away from the presence of God.  Satan's aim is to destroy our faith so that we become discouraged and lose all hope.  He knows that when we give in to a spirit of hopelessness, we are defeated.

When hopelessness and defeat challenge you, you must follow the prophet Isaiah's words.  You must hide yourself in the secret place of God's presence, even if it is just for a moment, so that you can listen for His voice of instruction.  Shut the door to every distraction that would cause you to make a hasty and wrong decision.  As you enter God's presence He will draw you to Himself and hide you under the shelter of His love and He will keep you in His peace away from the present danger.  As you wait before Him, God will regenerate you and give you new strength so that you are able to mount up with wings as the eagles and soar above the current problems that are challenging you.

In every situation, you are to cast every care upon the Lord and never forget that He cares for you.  Just as He cares for the smallest sparrow, He is watching over every facet of your life and will take care of your situation.  God is still in control and is in the process of working all things out for your good.  The Lord's solution to your situation is for you to enter into His chamber, shut the door behind you, and continue to keep yourself hidden in His presence. +++


Scripture:  Acts 17:25  "He gives to all life, and breath, and all things."

Jesus came that we may have life and have it more abundantly.  This does not mean that He will make every one of us rich in earthly goods or cause us all to be famous.   It also does not mean that we will all experience excellent health or exceed in wisdom.  Instead, it means that our individual lives have the potential to be fulfilling and that we all have the same opportunity for the joy of the Lord to overflow in our souls.  Deuteronomy 30:19 tells us that God sets before us life and death and then instructs us to choose life.  Proverbs 18:21 says that death and life are in the power of the tongue.  So we must understand that even our words create and destroy life and that the outcome of our lives depend upon our own attitudes and the choices that we make. 

Our life, our breath, and everything that we have came from God, for He created the world and everything that is in it.  Every breath that we take is because He breathes life into us.  Every drop of blood that our hearts pumps is because He causes the pressures within the heart and arteries to make it happen.  Every step that we take is because He gives us mobility.  Everything that our hands are able to grasp is because of the strength that He imparts.  Every thought that we think is because He has provided us with a brain and a logical mind.  Everything that we see is because of the eyes that He has furnished.  Every sound that we are able to hear is because He has given us ears and opened our hearing.  Every ounce of life that we have and enjoy is because of Him.  Our very lives are held in the hands of the Almighty God.

God knows all about us.  We may be able to hide our thoughts and feelings from the closest people around us but God made us and He knows when we are up and when we are down.  He is ever watching and sees us as we are coming in and going out.  Nothing is hidden from His view.  God uncovers the secrets that are deeply hidden within our hearts so that He can heal them.  He communicates with us not just through the things of life but as a friend to a friend.  He calls us each by name and deals with us individually, spirit to spirit.  He give us life, breath, and all things.  Let us never neglect to love and commune with this One who has created us, for in Him we live and move and have our being (Acts 17:28). +++


Scripture:  Psalms 118:6  "The Lord is on my side; I will not fear: what can man do to me?"

When you stand on the edge of the cliff or there is a Red Sea before you, it is not the time to put your trust in man, for he will probably fail your expectations.  It is the time to trust in God and ask Him to deliver you in your situation.  The psalmist said that he called upon the Lord in the day of his distress and the Lord answered him.  Knowing that the Lord was on his side, the psalmist was able to boldly declare that he would not fear what man could do to him.  Safety is not the absence of danger, but the presence of the Lord.  When you are hemmed in on every side and are forced to meet your adversary, it is a great security to know that the Champion of all battles is with you and that He is on your side.

Think of some of the saints of old that showed no fear in the midst of life threatening situations.  David faced Goliath, the giant, but had confidence that the Lord was on his side, so he ran towards Goliath in battle.  God was faithful and delivered the giant into David's hand.  Daniel prayed openly to God knowing that he would be thrown into a lion's den.  He trusted in God and knew that man could not do anything to him that God did not allow.  God shut the mouths of the lions and Daniel's deliverance became a mighty testimony to the king.  Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego had no fear of death or the fiery furnace.  The Lord showed them that He was on their side and even walked with them in the midst of the fire.  He delivered them in such a mighty way that when they came out of the fire, there wasn't even the smell of smoke upon them.

