Scripture:  Acts 5:15 (NLT)  "Sick people were brought out into the streets on beds and mats so that Peter's shadow might fall across some of them as he went by."
The other day I took a walk in the late afternoon.  The sun was beginning to set behind me so my shadow stretched out about fifteen feet before me.  As I walked, I caught up with another couple who were walking in front of me.  They knew that I was coming close behind them because they could see my shadow on the pavement between them.  Yet, it seemed that they took little notice of my shadow because even though my shadow had invaded their territory, it had no life or power within it to alter their lives in any way.  It could not hear the conversation between the two of them or verbally communicate with them.  And even though my shadow was in their path, it could not cause them to stumble.  My shadow could only announce that someone was very near.
This was not the case when the Apostle Peter's shadow passed by on the streets of Jerusalem.  The people had great hope in Peter's shadow to the extent that the sick people gathered in the streets just to experience his shadow passing over them.  Yet, please understand that it was not Peter's shadow that brought healing and miracles.  Instead, it was the anointing of the Holy Spirit that was upon Him as a person.  Peter had been with Jesus and because of that intimate communion with Him, supernatural power continued to linger in Peter's life.  It was Peter's relationship with the Lord that caused the gifts of healing and deliverance to overflow from his life into the lives of those who believed and had faith to receive.
If you have a desperate need today, you cannot lay upon the streets of Jerusalem in hopes that Peter's shadow will pass over you and cause healing to come to your body or cause your other needs to be met.  Those days are over, but there is a greater shadow that is offered to you.  It is an everlasting shadow that is found in the presence of the Lord.  Psalms 91:1 tells us that if we dwell in the secret place of the Most High that we will abide under the shadow of the Almighty.  The secret place that you need to search for is simply the Lord's presence, for His presence is your greatest security.  It is your healing place and haven of peace.  It is under God’s shadow that you will experience His love and care in a unique way.  As you hide yourself in His presence He will be your refuge and will keep you safe from all harm. +++

A Word In Due Season
Auguest 2022

I Kings 17:7  "And it came to pass after a while, that the brook dried up, because there had been no rain in the land."
During a season of drought, God told the Prophet Elijah to go hide by the brook called Cherith.  While Elijah was there, he drank water from the brook and ate bread and meat that the ravens brought to him every morning and evening.  Things seemed to be fine for a season and God provided everything that Elijah needed.  Yet after a while, the brook dried up because there had been no rain in the land.  Then, God spoke to Elijah and told him to go to a town called Zarephath where God had commissioned a widow to sustain him.  Elijah moved in faith on the Word of God and God fulfilled His Word.
It is often very disturbing when we find ourselves in similar circumstances.  God gives us a job, a ministry, a friendship, or some other wonderful blessing which seems to be meeting all of our needs.  We know that we are in the will of God.  We are in the right place at the right time, but suddenly for no reason it seems, God stops raining His anointing and before long, like the brook, our blessing dries up.  We are left with a heart full of questions and concerns.  We try not to be discouraged, but our future looks bleak.  We have no idea what God is doing in our lives and have no apparent options in the natural.  Our only hope is to get a definite word of direction from the Lord and to trust that God will give us enough faith to act upon that word.
Although God's ways are higher than our ways, His guidance is often very humbling.  When Elijah's brook dried up, God sent him to a widow for help.  The mighty prophet of God had to ask a poor widow for her last bit of food, which she had planned to prepare for her son and herself to eat before they died.  But Elijah's words challenged her faith and her response brought victory.  Because of her obedience, God sustained her and her son throughout the drought.  Elijah's dry brook was no accident.  God wanted to send him to be a blessing to this widow and her son.  Elijah was her lifeline in this troublesome time.
Likewise, your situation is no accident.  God knows exactly where you are and what your circumstances are.  When your friends fail you or the anointing on your ministry has lifted, remember that God has new friends and other places of ministry that need you.  When your brook dries up and your provisions are spent, come to know that God and God alone is your source.  He is not limited by your circumstances.  In the midst of your dry season, God's Word will come to you and He will send you to a new place so that you can be the vessel that brings deliverance to others. +++


Scripture:  Romans 14:17  "The Kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost."

The Kingdom of God is defined in these few powerful words; righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.  These words of definition are terms of extreme excellence.  Jesus told us that this "Kingdom of God is within us."  What an enormous thought that the righteousness, peace, and joy of God is dwelling within us.  When we have been born again by God's Spirit, we are a branch that is connected to the vine, Jesus, and the same life of God that flows through Jesus flows through us.  Yet, there are times that this flow is hindered because we get out of the will of God and are no longer walking by faith in the paths of His righteousness.  When this happens, the peace and joy cease to flow in our lives.  King David experienced this when he sinned against God.  As he prayed for forgiveness, he also felt a need to pray for the joy of God's salvation to be restored in his life (Psalm 51:12).

Jesus warned us that the Kingdom of God would suffer violence (Matthew 11:12).  We can be sure that the righteousness, peace, and joy, which reside within us, will be challenged.  We will suffer adversity because the Word of God says that the devil goes about as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour.  His purpose is to kill, steal, and destroy the Kingdom of God that is within us because he does not want our testimony to be one of righteousness, peace, and joy.  But God has made us to be overcomers in this life.  He has given us the authority to resist the devil and told us that no weapon that has been formed against us can prosper.  We are protected through the Name of Jesus, His Word, and His Blood.  However, although we are more than conquerors where the devil is concerned, we still have to fight the good fight of faith and maintain God's Kingdom in our hearts.

