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:   Joshua 24:15  "Choose you this day whom you will serve."

This day with all of its uncertainties belongs to you.  It is like a tapestry that is being woven with threads, some provided by you and others by a sovereign God.  And although God is in total control, much of the pattern will be determined by your choices.  The choices you make today will affect your future health, future wealth, and future relationship with God and man.  Exercise today and you will be strong for tomorrow.  Be a junk-food couch potato today and you will be physically weak tomorrow.  Work hard and make the right investments today and you will be financially secure tomorrow.  Be wasteful with your time and money and you will face future lack in both areas.  Build strong relationships with friends and family today and they will sustain you through the difficult tomorrows of your life.  Choose to serve God today and He will be there for you tomorrow and throughout Eternity.

You have a choice today to choose whom you will serve.  You can choose to serve the God of love, joy, and peace.  Or you can give yourself to the enemy by allowing the irritations and vexations of others to intrude into your life and steal the fruits of God's Spirit from the garden of your heart.  You must be sober and vigilantly watching for the enemy of your soul because he will entice you to choose to serve hate, bitterness, and sadness.  Through your choices, the god of this world will cause you to be impatient, rude, and unfaithful, and at the end of your choices you will find yourself in confusion and out of control.

Your destiny starts with one small choice and builds with each choice that follows.  The devil gives you reasonable excuses for your choices and behavior.  II Corinthians 11:14 says, "Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light."  He makes everything look right, but eventually there are consequences for every choice, whether good or bad.  You have a choice to live behind the sham of pretense or allow God to show you a reflection of your true self and reveal to you whom you really love and are serving.  With each choice you make, you choose to serve the true and living God or the god of this world.  This is the day that the Lord has made.  It is a day of salvation and deliverance.  Each moment in this day demands a choice.  So be wise as to whom you choose to serve because you are the maker of your future and destiny. +++

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