Live or die, we must come to the same conclusions that these courageous men did.  And, like the psalmist, we must make bold confessions of our faith that are based upon the Word of the Lord.  As we look through the scriptures, we can boldly say:

1.)  I will not fear when things go wrong because God is on my side, and all things are going to work together for my good because I love Him and am called according to His purposes. (Rom. 8:28)

2.)  I will not fear when I do not have sufficient funds, because God is able to meet all my needs according to His riches in Christ Jesus.  He will make a way where there seems to be no way. (Phil. 4:19)

3.)  I will not fear when danger approaches me because God is my refuge and He will hide me under the shelter of His wings. (Ps. 91:2 & 4)

4.)  I will not fear when my heart becomes overwhelmed in trying to find the right direction for my life because The Lord is my Shepherd and He will lead me in the paths of righteousness and beside the still waters. (Ps. 23:1-2)

5.)  I will not fear when distress and discouragement attacks because Jesus will restore my soul. (Ps. 23:3)

6.)  I will not fear when sickness attempts to attach itself to my physical body because the Lord is my healer and by His stripes, I am healed. (I Peter 2:24)

7.)  I will not fear when death knocks at my door because I face a win-win situation.  The Lord has promised to never leave me or forsake me in this life on Earth.  And if I should die, I know that He will escort me to Heaven, for I have this confidence that when I am absent from my body, I will be present with Lord. (II Cor. 5:8)

8.)  Finally, as the psalmist said, "The Lord is on my side; I will not fear: what can man do to me?" +++


Scripture:  Galatians 6:10  "As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith."

Our Christian character is not developed by just exercising moral or legal correctness, but also comes as the Holy Spirit works within us to minister to those around us.  Each day provides us with ample opportunities to do good.  We just have to watch for them.  There are hurting people everywhere who need a good word spoken to them or a helping hand stretched in their direction.  They need an ear to listen to their heart beat or a shoulder to cry upon.  They need someone who can envision their dream and dream with them.  There are also those who have grown weary in well doing and need someone to encourage them to continue their good works.  Many just need a friend to pray for them or an ally who will stand with them against the enemy who is attacking their soul.

There is an interesting story concerning World War II, even though some of the details escape my memory.  There were some soldiers who were being held captive by their enemy.  The enemy forced the soldiers to make weapons that were to be dropped on the captive soldier's own men and allies.  The captive soldier faced death themselves if they did not comply with the orders of their enemy so they faithfully appeared to work as instructed.

However, when the bombs were dropped from the warplanes, all of them turned out to be duds and none of them exploded.  When the bombs were investigated, they were found to contain notes inside that said, "Doing everything that we can, with all that we have, for as long as we can."  The prisoners of war were held captive and could not fight against the enemy themselves, but they wanted their comrades and allies to know that they were still working with them and making the most out of every opportunity.

In essence, this is all that God wants or expects from us.  He is all knowing and never asks us to do the impossible or to give what we do not have.  He simply asks, "Do everything that you can, with all that you have, and for as long as you can."  His requests may require faith and sacrifice, but He will see you through every situation and reward all of your efforts.  Nothing will go unnoticed by the Father as you do good to all men and especially those of the household faith. +++


Scripture:  Exodus 32:29  "Consecrate yourselves today to the Lord ... that He may bestow upon you a blessing this day."

Moses gave a word to Gods' people to let them know that if they wanted to receive God's blessing, they needed to consecrate themselves to God.  One of the definitions of this word 'consecrate' in the Hebrew, as it is used in this verse, meant "to be fenced in."  Just as in the case with Moses and the people of God, God's love and blessings do flow out to us with mercy and grace.  Yet, as we mature in God, we learn that He expects things from us.  He desires a life that is freely consecrated to Him.  When we are babes in Christ, we may get away with a few things, but we soon learn that, "to whom much is given, much is required" (Luke 12:48).  With maturity comes responsibility, which means that we must fence ourselves into the demands of God's Word if we want His blessings to rest upon us.

Moses said, "Consecrate yourselves today."  Each day has its own challenges.  Just about the time that we think we have arrived spiritually, we find ourselves facing something new and come to realize that we have just begun our journey towards holiness.  Walking with God and remaining in His precepts is a daily walk and it is only accomplished one step at a time.  Each and every day we are to consecrate ourselves by putting a fence around our thoughts, imaginations, emotions, and deeds.  We then have to guard the borders of our heart from the snares of evil.  Our sacred purpose must be to render ourselves to God's service and give Him dominion over every space in our lives.  We must dedicate every chamber of our heart to the Lord and declare it to be holy ground.  God must have an open hand in our lives and everything must come under His rule.  Our measuring rod must be governed with the question, "Will the Holy Spirit enjoy participating in this particular activity or will it bring Him shame?"  That simple question will divide the light from the darkness and make God's will clear in your heart and mind.

It is only as we come to this place of total commitment and surrender and then follow through with our actions that we will experience the true blessings of God.  Receiving His blessings does not mean that we will become rich and famous or have all the material things that we desire.  But it does mean that our souls will be satisfied with the goodness of God and that His favor will rest upon us in an unusual way.  Moses said, "Consecrate yourself today ... so that you can receive God's blessings today."  This Word with a promise is yours.  Begin by giving yourself to God, consecrating all that you are and all that you hope to be to Him.  Then, ask God to help you build a fence around that commitment that will keep you within its borders and also protect you from the outside hindrances.  Then as you consecrate yourself today, get ready to experience His blessings today. +++


Scripture:  Psalms 109:22  "For I am poor and needy, and my heart is wounded within me."