Jesus told us to make the Kingdom of God a priority in our lives.  He said, "Do not worry about what you are going to eat, drink, or wear, but seek first the Kingdom of God.  As you do, all things that you need will be added to you."  We are to seek righteousness, peace, and joy on a daily basis.  These things are more important than any material thing that we can gather and store.  Righteousness comes by faith and is a work of the Holy Spirit.  Perfect peace comes to us as our mind is stayed upon the Lord (Isaiah 26:3).  And fullness of joy comes to us as we dwell in the Lord's presence, singing praises and worshiping Him.  God makes life so simple.  As we seek His Kingdom, He will build our own personal kingdom and all that we need, will be added to us. +++

Scripture:  Psalms 62:8  "Trust in Him at all times; you people, pour out your heart before Him:  God is a refuge for us."
King David wrote this psalm from personal experience, for he had truly found God to be his refuge at all times.  God did not show Himself strong every now and then in David's life, but at all times.  When trouble presented itself, David went to God and poured out his heart before Him.  God never failed to come to David's rescue or deliver him from his enemies.  In fact, God not only delivered David, but David declared that the Lord anointed his head with oil in the presence of his enemies.  When David fell into sin, he did not run from God.  Instead, he ran to God in repentance.  He trusted in God and found refuge in God's mercy, forgiveness, and grace.  When David needed counsel, he found refuge in God as a wonderful counselor.  Whether he faced material needs, emotional needs, or disappointments with his children and other relationships, David always found refuge in the presence of the Lord.
David invites us to pour out our hearts before God as he declares that God is a refuge for all of us.  As our refuge, God protects us on all sides.  It is like being in a closed room where nothing can harm us.  We are surrounded and covered by His very being, and nothing can penetrate the presence of the Almighty God.  The Lord will never fail.
David said, "Trust in the Lord at all times."  In the times of grief and sorrow, the Lord becomes our refuge of comfort.  When we are broken hearted, He is always near.  When our health fails, He is our refuge of healing and strength.  In the times of financial lack, we know that we can depend upon Him as our refuge of provision who will supply all of our needs according to His riches.  When we are lonely, He surrounds us with His love, and when confusion seeks to torment our soul, He secures us in His peace.  When we sin, we can run to the refuge of the Lord’s forgiveness and cleansing.  When we face disappointments, He is a refuge of encouragement and fresh hope.  The Lord is our shelter in the raging storms and He is also the cloud that gives us refuge from the blazing sun.   We are to trust God in every season, for God is our refuge at all times. +++

Scripture:  II Chronicles 7:14  "If My people, which are called by My Name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land."
We are living in very serious times.  It seems that every nation is in the midst of division, danger, distress, and turmoil.  Evil lurks on every corner and there is heartache around each bend.  Each day has new unpleasant surprises.  There are droughts, storms, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, political unrest, national financial upheaval, violent protest, and wars or rumors of war.  Yet in midst of all this distress, God offers hope to His people and to those who are called by His Name.  Regardless of whom we are or where we live on this Earth, we must respond to this urgent call from God to pray for our land.
In the mighty prayer scripture above, God gives us a big "If" and much of our deliverance rests upon our reactions to His instructions.  God gives us the elements to find forgiveness and healing for our land.  These elements include personal humility, prayer, a heart that seeks after God, and repentance of our sins.  Healing comes in many forms.  It can be physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual.  It can also be local, national, or global.  God is not limited in any area, but He is limited by our complacent attitude and lack of faith and action.
God said, "If we humble ourselves," "If we pray," "If we seek after Him," and "If we repent of our sins," then He will respond.  It is that simple.  God is listening and ready to answer, but our answer depends upon our own actions.  God challenges His own people and declares that our deliverance rests upon our own shoulders.  If you are one of God's people and if you are called by His Name, you have a responsibility to join this mandate of prayer.  Determine to be one of those who will join together in one accord and pray so that healing can come to all nations and to your own individual life. +++


Scripture:  Proverbs 8:1  "Does not wisdom call out?"

Have you ever had someone follow you around and continually give you instructions and directions?  Or have you ever treated someone else in the same manner because of your concern for the decisions they were making?  Looking at the situation from the outside perimeter, you could see the error of their ways.  As a result you feared the consequences of their choices and what they were going to have to face.  King Solomon said that this is how the Spirit of Wisdom operates in our lives.  He spoke of wisdom as a person who stands in the paths that it knows we will take and also sits by the doors that it knows we must enter.  The Spirit of Wisdom waits for us at each crossroad of our life and continually cries out to us because it is full of valuable knowledge and insight that it wants to share with us.

Wisdom does not mince words but speaks of that which is right and tells the truth in all matters.  Wisdom is discerning and is very persistent in making its voice known in our lives in an effort to keep us from making bad choices.  Yet, how many times have we pushed wisdom aside and proceeded to do things our way?  We have bought things, gone in debt for things, said things, and done things that we knew were contrary to wisdom.  We have pressed through and opened the doors that were meant to be shut.  We have closed our ears and knowingly shut off our understanding because our desire was greater than the discipline in our lives.  We have turned our eyes away from the Holy Spirit, laid caution aside, and disregarded the warnings of this wonderful counselor, who only had our best interest in mind.

Wisdom was with God when He created the heavens and the earth and was also God's daily delight (Proverbs 8:22 & 30).  God exercised wisdom in all of His creation and as He finished each project He was able to declare that it was good.  Can we say that everything that we have accomplished is good?  Many times we limit our personal success by not allowing wisdom to have full reign in our lives.  Solomon asked, "Does not wisdom call out?"  These are stout words from a very wise man and words that we must give an account for.  From this day forward, let us determine that our answer be, "Wisdom called out and I listened and adhered to its instruction." +++

Scripture:  Exodus 32:26  "Who is on the Lord's side?
Moses had been on Mount Sinai for forty days communing with God and receiving the commandments of the Lord.  These commandments were written on two tablets of stone and Exodus 31:18 tells us that they were written with the finger of God.  God had actually engraved His Words upon the tablets of stone.  What an awesome thought, to be able to hold something that precious in your own hands.  Yet this glorious experience and wonderful keepsake was soon to be ruined.  As Moses came down from the mountain with Joshua at his side, they could hear sounds coming from the camp.  Joshua thought it was the sounds of war but Moses knew that it was the sounds of music and laughter.  When Moses came into the camp, the first thing that he saw was the golden calf that the people had made for worship.  Righteous anger rose within Moses and in a moment of distress and passion, he threw the tablets to the ground, breaking them into pieces.
Just after this incident, Moses stood and asked the people, "Who is on the Lord's side?"  He made it very clear that there was no middle ground.  There were no hiding places, no gray areas, and no maybes.  It was yes or no, light or dark, good or evil.  They had to decide and they had to step forward and show their commitment.  He said, "You are either on the Lord's side or you are not.  Those who are on the Lord's side come to me."  Joshua later gave the people the same choice when he became their leader.  He said, "Choose you this day whom you will serve."
As we consider the things that we face today and the critical choices that are before us, we need to think about Moses' question.  We must weigh every decision against the principals and character of God, and then do the very best that we can to make the godly choice.  Second Corinthians 3:3 tells us that we are declared to be the epistles of Christ and that His Words are written, not upon stone but on the tables of our heart.  God gives us a witness within our spirit about what is right and what is wrong and we are accountable to Him for the knowledge and wisdom that He shares with us.  Sometimes it may not be pleasant and many times it will not be popular, but none-the-less we have a responsibility to choose those things that represent the interest of the Kingdom of God and show forth His righteousness.  We cannot serve two masters.  We must answer the question that Moses posed to the people for our own selves.  Whose side are we on? +++