David cried out to God for deliverance and made his petitions very clear.  He declared that his enemies had surrounded him with words of hatred and fought against him without a cause (Verse 3).  David asked God to judge these false accusers who had lied and spoken deceitfully against him,and he said to God, "Don't hold Your peace, O God of my praise.” (Verse 1).

David's heart was seriously wounded within him as he cried out for mercy and deliverance from the Lord.  He was a man that loved God with all of his heart.  David was the king of Israel, a strong leader, and a mighty warrior.  Yet underneath the royal robes and warrior's armor, there was a man with a sensitive heart.  He was not exempt from emotional pain because of his position in life or because of his strength as a leader.  He could hurt within just like any other man and he saw God as his only recourse in this situation.  David opened up his heart before God and allowed God to see his wounds as he stood before God and confessed his pain and his need.

C. S. Lewis once said, "God whispers to us in our pleasure and shouts to us in our pain."  Many times in our season of pleasure we become relaxed and distracted.  There is no driving force that causes us to fast, pray, and search for God.  When we are in this state, we often miss the still small voice of God because our hearts are not turned in His direction and our ears are not tuned to His voice.  Yet, when we are hurting in some way or facing a mountain of adversity, we become more attentive and it seems that God's voice is much easier to hear.  We seek for a solution, we search for an answer, and we listen for Him to speak.  His slightest whisper becomes a shout within our spirits.

David was wounded and was facing a need, but he knew that beyond his wounds there was an answer and that answer was God, Himself.  He made a commitment to God, saying, "I will give myself to prayer."  Like David, you must look beyond your wounds and needs and go to God in prayer.  He has your answers.  Get a glimpse of God and then allow Him to deliver you and redeem your situation. +++


Scripture:  Luke 15:20   " ... while he was still a long distance away, his Father saw him coming, and was filled with compassion, and ran and embraced him, and kissed him."

The youngest son of a father asked for his inheritance and then he left home.  He went to a foreign country and there he wasted all of his inheritance on a wild lifestyle.  He finally came to his senses when his resources were gone and he found himself eating the food that he was supposed to be feeding to the pigs that he was taking care of.  When the reality of his situation finally hit him, the son decided to return home and ask his father if he could become one of his hired servants.  He never expected the grand welcome that awaited him.

His father, like any natural father, was waiting and diligently watching for his son's return.  He had probably prayed the whole time that his son had been gone and possibly walked to the bend in the road many times hoping to get a glimpse of his son’s return.  When the father saw his son coming home, compassion filled his heart and he ran and took his son in his arms and kissed him.  The father took the best robe that he had and put it upon his son.  He put shoes on his son's feet and a ring on his finger.  He then killed a fat calf to celebrate his son's return.  The father was not concerned about how long the son had been gone or how low he may have sunk.  His only interest was that his son was now home where he belonged.

This is a beautiful picture of our loving heavenly Father.  Our Father God never forces us to follow His will, but always waits for us to return to it.  When Satan seeks to sift us as wheat as he did Peter, Jesus intercedes and prays for us that our faith will not fail.  Yet, sometimes we fail because even though our spirit is willing, our flesh is weak.  Our prayer becomes like the words of the prodigal son who said, "Give me."  When God gives, we often misuse our inheritance and abuse the liberty that He allows.  We then find ourselves in a pit of despair.  But God never gives up.  He waits and watches diligently for us to return to Him.  He listens for our words to change just as the prodigal son's words changed from "Give me" to "Forgive me" Father, for I have sinned."

Our Father God sees our heart from a long way off and knows the moment that it changes.  As we approach God's throne for forgiveness, He runs to meet us and is always faithful to forgive.  His heart is filled with compassion for us and He restores our relationship with Him as His son.  He covers us with His robe of righteousness, puts His shoes of peace on our feet, and places a ring of authority on our finger.  Our Father embraces us in His loving arms and celebrates our return. +++


Scripture:  Proverbs 4:1  "Listen, children, to the instruction of a father, and attend to know understanding."

We have all learned from our fathers in one way or another.  A good father teaches us the principles of life and guides us into truth by their pure examples.  They may never say a word concerning a certain matter, yet, their actions alone will cause us to understand the difference between right and wrong or good and evil.  Their heartbeat will be the drum that we listen to and learn to follow.  A father who is not a good example also teaches us, but in a different way.  With a father of this sort, we learn the things that we should not do if we want to live a good and blessed life.  It is a matter of choice, for many good sons and daughters have come from less desirable parents.