Scripture:  Luke 22:33  "Peter said unto Him, Lord I am ready to go with You, both to prison and to death."
The Apostle Peter made a very bold statement to Jesus.  He declared that he was willing to face prison and even death itself because of his relationship with Christ.  This declaration came after Jesus warned Peter that Satan was going to sift Peter as wheat in an effort to destroy his faith.  Shortly after Jesus had spoken these words, Peter's faith and boastful pledge was challenged.  In the midst of fear and confusion, Peter denied that he even knew Jesus.  Later, however, his repentant heart caused him to weep in bitter remembrance of that moment of failure, and the prayer that Jesus made on his behalf prevailed.  Peter's faith did not utterly fail.  He became a great witness for Jesus, the One whom he had earlier denied.
God loves a willing heart, but it takes more than a willing heart to please Him.  This story shows us that the most zealous of all and the strongest of the strong can fall.  Yet, for some reason, we cannot see ourselves in this position.  Like Peter, because of our ambition for God, we feel that we could face anything, even prison or death.  Our zeal lends itself to boastfulness and we make fantastic promises to God.  During trials, we place great confidence in our own ability to sustain ourselves.  We never think that we would deny Christ in the midst of pressure as Peter did.  And we certainly do not think that we would sell Jesus for success or a few pieces of silver as Judas did.  Yet, in spite of our good and noble intentions, we often fail.
The concept of victory and survival is so easy when adverse circumstances are far away.  We are ready for anything that life has to offer when we are on the mountaintop and our confession is bold as we proclaim that we are more than conquerors.  The hardship of the trial and the despair of the valley seems a small thing.  However, the same Peter who thought that he was invincible to failure came to realize the vulnerability of the followers of Christ when he found himself denying the Lord.
The Apostle Paul warned us with these words, "Be sober and vigilant because your adversary, the devil, is going about as a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour" (I Peter 5:8).  Even though we believe that our spirits are ready for prison and death, our flesh is weak.  When our faith is being sorely tried, our only hope is to depend upon the power of the Holy Spirit.  In the midst of every temptation, we have the assurance that Jesus is praying for us that our faith will not fail. +++


Scripture:  Psalms 16:11  "You will show me the path of life:  in Your presence is fullness of joy; at Your right hand there are pleasures for evermore."

For King David, there was one place that guaranteed joy and true pleasure, and that place was in the presence of the Lord.  David had many disappointments with relationships in his life.  His father, Jesse, left him in the field tending the sheep and overlooked him when Samuel came to anoint one of Jesse's sons to be king.  David's brothers talked down to him when he came to the battlefield to deliver food.  King Saul, whom David faithfully served, tried to kill him several times.  At Ziklag, David's own army talked of stoning him.  His wife, Michal, mocked him as he worshiped God, and his son, Absalom, rebelled against him and tried to take his kingdom.

However, when those who were supposed to love and support him failed, David found that he could always trust the Lord.  He blessed the Lord who gave him counsel and instructed him in his darkest hours.  In verse eight, David said, "Because I always looked to the Lord, I cannot be shaken or moved."  His confidence and security was in God, and even in the most difficult situations, David found joy in God's presence.  We see this in many of the psalms as David prayed or talked to the Lord.  At the beginning of the psalm, he would be in distress and grief, but as David communed with God and experienced His presence, joy would come, and praise would spring up within his heart.

In verse nine, David said that when his heart was joyful, even his flesh rested.  In the natural, we all have those special friends and members of our family that we like to be around because there is something about their presence that lifts us up.  When we are with them, we are full of joy and experience pleasure because they encourage us, comfort us, and make us laugh.  We make plans to be with them because we know that their presence will cause us to relax and that relaxation will regenerate our bodies, souls, and spirits.  In the same way, the presence of the eternal God infuses us with life and joy when we choose to be in His presence.
The Lord is with you right now.  Take a few moments throughout the day to consciously acknowledge the presence of God in your life, for Jesus said, "I am with you always" (Matthew 28:20).  Speak aloud to Jesus and tell Him that you know that He is there with you.  As you do, you will experience the quietness of His presence and He will fill you with joy. +++

Scripture:  Isaiah 1:16-17 (Amplified)  "Wash yourselves; make yourselves clean; put away the evil of your doing from before My eyes; cease to do evil ... learn to do right."
We come into this world with a sin nature that we inherited from Adam and Eve.  We do not have to be taught how to do wrong and neither do we have to put a lot of effort into becoming selfish and demanding.  It is just our nature and it is also in our nature to be controlled by doubt and fear.  Just look at a newborn baby or the actions of an undisciplined child.  Their main interest lies in their own needs and desires.  They do not hesitate to impose upon others.  Their patience is limited and they demand immediate action regardless of how it may affect others.  Fear also looms in their hearts until trust is developed.  It is all too evident that a carnal nature rules in their spirits.
The prophet Isaiah said, "Learn to do right."  Just like the small child who must be taught to do right, we must learn at every level to do that which is right.  Learning comes by acquiring knowledge through study, experience, or consequence.  It is a gradual and continual process of making the appropriate adjustments in our own lives and attitudes.  Isaiah said, "Wash yourselves and make yourselves clean."  It is our responsibility to recognize the improprieties in our lives and put away the darkness and evil that lurks in our soul.
Below are some profound words from Helen Keller, a woman who was without sight or hearing.  Because of her physical impairments, she could have let bitterness rule her heart and she could have chosen to live a life of confusion.  But instead, she learned to do what was right.  She determined to live in peace, to demonstrate love, to keep her motives right, and to trust God with all of her heart.  In your effort to learn about life and do what is right, think on the wisdom of her words, allow them to penetrate your heart, and make them a daily goal for your life.  
    "I have four things to learn in life;
        To think clearly, without hurry or confusion;
        To love everybody sincerely;
        To act in everything with the highest of motives;
        To trust in God unhesitatingly."
                ... Helen Keller+++