Earthly fathers are meant to be a type and shadow of our Heavenly Father.  They are to love us unconditionally but also be there to discipline us when needed.  They are to be our comfort, protector, and provider, but more importantly they are to be our guide through life as they lead us down paths of righteousness.  Solomon said, "Hear the instruction of your father, and give attention to understand what they are saying."  He then follows these words by saying that if we listened to our fathers and gave attention to their guidance, that their wisdom would preserve and keep us (Vs. 6), promote us and bring honor to us (Vs. 8), be an ornament of grace and a crown of glory to us (Vs. 9), give us life (Vs. 13), and bring health to our flesh (Vs. 22).  It is one thing to hear, but it is another thing to follow.  Being told that the stove is hot and not to touch it is good instruction and guidance, but understanding and giving attention and obedience to those words is wisdom.

I had a wonderful earthly father who served God faithfully.  Was he perfect by Heaven's standards?  No, but his heart was perfected by God's love.  He made mistakes for sure, but I knew that he loved and cherished me and that he always had my best interest at heart.  He went to be with the Lord many years ago, but I still honor his life.  The Apostle Paul tells us to honor our father and mother, and then he reminded us that this is the first commandment with a promise (Ephesians 6:2).  In all of the other commandments, God just said, "Thou shalt" or "Thou shalt not" and never gave a stated promise with the command.  When He gave us the commandment to honor our father and mother, He promised that our obedience to that command would give us long life on this earth.  Solomon reiterated the promise by saying that honoring the wisdom of our fathers would preserve us, keep us out of danger, and give us life.

We will have many fathers who will give guidance to our lives and there are great rewards for listening to their words and then yielding our lives to their instructions.  We must understand that honoring these faithful men of God and giving attention to their words of wisdom is not a one-day affair as on Father's Day.  Instead, it should be a continual lifestyle that will bring us long life. +++


Scripture:  Proverbs 4:1  "Listen, children, to the instruction of a father, and attend to know understanding."

We have all learned from our fathers in one way or another.  A good father teaches us the principles of life and guides us into truth by their pure examples.  They may never say a word concerning a certain matter, yet, their actions alone will cause us to understand the difference between right and wrong or good and evil.  Their heartbeat will be the drum that we listen to and learn to follow.  A father who is not a good example also teaches us, but in a different way.  With a father of this sort, we learn the things that we should not do if we want to live a good and blessed life.  It is a matter of choice, for many good sons and daughters have come from less desirable parents.

Earthly fathers are meant to be a type and shadow of our Heavenly Father.  They are to love us unconditionally but also be there to discipline us when needed.  They are to be our comfort, protector, and provider, but more importantly they are to be our guide through life as they lead us down paths of righteousness.  Solomon said, "Hear the instruction of your father, and give attention to understand what they are saying."  He then follows these words by saying that if we listened to our fathers and gave attention to their guidance, that their wisdom would preserve and keep us (Vs. 6), promote us and bring honor to us (Vs. 8), be an ornament of grace and a crown of glory to us (Vs. 9), give us life (Vs. 13), and bring health to our flesh (Vs. 22).  It is one thing to hear, but it is another thing to follow.  Being told that the stove is hot and not to touch it is good instruction and guidance, but understanding and giving attention and obedience to those words is wisdom.

I had a wonderful earthly father who served God faithfully.  Was he perfect by Heaven's standards?  No, but his heart was perfected by God's love.  He made mistakes for sure, but I knew that he loved and cherished me and that he always had my best interest at heart.  He went to be with the Lord many years ago, but I still honor his life.  The Apostle Paul tells us to honor our father and mother, and then he reminded us that this is the first commandment with a promise (Ephesians 6:2).  In all of the other commandments, God just said, "Thou shalt" or "Thou shalt not" and never gave a stated promise with the command.  When He gave us the commandment to honor our father and mother, He promised that our obedience to that command would give us long life on this earth.  Solomon reiterated the promise by saying that honoring the wisdom of our fathers would preserve us, keep us out of danger, and give us life.

We will have many fathers who will give guidance to our lives and there are great rewards for listening to their words and then yielding our lives to their instructions.  We must understand that honoring these faithful men of God and giving attention to their words of wisdom is not a one-day affair as on Father's Day.  Instead, it should be a continual lifestyle that will bring us long life. +++


Scripture:  Matthew 19:21-22  "Jesus said, ... sell what you have and give to the poor ... But when the young man heard that saying, he went away sorrowful for he had great possessions."

A rich man desired to become a follower of Jesus and thought himself to be a good candidate because he had kept all the commandments of God all of his life.  Yet Jesus told the rich man that he lacked one thing and He instructed the man to sell everything that he had and give it to the poor.  The rich man's truest desires were exposed when he was unable to give up his riches in exchange for God's Kingdom.  His wealth and material possessions had become the god of his life and were ruling his heart.  His refusal to surrender his riches prevented him from completing God's will and left him sorrowful in heart.