Scripture:  II Corinthians 12:7  "There was given to me a thorn in the flesh, the messenger of Satan."
The Apostle Paul suffered many afflictions for the sake of the gospel.  He was beaten, stoned, put in prison, and shipwrecked on the open sea.  He also endured other perils and God delivered him out all of them except one.  There was one thing that Paul could not overcome even though he prayed about it three different times.  We are not sure what he suffered but he called it a thorn in the flesh, the messenger of Satan.  This weakness in Paul's life caused him much distress and Satan used it to torment Paul.  When Paul prayed about this situation, the only answer that he received from God was, "My grace is sufficient for you; for My strength is made perfect in weakness."
I recently got a thorn in my foot and it disabled my entire body.  I could not walk on that foot.  From the moment the thorn entered my life, it was speaking tormenting messages to me in the form of physical pain.  All of my thoughts were focused on that tiny thorn and the first thing on my agenda was to get it out of my foot.  The thorn was so small that I had to use my reading glasses and a magnifying glass to even see it.  When I removed the thorn from my foot, I wondered how something that small in comparison to the size of my entire body could bring me into subjection to it.  The thorn was such a little thing, but it had total control of my life and was able to divert me from what I had planned to do by forcing me to give my undivided attention to it.
We experience thorns in our lives from time to time, which are not physical.  Like Paul's thorn, these thorns are messengers of Satan in our lives.  They come against us in various ways and are meant to hinder and disabled us from walking in God's perfect will.  They cause us to stumble along in life and disable us from our best performance.  They distract us and speak defeat into our lives.  They are such small things compared to the vision that God has for us, but they cause such great pain in our lives that we take note of them.  These messengers speak harsh words of condemnation, intimidation, and fear.  They play on our disappointments, physicals handicaps, addictions, and financial hardships.  They may come from without or they may come from within us, but whatever the source, they constantly remind us of our shortcomings and failures.  They are little and insignificant but they destroy our vision for a better future.  Through the pain they inflict upon our souls, they are able to steal our faith, hope, joy, and peace.
All of us must personally deal with the thorns in our own flesh.  We must pray for God's deliverance but rest in Him if His answer is, "His grace and His strength are sufficient."  As simple as that answer sounds, it is true, for God is enough and God is all that we need.  Our relationship with Him is more important than any thorn that seeks to intrude into our lives.  God alone is necessary.  We must trust in Him and lean upon Him, for His grace is greater than any pain that we may have to endure and His strength is greater than our weakness.  In God’s time and at His choosing, He will manifest His glory and remove the thorns from our life. +++

Scripture:  II Peter 1:3  "His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him."
Our Father God has given us many precious promises.  Yet, His Word tells us that we cannot be slothful if we intend to obtain them.  We must search the scriptures and come into a full personal knowledge of Christ so that we can know what He has provided for us through His journey to the cross, His death, and His resurrection.  When we truly come to know Him, we will discover what our rights and responsibilities are in the Kingdom of God.  The Lord’s promises are powerful but they will not come easy.  We must seek to inherit them through our steadfast faith and patience (Hebrews 6:12).  Through faith and patience, we will come to understand that God really has given us all things that pertain to life and godliness.  He left nothing out.  His Word and His Spirit not only instructs us in the things of life and tells us what we are to do in the natural, but also instructs in godliness and shows us who we are to be spiritually.
Jesus came so that we might have life and have it more abundantly.  He intends for our natural life to be blessed just as our spiritual life is blessed.  The Lord wants us to be thoroughly furnished and balanced in both life and godliness.  We cannot be so earthly minded that we have no time or nothing to offer for the Kingdom of God.  Yet, we cannot be so spiritually minded that we are of no earthly good to those in the natural world about us.  We may want to be like the spiritual giants that we have read about in the scriptures, yet the truth is that we live in a natural world.  We cannot sit at home and just pray and study the Bible all day because we have to go to work and provide for our families.  God gave us many examples in the scriptures to show us that the men of great faith and godliness also had to live in the natural world and face the giants and challenges of everyday life. 
The Message Bible states that Jesus has invited us to God, which is the best invitation that we ever received.  We are given "Tickets to participate in the life of God."  Yet, the Lord is the only one who can equip us to live a noble life in the natural world and also help us to live in spiritual godliness.  We must depend upon His strength, for there are too many temptations that will draw us the other direction.  I encourage you to look at the attributes of God and then make a quality decision to obtain them for yourself.  Remember that the Lord has offered you the privilege of leaning upon His divine power to help you manifest His character and godliness in your life. +++

Scripture:  Proverbs 4:22 (Amplified)  "God's words are life to those who find them."
We have attended parties and dinners where we have tasted a delicious dish or desert and asked the hostess for the recipe.  We collect the recipes and gather all of the ingredients that we will need but often our good intentions fail because of the lack of time.  Sad to say, but many times we are like this with God's Word.  A Word of scripture comes to us that is in due season, which is like meat to our soul.  We get excited about it and want this Word to dominate our circumstances and bring us a better life.  Yet, even though we eagerly embrace it and often write it down, we usually store it away with all of the other words that we have collected, and it becomes like an unused recipe on the shelf.  With time the revelation knowledge begins to fade and we soon forget that all of the ingredients for our deliverance are stored away in a safe place within our hearts.
In this chapter of Proverbs, King Solomon gave us a recipe for life, which he said would bring healing and health to our flesh, and all of the ingredients are at our disposal.  He told us to give attention and submit to God's Word.  We must begin each day with God, listen to His Words, and then meditate on those thoughts throughout the day and even into the night.  We are not to let His Words depart from our sight, but keep them in the center of our heart, allowing them to speak to us continually.  The words that God speaks to us will keep us in good mental and emotional health, which will lead us to good physical health.  Solomon said that we should be vigilantly guarding our heart and keeping it clean and pure because out of our heart flows life.  He also said that we must follow God's fixed purpose for our lives and consider our paths.  We need to decide exactly where we are going and establish our determination to reach that destiny.  We must be focused and not allow ourselves to be sidetracked from the peace of God that comes through obedience to His Words.
God's Words are waiting to be activated within our hearts.  Yet, there is another ingredient that we need in our recipe for life, and that is faith.  Hebrews 4:2 says that the Word did not prosper because it was not mixed with faith.  Faith comes by hearing God's Word and faith simply believes that what He has said is true and that all things are possible with Him.  God cannot and does not lie, so what He has spoken will come to pass.  Let us determine in our hearts to give attention to God's Word and then mix that Word with faith so that it may prosper and bring healing and health to our flesh. +++


Scripture:  Job 13:15  "Though He slay me, yet I will trust in Him."

Job wrote these words after many afflictions had come upon him.  Before the enemy's attack, Job was a righteous man who lived a good life.  He was rich, healthy, and had a happy home and wonderful family.  He was secure in all that he had because there was a hedge of protection about him.  Without warning, Job’s hedge was removed from him and He lost his possessions, his sons and daughters, his personal health, his position in the community, and also his self-esteem.  His closest friends condemned him and his wife even turned against him and encouraged him to curse God and die.  He had nothing left and yet even as he faced death, Job declared that he would continue to trust in God.

There were many other noble men and women of God in the scriptures who showed their trust in God as Job did when things looked pretty bleak.  Queen Esther went before the king and risked her life to save the Jewish nation.  As she fasted and prayed, she put her life in God's hands and said, "If I perish, I perish."  Habakkuk faced a time of lack, but even though he could have perished in the famine, he declared, "Yet will I rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my salvation."  His lack of provisions did not dictate his praise to God.  Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego faced a fiery furnace knowing that God was well able to deliver them.  Yet they boldly declared to the king, "If God doesn't deliver us, we still will not serve your gods, nor worship the golden image which you have set up."  Their minds were settled and their allegiance was to the true and only God.  The Apostle Paul and Silas were in prison, yet they placed their trust in God and that trust brought forth a song within their heart.  As they began to sing, God delivered them.  This is how God always works.  He rewards trusting hearts and brings them deliverance. 

It is much easier to rejoice and trust in God when things are going good than it is when things are falling apart around us.  Yet, like the examples of these men and women, we must come to the place in our lives that we can trust God in every situation, for sincere trust will produce freedom in our spirits.  It does not matter if we are facing famine, a fiery furnace, imprisonment, or death itself, we must remember that we still have God and He is all that we need.  We cannot compromise one moment or give in to the enemy of our souls.

In the midst of turmoil and confusion, we should let our voices ring out with songs of praise and declare our statements of determination:  "If I am in God's will and I perish, then I perish.   Regardless of the fires that surround me, I will not serve or worship other gods.  Even though my provisions are failing and my finances do not look good, I am still going to offer a sacrifice of praise and rejoice in the God of my salvation.  And even if God slay me, I will still trust Him." +++

Scripture:  John 6:38  "For I came down from Heaven, not to do My own will, but the will of Him that sent Me."
Can you imagine choosing to leave Heaven so that you could come to Earth?  Yet, Jesus made this choice so that He might fulfill the will and purposes of God.  Jesus left His awesome home in Heaven and totally surrendered Himself to the cross so that He could redeem mankind.  He stated very plainly that He did not come to do His own will but that He was yielding Himself to His Father's will.  He laid down His life, emptied Himself of who He was, and allowed God to direct His life.
I recently read that to make an inner contact with others, you must "look them in the eye and point your heart towards their heart."  This is also true in our contact with God.  Although we cannot see Him physically, our spiritual eyes must be turned towards Him and our hearts must be in tuned with His heart.  True connection with God will only be experienced when we make a conscious effort to look into the eyes of His heart and to seek to know His deepest desires.  Only as we yield ourselves to Him can He write the chapters of our lives and fulfill His own will and purpose that He has destined for us.
Doing God's will is not always so easy.  For some who want to go, He says, "Stay" and for those who want to stay, He says, "Go".  Sometimes it becomes tedious to stay in the field where you have been placed.  It may be difficult to bloom where you have been planted and also hard to brighten the corner where you are.  The old clichés sound good, but as far as you are concerned, they do not seem to fit because you cannot see any progress.
I recently planted a luscious green plant in the sun.  It looked beautiful for a few days in its new spot, but soon withered because it was created for the shade.  Some of us are made for the blazing experiences of the sun while others can only endure the shade.  Only God knows what is best for our lives and He simply wants us to move when the cloud moves and stay when the cloud stays.  Yet, how often do we strive with our Maker?  We are like the grass that refuses to grow in the yard and yet seeks out a place in the flowerbed.  We must remember that God knows us much better than we know ourselves and that He knows exactly where we fit.  We must lay our plans at His feet and allow Him to direct our lives.  Only as we dedicate ourselves to God's will, will we truly flourish and find our destined place in His Kingdom. +++


Scripture:  Romans 5:2  "By Whom (Jesus) we have access by faith."

Jesus told us exactly how to talk to the Father and how to receive answers.  One of the principles of prayer that He gave to us is so simple but often missed.  In John 16:23 Jesus said, "You shall ask Me nothing.  Truly, truly, I say unto you, Whatsoever you shall ask of the Father in My Name, He will give it to you."  Jesus gave us His Name and that Name allows us access to God the Father.  There is no other name.