When we think of idols, we usually think of images of heathen worship.  But as Jesus showed us in this story, there are other things that can rule our hearts.  Idols are very easy to form.  Job security, children, relationships, fame, fortune, and even ministry can become idols in our life.  God is not against His people having these things, but He does not want those things to dictate our lives.  He wants to be the King of our life and to rule all the kingdoms of our heart.

God's ways are never like our ways.  Throughout scripture, we see the principle of eternal exchange.  Jesus emptied Himself and became a servant so that He could become Lord.  He refused the kingdoms that Satan offered Him in order to gain the Kingdom of God.  Likewise, we must give up something to receive what God has for us.  We have to forsake all to follow Him.  If we want to be great, we have to humble ourselves and become the least.  We have to lose our life so that we may find it, just as we must bury seeds in the ground to obtain a harvest in the field.  We must love our enemies in order to accomplish our revenge.  We must give what we have so that we may receive what we need.  All of our selfish motives and desires must be dethroned before God can truly accomplish His purposes in our lives.  We can never receive what God has intended for us until we let go of the treasures that hold our hearts.  When the idols of our heart are surrendered, we will not be sorrowful because we will gain the Kingdom of God, which is a far greater rate of exchange. +++


Scripture:  Micah 6:8 (Living Bible)  "God has told you what He wants, and this is all it is: to be fair and just and merciful, and to walk humbly with your God."

God delivered Israel out of Egypt by giving them great leaders such as Moses, Aaron, and Miriam.  God also reversed the curse of Balaam and brought His chosen people into the Promised Land.  He did mighty things for His people so that they might understand the righteousness of God.  Yet, they turned away from God, causing Him to ask these questions, "Why have you turned away from Me?  Don't you remember what happened and what I did for you?"

Israel proposed to make up for their sins by offering God sacrifices of calves, rams, and rivers of olive oil.  They even offered to sacrifice their oldest children.  However, God did not want their sacrifices.  Instead, He simply wanted their obedience.  He had already told them what His desires and demands were.  He wanted them to love Him, fear Him, walk in all His ways, and serve Him with all of their heart and soul (Deut.10:12).  Walking with someone indicates that you are in agreement with them in your spirit.  Amos 3:3 confirms this by stating, "Can two walk together except they be in agreement?"  When you walk with someone, you go in the same direction they go, and you strive to reach the same destination and goals that they are striving for.

This is God's desire for you that you walk with Him and be in agreement with Him and His Word.  Jesus said, "If you love Me, keep My commandments" (John 14:15).  God does not want you to offer Him an occasional sacrifice to make up for your spiritual lack or your sins.  You can never regain through sacrifice what you lose through disobedience.  God wants you to be filled with His Spirit and follow after His own heart as closely as you can.  He wants you to love Him with every fiber of your being and make every effort to walk in continual obedience to His commands.  God is speaking tenderly to you today saying, "Walk with Me today, this is all that I want." +++


Scripture:  Psalms 107:27  "Ships in great waters reel to and fro .... and are at their wits' end."

Like the ships in great waters, there are problems and situations in our lives that bring us to our wits' end.  We do all that we know to do, but our resources are limited and insufficient to deliver us from the storm or to spare us from the difficulty that we are facing.  Just like the mariner, it seems that our ship mounts up to the heavens on the high waves, and then descends into the depths of the ocean.  Our lives are tossed to and fro and our souls melt because of the trouble that we are in.  We can no longer navigate the ship and like the seaman our wisdom is to no avail.  There is no time to think because of the turmoil of the restless sea that surrounds us.

Yet with God all things are possible if we look to Him for the help that we need.  Verse twenty-eight tells us what to do when we are at our wits' end.  It says, "Then they cried unto the Lord in their trouble."  When we begin to cry out for help, God will calm the storm, cause the waves to be still, and bring us into a safe haven.  There are examples throughout the scriptures of people who were at the end of themselves and their situations, but God intervened with His plan.  Following are four examples for your own life.

You may have come to your wit's end regarding your finances.  The widow in I Kings 17 had come to the end of her provision in a great time of famine.  She planned to make a cake for herself and her son and then just die.  But the prophet came with God's plan and challenged her to give.  As she gave and met the prophet's need, God met her needs and sustained her through the famine.  So be obedient to the Lord's request and He will sustain you.

You may be facing a serious health issue.  The woman who had an issue of blood for twelve years in Matthew 9:20-22 had spent all that she had on the physicians and had not become better, but grew worse.  She was at the end of her finances and health.  But in her desperation, she put her faith into action, pushed through the crowds and reached out to Jesus, and was healed.  So when you are at the end of your health, reach out in faith to the Lord for your healing.