In today's modern world, we understand access codes and what they will allow us to do or not do.  As we attempt to use our computer, bank accounts, and cell phones, we realize the importance of being totally accurate.  One incorrect digit or dot will hinder our access to what rightfully belongs to us.
Using the Name of Jesus to access the Father is comparable to these codes.  We must approach God accurately and on the basis of who Jesus is and what He has done for us.  Jesus told us that we would experience problems if we did not make our petitions in the correct way.  There is great comfort in talking to Jesus, fellowshipping with Him, singing about Him, and enjoying communion with the Holy Spirit.  We may even call out the Name of Jesus when we need deliverance from our distress.  Yet, Jesus made it very plain that we should ask nothing of Him, but that we were to ask the Father in Jesus' Name.  The Father is the one who grants our petitions and we need to gain access to His throne of grace in order to get our needs met.  Our prayers and requests need to be spoken directly to God the Father in the Name of Jesus.

The Apostles Peter and John put these words to the test in the Third chapter of Acts when the lame man was healed in the Name of Jesus.  Peter told the crowd of people who looked on in amazement and wonder, "Why look on us as though by our own power or holiness we had made this man to walk?"  Peter said, "It was Jesus' Name and through faith in His Name that caused this man to walk."  Like the situation with Peter and John, Jesus gives us His Name and expects us to access our Heavenly Father in faith.  When we go to the Father in Jesus' Name, God listens and responds.  He will faithfully grant our petitions when our petitions represent who Jesus is and what His will is for our lives. +++


Scripture:  Isaiah 11:11 "The Lord shall set His hand again the second time."

This scripture refers to the regathering of the Jewish people.  Yet, there are examples of this second chance concept working in the lives of some of the most profound men in the scriptures and God also does the same thing for us.  He is a wonderful God and remains faithful in the midst of our failures as He offers us another chance.  He is our Father and is waiting for us with open arms like the father of the prodigal son.  It does not matter what we have done, if we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness (I John 1:9).

Many times God used men who needed a second chance.  Moses killed an Egyptian, but God still used him to become a great leader who brought deliverance to a multitude of people that were in bondage.  Then we see King David in Psalms 51 repenting of murder, lying, and adultery, but God still had a glorious plan for David's life.  As David asked for forgiveness, God purged him, created a new heart within him, and also restored the joy of his salvation.  David did not have to settle for just forgiveness.  God restored the entire relationship between them.  God is no respecter of persons.  Regardless of what has transpired in your life, He will do the same thing for you.

The Apostle Paul in the book of Acts persecuted and killed the Christians.  He thought he was doing God's work, but he was deceived.  After he experienced Jesus, he expressed his feelings of unworthiness.  He said, "I am the least worthy of all the apostles, and am not deserving to be called an apostle, because I once wronged, pursued, and molested the church of God.  But by the grace of God, I am what I am:  and His grace bestowed on me is not in vain" (I Cor. 15:9-10).  Paul was determined that the grace that God extended to him would not be wasted.  Even though Paul had oppressed the church with cruelty and violence, he sought for forgiveness.  And even though he felt unworthy, he made a decision that he would fulfill the call of God on his life to be an apostle.  We also see Peter denying Christ three times in Mark 14:68.  Yet, later in the book of Acts, God anointed Peter as he stood before the multitudes and preached about this same Jesus that he had once denied.  As he preached, thousands were added to the church that day.

Where would we be if these men had not found the forgiveness and grace they needed?  Their work would have stopped at the point of their failure and the prodigal son would have never returned to restore joy to his grieving and hurting father.  The same forgiveness and grace these men experienced is available to us today.  God's heart aches and His Spirit grieves until we return to the point of His grace.  God is full of mercy and He desires to restore our lives and our relationship with Him because He is the God of a second chance. +++

Scripture:  Psalms 103:12  "As far as the East is from the West, so far has He removed our transgressions from us."
King David who was a man who loved God with all of his heart wrote these enormous words concerning forgiveness.  He learned about God's forgiveness and experienced it first-hand.  In a season of passion, David committed adultery with Bathsheba, and in his efforts to hide his sin, he caused her husband to be killed in battle.  Yet when David repented of his terrible sins before God, he received forgiveness and restoration.
Notice that David did not say that God would remove our transgressions as far as the North is from the South, but as far as the East is from the West.  If you were to start out at some point in the United States, such as California, and travel East, as you circled the globe and came back to your starting point, you would still be going East.  As long as you moved forward you would never be going West.  This is not true of traveling North and South.  If you travel North, when you reach the North Pole and start down, you will be traveling South.  When David said that God removes our sins as far as the East is from the West, he was declaring that there is no end to God's forgiveness.  God's forgiveness is forever and eternal.
Not only is God forgiving, but He is also merciful.  He does not deal with us according to our sins, nor does He reward us according to our iniquities (verse 10).  God does not give us the punishment we deserve.  Isn't that a relief?  The Lord extends His patience and waits for us to repent and when we do He is quick to forgive.  In another Psalm David says, "Iniquities and much varied guilt prevail against me; yet as for our transgressions, You forgive and purge them away.  You make atonement for them and cover them out of Your sight" (Psalms 65:3).
There is not one sin that God is incapable of taking care of or one stain that He cannot remove.  All we have to do is confess them.  He promises to be faithful and just to forgive us and cleanse us from all unrighteousness (I John 1:9).  When God forgives, He completes the work and His act of forgiveness removes our sins as far as the East is from the West. +++