Your relationships with others may be at their wit's end.  The prodigal son in Luke 15:11-32 had abused his relationship with his father, squandered all of his inheritance, and eventually found himself eating the swine's food.  He was at the end of his own devices, but when he finally came to himself, he returned to his father and repented.  As he cried out to his father, his father responded in love and restored him.  For since the day the son had left, the father had been waiting for his son's return.  Remember that your friends and family are waiting for reconciliation so be the first to return and reach out in love.

You may be at the end and ready to give up on ministry.  Joseph in Genesis 37-47 was treated unjustly many times, lied about, and rejected by his brothers.  Even the chief butler and baker forgot about Joseph when they were released from the prison.  Many times Joseph must have come to his wit's end, thinking that the dreams and visions that God had given him had no chance of ever coming to pass.  However, God fulfilled the dream and in one day's time Joseph was raised from the prison to the palace, and from obscurity to fame.  Continue in faith and you will reach your God ordained destiny.

Just like these examples, God is always there when you come to your wit's end and will rescue you when you turn to Him for help.  When your desperation brings you to this place, you will find that God is there and you will discover that He is smarter than you are.  When you come to the end of yourself and put your complete trust in Him, you are at the beginning of God and at the edge of the miracle that He has planned for you. +++


Scripture:  John 21:25  (NLT)  "Jesus also did many others things.  If they were all written down, I suppose the whole world could not contain the books that would be written."

We have libraries, bookstores, and homes that are filled with books on various subjects.  Can you imagine that if all of these books only contained information about Jesus that there would still be much more to say about Him?  The Apostle John said that the world could not even contain all the books that could be written about Jesus.  His life as the Son of God and as the Son of man is just too enormous to record and His works are too glorious to be totally contained even in a multitude of books.  This is the reason there were many things left unsaid by the disciples and followers of Jesus.  There were even signs and wonders that Jesus did in the presence of His disciples that were not written about in the scriptures (John 20:30).

The scriptures speak prophetically about Jesus before He came to Earth and they also record the events of His life after He came.  They tell us about the healings and miracles that He did.  They also speak of His acts of love and kindness, His words of judgment and peace, His journey to the cross, His glorious resurrection, and His miraculous ascension into Heaven.  The scriptures even speak of Jesus returning to Earth some day.  These mighty accounts of His life impart information and inspire our faith, yet His life was still so full that all of the things that He did, spoke, and felt were not recorded.

Jesus lived on the Earth thirty-three years and His ministry lasted three and one-half years, yet, we only have access to a small portion of His life and His Godly wisdom.  There is no way to record all of His knowledge and understanding or to explain how the gifts of the Holy Spirit worked in His life.  Neither are there enough words to explain the measure of the love that was in His heart, which caused Him to give His life willing on the cross of Calvary, for the love of Christ passes all knowledge and understanding (Ephesians 3:19).  How many books would it take to explain the holy grief that He felt for those who rejected Him or how many volumes would it take to describe His emotional agony and physical pain on the cross?  Who really knows all of the changes that He made in the hearts of the men, women, and children who witnessed His life?  Words are just too few and too inadequate to convey His righteousness, mercy, and grace.

The truth is that no life can be wrapped up in written words or pages in a book, for a personality has to be experienced.  I could write many books about my children and grandchildren but my words could never explain to you their individual characteristics.  I could write a million words and never convey my depth of love for them.  I could write a book today and tell you all that I know about them, but it would be out of date tomorrow because their lives change daily.  The only way you could ever possibly know and understand who they are would be by spending personal time with them.

With all of this in mind, I encourage you to not only read all that can about Jesus in the scriptures but to also spend time with Him.  Meditate on His Words and the words that were spoken about Him and give attention to Him in worship and communion.  Yearn to know Jesus and the power of His resurrection.  As you do, you will gain immeasurable knowledge about who Jesus is as a person and you will agree with the Apostle John that Jesus is too wonderful to be contained even in a multitude of books. +++


Scripture:  Proverbs 24:16  "A righteous man falls seven times and rises again ..."

Have you ever looked at your life or your current situation and felt like things were not turning out like you planned?  Your hopes and dreams were falling apart, and on top of all that, you were not getting any younger.  Comparable to taking the wrong exit off the freeway, you made one bad choice, and before you knew it you were going down the wrong road and had no way to turn back.  Situations then forced you to make other bad turns.  Finally, things got to the point that you did not even know where you were, much less how to get back to the main road.

God never promised you that you would never make mistakes or face disappointing circumstances but He did promise that He would be there to comfort you and deliver you out of all of your afflictions (Psalms 34:19).  If you give God all the pieces, He will take your fragmented life and put it back together again for His glory.  He says that you will not be overthrown by calamity if you are in right standing with Him.  But you are the one who has to make the effort to rise up from the fall.  The Message Bible says, "The righteous man is not down long."

Consider your response to your child when he was learning to walk.  You counted those first few unsteady steps as a magnificent feat even though your child fell down after his effort.  You never told your friends about your child's fall or failure, but bragged about the fact that he had walked even though it was just a step or two.  Each time that he tried again and failed, it was a grand victory because you knew that sooner or later your child would get it together and walk perfectly.  You encouraged him to try again because you did not want him to give up and have to be carried around for the rest of his life.

God is your heavenly Father and holds this same view.  He created you and knows that you are only common flesh and bone and that you are going to fall as you make an effort to walk through life.  In fact, He said the righteous man will fall and may even fall seven times,  Yet God does not want you to fear, get discouraged, or be overcome with your failures.  No matter how many times you trip and fall, your Heavenly Father wants you to rise up and try again.  Psalms 37:23 says, "God delights in our way and He busies Himself with our every step."  When you fall, God will always be there to help you get up.  Falling is not a failure ... failure is refusing to get up and try again. +++


Scripture:  Mark 6:52  "For they considered not the miracles of the loaves: for their heart was hardened."

The disciples witnessed Jesus walking on the water just after they had watched Him miraculously multiply five loaves and two fish into enough food to feed five thousand men, plus the women and children.  However, verse fifty-one says that when He came walking to them on the water, they were amazed beyond measure.  They had seen Jesus do so many miracles up to this point and yet they were amazed and wondered when they saw Him walk on the water.  It seemed that it was too much for them to comprehend.  There is no mention that the disciples were ever amazed or wondered when Jesus multiplied the loaves and fish even though they gave out the food as it was multiplied and also gathered up the abundant leftovers.  They never questioned how the food was multiplied and it seemed that their hearts had become hardened to this miracle of provision, for they did not even consider it when Jesus approached them on the water.   

Albert Einstein said, "There are only two ways to live your life.  One is as though nothing is a miracle.  The other is as though everything is a miracle."  When we think about it, life itself is a wonderful miracle that we cannot comprehend with our finite mind.  Our whole being has been created in God's image and the scriptures declare that our physical bodies are fearfully and wonderfully made.  The world around us is a miracle and everything in it functions in a miraculous way.  We have electricity, transportation, and communication systems among other things.  Yet too often, we take all of these things for granted and disregard God's amazing miracles that are at our fingertips and that we enjoy every day of our lives.

One of the greatest wonders to me is the fact that we have twenty-six simple letters in an English alphabet that allows us to communicate through writing.  Where would we be without books and literature or the ability to communicate with written words?  Life would be dull indeed.  Also, we have nine numbers and a zero that allows us to count further than our minds can even comprehend.  These are very simple but amazing things that should provoke a thankful spirit within us.

Most of us can recall things that happen in our past that we counted as miracles and we can remember how excited we were when the incident occurred.  Perhaps we found some money or provision came in unexpectedly to pay a debt.  Our bodies may have experienced a supernatural healing or a relationship may have been restored that we thought was lost forever.  Maybe God had intervened in our lives and caused us to escape a terrible accident.  Too often we allow time to pass without considering those things that once were so precious in our thoughts.  We must allow our hearts to go back to these awesome experiences and recall the special things that God has done in our lives.  As we do, we will find that our faith will be renewed for the things of the present and our hope strengthened for the future.  Let us consider the words of Albert Einstein and determine to live our lives as though everything is a miracle. +++


Scripture:  Genesis 19:16  (Living Bible)  "When Lot hesitated, the angels seized his hand and the hands of his wife and two daughters and rushed them to safety outside the city, for the Lord was merciful."

Two angels came to rescue Lot and his family from the destruction that was about to occur to Sodom and Gomorrah.  The angels said, "Flee for your lives ... and don't look back."  Even though the angels warned Lot to leave quickly so that he would escape the judgment that was to come, Lot hesitated.  Fleeing the city meant that he would have to leave behind his home and everything that he had acquired, including his friends and two sons-in-laws.  Lot's hesitation almost cost him his life, but God's angels intervened because the Lord was merciful.

Can you look back on your life today and see the many times that God intervened, saving you from heartache and destruction?  Maybe God kept you from marrying the wrong person whom you thought you were madly in love with.  Or He stopped you when you were thinking about ending your good marriage.  Possibly, God intervened when you were about to go in debt, overextending yourself financially.  Did you ever look back on a car or house deal that you had prayed and asked God for and then thanked Him that He did not answer your prayer because you found a better deal somewhere else?  God is so merciful to us.  Even though we cannot see it at the time, He always has our best interest in mind and will always give us the best when we allow Him to do the choosing.