Scripture: Matthew 13:11  "It is given to you to know the mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven."
Would you like to understand the mysteries of God's Kingdom?  Jesus said that they are waiting to be revealed to you.  His secrets are like any other mystery in that the more truth you discover, the more truth you will be able to understand.  The more wisdom you obtain the greater capacity for wisdom you create within your own heart.  It would be great if God opened our hearts and minds and just filled us up with His Word, but He does not do that.  He wants us to desire and search for His Words and wisdom.  He will not cast His pearls before the swine because He does not want His Words to be trampled upon.  The revelation of His Word will only come to those who truly cherish and respect it.  The Lord requires that we search for Him with all of our hearts and look for the clues that solve the mystery of who He is.  Likewise, His rewards come to us only as we seek to understand how we can experience the benefits of His kingdom.  As He sees a heart that longs for Him and for His mysteries to be reveal, He shares "precept upon precept, line upon line, here a little, and there a little" (Isaiah 28:10).
When Jesus spoke of the mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven, He spoke in parables.  He compared the natural seed to His Word and the Earth to our heart.  He warned of the various situations that would try to put the seed or His Word to death before it could produce fruit in our lives.  He said that our hearts can be so hard that the Word cannot enter.  The soil of our heart must be cultivated by the Holy Spirit in order for the seed to enter and understanding to come.  Then He spoke about the lack of a root system to sustain the revelation of the Word.  The seed cannot just rest; it must expand itself, develop roots, and search out ways to gain nourishment.  Jesus also said that the thorns or the cares of this life and the deceitfulness of riches would cause the Word to be unfruitful in our lives.
Jesus made it clear in this parable that when the Word of God is sown in our hearts, it immediately creates a spiritual battle because Satan is waiting to destroy the Word.  He attempted to do this with Jesus.  When Jesus was baptized, the heavens opened and the Spirit of God descended upon Him.  God then spoke and said, "This is My Beloved Son in whom I am well pleased" (Matthew 3:17). Immediately after this validation of who Jesus was, Jesus was driven into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil (Matthew 4:1).  The devil challenged the Word in every area, but he was not successful because the heart of Jesus could not be tempted.  Jesus had received God's Word in His heart and nothing could destroy it.
Jesus said that it is given to you to know the mysteries of His Kingdom.  Jesus made this privilege a very personal matter.  This is a wonderful promise, but effort must be made on your part.  You must be willing to search His Word so that you can recognize and receive His knowledge.  You must protect the seeds of revelation that are sown in the direction of your own heart.  The seed that you receive on the mountain top of joy will be tested in the valley of despair.  The song that God gives you in the morning will be challenged by the cares of the world throughout the day.  The devil will seek to dispel every seed of faith that you receive from the Word.  Doubt and fear will challenge you and the winds of adversity will try to extinguish the light that God has imparted to you.
Like any mystery, one clue does not solve the puzzle.  A mystery is built on many hidden messages.  That is the reason that you must personally do battle and hold on to the revelation that comes with the seed of the Word of God so that God can add to it.  As you continually protect and meditate on the small seed that God has sown in your heart, He will pour out treasures from Heaven and open up His other mysteries to you. +++

II Samuel 6:12 & 14  "David went and brought up the Ark of God ... into the city of David with gladness ... And David danced before the Lord with all his might."
King David had no inhibitions when it came to worshipping the Lord, for he was a man after God's own heart.  David did drastic things when the Ark of the Covenant, which represented the presence of God, came into his city.  He humbled himself, took off his royal garments, and danced before the Lord and the people with all of his might.  When David's wife, Michal, saw him leaping and dancing before the Lord, she despised him in her heart.  She mocked and shamed him because he had taken off his royal robes and uncovered himself before the people.  David responded by saying, "God chose me, appointed me, and I will play before the Lord."  God did not take Michal's criticism and judgment lightly.  Verse twenty-three says that until the day of Michal's death she had no child.
We live in a new day and a different time.  We are stepping into the Kingdom's finest hour and God is preparing us to go to the next level.  There is a subtle rumble in the spirit and we are about to experience God's awesome power in a way that we have never seen it before.  Just as the Ark of the Covenant was brought into David's city long ago, God is making His presence known in the earth today.  Those who recognize His presence rejoice with gladness and their celebrations arrest the heart of God, for He takes pleasure in the praises of His people.  Our praise announces our faith that we believe that God’s presence is in our midst and our worship declares that our emphasis is upon Him and Him alone.
I recently heard it said that, "We are the only containers whose contents are bigger than ourselves."  Think about it.  An all-powerful, all knowing, ever present great and mighty God lives within us.  His great and glorious presence causes us to resound with joy and celebration, for our limited finite being cannot hold Him in.  God is much bigger than we are.  We must humble ourselves and be as free and uninhibited as David was in his worship.  David was so happy that he could not contain himself.  We too must learn to lay aside our traditions and the things that would hinder us from worshipping God in Spirit and in truth.  God has chosen us and appointed us for such a time as this.  We must not make excuses or be intimidated.  God is showing us His glory so let us continue to celebrate before Him. +++

Scripture:  Acts 5:15 (NLT)  "Sick people were brought out into the streets on beds and mats so that Peter's shadow might fall across some of them as he went by."

The other day I took a walk in the late afternoon.  The sun was beginning to set behind me so my shadow stretched out about fifteen feet before me.  As I walked, I caught up with another couple who were walking in front of me.  They knew that I was coming close behind them because they could see my shadow on the pavement between them.  Yet, it seemed that they took little notice of my shadow because even though my shadow had invaded their territory, it had no life or power within it to alter their lives in any way.  It could not hear the conversation between the two of them or verbally communicate with them.  And even though my shadow was in their path, it could not cause them to stumble.  My shadow could only announce that someone was very near.

This was not the case when the Apostle Peter's shadow passed by on the streets of Jerusalem.  The people had great hope in Peter's shadow to the extent that the sick people gathered in the streets just to experience his shadow passing over them.  Yet, please understand that it was not Peter's shadow that brought healing and miracles.  Instead, it was the anointing of the Holy Spirit that was upon Him as a person.  Peter had been with Jesus and because of that intimate communion with Him, supernatural power continued to linger in Peter's life.  It was Peter's relationship with the Lord that caused the gifts of healing and deliverance to overflow from his life into the lives of those who believed and had faith to receive.
If you have a desperate need today, you cannot lay upon the streets of Jerusalem in hopes that Peter's shadow will pass over you and cause healing to come to your body or cause your other needs to be met.  Those days are over, but there is a greater shadow that is offered to you.  It is an everlasting shadow that is found in the presence of the Lord.  Psalms 91:1 tells us that if we dwell in the secret place of the Most High that we will abide under the shadow of the Almighty.  The secret place that you need to search for is simply the Lord's presence, for His presence is your greatest security.  It is your healing place and haven of peace.  It is under God’s shadow that you will experience His love and care in a unique way.  As you hide yourself in His presence He will be your refuge and will keep you safe from all harm. +++

Scripture:  Deuteronomy 26:7-8  "And when we cried unto the Lord God of our fathers, the Lord heard our voice, and looked on our affliction, and our labor and our oppression: And the Lord brought us forth out of Egypt with a mighty hand ... "
These words are the testimony of Moses concerning the Egyptian bondage that God's people were in.  They had suffered so many things for such a long length of time and Moses described their circumstances as affliction, labor, and oppression.  They worked hard but not for their own benefit.  They suffered much abuse and their lives were a cheap commodity in the hands of the Egyptians.  When God looked upon them and saw all that they were enduring physically, mentally, and emotionally, His heart was touched and He made a way for their deliverance.  God sent Moses to lead them out of Egypt and anointed him to do mighty signs and wonders in their midst.  It was a mighty exodus and God was glorified in the process.  The fame of that miraculous event is still spoken of today.
We face many types of bondage and even though we are not making bricks like the slaves in Egypt, we can identify with Moses' description of affliction, labor, and oppression.  We may suffer the afflictions of addictions or various medical situations.  We may have to endure strenuous labor on a daily basis and yet never have enough to get beyond the realm of financial lack.  We may be plagued with problems in our relationships at home or on the job, which causes us undue oppression.  It may seem that there is one crisis right after another and we cannot get ahead in life.
When we are going through difficulties of this sort, we may think that we are standing alone in our situation and that no one understands or really cares.  Yet, we must remember that even though our words may fall on the deaf ears of those around us that God in Heaven still hears every word that we pray.  When our closest friends are blind to our needs, God sees them clearly.  When no one understands how we feel, God sees the pain in our heart and He hurts with us.  He is our loving Father.  When we cry out to Him, He hears our voices and it moves Him to do something about our situation.
When we receive prayer requests through this ministry, we are extremely touched.  I pray over each request and then acknowledge it with a word of encouragement.  I know that I could never lift the heavy burdens, do enough to satisfy the hurts, or say enough to erase the pain.  My words are so inadequate because the Lord Jesus is the only one who is capable of bringing deliverance in people's lives.  Yet, I know that if I am deeply touched by your needs that the Lord is certainly touched when you call out to Him.  He has far more compassion than I do and is not distracted by His own life or needs.  Jesus is your high priest and He knows every feeling that you will ever have (Hebrews 4:15). Jesus suffered pain, rejection, and was tempted in all points that you will be tempted in so that He could understand your needs.  He knows you better than anyone else does and is waiting for you to call out to Him in your afflictions, labor, and oppression.  When you call out to Him, He will be there to rescue you with His mighty hand. +++

Scripture:  John 16:24  "Until now you have not asked for anything in My Name.  Ask and you will receive, so that your joy may be complete."
God loves communion and wants interaction with His people.  He could move us around and do as He pleases just as a chess player does with a pawn on a chessboard, but God has entrusted to us our own will.  He would like for our wills to be submitted to Him, but He does not force it upon us.  He has graciously granted us freedom to do as we please.  When we exercise our will and express our choice in words and actions, He responds.
Jesus told His followers, "Until now you have not asked for anything in My Name."  He wanted them to express their need to Him and ask for their provisions.  If you are in situations today and wondering why your needs are not met, could Jesus respond to you with the same words, "So far, you have not asked for anything in My Name"?  We often have thoughts concerning our needs but do not verbalize them into prayer because we may think that our needs are too big or too small.  Many blessings are missed simply because we fail to ask.  We just wait for God to read our minds and so nothing happens.  Consider a few of the promises of a response from God that are expressed in these scriptures:
Matt. 21:22  - "Whatsoever you shall ask in prayer believing, you shall
James 1:5   - "If you need wisdom, ask God ... and He will give it to you."
James 4:8   - "Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you."
James 5:14 - "Is there any sick among you?  Let him call for the elders
                         of the church and let them pray over him ...
                         and the prayer of faith shall save the sick"
Luke 11:9   - "Ask and it shall be given to you;
                        Seek and you shall find;
                        Knock and it shall be opened to you."
If you need or desire anything, whether it be wisdom, healing, or finances, do not just think about it or talk to others about it, but express your need to the Lord.  He is listening and your words of prayer will evoke a response on God's part.  And as Jesus said, “When you ask and receive, then your joy will be complete.” +++

Scripture:  Psalms 1:3  "He shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that brings forth his fruit in his season."
The first verses of this psalm explain the process and conditions of blessings and spiritual fruit.  They declare that you cannot expect blessings or fruit in your life if you walk with the ungodly, stand in the place where sinners congregate, or sit with those who are scornful.  Exposing yourself to these conditions will cause you to wither and dry up within.  It is like planting a perfectly good plant in the dry and barren desert, where its total surroundings produce death.  All of us have experienced these places of entrapment at some point in our life, and before we could flee the situation, the circumstances and the people involved seemed to draw our very life from us.  There was nothing edifying or encouraging in their scornful words or misconduct, and in most instances, we were shamed by their actions.  
The psalmist said that those who meditate upon God's Words will bring forth "his fruit in his season."  He stated it as a matter of fact.  God has planned for every life to bring forth fruit and has ordained its particular season.  Yet if you want to produce the fruit that the Lord has ordained for your life, there are conditions that must be met.  You must delight yourself in His law and meditate upon His Words day and night.  This means 24-7, you are to think on God' Words; in light and in darkness; in good times and in bad times; when you are rich and when you are poor; when you have energy and when you are weak; when you have friends that surround and support you and when you are all alone; when you are encouraged and when you are discouraged; when you are in health and when infirmity is attacking your body; when you are experiencing victory and when you are facing defeat; and when everyone loves you and when everyone rejects you.  At all times and in all situations continue to meditate on God’s Words.
Delighting yourself in God's Word and meditating upon what He has said is the only environment that will keep you fresh and green because this continual nourishment from His Word gives life to you.  His Word keeps you on track in the good times and strengthens and encourages you in the bad times.  When you meditate upon what He has said, God establishes your spirit in His concepts and thoughts.  When He establishes you, you become like a tree that is planted by the rivers of water.  You cannot be moved from your zone and you will never wither or shrink in adversity.  Your roots run deep and because you are strong within, you are able to stand in the seasons of drought and famine and still bring forth fruit. +++

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