God desperately tries to lead us by His Holy Spirit so that He can bless us and rescue us from hurtful situations, but like Lot, we often hesitate.  We do not want to let go of where we are and walk into the future with nothing but childlike faith in God.  We continually look back to old relationships that have failed and refuse to let go of our past hurts.  We bitterly hang on to the hurtful memories so that we cannot truly forgive.  We dwell on the negative reports of the doctors, which hinder God's Word of healing for our bodies.  Yet, the Lord continues to be merciful to us.

Lamentations 3:21-23 says, "Yet there is one ray of hope:  His compassion never ends.  It is the Lord's mercies that have kept us from complete destruction.  Great is His faithfulness; His loving kindness begins afresh each day."  We can thank the Lord that when we hesitate to do His will or trust His Word, we still have a ray of hope.  God's faithful compassion and mercies never end, and He will take necessary steps to keep us from complete destruction. +++


Scripture:  Psalms 78:19  "Can God furnish a table in the wilderness?"

God did many signs and wonders in the lives of the people of Israel as He led them out of Egypt.  They saw Him divide the Red Sea and cause the water to stand in a heap on each side of them as they passed through on dry ground.  They witnessed their deliverance as God used those same waters to destroy their enemies.  God miraculously guided them with a cloud during the day and a fire by night.  He provided water from a rock to quench their thirst and angel's food, or manna, to satisfy their hunger.  Each day for forty years He sufficiently met every need that challenged them.  Yet, they forgot God's marvelous works and spoke out against Him saying, "Can God furnish a table in the wilderness?"

The chosen people of God continually provoked Him as they journeyed in the wilderness.  They grieved, tempted, and limited the Holy One of Israel by their words and actions.  From one miracle to the next, they would forget what God had done for them.  It would seem that their faith would have grown stronger with each passing miracle.  But instead, they questioned God's ability with each new event, often speaking out against Him and their leader, Moses.  They never came to the place where they really knew God or truly trusted Him.  Because of the cruel bondage that they had suffered for so long, their spirits were full of anguish and it was difficult for them to believe for anything better (Exodus 6:9).

How many times have we questioned God's ability to take care of our needs?  We think our problem is too great or it has gone on too long.  Because of past hurts and anguish, we just cannot seem to come to the place where we can trust God to furnish a solution.  The current turmoil distracts us and we fail to rely upon God who has always been there and has never failed.  We do the same thing the people of Israel did.  We grieve, tempt, and limit the Holy One of Israel.  Even though God has proved Himself in the past and is quite able to meet our present need, He cannot do very many mighty works in our lives because He is limited by our unbelief (Matthew 13:58).

God wants to move mightily in your life and furnish a table in your wilderness.  Trust in Him for every need and instead of asking the question, "Can God?" start believing and declaring, "God can and God will." +++


Scripture:  Matthew 25:15  "He gave to every man according to his own personal ability."

Matthew tells the story of a man who divided several talents between his servants.  The servant who received five talents and the servant who received two talents put them to work and doubled them.  But the servant who had received only one talent was fearful and hid his talent in the ground.  He did not have enough faith to put his talent to work even though he knew that his master was able to reap and gather where he had not sown.  When the master returned and found that the servant had done nothing with the talent that had been entrusted to him, he took back the servant's talent and gave it to those who had been faithful, diligent, and productive in their efforts.

This story shows us four things.  First, God never asks you to do anything that He has not given you the ability to do.  He disburses talents according to the ability that is within you.  He gives you personal assets and with every gift or endowment, God provides you with the wisdom to know what to do with your gift.  Second, if you do what you can to use what you have been given, God will increase it and will also give you a promotion.  Third, limited ability does not negate responsibility.  God does not expect less effort from you because you have little, for any amount can be increased.  And finally, God requires faithfulness in spite of the fear that may challenge you.  He wants you to step out in faith even when you are afraid.

How many battles would have been won if no one was willing to fight because of the fear that was raging in their hearts?  Fear comes to all of us, but it is just an emotion.  Faith can dispel fear just as light dispels darkness, but faith must be acted upon.  Faith is substance and evidence (Hebrews 11:1).  Like playing a game of baseball, you have to be willing to strike out if you want to hit a home run.  Only when you swing the bat will you make contact with the ball and be able to experience a hit.  It is impossible to dream the hit into existence.  You must take action, for faith without works is dead.

So it is with your talents and investments.  You can dream all you want, but if you are not using your talents or assets, they will not be productive, nor will they multiply.  God does not increase your ability or cause you to reap when you have been idle or too fearful to sow.  He responds and multiplies your gifts because of your effort and your faith.  He makes good investments and expects good returns.   God gives you a gift and a dream and it pleases Him when you are able to give it back to Him with return.  Then, when He sees your faithfulness and your ability, He will give you more and enlarge your borders. +++

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